.. _associated_projects: Associated Projects =================== Application Bindings -------------------- * Made for Cloud Files, but mostly work with Swift too: * `CSharp-CloudFiles `_ * `Java-CloudFiles `_ * `PHP-CloudFiles `_ * `Python-CloudFiles `_ * `Ruby-CloudFiles `_ * `RSwift `_ - Unofficial R API bindings. Authentication -------------- * `Keystone `_ - Official Identity Service for OpenStack. * `Swauth `_ - Older Swift authentication service that only requires Swift itself. Command Line Access ------------------- * `Swiftly `_ - Alternate command line access to Swift with direct (no proxy) access capabilities as well. Log Processing -------------- * `Slogging `_ - Basic stats and logging tools. Monitoring & Statistics ----------------------- * `Swift Informant `_ - Swift Proxy Middleware to send events to a statsd instance. Content Distribution Network Integration ---------------------------------------- * `SOS `_ - Swift Origin Server. Other ----- * `Glance `_ - Provides services for discovering, registering, and retrieving virtual machine images (for OpenStack Compute [Nova], for example). * `StaticWeb `_ - Allows serving static websites from Swift containers using ACLs and other metadata on those containers.