#!/usr/bin/env python import hmac from hashlib import sha1 from os.path import basename from sys import argv, exit from time import time if __name__ == '__main__': if len(argv) != 5: prog = basename(argv[0]) print 'Syntax: %s <method> <seconds> <path> <key>' % prog print print 'Where:' print ' <method> The method to allow; GET for example.' print ' <seconds> The number of seconds from now to allow requests.' print ' <path> The full path to the resource.' print ' Example: /v1/AUTH_account/c/o' print ' <key> The X-Account-Meta-Temp-URL-Key for the account.' print print 'Example output:' print ' /v1/AUTH_account/c/o?temp_url_sig=34d49efc32fe6e3082e411e' \ 'eeb85bd8a&temp_url_expires=1323482948' print print 'This can be used to form a URL to give out for the access ' print 'allowed. For example:' print ' echo https://swift-cluster.example.com`%s GET 60 ' \ '/v1/AUTH_account/c/o mykey`' % prog print print 'Might output:' print ' https://swift-cluster.example.com/v1/AUTH_account/c/o?' \ 'temp_url_sig=34d49efc32fe6e3082e411eeeb85bd8a&' \ 'temp_url_expires=1323482948' exit(1) method, seconds, path, key = argv[1:] try: expires = int(time() + int(seconds)) except ValueError: expires = 0 if expires < 1: print 'Please use a positive <seconds> value.' exit(1) parts = path.split('/', 4) # Must be five parts, ['', 'v1', 'a', 'c', 'o'], must be a v1 request, have # account, container, and object values, and the object value can't just # have '/'s. if len(parts) != 5 or parts[0] or parts[1] != 'v1' or not parts[2] or \ not parts[3] or not parts[4].strip('/'): print '<path> must point to an object.' print 'For example: /v1/account/container/object' exit(1) sig = hmac.new(key, '%s\n%s\n%s' % (method, expires, path), sha1).hexdigest() print '%s?temp_url_sig=%s&temp_url_expires=%s' % (path, sig, expires)