This change replaces WebOb with a mostly compatible local library,
swift.common.swob. Subtle changes to WebOb's API over the years have been a
huge headache. Swift doesn't even run on the current version.
There are a few incompatibilities to simplify the implementation/interface:
* It only implements the header properties we use. More can be easily added.
* Casts header values to str on assignment.
* Response classes ("HTTPNotFound") are no longer subclasses, but partials
on Response, so things like isinstance no longer work on them.
* Unlike newer webob versions, will never return unicode objects.
Change-Id: I76617a0903ee2286b25a821b3c935c86ff95233f
Change previously hard-coded constants into config variables. This
allows deployers to tune their cluster more specifically based on
their needs. For example, a deployment that uses direct swift access
for public content may need to set a larger header value constraint to
allow for the full object name to be represented in the Content-
Disposition header (which browsers check to determine the name of a
downloaded object).
The new settings are set in the [swift-constraints] section of
/etc/swift/swift.conf. Comments were also added to this config file.
Cleaned up swift/common/ to pass pep8 1.3.3
Funtional tests now require constraints to be defined in /etc/test.conf or in
/etc/swift/swift.conf (in the case of running the functional tests against a
local swift cluster). To have any hope of tests passing, the defined
constraints must match the constraints on the tested cluster.
Removed a ton of "magic numbers" in both unit and functional tests.
Change-Id: Ie4588e052fd158314ddca6cd8fca9bc793311465
Based on PatchSet 3 of , make them to pass all funcional tests with both webob 1.x and 1.2.
The additional following compatibility issues were addressed:
- Until patch for range header issue is merged into official webob release, testRangedGetsWithLWSinHeader() should skip test against webob 1.2
- common.constraints.check_utf8() can accept both utf8 str and unicode.
- To convert unicode to utf-8 str if necessary.
- Making proxy_logging can handle invalid utf-8 str
bug 888371
bug 959881
blueprint webob-support
Change-Id: I00e5fd04cd1653259606a4ffdd4926db3c84c496
bug 701248
bug 819303
This change makes syslog optional, by providing a unit test
config with the ability to cause test/unit/ to
replace SysLogHandler with a fake logging class. The
default behavior is unchanged.
FakeLogger now inherits directly from Handler and mocks out
its API - this was a backward-compatibility issue.
Change-Id: I653dec148c4f6cf81759de03964c6a3290c1a290
The None, True, and False values are singletons.
All variable *comparisons* to singletons should use 'is' or 'is not'.
All variable *evaluations* to boolean should use 'if' or 'if not'.
All Object type comparisons should use isinstance()
instead of comparing types directly.
Change-Id: I47863c4862791022670619f19b8bc15d8a93fd81
SWIFT_TEST_CONFIG_FILE can redirect both functional test suites to any conf
functional tests that don't require a account:username can now work with only
username for auth systems that don't support the account/namespace concept