# Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import print_function import functools import errno import os import resource import signal import time import subprocess import re import six from swift import gettext_ as _ import tempfile from swift.common.utils import search_tree, remove_file, write_file, readconf from swift.common.exceptions import InvalidPidFileException SWIFT_DIR = '/etc/swift' RUN_DIR = '/var/run/swift' PROC_DIR = '/proc' ALL_SERVERS = ['account-auditor', 'account-server', 'container-auditor', 'container-replicator', 'container-reconciler', 'container-server', 'container-sharder', 'container-sync', 'container-updater', 'object-auditor', 'object-server', 'object-expirer', 'object-replicator', 'object-reconstructor', 'object-updater', 'proxy-server', 'account-replicator', 'account-reaper'] MAIN_SERVERS = ['proxy-server', 'account-server', 'container-server', 'object-server'] REST_SERVERS = [s for s in ALL_SERVERS if s not in MAIN_SERVERS] # aliases mapping ALIASES = {'all': ALL_SERVERS, 'main': MAIN_SERVERS, 'rest': REST_SERVERS} GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN_SERVERS = MAIN_SERVERS SEAMLESS_SHUTDOWN_SERVERS = MAIN_SERVERS START_ONCE_SERVERS = REST_SERVERS # These are servers that match a type (account-*, container-*, object-*) but # don't use that type-server.conf file and instead use their own. STANDALONE_SERVERS = ['container-reconciler'] KILL_WAIT = 15 # seconds to wait for servers to die (by default) WARNING_WAIT = 3 # seconds to wait after message that may just be a warning MAX_DESCRIPTORS = 32768 MAX_MEMORY = (1024 * 1024 * 1024) * 2 # 2 GB MAX_PROCS = 8192 # workers * disks, can get high def setup_env(): """Try to increase resource limits of the OS. Move PYTHON_EGG_CACHE to /tmp """ try: resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, (MAX_DESCRIPTORS, MAX_DESCRIPTORS)) except ValueError: print(_("WARNING: Unable to modify file descriptor limit. " "Running as non-root?")) try: resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_DATA, (MAX_MEMORY, MAX_MEMORY)) except ValueError: print(_("WARNING: Unable to modify memory limit. " "Running as non-root?")) try: resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NPROC, (MAX_PROCS, MAX_PROCS)) except ValueError: print(_("WARNING: Unable to modify max process limit. " "Running as non-root?")) # Set PYTHON_EGG_CACHE if it isn't already set os.environ.setdefault('PYTHON_EGG_CACHE', tempfile.gettempdir()) def command(func): """ Decorator to declare which methods are accessible as commands, commands always return 1 or 0, where 0 should indicate success. :param func: function to make public """ func.publicly_accessible = True @functools.wraps(func) def wrapped(*a, **kw): rv = func(*a, **kw) return 1 if rv else 0 return wrapped def watch_server_pids(server_pids, interval=1, **kwargs): """Monitor a collection of server pids yielding back those pids that aren't responding to signals. :param server_pids: a dict, lists of pids [int,...] keyed on Server objects """ status = {} start = time.time() end = start + interval server_pids = dict(server_pids) # make a copy while True: for server, pids in server_pids.items(): for pid in pids: try: # let pid stop if it wants to os.waitpid(pid, os.WNOHANG) except OSError as e: if e.errno not in (errno.ECHILD, errno.ESRCH): raise # else no such child/process # check running pids for server status[server] = server.get_running_pids(**kwargs) for pid in pids: # original pids no longer in running pids! if pid not in status[server]: yield server, pid # update active pids list using running_pids server_pids[server] = status[server] if not [p for server, pids in status.items() for p in pids]: # no more running pids break if time.time() > end: break else: time.sleep(0.1) def safe_kill(pid, sig, name): """Send signal to process and check process name : param pid: process id : param sig: signal to send : param name: name to ensure target process """ # check process name for SIG_DFL if sig == signal.SIG_DFL: try: proc_file = '%s/%d/cmdline' % (PROC_DIR, pid) if os.path.exists(proc_file): with open(proc_file, 'r') as fd: if name not in fd.read(): # unknown process is using the pid raise InvalidPidFileException() except IOError: pass os.kill(pid, sig) def kill_group(pid, sig): """Send signal to process group : param pid: process id : param sig: signal to send """ # Negative PID means process group os.kill(-pid, sig) class UnknownCommandError(Exception): pass class Manager(object): """Main class for performing commands on groups of servers. :param servers: list of server names as strings """ def __init__(self, servers, run_dir=RUN_DIR): self.server_names = set() self._default_strict = True for server in servers: if server in ALIASES: self.server_names.update(ALIASES[server]) self._default_strict = False elif '*' in server: # convert glob to regex self.server_names.update([ s for s in ALL_SERVERS if re.match(server.replace('*', '.*'), s)]) self._default_strict = False else: self.server_names.add(server) self.servers = set() for name in self.server_names: self.servers.add(Server(name, run_dir)) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.servers) @command def status(self, **kwargs): """display status of tracked pids for server """ status = 0 for server in self.servers: status += server.status(**kwargs) return status @command def start(self, **kwargs): """starts a server """ setup_env() status = 0 strict = kwargs.get('strict') # if strict not set explicitly if strict is None: strict = self._default_strict for server in self.servers: status += 0 if server.launch(**kwargs) else 1 if not strict: status = 0 if not kwargs.get('daemon', True): for server in self.servers: try: status += server.interact(**kwargs) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(_('\nuser quit')) self.stop(**kwargs) break elif kwargs.get('wait', True): for server in self.servers: status += server.wait(**kwargs) return status @command def no_wait(self, **kwargs): """spawn server and return immediately """ kwargs['wait'] = False return self.start(**kwargs) @command def no_daemon(self, **kwargs): """start a server interactively """ kwargs['daemon'] = False return self.start(**kwargs) @command def once(self, **kwargs): """start server and run one pass on supporting daemons """ kwargs['once'] = True return self.start(**kwargs) @command def stop(self, **kwargs): """stops a server """ server_pids = {} for server in self.servers: signaled_pids = server.stop(**kwargs) if not signaled_pids: print(_('No %s running') % server) else: server_pids[server] = signaled_pids # all signaled_pids, i.e. list(itertools.chain(*server_pids.values())) signaled_pids = [p for server, pids in server_pids.items() for p in pids] # keep track of the pids yeiled back as killed for all servers killed_pids = set() kill_wait = kwargs.get('kill_wait', KILL_WAIT) for server, killed_pid in watch_server_pids(server_pids, interval=kill_wait, **kwargs): print(_("%(server)s (%(pid)s) appears to have stopped") % {'server': server, 'pid': killed_pid}) killed_pids.add(killed_pid) if not killed_pids.symmetric_difference(signaled_pids): # all processes have been stopped return 0 # reached interval n watch_pids w/o killing all servers kill_after_timeout = kwargs.get('kill_after_timeout', False) for server, pids in server_pids.items(): if not killed_pids.issuperset(pids): # some pids of this server were not killed if kill_after_timeout: print(_('Waited %(kill_wait)s seconds for %(server)s ' 'to die; killing') % {'kill_wait': kill_wait, 'server': server}) # Send SIGKILL to all remaining pids for pid in set(pids.keys()) - killed_pids: print(_('Signal %(server)s pid: %(pid)s signal: ' '%(signal)s') % {'server': server, 'pid': pid, 'signal': signal.SIGKILL}) # Send SIGKILL to process group try: kill_group(pid, signal.SIGKILL) except OSError as e: # PID died before kill_group can take action? if e.errno != errno.ESRCH: raise else: print(_('Waited %(kill_wait)s seconds for %(server)s ' 'to die; giving up') % {'kill_wait': kill_wait, 'server': server}) return 1 @command def kill(self, **kwargs): """stop a server (no error if not running) """ status = self.stop(**kwargs) kwargs['quiet'] = True if status and not self.status(**kwargs): # only exit error if the server is still running return status return 0 @command def shutdown(self, **kwargs): """allow current requests to finish on supporting servers """ kwargs['graceful'] = True status = 0 status += self.stop(**kwargs) return status @command def restart(self, **kwargs): """stops then restarts server """ status = 0 status += self.stop(**kwargs) status += self.start(**kwargs) return status @command def reload(self, **kwargs): """graceful shutdown then restart on supporting servers """ kwargs['graceful'] = True status = 0 for server in self.server_names: m = Manager([server]) status += m.stop(**kwargs) status += m.start(**kwargs) return status @command def reload_seamless(self, **kwargs): """seamlessly re-exec, then shutdown of old listen sockets on supporting servers """ kwargs.pop('graceful', None) kwargs['seamless'] = True status = 0 for server in self.servers: signaled_pids = server.stop(**kwargs) if not signaled_pids: print(_('No %s running') % server) status += 1 return status @command def force_reload(self, **kwargs): """alias for reload """ return self.reload(**kwargs) def get_command(self, cmd): """Find and return the decorated method named like cmd :param cmd: the command to get, a string, if not found raises UnknownCommandError """ cmd = cmd.lower().replace('-', '_') f = getattr(self, cmd, None) if f is None: raise UnknownCommandError(cmd) if not hasattr(f, 'publicly_accessible'): raise UnknownCommandError(cmd) return f @classmethod def list_commands(cls): """Get all publicly accessible commands :returns: a list of string tuples (cmd, help), the method names who are decorated as commands """ get_method = lambda cmd: getattr(cls, cmd) return sorted([(x.replace('_', '-'), get_method(x).__doc__.strip()) for x in dir(cls) if getattr(get_method(x), 'publicly_accessible', False)]) def run_command(self, cmd, **kwargs): """Find the named command and run it :param cmd: the command name to run """ f = self.get_command(cmd) return f(**kwargs) class Server(object): """Manage operations on a server or group of servers of similar type :param server: name of server """ def __init__(self, server, run_dir=RUN_DIR): self.server = server.lower() if '.' in self.server: self.server, self.conf = self.server.rsplit('.', 1) else: self.conf = None if '-' not in self.server: self.server = '%s-server' % self.server self.type = self.server.rsplit('-', 1)[0] self.cmd = 'swift-%s' % self.server self.procs = [] self.run_dir = run_dir def __str__(self): return self.server def __repr__(self): return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, repr(str(self))) def __hash__(self): return hash(str(self)) def __eq__(self, other): try: return self.server == other.server except AttributeError: return False def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def get_pid_file_name(self, conf_file): """Translate conf_file to a corresponding pid_file :param conf_file: an conf_file for this server, a string :returns: the pid_file for this conf_file """ return conf_file.replace( os.path.normpath(SWIFT_DIR), self.run_dir, 1).replace( '%s-server' % self.type, self.server, 1).replace( '.conf', '.pid', 1) def get_conf_file_name(self, pid_file): """Translate pid_file to a corresponding conf_file :param pid_file: a pid_file for this server, a string :returns: the conf_file for this pid_file """ if self.server in STANDALONE_SERVERS: return pid_file.replace( os.path.normpath(self.run_dir), SWIFT_DIR, 1).replace( '.pid', '.conf', 1) else: return pid_file.replace( os.path.normpath(self.run_dir), SWIFT_DIR, 1).replace( self.server, '%s-server' % self.type, 1).replace( '.pid', '.conf', 1) def _find_conf_files(self, server_search): if self.conf is not None: return search_tree(SWIFT_DIR, server_search, self.conf + '.conf', dir_ext=self.conf + '.conf.d') else: return search_tree(SWIFT_DIR, server_search + '*', '.conf', dir_ext='.conf.d') def conf_files(self, **kwargs): """Get conf files for this server :param number: if supplied will only lookup the nth server :returns: list of conf files """ if self.server == 'object-expirer': def has_expirer_section(conf_path): try: readconf(conf_path, section_name="object-expirer") except ValueError: return False else: return True # config of expirer is preferentially read from object-server # section. If all object-server.conf doesn't have object-expirer # section, object-expirer.conf is used. found_conf_files = [ conf for conf in self._find_conf_files("object-server") if has_expirer_section(conf) ] or self._find_conf_files("object-expirer") elif self.server in STANDALONE_SERVERS: found_conf_files = self._find_conf_files(self.server) else: found_conf_files = self._find_conf_files("%s-server" % self.type) number = kwargs.get('number') if number: try: conf_files = [found_conf_files[number - 1]] except IndexError: conf_files = [] else: conf_files = found_conf_files def dump_found_configs(): if found_conf_files: print(_('Found configs:')) for i, conf_file in enumerate(found_conf_files): print(' %d) %s' % (i + 1, conf_file)) if not conf_files: # maybe there's a config file(s) out there, but I couldn't find it! if not kwargs.get('quiet'): if number: print(_('Unable to locate config number %(number)s for' ' %(server)s') % {'number': number, 'server': self.server}) else: print(_('Unable to locate config for %s') % self.server) if kwargs.get('verbose') and not kwargs.get('quiet'): dump_found_configs() elif any(["object-expirer" in name for name in conf_files]) and \ not kwargs.get('quiet'): print(_("WARNING: object-expirer.conf is deprecated. " "Move object-expirers' configuration into " "object-server.conf.")) if kwargs.get('verbose'): dump_found_configs() return conf_files def pid_files(self, **kwargs): """Get pid files for this server :param number: if supplied will only lookup the nth server :returns: list of pid files """ if self.conf is not None: pid_files = search_tree(self.run_dir, '%s*' % self.server, exts=[self.conf + '.pid', self.conf + '.pid.d']) else: pid_files = search_tree(self.run_dir, '%s*' % self.server) if kwargs.get('number', 0): conf_files = self.conf_files(**kwargs) # filter pid_files to match the index of numbered conf_file pid_files = [pid_file for pid_file in pid_files if self.get_conf_file_name(pid_file) in conf_files] return pid_files def iter_pid_files(self, **kwargs): """Generator, yields (pid_file, pids) """ for pid_file in self.pid_files(**kwargs): try: pid = int(open(pid_file).read().strip()) except ValueError: pid = None yield pid_file, pid def signal_pids(self, sig, **kwargs): """Send a signal to pids for this server :param sig: signal to send :returns: a dict mapping pids (ints) to pid_files (paths) """ pids = {} for pid_file, pid in self.iter_pid_files(**kwargs): if not pid: # Catches None and 0 print(_('Removing pid file %s with invalid pid') % pid_file) remove_file(pid_file) continue try: if sig != signal.SIG_DFL: print(_('Signal %(server)s pid: %(pid)s signal: ' '%(signal)s') % {'server': self.server, 'pid': pid, 'signal': sig}) safe_kill(pid, sig, 'swift-%s' % self.server) except InvalidPidFileException as e: if kwargs.get('verbose'): print(_('Removing pid file %(pid_file)s with wrong pid ' '%(pid)d') % {'pid_file': pid_file, 'pid': pid}) remove_file(pid_file) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ESRCH: # pid does not exist if kwargs.get('verbose'): print(_("Removing stale pid file %s") % pid_file) remove_file(pid_file) elif e.errno == errno.EPERM: print(_("No permission to signal PID %d") % pid) else: # process exists pids[pid] = pid_file return pids def get_running_pids(self, **kwargs): """Get running pids :returns: a dict mapping pids (ints) to pid_files (paths) """ return self.signal_pids(signal.SIG_DFL, **kwargs) # send noop def kill_running_pids(self, **kwargs): """Kill running pids :param graceful: if True, attempt SIGHUP on supporting servers :param seamless: if True, attempt SIGUSR1 on supporting servers :returns: a dict mapping pids (ints) to pid_files (paths) """ graceful = kwargs.get('graceful') seamless = kwargs.get('seamless') if graceful and self.server in GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN_SERVERS: sig = signal.SIGHUP elif seamless and self.server in SEAMLESS_SHUTDOWN_SERVERS: sig = signal.SIGUSR1 else: sig = signal.SIGTERM return self.signal_pids(sig, **kwargs) def status(self, pids=None, **kwargs): """Display status of server :param pids: if not supplied pids will be populated automatically :param number: if supplied will only lookup the nth server :returns: 1 if server is not running, 0 otherwise """ if pids is None: pids = self.get_running_pids(**kwargs) if not pids: number = kwargs.get('number', 0) if number: kwargs['quiet'] = True conf_files = self.conf_files(**kwargs) if conf_files: print(_("%(server)s #%(number)d not running (%(conf)s)") % {'server': self.server, 'number': number, 'conf': conf_files[0]}) else: print(_("No %s running") % self.server) return 1 for pid, pid_file in pids.items(): conf_file = self.get_conf_file_name(pid_file) print(_("%(server)s running (%(pid)s - %(conf)s)") % {'server': self.server, 'pid': pid, 'conf': conf_file}) return 0 def spawn(self, conf_file, once=False, wait=True, daemon=True, additional_args=None, **kwargs): """Launch a subprocess for this server. :param conf_file: path to conf_file to use as first arg :param once: boolean, add once argument to command :param wait: boolean, if true capture stdout with a pipe :param daemon: boolean, if false ask server to log to console :param additional_args: list of additional arguments to pass on the command line :returns: the pid of the spawned process """ args = [self.cmd, conf_file] if once: args.append('once') if not daemon: # ask the server to log to console args.append('verbose') if additional_args: if isinstance(additional_args, str): additional_args = [additional_args] args.extend(additional_args) # figure out what we're going to do with stdio if not daemon: # do nothing, this process is open until the spawns close anyway re_out = None re_err = None else: re_err = subprocess.STDOUT if wait: # we're going to need to block on this... re_out = subprocess.PIPE else: re_out = open(os.devnull, 'w+b') proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=re_out, stderr=re_err) pid_file = self.get_pid_file_name(conf_file) write_file(pid_file, proc.pid) self.procs.append(proc) return proc.pid def wait(self, **kwargs): """ wait on spawned procs to start """ status = 0 for proc in self.procs: # wait for process to close its stdout (if we haven't done that) if proc.stdout.closed: output = '' else: output = proc.stdout.read() proc.stdout.close() if not six.PY2: output = output.decode('utf8', 'backslashreplace') if kwargs.get('once', False): # if you don't want once to wait you can send it to the # background on the command line, I generally just run with # no-daemon anyway, but this is quieter proc.wait() if output: print(output) start = time.time() # wait for process to die (output may just be a warning) while time.time() - start < WARNING_WAIT: time.sleep(0.1) if proc.poll() is not None: status += proc.returncode break return status def interact(self, **kwargs): """ wait on spawned procs to terminate """ status = 0 for proc in self.procs: # wait for process to terminate proc.communicate() # should handle closing pipes if proc.returncode: status += 1 return status def launch(self, **kwargs): """ Collect conf files and attempt to spawn the processes for this server """ conf_files = self.conf_files(**kwargs) if not conf_files: return {} pids = self.get_running_pids(**kwargs) already_started = False for pid, pid_file in pids.items(): conf_file = self.get_conf_file_name(pid_file) # for legacy compat you can't start other servers if one server is # already running (unless -n specifies which one you want), this # restriction could potentially be lifted, and launch could start # any unstarted instances if conf_file in conf_files: already_started = True print(_("%(server)s running (%(pid)s - %(conf)s)") % {'server': self.server, 'pid': pid, 'conf': conf_file}) elif not kwargs.get('number', 0): already_started = True print(_("%(server)s running (%(pid)s - %(pid_file)s)") % {'server': self.server, 'pid': pid, 'pid_file': pid_file}) if already_started: print(_("%s already started...") % self.server) return {} if self.server not in START_ONCE_SERVERS: kwargs['once'] = False pids = {} for conf_file in conf_files: if kwargs.get('once'): msg = _('Running %s once') % self.server else: msg = _('Starting %s') % self.server print('%s...(%s)' % (msg, conf_file)) try: pid = self.spawn(conf_file, **kwargs) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: # TODO(clayg): should I check if self.cmd exists earlier? print(_("%s does not exist") % self.cmd) break else: raise pids[pid] = conf_file return pids def stop(self, **kwargs): """Send stop signals to pids for this server :returns: a dict mapping pids (ints) to pid_files (paths) """ return self.kill_running_pids(**kwargs)