# Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from collections import defaultdict import os import errno from os.path import isdir, isfile, join, dirname import random import shutil import time import itertools from six import viewkeys import six.moves.cPickle as pickle from swift import gettext_ as _ import eventlet from eventlet import GreenPool, queue, tpool, Timeout, sleep from eventlet.green import subprocess from swift.common.constraints import check_drive from swift.common.ring.utils import is_local_device from swift.common.utils import whataremyips, unlink_older_than, \ compute_eta, get_logger, dump_recon_cache, \ rsync_module_interpolation, mkdirs, config_true_value, \ config_auto_int_value, storage_directory, \ load_recon_cache, PrefixLoggerAdapter, parse_override_options, \ distribute_evenly from swift.common.bufferedhttp import http_connect from swift.common.daemon import Daemon from swift.common.http import HTTP_OK, HTTP_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE from swift.obj import ssync_sender from swift.obj.diskfile import get_data_dir, get_tmp_dir, DiskFileRouter from swift.common.storage_policy import POLICIES, REPL_POLICY DEFAULT_RSYNC_TIMEOUT = 900 def _do_listdir(partition, replication_cycle): return (((partition + replication_cycle) % 10) == 0) class Stats(object): fields = ['attempted', 'failure', 'hashmatch', 'remove', 'rsync', 'success', 'suffix_count', 'suffix_hash', 'suffix_sync', 'failure_nodes'] @classmethod def from_recon(cls, dct): return cls(**{k: v for k, v in dct.items() if k in cls.fields}) def to_recon(self): return {k: getattr(self, k) for k in self.fields} def __init__(self, attempted=0, failure=0, hashmatch=0, remove=0, rsync=0, success=0, suffix_count=0, suffix_hash=0, suffix_sync=0, failure_nodes=None): self.attempted = attempted self.failure = failure self.hashmatch = hashmatch self.remove = remove self.rsync = rsync self.success = success self.suffix_count = suffix_count self.suffix_hash = suffix_hash self.suffix_sync = suffix_sync self.failure_nodes = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int), (failure_nodes or {})) def __add__(self, other): total = type(self)() total.attempted = self.attempted + other.attempted total.failure = self.failure + other.failure total.hashmatch = self.hashmatch + other.hashmatch total.remove = self.remove + other.remove total.rsync = self.rsync + other.rsync total.success = self.success + other.success total.suffix_count = self.suffix_count + other.suffix_count total.suffix_hash = self.suffix_hash + other.suffix_hash total.suffix_sync = self.suffix_sync + other.suffix_sync all_failed_ips = (set(list(self.failure_nodes.keys()) + list(other.failure_nodes.keys()))) for ip in all_failed_ips: self_devs = self.failure_nodes.get(ip, {}) other_devs = other.failure_nodes.get(ip, {}) this_ip_failures = {} for dev in set(list(self_devs.keys()) + list(other_devs.keys())): this_ip_failures[dev] = ( self_devs.get(dev, 0) + other_devs.get(dev, 0)) total.failure_nodes[ip] = this_ip_failures return total def add_failure_stats(self, failures): """ Note the failure of one or more devices. :param failures: a list of (ip, device-name) pairs that failed """ self.failure += len(failures) for ip, device in failures: self.failure_nodes[ip][device] += 1 class ObjectReplicator(Daemon): """ Replicate objects. Encapsulates most logic and data needed by the object replication process. Each call to .replicate() performs one replication pass. It's up to the caller to do this in a loop. """ def __init__(self, conf, logger=None): """ :param conf: configuration object obtained from ConfigParser :param logger: logging object """ self.conf = conf self.logger = PrefixLoggerAdapter( logger or get_logger(conf, log_route='object-replicator'), {}) self.devices_dir = conf.get('devices', '/srv/node') self.mount_check = config_true_value(conf.get('mount_check', 'true')) self.swift_dir = conf.get('swift_dir', '/etc/swift') self.bind_ip = conf.get('bind_ip', '') self.servers_per_port = int(conf.get('servers_per_port', '0') or 0) self.port = None if self.servers_per_port else \ int(conf.get('bind_port', 6200)) self.concurrency = int(conf.get('concurrency', 1)) self.replicator_workers = int(conf.get('replicator_workers', 0)) self.stats_interval = int(conf.get('stats_interval', '300')) self.ring_check_interval = int(conf.get('ring_check_interval', 15)) self.next_check = time.time() + self.ring_check_interval self.replication_cycle = random.randint(0, 9) self.partition_times = [] self.interval = int(conf.get('interval') or conf.get('run_pause') or 30) if 'run_pause' in conf and 'interval' not in conf: self.logger.warning('Option object-replicator/run_pause ' 'is deprecated and will be removed in a ' 'future version. Update your configuration' ' to use option object-replicator/' 'interval.') self.rsync_timeout = int(conf.get('rsync_timeout', DEFAULT_RSYNC_TIMEOUT)) self.rsync_io_timeout = conf.get('rsync_io_timeout', '30') self.rsync_bwlimit = conf.get('rsync_bwlimit', '0') self.rsync_compress = config_true_value( conf.get('rsync_compress', 'no')) self.rsync_module = conf.get('rsync_module', '').rstrip('/') if not self.rsync_module: self.rsync_module = '{replication_ip}::object' self.http_timeout = int(conf.get('http_timeout', 60)) self.recon_cache_path = conf.get('recon_cache_path', '/var/cache/swift') self.rcache = os.path.join(self.recon_cache_path, "object.recon") self._next_rcache_update = time.time() + self.stats_interval self.conn_timeout = float(conf.get('conn_timeout', 0.5)) self.node_timeout = float(conf.get('node_timeout', 10)) self.sync_method = getattr(self, conf.get('sync_method') or 'rsync') self.network_chunk_size = int(conf.get('network_chunk_size', 65536)) self.default_headers = { 'Content-Length': '0', 'user-agent': 'object-replicator %s' % os.getpid()} self.rsync_error_log_line_length = \ int(conf.get('rsync_error_log_line_length', 0)) self.handoffs_first = config_true_value(conf.get('handoffs_first', False)) self.handoff_delete = config_auto_int_value( conf.get('handoff_delete', 'auto'), 0) if any((self.handoff_delete, self.handoffs_first)): self.logger.warning('Handoff only mode is not intended for normal ' 'operation, please disable handoffs_first and ' 'handoff_delete before the next ' 'normal rebalance') self.is_multiprocess_worker = None self._df_router = DiskFileRouter(conf, self.logger) self._child_process_reaper_queue = queue.LightQueue() def _zero_stats(self): self.stats_for_dev = defaultdict(Stats) @property def total_stats(self): return sum(self.stats_for_dev.values(), Stats()) def _emplace_log_prefix(self, worker_index): self.logger.set_prefix("[worker %d/%d pid=%d] " % ( worker_index + 1, # use 1-based indexing for more readable logs self.replicator_workers, os.getpid())) def _get_my_replication_ips(self): my_replication_ips = set() ips = whataremyips() for policy in POLICIES: self.load_object_ring(policy) for local_dev in [dev for dev in policy.object_ring.devs if dev and dev['replication_ip'] in ips and dev['replication_port'] == self.port]: my_replication_ips.add(local_dev['replication_ip']) return list(my_replication_ips) def _child_process_reaper(self): """ Consume processes from self._child_process_reaper_queue and wait() for them """ procs = set() done = False while not done: timeout = 60 if procs else None try: new_proc = self._child_process_reaper_queue.get( timeout=timeout) if new_proc is not None: procs.add(new_proc) else: done = True except queue.Empty: pass reaped_procs = set() for proc in procs: # this will reap the process if it has exited, but # otherwise will not wait if proc.poll() is not None: reaped_procs.add(proc) procs -= reaped_procs def get_worker_args(self, once=False, **kwargs): if self.replicator_workers < 1: return [] override_opts = parse_override_options(once=once, **kwargs) have_overrides = bool(override_opts.devices or override_opts.partitions or override_opts.policies) # save this off for ring-change detection later in is_healthy() self.all_local_devices = self.get_local_devices() if override_opts.devices: devices_to_replicate = [ d for d in override_opts.devices if d in self.all_local_devices] else: # The sort isn't strictly necessary since we're just trying to # spread devices around evenly, but it makes testing easier. devices_to_replicate = sorted(self.all_local_devices) # Distribute devices among workers as evenly as possible self.replicator_workers = min(self.replicator_workers, len(devices_to_replicate)) return [{'override_devices': devs, 'override_partitions': override_opts.partitions, 'override_policies': override_opts.policies, 'have_overrides': have_overrides, 'multiprocess_worker_index': index} for index, devs in enumerate( distribute_evenly(devices_to_replicate, self.replicator_workers))] def is_healthy(self): """ Check whether our set of local devices remains the same. If devices have been added or removed, then we return False here so that we can kill off any worker processes and then distribute the new set of local devices across a new set of workers so that all devices are, once again, being worked on. This function may also cause recon stats to be updated. :returns: False if any local devices have been added or removed, True otherwise """ # We update recon here because this is the only function we have in # a multiprocess replicator that gets called periodically in the # parent process. if time.time() >= self._next_rcache_update: update = self.aggregate_recon_update() dump_recon_cache(update, self.rcache, self.logger) return self.get_local_devices() == self.all_local_devices def get_local_devices(self): """ Returns a set of all local devices in all replication-type storage policies. This is the device names, e.g. "sdq" or "d1234" or something, not the full ring entries. """ ips = whataremyips(self.bind_ip) local_devices = set() for policy in POLICIES: if policy.policy_type != REPL_POLICY: continue self.load_object_ring(policy) for device in policy.object_ring.devs: if device and is_local_device( ips, self.port, device['replication_ip'], device['replication_port']): local_devices.add(device['device']) return local_devices # Just exists for doc anchor point def sync(self, node, job, suffixes, *args, **kwargs): """ Synchronize local suffix directories from a partition with a remote node. :param node: the "dev" entry for the remote node to sync with :param job: information about the partition being synced :param suffixes: a list of suffixes which need to be pushed :returns: boolean and dictionary, boolean indicating success or failure """ return self.sync_method(node, job, suffixes, *args, **kwargs) def load_object_ring(self, policy): """ Make sure the policy's rings are loaded. :param policy: the StoragePolicy instance :returns: appropriate ring object """ policy.load_ring(self.swift_dir) return policy.object_ring def _limit_rsync_log(self, line): """ If rsync_error_log_line_length is defined then limit the error to that length :param line: rsync log line :return: If enabled the line limited to rsync_error_log_line_length otherwise the initial line. """ if self.rsync_error_log_line_length: return line[:self.rsync_error_log_line_length] return line def _rsync(self, args): """ Execute the rsync binary to replicate a partition. :returns: return code of rsync process. 0 is successful """ start_time = time.time() proc = None try: with Timeout(self.rsync_timeout): proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) results = proc.stdout.read() ret_val = proc.wait() except Timeout: self.logger.error( self._limit_rsync_log( _("Killing long-running rsync: %s") % str(args))) if proc: proc.kill() try: # Note: Python 2.7's subprocess.Popen class doesn't take # any arguments for wait(), but Python 3's does. # However, Eventlet's replacement Popen takes a timeout # argument regardless of Python version, so we don't # need any conditional code here. proc.wait(timeout=1.0) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: # Sometimes a process won't die immediately even after a # SIGKILL. This can be due to failing disks, high load, # or other reasons. We can't wait for it forever since # we're taking up a slot in the (green)thread pool, so # we send it over to another greenthread, not part of # our pool, whose sole duty is to wait for child # processes to exit. self._child_process_reaper_queue.put(proc) return 1 # failure response code total_time = time.time() - start_time for result in results.decode('utf8').split('\n'): if result == '': continue if result.startswith('cd+'): continue if not ret_val: self.logger.info(result) else: self.logger.error(result) if ret_val: self.logger.error( self._limit_rsync_log( _('Bad rsync return code: %(ret)d <- %(args)s') % {'args': str(args), 'ret': ret_val})) else: log_method = self.logger.info if results else self.logger.debug log_method( _("Successful rsync of %(src)s at %(dst)s (%(time).03f)"), {'src': args[-2], 'dst': args[-1], 'time': total_time}) return ret_val def rsync(self, node, job, suffixes): """ Uses rsync to implement the sync method. This was the first sync method in Swift. """ if not os.path.exists(job['path']): return False, {} args = [ 'rsync', '--recursive', '--whole-file', '--human-readable', '--xattrs', '--itemize-changes', '--ignore-existing', '--timeout=%s' % self.rsync_io_timeout, '--contimeout=%s' % self.rsync_io_timeout, '--bwlimit=%s' % self.rsync_bwlimit, '--exclude=.*.%s' % ''.join('[0-9a-zA-Z]' for i in range(6)) ] if self.rsync_compress and \ job['region'] != node['region']: # Allow for compression, but only if the remote node is in # a different region than the local one. args.append('--compress') rsync_module = rsync_module_interpolation(self.rsync_module, node) had_any = False for suffix in suffixes: spath = join(job['path'], suffix) if os.path.exists(spath): args.append(spath) had_any = True if not had_any: return False, {} data_dir = get_data_dir(job['policy']) args.append(join(rsync_module, node['device'], data_dir, job['partition'])) return self._rsync(args) == 0, {} def ssync(self, node, job, suffixes, remote_check_objs=None): return ssync_sender.Sender( self, node, job, suffixes, remote_check_objs)() def check_ring(self, object_ring): """ Check to see if the ring has been updated :param object_ring: the ring to check :returns: boolean indicating whether or not the ring has changed """ if time.time() > self.next_check: self.next_check = time.time() + self.ring_check_interval if object_ring.has_changed(): return False return True def update_deleted(self, job): """ High-level method that replicates a single partition that doesn't belong on this node. :param job: a dict containing info about the partition to be replicated """ def tpool_get_suffixes(path): return [suff for suff in os.listdir(path) if len(suff) == 3 and isdir(join(path, suff))] stats = self.stats_for_dev[job['device']] stats.attempted += 1 self.logger.increment('partition.delete.count.%s' % (job['device'],)) headers = dict(self.default_headers) headers['X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index'] = int(job['policy']) failure_devs_info = set() begin = time.time() handoff_partition_deleted = False try: responses = [] suffixes = tpool.execute(tpool_get_suffixes, job['path']) synced_remote_regions = {} delete_objs = None if suffixes: for node in job['nodes']: stats.rsync += 1 kwargs = {} if node['region'] in synced_remote_regions and \ self.conf.get('sync_method', 'rsync') == 'ssync': kwargs['remote_check_objs'] = \ synced_remote_regions[node['region']] # candidates is a dict(hash=>timestamp) of objects # for deletion success, candidates = self.sync( node, job, suffixes, **kwargs) if success: with Timeout(self.http_timeout): conn = http_connect( node['replication_ip'], node['replication_port'], node['device'], job['partition'], 'REPLICATE', '/' + '-'.join(suffixes), headers=headers) conn.getresponse().read() if node['region'] != job['region']: synced_remote_regions[node['region']] = viewkeys( candidates) else: failure_devs_info.add((node['replication_ip'], node['device'])) responses.append(success) for cand_objs in synced_remote_regions.values(): if delete_objs is None: delete_objs = cand_objs else: delete_objs = delete_objs & cand_objs if self.handoff_delete: # delete handoff if we have had handoff_delete successes delete_handoff = len([resp for resp in responses if resp]) >= \ self.handoff_delete else: # delete handoff if all syncs were successful delete_handoff = len(responses) == len(job['nodes']) and \ all(responses) if delete_handoff: stats.remove += 1 if (self.conf.get('sync_method', 'rsync') == 'ssync' and delete_objs is not None): self.logger.info(_("Removing %s objects"), len(delete_objs)) _junk, error_paths = self.delete_handoff_objs( job, delete_objs) # if replication works for a hand-off device and it failed, # the remote devices which are target of the replication # from the hand-off device will be marked. Because cleanup # after replication failed means replicator needs to # replicate again with the same info. if error_paths: failure_devs_info.update( [(failure_dev['replication_ip'], failure_dev['device']) for failure_dev in job['nodes']]) else: self.delete_partition(job['path']) handoff_partition_deleted = True elif not suffixes: self.delete_partition(job['path']) handoff_partition_deleted = True except (Exception, Timeout): self.logger.exception(_("Error syncing handoff partition")) stats.add_failure_stats(failure_devs_info) finally: target_devs_info = set([(target_dev['replication_ip'], target_dev['device']) for target_dev in job['nodes']]) stats.success += len(target_devs_info - failure_devs_info) if not handoff_partition_deleted: self.handoffs_remaining += 1 self.partition_times.append(time.time() - begin) self.logger.timing_since('partition.delete.timing', begin) def delete_partition(self, path): self.logger.info(_("Removing partition: %s"), path) try: tpool.execute(shutil.rmtree, path) except OSError as e: if e.errno not in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ENOTEMPTY): # If there was a race to create or delete, don't worry raise def delete_handoff_objs(self, job, delete_objs): success_paths = [] error_paths = [] for object_hash in delete_objs: object_path = storage_directory(job['obj_path'], job['partition'], object_hash) tpool.execute(shutil.rmtree, object_path, ignore_errors=True) suffix_dir = dirname(object_path) try: os.rmdir(suffix_dir) success_paths.append(object_path) except OSError as e: if e.errno not in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ENOTEMPTY): error_paths.append(object_path) self.logger.exception( "Unexpected error trying to cleanup suffix dir:%r", suffix_dir) return success_paths, error_paths def update(self, job): """ High-level method that replicates a single partition. :param job: a dict containing info about the partition to be replicated """ stats = self.stats_for_dev[job['device']] stats.attempted += 1 self.logger.increment('partition.update.count.%s' % (job['device'],)) headers = dict(self.default_headers) headers['X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index'] = int(job['policy']) target_devs_info = set() failure_devs_info = set() begin = time.time() df_mgr = self._df_router[job['policy']] try: hashed, local_hash = tpool.execute( df_mgr._get_hashes, job['device'], job['partition'], job['policy'], do_listdir=_do_listdir( int(job['partition']), self.replication_cycle)) stats.suffix_hash += hashed self.logger.update_stats('suffix.hashes', hashed) attempts_left = len(job['nodes']) synced_remote_regions = set() random.shuffle(job['nodes']) nodes = itertools.chain( job['nodes'], job['policy'].object_ring.get_more_nodes( int(job['partition']))) while attempts_left > 0: # If this throws StopIteration it will be caught way below node = next(nodes) target_devs_info.add((node['replication_ip'], node['device'])) attempts_left -= 1 # if we have already synced to this remote region, # don't sync again on this replication pass if node['region'] in synced_remote_regions: continue try: with Timeout(self.http_timeout): resp = http_connect( node['replication_ip'], node['replication_port'], node['device'], job['partition'], 'REPLICATE', '', headers=headers).getresponse() if resp.status == HTTP_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE: self.logger.error( _('%(replication_ip)s/%(device)s ' 'responded as unmounted'), node) attempts_left += 1 failure_devs_info.add((node['replication_ip'], node['device'])) continue if resp.status != HTTP_OK: self.logger.error(_("Invalid response %(resp)s " "from %(ip)s"), {'resp': resp.status, 'ip': node['replication_ip']}) failure_devs_info.add((node['replication_ip'], node['device'])) continue remote_hash = pickle.loads(resp.read()) del resp suffixes = [suffix for suffix in local_hash if local_hash[suffix] != remote_hash.get(suffix, -1)] if not suffixes: stats.hashmatch += 1 continue hashed, recalc_hash = tpool.execute( df_mgr._get_hashes, job['device'], job['partition'], job['policy'], recalculate=suffixes) self.logger.update_stats('suffix.hashes', hashed) local_hash = recalc_hash suffixes = [suffix for suffix in local_hash if local_hash[suffix] != remote_hash.get(suffix, -1)] if not suffixes: stats.hashmatch += 1 continue stats.rsync += 1 success, _junk = self.sync(node, job, suffixes) with Timeout(self.http_timeout): conn = http_connect( node['replication_ip'], node['replication_port'], node['device'], job['partition'], 'REPLICATE', '/' + '-'.join(suffixes), headers=headers) conn.getresponse().read() if not success: failure_devs_info.add((node['replication_ip'], node['device'])) # add only remote region when replicate succeeded if success and node['region'] != job['region']: synced_remote_regions.add(node['region']) stats.suffix_sync += len(suffixes) self.logger.update_stats('suffix.syncs', len(suffixes)) except (Exception, Timeout): failure_devs_info.add((node['replication_ip'], node['device'])) self.logger.exception(_("Error syncing with node: %s") % node) stats.suffix_count += len(local_hash) except StopIteration: self.logger.error('Ran out of handoffs while replicating ' 'partition %s of policy %d', job['partition'], int(job['policy'])) except (Exception, Timeout): failure_devs_info.update(target_devs_info) self.logger.exception(_("Error syncing partition")) finally: stats.add_failure_stats(failure_devs_info) stats.success += len(target_devs_info - failure_devs_info) self.partition_times.append(time.time() - begin) self.logger.timing_since('partition.update.timing', begin) def stats_line(self): """ Logs various stats for the currently running replication pass. """ stats = self.total_stats replication_count = stats.attempted if replication_count > self.last_replication_count: self.last_replication_count = replication_count elapsed = (time.time() - self.start) or 0.000001 rate = replication_count / elapsed self.logger.info( _("%(replicated)d/%(total)d (%(percentage).2f%%)" " partitions replicated in %(time).2fs (%(rate).2f/sec, " "%(remaining)s remaining)"), {'replicated': replication_count, 'total': self.job_count, 'percentage': replication_count * 100.0 / self.job_count, 'time': time.time() - self.start, 'rate': rate, 'remaining': '%d%s' % compute_eta(self.start, replication_count, self.job_count)}) self.logger.info(_('%(success)s successes, %(failure)s failures') % dict(success=stats.success, failure=stats.failure)) if stats.suffix_count: self.logger.info( _("%(checked)d suffixes checked - " "%(hashed).2f%% hashed, %(synced).2f%% synced"), {'checked': stats.suffix_count, 'hashed': (stats.suffix_hash * 100.0) / stats.suffix_count, 'synced': (stats.suffix_sync * 100.0) / stats.suffix_count}) self.partition_times.sort() self.logger.info( _("Partition times: max %(max).4fs, " "min %(min).4fs, med %(med).4fs"), {'max': self.partition_times[-1], 'min': self.partition_times[0], 'med': self.partition_times[ len(self.partition_times) // 2]}) else: self.logger.info( _("Nothing replicated for %s seconds."), (time.time() - self.start)) def heartbeat(self): """ Loop that runs in the background during replication. It periodically logs progress. """ while True: eventlet.sleep(self.stats_interval) self.stats_line() def build_replication_jobs(self, policy, ips, override_devices=None, override_partitions=None): """ Helper function for collect_jobs to build jobs for replication using replication style storage policy """ jobs = [] df_mgr = self._df_router[policy] self.all_devs_info.update( [(dev['replication_ip'], dev['device']) for dev in policy.object_ring.devs if dev]) data_dir = get_data_dir(policy) found_local = False for local_dev in [dev for dev in policy.object_ring.devs if (dev and is_local_device(ips, self.port, dev['replication_ip'], dev['replication_port']) and (override_devices is None or dev['device'] in override_devices))]: found_local = True local_dev_stats = self.stats_for_dev[local_dev['device']] try: dev_path = check_drive(self.devices_dir, local_dev['device'], self.mount_check) except ValueError as err: local_dev_stats.add_failure_stats( [(failure_dev['replication_ip'], failure_dev['device']) for failure_dev in policy.object_ring.devs if failure_dev]) self.logger.warning("%s", err) continue obj_path = join(dev_path, data_dir) tmp_path = join(dev_path, get_tmp_dir(policy)) unlink_older_than(tmp_path, time.time() - df_mgr.reclaim_age) if not os.path.exists(obj_path): try: mkdirs(obj_path) except Exception: self.logger.exception('ERROR creating %s' % obj_path) continue for partition in os.listdir(obj_path): if (override_partitions is not None and partition.isdigit() and int(partition) not in override_partitions): continue if (partition.startswith('auditor_status_') and partition.endswith('.json')): # ignore auditor status files continue part_nodes = None try: job_path = join(obj_path, partition) part_nodes = policy.object_ring.get_part_nodes( int(partition)) nodes = [node for node in part_nodes if node['id'] != local_dev['id']] jobs.append( dict(path=job_path, device=local_dev['device'], obj_path=obj_path, nodes=nodes, delete=len(nodes) > len(part_nodes) - 1, policy=policy, partition=partition, region=local_dev['region'])) except ValueError: if part_nodes: local_dev_stats.add_failure_stats( [(failure_dev['replication_ip'], failure_dev['device']) for failure_dev in nodes]) else: local_dev_stats.add_failure_stats( [(failure_dev['replication_ip'], failure_dev['device']) for failure_dev in policy.object_ring.devs if failure_dev]) continue if not found_local: self.logger.error("Can't find itself in policy with index %d with" " ips %s and with port %s in ring file, not" " replicating", int(policy), ", ".join(ips), self.port) return jobs def collect_jobs(self, override_devices=None, override_partitions=None, override_policies=None): """ Returns a sorted list of jobs (dictionaries) that specify the partitions, nodes, etc to be rsynced. :param override_devices: if set, only jobs on these devices will be returned :param override_partitions: if set, only jobs on these partitions will be returned :param override_policies: if set, only jobs in these storage policies will be returned """ jobs = [] ips = whataremyips(self.bind_ip) for policy in POLICIES: # Skip replication if next_part_power is set. In this case # every object is hard-linked twice, but the replicator can't # detect them and would create a second copy of the file if not # yet existing - and this might double the actual transferred # and stored data next_part_power = getattr( policy.object_ring, 'next_part_power', None) if next_part_power is not None: self.logger.warning( _("next_part_power set in policy '%s'. Skipping"), policy.name) continue if policy.policy_type == REPL_POLICY: if (override_policies is not None and policy.idx not in override_policies): continue # ensure rings are loaded for policy self.load_object_ring(policy) jobs += self.build_replication_jobs( policy, ips, override_devices=override_devices, override_partitions=override_partitions) random.shuffle(jobs) if self.handoffs_first: # Move the handoff parts to the front of the list jobs.sort(key=lambda job: not job['delete']) self.job_count = len(jobs) return jobs def replicate(self, override_devices=None, override_partitions=None, override_policies=None, start_time=None): """Run a replication pass""" if start_time is None: start_time = time.time() self.start = start_time self.last_replication_count = 0 self.replication_cycle = (self.replication_cycle + 1) % 10 self.partition_times = [] self.my_replication_ips = self._get_my_replication_ips() self.all_devs_info = set() self.handoffs_remaining = 0 stats = eventlet.spawn(self.heartbeat) eventlet.sleep() # Give spawns a cycle current_nodes = None dev_stats = None num_jobs = 0 try: self.run_pool = GreenPool(size=self.concurrency) jobs = self.collect_jobs(override_devices=override_devices, override_partitions=override_partitions, override_policies=override_policies) for job in jobs: dev_stats = self.stats_for_dev[job['device']] num_jobs += 1 current_nodes = job['nodes'] try: check_drive(self.devices_dir, job['device'], self.mount_check) except ValueError as err: dev_stats.add_failure_stats([ (failure_dev['replication_ip'], failure_dev['device']) for failure_dev in job['nodes']]) self.logger.warning("%s", err) continue if self.handoffs_first and not job['delete']: # in handoffs first mode, we won't process primary # partitions until rebalance was successful! if self.handoffs_remaining: self.logger.warning(_( "Handoffs first mode still has handoffs " "remaining. Aborting current " "replication pass.")) break if not self.check_ring(job['policy'].object_ring): self.logger.info(_("Ring change detected. Aborting " "current replication pass.")) return try: if isfile(job['path']): # Clean up any (probably zero-byte) files where a # partition should be. self.logger.warning( 'Removing partition directory ' 'which was a file: %s', job['path']) os.remove(job['path']) continue except OSError: continue if job['delete']: self.run_pool.spawn(self.update_deleted, job) else: self.run_pool.spawn(self.update, job) current_nodes = None self.run_pool.waitall() except (Exception, Timeout) as err: if dev_stats: if current_nodes: dev_stats.add_failure_stats( [(failure_dev['replication_ip'], failure_dev['device']) for failure_dev in current_nodes]) else: dev_stats.add_failure_stats(self.all_devs_info) self.logger.exception( _("Exception in top-level replication loop: %s"), err) finally: stats.kill() self.stats_line() def update_recon(self, total, end_time, override_devices): # Called at the end of a replication pass to update recon stats. if self.is_multiprocess_worker: # If it weren't for the failure_nodes field, we could do this as # a bunch of shared memory using multiprocessing.Value, which # would be nice because it'd avoid dealing with existing data # during an upgrade. update = { 'object_replication_per_disk': { od: {'replication_stats': self.stats_for_dev[od].to_recon(), 'replication_time': total, 'replication_last': end_time, 'object_replication_time': total, 'object_replication_last': end_time} for od in override_devices}} else: update = {'replication_stats': self.total_stats.to_recon(), 'replication_time': total, 'replication_last': end_time, 'object_replication_time': total, 'object_replication_last': end_time} dump_recon_cache(update, self.rcache, self.logger) def aggregate_recon_update(self): per_disk_stats = load_recon_cache(self.rcache).get( 'object_replication_per_disk', {}) recon_update = {} min_repl_last = float('inf') min_repl_time = float('inf') # If every child has reported some stats, then aggregate things. if all(ld in per_disk_stats for ld in self.all_local_devices): aggregated = Stats() for device_name, data in per_disk_stats.items(): aggregated += Stats.from_recon(data['replication_stats']) min_repl_time = min( min_repl_time, data['object_replication_time']) min_repl_last = min( min_repl_last, data['object_replication_last']) recon_update['replication_stats'] = aggregated.to_recon() recon_update['replication_last'] = min_repl_last recon_update['replication_time'] = min_repl_time recon_update['object_replication_last'] = min_repl_last recon_update['object_replication_time'] = min_repl_time # Clear out entries for old local devices that we no longer have devices_to_remove = set(per_disk_stats) - set(self.all_local_devices) if devices_to_remove: recon_update['object_replication_per_disk'] = { dtr: {} for dtr in devices_to_remove} return recon_update def run_once(self, multiprocess_worker_index=None, have_overrides=False, *args, **kwargs): if multiprocess_worker_index is not None: self.is_multiprocess_worker = True self._emplace_log_prefix(multiprocess_worker_index) rsync_reaper = eventlet.spawn(self._child_process_reaper) self._zero_stats() self.logger.info(_("Running object replicator in script mode.")) override_opts = parse_override_options(once=True, **kwargs) devices = override_opts.devices or None partitions = override_opts.partitions or None policies = override_opts.policies or None start_time = time.time() self.replicate( override_devices=devices, override_partitions=partitions, override_policies=policies, start_time=start_time) end_time = time.time() total = (end_time - start_time) / 60 self.logger.info( _("Object replication complete (once). (%.02f minutes)"), total) # If we've been manually run on a subset of # policies/devices/partitions, then our recon stats are not # representative of how replication is doing, so we don't publish # them. if self.is_multiprocess_worker: # The main process checked for overrides and determined that # there were none should_update_recon = not have_overrides else: # We are single-process, so update recon only if we worked on # everything should_update_recon = not (partitions or devices or policies) if should_update_recon: self.update_recon(total, end_time, devices) # Give rsync processes one last chance to exit, then bail out and # let them be init's problem self._child_process_reaper_queue.put(None) rsync_reaper.wait() def run_forever(self, multiprocess_worker_index=None, override_devices=None, *args, **kwargs): if multiprocess_worker_index is not None: self.is_multiprocess_worker = True self._emplace_log_prefix(multiprocess_worker_index) self.logger.info(_("Starting object replicator in daemon mode.")) eventlet.spawn_n(self._child_process_reaper) # Run the replicator continually while True: self._zero_stats() self.logger.info(_("Starting object replication pass.")) # Run the replicator start = time.time() self.replicate(override_devices=override_devices) end = time.time() total = (end - start) / 60 self.logger.info( _("Object replication complete. (%.02f minutes)"), total) self.update_recon(total, end, override_devices) self.logger.debug('Replication sleeping for %s seconds.', self.interval) sleep(self.interval) def post_multiprocess_run(self): # This method is called after run_once using multiple workers. update = self.aggregate_recon_update() dump_recon_cache(update, self.rcache, self.logger)