=============== Getting Started =============== ------------------- System Requirements ------------------- Swift development currently targets Ubuntu Server 10.04, but should work on most Linux platforms with the following software: * Python 2.6 * rsync 3.0 And the following python libraries: * Eventlet 0.9.8 * Setuptools * Simplejson * Xattr * Nose * Sphinx * netifaces ------------- Getting Swift ------------- Swift's source code is hosted on github and managed with git. The current trunk can be checked out like this: ``git clone https://github.com/openstack/swift.git`` A source tarball for the latest release of Swift is available on the `launchpad project page <https://launchpad.net/swift>`_. Prebuilt packages for Ubuntu are available starting with Natty, or from PPAs for earlier releases. * `Swift Ubuntu Packages <https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/swift>`_ * `Swift PPA Archive <https://launchpad.net/~swift-core/+archive/release>`_ ----------- Development ----------- To get started with development with Swift, or to just play around, the following docs will be useful: * :doc:`Swift All in One <development_saio>` - Set up a VM with Swift installed * :doc:`Development Guidelines <development_guidelines>` ---------- Production ---------- If you want to set up and configure Swift for a production cluster, the following doc should be useful: * :doc:`Multiple Server Swift Installation <howto_installmultinode>`