# Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OpenStack, LLC. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ This StaticWeb WSGI middleware will serve container data as a static web site with index file and error file resolution and optional file listings. This mode is normally only active for anonymous requests. If you want to use it with authenticated requests, set the ``X-Web-Mode: true`` header on the request. The ``staticweb`` filter should be added to the pipeline in your ``/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf`` file just after any auth middleware. Also, the configuration section for the ``staticweb`` middleware itself needs to be added. For example:: [DEFAULT] ... [pipeline:main] pipeline = healthcheck cache tempauth staticweb proxy-server ... [filter:staticweb] use = egg:swift#staticweb # Seconds to cache container x-container-meta-web-* header values. # cache_timeout = 300 # You can override the default log routing for this filter here: # set log_name = staticweb # set log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0 # set log_level = INFO # set access_log_name = staticweb # set access_log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0 # set access_log_level = INFO # set log_headers = False Any publicly readable containers (for example, ``X-Container-Read: .r:*``, see `acls`_ for more information on this) will be checked for X-Container-Meta-Web-Index and X-Container-Meta-Web-Error header values:: X-Container-Meta-Web-Index X-Container-Meta-Web-Error If X-Container-Meta-Web-Index is set, any files will be served without having to specify the part. For instance, setting ``X-Container-Meta-Web-Index: index.html`` will be able to serve the object .../pseudo/path/index.html with just .../pseudo/path or .../pseudo/path/ If X-Container-Meta-Web-Error is set, any errors (currently just 401 Unauthorized and 404 Not Found) will instead serve the .../ object. For instance, setting ``X-Container-Meta-Web-Error: error.html`` will serve .../404error.html for requests for paths not found. For psuedo paths that have no , this middleware can serve HTML file listings if you set the ``X-Container-Meta-Web-Listings: true`` metadata item on the container. If listings are enabled, the listings can have a custom style sheet by setting the X-Container-Meta-Web-Listings-CSS header. For instance, setting ``X-Container-Meta-Web-Listings-CSS: listing.css`` will make listings link to the .../listing.css style sheet. If you "view source" in your browser on a listing page, you will see the well defined document structure that can be styled. Example usage of this middleware via ``swift``: Make the container publicly readable:: swift post -r '.r:*' container You should be able to get objects directly, but no index.html resolution or listings. Set an index file directive:: swift post -m 'web-index:index.html' container You should be able to hit paths that have an index.html without needing to type the index.html part. Turn on listings:: swift post -m 'web-listings: true' container Now you should see object listings for paths and pseudo paths that have no index.html. Enable a custom listings style sheet:: swift post -m 'web-listings-css:listings.css' container Set an error file:: swift post -m 'web-error:error.html' container Now 401's should load 401error.html, 404's should load 404error.html, etc. """ try: import simplejson as json except ImportError: import json import cgi import time from urllib import unquote, quote as urllib_quote from webob import Response from webob.exc import HTTPMovedPermanently, HTTPNotFound from swift.common.utils import cache_from_env, get_logger, human_readable, \ split_path, TRUE_VALUES from swift.common.wsgi import make_pre_authed_env, make_pre_authed_request, \ WSGIContext from swift.common.http import is_success, is_redirection, HTTP_NOT_FOUND def quote(value, safe='/'): """ Patched version of urllib.quote that encodes utf-8 strings before quoting """ if isinstance(value, unicode): value = value.encode('utf-8') return urllib_quote(value, safe) class _StaticWebContext(WSGIContext): """ The Static Web WSGI middleware filter; serves container data as a static web site. See `staticweb`_ for an overview. This _StaticWebContext is used by StaticWeb with each request that might need to be handled to make keeping contextual information about the request a bit simpler than storing it in the WSGI env. """ def __init__(self, staticweb, version, account, container, obj): WSGIContext.__init__(self, staticweb.app) self.version = version self.account = account self.container = container self.obj = obj self.app = staticweb.app self.cache_timeout = staticweb.cache_timeout self.logger = staticweb.logger self.access_logger = staticweb.access_logger self.log_headers = staticweb.log_headers self.agent = '%(orig)s StaticWeb' # Results from the last call to self._get_container_info. self._index = self._error = self._listings = self._listings_css = None def _error_response(self, response, env, start_response): """ Sends the error response to the remote client, possibly resolving a custom error response body based on x-container-meta-web-error. :param response: The error response we should default to sending. :param env: The original request WSGI environment. :param start_response: The WSGI start_response hook. """ self._log_response(env, self._get_status_int()) if not self._error: start_response(self._response_status, self._response_headers, self._response_exc_info) return response save_response_status = self._response_status save_response_headers = self._response_headers save_response_exc_info = self._response_exc_info resp = self._app_call(make_pre_authed_env(env, 'GET', '/%s/%s/%s/%s%s' % (self.version, self.account, self.container, self._get_status_int(), self._error), self.agent)) if is_success(self._get_status_int()): start_response(save_response_status, self._response_headers, self._response_exc_info) return resp start_response(save_response_status, save_response_headers, save_response_exc_info) return response def _get_container_info(self, env): """ Retrieves x-container-meta-web-index, x-container-meta-web-error, x-container-meta-web-listings, and x-container-meta-web-listings-css from memcache or from the cluster and stores the result in memcache and in self._index, self._error, self._listings, and self._listings_css. :param env: The WSGI environment dict. """ self._index = self._error = self._listings = self._listings_css = None memcache_client = cache_from_env(env) if memcache_client: memcache_key = '/staticweb/%s/%s/%s' % (self.version, self.account, self.container) cached_data = memcache_client.get(memcache_key) if cached_data: (self._index, self._error, self._listings, self._listings_css) = cached_data return resp = make_pre_authed_request(env, 'HEAD', '/%s/%s/%s' % (self.version, self.account, self.container), agent=self.agent).get_response(self.app) if is_success(resp.status_int): self._index = \ resp.headers.get('x-container-meta-web-index', '').strip() self._error = \ resp.headers.get('x-container-meta-web-error', '').strip() self._listings = \ resp.headers.get('x-container-meta-web-listings', '').strip() self._listings_css = \ resp.headers.get('x-container-meta-web-listings-css', '').strip() if memcache_client: memcache_client.set(memcache_key, (self._index, self._error, self._listings, self._listings_css), timeout=self.cache_timeout) def _listing(self, env, start_response, prefix=None): """ Sends an HTML object listing to the remote client. :param env: The original WSGI environment dict. :param start_response: The original WSGI start_response hook. :param prefix: Any prefix desired for the container listing. """ if self._listings.lower() not in TRUE_VALUES: resp = HTTPNotFound()(env, self._start_response) return self._error_response(resp, env, start_response) tmp_env = make_pre_authed_env(env, 'GET', '/%s/%s/%s' % (self.version, self.account, self.container), self.agent) tmp_env['QUERY_STRING'] = 'delimiter=/&format=json' if prefix: tmp_env['QUERY_STRING'] += '&prefix=%s' % quote(prefix) else: prefix = '' resp = self._app_call(tmp_env) if not is_success(self._get_status_int()): return self._error_response(resp, env, start_response) listing = None body = ''.join(resp) if body: listing = json.loads(body) if not listing: resp = HTTPNotFound()(env, self._start_response) return self._error_response(resp, env, start_response) headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'} body = '\n' \ '\n' \ ' \n' \ ' Listing of %s\n' % \ cgi.escape(env['PATH_INFO']) if self._listings_css: body += ' \n' % (self._build_css_path(prefix)) else: body += ' \n' body += ' \n' \ ' \n' \ '

Listing of %s

\n' \ ' \n' \ ' \n' \ ' \n' \ ' \n' \ ' \n' \ ' \n' % \ cgi.escape(env['PATH_INFO']) if prefix: body += ' \n' \ ' \n' \ ' \n' \ ' \n' \ ' \n' for item in listing: if 'subdir' in item: subdir = item['subdir'] if prefix: subdir = subdir[len(prefix):] body += ' \n' \ ' \n' \ ' \n' \ ' \n' \ ' \n' % \ (quote(subdir), cgi.escape(subdir)) for item in listing: if 'name' in item: name = item['name'] if prefix: name = name[len(prefix):] body += ' \n' \ ' \n' \ ' \n' \ ' \n' \ ' \n' % \ (' '.join('type-' + cgi.escape(t.lower(), quote=True) for t in item['content_type'].split('/')), quote(name), cgi.escape(name), human_readable(item['bytes']), cgi.escape(item['last_modified']).split('.')[0]. replace('T', ' ')) body += '
\n' \ ' \n' \ '\n' resp = Response(headers=headers, body=body) self._log_response(env, resp.status_int) return resp(env, start_response) def _build_css_path(self, prefix=''): """ Constructs a relative path from a given prefix within the container. URLs and paths starting with '/' are not modified. :param prefix: The prefix for the container listing. """ if self._listings_css.startswith(('/', 'http://', 'https://')): css_path = quote(self._listings_css, ':/') else: css_path = '../' * prefix.count('/') + quote(self._listings_css) return css_path def handle_container(self, env, start_response): """ Handles a possible static web request for a container. :param env: The original WSGI environment dict. :param start_response: The original WSGI start_response hook. """ self._get_container_info(env) if not self._listings and not self._index: if env.get('HTTP_X_WEB_MODE', 'f').lower() in TRUE_VALUES: return HTTPNotFound()(env, start_response) return self.app(env, start_response) if env['PATH_INFO'][-1] != '/': resp = HTTPMovedPermanently( location=(env['PATH_INFO'] + '/')) self._log_response(env, resp.status_int) return resp(env, start_response) if not self._index: return self._listing(env, start_response) tmp_env = dict(env) tmp_env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = \ '%s StaticWeb' % env.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT') tmp_env['PATH_INFO'] += self._index resp = self._app_call(tmp_env) status_int = self._get_status_int() if status_int == HTTP_NOT_FOUND: return self._listing(env, start_response) elif not is_success(self._get_status_int()) or \ not is_redirection(self._get_status_int()): return self._error_response(resp, env, start_response) start_response(self._response_status, self._response_headers, self._response_exc_info) return resp def handle_object(self, env, start_response): """ Handles a possible static web request for an object. This object could resolve into an index or listing request. :param env: The original WSGI environment dict. :param start_response: The original WSGI start_response hook. """ tmp_env = dict(env) tmp_env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = \ '%s StaticWeb' % env.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT') resp = self._app_call(tmp_env) status_int = self._get_status_int() if is_success(status_int) or is_redirection(status_int): start_response(self._response_status, self._response_headers, self._response_exc_info) return resp if status_int != HTTP_NOT_FOUND: return self._error_response(resp, env, start_response) self._get_container_info(env) if not self._listings and not self._index: return self.app(env, start_response) status_int = HTTP_NOT_FOUND if self._index: tmp_env = dict(env) tmp_env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = \ '%s StaticWeb' % env.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT') if tmp_env['PATH_INFO'][-1] != '/': tmp_env['PATH_INFO'] += '/' tmp_env['PATH_INFO'] += self._index resp = self._app_call(tmp_env) status_int = self._get_status_int() if is_success(status_int) or is_redirection(status_int): if env['PATH_INFO'][-1] != '/': resp = HTTPMovedPermanently( location=env['PATH_INFO'] + '/') self._log_response(env, resp.status_int) return resp(env, start_response) start_response(self._response_status, self._response_headers, self._response_exc_info) return resp if status_int == HTTP_NOT_FOUND: if env['PATH_INFO'][-1] != '/': tmp_env = make_pre_authed_env(env, 'GET', '/%s/%s/%s' % (self.version, self.account, self.container), self.agent) tmp_env['QUERY_STRING'] = 'limit=1&format=json&delimiter' \ '=/&limit=1&prefix=%s' % quote(self.obj + '/') resp = self._app_call(tmp_env) body = ''.join(resp) if not is_success(self._get_status_int()) or not body or \ not json.loads(body): resp = HTTPNotFound()(env, self._start_response) return self._error_response(resp, env, start_response) resp = HTTPMovedPermanently(location=env['PATH_INFO'] + '/') self._log_response(env, resp.status_int) return resp(env, start_response) return self._listing(env, start_response, self.obj) def _log_response(self, env, status_int): """ Logs an access line for StaticWeb responses; use when the next app in the pipeline will not be handling the final response to the remote user. Assumes that the request and response bodies are 0 bytes or very near 0 so no bytes transferred are tracked or logged. This does mean that the listings responses that actually do transfer content will not be logged with any bytes transferred, but in counter to that the full bytes for the underlying listing will be logged by the proxy even if the remote client disconnects early for the StaticWeb listing. I didn't think the extra complexity of getting the bytes transferred exactly correct for these requests was worth it, but perhaps someone else will think it is. To get things exact, this filter would need to use an eventlet.posthooks logger like the proxy does and any log processing systems would need to ignore some (but not all) proxy requests made by StaticWeb if they were just interested in the bytes transferred to the remote client. """ trans_time = '%.4f' % (time.time() - env.get('staticweb.start_time', time.time())) the_request = quote(unquote(env['PATH_INFO'])) if env.get('QUERY_STRING'): the_request = the_request + '?' + env['QUERY_STRING'] # remote user for zeus client = env.get('HTTP_X_CLUSTER_CLIENT_IP') if not client and 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' in env: # remote user for other lbs client = env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'].split(',')[0].strip() logged_headers = None if self.log_headers: logged_headers = '\n'.join('%s: %s' % (k, v) for k, v in req.headers.items()) self.access_logger.info(' '.join(quote(str(x)) for x in ( client or '-', env.get('REMOTE_ADDR', '-'), time.strftime('%d/%b/%Y/%H/%M/%S', time.gmtime()), env['REQUEST_METHOD'], the_request, env['SERVER_PROTOCOL'], status_int, env.get('HTTP_REFERER', '-'), env.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', '-'), env.get('HTTP_X_AUTH_TOKEN', '-'), '-', '-', env.get('HTTP_ETAG', '-'), env.get('swift.trans_id', '-'), logged_headers or '-', trans_time))) class StaticWeb(object): """ The Static Web WSGI middleware filter; serves container data as a static web site. See `staticweb`_ for an overview. :param app: The next WSGI application/filter in the paste.deploy pipeline. :param conf: The filter configuration dict. """ def __init__(self, app, conf): #: The next WSGI application/filter in the paste.deploy pipeline. self.app = app #: The filter configuration dict. self.conf = conf #: The seconds to cache the x-container-meta-web-* headers., self.cache_timeout = int(conf.get('cache_timeout', 300)) #: Logger for this filter. self.logger = get_logger(conf, log_route='staticweb') access_log_conf = {} for key in ('log_facility', 'log_name', 'log_level'): value = conf.get('access_' + key, conf.get(key, None)) if value: access_log_conf[key] = value #: Web access logger for this filter. self.access_logger = get_logger(access_log_conf, log_route='staticweb-access') #: Indicates whether full HTTP headers should be logged or not. self.log_headers = conf.get('log_headers', 'f').lower() in TRUE_VALUES def __call__(self, env, start_response): """ Main hook into the WSGI paste.deploy filter/app pipeline. :param env: The WSGI environment dict. :param start_response: The WSGI start_response hook. """ env['staticweb.start_time'] = time.time() try: (version, account, container, obj) = \ split_path(env['PATH_INFO'], 2, 4, True) except ValueError: return self.app(env, start_response) if env['REQUEST_METHOD'] in ('PUT', 'POST') and container and not obj: memcache_client = cache_from_env(env) if memcache_client: memcache_key = \ '/staticweb/%s/%s/%s' % (version, account, container) memcache_client.delete(memcache_key) return self.app(env, start_response) if env['REQUEST_METHOD'] not in ('HEAD', 'GET'): return self.app(env, start_response) if env.get('REMOTE_USER') and \ env.get('HTTP_X_WEB_MODE', 'f').lower() not in TRUE_VALUES: return self.app(env, start_response) if not container: return self.app(env, start_response) context = _StaticWebContext(self, version, account, container, obj) if obj: return context.handle_object(env, start_response) return context.handle_container(env, start_response) def filter_factory(global_conf, **local_conf): """ Returns a Static Web WSGI filter for use with paste.deploy. """ conf = global_conf.copy() conf.update(local_conf) def staticweb_filter(app): return StaticWeb(app, conf) return staticweb_filter