# Copyright (c) 2010-2011 OpenStack, LLC. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import hashlib import httplib import os import random import socket import StringIO import time import urllib import simplejson as json from nose import SkipTest from xml.dom import minidom class AuthenticationFailed(Exception): pass class RequestError(Exception): pass class ResponseError(Exception): def __init__(self, response): self.status = response.status self.reason = response.reason Exception.__init__(self) def __str__(self): return '%d: %s' % (self.status, self.reason) def __repr__(self): return '%d: %s' % (self.status, self.reason) def listing_empty(method): for i in xrange(0, 6): if len(method()) == 0: return True time.sleep(2**i) return False def listing_items(method): marker = None once = True items = [] while once or items: for i in items: yield i if once or marker: if marker: items = method(parms={'marker':marker}) else: items = method() if len(items) == 10000: marker = items[-1] else: marker = None once = False else: items = [] class Connection(object): def __init__(self, config): for key in 'auth_host auth_port auth_ssl account username password'.split(): if not config.has_key(key): raise SkipTest self.auth_host = config['auth_host'] self.auth_port = int(config['auth_port']) self.auth_ssl = config['auth_ssl'] in ('on', 'true', 'yes', '1') self.auth_prefix = config.get('auth_prefix', '/') self.account = config['account'] self.username = config['username'] self.password = config['password'] self.storage_host = None self.storage_port = None self.conn_class = None def get_account(self): return Account(self, self.account) def authenticate(self, clone_conn=None): if clone_conn: self.conn_class = clone_conn.conn_class self.storage_host = clone_conn.storage_host self.storage_url = clone_conn.storage_url self.storage_port = clone_conn.storage_port self.storage_token = clone_conn.storage_token return headers = { 'x-auth-user': '%s:%s' % (self.account, self.username), 'x-auth-key': self.password, } path = '%sv1.0' % (self.auth_prefix) if self.auth_ssl: connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection(self.auth_host, port=self.auth_port) else: connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(self.auth_host, port=self.auth_port) #connection.set_debuglevel(3) connection.request('GET', path, '', headers) response = connection.getresponse() connection.close() if response.status == 401: raise AuthenticationFailed() if response.status not in (200, 204): raise ResponseError(response) for hdr in response.getheaders(): if hdr[0].lower() == "x-storage-url": storage_url = hdr[1] elif hdr[0].lower() == "x-storage-token": storage_token = hdr[1] if not (storage_url and storage_token): raise AuthenticationFailed() x = storage_url.split('/') if x[0] == 'http:': self.conn_class = httplib.HTTPConnection self.storage_port = 80 elif x[0] == 'https:': self.conn_class = httplib.HTTPSConnection self.storage_port = 443 else: raise ValueError, 'unexpected protocol %s' % (x[0]) self.storage_host = x[2].split(':')[0] if ':' in x[2]: self.storage_port = int(x[2].split(':')[1]) self.storage_url = '/%s/%s' % (x[3], x[4]) self.storage_token = storage_token self.http_connect() return self.storage_url, self.storage_token def http_connect(self): self.connection = self.conn_class(self.storage_host, port=self.storage_port) #self.connection.set_debuglevel(3) def make_path(self, path=[], cfg={}): if cfg.get('version_only_path'): return '/' + self.storage_url.split('/')[1] if path: quote = urllib.quote if cfg.get('no_quote') or cfg.get('no_path_quote'): quote = lambda x: x return '%s/%s' % (self.storage_url, '/'.join([quote(i) for i in path])) else: return self.storage_url def make_headers(self, hdrs, cfg={}): headers = {} if not cfg.get('no_auth_token'): headers['X-Auth-Token'] = self.storage_token if isinstance(hdrs, dict): headers.update(hdrs) return headers def make_request(self, method, path=[], data='', hdrs={}, parms={}, cfg={}): path = self.make_path(path, cfg=cfg) headers = self.make_headers(hdrs, cfg=cfg) if isinstance(parms, dict) and parms: quote = urllib.quote if cfg.get('no_quote') or cfg.get('no_parms_quote'): quote = lambda x: x query_args = ['%s=%s' % (quote(x), quote(str(y))) for (x,y) in parms.items()] path = '%s?%s' % (path, '&'.join(query_args)) if not cfg.get('no_content_length'): if cfg.get('set_content_length'): headers['Content-Length'] = cfg.get('set_content_length') else: headers['Content-Length'] = len(data) def try_request(): self.http_connect() self.connection.request(method, path, data, headers) return self.connection.getresponse() self.response = None try_count = 0 while try_count < 5: try_count += 1 try: self.response = try_request() except httplib.HTTPException: continue if self.response.status == 401: self.authenticate() continue elif self.response.status == 503: if try_count != 5: time.sleep(5) continue break if self.response: return self.response.status raise RequestError('Unable to compelte http request') def put_start(self, path, hdrs={}, parms={}, cfg={}, chunked=False): self.http_connect() path = self.make_path(path, cfg) headers = self.make_headers(hdrs, cfg=cfg) if chunked: headers['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked' headers.pop('Content-Length', None) if isinstance(parms, dict) and parms: quote = urllib.quote if cfg.get('no_quote') or cfg.get('no_parms_quote'): quote = lambda x: x query_args = ['%s=%s' % (quote(x), quote(str(y))) for (x,y) in parms.items()] path = '%s?%s' % (path, '&'.join(query_args)) query_args = ['%s=%s' % (urllib.quote(x), urllib.quote(str(y))) for (x,y) in parms.items()] path = '%s?%s' % (path, '&'.join(query_args)) self.connection = self.conn_class(self.storage_host, port=self.storage_port) #self.connection.set_debuglevel(3) self.connection.putrequest('PUT', path) for key, value in headers.iteritems(): self.connection.putheader(key, value) self.connection.endheaders() def put_data(self, data, chunked=False): if chunked: self.connection.send('%s\r\n%s\r\n' % (hex(len(data)), data)) else: self.connection.send(data) def put_end(self, chunked=False): if chunked: self.connection.send('0\r\n\r\n') self.response = self.connection.getresponse() self.connection.close() return self.response.status class Base: def __str__(self): return self.name def header_fields(self, fields): headers = dict(self.conn.response.getheaders()) ret = {} for field in fields: if not headers.has_key(field[1]): raise ValueError("%s was not found in response header" % (field[1])) try: ret[field[0]] = int(headers[field[1]]) except ValueError: ret[field[0]] = headers[field[1]] return ret class Account(Base): def __init__(self, conn, name): self.conn = conn self.name = str(name) def container(self, container_name): return Container(self.conn, self.name, container_name) def containers(self, hdrs={}, parms={}, cfg={}): format = parms.get('format', None) if format not in [None, 'json', 'xml']: raise RequestError('Invalid format: %s' % format) if format == None and parms.has_key('format'): del parms['format'] status = self.conn.make_request('GET', self.path, hdrs=hdrs, parms=parms, cfg=cfg) if status == 200: if format == 'json': conts = json.loads(self.conn.response.read()) for cont in conts: cont['name'] = cont['name'].encode('utf-8') return conts elif format == 'xml': conts = [] tree = minidom.parseString(self.conn.response.read()) for x in tree.getElementsByTagName('container'): cont = {} for key in ['name', 'count', 'bytes']: cont[key] = x.getElementsByTagName(key)[0].\ childNodes[0].nodeValue conts.append(cont) for cont in conts: cont['name'] = cont['name'].encode('utf-8') return conts else: lines = self.conn.response.read().split('\n') if lines and not lines[-1]: lines = lines[:-1] return lines elif status == 204: return [] raise ResponseError(self.conn.response) def delete_containers(self): for c in listing_items(self.containers): cont = self.container(c) if not cont.delete_recursive(): return False return listing_empty(self.containers) def info(self, hdrs={}, parms={}, cfg={}): if self.conn.make_request('HEAD', self.path, hdrs=hdrs, parms=parms, cfg=cfg) != 204: raise ResponseError(self.conn.response) fields = [['object_count', 'x-account-object-count'], ['container_count', 'x-account-container-count'], ['bytes_used', 'x-account-bytes-used']] return self.header_fields(fields) @property def path(self): return [] class Container(Base): def __init__(self, conn, account, name): self.conn = conn self.account = str(account) self.name = str(name) def create(self, hdrs={}, parms={}, cfg={}): return self.conn.make_request('PUT', self.path, hdrs=hdrs, parms=parms, cfg=cfg) in (201, 202) def delete(self, hdrs={}, parms={}): return self.conn.make_request('DELETE', self.path, hdrs=hdrs, parms=parms) == 204 def delete_files(self): for f in listing_items(self.files): file = self.file(f) if not file.delete(): return False return listing_empty(self.files) def delete_recursive(self): return self.delete_files() and self.delete() def file(self, file_name): return File(self.conn, self.account, self.name, file_name) def files(self, hdrs={}, parms={}, cfg={}): format = parms.get('format', None) if format not in [None, 'json', 'xml']: raise RequestError('Invalid format: %s' % format) if format == None and parms.has_key('format'): del parms['format'] status = self.conn.make_request('GET', self.path, hdrs=hdrs, parms=parms, cfg=cfg) if status == 200: if format == 'json': files = json.loads(self.conn.response.read()) for file in files: file['name'] = file['name'].encode('utf-8') file['content_type'] = file['content_type'].encode('utf-8') return files elif format == 'xml': files = [] tree = minidom.parseString(self.conn.response.read()) for x in tree.getElementsByTagName('object'): file = {} for key in ['name', 'hash', 'bytes', 'content_type', 'last_modified']: file[key] = x.getElementsByTagName(key)[0].\ childNodes[0].nodeValue files.append(file) for file in files: file['name'] = file['name'].encode('utf-8') file['content_type'] = file['content_type'].encode('utf-8') return files else: content = self.conn.response.read() if content: lines = content.split('\n') if lines and not lines[-1]: lines = lines[:-1] return lines else: return [] elif status == 204: return [] raise ResponseError(self.conn.response) def info(self, hdrs={}, parms={}, cfg={}): status = self.conn.make_request('HEAD', self.path, hdrs=hdrs, parms=parms, cfg=cfg) if self.conn.response.status == 204: fields = [['bytes_used', 'x-container-bytes-used'], ['object_count', 'x-container-object-count']] return self.header_fields(fields) raise ResponseError(self.conn.response) @property def path(self): return [self.name] class File(Base): def __init__(self, conn, account, container, name): self.conn = conn self.account = str(account) self.container = str(container) self.name = str(name) self.chunked_write_in_progress = False self.content_type = None self.size = None self.metadata = {} def make_headers(self, cfg={}): headers = {} if not cfg.get('no_content_length'): if cfg.get('set_content_length'): headers['Content-Length'] = cfg.get('set_content_length') elif self.size: headers['Content-Length'] = self.size else: headers['Content-Length'] = 0 if cfg.get('no_content_type'): pass elif self.content_type: headers['Content-Type'] = self.content_type else: headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream' for key in self.metadata: headers['X-Object-Meta-'+key] = self.metadata[key] return headers @classmethod def compute_md5sum(cls, data): block_size = 4096 if isinstance(data, str): data = StringIO.StringIO(data) checksum = hashlib.md5() buff = data.read(block_size) while buff: checksum.update(buff) buff = data.read(block_size) data.seek(0) return checksum.hexdigest() def copy(self, dest_cont, dest_file, hdrs={}, parms={}, cfg={}): if cfg.has_key('destination'): headers = {'Destination': cfg['destination']} elif cfg.get('no_destination'): headers = {} else: headers = {'Destination': '%s/%s' % (dest_cont, dest_file)} headers.update(hdrs) if headers.has_key('Destination'): headers['Destination'] = urllib.quote(headers['Destination']) return self.conn.make_request('COPY', self.path, hdrs=headers, parms=parms) == 201 def delete(self, hdrs={}, parms={}): if self.conn.make_request('DELETE', self.path, hdrs=hdrs, parms=parms) != 204: raise ResponseError(self.conn.response) return True def info(self, hdrs={}, parms={}, cfg={}): if self.conn.make_request('HEAD', self.path, hdrs=hdrs, parms=parms, cfg=cfg) != 200: raise ResponseError(self.conn.response) fields = [['content_length', 'content-length'], ['content_type', 'content-type'], ['last_modified', 'last-modified'], ['etag', 'etag']] header_fields = self.header_fields(fields) header_fields['etag'] = header_fields['etag'].strip('"') return header_fields def initialize(self, hdrs={}, parms={}): if not self.name: return False status = self.conn.make_request('HEAD', self.path, hdrs=hdrs, parms=parms) if status == 404: return False elif (status < 200) or (status > 299): raise ResponseError(self.conn.response) for hdr in self.conn.response.getheaders(): if hdr[0].lower() == 'content-type': self.content_type = hdr[1] if hdr[0].lower().startswith('x-object-meta-'): self.metadata[hdr[0][14:]] = hdr[1] if hdr[0].lower() == 'etag': self.etag = hdr[1].strip('"') if hdr[0].lower() == 'content-length': self.size = int(hdr[1]) if hdr[0].lower() == 'last-modified': self.last_modified = hdr[1] return True def load_from_filename(self, filename, callback=None): fobj = open(filename, 'rb') self.write(fobj, callback=callback) fobj.close() @property def path(self): return [self.container, self.name] @classmethod def random_data(cls, size=None): if size == None: size = random.randint(1, 32768) fd = open('/dev/urandom', 'r') data = fd.read(size) fd.close() return data def read(self, size=-1, offset=0, hdrs=None, buffer=None, callback=None, cfg={}): if size > 0: range = 'bytes=%d-%d' % (offset, (offset + size) - 1) if hdrs: hdrs['Range'] = range else: hdrs = {'Range': range} status = self.conn.make_request('GET', self.path, hdrs=hdrs, cfg=cfg) if(status < 200) or (status > 299): raise ResponseError(self.conn.response) for hdr in self.conn.response.getheaders(): if hdr[0].lower() == 'content-type': self.content_type = hdr[1] if hasattr(buffer, 'write'): scratch = self.conn.response.read(8192) transferred = 0 while len(scratch) > 0: buffer.write(scratch) transferred += len(scratch) if callable(callback): callback(transferred, self.size) scratch = self.conn.response.read(8192) return None else: return self.conn.response.read() def read_md5(self): status = self.conn.make_request('GET', self.path) if(status < 200) or (status > 299): raise ResponseError(self.conn.response) checksum = hashlib.md5() scratch = self.conn.response.read(8192) while len(scratch) > 0: checksum.update(scratch) scratch = self.conn.response.read(8192) return checksum.hexdigest() def save_to_filename(self, filename, callback=None): try: fobj = open(filename, 'wb') self.read(buffer=fobj, callback=callback) finally: fobj.close() def sync_metadata(self, metadata={}, cfg={}): self.metadata.update(metadata) if self.metadata: headers = self.make_headers(cfg=cfg) if not cfg.get('no_content_length'): if cfg.get('set_content_length'): headers['Content-Length'] = \ cfg.get('set_content_length') else: headers['Content-Length'] = 0 self.conn.make_request('POST', self.path, hdrs=headers, cfg=cfg) if self.conn.response.status != 202: raise ResponseError(self.conn.response) return True def chunked_write(self, data=None, hdrs={}, parms={}, cfg={}): if data != None and self.chunked_write_in_progress: self.conn.put_data(data, True) elif data != None: self.chunked_write_in_progress = True headers = self.make_headers(cfg=cfg) headers.update(hdrs) self.conn.put_start(self.path, hdrs=headers, parms=parms, cfg=cfg, chunked=True) self.conn.put_data(data, True) elif self.chunked_write_in_progress: self.chunked_write_in_progress = False return self.conn.put_end(True) == 201 else: raise RuntimeError def write(self, data='', hdrs={}, parms={}, callback=None, cfg={}): block_size = 2**20 if isinstance(data, file): try: data.flush() data.seek(0) except IOError: pass self.size = int(os.fstat(data.fileno())[6]) else: data = StringIO.StringIO(data) self.size = data.len headers = self.make_headers(cfg=cfg) headers.update(hdrs) self.conn.put_start(self.path, hdrs=headers, parms=parms, cfg=cfg) transfered = 0 buff = data.read(block_size) try: while len(buff) > 0: self.conn.put_data(buff) buff = data.read(block_size) transfered += len(buff) if callable(callback): callback(transfered, self.size) self.conn.put_end() except socket.timeout, err: raise err if (self.conn.response.status < 200) or \ (self.conn.response.status > 299): raise ResponseError(self.conn.response) self.md5 = self.compute_md5sum(data) return True def write_random(self, size=None, hdrs={}, parms={}, cfg={}): data = self.random_data(size) if not self.write(data, hdrs=hdrs, parms=parms, cfg=cfg): raise ResponseError(self.conn.response) self.md5 = self.compute_md5sum(StringIO.StringIO(data)) return data