# Copyright (c) 2014 OpenStack Foundation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import base64 import binascii from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict from email.header import Header from hashlib import sha1, sha256 import hmac import re import six # pylint: disable-msg=import-error from six.moves.urllib.parse import quote, unquote, parse_qsl import string from swift.common.utils import split_path, json, close_if_possible, md5, \ streq_const_time, get_policy_index from swift.common.registry import get_swift_info from swift.common import swob from swift.common.http import HTTP_OK, HTTP_CREATED, HTTP_ACCEPTED, \ HTTP_NO_CONTENT, HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, HTTP_FORBIDDEN, HTTP_NOT_FOUND, \ HTTP_CONFLICT, HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, HTTP_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE, \ HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT, HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED, HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED, \ HTTP_REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE, HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED, \ HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, \ HTTP_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS, HTTP_RATE_LIMITED, is_success, \ HTTP_CLIENT_CLOSED_REQUEST from swift.common.constraints import check_utf8 from swift.proxy.controllers.base import get_container_info from swift.common.request_helpers import check_path_header from swift.common.middleware.s3api.controllers import ServiceController, \ ObjectController, AclController, MultiObjectDeleteController, \ LocationController, LoggingStatusController, PartController, \ UploadController, UploadsController, VersioningController, \ UnsupportedController, S3AclController, BucketController, \ TaggingController, ObjectLockController from swift.common.middleware.s3api.s3response import AccessDenied, \ InvalidArgument, InvalidDigest, BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou, \ RequestTimeTooSkewed, S3Response, SignatureDoesNotMatch, \ BucketAlreadyExists, BucketNotEmpty, EntityTooLarge, \ InternalError, NoSuchBucket, NoSuchKey, PreconditionFailed, InvalidRange, \ MissingContentLength, InvalidStorageClass, S3NotImplemented, InvalidURI, \ MalformedXML, InvalidRequest, RequestTimeout, InvalidBucketName, \ BadDigest, AuthorizationHeaderMalformed, SlowDown, \ AuthorizationQueryParametersError, ServiceUnavailable, BrokenMPU from swift.common.middleware.s3api.exception import NotS3Request from swift.common.middleware.s3api.utils import utf8encode, \ S3Timestamp, mktime, MULTIUPLOAD_SUFFIX from swift.common.middleware.s3api.subresource import decode_acl, encode_acl from swift.common.middleware.s3api.utils import sysmeta_header, \ validate_bucket_name, Config from swift.common.middleware.s3api.acl_utils import handle_acl_header # List of sub-resources that must be maintained as part of the HMAC # signature string. ALLOWED_SUB_RESOURCES = sorted([ 'acl', 'delete', 'lifecycle', 'location', 'logging', 'notification', 'partNumber', 'policy', 'requestPayment', 'torrent', 'uploads', 'uploadId', 'versionId', 'versioning', 'versions', 'website', 'response-cache-control', 'response-content-disposition', 'response-content-encoding', 'response-content-language', 'response-content-type', 'response-expires', 'cors', 'tagging', 'restore', 'object-lock' ]) MAX_32BIT_INT = 2147483647 SIGV2_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' SIGV4_X_AMZ_DATE_FORMAT = '%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ' SERVICE = 's3' # useful for mocking out in tests def _header_strip(value): # S3 seems to strip *all* control characters if value is None: return None stripped = _header_strip.re.sub('', value) if value and not stripped: # If there's nothing left after stripping, # behave as though it wasn't provided return None return stripped _header_strip.re = re.compile('^[\x00-\x20]*|[\x00-\x20]*$') def _header_acl_property(resource): """ Set and retrieve the acl in self.headers """ def getter(self): return getattr(self, '_%s' % resource) def setter(self, value): self.headers.update(encode_acl(resource, value)) setattr(self, '_%s' % resource, value) def deleter(self): self.headers[sysmeta_header(resource, 'acl')] = '' return property(getter, setter, deleter, doc='Get and set the %s acl property' % resource) class HashingInput(object): """ wsgi.input wrapper to verify the hash of the input as it's read. """ def __init__(self, reader, content_length, hasher, expected_hex_hash): self._input = reader self._to_read = content_length self._hasher = hasher() self._expected = expected_hex_hash def read(self, size=None): chunk = self._input.read(size) self._hasher.update(chunk) self._to_read -= len(chunk) short_read = bool(chunk) if size is None else (len(chunk) < size) if self._to_read < 0 or (short_read and self._to_read) or ( self._to_read == 0 and self._hasher.hexdigest() != self._expected): self.close() # Since we don't return the last chunk, the PUT never completes raise swob.HTTPUnprocessableEntity( 'The X-Amz-Content-SHA56 you specified did not match ' 'what we received.') return chunk def close(self): close_if_possible(self._input) class SigV4Mixin(object): """ A request class mixin to provide S3 signature v4 functionality """ def check_signature(self, secret): secret = utf8encode(secret) user_signature = self.signature derived_secret = b'AWS4' + secret for scope_piece in self.scope.values(): derived_secret = hmac.new( derived_secret, scope_piece.encode('utf8'), sha256).digest() valid_signature = hmac.new( derived_secret, self.string_to_sign, sha256).hexdigest() return streq_const_time(user_signature, valid_signature) @property def _is_query_auth(self): return 'X-Amz-Credential' in self.params @property def timestamp(self): """ Return timestamp string according to the auth type The difference from v2 is v4 have to see 'X-Amz-Date' even though it's query auth type. """ if not self._timestamp: try: if self._is_query_auth and 'X-Amz-Date' in self.params: # NOTE(andrey-mp): Date in Signature V4 has different # format timestamp = mktime( self.params['X-Amz-Date'], SIGV4_X_AMZ_DATE_FORMAT) else: if self.headers.get('X-Amz-Date'): timestamp = mktime( self.headers.get('X-Amz-Date'), SIGV4_X_AMZ_DATE_FORMAT) else: timestamp = mktime(self.headers.get('Date')) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise AccessDenied('AWS authentication requires a valid Date ' 'or x-amz-date header', reason='invalid_date') if timestamp < 0: raise AccessDenied('AWS authentication requires a valid Date ' 'or x-amz-date header', reason='invalid_date') try: self._timestamp = S3Timestamp(timestamp) except ValueError: # Must be far-future; blame clock skew raise RequestTimeTooSkewed() return self._timestamp def _validate_expire_param(self): """ Validate X-Amz-Expires in query parameter :raises: AccessDenied :raises: AuthorizationQueryParametersError :raises: AccessDenined """ err = None try: expires = int(self.params['X-Amz-Expires']) except KeyError: raise AccessDenied(reason='invalid_expires') except ValueError: err = 'X-Amz-Expires should be a number' else: if expires < 0: err = 'X-Amz-Expires must be non-negative' elif expires >= 2 ** 63: err = 'X-Amz-Expires should be a number' elif expires > 604800: err = ('X-Amz-Expires must be less than a week (in seconds); ' 'that is, the given X-Amz-Expires must be less than ' '604800 seconds') if err: raise AuthorizationQueryParametersError(err) if int(self.timestamp) + expires < S3Timestamp.now(): raise AccessDenied('Request has expired', reason='expired') def _parse_credential(self, credential_string): parts = credential_string.split("/") # credential must be in following format: # ////aws4_request if not parts[0] or len(parts) != 5: raise AccessDenied(reason='invalid_credential') return dict(zip(['access', 'date', 'region', 'service', 'terminal'], parts)) def _parse_query_authentication(self): """ Parse v4 query authentication - version 4: 'X-Amz-Credential' and 'X-Amz-Signature' should be in param :raises: AccessDenied :raises: AuthorizationHeaderMalformed """ if self.params.get('X-Amz-Algorithm') != 'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256': raise InvalidArgument('X-Amz-Algorithm', self.params.get('X-Amz-Algorithm')) try: cred_param = self._parse_credential( swob.wsgi_to_str(self.params['X-Amz-Credential'])) sig = swob.wsgi_to_str(self.params['X-Amz-Signature']) if not sig: raise AccessDenied(reason='invalid_query_auth') except KeyError: raise AccessDenied(reason='invalid_query_auth') try: signed_headers = swob.wsgi_to_str( self.params['X-Amz-SignedHeaders']) except KeyError: # TODO: make sure if is it malformed request? raise AuthorizationHeaderMalformed() self._signed_headers = set(signed_headers.split(';')) invalid_messages = { 'date': 'Invalid credential date "%s". This date is not the same ' 'as X-Amz-Date: "%s".', 'region': "Error parsing the X-Amz-Credential parameter; " "the region '%s' is wrong; expecting '%s'", 'service': 'Error parsing the X-Amz-Credential parameter; ' 'incorrect service "%s". This endpoint belongs to "%s".', 'terminal': 'Error parsing the X-Amz-Credential parameter; ' 'incorrect terminal "%s". This endpoint uses "%s".', } for key in ('date', 'region', 'service', 'terminal'): if cred_param[key] != self.scope[key]: kwargs = {} if key == 'region': # Allow lowercase region name # for AWS .NET SDK compatibility if not self.scope[key].islower() and \ cred_param[key] == self.scope[key].lower(): self.location = self.location.lower() continue kwargs = {'region': self.scope['region']} raise AuthorizationQueryParametersError( invalid_messages[key] % (cred_param[key], self.scope[key]), **kwargs) return cred_param['access'], sig def _parse_header_authentication(self): """ Parse v4 header authentication - version 4: 'X-Amz-Credential' and 'X-Amz-Signature' should be in param :raises: AccessDenied :raises: AuthorizationHeaderMalformed """ auth_str = swob.wsgi_to_str(self.headers['Authorization']) cred_param = self._parse_credential(auth_str.partition( "Credential=")[2].split(',')[0]) sig = auth_str.partition("Signature=")[2].split(',')[0] if not sig: raise AccessDenied(reason='invalid_header_auth') signed_headers = auth_str.partition( "SignedHeaders=")[2].split(',', 1)[0] if not signed_headers: # TODO: make sure if is it Malformed? raise AuthorizationHeaderMalformed() invalid_messages = { 'date': 'Invalid credential date "%s". This date is not the same ' 'as X-Amz-Date: "%s".', 'region': "The authorization header is malformed; the region '%s' " "is wrong; expecting '%s'", 'service': 'The authorization header is malformed; incorrect ' 'service "%s". This endpoint belongs to "%s".', 'terminal': 'The authorization header is malformed; incorrect ' 'terminal "%s". This endpoint uses "%s".', } for key in ('date', 'region', 'service', 'terminal'): if cred_param[key] != self.scope[key]: kwargs = {} if key == 'region': # Allow lowercase region name # for AWS .NET SDK compatibility if not self.scope[key].islower() and \ cred_param[key] == self.scope[key].lower(): self.location = self.location.lower() continue kwargs = {'region': self.scope['region']} raise AuthorizationHeaderMalformed( invalid_messages[key] % (cred_param[key], self.scope[key]), **kwargs) self._signed_headers = set(signed_headers.split(';')) return cred_param['access'], sig def _canonical_query_string(self): return '&'.join( '%s=%s' % (swob.wsgi_quote(key, safe='-_.~'), swob.wsgi_quote(value, safe='-_.~')) for key, value in sorted(self.params.items()) if key not in ('Signature', 'X-Amz-Signature')).encode('ascii') def _headers_to_sign(self): """ Select the headers from the request that need to be included in the StringToSign. :return : dict of headers to sign, the keys are all lower case """ if 'headers_raw' in self.environ: # eventlet >= 0.19.0 # See https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/commit/67ec999 headers_lower_dict = defaultdict(list) for key, value in self.environ['headers_raw']: headers_lower_dict[key.lower().strip()].append( ' '.join(_header_strip(value or '').split())) headers_lower_dict = {k: ','.join(v) for k, v in headers_lower_dict.items()} else: # mostly-functional fallback headers_lower_dict = dict( (k.lower().strip(), ' '.join(_header_strip(v or '').split())) for (k, v) in six.iteritems(self.headers)) if 'host' in headers_lower_dict and re.match( 'Boto/2.[0-9].[0-2]', headers_lower_dict.get('user-agent', '')): # Boto versions < 2.9.3 strip the port component of the host:port # header, so detect the user-agent via the header and strip the # port if we detect an old boto version. headers_lower_dict['host'] = \ headers_lower_dict['host'].split(':')[0] headers_to_sign = [ (key, value) for key, value in sorted(headers_lower_dict.items()) if swob.wsgi_to_str(key) in self._signed_headers] if len(headers_to_sign) != len(self._signed_headers): # NOTE: if we are missing the header suggested via # signed_header in actual header, it results in # SignatureDoesNotMatch in actual S3 so we can raise # the error immediately here to save redundant check # process. raise SignatureDoesNotMatch() return headers_to_sign def _canonical_uri(self): """ It won't require bucket name in canonical_uri for v4. """ return swob.wsgi_to_bytes(swob.wsgi_quote( self.environ.get('PATH_INFO', self.path), safe='-_.~/')) def _canonical_request(self): # prepare 'canonical_request' # Example requests are like following: # # GET # / # Action=ListUsers&Version=2010-05-08 # content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8 # host:iam.amazonaws.com # x-amz-date:20150830T123600Z # # content-type;host;x-amz-date # e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 # # 1. Add verb like: GET cr = [swob.wsgi_to_bytes(self.method.upper())] # 2. Add path like: / path = self._canonical_uri() cr.append(path) # 3. Add query like: Action=ListUsers&Version=2010-05-08 cr.append(self._canonical_query_string()) # 4. Add headers like: # content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8 # host:iam.amazonaws.com # x-amz-date:20150830T123600Z headers_to_sign = self._headers_to_sign() cr.append(b''.join(swob.wsgi_to_bytes('%s:%s\n' % (key, value)) for key, value in headers_to_sign)) # 5. Add signed headers into canonical request like # content-type;host;x-amz-date cr.append(b';'.join(swob.wsgi_to_bytes(k) for k, v in headers_to_sign)) # 6. Add payload string at the tail if 'X-Amz-Credential' in self.params: # V4 with query parameters only hashed_payload = 'UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD' elif 'X-Amz-Content-SHA256' not in self.headers: msg = 'Missing required header for this request: ' \ 'x-amz-content-sha256' raise InvalidRequest(msg) else: hashed_payload = self.headers['X-Amz-Content-SHA256'] if hashed_payload != 'UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD': if self.content_length == 0: if hashed_payload.lower() != sha256().hexdigest(): raise BadDigest( 'The X-Amz-Content-SHA56 you specified did not ' 'match what we received.') elif self.content_length: self.environ['wsgi.input'] = HashingInput( self.environ['wsgi.input'], self.content_length, sha256, hashed_payload.lower()) # else, length not provided -- Swift will kick out a # 411 Length Required which will get translated back # to a S3-style response in S3Request._swift_error_codes cr.append(swob.wsgi_to_bytes(hashed_payload)) return b'\n'.join(cr) @property def scope(self): return OrderedDict([ ('date', self.timestamp.amz_date_format.split('T')[0]), ('region', self.location), ('service', SERVICE), ('terminal', 'aws4_request'), ]) def _string_to_sign(self): """ Create 'StringToSign' value in Amazon terminology for v4. """ return b'\n'.join([ b'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256', self.timestamp.amz_date_format.encode('ascii'), '/'.join(self.scope.values()).encode('utf8'), sha256(self._canonical_request()).hexdigest().encode('ascii')]) def signature_does_not_match_kwargs(self): kwargs = super(SigV4Mixin, self).signature_does_not_match_kwargs() cr = self._canonical_request() kwargs.update({ 'canonical_request': cr, 'canonical_request_bytes': ' '.join( format(ord(c), '02x') for c in cr.decode('latin1')), }) return kwargs def get_request_class(env, s3_acl): """ Helper function to find a request class to use from Map """ if s3_acl: request_classes = (S3AclRequest, SigV4S3AclRequest) else: request_classes = (S3Request, SigV4Request) req = swob.Request(env) if 'X-Amz-Credential' in req.params or \ req.headers.get('Authorization', '').startswith( 'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 '): # This is an Amazon SigV4 request return request_classes[1] else: # The others using Amazon SigV2 class return request_classes[0] class S3Request(swob.Request): """ S3 request object. """ bucket_acl = _header_acl_property('container') object_acl = _header_acl_property('object') def __init__(self, env, app=None, conf=None): # NOTE: app is not used by this class, need for compatibility of S3acl swob.Request.__init__(self, env) self.conf = conf or Config() self.location = self.conf.location self._timestamp = None self.access_key, self.signature = self._parse_auth_info() self.bucket_in_host = self._parse_host() self.container_name, self.object_name = self._parse_uri() self._validate_headers() # Lock in string-to-sign now, before we start messing with query params self.string_to_sign = self._string_to_sign() self.environ['s3api.auth_details'] = { 'access_key': self.access_key, 'signature': self.signature, 'string_to_sign': self.string_to_sign, 'check_signature': self.check_signature, } self.account = None self.user_id = None self.policy_index = None # Avoids that swift.swob.Response replaces Location header value # by full URL when absolute path given. See swift.swob for more detail. self.environ['swift.leave_relative_location'] = True def check_signature(self, secret): secret = utf8encode(secret) user_signature = self.signature valid_signature = base64.b64encode(hmac.new( secret, self.string_to_sign, sha1).digest()).strip() if not six.PY2: valid_signature = valid_signature.decode('ascii') return streq_const_time(user_signature, valid_signature) @property def timestamp(self): """ S3Timestamp from Date header. If X-Amz-Date header specified, it will be prior to Date header. :return : S3Timestamp instance """ if not self._timestamp: try: if self._is_query_auth and 'Timestamp' in self.params: # If Timestamp specified in query, it should be prior # to any Date header (is this right?) timestamp = mktime( self.params['Timestamp'], SIGV2_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT) else: timestamp = mktime( self.headers.get('X-Amz-Date', self.headers.get('Date'))) except ValueError: raise AccessDenied('AWS authentication requires a valid Date ' 'or x-amz-date header', reason='invalid_date') if timestamp < 0: raise AccessDenied('AWS authentication requires a valid Date ' 'or x-amz-date header', reason='invalid_date') try: self._timestamp = S3Timestamp(timestamp) except ValueError: # Must be far-future; blame clock skew raise RequestTimeTooSkewed() return self._timestamp @property def _is_header_auth(self): return 'Authorization' in self.headers @property def _is_query_auth(self): return 'AWSAccessKeyId' in self.params def _parse_host(self): if not self.conf.storage_domains: return None if 'HTTP_HOST' in self.environ: given_domain = self.environ['HTTP_HOST'] elif 'SERVER_NAME' in self.environ: given_domain = self.environ['SERVER_NAME'] else: return None port = '' if ':' in given_domain: given_domain, port = given_domain.rsplit(':', 1) for storage_domain in self.conf.storage_domains: if not storage_domain.startswith('.'): storage_domain = '.' + storage_domain if given_domain.endswith(storage_domain): return given_domain[:-len(storage_domain)] return None def _parse_uri(self): # NB: returns WSGI strings if not check_utf8(swob.wsgi_to_str(self.environ['PATH_INFO'])): raise InvalidURI(self.path) if self.bucket_in_host: obj = self.environ['PATH_INFO'][1:] or None return self.bucket_in_host, obj bucket, obj = self.split_path(0, 2, True) if bucket and not validate_bucket_name( bucket, self.conf.dns_compliant_bucket_names): # Ignore GET service case raise InvalidBucketName(bucket) return bucket, obj def _parse_query_authentication(self): """ Parse v2 authentication query args TODO: make sure if 0, 1, 3 is supported? - version 0, 1, 2, 3: 'AWSAccessKeyId' and 'Signature' should be in param :return: a tuple of access_key and signature :raises: AccessDenied """ try: access = swob.wsgi_to_str(self.params['AWSAccessKeyId']) expires = swob.wsgi_to_str(self.params['Expires']) sig = swob.wsgi_to_str(self.params['Signature']) except KeyError: raise AccessDenied(reason='invalid_query_auth') if not all([access, sig, expires]): raise AccessDenied(reason='invalid_query_auth') return access, sig def _parse_header_authentication(self): """ Parse v2 header authentication info :returns: a tuple of access_key and signature :raises: AccessDenied """ auth_str = swob.wsgi_to_str(self.headers['Authorization']) if not auth_str.startswith('AWS ') or ':' not in auth_str: raise AccessDenied(reason='invalid_header_auth') # This means signature format V2 access, sig = auth_str.split(' ', 1)[1].rsplit(':', 1) return access, sig def _parse_auth_info(self): """Extract the access key identifier and signature. :returns: a tuple of access_key and signature :raises: NotS3Request """ if self._is_query_auth: self._validate_expire_param() return self._parse_query_authentication() elif self._is_header_auth: self._validate_dates() return self._parse_header_authentication() else: # if this request is neither query auth nor header auth # s3api regard this as not s3 request raise NotS3Request() def _validate_expire_param(self): """ Validate Expires in query parameters :raises: AccessDenied """ # Expires header is a float since epoch try: ex = S3Timestamp(float(self.params['Expires'])) except (KeyError, ValueError): raise AccessDenied(reason='invalid_expires') if S3Timestamp.now() > ex: raise AccessDenied('Request has expired', reason='expired') if ex >= 2 ** 31: raise AccessDenied( 'Invalid date (should be seconds since epoch): %s' % self.params['Expires'], reason='invalid_expires') def _validate_dates(self): """ Validate Date/X-Amz-Date headers for signature v2 :raises: AccessDenied :raises: RequestTimeTooSkewed """ date_header = self.headers.get('Date') amz_date_header = self.headers.get('X-Amz-Date') if not date_header and not amz_date_header: raise AccessDenied('AWS authentication requires a valid Date ' 'or x-amz-date header', reason='invalid_date') # Anyways, request timestamp should be validated epoch = S3Timestamp(0) if self.timestamp < epoch: raise AccessDenied(reason='invalid_date') # If the standard date is too far ahead or behind, it is an # error delta = abs(int(self.timestamp) - int(S3Timestamp.now())) if delta > self.conf.allowable_clock_skew: raise RequestTimeTooSkewed() def _validate_headers(self): if 'CONTENT_LENGTH' in self.environ: try: if self.content_length < 0: raise InvalidArgument('Content-Length', self.content_length) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise InvalidArgument('Content-Length', self.environ['CONTENT_LENGTH']) value = _header_strip(self.headers.get('Content-MD5')) if value is not None: if not re.match('^[A-Za-z0-9+/]+={0,2}$', value): # Non-base64-alphabet characters in value. raise InvalidDigest(content_md5=value) try: self.headers['ETag'] = binascii.b2a_hex( binascii.a2b_base64(value)) except binascii.Error: # incorrect padding, most likely raise InvalidDigest(content_md5=value) if len(self.headers['ETag']) != 32: raise InvalidDigest(content_md5=value) if self.method == 'PUT' and any(h in self.headers for h in ( 'If-Match', 'If-None-Match', 'If-Modified-Since', 'If-Unmodified-Since')): raise S3NotImplemented( 'Conditional object PUTs are not supported.') if 'X-Amz-Copy-Source' in self.headers: try: check_path_header(self, 'X-Amz-Copy-Source', 2, '') except swob.HTTPException: msg = 'Copy Source must mention the source bucket and key: ' \ 'sourcebucket/sourcekey' raise InvalidArgument('x-amz-copy-source', self.headers['X-Amz-Copy-Source'], msg) if 'x-amz-metadata-directive' in self.headers: value = self.headers['x-amz-metadata-directive'] if value not in ('COPY', 'REPLACE'): err_msg = 'Unknown metadata directive.' raise InvalidArgument('x-amz-metadata-directive', value, err_msg) if 'x-amz-storage-class' in self.headers: # Only STANDARD is supported now. if self.headers['x-amz-storage-class'] != 'STANDARD': raise InvalidStorageClass() if 'x-amz-mfa' in self.headers: raise S3NotImplemented('MFA Delete is not supported.') sse_value = self.headers.get('x-amz-server-side-encryption') if sse_value is not None: if sse_value not in ('aws:kms', 'AES256'): raise InvalidArgument( 'x-amz-server-side-encryption', sse_value, 'The encryption method specified is not supported') encryption_enabled = get_swift_info(admin=True)['admin'].get( 'encryption', {}).get('enabled') if not encryption_enabled or sse_value != 'AES256': raise S3NotImplemented( 'Server-side encryption is not supported.') if 'x-amz-website-redirect-location' in self.headers: raise S3NotImplemented('Website redirection is not supported.') # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/sigv4-streaming.html # describes some of what would be required to support this if any(['aws-chunked' in self.headers.get('content-encoding', ''), 'STREAMING-AWS4-HMAC-SHA256-PAYLOAD' == self.headers.get( 'x-amz-content-sha256', ''), 'x-amz-decoded-content-length' in self.headers]): raise S3NotImplemented('Transfering payloads in multiple chunks ' 'using aws-chunked is not supported.') if 'x-amz-tagging' in self.headers: raise S3NotImplemented('Object tagging is not supported.') @property def body(self): """ swob.Request.body is not secure against malicious input. It consumes too much memory without any check when the request body is excessively large. Use xml() instead. """ raise AttributeError("No attribute 'body'") def xml(self, max_length): """ Similar to swob.Request.body, but it checks the content length before creating a body string. """ te = self.headers.get('transfer-encoding', '') te = [x.strip() for x in te.split(',') if x.strip()] if te and (len(te) > 1 or te[-1] != 'chunked'): raise S3NotImplemented('A header you provided implies ' 'functionality that is not implemented', header='Transfer-Encoding') ml = self.message_length() if ml and ml > max_length: raise MalformedXML() if te or ml: # Limit the read similar to how SLO handles manifests try: body = self.body_file.read(max_length) except swob.HTTPException as err: if err.status_int == HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY: # Special case for HashingInput check raise BadDigest( 'The X-Amz-Content-SHA56 you specified did not ' 'match what we received.') raise else: # No (or zero) Content-Length provided, and not chunked transfer; # no body. Assume zero-length, and enforce a required body below. return None return body def check_md5(self, body): if 'HTTP_CONTENT_MD5' not in self.environ: raise InvalidRequest('Missing required header for this request: ' 'Content-MD5') digest = base64.b64encode(md5( body, usedforsecurity=False).digest()).strip().decode('ascii') if self.environ['HTTP_CONTENT_MD5'] != digest: raise BadDigest(content_md5=self.environ['HTTP_CONTENT_MD5']) def _copy_source_headers(self): env = {} for key, value in self.environ.items(): if key.startswith('HTTP_X_AMZ_COPY_SOURCE_'): env[key.replace('X_AMZ_COPY_SOURCE_', '')] = value return swob.HeaderEnvironProxy(env) def check_copy_source(self, app): """ check_copy_source checks the copy source existence and if copying an object to itself, for illegal request parameters :returns: the source HEAD response """ try: src_path = self.headers['X-Amz-Copy-Source'] except KeyError: return None src_path, qs = src_path.partition('?')[::2] parsed = parse_qsl(qs, True) if not parsed: query = {} elif len(parsed) == 1 and parsed[0][0] == 'versionId': query = {'version-id': parsed[0][1]} else: raise InvalidArgument('X-Amz-Copy-Source', self.headers['X-Amz-Copy-Source'], 'Unsupported copy source parameter.') src_path = unquote(src_path) src_path = src_path if src_path.startswith('/') else ('/' + src_path) src_bucket, src_obj = split_path(src_path, 0, 2, True) headers = swob.HeaderKeyDict() headers.update(self._copy_source_headers()) src_resp = self.get_response(app, 'HEAD', src_bucket, swob.str_to_wsgi(src_obj), headers=headers, query=query) if src_resp.status_int == 304: # pylint: disable-msg=E1101 raise PreconditionFailed() if (self.container_name == src_bucket and self.object_name == src_obj and self.headers.get('x-amz-metadata-directive', 'COPY') == 'COPY' and not query): raise InvalidRequest("This copy request is illegal " "because it is trying to copy an " "object to itself without " "changing the object's metadata, " "storage class, website redirect " "location or encryption " "attributes.") # We've done some normalizing; write back so it's ready for # to_swift_req self.headers['X-Amz-Copy-Source'] = quote(src_path) if query: self.headers['X-Amz-Copy-Source'] += \ '?versionId=' + query['version-id'] return src_resp def _canonical_uri(self): """ Require bucket name in canonical_uri for v2 in virtual hosted-style. """ raw_path_info = self.environ.get('RAW_PATH_INFO', self.path) if self.bucket_in_host: raw_path_info = '/' + self.bucket_in_host + raw_path_info return raw_path_info def _string_to_sign(self): """ Create 'StringToSign' value in Amazon terminology for v2. """ amz_headers = {} buf = [swob.wsgi_to_bytes(wsgi_str) for wsgi_str in [ self.method, _header_strip(self.headers.get('Content-MD5')) or '', _header_strip(self.headers.get('Content-Type')) or '']] if 'headers_raw' in self.environ: # eventlet >= 0.19.0 # See https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/commit/67ec999 amz_headers = defaultdict(list) for key, value in self.environ['headers_raw']: key = key.lower() if not key.startswith('x-amz-'): continue amz_headers[key.strip()].append(value.strip()) amz_headers = dict((key, ','.join(value)) for key, value in amz_headers.items()) else: # mostly-functional fallback amz_headers = dict((key.lower(), value) for key, value in self.headers.items() if key.lower().startswith('x-amz-')) if self._is_header_auth: if 'x-amz-date' in amz_headers: buf.append(b'') elif 'Date' in self.headers: buf.append(swob.wsgi_to_bytes(self.headers['Date'])) elif self._is_query_auth: buf.append(swob.wsgi_to_bytes(self.params['Expires'])) else: # Should have already raised NotS3Request in _parse_auth_info, # but as a sanity check... raise AccessDenied(reason='not_s3') for key, value in sorted(amz_headers.items()): buf.append(swob.wsgi_to_bytes("%s:%s" % (key, value))) path = self._canonical_uri() if self.query_string: path += '?' + self.query_string params = [] if '?' in path: path, args = path.split('?', 1) for key, value in sorted(self.params.items()): if key in ALLOWED_SUB_RESOURCES: params.append('%s=%s' % (key, value) if value else key) if params: buf.append(swob.wsgi_to_bytes('%s?%s' % (path, '&'.join(params)))) else: buf.append(swob.wsgi_to_bytes(path)) return b'\n'.join(buf) def signature_does_not_match_kwargs(self): return { 'a_w_s_access_key_id': self.access_key, 'string_to_sign': self.string_to_sign, 'signature_provided': self.signature, 'string_to_sign_bytes': ' '.join( format(ord(c), '02x') for c in self.string_to_sign.decode('latin1')), } @property def controller_name(self): return self.controller.__name__[:-len('Controller')] @property def controller(self): if self.is_service_request: return ServiceController if not self.conf.allow_multipart_uploads: multi_part = ['partNumber', 'uploadId', 'uploads'] if len([p for p in multi_part if p in self.params]): raise S3NotImplemented("Multi-part feature isn't support") if 'acl' in self.params: return AclController if 'delete' in self.params: return MultiObjectDeleteController if 'location' in self.params: return LocationController if 'logging' in self.params: return LoggingStatusController if 'partNumber' in self.params: return PartController if 'uploadId' in self.params: return UploadController if 'uploads' in self.params: return UploadsController if 'versioning' in self.params: return VersioningController if 'tagging' in self.params: return TaggingController if 'object-lock' in self.params: return ObjectLockController unsupported = ('notification', 'policy', 'requestPayment', 'torrent', 'website', 'cors', 'restore') if set(unsupported) & set(self.params): return UnsupportedController if self.is_object_request: return ObjectController return BucketController @property def is_service_request(self): return not self.container_name @property def is_bucket_request(self): return self.container_name and not self.object_name @property def is_object_request(self): return self.container_name and self.object_name @property def is_authenticated(self): return self.account is not None def to_swift_req(self, method, container, obj, query=None, body=None, headers=None): """ Create a Swift request based on this request's environment. """ if self.account is None: account = self.access_key else: account = self.account env = self.environ.copy() env['swift.infocache'] = self.environ.setdefault('swift.infocache', {}) def sanitize(value): if set(value).issubset(string.printable): return value value = Header(value, 'UTF-8').encode() if value.startswith('=?utf-8?q?'): return '=?UTF-8?Q?' + value[10:] elif value.startswith('=?utf-8?b?'): return '=?UTF-8?B?' + value[10:] else: return value if 'headers_raw' in env: # eventlet >= 0.19.0 # See https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/commit/67ec999 for key, value in env['headers_raw']: if not key.lower().startswith('x-amz-meta-'): continue # AWS ignores user-defined headers with these characters if any(c in key for c in ' "),/;<=>?@[\\]{}'): # NB: apparently, '(' *is* allowed continue # Note that this may have already been deleted, e.g. if the # client sent multiple headers with the same name, or both # x-amz-meta-foo-bar and x-amz-meta-foo_bar env.pop('HTTP_' + key.replace('-', '_').upper(), None) # Need to preserve underscores. Since we know '=' can't be # present, quoted-printable seems appropriate. key = key.replace('_', '=5F').replace('-', '_').upper() key = 'HTTP_X_OBJECT_META_' + key[11:] if key in env: env[key] += ',' + sanitize(value) else: env[key] = sanitize(value) else: # mostly-functional fallback for key in self.environ: if not key.startswith('HTTP_X_AMZ_META_'): continue # AWS ignores user-defined headers with these characters if any(c in key for c in ' "),/;<=>?@[\\]{}'): # NB: apparently, '(' *is* allowed continue env['HTTP_X_OBJECT_META_' + key[16:]] = sanitize(env[key]) del env[key] copy_from_version_id = '' if 'HTTP_X_AMZ_COPY_SOURCE' in env and env['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'PUT': env['HTTP_X_COPY_FROM'], copy_from_version_id = env[ 'HTTP_X_AMZ_COPY_SOURCE'].partition('?versionId=')[::2] del env['HTTP_X_AMZ_COPY_SOURCE'] env['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = '0' if env.pop('HTTP_X_AMZ_METADATA_DIRECTIVE', None) == 'REPLACE': env['HTTP_X_FRESH_METADATA'] = 'True' else: copy_exclude_headers = ('HTTP_CONTENT_DISPOSITION', 'HTTP_CONTENT_ENCODING', 'HTTP_CONTENT_LANGUAGE', 'CONTENT_TYPE', 'HTTP_EXPIRES', 'HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL', 'HTTP_X_ROBOTS_TAG') for key in copy_exclude_headers: env.pop(key, None) for key in list(env.keys()): if key.startswith('HTTP_X_OBJECT_META_'): del env[key] if self.conf.force_swift_request_proxy_log: env['swift.proxy_access_log_made'] = False env['swift.source'] = 'S3' if method is not None: env['REQUEST_METHOD'] = method if obj: path = '/v1/%s/%s/%s' % (account, container, obj) elif container: path = '/v1/%s/%s' % (account, container) else: path = '/v1/%s' % (account) env['PATH_INFO'] = path params = [] if query is not None: for key, value in sorted(query.items()): if value is not None: params.append('%s=%s' % (key, quote(str(value)))) else: params.append(key) if copy_from_version_id and not (query and query.get('version-id')): params.append('version-id=' + copy_from_version_id) env['QUERY_STRING'] = '&'.join(params) return swob.Request.blank(quote(path), environ=env, body=body, headers=headers) def _swift_success_codes(self, method, container, obj): """ Returns a list of expected success codes from Swift. """ if not container: # Swift account access. code_map = { 'GET': [ HTTP_OK, ], } elif not obj: # Swift container access. code_map = { 'HEAD': [ HTTP_NO_CONTENT, ], 'GET': [ HTTP_OK, HTTP_NO_CONTENT, ], 'PUT': [ HTTP_CREATED, ], 'POST': [ HTTP_NO_CONTENT, ], 'DELETE': [ HTTP_NO_CONTENT, ], } else: # Swift object access. code_map = { 'HEAD': [ HTTP_OK, HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT, HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED, ], 'GET': [ HTTP_OK, HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT, HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED, ], 'PUT': [ HTTP_CREATED, HTTP_ACCEPTED, # For SLO with heartbeating ], 'POST': [ HTTP_ACCEPTED, ], 'DELETE': [ HTTP_OK, HTTP_NO_CONTENT, ], } return code_map[method] def _bucket_put_accepted_error(self, container, app): sw_req = self.to_swift_req('HEAD', container, None) info = get_container_info(sw_req.environ, app, swift_source='S3') sysmeta = info.get('sysmeta', {}) try: acl = json.loads(sysmeta.get('s3api-acl', sysmeta.get('swift3-acl', '{}'))) owner = acl.get('Owner') except (ValueError, TypeError, KeyError): owner = None if owner is None or owner == self.user_id: raise BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou(container) raise BucketAlreadyExists(container) def _swift_error_codes(self, method, container, obj, env, app): """ Returns a dict from expected Swift error codes to the corresponding S3 error responses. """ if not container: # Swift account access. code_map = { 'GET': { }, } elif not obj: # Swift container access. code_map = { 'HEAD': { HTTP_NOT_FOUND: (NoSuchBucket, container), }, 'GET': { HTTP_NOT_FOUND: (NoSuchBucket, container), }, 'PUT': { HTTP_ACCEPTED: (self._bucket_put_accepted_error, container, app), }, 'POST': { HTTP_NOT_FOUND: (NoSuchBucket, container), }, 'DELETE': { HTTP_NOT_FOUND: (NoSuchBucket, container), HTTP_CONFLICT: BucketNotEmpty, }, } else: # Swift object access. # 404s differ depending upon whether the bucket exists # Note that base-container-existence checks happen elsewhere for # multi-part uploads, and get_container_info should be pulling # from the env cache def not_found_handler(): if container.endswith(MULTIUPLOAD_SUFFIX) or \ is_success(get_container_info( env, app, swift_source='S3').get('status')): return NoSuchKey(obj) return NoSuchBucket(container) code_map = { 'HEAD': { HTTP_NOT_FOUND: not_found_handler, HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED: PreconditionFailed, }, 'GET': { HTTP_NOT_FOUND: not_found_handler, HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED: PreconditionFailed, HTTP_REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE: InvalidRange, }, 'PUT': { HTTP_NOT_FOUND: (NoSuchBucket, container), HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY: BadDigest, HTTP_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE: EntityTooLarge, HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED: MissingContentLength, HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT: RequestTimeout, HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED: PreconditionFailed, HTTP_CLIENT_CLOSED_REQUEST: RequestTimeout, }, 'POST': { HTTP_NOT_FOUND: not_found_handler, HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED: PreconditionFailed, }, 'DELETE': { HTTP_NOT_FOUND: (NoSuchKey, obj), }, } return code_map[method] def _get_response(self, app, method, container, obj, headers=None, body=None, query=None): """ Calls the application with this request's environment. Returns a S3Response object that wraps up the application's result. """ method = method or self.environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] if container is None: container = self.container_name if obj is None: obj = self.object_name sw_req = self.to_swift_req(method, container, obj, headers=headers, body=body, query=query) try: sw_resp = sw_req.get_response(app) except swob.HTTPException as err: # Maybe a 422 from HashingInput? Put something in # s3api.backend_path - hopefully by now any modifications to the # path (e.g. tenant to account translation) will have been made by # auth middleware self.environ['s3api.backend_path'] = sw_req.environ['PATH_INFO'] sw_resp = err else: # reuse account _, self.account, _ = split_path(sw_resp.environ['PATH_INFO'], 2, 3, True) # Update s3.backend_path from the response environ self.environ['s3api.backend_path'] = sw_resp.environ['PATH_INFO'] # keep a record of the backend policy index so that the s3api can add # it to the headers of whatever response it returns, which may not # necessarily be this resp. self.policy_index = get_policy_index(sw_req.headers, sw_resp.headers) resp = S3Response.from_swift_resp(sw_resp) status = resp.status_int # pylint: disable-msg=E1101 if not self.user_id: if 'HTTP_X_USER_NAME' in sw_resp.environ: # keystone self.user_id = "%s:%s" % ( sw_resp.environ['HTTP_X_TENANT_NAME'], sw_resp.environ['HTTP_X_USER_NAME']) if six.PY2 and not isinstance(self.user_id, bytes): self.user_id = self.user_id.encode('utf8') else: # tempauth self.user_id = self.access_key success_codes = self._swift_success_codes(method, container, obj) error_codes = self._swift_error_codes(method, container, obj, sw_req.environ, app) if status in success_codes: return resp err_msg = resp.body if status in error_codes: err_resp = \ error_codes[sw_resp.status_int] # pylint: disable-msg=E1101 if isinstance(err_resp, tuple): raise err_resp[0](*err_resp[1:]) elif b'quota' in err_msg: raise err_resp(err_msg) else: raise err_resp() if status == HTTP_BAD_REQUEST: err_str = err_msg.decode('utf8') if 'X-Delete-At' in err_str: raise InvalidArgument('X-Delete-At', self.headers['X-Delete-At'], err_str) if 'X-Delete-After' in err_msg.decode('utf8'): raise InvalidArgument('X-Delete-After', self.headers['X-Delete-After'], err_str) else: raise InvalidRequest(msg=err_str) if status == HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED: raise SignatureDoesNotMatch( **self.signature_does_not_match_kwargs()) if status == HTTP_FORBIDDEN: raise AccessDenied(reason='forbidden') if status == HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: raise ServiceUnavailable() if status in (HTTP_RATE_LIMITED, HTTP_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS): if self.conf.ratelimit_as_client_error: raise SlowDown(status='429 Slow Down') raise SlowDown() if resp.status_int == HTTP_CONFLICT: # TODO: validate that this actually came up out of SLO raise BrokenMPU() raise InternalError('unexpected status code %d' % status) def get_response(self, app, method=None, container=None, obj=None, headers=None, body=None, query=None): """ get_response is an entry point to be extended for child classes. If additional tasks needed at that time of getting swift response, we can override this method. swift.common.middleware.s3api.s3request.S3Request need to just call _get_response to get pure swift response. """ if 'HTTP_X_AMZ_ACL' in self.environ: handle_acl_header(self) return self._get_response(app, method, container, obj, headers, body, query) def get_validated_param(self, param, default, limit=MAX_32BIT_INT): value = default if param in self.params: try: value = int(self.params[param]) if value < 0: err_msg = 'Argument %s must be an integer between 0 and' \ ' %d' % (param, MAX_32BIT_INT) raise InvalidArgument(param, self.params[param], err_msg) if value > MAX_32BIT_INT: # check the value because int() could build either a long # instance or a 64bit integer. raise ValueError() if limit < value: value = limit except ValueError: err_msg = 'Provided %s not an integer or within ' \ 'integer range' % param raise InvalidArgument(param, self.params[param], err_msg) return value def get_container_info(self, app): """ get_container_info will return a result dict of get_container_info from the backend Swift. :returns: a dictionary of container info from swift.controllers.base.get_container_info :raises: NoSuchBucket when the container doesn't exist :raises: InternalError when the request failed without 404 """ if not self.is_authenticated: sw_req = self.to_swift_req('TEST', None, None, body='') # don't show log message of this request sw_req.environ['swift.proxy_access_log_made'] = True sw_resp = sw_req.get_response(app) if not sw_req.remote_user: raise SignatureDoesNotMatch( **self.signature_does_not_match_kwargs()) _, self.account, _ = split_path(sw_resp.environ['PATH_INFO'], 2, 3, True) sw_req = self.to_swift_req('TEST', self.container_name, None) info = get_container_info(sw_req.environ, app, swift_source='S3') if is_success(info['status']): return info elif info['status'] == HTTP_NOT_FOUND: raise NoSuchBucket(self.container_name) elif info['status'] == HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: raise ServiceUnavailable() else: raise InternalError( 'unexpected status code %d' % info['status']) def gen_multipart_manifest_delete_query(self, app, obj=None, version=None): if not self.conf.allow_multipart_uploads: return {} if not obj: obj = self.object_name query = {'symlink': 'get'} if version is not None: query['version-id'] = version resp = self.get_response(app, 'HEAD', obj=obj, query=query) if not resp.is_slo: return {} elif resp.sysmeta_headers.get(sysmeta_header('object', 'etag')): # Even if allow_async_delete is turned off, SLO will just handle # the delete synchronously, so we don't need to check before # setting async=on return {'multipart-manifest': 'delete', 'async': 'on'} else: return {'multipart-manifest': 'delete'} def set_acl_handler(self, handler): pass class S3AclRequest(S3Request): """ S3Acl request object. """ def __init__(self, env, app=None, conf=None): super(S3AclRequest, self).__init__(env, app, conf) self.authenticate(app) self.acl_handler = None @property def controller(self): if 'acl' in self.params and not self.is_service_request: return S3AclController return super(S3AclRequest, self).controller def authenticate(self, app): """ authenticate method will run pre-authenticate request and retrieve account information. Note that it currently supports only keystone and tempauth. (no support for the third party authentication middleware) """ sw_req = self.to_swift_req('TEST', None, None, body='') # don't show log message of this request sw_req.environ['swift.proxy_access_log_made'] = True sw_resp = sw_req.get_response(app) if not sw_req.remote_user: raise SignatureDoesNotMatch( **self.signature_does_not_match_kwargs()) _, self.account, _ = split_path(sw_resp.environ['PATH_INFO'], 2, 3, True) if 'HTTP_X_USER_NAME' in sw_resp.environ: # keystone self.user_id = "%s:%s" % (sw_resp.environ['HTTP_X_TENANT_NAME'], sw_resp.environ['HTTP_X_USER_NAME']) if six.PY2 and not isinstance(self.user_id, bytes): self.user_id = self.user_id.encode('utf8') else: # tempauth self.user_id = self.access_key sw_req.environ.get('swift.authorize', lambda req: None)(sw_req) self.environ['swift_owner'] = sw_req.environ.get('swift_owner', False) if 'REMOTE_USER' in sw_req.environ: self.environ['REMOTE_USER'] = sw_req.environ['REMOTE_USER'] # Need to skip S3 authorization on subsequent requests to prevent # overwriting the account in PATH_INFO del self.environ['s3api.auth_details'] def to_swift_req(self, method, container, obj, query=None, body=None, headers=None): sw_req = super(S3AclRequest, self).to_swift_req( method, container, obj, query, body, headers) if self.account: sw_req.environ['swift_owner'] = True # needed to set ACL sw_req.environ['swift.authorize_override'] = True sw_req.environ['swift.authorize'] = lambda req: None return sw_req def get_acl_response(self, app, method=None, container=None, obj=None, headers=None, body=None, query=None): """ Wrapper method of _get_response to add s3 acl information from response sysmeta headers. """ resp = self._get_response( app, method, container, obj, headers, body, query) resp.bucket_acl = decode_acl( 'container', resp.sysmeta_headers, self.conf.allow_no_owner) resp.object_acl = decode_acl( 'object', resp.sysmeta_headers, self.conf.allow_no_owner) return resp def get_response(self, app, method=None, container=None, obj=None, headers=None, body=None, query=None): """ Wrap up get_response call to hook with acl handling method. """ if not self.acl_handler: # we should set acl_handler all time before calling get_response raise Exception('get_response called before set_acl_handler') resp = self.acl_handler.handle_acl( app, method, container, obj, headers) # possible to skip recalling get_response_acl if resp is not # None (e.g. HEAD) if resp: return resp return self.get_acl_response(app, method, container, obj, headers, body, query) def set_acl_handler(self, acl_handler): self.acl_handler = acl_handler class SigV4Request(SigV4Mixin, S3Request): pass class SigV4S3AclRequest(SigV4Mixin, S3AclRequest): pass