diff --git a/swift/obj/updater.py b/swift/obj/updater.py
index 8b77001ba4..6ff5f9e894 100644
--- a/swift/obj/updater.py
+++ b/swift/obj/updater.py
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ from swift.common.utils import get_logger, renamer, write_pickle, \
     dump_recon_cache, config_true_value, RateLimitedIterator, split_path, \
     eventlet_monkey_patch, get_redirect_data, ContextPool, hash_path, \
     non_negative_float, config_positive_int_value, non_negative_int, \
-    EventletRateLimiter, node_to_string, parse_options
+    EventletRateLimiter, node_to_string, parse_options, load_recon_cache
 from swift.common.daemon import Daemon, run_daemon
 from swift.common.header_key_dict import HeaderKeyDict
 from swift.common.storage_policy import split_policy_string, PolicyError
@@ -480,102 +480,164 @@ class ObjectUpdater(Daemon):
             self.container_ring = Ring(self.swift_dir, ring_name='container')
         return self.container_ring
+    def _process_device_in_child(self, dev_path, device):
+        """Process a single device in a forked child process."""
+        signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_DFL)
+        os.environ.pop('NOTIFY_SOCKET', None)
+        eventlet_monkey_patch()
+        self.stats.reset()
+        self.oldest_async_pendings.reset()
+        forkbegin = time.time()
+        self.object_sweep(dev_path)
+        elapsed = time.time() - forkbegin
+        self.logger.info(
+            ('Object update sweep of %(device)s '
+                'completed: %(elapsed).02fs, %(stats)s'),
+            {'device': device, 'elapsed': elapsed,
+                'stats': self.stats})
+        self.dump_device_recon(device)
+    def _process_devices(self, devices):
+        """Process devices, handling both single and multi-threaded modes."""
+        pids = []
+        # read from container ring to ensure it's fresh
+        self.get_container_ring().get_nodes('')
+        for device in devices:
+            try:
+                dev_path = check_drive(self.devices, device,
+                                       self.mount_check)
+            except ValueError as err:
+                # We don't count this as an error. The occasional
+                # unmounted drive is part of normal cluster operations,
+                # so a simple warning is sufficient.
+                self.logger.warning('Skipping: %s', err)
+                continue
+            while len(pids) >= self.updater_workers:
+                pids.remove(os.wait()[0])
+            pid = os.fork()
+            if pid:
+                pids.append(pid)
+            else:
+                self._process_device_in_child(dev_path, device)
+                sys.exit()
+        while pids:
+            pids.remove(os.wait()[0])
     def run_forever(self, *args, **kwargs):
         """Run the updater continuously."""
         time.sleep(random() * self.interval)
         while True:
-            self.logger.info('Begin object update sweep')
-            self.begin = time.time()
-            pids = []
-            # read from container ring to ensure it's fresh
-            self.get_container_ring().get_nodes('')
-            for device in self._listdir(self.devices):
-                try:
-                    dev_path = check_drive(self.devices, device,
-                                           self.mount_check)
-                except ValueError as err:
-                    # We don't count this as an error. The occasional
-                    # unmounted drive is part of normal cluster operations,
-                    # so a simple warning is sufficient.
-                    self.logger.warning('Skipping: %s', err)
-                    continue
-                while len(pids) >= self.updater_workers:
-                    pids.remove(os.wait()[0])
-                pid = os.fork()
-                if pid:
-                    pids.append(pid)
-                else:
-                    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_DFL)
-                    os.environ.pop('NOTIFY_SOCKET', None)
-                    eventlet_monkey_patch()
-                    self.stats.reset()
-                    self.oldest_async_pendings.reset()
-                    forkbegin = time.time()
-                    self.object_sweep(dev_path)
-                    elapsed = time.time() - forkbegin
-                    self.logger.info(
-                        ('Object update sweep of %(device)s '
-                         'completed: %(elapsed).02fs, %(stats)s'),
-                        {'device': device, 'elapsed': elapsed,
-                         'stats': self.stats})
-                    sys.exit()
-            while pids:
-                pids.remove(os.wait()[0])
-            elapsed = time.time() - self.begin
-            self.logger.info('Object update sweep completed: %.02fs',
-                             elapsed)
-            self.dump_recon(elapsed)
+            elapsed = self.run_once(*args, **kwargs)
             if elapsed < self.interval:
                 time.sleep(self.interval - elapsed)
     def run_once(self, *args, **kwargs):
         """Run the updater once."""
-        self.logger.info('Begin object update single threaded sweep')
+        self.logger.info('Begin object update sweep of all devices')
         self.begin = time.time()
-        self.stats.reset()
-        self.oldest_async_pendings.reset()
-        for device in self._listdir(self.devices):
-            try:
-                dev_path = check_drive(self.devices, device, self.mount_check)
-            except ValueError as err:
-                # We don't count this as an error. The occasional unmounted
-                # drive is part of normal cluster operations, so a simple
-                # warning is sufficient.
-                self.logger.warning('Skipping: %s', err)
-                continue
-            self.object_sweep(dev_path)
+        devices = self._listdir(self.devices)
+        self._process_devices(devices)
         elapsed = time.time() - self.begin
-            ('Object update single-threaded sweep completed: '
-             '%(elapsed).02fs, %(stats)s'),
-            {'elapsed': elapsed, 'stats': self.stats})
-        self.dump_recon(elapsed)
+            ('Object update sweep of all devices completed: '
+             '%(elapsed).02fs'),
+            {'elapsed': elapsed})
+        self.aggregate_and_dump_recon(devices, elapsed)
+        return elapsed
-    def dump_recon(self, elapsed):
-        """Gathers stats and dumps recon cache."""
-        object_updater_stats = {
-            'failures_oldest_timestamp': (
-                self.oldest_async_pendings.get_oldest_timestamp()
-            ),
-            'failures_oldest_timestamp_age': (
-                self.oldest_async_pendings.get_oldest_timestamp_age()
-            ),
-            'failures_account_container_count': (
-                len(self.oldest_async_pendings.ac_to_timestamp)
-            ),
-            'failures_oldest_timestamp_account_containers': (
+    def _gather_recon_stats(self):
+        """Gather stats for device recon dumps."""
+        stats = {
+            'failures_oldest_timestamp':
+                self.oldest_async_pendings.get_oldest_timestamp(),
+            'failures_oldest_timestamp_age':
+                self.oldest_async_pendings.get_oldest_timestamp_age(),
+            'failures_account_container_count':
+                len(self.oldest_async_pendings.ac_to_timestamp),
+            'failures_oldest_timestamp_account_containers':
-                    self.dump_count
+                    self.dump_count),
+            'tracker_memory_usage':
+                self.oldest_async_pendings.get_memory_usage(),
+        }
+        return stats
+    def dump_device_recon(self, device):
+        """Dump recon stats for a single device."""
+        disk_recon_stats = self._gather_recon_stats()
+        dump_recon_cache(
+            {'object_updater_per_device': {device: disk_recon_stats}},
+            self.rcache,
+            self.logger,
+        )
+    def aggregate_and_dump_recon(self, devices, elapsed):
+        """
+        Aggregate recon stats across devices and dump the result to the
+        recon cache.
+        """
+        recon_cache = load_recon_cache(self.rcache)
+        device_stats = recon_cache.get('object_updater_per_device', {})
+        if not isinstance(device_stats, dict):
+            raise TypeError('object_updater_per_device must be a dict')
+        device_stats = {k: (v if v is not None else {})
+                        for k, v in device_stats.items()}
+        devices_to_remove = set(device_stats) - set(devices)
+        update_device_stats = {d: {} for d in devices_to_remove}
+        aggregated_oldest_entries = []
+        for stats in device_stats.values():
+            container_data = stats.get(
+                'failures_oldest_timestamp_account_containers', {})
+            aggregated_oldest_entries.extend(container_data.get(
+                'oldest_entries', []))
+        aggregated_oldest_entries.sort(key=lambda x: x['timestamp'])
+        aggregated_oldest_entries = aggregated_oldest_entries[:self.dump_count]
+        aggregated_oldest_count = len(aggregated_oldest_entries)
+        aggregated_stats = {
+            'failures_account_container_count': max(
+                list(
+                    stats.get('failures_account_container_count', 0)
+                    for stats in device_stats.values()
+                or [0],
             'tracker_memory_usage': (
-                self.oldest_async_pendings.get_memory_usage()
+                float(sum(
+                    stats.get('tracker_memory_usage', 0)
+                    for stats in device_stats.values()
+                ))
+                / float(len(device_stats))
+            )
+            * max(self.updater_workers, 1)
+            if device_stats
+            else 0,
+            'failures_oldest_timestamp': min(
+                list(filter(lambda x: x is not None,
+                            [stats.get('failures_oldest_timestamp')
+                             for stats in device_stats.values()]
+                            )) or [None],
+            'failures_oldest_timestamp_age': max(
+                list(filter(lambda x: x is not None,
+                            [stats.get('failures_oldest_timestamp_age')
+                             for stats in device_stats.values()]
+                            )) or [None],
+            ),
+            'failures_oldest_timestamp_account_containers': {
+                'oldest_count': aggregated_oldest_count,
+                'oldest_entries': aggregated_oldest_entries,
+            },
                 'object_updater_sweep': elapsed,
-                'object_updater_stats': object_updater_stats,
+                'object_updater_stats': aggregated_stats,
+                'object_updater_per_device': update_device_stats,
diff --git a/test/probe/test_object_async_update.py b/test/probe/test_object_async_update.py
index f7276cc25d..3b5f1e831c 100644
--- a/test/probe/test_object_async_update.py
+++ b/test/probe/test_object_async_update.py
@@ -14,17 +14,27 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+import os
+import shutil
+import time
+import uuid
+from datetime import datetime
 from io import BytesIO
 from unittest import main, SkipTest
 from uuid import uuid4
 import random
+import mock
 from swiftclient import client
 from swiftclient.exceptions import ClientException
-from swift.common import direct_client
-from swift.common.manager import Manager
+from six.moves.configparser import ConfigParser
+from swift.common import direct_client, manager
+from swift.common.manager import Manager, Server
 from swift.common.swob import normalize_etag
+from swift.common.utils import readconf
 from test.probe.common import kill_nonprimary_server, \
     kill_server, ReplProbeTest, start_server, ECProbeTest
@@ -334,23 +344,28 @@ class TestUpdateOverridesEC(ECProbeTest):
         self.assertEqual('test/ctype', listing[0]['content_type'])
-class TestObjectUpdaterStats(ReplProbeTest):
+class UpdaterStatsMixIn(object):
     def setUp(self):
-        super(TestObjectUpdaterStats, self).setUp()
+        super(UpdaterStatsMixIn, self).setUp()
         self.int_client = self.make_internal_client()
         self.container_servers = Manager(['container-server'])
+        self.object_updater = Manager(['object-updater'])
+        self._post_setup_config()
-    def test_lots_of_asyncs(self):
+    def _post_setup_config(self):
+        pass
+    def _create_lots_of_asyncs(self):
         # Create some (acct, cont) pairs
         num_accounts = 3
         num_conts_per_a = 4
-        ac_pairs = []
+        self.ac_pairs = ac_pairs = []
         for a in range(num_accounts):
-            acct = 'AUTH_user%03d' % a
+            acct = 'AUTH_user-%s-%03d' % (uuid.uuid4(), a)
             for c in range(num_conts_per_a):
-                cont = 'cont%03d' % c
+                cont = 'cont-%s-%03d' % (uuid.uuid4(), c)
                 self.int_client.create_container(acct, cont)
                 ac_pairs.append((acct, cont))
@@ -359,10 +374,10 @@ class TestObjectUpdaterStats(ReplProbeTest):
         # Create a bunch of objects
-        num_objs_per_ac = 5
+        num_objs_per_ac = 10
         for acct, cont in ac_pairs:
             for o in range(num_objs_per_ac):
-                obj = 'obj%03d' % o
+                obj = 'obj-%s-%03d' % (uuid.uuid4(), o)
                 self.int_client.upload_object(BytesIO(b''), acct, cont, obj)
         all_asyncs = self.gather_async_pendings()
@@ -371,22 +386,57 @@ class TestObjectUpdaterStats(ReplProbeTest):
         self.assertGreater(len(all_asyncs), total_objs)
         self.assertLess(len(all_asyncs), total_objs * 2)
-        # Run the updater and check stats
-        Manager(['object-updater']).once()
-        recons = []
+    def _gather_recon(self):
+        # We'll collect recon only once from each node
+        dev_to_node_dict = {}
         for onode in self.object_ring.devs:
-            recon = direct_client.direct_get_recon(onode, 'updater/object')
-            recons.append(recon)
+            # We can skip any devices that are already covered by one of the
+            # other nodes we found
+            if any(self.is_local_to(node, onode)
+                    for node in dev_to_node_dict.values()):
+                continue
+            dev_to_node_dict[onode["device"]] = onode
+        self.assertEqual(4, len(dev_to_node_dict))  # sanity
-        self.assertEqual(4, len(recons))
-        found_counts = []
+        timeout = 20
+        polling_interval = 2
+        recon_data = []
+        start = time.time()
+        while True:
+            for onode in list(dev_to_node_dict.values()):
+                recon = direct_client.direct_get_recon(
+                    onode, 'updater/object')
+                if (recon.get('object_updater_stats') is not None and
+                        recon.get('object_updater_sweep') is not None):
+                    del dev_to_node_dict[onode["device"]]
+                    recon_data.append(recon)
+            if not dev_to_node_dict:
+                break
+            elapsed = time.time() - start
+            if elapsed > timeout:
+                self.fail(
+                    "Updates did not process within {timeout} seconds".format(
+                        timeout=timeout)
+                )
+            time.sleep(polling_interval)
+        self.assertEqual(4, len(recon_data))  # sanity
+        return recon_data
+    def run_updater(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def _check_recon_data(self, recon_data):
+        ac_pairs = self.ac_pairs
         ac_set = set()
-        for recon in recons:
+        for recon in recon_data:
             updater_stats = recon['object_updater_stats']
-            found_counts.append(
-                updater_stats['failures_account_container_count']
-            )
+            found_count = updater_stats['failures_account_container_count']
+            # No node should find MORE unique ac than we created
+            self.assertLessEqual(found_count, len(ac_pairs))
+            # and generally we'd expect them to have "at least" one from
+            # significanly MORE than the "majority" of ac_pairs
+            self.assertGreaterEqual(found_count, len(ac_pairs) / 2)
             oldest_count = updater_stats[
@@ -403,14 +453,76 @@ class TestObjectUpdaterStats(ReplProbeTest):
                 container = entry['container']
                 timestamp = entry['timestamp']
-                self.assertIsInstance(timestamp, float)
                 ac_set.add((account, container))
+        # All the collected ac_set are from the ac_pairs we created
         for ac in ac_set:
             self.assertIn(ac, set(ac_pairs))
+        # Specifically, the ac_pairs we created failures for *first*
+        # are represented by the oldest ac_set across nodes
+        for ac in ac_pairs[:5]:
+            self.assertIn(ac, ac_set)
+        # Where as the more recent failures are NOT!
+        for ac in ac_pairs[-3:]:
+            self.assertNotIn(ac, ac_set)
-        for found_count in found_counts:
-            self.assertLessEqual(found_count, len(ac_pairs))
+    def test_stats(self):
+        self._create_lots_of_asyncs()
+        recon_data = self.run_updater()
+        self._check_recon_data(recon_data)
+class TestObjectUpdaterStatsRunOnce(UpdaterStatsMixIn, ReplProbeTest):
+    def run_updater(self):
+        # Run the updater and check stats
+        Manager(['object-updater']).once()
+        return self._gather_recon()
+class TestObjectUpdaterStatsRunForever(UpdaterStatsMixIn, ECProbeTest):
+    def _post_setup_config(self):
+        CONF_SECTION = 'object-updater'
+        self.conf_dest = os.path.join(
+            '/tmp/',
+            datetime.now().strftime('swift-%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S-%f')
+        )
+        os.mkdir(self.conf_dest)
+        object_server_dir = os.path.join(self.conf_dest, 'object-server')
+        os.mkdir(object_server_dir)
+        for conf_file in Server('object-updater').conf_files():
+            config = readconf(conf_file)
+            if CONF_SECTION not in config:
+                continue  # Ensure the object-updater is set up to run
+            config[CONF_SECTION].update({'interval': '1'})
+            parser = ConfigParser()
+            parser.add_section(CONF_SECTION)
+            for option, value in config[CONF_SECTION].items():
+                parser.set(CONF_SECTION, option, value)
+            file_name = os.path.basename(conf_file)
+            if file_name.endswith('.d'):
+                # Work around conf.d setups (like you might see with VSAIO)
+                file_name = file_name[:-2]
+            with open(os.path.join(object_server_dir, file_name), 'w') as fp:
+                parser.write(fp)
+    def tearDown(self):
+        shutil.rmtree(self.conf_dest)
+    def run_updater(self):
+        # Start the updater
+        with mock.patch.object(manager, 'SWIFT_DIR', self.conf_dest):
+            updater_status = self.object_updater.start()
+        self.assertEqual(
+            updater_status, 0, "Object updater failed to start")
+        recon_data = self._gather_recon()
+        # Stop the updater
+        stop_status = self.object_updater.stop()
+        self.assertEqual(stop_status, 0, "Object updater failed to stop")
+        return recon_data
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/test/unit/obj/test_server.py b/test/unit/obj/test_server.py
index 8262012518..00f41df917 100644
--- a/test/unit/obj/test_server.py
+++ b/test/unit/obj/test_server.py
@@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ class TestObjectController(BaseTestCase):
         self.tmpdir = mkdtemp()
         self.testdir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir,
-        mkdirs(os.path.join(self.testdir, 'sda1'))
+        self.sda1 = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'sda1')
+        mkdirs(self.sda1)
         self.conf = {'devices': self.testdir, 'mount_check': 'false',
                      'container_update_timeout': 0.0}
         self.logger = debug_logger('test-object-controller')
@@ -1091,7 +1092,7 @@ class TestObjectController(BaseTestCase):
             mock_ring.get_nodes.return_value = (99, [node])
             object_updater.container_ring = mock_ring
             mock_update.return_value = ((True, 1, None))
-            object_updater.run_once()
+            object_updater._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
         self.assertEqual(1, mock_update.call_count)
         self.assertEqual((node, 99, 'PUT', '/a/c/o'),
@@ -1206,7 +1207,7 @@ class TestObjectController(BaseTestCase):
                 mock_ring = mock.MagicMock()
                 mock_ring.get_nodes.return_value = (99, [node])
                 object_updater.container_ring = mock_ring
-                object_updater.run_once()
+                object_updater._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
         self.assertEqual(1, len(conn.requests))
diff --git a/test/unit/obj/test_updater.py b/test/unit/obj/test_updater.py
index 0cac9beecf..076849ba73 100644
--- a/test/unit/obj/test_updater.py
+++ b/test/unit/obj/test_updater.py
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ from contextlib import closing
 from gzip import GzipFile
 from tempfile import mkdtemp
 from shutil import rmtree
+import json
 from swift.common.exceptions import ConnectionTimeout
 from test import listen_zero
@@ -431,27 +432,34 @@ class TestObjectUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
     @mock.patch.object(object_updater, 'check_drive')
-    def test_run_once_with_disk_unmounted(self, mock_check_drive):
-        mock_check_drive.side_effect = ValueError
+    @mock.patch('swift.obj.updater.os')
+    def test_run_once_with_disk_unmounted(self, mock_os, mock_check_drive):
+        def fake_mount_check(root, device, mount_check=True):
+            raise ValueError('%s is unmounted' % device)
+        mock_check_drive.side_effect = fake_mount_check
+        mock_os.path = os.path
+        mock_os.listdir = os.listdir
+        # mount_check False
         ou = object_updater.ObjectUpdater({
             'devices': self.devices_dir,
             'mount_check': 'false',
             'swift_dir': self.testdir,
             'interval': '1',
             'concurrency': '1',
-            'node_timeout': '15'})
+            'node_timeout': '15'}, logger=self.logger)
-        async_dir = os.path.join(self.sda1, get_async_dir(POLICIES[0]))
-        os.mkdir(async_dir)
-        ou.run_once()
-        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(async_dir))
-        # each run calls check_device
             mock.call(self.devices_dir, 'sda1', False),
-            mock.call(self.devices_dir, 'sda1', False),
         ], mock_check_drive.mock_calls)
+        self.assertEqual([], mock_os.mock_calls)
+        self.assertEqual(['Skipping: sda1 is unmounted'],
+                         self.logger.get_lines_for_level('warning'))
+        self.logger.clear()
+        # mount_check True
         ou = object_updater.ObjectUpdater({
             'devices': self.devices_dir,
             'mount_check': 'TrUe',
@@ -459,21 +467,66 @@ class TestObjectUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
             'interval': '1',
             'concurrency': '1',
             'node_timeout': '15'}, logger=self.logger)
-        odd_dir = os.path.join(async_dir, 'not really supposed '
-                               'to be here')
-        os.mkdir(odd_dir)
-        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(async_dir))
-        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(odd_dir))  # skipped - not mounted!
             mock.call(self.devices_dir, 'sda1', True),
         ], mock_check_drive.mock_calls)
+        mock_check_drive.reset_mock()
+        self.assertEqual([], mock_os.mock_calls)
+        self.assertEqual(['Skipping: sda1 is unmounted'],
+                         self.logger.get_lines_for_level('warning'))
+        self.logger.clear()
         self.assertEqual(ou.logger.statsd_client.get_increment_counts(), {})
-    @mock.patch('swift.obj.updater.dump_recon_cache')
-    @mock.patch.object(object_updater, 'check_drive')
-    def test_run_once(self, mock_check_drive, mock_dump_recon):
-        mock_check_drive.side_effect = lambda r, d, mc: os.path.join(r, d)
+        # multiple devices, one unmounted
+        NUM_DEVICES = 4
+        def fake_list_dir(path):
+            if path == self.devices_dir:
+                return ['sda' + str(i)
+                        for i in range(NUM_DEVICES)]
+            else:
+                return os.listdir(path)
+        mock_os.listdir = fake_list_dir
+        def fake_mount_check(root, device, mount_check=True):
+            if device == 'sda2':
+                raise ValueError('%s is unmounted' % device)
+            else:
+                return os.path.join(root, device)
+        mock_check_drive.side_effect = fake_mount_check
+        def fake_list_dir(path):
+            if path == self.devices_dir:
+                return ['sda1', 'sda0', 'sda2', 'sda3']
+            else:
+                return os.listdir(path)
+        mock_os.listdir.side_effect = fake_list_dir
+        pids = [i + 1 for i in range(NUM_DEVICES)]
+        mock_os.fork.side_effect = list(pids)
+        mock_os.wait.side_effect = [(p, 0) for p in pids]
+        ou.run_once()
+        self.assertEqual([
+            mock.call(self.devices_dir, 'sda0', True),
+            mock.call(self.devices_dir, 'sda1', True),
+            mock.call(self.devices_dir, 'sda2', True),
+            mock.call(self.devices_dir, 'sda3', True),
+        ], mock_check_drive.mock_calls)
+        # we fork/wait for each mounted device
+        self.assertEqual([
+            mock.call.fork(),
+            mock.call.wait(),
+        ] * (NUM_DEVICES - 1), mock_os.mock_calls)
+        self.assertEqual(['Skipping: sda2 is unmounted'],
+                         self.logger.get_lines_for_level('warning'))
+        self.logger.clear()
+        self.assertEqual(ou.logger.statsd_client.get_increment_counts(), {})
+    @mock.patch('swift.obj.updater.os')
+    def test_run_once_child(self, mock_os):
+        mock_os.path = os.path
+        mock_os.listdir = os.listdir
         ou = object_updater.ObjectUpdater({
             'devices': self.devices_dir,
             'mount_check': 'false',
@@ -481,23 +534,179 @@ class TestObjectUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
             'interval': '1',
             'concurrency': '1',
             'node_timeout': '15'}, logger=self.logger)
+        devices = []
+        NUM_DEVICES = 4
+        for i in range(NUM_DEVICES):
+            device = os.path.join(self.devices_dir, 'sda' + str(i))
+            devices.append(device)
+            async_dir = os.path.join(device, get_async_dir(POLICIES[0]))
+            mkdirs(async_dir)
+        mock_os.fork.side_effect = [0]
+        mock_process = ou._process_device_in_child = mock.MagicMock()
+        with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
+            ou.run_once()
+        self.assertEqual([
+            mock.call(self.sda1, 'sda1'),
+        ], mock_process.mock_calls)
+    @mock.patch('swift.obj.updater.os')
+    def test_run_once_subsequent_children(self, mock_os):
+        mock_os.path = os.path
+        mock_os.listdir = os.listdir
+        ou = object_updater.ObjectUpdater({
+            'devices': self.devices_dir,
+            'mount_check': 'false',
+            'swift_dir': self.testdir,
+            'updater_workers': '4',
+            'interval': '1',
+            'concurrency': '1',
+            'node_timeout': '15'}, logger=self.logger)
+        devices = []
+        NUM_DEVICES = 4
+        for i in range(NUM_DEVICES):
+            device = os.path.join(self.devices_dir, 'sda' + str(i))
+            devices.append(device)
+            async_dir = os.path.join(device, get_async_dir(POLICIES[0]))
+            mkdirs(async_dir)
+        mock_process = ou._process_device_in_child = mock.MagicMock()
+        pids = [i + 1 for i in range(NUM_DEVICES)]
+        for i in range(4):
+            mock_os.fork.side_effect = pids[:i] + [0]
+            with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
+                ou.run_once()
+        self.assertEqual([
+            mock.call(os.path.join(self.devices_dir, 'sda1'), 'sda1'),
+            mock.call(os.path.join(self.devices_dir, 'sda0'), 'sda0'),
+            mock.call(os.path.join(self.devices_dir, 'sda2'), 'sda2'),
+            mock.call(os.path.join(self.devices_dir, 'sda3'), 'sda3'),
+        ], mock_process.mock_calls)
+    @mock.patch('swift.obj.updater.os')
+    def test_run_once_child_with_more_workers(self, mock_os):
+        mock_os.path = os.path
+        mock_os.listdir = os.listdir
+        ou = object_updater.ObjectUpdater({
+            'devices': self.devices_dir,
+            'mount_check': 'false',
+            'swift_dir': self.testdir,
+            'updater_workers': '3',
+            'interval': '1',
+            'concurrency': '1',
+            'node_timeout': '15'}, logger=self.logger)
+        devices = []
+        NUM_DEVICES = 3
+        for i in range(NUM_DEVICES):
+            device = os.path.join(self.devices_dir, 'sda{0}'.format(i))
+            devices.append(device)
+            async_dir = os.path.join(device, get_async_dir(POLICIES[0]))
+            mkdirs(async_dir)
+        mock_os.fork.side_effect = [1, 2, 0]
+        mock_process = ou._process_device_in_child = mock.MagicMock()
+        with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
+            ou.run_once()
+        self.assertEqual([
+            mock.call(os.path.join(self.devices_dir, 'sda2'), 'sda2'),
+        ], mock_process.mock_calls)
+    @mock.patch.object(object_updater, 'check_drive')
+    @mock.patch('swift.obj.updater.os')
+    def test_run_once_parent_default(self, mock_os, mock_check_drive):
+        mock_os.path = os.path
+        mock_os.listdir = os.listdir
+        ou = object_updater.ObjectUpdater({
+            'devices': self.devices_dir,
+            'mount_check': 'on',
+            'swift_dir': self.testdir,
+            'interval': '1',
+            'concurrency': '1',
+            'node_timeout': '15'}, logger=self.logger)
+        NUM_DEVICES = 2
+        for i in range(NUM_DEVICES):
+            device = os.path.join(self.devices_dir, 'sda' + str(i))
+            async_dir = os.path.join(device, get_async_dir(POLICIES[0]))
+            mkdirs(async_dir)
+        pids = [i + 1 for i in range(NUM_DEVICES)]
+        mock_os.fork.side_effect = pids
+        mock_os.wait.side_effect = [(i, 0) for i in pids]
+        self.assertEqual([
+            mock.call(self.devices_dir, 'sda1', True),
+            mock.call(self.devices_dir, 'sda0', True),
+        ], mock_check_drive.mock_calls)
+        self.assertEqual([
+            mock.call.fork(),
+            mock.call.wait(),
+            mock.call.fork(),
+            mock.call.wait(),
+        ], mock_os.mock_calls)
+    @mock.patch.object(object_updater, 'check_drive')
+    @mock.patch('swift.obj.updater.os')
+    def test_run_once_parent_more_updater_workers(self, mock_os,
+                                                  mock_check_drive):
+        # unpatch listdir and path
+        mock_os.path = os.path
+        mock_os.listdir = os.listdir
+        ou = object_updater.ObjectUpdater({
+            'devices': self.devices_dir,
+            'mount_check': '1',
+            'swift_dir': self.testdir,
+            'updater_workers': '4',
+            'interval': '1',
+            'concurrency': '1',
+            'node_timeout': '15'}, logger=self.logger)
+        NUM_DEVICES = 4
+        for i in range(NUM_DEVICES):
+            device = os.path.join(self.devices_dir, 'sda' + str(i))
+            async_dir = os.path.join(device, get_async_dir(POLICIES[0]))
+            mkdirs(async_dir)
+        pids = [i + 1 for i in range(NUM_DEVICES)]
+        mock_os.fork.side_effect = pids
+        mock_os.wait.side_effect = [(i, 0) for i in pids]
+        ou.run_once()
+        self.assertEqual([
+            mock.call(self.devices_dir, 'sda1', True),
+            mock.call(self.devices_dir, 'sda0', True),
+            mock.call(self.devices_dir, 'sda2', True),
+            mock.call(self.devices_dir, 'sda3', True),
+        ], mock_check_drive.mock_calls)
+        self.assertEqual([
+            mock.call.fork(),
+            mock.call.fork(),
+            mock.call.fork(),
+            mock.call.fork(),
+            mock.call.wait(),
+            mock.call.wait(),
+            mock.call.wait(),
+            mock.call.wait(),
+        ], mock_os.mock_calls)
+    @mock.patch('swift.obj.updater.dump_recon_cache')
+    def test_process_devices_in_child(self, mock_dump_recon):
+        ou = object_updater.ObjectUpdater({
+            'devices': self.devices_dir,
+            'mount_check': 'false',
+            'swift_dir': self.testdir,
+            'interval': '1',
+            'concurrency': '1',
+            'node_timeout': '15'}, logger=self.logger)
+        ou._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
         self.assertEqual([], ou.logger.get_lines_for_level('error'))
         async_dir = os.path.join(self.sda1, get_async_dir(POLICIES[0]))
-        ou.run_once()
+        ou._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
-        # each run calls check_device
-        self.assertEqual([
-            mock.call(self.devices_dir, 'sda1', False),
-            mock.call(self.devices_dir, 'sda1', False),
-        ], mock_check_drive.mock_calls)
-        mock_check_drive.reset_mock()
         self.assertEqual([], ou.logger.get_lines_for_level('error'))
         ou = object_updater.ObjectUpdater({
             'devices': self.devices_dir,
-            'mount_check': 'TrUe',
             'swift_dir': self.testdir,
             'interval': '1',
             'concurrency': '1',
@@ -505,11 +714,9 @@ class TestObjectUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
         odd_dir = os.path.join(async_dir, 'not really supposed '
                                'to be here')
-        ou.run_once()
+        ou._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
-        self.assertEqual([
-            mock.call(self.devices_dir, 'sda1', True),
-        ], mock_check_drive.mock_calls)
         self.assertEqual([], ou.logger.get_lines_for_level('error'))
         ohash = hash_path('a', 'c', 'o')
@@ -529,7 +736,7 @@ class TestObjectUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
-        ou.run_once()
+        ou._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
         self.assertTrue(not os.path.exists(older_op_path))
@@ -592,7 +799,7 @@ class TestObjectUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
                 dev['replication_port'] = bindsock.getsockname()[1]
-        ou.run_once()
+        ou._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
         err = event.wait()
         if err:
             raise err
@@ -613,7 +820,7 @@ class TestObjectUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
         # only 1/2 updates succeeds
         event = spawn(accept, [404, 201])
-        ou.run_once()
+        ou._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
         err = event.wait()
         if err:
             raise err
@@ -635,7 +842,7 @@ class TestObjectUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
         with Timeout(99) as exc, \
                 mock.patch('swift.obj.updater.http_connect') as mock_connect:
             mock_connect.return_value.getresponse.side_effect = exc
-            ou.run_once()
+            ou._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
                          {'failures': 1})
@@ -655,7 +862,7 @@ class TestObjectUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
         with ConnectionTimeout(9) as exc, \
                 mock.patch('swift.obj.updater.http_connect') as mock_connect:
             mock_connect.return_value.getresponse.side_effect = exc
-            ou.run_once()
+            ou._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
                          {'failures': 1})
@@ -674,7 +881,7 @@ class TestObjectUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
         # final update succeeds
         event = spawn(accept, [201])
-        ou.run_once()
+        ou._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
         err = event.wait()
         if err:
             raise err
@@ -695,42 +902,43 @@ class TestObjectUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
-    @mock.patch.object(object_updater, 'check_drive')
-    def test_run_once_recon_dump(self, mock_check_drive, mock_dump_recon):
+    def test_run_once_recon_dump(self, mock_dump_recon):
         self.maxDiff = None
-        def assert_and_reset_recon_dump(exp):
+        def assert_and_reset_recon_dump_per_device(exp):
             recon_dumps = [call[0][0]
                            for call in mock_dump_recon.call_args_list]
             self.assertEqual([exp], recon_dumps)
-        mock_check_drive.side_effect = lambda r, d, mc: os.path.join(r, d)
         async_dir = os.path.join(self.sda1, get_async_dir(POLICIES[0]))
         ou = object_updater.ObjectUpdater({
             'devices': self.devices_dir,
-            'mount_check': 'TrUe',
             'swift_dir': self.testdir,
             'interval': '1',
             'concurrency': '1',
             'node_timeout': '15'}, logger=self.logger)
+        # There are no asyncs so there are no failures
         with mock.patch.object(ou, 'object_update',
                                return_value=(False, 'node-id', None)):
-            ou.run_once()
+            ou._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
         exp_recon_dump = {
-            'object_updater_stats': {
-                'failures_account_container_count': 0,
-                'failures_oldest_timestamp': None,
-                'failures_oldest_timestamp_account_containers': {
-                    'oldest_count': 0,
-                    'oldest_entries': []},
-                'failures_oldest_timestamp_age': None,
-                'tracker_memory_usage': mock.ANY},
-            'object_updater_sweep': mock.ANY,
+            'object_updater_per_device': {
+                'sda1': {
+                    'failures_account_container_count': 0,
+                    'failures_oldest_timestamp': None,
+                    'failures_oldest_timestamp_account_containers': {
+                        'oldest_count': 0,
+                        'oldest_entries': [],
+                    },
+                    'failures_oldest_timestamp_age': None,
+                    'tracker_memory_usage': mock.ANY,
+                }
+            }
-        assert_and_reset_recon_dump(exp_recon_dump)
+        assert_and_reset_recon_dump_per_device(exp_recon_dump)
         ts = next(self.ts_iter)
         ohash = hash_path('a', 'c', 'o')
@@ -748,22 +956,449 @@ class TestObjectUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
         with mock.patch('swift.obj.updater.time.time', return_value=now):
             with mock.patch.object(ou, 'object_update',
                                    return_value=(False, 'node-id', None)):
-                ou.run_once()
+                ou._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
         exp_recon_dump = {
-            'object_updater_stats': {
-                'failures_account_container_count': 1,
-                'failures_oldest_timestamp': float(ts),
-                'failures_oldest_timestamp_account_containers': {
-                    'oldest_count': 1,
-                    'oldest_entries': [{'account': 'a',
-                                        'container': 'c',
-                                        'timestamp': float(ts)}]
-                },
-                'failures_oldest_timestamp_age': now - float(ts),
-                'tracker_memory_usage': mock.ANY},
-            'object_updater_sweep': mock.ANY,
+            'object_updater_per_device': {
+                'sda1': {
+                    'failures_account_container_count': 1,
+                    'failures_oldest_timestamp': float(ts),
+                    'failures_oldest_timestamp_account_containers': {
+                        'oldest_count': 1,
+                        'oldest_entries': [{'account': 'a',
+                                            'container': 'c',
+                                            'timestamp': float(ts)}]
+                    },
+                    'failures_oldest_timestamp_age': now - float(ts),
+                    'tracker_memory_usage': mock.ANY,
+                }
+            }
-        assert_and_reset_recon_dump(exp_recon_dump)
+        assert_and_reset_recon_dump_per_device(exp_recon_dump)
+    def test_gather_recon_stats(self):
+        ou = object_updater.ObjectUpdater({})
+        with mock.patch.object(
+            ou.oldest_async_pendings,
+            'get_oldest_timestamp', return_value=123.456
+        ):
+            with mock.patch.object(
+                ou.oldest_async_pendings,
+                'get_oldest_timestamp_age',
+                return_value=789.012,
+            ):
+                with mock.patch.object(
+                    ou.oldest_async_pendings,
+                    'ac_to_timestamp',
+                    return_value={('account1', 'container1'): 123.456},
+                ):
+                    with mock.patch.object(
+                        ou.oldest_async_pendings,
+                        'get_n_oldest_timestamp_acs',
+                        return_value=[
+                            {'account': 'AUTH_1',
+                             'container': 'cont_1',
+                             'timestamp': 123.456},
+                        ],
+                    ):
+                        with mock.patch.object(
+                            ou.oldest_async_pendings,
+                            'get_memory_usage',
+                            return_value=1024,
+                        ):
+                            ou.oldest_async_pendings.ac_to_timestamp = {
+                                ('AUTH_1', 'cont_1'): 123.456}
+                            stats = ou._gather_recon_stats()
+        expected_stats = {
+            'failures_oldest_timestamp': 123.456,
+            'failures_oldest_timestamp_age': 789.012,
+            'failures_account_container_count': 1,
+            'failures_oldest_timestamp_account_containers': [
+                {'account': 'AUTH_1',
+                 'container': 'cont_1',
+                 'timestamp': 123.456},
+            ],
+            'tracker_memory_usage': 1024,
+        }
+        self.assertEqual(stats, expected_stats)
+    def test_aggregate_and_dump_recon_with_missing_keys(self):
+        """
+        Test aggregation logic when device stats are missing some keys.
+        """
+        recon_path = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'recon')
+        recon_file = os.path.join(recon_path, 'object.recon')
+        os.mkdir(recon_path)
+        ou = object_updater.ObjectUpdater({
+            'devices': self.devices_dir,
+            'swift_dir': self.testdir,
+            'updater_workers': 1,
+            'recon_cache_path': recon_path,
+            'async_tracker_dump_count': 3,
+        }, logger=self.logger)
+        incomplete_recon = {
+            'object_updater_per_device': {
+                'sda1': {
+                    'tracker_memory_usage': 256,
+                    'failures_account_container_count': 1,
+                },
+                'sda2': {
+                    'failures_oldest_timestamp': 124.56789,
+                    'failures_oldest_timestamp_age': 789.012,
+                },
+                'sda3': None,
+            }
+        }
+        utils.dump_recon_cache(incomplete_recon, ou.rcache, ou.logger)
+        ou.aggregate_and_dump_recon(['sda1', 'sda2', 'sda3'], 30)
+        with open(recon_file) as f:
+            found_data = json.load(f)
+        expected_aggregated_stats = {
+            'failures_account_container_count': 1,
+            'tracker_memory_usage': 256.0 / 3.0,
+            'failures_oldest_timestamp': 124.56789,
+            'failures_oldest_timestamp_age': 789.012,
+            'failures_oldest_timestamp_account_containers': {
+                'oldest_count': 0,
+                'oldest_entries': []
+            },
+        }
+        expected_recon = {
+            'object_updater_sweep': 30,
+            'object_updater_stats': expected_aggregated_stats,
+        }
+        self.assertEqual(expected_recon, found_data)
+    def test_aggregate_and_dump_recon_all_empty_devices(self):
+        """
+        Test aggregation logic when all devices are empty or missing.
+        """
+        recon_path = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'recon')
+        recon_file = os.path.join(recon_path, 'object.recon')
+        os.mkdir(recon_path)
+        ou = object_updater.ObjectUpdater({
+            'devices': self.devices_dir,
+            'swift_dir': self.testdir,
+            'updater_workers': 2,
+            'recon_cache_path': recon_path,
+            'async_tracker_dump_count': 5,
+        }, logger=self.logger)
+        empty_recon = {
+            'object_updater_per_device': {
+                'sda1': {},
+                'sda2': {},
+            }
+        }
+        utils.dump_recon_cache(empty_recon, ou.rcache, ou.logger)
+        ou.aggregate_and_dump_recon(['sda1', 'sda2'], 30)
+        with open(recon_file) as f:
+            found_data = json.load(f)
+        expected_aggregated_stats = {
+            'failures_account_container_count': 0,
+            'tracker_memory_usage': 0,
+            'failures_oldest_timestamp': None,
+            'failures_oldest_timestamp_age': None,
+            'failures_oldest_timestamp_account_containers': {
+                'oldest_count': 0,
+                'oldest_entries': []
+            },
+        }
+        expected_recon = {
+            'object_updater_sweep': 30,
+            'object_updater_stats': expected_aggregated_stats,
+        }
+        self.assertEqual(expected_recon, found_data)
+    def test_aggregate_and_dump_recon_wrong_type_per_device(self):
+        """
+        Test aggregation when object_updater_per_device is the wrong type.
+        """
+        recon_path = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'recon')
+        os.mkdir(recon_path)
+        ou = object_updater.ObjectUpdater({
+            'devices': self.devices_dir,
+            'swift_dir': self.testdir,
+            'updater_workers': 2,
+            'recon_cache_path': recon_path,
+            'async_tracker_dump_count': 5,
+        }, logger=self.logger)
+        # object_updater_per_device as a list instead of dict
+        malformed_recon = {
+            'object_updater_per_device': ['invalid_data_type']
+        }
+        utils.dump_recon_cache(malformed_recon, ou.rcache, ou.logger)
+        with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
+            ou.aggregate_and_dump_recon(['sda1', 'sda2'], 30)
+        self.assertIn(
+            'object_updater_per_device must be a dict', str(cm.exception))
+    def test_aggregate_and_dump_recon_partial_device_updates(self):
+        """
+        Test when some devices are removed and partial updates exist.
+        """
+        recon_path = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'recon')
+        recon_file = os.path.join(recon_path, 'object.recon')
+        os.mkdir(recon_path)
+        ou = object_updater.ObjectUpdater({
+            'devices': self.devices_dir,
+            'swift_dir': self.testdir,
+            'updater_workers': 2,
+            'recon_cache_path': recon_path,
+            'async_tracker_dump_count': 2,
+        }, logger=self.logger)
+        existing_recon = {
+            'object_updater_per_device': {
+                'sda1': {
+                    'failures_account_container_count': 2,
+                    'tracker_memory_usage': 512,
+                },
+                'sda2': {
+                    'failures_account_container_count': 1,
+                    'tracker_memory_usage': 256,
+                },
+                'sda3': None,
+            }
+        }
+        utils.dump_recon_cache(existing_recon, ou.rcache, ou.logger)
+        ou.aggregate_and_dump_recon(['sda1'], 30)
+        with open(recon_file) as f:
+            found_data = json.load(f)
+        expected_aggregated_stats = {
+            'failures_account_container_count': 2,
+            'tracker_memory_usage': 512.0,
+            'failures_oldest_timestamp': None,
+            'failures_oldest_timestamp_age': None,
+            'failures_oldest_timestamp_account_containers': {
+                'oldest_count': 0,
+                'oldest_entries': [],
+            },
+        }
+        expected_recon = {
+            'object_updater_per_device': {
+                'sda1': {
+                    'failures_account_container_count': 2,
+                    'tracker_memory_usage': 512,
+                },
+            },
+            'object_updater_sweep': 30,
+            'object_updater_stats': expected_aggregated_stats,
+        }
+        self.assertEqual(expected_recon, found_data)
+    def test_dump_device_recon(self):
+        recon_path = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'recon')
+        recon_file = os.path.join(recon_path, 'object.recon')
+        os.mkdir(recon_path)
+        ou = object_updater.ObjectUpdater({
+            'devices': self.devices_dir,
+            'swift_dir': self.testdir,
+            'recon_cache_path': recon_path,
+            'async_tracker_dump_count': '6',
+        })
+        ou.dump_device_recon('sda1')
+        with open(recon_file) as f:
+            found_data = json.load(f)
+        self.assertEqual({
+            'object_updater_per_device': {
+                'sda1': {
+                    'failures_account_container_count': 0,
+                    'failures_oldest_timestamp': None,
+                    'failures_oldest_timestamp_account_containers': {
+                        'oldest_count': 0,
+                        'oldest_entries': [],
+                    },
+                    'failures_oldest_timestamp_age': None,
+                    'tracker_memory_usage': mock.ANY,
+                }
+            }
+        }, found_data)
+        # now add some data
+        timestamps = []
+        for a in range(3):
+            account = 'AUTH_%s' % a
+            for c in range(4):
+                container = 'cont_%s' % c
+                for ts in range(5):
+                    ts = next(self.ts_iter)
+                    timestamps.append(float(ts))
+                    ou.oldest_async_pendings.add_update(
+                        account, container, ts)
+        now = float(next(self.ts_iter))
+        with mock.patch('swift.obj.updater.time.time', return_value=now):
+            ou.dump_device_recon('sda1')
+        with open(recon_file) as f:
+            found_data = json.load(f)
+        self.assertEqual({
+            'object_updater_per_device': {
+                'sda1': {
+                    'failures_account_container_count': 12,
+                    'failures_oldest_timestamp': timestamps[0],
+                    'failures_oldest_timestamp_account_containers': {
+                        'oldest_count': 6,
+                        'oldest_entries': [{
+                            'account': 'AUTH_0',
+                            'container': 'cont_0',
+                            'timestamp': timestamps[0],
+                        }, {
+                            'account': 'AUTH_0',
+                            'container': 'cont_1',
+                            'timestamp': timestamps[5],
+                        }, {
+                            'account': 'AUTH_0',
+                            'container': 'cont_2',
+                            'timestamp': timestamps[10],
+                        }, {
+                            'account': 'AUTH_0',
+                            'container': 'cont_3',
+                            'timestamp': timestamps[15],
+                        }, {
+                            'account': 'AUTH_1',
+                            'container': 'cont_0',
+                            'timestamp': timestamps[20],
+                        }, {
+                            'account': 'AUTH_1',
+                            'container': 'cont_1',
+                            'timestamp': timestamps[25],
+                        }],
+                    },
+                    'failures_oldest_timestamp_age': now - timestamps[0],
+                    'tracker_memory_usage': mock.ANY,
+                }
+            }
+        }, found_data)
+    def test_aggregate_and_dump_recon(self):
+        self.maxDiff = None
+        recon_path = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'recon')
+        recon_file = os.path.join(recon_path, 'object.recon')
+        os.mkdir(recon_path)
+        ou = object_updater.ObjectUpdater({
+            'devices': self.devices_dir,
+            'swift_dir': self.testdir,
+            'updater_workers': 2,
+            'recon_cache_path': recon_path,
+            'async_tracker_dump_count': 2,
+        }, logger=self.logger)
+        existing_recon = {
+            'object_updater_per_device': {
+                'sda1': {
+                    'failures_account_container_count': 1,
+                    'tracker_memory_usage': 512,
+                    'failures_oldest_timestamp': 123.45678,
+                    'failures_oldest_timestamp_age': 789.012,
+                    'failures_oldest_timestamp_account_containers': {
+                        'oldest_count': 1,
+                        'oldest_entries': [
+                            {'account': 'a', 'container': 'c',
+                             'timestamp': 123.45678}
+                        ],
+                    },
+                },
+                'sda2': {
+                    'failures_account_container_count': 2,
+                    'tracker_memory_usage': 256,
+                    'failures_oldest_timestamp': 124.56789,
+                    'failures_oldest_timestamp_age': 789.012,
+                    'failures_oldest_timestamp_account_containers': {
+                        'oldest_count': 2,
+                        'oldest_entries': [
+                            {'account': 'x', 'container': 'y',
+                             'timestamp': 124.56789},
+                            {'account': 'm', 'container': 'n',
+                             'timestamp': 125.67890},
+                        ],
+                    },
+                },
+            },
+        }
+        utils.dump_recon_cache(existing_recon, ou.rcache, ou.logger)
+        # add an "empty" device
+        with mock.patch.object(ou.oldest_async_pendings, 'get_memory_usage',
+                               return_value=128):
+            ou.dump_device_recon('sda3')
+        # and also an unmounted one
+        ou.dump_device_recon('sdx')
+        existing_recon['object_updater_per_device'].update({
+            'sda3': {
+                'failures_account_container_count': 0,
+                'failures_oldest_timestamp': None,
+                'failures_oldest_timestamp_account_containers': {
+                    'oldest_count': 0,
+                    'oldest_entries': [],
+                },
+                'failures_oldest_timestamp_age': None,
+                'tracker_memory_usage': 128,
+            },
+            'sdx': {
+                'failures_account_container_count': 0,
+                'failures_oldest_timestamp': None,
+                'failures_oldest_timestamp_account_containers': {
+                    'oldest_count': 0,
+                    'oldest_entries': [],
+                },
+                'failures_oldest_timestamp_age': None,
+                'tracker_memory_usage': mock.ANY,
+            },
+        })
+        with open(recon_file) as f:
+            found_data = json.load(f)
+        self.assertEqual(existing_recon, found_data)  # sanity
+        # we're setting this up like sdx is stale/unmounted
+        ou.aggregate_and_dump_recon(['sda1', 'sda2', 'sda3'], 30)
+        with open(recon_file) as f:
+            found_data = json.load(f)
+        expected_aggregated_stats = {
+            'failures_account_container_count': 2,
+            'tracker_memory_usage': mock.ANY,
+            'failures_oldest_timestamp': 123.45678,
+            'failures_oldest_timestamp_age': 789.012,
+            'failures_oldest_timestamp_account_containers': {
+                'oldest_count': 2,
+                'oldest_entries': [
+                    {'account': 'a', 'container': 'c', 'timestamp': 123.45678},
+                    {'account': 'x', 'container': 'y', 'timestamp': 124.56789},
+                ],
+            },
+        }
+        expected_recon = dict(existing_recon, **{
+            'object_updater_sweep': 30,
+            'object_updater_stats': expected_aggregated_stats,
+        })
+        # and sda4 is removed
+        del expected_recon['object_updater_per_device']['sdx']
+        self.assertEqual(expected_recon, found_data)
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(
+            755.5,
+            found_data['object_updater_stats']['tracker_memory_usage'],
+            delta=200
+        )
     def test_obj_put_legacy_updates(self):
         ts = (normalize_timestamp(t) for t in
@@ -804,7 +1439,8 @@ class TestObjectUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
             # run once
             fake_status_codes = [200, 200, 200]
             with mocked_http_conn(*fake_status_codes, give_connect=capture):
-                daemon.run_once()
+                daemon._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
             self.assertEqual(len(fake_status_codes), len(request_log))
             for request_args, request_kwargs in request_log:
                 ip, part, method, path, headers, qs, ssl = request_args
@@ -867,7 +1503,7 @@ class TestObjectUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
                 200,  # object update conflict
             with mocked_http_conn(*fake_status_codes, give_connect=capture):
-                daemon.run_once()
+                daemon._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
             self.assertEqual(len(fake_status_codes), len(request_log))
             for request_args, request_kwargs in request_log:
                 ip, part, method, path, headers, qs, ssl = request_args
@@ -981,7 +1617,7 @@ class TestObjectUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
         with mocked_http_conn(
                 *fake_status_codes, headers=fake_headers) as conn:
             with mock.patch('swift.obj.updater.dump_recon_cache'):
-                daemon.run_once()
+                daemon._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
         self._check_update_requests(conn.requests[:3], ts_obj, policies[0])
         self._check_update_requests(conn.requests[3:], ts_obj, policies[0])
@@ -1016,7 +1652,7 @@ class TestObjectUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
         with mocked_http_conn(
                 507, 200, 507) as conn:
             with mock.patch('swift.obj.updater.dump_recon_cache'):
-                daemon.run_once()
+                daemon._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
         self._check_update_requests(conn.requests, ts_obj, policies[0])
         self.assertEqual(['/sda1/0/a/c/o'] * 3,
@@ -1038,7 +1674,7 @@ class TestObjectUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
         with mocked_http_conn(
                 *fake_status_codes, headers=fake_headers) as conn:
             with mock.patch('swift.obj.updater.dump_recon_cache'):
-                daemon.run_once()
+                daemon._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
         self._check_update_requests(conn.requests[:2], ts_obj, policies[0])
         self._check_update_requests(conn.requests[2:], ts_obj, policies[0])
@@ -1092,7 +1728,7 @@ class TestObjectUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
         with mocked_http_conn(
                 *fake_status_codes, headers=fake_headers) as conn:
             with mock.patch('swift.obj.updater.dump_recon_cache'):
-                daemon.run_once()
+                daemon._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
         self._check_update_requests(conn.requests, ts_obj, policies[0])
         self.assertEqual(['/sda1/0/a/c/o'] * 3,
@@ -1165,7 +1801,7 @@ class TestObjectUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
         with mocked_http_conn(
                 *fake_status_codes, headers=fake_headers) as conn:
             with mock.patch('swift.obj.updater.dump_recon_cache'):
-                daemon.run_once()
+                daemon._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
         self._check_update_requests(conn.requests, ts_obj, policies[0])
         # only *one* set of redirected requests is attempted per cycle
@@ -1195,7 +1831,7 @@ class TestObjectUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
         with mocked_http_conn(
                 *fake_status_codes, headers=fake_headers) as conn:
             with mock.patch('swift.obj.updater.dump_recon_cache'):
-                daemon.run_once()
+                daemon._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
         self._check_update_requests(conn.requests, ts_obj, policies[0])
@@ -1239,7 +1875,7 @@ class TestObjectUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
         with mocked_http_conn(
                 *fake_status_codes, headers=fake_headers) as conn:
             with mock.patch('swift.obj.updater.dump_recon_cache'):
-                daemon.run_once()
+                daemon._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
         self._check_update_requests(conn.requests[:3], ts_obj, policies[0])
         self._check_update_requests(conn.requests[3:], ts_obj, policies[0])
         # only *one* set of redirected requests is attempted per cycle
@@ -1273,7 +1909,7 @@ class TestObjectUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
         with mocked_http_conn(
                 *fake_status_codes, headers=fake_headers) as conn:
             with mock.patch('swift.obj.updater.dump_recon_cache'):
-                daemon.run_once()
+                daemon._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
         self._check_update_requests(conn.requests[:3], ts_obj, policies[0])
         self._check_update_requests(conn.requests[3:], ts_obj, policies[0])
         # first try the previously persisted container path, response to that
@@ -1306,7 +1942,7 @@ class TestObjectUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
         with mocked_http_conn(
                 *fake_status_codes, headers=fake_headers) as conn:
             with mock.patch('swift.obj.updater.dump_recon_cache'):
-                daemon.run_once()
+                daemon._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
         self._check_update_requests(conn.requests, ts_obj, policies[0])
             ['/sda1/%s/.shards_a/c_shard_3/o' % shard_3_part] * 3 +
@@ -1331,7 +1967,7 @@ class TestObjectUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
         with mocked_http_conn(
                 *fake_status_codes, headers=fake_headers) as conn:
             with mock.patch('swift.obj.updater.dump_recon_cache'):
-                daemon.run_once()
+                daemon._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
         self._check_update_requests(conn.requests, ts_obj, policies[0])
         self.assertEqual(['/sda1/%s/a/c/o' % root_part] * 3,
                          [req['path'] for req in conn.requests])
@@ -1366,7 +2002,7 @@ class TestObjectUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
         with mocked_http_conn():
             with mock.patch('swift.obj.updater.dump_recon_cache'):
-                daemon.run_once()
+                daemon._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
             {'quarantines': 1},
@@ -1464,7 +2100,7 @@ class TestObjectUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
         expected_success = 2
         fake_status_codes = [200] * 3 * expected_success
         with mocked_http_conn(*fake_status_codes) as fake_conn:
-            daemon.run_once()
+            daemon._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
         self.assertEqual(expected_success, daemon.stats.successes)
         expected_skipped = expected_total - expected_success
         self.assertEqual(expected_skipped, daemon.stats.skips)
@@ -1512,7 +2148,7 @@ class TestObjectUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
         fake_status_codes = [200] * 3 * expected_total
         with mocked_http_conn(*fake_status_codes):
-            daemon.run_once()
+            daemon._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
         self.assertEqual(expected_total, daemon.stats.successes)
         self.assertEqual(0, daemon.stats.skips)
         self.assertEqual([], self._find_async_pending_files())
@@ -1573,7 +2209,7 @@ class TestObjectUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
         with mocked_http_conn(*fake_status_codes) as fake_conn, \
-            daemon.run_once()
+            daemon._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
         self.assertEqual(expected_success, daemon.stats.successes)
         expected_skipped = expected_total - expected_success
         self.assertEqual(expected_skipped, daemon.stats.skips)
@@ -1663,7 +2299,7 @@ class TestObjectUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
                                   fake_object_update), \
-            daemon.run_once()
+            daemon._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
         self.assertEqual(expected_success, daemon.stats.successes)
         expected_skipped = expected_total - expected_success
         self.assertEqual(expected_skipped, daemon.stats.skips)
@@ -1783,7 +2419,7 @@ class TestObjectUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
                            fake_rate_limited_iterator), \
                 mock.patch('swift.common.utils.eventlet.sleep') as mock_sleep:
-            daemon.run_once()
+            daemon._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
         self.assertEqual(expected_success, daemon.stats.successes)
         expected_skipped = expected_total - expected_success
         self.assertEqual(expected_skipped, daemon.stats.skips)
@@ -1911,7 +2547,7 @@ class TestObjectUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
                            fake_rate_limited_iterator), \
                 mock.patch('swift.common.utils.eventlet.sleep') as mock_sleep:
-            daemon.run_once()
+            daemon._process_device_in_child(self.sda1, 'sda1')
         self.assertEqual(expected_success, daemon.stats.successes)
         expected_skipped = expected_total - expected_success
         self.assertEqual(expected_skipped, daemon.stats.skips)