# Copyright (c) 2010-2014 OpenStack Foundation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ The s3api middleware will emulate the S3 REST api on top of swift. To enable this middleware to your configuration, add the s3api middleware in front of the auth middleware. See ``proxy-server.conf-sample`` for more detail and configurable options. To set up your client, ensure you are using the tempauth or keystone auth system for swift project. When your swift on a SAIO environment, make sure you have setting the tempauth middleware configuration in ``proxy-server.conf``, and the access key will be the concatenation of the account and user strings that should look like test:tester, and the secret access key is the account password. The host should also point to the swift storage hostname. The tempauth option example: .. code-block:: ini [filter:tempauth] use = egg:swift#tempauth user_admin_admin = admin .admin .reseller_admin user_test_tester = testing An example client using tempauth with the python boto library is as follows: .. code-block:: python from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection connection = S3Connection( aws_access_key_id='test:tester', aws_secret_access_key='testing', port=8080, host='', is_secure=False, calling_format=boto.s3.connection.OrdinaryCallingFormat()) And if you using keystone auth, you need the ec2 credentials, which can be downloaded from the API Endpoints tab of the dashboard or by openstack ec2 command. Here is showing to create an EC2 credential: .. code-block:: console # openstack ec2 credentials create +------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | access | c2e30f2cd5204b69a39b3f1130ca8f61 | | links | {u'self': u'http://controller:5000/v3/......'} | | project_id | 407731a6c2d0425c86d1e7f12a900488 | | secret | baab242d192a4cd6b68696863e07ed59 | | trust_id | None | | user_id | 00f0ee06afe74f81b410f3fe03d34fbc | +------------+---------------------------------------------------+ An example client using keystone auth with the python boto library will be: .. code-block:: python from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection connection = S3Connection( aws_access_key_id='c2e30f2cd5204b69a39b3f1130ca8f61', aws_secret_access_key='baab242d192a4cd6b68696863e07ed59', port=8080, host='', is_secure=False, calling_format=boto.s3.connection.OrdinaryCallingFormat()) ---------- Deployment ---------- Proxy-Server Setting ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Set s3api before your auth in your pipeline in ``proxy-server.conf`` file. To enable all compatibility currently supported, you should make sure that bulk, slo, and your auth middleware are also included in your proxy pipeline setting. Using tempauth, the minimum example config is: .. code-block:: ini [pipeline:main] pipeline = proxy-logging cache s3api tempauth bulk slo proxy-logging \ proxy-server When using keystone, the config will be: .. code-block:: ini [pipeline:main] pipeline = proxy-logging cache authtoken s3api s3token keystoneauth bulk \ slo proxy-logging proxy-server Finally, add the s3api middleware section: .. code-block:: ini [filter:s3api] use = egg:swift#s3api .. note:: ``keystonemiddleware.authtoken`` can be located before/after s3api but we recommend to put it before s3api because when authtoken is after s3api, both authtoken and s3token will issue the acceptable token to keystone (i.e. authenticate twice). And in the ``keystonemiddleware.authtoken`` middleware , you should set ``delay_auth_decision`` option to ``True``. ----------- Constraints ----------- Currently, the s3api is being ported from https://github.com/openstack/swift3 so any existing issues in swift3 are still remaining. Please make sure descriptions in the example ``proxy-server.conf`` and what happens with the config, before enabling the options. ------------- Supported API ------------- The compatibility will continue to be improved upstream, you can keep and eye on compatibility via a check tool build by SwiftStack. See https://github.com/swiftstack/s3compat in detail. """ from cgi import parse_header import json from paste.deploy import loadwsgi from six.moves.urllib.parse import parse_qs from swift.common.constraints import valid_api_version from swift.common.middleware.listing_formats import \ MAX_CONTAINER_LISTING_CONTENT_LENGTH from swift.common.wsgi import PipelineWrapper, loadcontext, WSGIContext from swift.common.middleware import app_property from swift.common.middleware.s3api.exception import NotS3Request, \ InvalidSubresource from swift.common.middleware.s3api.s3request import get_request_class from swift.common.middleware.s3api.s3response import ErrorResponse, \ InternalError, MethodNotAllowed, S3ResponseBase, S3NotImplemented from swift.common.utils import get_logger, config_true_value, \ config_positive_int_value, split_path, closing_if_possible, list_from_csv from swift.common.middleware.s3api.utils import Config from swift.common.middleware.s3api.acl_handlers import get_acl_handler from swift.common.registry import register_swift_info, \ register_sensitive_header, register_sensitive_param class ListingEtagMiddleware(object): def __init__(self, app): self.app = app # Pass these along so get_container_info will have the configured # odds to skip cache _pipeline_final_app = app_property('_pipeline_final_app') _pipeline_request_logging_app = app_property( '_pipeline_request_logging_app') def __call__(self, env, start_response): # a lot of this is cribbed from listing_formats / swob.Request if env['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'GET': # Nothing to translate return self.app(env, start_response) try: v, a, c = split_path(env.get('SCRIPT_NAME', '') + env['PATH_INFO'], 3, 3) if not valid_api_version(v): raise ValueError except ValueError: is_container_req = False else: is_container_req = True if not is_container_req: # pass through return self.app(env, start_response) ctx = WSGIContext(self.app) resp_iter = ctx._app_call(env) content_type = content_length = cl_index = None for index, (header, value) in enumerate(ctx._response_headers): header = header.lower() if header == 'content-type': content_type = value.split(';', 1)[0].strip() if content_length: break elif header == 'content-length': cl_index = index try: content_length = int(value) except ValueError: pass # ignore -- we'll bail later if content_type: break if content_type != 'application/json' or content_length is None or \ content_length > MAX_CONTAINER_LISTING_CONTENT_LENGTH: start_response(ctx._response_status, ctx._response_headers, ctx._response_exc_info) return resp_iter # We've done our sanity checks, slurp the response into memory with closing_if_possible(resp_iter): body = b''.join(resp_iter) try: listing = json.loads(body) for item in listing: if 'subdir' in item: continue value, params = parse_header(item['hash']) if 's3_etag' in params: item['s3_etag'] = '"%s"' % params.pop('s3_etag') item['hash'] = value + ''.join( '; %s=%s' % kv for kv in params.items()) except (TypeError, KeyError, ValueError): # If anything goes wrong above, drop back to original response start_response(ctx._response_status, ctx._response_headers, ctx._response_exc_info) return [body] body = json.dumps(listing).encode('ascii') ctx._response_headers[cl_index] = ( ctx._response_headers[cl_index][0], str(len(body)), ) start_response(ctx._response_status, ctx._response_headers, ctx._response_exc_info) return [body] class S3ApiMiddleware(object): """S3Api: S3 compatibility middleware""" def __init__(self, app, wsgi_conf, *args, **kwargs): self.app = app self.conf = Config() # Set default values if they are not configured self.conf.allow_no_owner = config_true_value( wsgi_conf.get('allow_no_owner', False)) self.conf.location = wsgi_conf.get('location', 'us-east-1') self.conf.dns_compliant_bucket_names = config_true_value( wsgi_conf.get('dns_compliant_bucket_names', True)) self.conf.max_bucket_listing = config_positive_int_value( wsgi_conf.get('max_bucket_listing', 1000)) self.conf.max_parts_listing = config_positive_int_value( wsgi_conf.get('max_parts_listing', 1000)) self.conf.max_multi_delete_objects = config_positive_int_value( wsgi_conf.get('max_multi_delete_objects', 1000)) self.conf.multi_delete_concurrency = config_positive_int_value( wsgi_conf.get('multi_delete_concurrency', 2)) self.conf.s3_acl = config_true_value( wsgi_conf.get('s3_acl', False)) self.conf.storage_domains = list_from_csv( wsgi_conf.get('storage_domain', '')) self.conf.auth_pipeline_check = config_true_value( wsgi_conf.get('auth_pipeline_check', True)) self.conf.max_upload_part_num = config_positive_int_value( wsgi_conf.get('max_upload_part_num', 1000)) self.conf.check_bucket_owner = config_true_value( wsgi_conf.get('check_bucket_owner', False)) self.conf.force_swift_request_proxy_log = config_true_value( wsgi_conf.get('force_swift_request_proxy_log', False)) self.conf.allow_multipart_uploads = config_true_value( wsgi_conf.get('allow_multipart_uploads', True)) self.conf.min_segment_size = config_positive_int_value( wsgi_conf.get('min_segment_size', 5242880)) self.conf.allowable_clock_skew = config_positive_int_value( wsgi_conf.get('allowable_clock_skew', 15 * 60)) self.conf.cors_preflight_allow_origin = list_from_csv(wsgi_conf.get( 'cors_preflight_allow_origin', '')) if '*' in self.conf.cors_preflight_allow_origin and \ len(self.conf.cors_preflight_allow_origin) > 1: raise ValueError('if cors_preflight_allow_origin should include ' 'all domains, * must be the only entry') self.conf.ratelimit_as_client_error = config_true_value( wsgi_conf.get('ratelimit_as_client_error', False)) self.logger = get_logger( wsgi_conf, log_route='s3api', statsd_tail_prefix='s3api') self.check_pipeline(wsgi_conf) def is_s3_cors_preflight(self, env): if env['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'OPTIONS' or not env.get('HTTP_ORIGIN'): # Not a CORS preflight return False acrh = env.get('HTTP_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS', '').lower() if 'authorization' in acrh and \ not env['PATH_INFO'].startswith(('/v1/', '/v1.0/')): return True q = parse_qs(env.get('QUERY_STRING', '')) if 'AWSAccessKeyId' in q or 'X-Amz-Credential' in q: return True # Not S3, apparently return False def __call__(self, env, start_response): origin = env.get('HTTP_ORIGIN') if self.conf.cors_preflight_allow_origin and \ self.is_s3_cors_preflight(env): # I guess it's likely going to be an S3 request? *shrug* if self.conf.cors_preflight_allow_origin != ['*'] and \ origin not in self.conf.cors_preflight_allow_origin: start_response('401 Unauthorized', [ ('Allow', 'GET, HEAD, PUT, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS'), ]) return [b''] headers = [ ('Allow', 'GET, HEAD, PUT, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS'), ('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', origin), ('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, HEAD, PUT, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS'), ('Vary', 'Origin, Access-Control-Request-Headers'), ] acrh = set(list_from_csv( env.get('HTTP_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS', '').lower())) if acrh: headers.append(( 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers', ', '.join(acrh))) start_response('200 OK', headers) return [b''] try: req_class = get_request_class(env, self.conf.s3_acl) req = req_class(env, self.app, self.conf) resp = self.handle_request(req) except NotS3Request: resp = self.app except InvalidSubresource as e: self.logger.debug(e.cause) except ErrorResponse as err_resp: self.logger.increment(err_resp.metric_name) if isinstance(err_resp, InternalError): self.logger.exception(err_resp) resp = err_resp except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(e) resp = InternalError(reason=str(e)) if isinstance(resp, S3ResponseBase) and 'swift.trans_id' in env: resp.headers['x-amz-id-2'] = env['swift.trans_id'] resp.headers['x-amz-request-id'] = env['swift.trans_id'] if 's3api.backend_path' in env and 'swift.backend_path' not in env: env['swift.backend_path'] = env['s3api.backend_path'] return resp(env, start_response) def handle_request(self, req): self.logger.debug('Calling S3Api Middleware') try: controller = req.controller(self.app, self.conf, self.logger) except S3NotImplemented: # TODO: Probably we should distinct the error to log this warning self.logger.warning('multipart: No SLO middleware in pipeline') raise acl_handler = get_acl_handler(req.controller_name)(req, self.logger) req.set_acl_handler(acl_handler) if hasattr(controller, req.method): handler = getattr(controller, req.method) if not getattr(handler, 'publicly_accessible', False): raise MethodNotAllowed(req.method, req.controller.resource_type()) res = handler(req) else: raise MethodNotAllowed(req.method, req.controller.resource_type()) if req.policy_index is not None: res.headers.setdefault('X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index', req.policy_index) return res def check_pipeline(self, wsgi_conf): """ Check that proxy-server.conf has an appropriate pipeline for s3api. """ if wsgi_conf.get('__file__', None) is None: return ctx = loadcontext(loadwsgi.APP, wsgi_conf['__file__']) pipeline = str(PipelineWrapper(ctx)).split(' ') # Add compatible with 3rd party middleware. self.check_filter_order(pipeline, ['s3api', 'proxy-server']) auth_pipeline = pipeline[pipeline.index('s3api') + 1: pipeline.index('proxy-server')] # Check SLO middleware if self.conf.allow_multipart_uploads and 'slo' not in auth_pipeline: self.conf.allow_multipart_uploads = False self.logger.warning('s3api middleware requires SLO middleware ' 'to support multi-part upload, please add it ' 'in pipeline') if not self.conf.auth_pipeline_check: self.logger.debug('Skip pipeline auth check.') return if 'tempauth' in auth_pipeline: self.logger.debug('Use tempauth middleware.') elif 'keystoneauth' in auth_pipeline: self.check_filter_order( auth_pipeline, ['s3token', 'keystoneauth']) self.logger.debug('Use keystone middleware.') elif len(auth_pipeline): self.logger.debug('Use third party(unknown) auth middleware.') else: raise ValueError('Invalid pipeline %r: expected auth between ' 's3api and proxy-server ' % pipeline) def check_filter_order(self, pipeline, required_filters): """ Check that required filters are present in order in the pipeline. """ indexes = [] missing_filters = [] for required_filter in required_filters: try: indexes.append(pipeline.index(required_filter)) except ValueError as e: self.logger.debug(e) missing_filters.append(required_filter) if missing_filters: raise ValueError('Invalid pipeline %r: missing filters %r' % ( pipeline, missing_filters)) if indexes != sorted(indexes): raise ValueError('Invalid pipeline %r: expected filter %s' % ( pipeline, ' before '.join(required_filters))) def filter_factory(global_conf, **local_conf): """Standard filter factory to use the middleware with paste.deploy""" conf = global_conf.copy() conf.update(local_conf) register_swift_info( 's3api', # TODO: make default values as variables max_bucket_listing=int(conf.get('max_bucket_listing', 1000)), max_parts_listing=int(conf.get('max_parts_listing', 1000)), max_upload_part_num=int(conf.get('max_upload_part_num', 1000)), max_multi_delete_objects=int( conf.get('max_multi_delete_objects', 1000)), allow_multipart_uploads=config_true_value( conf.get('allow_multipart_uploads', True)), min_segment_size=int(conf.get('min_segment_size', 5242880)), s3_acl=config_true_value(conf.get('s3_acl', False)), ) register_sensitive_header('authorization') register_sensitive_param('Signature') register_sensitive_param('X-Amz-Signature') def s3api_filter(app): return S3ApiMiddleware(ListingEtagMiddleware(app), conf) return s3api_filter