# Copyright (c) 2010-2014 OpenStack Foundation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Implementation of S3 Multipart Upload. This module implements S3 Multipart Upload APIs with the Swift SLO feature. The following explains how S3api uses swift container and objects to store S3 upload information: ----------------- [bucket]+segments ----------------- A container to store upload information. [bucket] is the original bucket where multipart upload is initiated. ----------------------------- [bucket]+segments/[upload_id] ----------------------------- An object of the ongoing upload id. The object is empty and used for checking the target upload status. If the object exists, it means that the upload is initiated but not either completed or aborted. ------------------------------------------- [bucket]+segments/[upload_id]/[part_number] ------------------------------------------- The last suffix is the part number under the upload id. When the client uploads the parts, they will be stored in the namespace with [bucket]+segments/[upload_id]/[part_number]. Example listing result in the [bucket]+segments container:: [bucket]+segments/[upload_id1] # upload id object for upload_id1 [bucket]+segments/[upload_id1]/1 # part object for upload_id1 [bucket]+segments/[upload_id1]/2 # part object for upload_id1 [bucket]+segments/[upload_id1]/3 # part object for upload_id1 [bucket]+segments/[upload_id2] # upload id object for upload_id2 [bucket]+segments/[upload_id2]/1 # part object for upload_id2 [bucket]+segments/[upload_id2]/2 # part object for upload_id2 . . Those part objects are directly used as segments of a Swift Static Large Object when the multipart upload is completed. """ import binascii import copy import os import re import time import six from swift.common import constraints from swift.common.swob import Range, bytes_to_wsgi, normalize_etag, \ wsgi_to_str from swift.common.utils import json, public, reiterate, md5, Timestamp from swift.common.db import utf8encode from swift.common.request_helpers import get_container_update_override_key, \ get_param from six.moves.urllib.parse import quote, urlparse from swift.common.middleware.s3api.controllers.base import Controller, \ bucket_operation, object_operation, check_container_existence from swift.common.middleware.s3api.s3response import InvalidArgument, \ ErrorResponse, MalformedXML, BadDigest, KeyTooLongError, \ InvalidPart, BucketAlreadyExists, EntityTooSmall, InvalidPartOrder, \ InvalidRequest, HTTPOk, HTTPNoContent, NoSuchKey, NoSuchUpload, \ NoSuchBucket, BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou, ServiceUnavailable from swift.common.middleware.s3api.utils import unique_id, \ MULTIUPLOAD_SUFFIX, S3Timestamp, sysmeta_header from swift.common.middleware.s3api.etree import Element, SubElement, \ fromstring, tostring, XMLSyntaxError, DocumentInvalid from swift.common.storage_policy import POLICIES DEFAULT_MAX_PARTS_LISTING = 1000 DEFAULT_MAX_UPLOADS = 1000 MAX_COMPLETE_UPLOAD_BODY_SIZE = 2048 * 1024 def _get_upload_info(req, app, upload_id): """ Make a HEAD request for existing upload object metadata. Tries the upload marker first, and then falls back to the manifest object. :param req: an S3Request object. :param app: the wsgi app. :param upload_id: the upload id. :returns: a tuple of (S3Response, boolean) where the boolean is True if the response is from the upload marker and False otherwise. :raises: NoSuchUpload if neither the marker nor the manifest were found. """ container = req.container_name + MULTIUPLOAD_SUFFIX obj = '%s/%s' % (req.object_name, upload_id) # XXX: if we leave the copy-source header, somewhere later we might # drop in a ?version-id=... query string that's utterly inappropriate # for the upload marker. Until we get around to fixing that, just pop # it off for now... copy_source = req.headers.pop('X-Amz-Copy-Source', None) try: resp = req.get_response(app, 'HEAD', container=container, obj=obj) return resp, True except NoSuchKey: # ensure consistent path and policy are logged despite manifest HEAD upload_marker_path = req.environ.get('s3api.backend_path') policy_index = req.policy_index try: resp = req.get_response(app, 'HEAD') if resp.sysmeta_headers.get(sysmeta_header( 'object', 'upload-id')) == upload_id: return resp, False except NoSuchKey: pass finally: # Ops often find it more useful for us to log the upload marker # path, so put it back if upload_marker_path is not None: req.environ['s3api.backend_path'] = upload_marker_path if policy_index is not None: req.policy_index = policy_index raise NoSuchUpload(upload_id=upload_id) finally: # ...making sure to restore any copy-source before returning if copy_source is not None: req.headers['X-Amz-Copy-Source'] = copy_source def _make_complete_body(req, s3_etag, yielded_anything): result_elem = Element('CompleteMultipartUploadResult') # NOTE: boto with sig v4 appends port to HTTP_HOST value at # the request header when the port is non default value and it # makes req.host_url like as http://localhost:8080:8080/path # that obviously invalid. Probably it should be resolved at # swift.common.swob though, tentatively we are parsing and # reconstructing the correct host_url info here. # in detail, https://github.com/boto/boto/pull/3513 parsed_url = urlparse(req.host_url) host_url = '%s://%s' % (parsed_url.scheme, parsed_url.hostname) # Why are we doing our own port parsing? Because py3 decided # to start raising ValueErrors on access after parsing such # an invalid port netloc = parsed_url.netloc.split('@')[-1].split(']')[-1] if ':' in netloc: port = netloc.split(':', 2)[1] host_url += ':%s' % port SubElement(result_elem, 'Location').text = host_url + req.path SubElement(result_elem, 'Bucket').text = req.container_name SubElement(result_elem, 'Key').text = wsgi_to_str(req.object_name) SubElement(result_elem, 'ETag').text = '"%s"' % s3_etag body = tostring(result_elem, xml_declaration=not yielded_anything) if yielded_anything: return b'\n' + body return body class PartController(Controller): """ Handles the following APIs: * Upload Part * Upload Part - Copy Those APIs are logged as PART operations in the S3 server log. """ @public @object_operation @check_container_existence def PUT(self, req): """ Handles Upload Part and Upload Part Copy. """ if 'uploadId' not in req.params: raise InvalidArgument('ResourceType', 'partNumber', 'Unexpected query string parameter') part_number = req.validate_part_number() upload_id = get_param(req, 'uploadId') _get_upload_info(req, self.app, upload_id) req.container_name += MULTIUPLOAD_SUFFIX req.object_name = '%s/%s/%d' % (req.object_name, upload_id, part_number) req_timestamp = S3Timestamp.now() req.headers['X-Timestamp'] = req_timestamp.internal source_resp = req.check_copy_source(self.app) if 'X-Amz-Copy-Source' in req.headers and \ 'X-Amz-Copy-Source-Range' in req.headers: rng = req.headers['X-Amz-Copy-Source-Range'] header_valid = True try: rng_obj = Range(rng) if len(rng_obj.ranges) != 1: header_valid = False except ValueError: header_valid = False if not header_valid: err_msg = ('The x-amz-copy-source-range value must be of the ' 'form bytes=first-last where first and last are ' 'the zero-based offsets of the first and last ' 'bytes to copy') raise InvalidArgument('x-amz-source-range', rng, err_msg) source_size = int(source_resp.headers['Content-Length']) if not rng_obj.ranges_for_length(source_size): err_msg = ('Range specified is not valid for source object ' 'of size: %s' % source_size) raise InvalidArgument('x-amz-source-range', rng, err_msg) req.headers['Range'] = rng del req.headers['X-Amz-Copy-Source-Range'] if 'X-Amz-Copy-Source' in req.headers: # Clear some problematic headers that might be on the source req.headers.update({ sysmeta_header('object', 'etag'): '', 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Swift3-Etag': '', # for legacy data 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Slo-Etag': '', 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Slo-Size': '', get_container_update_override_key('etag'): '', }) resp = req.get_response(self.app) if 'X-Amz-Copy-Source' in req.headers: resp.append_copy_resp_body(req.controller_name, req_timestamp.s3xmlformat) resp.status = 200 return resp class UploadsController(Controller): """ Handles the following APIs: * List Multipart Uploads * Initiate Multipart Upload Those APIs are logged as UPLOADS operations in the S3 server log. """ @public @bucket_operation(err_resp=InvalidRequest, err_msg="Key is not expected for the GET method " "?uploads subresource") @check_container_existence def GET(self, req): """ Handles List Multipart Uploads """ def separate_uploads(uploads, prefix, delimiter): """ separate_uploads will separate uploads into non_delimited_uploads (a subset of uploads) and common_prefixes according to the specified delimiter. non_delimited_uploads is a list of uploads which exclude the delimiter. common_prefixes is a set of prefixes prior to the specified delimiter. Note that the prefix in the common_prefixes includes the delimiter itself. i.e. if '/' delimiter specified and then the uploads is consists of ['foo', 'foo/bar'], this function will return (['foo'], ['foo/']). :param uploads: A list of uploads dictionary :param prefix: A string of prefix reserved on the upload path. (i.e. the delimiter must be searched behind the prefix) :param delimiter: A string of delimiter to split the path in each upload :return (non_delimited_uploads, common_prefixes) """ if six.PY2: (prefix, delimiter) = utf8encode(prefix, delimiter) non_delimited_uploads = [] common_prefixes = set() for upload in uploads: key = upload['key'] end = key.find(delimiter, len(prefix)) if end >= 0: common_prefix = key[:end + len(delimiter)] common_prefixes.add(common_prefix) else: non_delimited_uploads.append(upload) return non_delimited_uploads, sorted(common_prefixes) encoding_type = get_param(req, 'encoding-type') if encoding_type is not None and encoding_type != 'url': err_msg = 'Invalid Encoding Method specified in Request' raise InvalidArgument('encoding-type', encoding_type, err_msg) keymarker = get_param(req, 'key-marker', '') uploadid = get_param(req, 'upload-id-marker', '') maxuploads = req.get_validated_param( 'max-uploads', DEFAULT_MAX_UPLOADS, DEFAULT_MAX_UPLOADS) query = { 'format': 'json', 'marker': '', } if uploadid and keymarker: query.update({'marker': '%s/%s' % (keymarker, uploadid)}) elif keymarker: query.update({'marker': '%s/~' % (keymarker)}) if 'prefix' in req.params: query.update({'prefix': get_param(req, 'prefix')}) container = req.container_name + MULTIUPLOAD_SUFFIX uploads = [] prefixes = [] def object_to_upload(object_info): obj, upid = object_info['name'].rsplit('/', 1) obj_dict = {'key': obj, 'upload_id': upid, 'last_modified': object_info['last_modified']} return obj_dict is_segment = re.compile('.*/[0-9]+$') while len(uploads) < maxuploads: try: resp = req.get_response(self.app, container=container, query=query) objects = json.loads(resp.body) except NoSuchBucket: # Assume NoSuchBucket as no uploads objects = [] if not objects: break new_uploads = [object_to_upload(obj) for obj in objects if not is_segment.match(obj.get('name', ''))] new_prefixes = [] if 'delimiter' in req.params: prefix = get_param(req, 'prefix', '') delimiter = get_param(req, 'delimiter') new_uploads, new_prefixes = separate_uploads( new_uploads, prefix, delimiter) uploads.extend(new_uploads) prefixes.extend(new_prefixes) if six.PY2: query['marker'] = objects[-1]['name'].encode('utf-8') else: query['marker'] = objects[-1]['name'] truncated = len(uploads) >= maxuploads if len(uploads) > maxuploads: uploads = uploads[:maxuploads] nextkeymarker = '' nextuploadmarker = '' if len(uploads) > 1: nextuploadmarker = uploads[-1]['upload_id'] nextkeymarker = uploads[-1]['key'] result_elem = Element('ListMultipartUploadsResult') SubElement(result_elem, 'Bucket').text = req.container_name SubElement(result_elem, 'KeyMarker').text = keymarker SubElement(result_elem, 'UploadIdMarker').text = uploadid SubElement(result_elem, 'NextKeyMarker').text = nextkeymarker SubElement(result_elem, 'NextUploadIdMarker').text = nextuploadmarker if 'delimiter' in req.params: SubElement(result_elem, 'Delimiter').text = \ get_param(req, 'delimiter') if 'prefix' in req.params: SubElement(result_elem, 'Prefix').text = get_param(req, 'prefix') SubElement(result_elem, 'MaxUploads').text = str(maxuploads) if encoding_type is not None: SubElement(result_elem, 'EncodingType').text = encoding_type SubElement(result_elem, 'IsTruncated').text = \ 'true' if truncated else 'false' # TODO: don't show uploads which are initiated before this bucket is # created. for u in uploads: upload_elem = SubElement(result_elem, 'Upload') name = u['key'] if encoding_type == 'url': name = quote(name) SubElement(upload_elem, 'Key').text = name SubElement(upload_elem, 'UploadId').text = u['upload_id'] initiator_elem = SubElement(upload_elem, 'Initiator') SubElement(initiator_elem, 'ID').text = req.user_id SubElement(initiator_elem, 'DisplayName').text = req.user_id owner_elem = SubElement(upload_elem, 'Owner') SubElement(owner_elem, 'ID').text = req.user_id SubElement(owner_elem, 'DisplayName').text = req.user_id SubElement(upload_elem, 'StorageClass').text = 'STANDARD' SubElement(upload_elem, 'Initiated').text = \ S3Timestamp.from_isoformat(u['last_modified']).s3xmlformat for p in prefixes: elem = SubElement(result_elem, 'CommonPrefixes') SubElement(elem, 'Prefix').text = p body = tostring(result_elem) return HTTPOk(body=body, content_type='application/xml') @public @object_operation @check_container_existence def POST(self, req): """ Handles Initiate Multipart Upload. """ if len(req.object_name) > constraints.MAX_OBJECT_NAME_LENGTH: # Note that we can still run into trouble where the MPU is just # within the limit, which means the segment names will go over raise KeyTooLongError() # Create a unique S3 upload id from UUID to avoid duplicates. upload_id = unique_id() seg_container = req.container_name + MULTIUPLOAD_SUFFIX content_type = req.headers.get('Content-Type') if content_type: req.headers[sysmeta_header('object', 'has-content-type')] = 'yes' req.headers[ sysmeta_header('object', 'content-type')] = content_type else: req.headers[sysmeta_header('object', 'has-content-type')] = 'no' req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/directory' try: seg_req = copy.copy(req) seg_req.environ = copy.copy(req.environ) seg_req.container_name = seg_container seg_req.get_container_info(self.app) except NoSuchBucket: try: # multi-upload bucket doesn't exist, create one with # same storage policy and acls as the primary bucket info = req.get_container_info(self.app) policy_name = POLICIES[info['storage_policy']].name hdrs = {'X-Storage-Policy': policy_name} if info.get('read_acl'): hdrs['X-Container-Read'] = info['read_acl'] if info.get('write_acl'): hdrs['X-Container-Write'] = info['write_acl'] seg_req.get_response(self.app, 'PUT', seg_container, '', headers=hdrs) except (BucketAlreadyExists, BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou): pass obj = '%s/%s' % (req.object_name, upload_id) req.headers.pop('Etag', None) req.headers.pop('Content-Md5', None) req.get_response(self.app, 'PUT', seg_container, obj, body='') result_elem = Element('InitiateMultipartUploadResult') SubElement(result_elem, 'Bucket').text = req.container_name SubElement(result_elem, 'Key').text = wsgi_to_str(req.object_name) SubElement(result_elem, 'UploadId').text = upload_id body = tostring(result_elem) return HTTPOk(body=body, content_type='application/xml') class UploadController(Controller): """ Handles the following APIs: * List Parts * Abort Multipart Upload * Complete Multipart Upload Those APIs are logged as UPLOAD operations in the S3 server log. """ @public @object_operation @check_container_existence def GET(self, req): """ Handles List Parts. """ def filter_part_num_marker(o): try: num = int(os.path.basename(o['name'])) return num > part_num_marker except ValueError: return False encoding_type = get_param(req, 'encoding-type') if encoding_type is not None and encoding_type != 'url': err_msg = 'Invalid Encoding Method specified in Request' raise InvalidArgument('encoding-type', encoding_type, err_msg) upload_id = get_param(req, 'uploadId') _get_upload_info(req, self.app, upload_id) maxparts = req.get_validated_param( 'max-parts', DEFAULT_MAX_PARTS_LISTING, self.conf.max_parts_listing) part_num_marker = req.get_validated_param( 'part-number-marker', 0) object_name = wsgi_to_str(req.object_name) query = { 'format': 'json', 'prefix': '%s/%s/' % (object_name, upload_id), 'delimiter': '/', 'marker': '', } container = req.container_name + MULTIUPLOAD_SUFFIX # Because the parts are out of order in Swift, we list up to the # maximum number of parts and then apply the marker and limit options. objects = [] while True: resp = req.get_response(self.app, container=container, obj='', query=query) new_objects = json.loads(resp.body) if not new_objects: break objects.extend(new_objects) if six.PY2: query['marker'] = new_objects[-1]['name'].encode('utf-8') else: query['marker'] = new_objects[-1]['name'] last_part = 0 # If the caller requested a list starting at a specific part number, # construct a sub-set of the object list. objList = [obj for obj in objects if filter_part_num_marker(obj)] # pylint: disable-msg=E1103 objList.sort(key=lambda o: int(o['name'].split('/')[-1])) if len(objList) > maxparts: objList = objList[:maxparts] truncated = True else: truncated = False # TODO: We have to retrieve object list again when truncated is True # and some objects filtered by invalid name because there could be no # enough objects for limit defined by maxparts. if objList: o = objList[-1] last_part = os.path.basename(o['name']) result_elem = Element('ListPartsResult') SubElement(result_elem, 'Bucket').text = req.container_name if encoding_type == 'url': object_name = quote(object_name) SubElement(result_elem, 'Key').text = object_name SubElement(result_elem, 'UploadId').text = upload_id initiator_elem = SubElement(result_elem, 'Initiator') SubElement(initiator_elem, 'ID').text = req.user_id SubElement(initiator_elem, 'DisplayName').text = req.user_id owner_elem = SubElement(result_elem, 'Owner') SubElement(owner_elem, 'ID').text = req.user_id SubElement(owner_elem, 'DisplayName').text = req.user_id SubElement(result_elem, 'StorageClass').text = 'STANDARD' SubElement(result_elem, 'PartNumberMarker').text = str(part_num_marker) SubElement(result_elem, 'NextPartNumberMarker').text = str(last_part) SubElement(result_elem, 'MaxParts').text = str(maxparts) if 'encoding-type' in req.params: SubElement(result_elem, 'EncodingType').text = \ get_param(req, 'encoding-type') SubElement(result_elem, 'IsTruncated').text = \ 'true' if truncated else 'false' for i in objList: part_elem = SubElement(result_elem, 'Part') SubElement(part_elem, 'PartNumber').text = i['name'].split('/')[-1] SubElement(part_elem, 'LastModified').text = \ S3Timestamp.from_isoformat(i['last_modified']).s3xmlformat SubElement(part_elem, 'ETag').text = '"%s"' % i['hash'] SubElement(part_elem, 'Size').text = str(i['bytes']) body = tostring(result_elem) return HTTPOk(body=body, content_type='application/xml') @public @object_operation @check_container_existence def DELETE(self, req): """ Handles Abort Multipart Upload. """ upload_id = get_param(req, 'uploadId') _get_upload_info(req, self.app, upload_id) # First check to see if this multi-part upload was already # completed. Look in the primary container, if the object exists, # then it was completed and we return an error here. container = req.container_name + MULTIUPLOAD_SUFFIX obj = '%s/%s' % (req.object_name, upload_id) req.get_response(self.app, container=container, obj=obj) # The completed object was not found so this # must be a multipart upload abort. # We must delete any uploaded segments for this UploadID and then # delete the object in the main container as well object_name = wsgi_to_str(req.object_name) query = { 'format': 'json', 'prefix': '%s/%s/' % (object_name, upload_id), 'delimiter': '/', } resp = req.get_response(self.app, 'GET', container, '', query=query) # Iterate over the segment objects and delete them individually objects = json.loads(resp.body) while objects: for o in objects: container = req.container_name + MULTIUPLOAD_SUFFIX obj = bytes_to_wsgi(o['name'].encode('utf-8')) req.get_response(self.app, container=container, obj=obj) if six.PY2: query['marker'] = objects[-1]['name'].encode('utf-8') else: query['marker'] = objects[-1]['name'] resp = req.get_response(self.app, 'GET', container, '', query=query) objects = json.loads(resp.body) return HTTPNoContent() @public @object_operation @check_container_existence def POST(self, req): """ Handles Complete Multipart Upload. """ upload_id = get_param(req, 'uploadId') resp, is_marker = _get_upload_info(req, self.app, upload_id) if (is_marker and resp.sw_headers.get('X-Backend-Timestamp') >= Timestamp.now()): # Somehow the marker was created in the future w.r.t. this thread's # clock. The manifest PUT may succeed but the subsequent marker # DELETE will fail, so don't attempt either. raise ServiceUnavailable headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', sysmeta_header('object', 'upload-id'): upload_id} for key, val in resp.headers.items(): _key = key.lower() if _key.startswith('x-amz-meta-'): headers['x-object-meta-' + _key[11:]] = val elif _key in ('content-encoding', 'content-language', 'content-disposition', 'expires', 'cache-control'): headers[key] = val hct_header = sysmeta_header('object', 'has-content-type') if resp.sysmeta_headers.get(hct_header) == 'yes': content_type = resp.sysmeta_headers.get( sysmeta_header('object', 'content-type')) elif hct_header in resp.sysmeta_headers: # has-content-type is present but false, so no content type was # set on initial upload. In that case, we won't set one on our # PUT request. Swift will end up guessing one based on the # object name. content_type = None else: content_type = resp.headers.get('Content-Type') if content_type: headers['Content-Type'] = content_type container = req.container_name + MULTIUPLOAD_SUFFIX s3_etag_hasher = md5(usedforsecurity=False) manifest = [] previous_number = 0 try: xml = req.xml(MAX_COMPLETE_UPLOAD_BODY_SIZE) if not xml: raise InvalidRequest(msg='You must specify at least one part') if 'content-md5' in req.headers: # If an MD5 was provided, we need to verify it. # Note that S3Request already took care of translating to ETag if req.headers['etag'] != md5( xml, usedforsecurity=False).hexdigest(): raise BadDigest(content_md5=req.headers['content-md5']) # We're only interested in the body here, in the # multipart-upload controller -- *don't* let it get # plumbed down to the object-server del req.headers['etag'] complete_elem = fromstring( xml, 'CompleteMultipartUpload', self.logger) for part_elem in complete_elem.iterchildren('Part'): part_number = int(part_elem.find('./PartNumber').text) if part_number <= previous_number: raise InvalidPartOrder(upload_id=upload_id) previous_number = part_number etag = normalize_etag(part_elem.find('./ETag').text) if etag is None: raise InvalidPart(upload_id=upload_id, part_number=part_number, e_tag=etag) if len(etag) != 32 or any(c not in '0123456789abcdef' for c in etag): raise InvalidPart(upload_id=upload_id, part_number=part_number, e_tag=etag) manifest.append({ 'path': '/%s/%s/%s/%d' % ( wsgi_to_str(container), wsgi_to_str(req.object_name), upload_id, part_number), 'etag': etag}) s3_etag_hasher.update(binascii.a2b_hex(etag)) except (XMLSyntaxError, DocumentInvalid): # NB: our schema definitions catch uploads with no parts here raise MalformedXML() except ErrorResponse: raise except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e) raise s3_etag = '%s-%d' % (s3_etag_hasher.hexdigest(), len(manifest)) s3_etag_header = sysmeta_header('object', 'etag') if resp.sysmeta_headers.get(s3_etag_header) == s3_etag: # This header should only already be present if the upload marker # has been cleaned up and the current target uses the same # upload-id; assuming the segments to use haven't changed, the work # is already done return HTTPOk(body=_make_complete_body(req, s3_etag, False), content_type='application/xml') headers[s3_etag_header] = s3_etag # Leave base header value blank; SLO will populate c_etag = '; s3_etag=%s' % s3_etag headers[get_container_update_override_key('etag')] = c_etag too_small_message = ('s3api requires that each segment be at least ' '%d bytes' % self.conf.min_segment_size) def size_checker(manifest): # Check the size of each segment except the last and make sure # they are all more than the minimum upload chunk size. # Note that we need to use the *internal* keys, since we're # looking at the manifest that's about to be written. return [ (item['name'], too_small_message) for item in manifest[:-1] if item and item['bytes'] < self.conf.min_segment_size] req.environ['swift.callback.slo_manifest_hook'] = size_checker start_time = time.time() def response_iter(): # NB: XML requires that the XML declaration, if present, be at the # very start of the document. Clients *will* call us out on not # being valid XML if we pass through whitespace before it. # Track whether we've sent anything yet so we can yield out that # declaration *first* yielded_anything = False try: try: # TODO: add support for versioning put_resp = req.get_response( self.app, 'PUT', body=json.dumps(manifest), query={'multipart-manifest': 'put', 'heartbeat': 'on'}, headers=headers) if put_resp.status_int == 202: body = [] put_resp.fix_conditional_response() for chunk in put_resp.response_iter: if not chunk.strip(): if time.time() - start_time < 10: # Include some grace period to keep # ceph-s3tests happy continue if not yielded_anything: yield (b'\n') yielded_anything = True yield chunk continue body.append(chunk) body = json.loads(b''.join(body)) if body['Response Status'] != '201 Created': for seg, err in body['Errors']: if err == too_small_message: raise EntityTooSmall() elif err in ('Etag Mismatch', '404 Not Found'): raise InvalidPart(upload_id=upload_id) raise InvalidRequest( status=body['Response Status'], msg='\n'.join(': '.join(err) for err in body['Errors'])) except InvalidRequest as err_resp: msg = err_resp._msg if too_small_message in msg: raise EntityTooSmall(msg) elif ', Etag Mismatch' in msg: raise InvalidPart(upload_id=upload_id) elif ', 404 Not Found' in msg: raise InvalidPart(upload_id=upload_id) else: raise # clean up the multipart-upload record obj = '%s/%s' % (req.object_name, upload_id) try: req.get_response(self.app, 'DELETE', container, obj) except NoSuchKey: # The important thing is that we wrote out a tombstone to # make sure the marker got cleaned up. If it's already # gone (e.g., because of concurrent completes or a retried # complete), so much the better. pass yield _make_complete_body(req, s3_etag, yielded_anything) except ErrorResponse as err_resp: if yielded_anything: err_resp.xml_declaration = False yield b'\n' else: # Oh good, we can still change HTTP status code, too! resp.status = err_resp.status for chunk in err_resp({}, lambda *a: None): yield chunk resp = HTTPOk() # assume we're good for now... but see above! resp.app_iter = reiterate(response_iter()) resp.content_type = "application/xml" return resp