# Copyright (c) 2010 OpenStack, LLC.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import with_statement
import functools
import errno
import glob
import os
import resource
import signal
import sys
import time
from optparse import OptionParser
import subprocess

from swift.common import utils

SWIFT_DIR = '/etc/swift'
RUN_DIR = '/var/run/swift'

ALL_SERVERS = ['account-auditor', 'account-server', 'container-auditor',
    'container-replicator', 'container-server', 'container-updater',
    'object-auditor', 'object-server', 'object-replicator', 'object-updater',
    'proxy-server', 'account-replicator', 'auth-server', 'account-reaper']
MAIN_SERVERS = ['auth-server', 'proxy-server', 'account-server',
                'container-server', 'object-server']
REST_SERVERS = [s for s in ALL_SERVERS if s not in MAIN_SERVERS]

KILL_WAIT = 15  # seconds to wait for servers to die

MAX_MEMORY = (1024 * 1024 * 1024) * 2  # 2 GB

def setup_env():
    """Try to increase resource limits of the OS. Move PYTHON_EGG_CACHE to /tmp
                (MAX_MEMORY, MAX_MEMORY))
    except ValueError:
        print "WARNING: Unable to increase file descriptor limit." \
                "  Running as non-root?"

    os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = '/tmp'

def search_tree(root, glob_match, ext):
    """Look in root, for any files/dirs matching glob, recurively traversing
    any found directories looking for files ending with ext

    :param root: start of search path
    :param glob_match: glob to match in root, matching dirs are traversed with
    :param ext: only files that end in ext will be returned

    :returns: list of full paths to matching files, sorted

    found_files = []
    for path in glob.glob(os.path.join(root, glob_match)):
        if path.endswith(ext):
            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
                for file in files:
                    if file.endswith(ext):
                        found_files.append(os.path.join(root, file))
    return sorted(found_files)

def write_file(path, contents):
    """Write contents to file at path

    :param path: any path, subdirs will be created as needed
    :param contents: data to write to file, will be converted to string

    dir, name = os.path.split(path)
    if not os.path.exists(dir):
        except OSError, err:
            if err.errno == errno.EACCES:
                sys.exit('Unable to create %s.  Running as non-root?' % dir)
    with open(path, 'w') as f:
        f.write('%s' % contents)

def remove_file(path):
    """Quiet wrapper for os.unlink, OSErrors are suppressed

    :param path: first and only argument passed to os.unlink
    except OSError:

def command(func):
    Decorator to declare which methods are accessible as commands, commands
    always return 1 or 0, where 0 should indicate success.

    :param func: function to make public
    func.publicly_accessible = True

    def wrapped(*a, **kw):
        rv = func(*a, **kw)
        return 1 if rv else 0
    return wrapped

class UnknownCommand(Exception):

class SwiftInit():
    """Main class for performing commands on groups of servers.

    :param servers: list of server names as strings


    def __init__(self, servers):
        server_names = set()
        for server in servers:
            if server == 'all':
            elif server == 'main':
            elif server == 'rest':

        self.servers = set()
        for name in server_names:

    def watch_server_pids(self, server_pids, interval=0, **kwargs):
        """Monitor a collection of server pids yeilding back those pids that
        aren't responding to signals.

        :param server_pids: a dict, lists of pids [int,...] keyed on
                            SwiftServer objects
        status = {}
        start = time.time()
        end = start + interval
        while interval:
            for server, pids in server_pids.items():
                for pid in pids:
                    # let pid stop if it wants to
                        os.waitpid(pid, os.WNOHANG)
                    except OSError, e:
                        if e.errno in (errno.ECHILD, errno.ESRCH):
                status[server] = server.get_running_pids(**kwargs)
                #print server, pids, status[server]
                for pid in pids:
                    if pid not in status[server]:
                        yield server, pid
                server_pids[server] = status[server]
            if not [p for server, pids in status.items() for p in pids]:
                # no more running pids
            if time.time() > end:

    def status(self, **kwargs):
        """display status of tracked pids for server
        status = 0
        for server in self.servers:
            status += server.status(**kwargs)
        return status

    def start(self, **kwargs):
        """starts a server
        status = 0

        for server in self.servers:
        if kwargs.get('wait', False):
            for server in self.servers:
                status += server.wait(**kwargs)
        if not kwargs.get('daemon', True):
            for server in self.servers:
                    status += server.interact(**kwargs)
                except KeyboardInterrupt:
                    print '\nuser quit'
        return status

    def wait(self, **kwargs):
        """spawn server and wait for it to start
        kwargs['wait'] = True
        return self.start(**kwargs)

    def no_daemon(self, **kwargs):
        """start a server interactivly
        kwargs['daemon'] = False
        return self.start(**kwargs)

    def once(self, **kwargs):
        """start server and run one pass on supporting daemons
        kwargs['once'] = True
        return self.start(**kwargs)

    def stop(self, **kwargs):
        """stops a server
        server_pids = {}
        for server in self.servers:
            signaled_pids = server.stop(**kwargs)
            if not signaled_pids:
                print 'No %s running' % server
                server_pids[server] = signaled_pids

        # all signaled_pids, i.e. list(itertools.chain(*server_pids.values()))
        signaled_pids = [p for server, pid in server_pids.items() for p in pid]
        # keep track of the pids yeiled back as killed for all servers
        killed_pids = set()
        for server, killed_pid in self.watch_server_pids(server_pids,
                                                 interval=KILL_WAIT, **kwargs):
            print "%s (%s) appears to have stopped" % (server, killed_pid)
            if not killed_pids.symmetric_difference(signaled_pids):
                # all proccesses have been stopped
                return 0

        # reached interval n watch_pids w/o killing all servers
        for server, pids in server_pids.items():
            if not killed_pids.issuperset(pids):
                # some pids of this server were not killed
                print 'Waited 15 seconds for %s to die; giving up' % (server)
        return 1

    def shutdown(self, **kwargs):
        """allow current requests to finish on supporting servers
        kwargs['graceful'] = True
        status = 0
        return status

    def restart(self, **kwargs):
        """stops then restarts server
        status = 0
        return status

    def reload(self, **kwargs):
        """graceful shutdown then restart on supporting servers
        kwargs['graceful'] = True
        status = 0
        for server in self.servers:
            init = SwiftInit([server.server])
            status += init.stop(**kwargs)
            status += init.start(**kwargs)
        return status

    def force_reload(self, **kwargs):
        """alias for reload
        return self.reload(**kwargs)

    def get_command(self, cmd):
        """Find and return the decorated method named like cmd

        :param cmd: the command to get, a string, if not found raises

        cmd = cmd.lower().replace('-', '_')
            f = getattr(self, cmd)
        except AttributeError:
            raise UnknownCommand(cmd)
        if not hasattr(f, 'publicly_accessible'):
            raise UnknownCommand(cmd)
        return f

    def list_commands(cls):
        """Get all publicly accessible commands

        :returns: a list of strings, the method names who are decorated
                  as commands
        get_method = lambda cmd: getattr(cls, cmd)
        return sorted([(x.replace('_', '-'), get_method(x).__doc__.strip())
                       for x in dir(cls) if
                       getattr(get_method(x), 'publicly_accessible', False)])

    def run_command(self, cmd, **kwargs):
        """Find the named command and run it

        :param cmd: the command name to run

        f = self.get_command(cmd)
        return f(**kwargs)

class SwiftServer():
    """Manage operations on a server or group of servers of similar type

    :param server: name of server

    def __init__(self, server):
        if '-' not in server:
            server = '%s-server' % server
        self.server = server.lower()
        self.type = '-'.join(server.split('-')[:-1])
        self.cmd = 'swift-%s' % server
        self.procs = []

    def __str__(self):
        return self.server

    def __repr__(self):
        return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, repr(str(self)))

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(str(self))

    def __eq__(self, other):
            return self.server == other.server
        except AttributeError:
            return False

    def get_pid_file_name(self, ini_file):
        """Translate ini_file to a corresponding pid_file

        :param ini_file: an ini_file for this server, a string

        :returns: the pid_file for this ini_file

        return ini_file.replace(
            os.path.normpath(SWIFT_DIR), RUN_DIR, 1).replace(
                '%s-server' % self.type, self.server, 1).rsplit(
                    '.conf', 1)[0] + '.pid'

    def get_ini_file_name(self, pid_file):
        """Translate pid_file to a corresponding ini_file

        :param pid_file: a pid_file for this server, a string

        :returns: the ini_file for this pid_file

        return pid_file.replace(
            os.path.normpath(RUN_DIR), SWIFT_DIR, 1).replace(
                self.server, '%s-server' % self.type, 1).rsplit(
                    '.pid', 1)[0] + '.conf'

    def ini_files(self, **kwargs):
        """Get ini files for this server

        :param: number, if supplied will only lookup the nth server

        :returns: list of ini files
        found_ini_files = search_tree(SWIFT_DIR, '%s-server*' % self.type,
        number = kwargs.get('number')
        if number:
                ini_files = [found_ini_files[number - 1]]
            except IndexError:
                ini_files = []
            ini_files = found_ini_files
        if not ini_files:
            # maybe there's a config file(s) out there, but I couldn't find it!
            if not kwargs.get('quiet'):
                print('Unable to locate config %sfor %s' % (
                    ('number %s ' % number if number else ''), self.server))
            if kwargs.get('verbose') and not kwargs.get('quiet'):
                if found_ini_files:
                    print('Found configs:')
                for i, ini_file in enumerate(found_ini_files):
                    print('  %d) %s' % (i + 1, ini_file))

        return ini_files

    def pid_files(self, **kwargs):
        """Get pid files for this server

        :param: number, if supplied will only lookup the nth server

        :returns: list of pid files
        pid_files = search_tree(RUN_DIR, '%s*' % self.server, '.pid')
        number = kwargs.get('number', 0)
        if number:
            ini_files = self.ini_files(**kwargs)
            # limt pid_files the one who translates to the indexed ini_file for
            # this given number
            pid_files = [pid_file for pid_file in pid_files if
                         self.get_ini_file_name(pid_file) in ini_files]
        return pid_files

    def iter_pid_files(self, **kwargs):
        """Generator, yields (pid_file, pids)
        for pid_file in self.pid_files(**kwargs):
            yield pid_file, int(open(pid_file).read().strip())

    def signal_pids(self, sig, **kwargs):
        """Send a signal to pids for this server

        :param sig: signal to send

        :returns: a dict mapping pids (ints) to pid_files (paths)

        pids = {}
        for pid_file, pid in self.iter_pid_files(**kwargs):
                if sig != signal.SIG_DFL:
                    print 'Signal %s  pid: %s  signal: %s' % (
                        self.server, pid, sig)
                os.kill(pid, sig)
            except OSError, e:
                #print '%s sig err: %s' % (pid, e)
                if e.errno == 3:
                    # pid does not exist
                    if kwargs.get('verbose'):
                        print "Removing stale pid file %s" % pid_file
                # process exists
                pids[pid] = pid_file
        return pids

    def get_running_pids(self, **kwargs):
        """Get running pids

        :returns: a dict mapping pids (ints) to pid_files (paths)

        return self.signal_pids(signal.SIG_DFL, **kwargs)  # send noop

    def kill_running_pids(self, **kwargs):
        """Kill running pids

        :param graceful: if True, attempt SIGHUP on supporting servers

        :returns: a dict mapping pids (ints) to pid_files (paths)

        graceful = kwargs.get('graceful')
        if graceful and self.server in GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN_SERVERS:
            sig = signal.SIGHUP
            sig = signal.SIGTERM
        return self.signal_pids(sig, **kwargs)

    def status(self, pids=None, **kwargs):
        """Display status of server

        :param: pids, if not supplied pids will be populated automatically
        :param: number, if supplied will only lookup the nth server

        :returns: 1 if server is not running, 0 otherwise
        if pids is None:
            pids = self.get_running_pids(**kwargs)
        if not pids:
            number = kwargs.get('number', 0)
            if number:
                kwargs['quiet'] = True
                ini_files = self.ini_files(**kwargs)
                if ini_files:
                    print "%s #%d not running (%s)" % (self.server, number,
                print "No %s running" % self.server
            return 1
        for pid, pid_file in pids.items():
            ini_file = self.get_ini_file_name(pid_file)
            print "%s running (%s - %s)" % (self.server, pid, ini_file)
        return 0

    def spawn(self, ini_file, once=False, wait=False, daemon=True, **kwargs):
        """Launch a subprocess for this server.

        :param ini_file: path to ini_file to use as first arg
        :param once: boolean, add once argument to command
        :param wait: boolean, if true capture stdout with a pipe
        :param daemon: boolean, if true ask server to log to console

        :returns : the pid of the spawned process
        args = [self.cmd, ini_file]
        if once:
        if not daemon:
            # ask the server to log to console

        # figure out what we're going to do with stdio
        if not daemon:
            # do nothing, this process is open until the spawns close anyway
            re_out = None
            re_err = None
            re_err = subprocess.STDOUT
            if wait:
                # we're going to need to block on this...
                re_out = subprocess.PIPE
                re_out = open(os.devnull, 'w+b')
        proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=re_out, stderr=re_err)
        pid_file = self.get_pid_file_name(ini_file)
        write_file(pid_file, proc.pid)
        return proc.pid

    def wait(self, **kwargs):
        wait on spawned procs to start
        status = 0
        for proc in self.procs:
            # wait for process to close it's stdout
            output = proc.stdout.read()
            if output:
                print output
            if proc.returncode:
                status += 1
        return status

    def interact(self, **kwargs):
        wait on spawned procs to terminate
        status = 0
        for proc in self.procs:
            # wait for process to terminate
            if proc.returncode:
                status += 1
        return status

    def launch(self, **kwargs):
        Collect ini files and attempt to spawn the processes for this server
        ini_files = self.ini_files(**kwargs)
        if not ini_files:
            return []

        pids = self.get_running_pids(**kwargs)

        already_started = False
        for pid, pid_file in pids.items():
            ini_file = self.get_ini_file_name(pid_file)
            # for legacy compat you can't start other servers if one server is
            # already running (unless -n specifies which one you want), this
            # restriction could potentially be lifted, and launch could start
            # any unstarted instances
            if ini_file in ini_files:
                already_started = True
                print "%s running (%s - %s)" % (self.server, pid, ini_file)
            elif not kwargs.get('number', 0):
                already_started = True
                print "%s running (%s - %s)" % (self.server, pid, pid_file)

        if already_started:
            print "%s already started..." % self.server
            return []

        if self.server not in START_ONCE_SERVERS:
            kwargs['once'] = False

        pids = {}
        for ini_file in ini_files:
            if kwargs.get('once'):
                msg = 'Running %s once' % self.server
                msg = 'Starting %s' % self.server
            print '%s...(%s)' % (msg, ini_file)
            pid = self.spawn(ini_file, **kwargs)
            pids[pid] = ini_file

        return pids

    def stop(self, **kwargs):
        """Send stop signals to pids for this server

        :returns: a dict mapping pids (ints) to pid_files (paths)

        return self.kill_running_pids(**kwargs)

USAGE = """%prog <server> [<server ...] <command>

""" + '\n'.join(["%16s: %s" % x for x in SwiftInit.list_commands()])

def main():
    parser = OptionParser(USAGE)
    parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action="store_true",
                      default=False, help="display verbose output")
    parser.add_option('-w', '--wait', action="store_true", default=False,
                      help="wait for server to start before returning")
    parser.add_option('-o', '--once', action="store_true",
                      default=False, help="only run one pass of daemon")
    # this is a negative option, default is options.daemon = True
    parser.add_option('-n', '--no-daemon', action="store_false", dest="daemon",
                      default=True, help="start server interactively")
    parser.add_option('-g', '--graceful', action="store_true",
                      default=False, help="send SIGHUP to supporting servers")
    parser.add_option('-c', '--config-num', metavar="N", type="int",
                      dest="number", default=0,
                      help="send command to the Nth server only")
    options, args = parser.parse_args()

    if len(args) < 2:
        print 'ERROR: specify server(s) and command'
        return 1

    command = args[-1]
    servers = args[:-1]

    if len(servers) == 1:
        # this is just a stupid swap for me cause I always try to "start main"
        commands, docs = zip(*SwiftInit.list_commands())
        if servers[0] in commands:
            command, servers = servers[0], [command]

    controller = SwiftInit(servers)
        status = controller.run_command(command, **options.__dict__)
    except UnknownCommand:
        print 'ERROR: unknown command, %s' % command
        return 1

    return 1 if status else 0

if __name__ == "__main__":