Fix client disconnect during multhiphase commit
This patch add a test to figure out the failure case behavior of object-server when the connection from proxy-server disconnected during commit phase. Especially, this patch was made to focus on making sure whether or not contaienr updates occurs in the situation. In the process of working on that test we made the behavior of the object-server when the connection from the proxy-server disconnected during the commit phase - reasonable. We capture the IOError/ValueError's that eventlet.wsgi might barf out really close to the wsgi_input read and translate them to a swift.common.exceptions.ChunkReadError so we can handle them at a higher level in the ObjectController's generic PUT disconnect handling. Since that test went so well, we refactored the other ones to use some common context management and wrote a few more. Co-Author: Clay Gerrard <> Change-Id: I60c98172e524869b06bdf23fd1c4e1bce7a98f80
This commit is contained in:
@ -117,6 +117,10 @@ class PathNotDir(OSError):
class ChunkReadError(SwiftException):
class ChunkReadTimeout(Timeout):
@ -3356,7 +3356,10 @@ class _MultipartMimeFileLikeObject(object):
return ''
boundary_pos = newline_pos = -1
while newline_pos < 0 and boundary_pos < 0:
chunk =
except (IOError, ValueError) as e:
raise swift.common.exceptions.ChunkReadError(str(e))
self.input_buffer += chunk
newline_pos = self.input_buffer.find('\r\n')
boundary_pos = self.input_buffer.find(self.boundary)
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ from swift.common.constraints import check_object_creation, \
from swift.common.exceptions import ConnectionTimeout, DiskFileQuarantined, \
DiskFileNotExist, DiskFileCollision, DiskFileNoSpace, DiskFileDeleted, \
DiskFileDeviceUnavailable, DiskFileExpired, ChunkReadTimeout, \
ChunkReadError, DiskFileXattrNotSupported
from swift.obj import ssync_receiver
from swift.common.http import is_success
from swift.common.base_storage_server import BaseStorageServer
@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ class ObjectController(BaseStorageServer):
if commit_hdrs.get('X-Document', None) == "put commit":
rcvd_commit = True
drain(commit_iter, self.network_chunk_size, self.client_timeout)
except ChunkReadTimeout:
except (ChunkReadTimeout, ChunkReadError):
raise HTTPClientDisconnect()
except StopIteration:
raise HTTPBadRequest(body="couldn't find PUT commit MIME doc")
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ from tempfile import mkdtemp
from hashlib import md5
import itertools
import tempfile
from collections import defaultdict
from contextlib import contextmanager
from eventlet import sleep, spawn, wsgi, listen, Timeout, tpool, greenthread
@ -5162,6 +5163,95 @@ class TestObjectController(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200)
self.assertEqual(resp.headers['X-Timestamp'], put_timestamp)
def test_multiphase_put_draining(self):
# We want to ensure that we read the whole response body even if
# it's multipart MIME and there's document parts that we don't
# expect or understand. This'll help save our bacon if we ever jam
# more stuff in there.
in_a_timeout = [False]
# inherit from BaseException so we get a stack trace when the test
# fails instead of just a 500
class NotInATimeout(BaseException):
class FakeTimeout(BaseException):
def __enter__(self):
in_a_timeout[0] = True
def __exit__(self, typ, value, tb):
in_a_timeout[0] = False
class PickyWsgiBytesIO(WsgiBytesIO):
def read(self, *a, **kw):
if not in_a_timeout[0]:
raise NotInATimeout()
return, *a, **kw)
def readline(self, *a, **kw):
if not in_a_timeout[0]:
raise NotInATimeout()
return WsgiBytesIO.readline(self, *a, **kw)
test_data = 'obj data'
footer_meta = {
"X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index": "7",
"Etag": md5(test_data).hexdigest(),
footer_json = json.dumps(footer_meta)
footer_meta_cksum = md5(footer_json).hexdigest()
test_doc = "\r\n".join((
"X-Document: object body",
"X-Document: object metadata",
"Content-MD5: " + footer_meta_cksum,
"X-Document: we got cleverer",
"stuff stuff meaningless stuuuuuuuuuuff",
"X-Document: we got even cleverer; can you believe it?",
"Waneshaft: ambifacient lunar",
"Casing: malleable logarithmic",
"potato potato potato potato potato potato potato",
if six.PY3:
test_doc = test_doc.encode('utf-8')
# phase1 - PUT request with object metadata in footer and
# multiphase commit conversation
put_timestamp = utils.Timestamp(time()).internal
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
'X-Timestamp': put_timestamp,
'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked',
'Expect': '100-continue',
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': '1',
'X-Backend-Obj-Content-Length': len(test_data),
'X-Backend-Obj-Metadata-Footer': 'yes',
'X-Backend-Obj-Multipart-Mime-Boundary': 'boundary123',
wsgi_input = PickyWsgiBytesIO(test_doc)
req = Request.blank(
environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': 'PUT', 'wsgi.input': wsgi_input},
app = object_server.ObjectController(self.conf, logger=self.logger)
with mock.patch('swift.obj.server.ChunkReadTimeout', FakeTimeout):
resp = req.get_response(app)
self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 201) # sanity check
in_a_timeout[0] = True # so we can check without an exception
self.assertEqual(, '') # we read all the bytes
class TestObjectServer(unittest.TestCase):
@ -5277,46 +5367,33 @@ class TestObjectServer(unittest.TestCase):
def test_expect_on_multiphase_put(self):
test_data = 'obj data'
test_doc = "\r\n".join((
"X-Document: object body",
def find_files(self):
found_files = defaultdict(list)
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.devices):
for filename in files:
_name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
file_path = os.path.join(root, filename)
return found_files
put_timestamp = utils.Timestamp(time()).internal
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
'X-Timestamp': put_timestamp,
'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked',
'Expect': '100-continue',
'X-Backend-Obj-Content-Length': len(test_data),
'X-Backend-Obj-Multipart-Mime-Boundary': 'boundary123',
'X-Backend-Obj-Multiphase-Commit': 'yes',
conn = bufferedhttp.http_connect('', self.port, 'sda1', '0',
'PUT', '/a/c/o', headers=headers)
resp = conn.getexpect()
self.assertEqual(resp.status, 100)
headers = HeaderKeyDict(resp.getheaders())
self.assertEqual(headers['X-Obj-Multiphase-Commit'], 'yes')
def _check_multiphase_put_commit_handling(self, test_doc=None,
This helper will setup a multiphase chunked PUT request and yield at
the context at the commit phase (after getting the second expect-100
continue response.
to_send = "%x\r\n%s\r\n0\r\n\r\n" % (len(test_doc), test_doc)
It can setup a resonable stub request, but you can over-ride some
characteristics of the request via kwargs.
# verify 100-continue response to mark end of phase1
resp = conn.getexpect()
self.assertEqual(resp.status, 100)
def test_multiphase_put_metadata_footer(self):
# Test 2-phase commit conversation - end of 1st phase marked
# by 100-continue response from the object server, with a
# successful 2nd phase marked by the presence of a .durable
# file along with .data file in the object data directory
:param test_doc: first part of the mime conversation before the object
server will send the 100-continue, this includes the
object body
:param headers: headers to send along with the initial request; some
object-metadata (e.g. X-Backend-Obj-Content-Length)
is generally expected tomatch the test_doc)
test_data = 'obj data'
footer_meta = {
"X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index": "2",
@ -5324,7 +5401,7 @@ class TestObjectServer(unittest.TestCase):
footer_json = json.dumps(footer_meta)
footer_meta_cksum = md5(footer_json).hexdigest()
test_doc = "\r\n".join((
test_doc = test_doc or "\r\n".join((
"X-Document: object body",
@ -5339,10 +5416,9 @@ class TestObjectServer(unittest.TestCase):
# phase1 - PUT request with object metadata in footer and
# multiphase commit conversation
put_timestamp = utils.Timestamp(time()).internal
headers = {
put_timestamp = utils.Timestamp(time())
headers = headers or {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
'X-Timestamp': put_timestamp,
'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked',
'Expect': '100-continue',
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': '1',
@ -5351,13 +5427,17 @@ class TestObjectServer(unittest.TestCase):
'X-Backend-Obj-Multipart-Mime-Boundary': 'boundary123',
'X-Backend-Obj-Multiphase-Commit': 'yes',
conn = bufferedhttp.http_connect('', self.port, 'sda1', '0',
put_timestamp = utils.Timestamp(headers.setdefault(
'X-Timestamp', utils.Timestamp(time()).internal))
container_update = \
with mock.patch(container_update) as _container_update:
conn = bufferedhttp.http_connect(
'', self.port, 'sda1', '0',
'PUT', '/a/c/o', headers=headers)
resp = conn.getexpect()
self.assertEqual(resp.status, 100)
headers = HeaderKeyDict(resp.getheaders())
self.assertEqual(headers['X-Obj-Multiphase-Commit'], 'yes')
self.assertEqual(headers['X-Obj-Metadata-Footer'], 'yes')
expect_headers = HeaderKeyDict(resp.getheaders())
to_send = "%x\r\n%s\r\n0\r\n\r\n" % (len(test_doc), test_doc)
@ -5365,6 +5445,111 @@ class TestObjectServer(unittest.TestCase):
resp = conn.getexpect()
self.assertEqual(resp.status, 100)
# yield relevant context for test
yield {
'conn': conn,
'expect_headers': expect_headers,
'put_timestamp': put_timestamp,
'mock_container_update': _container_update,
for i in range(3):
# give the object server a few trampolines to recognize request
# has finished, or socket has closed or whatever
def test_multiphase_put_client_disconnect_right_before_commit(self):
with self._check_multiphase_put_commit_handling() as context:
conn = context['conn']
# just bail stright out
put_timestamp = context['put_timestamp']
_container_update = context['mock_container_update']
# and make sure it demonstrates the client disconnect
log_lines = self.logger.get_lines_for_level('info')
self.assertEqual(len(log_lines), 1)
self.assertIn(' 499 ', log_lines[0])
# verify successful object data and durable state file write
found_files = self.find_files()
# .data file is there
self.assertEqual(len(found_files['.data']), 1)
obj_datafile = found_files['.data'][0]
self.assertEqual("" % put_timestamp.internal,
# but .durable isn't
self.assertEqual(found_files['.druable'], [])
# And no continer update
def test_multiphase_put_client_disconnect_in_the_middle_of_commit(self):
with self._check_multiphase_put_commit_handling() as context:
conn = context['conn']
# start commit confirmation to start phase2
commit_confirmation_doc = "\r\n".join((
"X-Document: put commit",
# but don't quite the commit body
to_send = "%x\r\n%s" % \
(len(commit_confirmation_doc), commit_confirmation_doc[:-1])
# and then bail out
put_timestamp = context['put_timestamp']
_container_update = context['mock_container_update']
# and make sure it demonstrates the client disconnect
log_lines = self.logger.get_lines_for_level('info')
self.assertEqual(len(log_lines), 1)
self.assertIn(' 499 ', log_lines[0])
# verify successful object data and durable state file write
found_files = self.find_files()
# .data file is there
self.assertEqual(len(found_files['.data']), 1)
obj_datafile = found_files['.data'][0]
self.assertEqual("" % put_timestamp.internal,
# but .durable isn't
self.assertEqual(found_files['.druable'], [])
# And no continer update
def test_multiphase_put_no_metadata_replicated(self):
test_data = 'obj data'
test_doc = "\r\n".join((
"X-Document: object body",
put_timestamp = utils.Timestamp(time()).internal
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
'X-Timestamp': put_timestamp,
'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked',
'Expect': '100-continue',
'X-Backend-Obj-Content-Length': len(test_data),
'X-Backend-Obj-Multipart-Mime-Boundary': 'boundary123',
'X-Backend-Obj-Multiphase-Commit': 'yes',
with self._check_multiphase_put_commit_handling(
test_doc=test_doc, headers=headers) as context:
expect_headers = context['expect_headers']
self.assertEqual(expect_headers['X-Obj-Multiphase-Commit'], 'yes')
# N.B. no X-Obj-Metadata-Footer header
self.assertNotIn('X-Obj-Metadata-Footer', expect_headers)
conn = context['conn']
# send commit confirmation to start phase2
commit_confirmation_doc = "\r\n".join((
"X-Document: put commit",
@ -5383,23 +5568,59 @@ class TestObjectServer(unittest.TestCase):
# verify successful object data and durable state file write
obj_basename = os.path.join(
self.devices, 'sda1',
storage_directory(diskfile.get_data_dir(POLICIES[1]), '0',
hash_path('a', 'c', 'o')),
obj_datafile = obj_basename + ''
obj_durablefile = obj_basename + '.durable'
put_timestamp = context['put_timestamp']
found_files = self.find_files()
# .data file is there
self.assertEqual(len(found_files['.data']), 1)
obj_datafile = found_files['.data'][0]
self.assertEqual("" % put_timestamp.internal,
# replicated objects do not have a .durable file
self.assertEqual(found_files['.durable'], [])
# And continer update was called
def test_multiphase_put_no_metadata_footer(self):
# Test 2-phase commit conversation, with no metadata footer
# at the end of object data - end of 1st phase marked
# by 100-continue response from the object server, with a
# successful 2nd phase marked by the presence of a .durable
# file along with .data file in the object data directory
# (No metadata footer case)
def test_multiphase_put_metadata_footer(self):
with self._check_multiphase_put_commit_handling() as context:
expect_headers = context['expect_headers']
self.assertEqual(expect_headers['X-Obj-Multiphase-Commit'], 'yes')
self.assertEqual(expect_headers['X-Obj-Metadata-Footer'], 'yes')
conn = context['conn']
# send commit confirmation to start phase2
commit_confirmation_doc = "\r\n".join((
"X-Document: put commit",
to_send = "%x\r\n%s\r\n0\r\n\r\n" % \
(len(commit_confirmation_doc), commit_confirmation_doc)
# verify success (2xx) to make end of phase2
resp = conn.getresponse()
self.assertEqual(resp.status, 201)
# verify successful object data and durable state file write
put_timestamp = context['put_timestamp']
found_files = self.find_files()
# .data file is there
self.assertEqual(len(found_files['.data']), 1)
obj_datafile = found_files['.data'][0]
self.assertEqual("" % put_timestamp.internal,
# .durable file is there
self.assertEqual(len(found_files['.durable']), 1)
durable_file = found_files['.durable'][0]
self.assertEqual("%s.durable" % put_timestamp.internal,
# And continer update was called
def test_multiphase_put_ec_fragment_in_headers_no_footers(self):
test_data = 'obj data'
test_doc = "\r\n".join((
@ -5427,19 +5648,14 @@ class TestObjectServer(unittest.TestCase):
'X-Backend-Obj-Multipart-Mime-Boundary': 'boundary123',
'X-Backend-Obj-Multiphase-Commit': 'yes',
conn = bufferedhttp.http_connect('', self.port, 'sda1', '0',
'PUT', '/a/c/o', headers=headers)
resp = conn.getexpect()
self.assertEqual(resp.status, 100)
headers = HeaderKeyDict(resp.getheaders())
self.assertEqual(headers['X-Obj-Multiphase-Commit'], 'yes')
to_send = "%x\r\n%s\r\n0\r\n\r\n" % (len(test_doc), test_doc)
# verify 100-continue response to mark end of phase1
resp = conn.getexpect()
self.assertEqual(resp.status, 100)
with self._check_multiphase_put_commit_handling(
test_doc=test_doc, headers=headers) as context:
expect_headers = context['expect_headers']
self.assertEqual(expect_headers['X-Obj-Multiphase-Commit'], 'yes')
# N.B. no X-Obj-Metadata-Footer header
self.assertNotIn('X-Obj-Metadata-Footer', expect_headers)
conn = context['conn']
# send commit confirmation to start phase2
commit_confirmation_doc = "\r\n".join((
"X-Document: put commit",
@ -5458,157 +5674,24 @@ class TestObjectServer(unittest.TestCase):
# verify successful object data and durable state file write
obj_basename = os.path.join(
self.devices, 'sda1',
storage_directory(diskfile.get_data_dir(POLICIES[1]), '0',
hash_path('a', 'c', 'o')),
obj_datafile = obj_basename + ''
obj_durablefile = obj_basename + '.durable'
def test_multiphase_put_draining(self):
# We want to ensure that we read the whole response body even if
# it's multipart MIME and there's document parts that we don't
# expect or understand. This'll help save our bacon if we ever jam
# more stuff in there.
in_a_timeout = [False]
# inherit from BaseException so we get a stack trace when the test
# fails instead of just a 500
class NotInATimeout(BaseException):
class FakeTimeout(BaseException):
def __enter__(self):
in_a_timeout[0] = True
def __exit__(self, typ, value, tb):
in_a_timeout[0] = False
class PickyWsgiBytesIO(WsgiBytesIO):
def read(self, *a, **kw):
if not in_a_timeout[0]:
raise NotInATimeout()
return, *a, **kw)
def readline(self, *a, **kw):
if not in_a_timeout[0]:
raise NotInATimeout()
return WsgiBytesIO.readline(self, *a, **kw)
test_data = 'obj data'
footer_meta = {
"X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index": "7",
"Etag": md5(test_data).hexdigest(),
footer_json = json.dumps(footer_meta)
footer_meta_cksum = md5(footer_json).hexdigest()
test_doc = "\r\n".join((
"X-Document: object body",
"X-Document: object metadata",
"Content-MD5: " + footer_meta_cksum,
"X-Document: we got cleverer",
"stuff stuff meaningless stuuuuuuuuuuff",
"X-Document: we got even cleverer; can you believe it?",
"Waneshaft: ambifacient lunar",
"Casing: malleable logarithmic",
"potato potato potato potato potato potato potato",
if six.PY3:
test_doc = test_doc.encode('utf-8')
# phase1 - PUT request with object metadata in footer and
# multiphase commit conversation
put_timestamp = utils.Timestamp(time()).internal
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
'X-Timestamp': put_timestamp,
'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked',
'Expect': '100-continue',
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': '1',
'X-Backend-Obj-Content-Length': len(test_data),
'X-Backend-Obj-Metadata-Footer': 'yes',
'X-Backend-Obj-Multipart-Mime-Boundary': 'boundary123',
wsgi_input = PickyWsgiBytesIO(test_doc)
req = Request.blank(
environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': 'PUT', 'wsgi.input': wsgi_input},
app = object_server.ObjectController(self.conf, logger=self.logger)
with mock.patch('swift.obj.server.ChunkReadTimeout', FakeTimeout):
resp = req.get_response(app)
self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 201) # sanity check
in_a_timeout[0] = True # so we can check without an exception
self.assertEqual(, '') # we read all the bytes
put_timestamp = context['put_timestamp']
found_files = self.find_files()
# .data file is there
self.assertEqual(len(found_files['.data']), 1)
obj_datafile = found_files['.data'][0]
self.assertEqual("" % put_timestamp.internal,
# .durable file is there
self.assertEqual(len(found_files['.durable']), 1)
durable_file = found_files['.durable'][0]
self.assertEqual("%s.durable" % put_timestamp.internal,
# And continer update was called
def test_multiphase_put_bad_commit_message(self):
# Test 2-phase commit conversation - end of 1st phase marked
# by 100-continue response from the object server, with 2nd
# phase commit confirmation being received corrupt
test_data = 'obj data'
footer_meta = {
"X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index": "7",
"Etag": md5(test_data).hexdigest(),
footer_json = json.dumps(footer_meta)
footer_meta_cksum = md5(footer_json).hexdigest()
test_doc = "\r\n".join((
"X-Document: object body",
"X-Document: object metadata",
"Content-MD5: " + footer_meta_cksum,
# phase1 - PUT request with object metadata in footer and
# multiphase commit conversation
put_timestamp = utils.Timestamp(time()).internal
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
'X-Timestamp': put_timestamp,
'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked',
'Expect': '100-continue',
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': '1',
'X-Backend-Obj-Content-Length': len(test_data),
'X-Backend-Obj-Metadata-Footer': 'yes',
'X-Backend-Obj-Multipart-Mime-Boundary': 'boundary123',
'X-Backend-Obj-Multiphase-Commit': 'yes',
conn = bufferedhttp.http_connect('', self.port, 'sda1', '0',
'PUT', '/a/c/o', headers=headers)
resp = conn.getexpect()
self.assertEqual(resp.status, 100)
headers = HeaderKeyDict(resp.getheaders())
self.assertEqual(headers['X-Obj-Multiphase-Commit'], 'yes')
self.assertEqual(headers['X-Obj-Metadata-Footer'], 'yes')
to_send = "%x\r\n%s\r\n0\r\n\r\n" % (len(test_doc), test_doc)
# verify 100-continue response to mark end of phase1
resp = conn.getexpect()
self.assertEqual(resp.status, 100)
with self._check_multiphase_put_commit_handling() as context:
conn = context['conn']
# send commit confirmation to start phase2
commit_confirmation_doc = "\r\n".join((
@ -5621,16 +5704,74 @@ class TestObjectServer(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(resp.status, 500)
put_timestamp = context['put_timestamp']
_container_update = context['mock_container_update']
# verify that durable file was NOT created
obj_basename = os.path.join(
self.devices, 'sda1',
storage_directory(diskfile.get_data_dir(1), '0',
hash_path('a', 'c', 'o')),
obj_datafile = obj_basename + ''
obj_durablefile = obj_basename + '.durable'
found_files = self.find_files()
# .data file is there
self.assertEqual(len(found_files['.data']), 1)
obj_datafile = found_files['.data'][0]
self.assertEqual("" % put_timestamp.internal,
# but .durable isn't
self.assertEqual(found_files['.druable'], [])
# And no continer update
def test_multiphase_put_drains_extra_commit_junk(self):
with self._check_multiphase_put_commit_handling() as context:
conn = context['conn']
# send commit confirmation to start phase2
commit_confirmation_doc = "\r\n".join((
"X-Document: put commit",
"X-Document: we got cleverer",
"stuff stuff meaningless stuuuuuuuuuuff",
"X-Document: we got even cleverer; can you believe it?",
"Waneshaft: ambifacient lunar",
"Casing: malleable logarithmic",
"potato potato potato potato potato potato potato",
to_send = "%x\r\n%s\r\n0\r\n\r\n" % \
(len(commit_confirmation_doc), commit_confirmation_doc)
# verify success (2xx) to make end of phase2
resp = conn.getresponse()
self.assertEqual(resp.status, 201)
# make another request to validate the HTTP protocol state
conn.putrequest('GET', '/sda1/0/a/c/o')
conn.putheader('X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index', '1')
resp = conn.getresponse()
self.assertEqual(resp.status, 200)
# verify successful object data and durable state file write
put_timestamp = context['put_timestamp']
found_files = self.find_files()
# .data file is there
self.assertEqual(len(found_files['.data']), 1)
obj_datafile = found_files['.data'][0]
self.assertEqual("" % put_timestamp.internal,
# .durable file is there
self.assertEqual(len(found_files['.durable']), 1)
durable_file = found_files['.durable'][0]
self.assertEqual("%s.durable" % put_timestamp.internal,
# And continer update was called
Reference in New Issue
Block a user