bug 701248
bug 819303
This change makes syslog optional, by providing a unit test
config with the ability to cause test/unit/__init__.py to
replace SysLogHandler with a fake logging class. The
default behavior is unchanged.
FakeLogger now inherits directly from Handler and mocks out
its API - this was a backward-compatibility issue.
Change-Id: I653dec148c4f6cf81759de03964c6a3290c1a290
The None, True, and False values are singletons.
All variable *comparisons* to singletons should use 'is' or 'is not'.
All variable *evaluations* to boolean should use 'if' or 'if not'.
All Object type comparisons should use isinstance()
instead of comparing types directly.
Change-Id: I47863c4862791022670619f19b8bc15d8a93fd81
SWIFT_TEST_CONFIG_FILE can redirect both functional test suites to any conf
functional tests that don't require a account:username can now work with only
username for auth systems that don't support the account/namespace concept