updated AUTHORS and CHANGELOG for 2.2.0
Change-Id: I6c0bc1570f6a48439de5a029a86f1b582f30f8a6
This commit is contained in:
@ -67,3 +67,4 @@ Mauro Stettler <mauro.stettler@gmail.com> <mauro.stettler@gmail.com>
Pawel Palucki <pawel.palucki@gmail.com> <pawel.palucki@gmail.com>
Guang Yee <guang.yee@hp.com> <guang.yee@hp.com>
Jing Liuqing <jing.liuqing@99cloud.net> <jing.liuqing@99cloud.net>
Lorcan Browne <lorcan.browne@hp.com> <lorcan.browne@hp.com>
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ Joe Arnold (joe@swiftstack.com)
Ionuț Arțăriși (iartarisi@suse.cz)
Christian Berendt (berendt@b1-systems.de)
Luis de Bethencourt (luis@debethencourt.com)
Keshava Bharadwaj (kb.sankethi@gmail.com)
Yummy Bian (yummy.bian@gmail.com)
Darrell Bishop (darrell@swiftstack.com)
James E. Blair (jeblair@openstack.org)
@ -28,19 +29,24 @@ Fabien Boucher (fabien.boucher@enovance.com)
Chmouel Boudjnah (chmouel@enovance.com)
Clark Boylan (clark.boylan@gmail.com)
Pádraig Brady (pbrady@redhat.com)
Lorcan Browne (lorcan.browne@hp.com)
Russell Bryant (rbryant@redhat.com)
Jay S. Bryant (jsbryant@us.ibm.com)
Brian D. Burns (iosctr@gmail.com)
Devin Carlen (devin.carlen@gmail.com)
Thierry Carrez (thierry@openstack.org)
Mahati Chamarthy (mahati.chamarthy@gmail.com)
Zap Chang (zapchang@gmail.com)
François Charlier (francois.charlier@enovance.com)
Ray Chen (oldsharp@163.com)
Brian Cline (bcline@softlayer.com)
Alistair Coles (alistair.coles@hp.com)
Brian Curtin (brian.curtin@rackspace.com)
Thiago da Silva (thiago@redhat.com)
Julien Danjou (julien@danjou.info)
Ksenia Demina (kdemina@mirantis.com)
Dan Dillinger (dan.dillinger@sonian.net)
Gerry Drudy (gerry.drudy@hp.com)
Morgan Fainberg (morgan.fainberg@gmail.com)
ZhiQiang Fan (aji.zqfan@gmail.com)
Flaper Fesp (flaper87@gmail.com)
@ -55,6 +61,7 @@ David Goetz (david.goetz@rackspace.com)
Jonathan Gonzalez V (jonathan.abdiel@gmail.com)
Joe Gordon (jogo@cloudscaling.com)
David Hadas (davidh@il.ibm.com)
Andrew Hale (andy@wwwdata.eu)
Soren Hansen (soren@linux2go.dk)
Richard (Rick) Hawkins (richard.hawkins@rackspace.com)
Doug Hellmann (doug.hellmann@dreamhost.com)
@ -67,6 +74,7 @@ Kun Huang (gareth@unitedstack.com)
Matthieu Huin (mhu@enovance.com)
Hodong Hwang (hodong.hwang@kt.com)
Motonobu Ichimura (motonobu@gmail.com)
Andreas Jaeger (aj@suse.de)
Shri Javadekar (shrinand@maginatics.com)
Iryoung Jeong (iryoung@gmail.com)
Paul Jimenez (pj@place.org)
@ -80,6 +88,7 @@ Morita Kazutaka (morita.kazutaka@gmail.com)
Josh Kearney (josh@jk0.org)
Ilya Kharin (ikharin@mirantis.com)
Dae S. Kim (dae@velatum.com)
Nathan Kinder (nkinder@redhat.com)
Eugene Kirpichov (ekirpichov@gmail.com)
Leah Klearman (lklrmn@gmail.com)
Steve Kowalik (steven@wedontsleep.org)
@ -88,6 +97,7 @@ Sushil Kumar (sushil.kumar2@globallogic.com)
Madhuri Kumari (madhuri.rai07@gmail.com)
Steven Lang (Steven.Lang@hgst.com)
Gonéri Le Bouder (goneri.lebouder@enovance.com)
John Leach (john@johnleach.co.uk)
Ed Leafe (ed.leafe@rackspace.com)
Thomas Leaman (thomas.leaman@hp.com)
Eohyung Lee (liquid@kt.com)
@ -104,6 +114,7 @@ Dragos Manolescu (dragosm@hp.com)
Steve Martinelli (stevemar@ca.ibm.com)
Juan J. Martinez (juan@memset.com)
Marcelo Martins (btorch@gmail.com)
Dolph Mathews (dolph.mathews@gmail.com)
Donagh McCabe (donagh.mccabe@hp.com)
Andy McCrae (andy.mccrae@gmail.com)
Paul McMillan (paul.mcmillan@nebula.com)
@ -117,6 +128,7 @@ Maru Newby (mnewby@internap.com)
Newptone (xingchao@unitedstack.com)
Colin Nicholson (colin.nicholson@iomart.com)
Zhenguo Niu (zhenguo@unitedstack.com)
Timothy Okwii (tokwii@cisco.com)
Matthew Oliver (matt@oliver.net.au)
Eamonn O'Toole (eamonn.otoole@hp.com)
James Page (james.page@ubuntu.com)
@ -129,17 +141,19 @@ Dieter Plaetinck (dieter@vimeo.com)
Peter Portante (peter.portante@redhat.com)
Dan Prince (dprince@redhat.com)
Felipe Reyes (freyes@tty.cl)
Matt Riedemann (mriedem@us.ibm.com)
Li Riqiang (lrqrun@gmail.com)
Rafael Rivero (rafael@cloudscaling.com)
Victor Rodionov (victor.rodionov@nexenta.com)
Aaron Rosen (arosen@nicira.com)
Brent Roskos (broskos@internap.com)
Cristian A Sanchez (cristian.a.sanchez@intel.com)
saranjan (saranjan@cisco.com)
Christian Schwede (info@cschwede.de)
Mark Seger (Mark.Seger@hp.com)
Andrew Clay Shafer (acs@parvuscaptus.com)
Chuck Short (chuck.short@canonical.com)
Michael Shuler (mshuler@gmail.com)
Thiago da Silva (thiago@redhat.com)
David Moreau Simard (dmsimard@iweb.com)
Scott Simpson (sasimpson@gmail.com)
Liu Siqi (meizu647@gmail.com)
@ -1,3 +1,57 @@
swift (2.2.0)
* Added support for Keystone v3 auth.
Keystone v3 introduced the concept of "domains" and user names
are no longer unique across domains. Swift's Keystone integration
now requires that ACLs be set on IDs, which are unique across
domains, and further restricts setting new ACLs to only use IDs.
Please see http://swift.openstack.org/overview_auth.html for
more information on configuring Swift and Keystone together.
* Swift now supports server-side account-to-account copy. Server-
side copy in Swift requires the X-Copy-From header (on a PUT)
or the Destination header (on a COPY). To initiate an account-to-
account copy, the existing header value remains the same, but the
X-Copy-From-Account header (on a PUT) or the Destination-Account
(on a COPY) are used to indicate the proper account.
* Limit partition movement when adding a new placement tier.
When adding a new placement tier (server, zone, or region), Swift
previously attempted to move all placement partitions, regardless
of the space available on the new tier, to ensure the best possible
durability. Unfortunately, this could result in too many partitions
being moved all at once to a new tier. Swift's ring-builder now
ensures that only the correct number of placement partitions are
rebalanced, and thus makes adding capacity to the cluster more
* Per storage policy container counts are now reported in an
account response headers.
* Swift will now reject, with a 4xx series response, GET requests
with more than 50 ranges, more than 3 overlapping ranges, or more
than 8 non-increasing ranges.
* The bind_port config setting is now required to be explicitly set.
* The object server can now use splice() for a zero-copy GET
response. This feature is enabled with the "splice" config variable
in the object server config and defaults to off. Also, this feature
only works on recent Linux kernels (AF_ALG sockets must be
supported). A zero-copy GET response can significantly reduce CPU
requirements for object servers.
* Added "--no-overlap" option to swift-dispersion populate so that
multiple runs of the tool can add coverage without overlapping
existing monitored partitions.
* swift-recon now supports filtering by region.
* Various other minor bug fixes and improvements.
swift (2.1.0)
* swift-ring-builder placement was improved to allow gradual addition
Reference in New Issue
Block a user