.. _controller-debian: Install and configure the controller node for Debian ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This section describes how to install and configure the proxy service that handles requests for the account, container, and object services operating on the storage nodes. For simplicity, this guide installs and configures the proxy service on the controller node. However, you can run the proxy service on any node with network connectivity to the storage nodes. Additionally, you can install and configure the proxy service on multiple nodes to increase performance and redundancy. For more information, see the `Deployment Guide `__. This section applies to Debian. .. include:: controller-common_prerequisites.txt Install and configure components -------------------------------- .. note:: Default configuration files vary by distribution. You might need to add these sections and options rather than modifying existing sections and options. Also, an ellipsis (``...``) in the configuration snippets indicates potential default configuration options that you should retain. #. Install the packages: .. code-block:: console # apt-get install swift swift-proxy python-swiftclient \ python-keystoneclient python-keystonemiddleware \ memcached .. note:: Complete OpenStack environments already include some of these packages. 2. Create the ``/etc/swift`` directory. 3. Obtain the proxy service configuration file from the Object Storage source repository: .. code-block:: console # curl -o /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/swift/plain/etc/proxy-server.conf-sample?h=stable/mitaka