[bench] # auth = http://localhost:8080/auth/v1.0 # user = test:tester # key = testing # auth_version = 1.0 # log-level = INFO # timeout = 10 # You can configure PUT, GET, and DELETE concurrency independently or set all # three with "concurrency" # put_concurrency = 10 # get_concurrency = 10 # del_concurrency = 10 # concurrency = # A space-sep list of files whose contents will be read and randomly chosen # as the body (object contents) for each PUT. # object_sources = # If object_sources is not set and lower_object_size != upper_object_size, # each PUT will randomly select an object size between the two values. Units # are bytes. # lower_object_size = 10 # upper_object_size = 10 # If object_sources is not set and lower_object_size == upper_object_size, # every object PUT will contain this many bytes. # object_size = 1 # num_objects = 1000 # num_gets = 10000 # num_containers = 20 # The base name for created containers. # container_name = (randomly-chosen uuid4) # Should swift-bench benchmark DELETEing the created objects and then delete # all created containers? # delete = yes # Without use_proxy, swift-bench will talk directly to the backend Swift # servers. Doing that will require "url", "account", and at least one # "devices" entry. # use_proxy = yes # If use_proxy = yes, this will override any returned X-Storage-Url returned # by authenticaion (the account name will still be extracted from # X-Storage-Url though and may NOT be set with the "account" conf var). If # use_proxy = no, this setting is required and used as the X-Storage-Url when # deleting containers and as a source for IP and port for back-end Swift server # connections. The IP and port specified in this setting must have local # storage access to every device specified in "devices". # url = # Only used (and required) when use_proxy = no. # account = # A space-sep list of devices names; only relevant (and required) when # use_proxy = no. # devices = sdb1