# Copyright (c) 2010-2011 OpenStack, LLC. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Tests for swift.common.utils """ from __future__ import with_statement import logging import mimetools import os import socket import sys import time import unittest from getpass import getuser from shutil import rmtree from StringIO import StringIO from functools import partial from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from eventlet import sleep from swift.common import utils class MockOs(): def __init__(self, pass_funcs=[], called_funcs=[], raise_funcs=[]): self.closed_fds = [] for func in pass_funcs: setattr(self, func, self.pass_func) self.called_funcs = {} for func in called_funcs: c_func = partial(self.called_func, func) setattr(self, func, c_func) for func in raise_funcs: r_func = partial(self.raise_func, func) setattr(self, func, r_func) def pass_func(self, *args, **kwargs): pass chdir = setsid = setgid = setuid = umask = pass_func def called_func(self, name, *args, **kwargs): self.called_funcs[name] = True def raise_func(self, name, *args, **kwargs): self.called_funcs[name] = True raise OSError() def dup2(self, source, target): self.closed_fds.append(target) def __getattr__(self, name): # I only over-ride portions of the os module try: return object.__getattr__(self, name) except AttributeError: return getattr(os, name) class MockSys(): __stderr__ = sys.__stderr__ class TestUtils(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for swift.common.utils """ def setUp(self): utils.HASH_PATH_SUFFIX = 'endcap' def test_normalize_timestamp(self): """ Test swift.common.utils.normalize_timestamp """ self.assertEquals(utils.normalize_timestamp('1253327593.48174'), "1253327593.48174") self.assertEquals(utils.normalize_timestamp(1253327593.48174), "1253327593.48174") self.assertEquals(utils.normalize_timestamp('1253327593.48'), "1253327593.48000") self.assertEquals(utils.normalize_timestamp(1253327593.48), "1253327593.48000") self.assertEquals(utils.normalize_timestamp('253327593.48'), "0253327593.48000") self.assertEquals(utils.normalize_timestamp(253327593.48), "0253327593.48000") self.assertEquals(utils.normalize_timestamp('1253327593'), "1253327593.00000") self.assertEquals(utils.normalize_timestamp(1253327593), "1253327593.00000") self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.normalize_timestamp, '') self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.normalize_timestamp, 'abc') def test_mkdirs(self): testroot = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'mkdirs') try: os.unlink(testroot) except Exception: pass rmtree(testroot, ignore_errors=1) self.assert_(not os.path.exists(testroot)) utils.mkdirs(testroot) self.assert_(os.path.exists(testroot)) utils.mkdirs(testroot) self.assert_(os.path.exists(testroot)) rmtree(testroot, ignore_errors=1) testdir = os.path.join(testroot, 'one/two/three') self.assert_(not os.path.exists(testdir)) utils.mkdirs(testdir) self.assert_(os.path.exists(testdir)) utils.mkdirs(testdir) self.assert_(os.path.exists(testdir)) rmtree(testroot, ignore_errors=1) open(testroot, 'wb').close() self.assert_(not os.path.exists(testdir)) self.assertRaises(OSError, utils.mkdirs, testdir) os.unlink(testroot) def test_split_path(self): """ Test swift.common.utils.split_account_path """ self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.split_path, '') self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.split_path, '/') self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.split_path, '//') self.assertEquals(utils.split_path('/a'), ['a']) self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.split_path, '//a') self.assertEquals(utils.split_path('/a/'), ['a']) self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.split_path, '/a/c') self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.split_path, '//c') self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.split_path, '/a/c/') self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.split_path, '/a//') self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.split_path, '/a', 2) self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.split_path, '/a', 2, 3) self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.split_path, '/a', 2, 3, True) self.assertEquals(utils.split_path('/a/c', 2), ['a', 'c']) self.assertEquals(utils.split_path('/a/c/o', 3), ['a', 'c', 'o']) self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.split_path, '/a/c/o/r', 3, 3) self.assertEquals(utils.split_path('/a/c/o/r', 3, 3, True), ['a', 'c', 'o/r']) self.assertEquals(utils.split_path('/a/c', 2, 3, True), ['a', 'c', None]) self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.split_path, '/a', 5, 4) self.assertEquals(utils.split_path('/a/c/', 2), ['a', 'c']) self.assertEquals(utils.split_path('/a/c/', 2, 3), ['a', 'c', '']) try: utils.split_path('o\nn e', 2) except ValueError, err: self.assertEquals(str(err), 'Invalid path: o%0An%20e') try: utils.split_path('o\nn e', 2, 3, True) except ValueError, err: self.assertEquals(str(err), 'Invalid path: o%0An%20e') def test_NullLogger(self): """ Test swift.common.utils.NullLogger """ sio = StringIO() nl = utils.NullLogger() nl.write('test') self.assertEquals(sio.getvalue(), '') def test_LoggerFileObject(self): orig_stdout = sys.stdout orig_stderr = sys.stderr sio = StringIO() handler = logging.StreamHandler(sio) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.addHandler(handler) lfo = utils.LoggerFileObject(logger) print 'test1' self.assertEquals(sio.getvalue(), '') sys.stdout = lfo print 'test2' self.assertEquals(sio.getvalue(), 'STDOUT: test2\n') sys.stderr = lfo print >> sys.stderr, 'test4' self.assertEquals(sio.getvalue(), 'STDOUT: test2\nSTDOUT: test4\n') sys.stdout = orig_stdout print 'test5' self.assertEquals(sio.getvalue(), 'STDOUT: test2\nSTDOUT: test4\n') print >> sys.stderr, 'test6' self.assertEquals(sio.getvalue(), 'STDOUT: test2\nSTDOUT: test4\n' 'STDOUT: test6\n') sys.stderr = orig_stderr print 'test8' self.assertEquals(sio.getvalue(), 'STDOUT: test2\nSTDOUT: test4\n' 'STDOUT: test6\n') lfo.writelines(['a', 'b', 'c']) self.assertEquals(sio.getvalue(), 'STDOUT: test2\nSTDOUT: test4\n' 'STDOUT: test6\nSTDOUT: a#012b#012c\n') lfo.close() lfo.write('d') self.assertEquals(sio.getvalue(), 'STDOUT: test2\nSTDOUT: test4\n' 'STDOUT: test6\nSTDOUT: a#012b#012c\nSTDOUT: d\n') lfo.flush() self.assertEquals(sio.getvalue(), 'STDOUT: test2\nSTDOUT: test4\n' 'STDOUT: test6\nSTDOUT: a#012b#012c\nSTDOUT: d\n') got_exc = False try: for line in lfo: pass except Exception: got_exc = True self.assert_(got_exc) got_exc = False try: for line in lfo.xreadlines(): pass except Exception: got_exc = True self.assert_(got_exc) self.assertRaises(IOError, lfo.read) self.assertRaises(IOError, lfo.read, 1024) self.assertRaises(IOError, lfo.readline) self.assertRaises(IOError, lfo.readline, 1024) lfo.tell() def test_parse_options(self): # use mkstemp to get a file that is definately on disk with NamedTemporaryFile() as f: conf_file = f.name conf, options = utils.parse_options(test_args=[conf_file]) self.assertEquals(conf, conf_file) # assert defaults self.assertEquals(options['verbose'], False) self.assert_('once' not in options) # assert verbose as option conf, options = utils.parse_options(test_args=[conf_file, '-v']) self.assertEquals(options['verbose'], True) # check once option conf, options = utils.parse_options(test_args=[conf_file], once=True) self.assertEquals(options['once'], False) test_args = [conf_file, '--once'] conf, options = utils.parse_options(test_args=test_args, once=True) self.assertEquals(options['once'], True) # check options as arg parsing test_args = [conf_file, 'once', 'plugin_name', 'verbose'] conf, options = utils.parse_options(test_args=test_args, once=True) self.assertEquals(options['verbose'], True) self.assertEquals(options['once'], True) self.assertEquals(options['extra_args'], ['plugin_name']) def test_parse_options_errors(self): orig_stdout = sys.stdout orig_stderr = sys.stderr stdo = StringIO() stde = StringIO() utils.sys.stdout = stdo utils.sys.stderr = stde err_msg = """Usage: test usage Error: missing config file argument """ test_args = [] self.assertRaises(SystemExit, utils.parse_options, 'test usage', True, test_args) self.assertEquals(stdo.getvalue(), err_msg) # verify conf file must exist, context manager will delete temp file with NamedTemporaryFile() as f: conf_file = f.name err_msg += """Usage: test usage Error: unable to locate %s """ % conf_file test_args = [conf_file] self.assertRaises(SystemExit, utils.parse_options, 'test usage', True, test_args) self.assertEquals(stdo.getvalue(), err_msg) # reset stdio utils.sys.stdout = orig_stdout utils.sys.stderr = orig_stderr def test_get_logger(self): sio = StringIO() logger = logging.getLogger('server') logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sio)) logger = utils.get_logger(None, 'server') logger.warn('test1') self.assertEquals(sio.getvalue(), 'test1\n') logger.debug('test2') self.assertEquals(sio.getvalue(), 'test1\n') logger = utils.get_logger({'log_level': 'DEBUG'}, 'server') logger.debug('test3') self.assertEquals(sio.getvalue(), 'test1\ntest3\n') # Doesn't really test that the log facility is truly being used all the # way to syslog; but exercises the code. logger = utils.get_logger({'log_facility': 'LOG_LOCAL3'}, 'server') logger.warn('test4') self.assertEquals(sio.getvalue(), 'test1\ntest3\ntest4\n') logger.debug('test5') self.assertEquals(sio.getvalue(), 'test1\ntest3\ntest4\n') def test_storage_directory(self): self.assertEquals(utils.storage_directory('objects', '1', 'ABCDEF'), 'objects/1/DEF/ABCDEF') def test_whataremyips(self): myips = utils.whataremyips() self.assert_(len(myips) > 1) self.assert_('' in myips) def test_hash_path(self): # Yes, these tests are deliberately very fragile. We want to make sure # that if someones changes the results hash_path produces, they know it self.assertEquals(utils.hash_path('a'), '1c84525acb02107ea475dcd3d09c2c58') self.assertEquals(utils.hash_path('a', 'c'), '33379ecb053aa5c9e356c68997cbb59e') self.assertEquals(utils.hash_path('a', 'c', 'o'), '06fbf0b514e5199dfc4e00f42eb5ea83') self.assertEquals(utils.hash_path('a', 'c', 'o', raw_digest=False), '06fbf0b514e5199dfc4e00f42eb5ea83') self.assertEquals(utils.hash_path('a', 'c', 'o', raw_digest=True), '\x06\xfb\xf0\xb5\x14\xe5\x19\x9d\xfcN\x00\xf4.\xb5\xea\x83') self.assertRaises(ValueError, utils.hash_path, 'a', object='o') def test_load_libc_function(self): self.assert_(callable( utils.load_libc_function('printf'))) self.assert_(callable( utils.load_libc_function('some_not_real_function'))) def test_readconf(self): conf = '''[section1] foo = bar [section2] log_name = yarr''' f = open('/tmp/test', 'wb') f.write(conf) f.close() result = utils.readconf('/tmp/test') expected = {'log_name': None, 'section1': {'foo': 'bar'}, 'section2': {'log_name': 'yarr'}} self.assertEquals(result, expected) result = utils.readconf('/tmp/test', 'section1') expected = {'log_name': 'section1', 'foo': 'bar'} self.assertEquals(result, expected) result = utils.readconf('/tmp/test', 'section2').get('log_name') expected = 'yarr' self.assertEquals(result, expected) result = utils.readconf('/tmp/test', 'section1', log_name='foo').get('log_name') expected = 'foo' self.assertEquals(result, expected) result = utils.readconf('/tmp/test', 'section1', defaults={'bar': 'baz'}) expected = {'log_name': 'section1', 'foo': 'bar', 'bar': 'baz'} self.assertEquals(result, expected) os.unlink('/tmp/test') def test_drop_privileges(self): user = getuser() # over-ride os with mock required_func_calls = ('setgid', 'setuid', 'setsid', 'chdir', 'umask') utils.os = MockOs(called_funcs=required_func_calls) # exercise the code utils.drop_privileges(user) for func in required_func_calls: self.assert_(utils.os.called_funcs[func]) # reset; test same args, OSError trying to get session leader utils.os = MockOs(called_funcs=required_func_calls, raise_funcs=('setsid',)) for func in required_func_calls: self.assertFalse(utils.os.called_funcs.get(func, False)) utils.drop_privileges(user) for func in required_func_calls: self.assert_(utils.os.called_funcs[func]) def test_capture_stdio(self): # stubs logger = utils.get_logger(None, 'dummy') # mock utils system modules utils.sys = MockSys() utils.os = MockOs() # basic test utils.capture_stdio(logger) self.assert_(utils.sys.excepthook is not None) self.assertEquals(utils.os.closed_fds, [0, 1, 2]) self.assert_(utils.sys.stdout is not None) self.assert_(utils.sys.stderr is not None) # reset; test same args, but exc when trying to close stdio utils.os = MockOs(raise_funcs=('dup2',)) utils.sys = MockSys() # test unable to close stdio utils.capture_stdio(logger) self.assert_(utils.sys.excepthook is not None) self.assertEquals(utils.os.closed_fds, []) self.assert_(utils.sys.stdout is not None) self.assert_(utils.sys.stderr is not None) # reset; test some other args logger = utils.get_logger(None, log_to_console=True) utils.os = MockOs() utils.sys = MockSys() # test console log utils.capture_stdio(logger, capture_stdout=False, capture_stderr=False) self.assert_(utils.sys.excepthook is not None) # when logging to console, stderr remains open self.assertEquals(utils.os.closed_fds, [0, 1]) logger.logger.removeHandler(utils.get_logger.console) # stdio not captured self.assertFalse(hasattr(utils.sys, 'stdout')) self.assertFalse(hasattr(utils.sys, 'stderr')) def test_get_logger_console(self): reload(utils) # reset get_logger attrs logger = utils.get_logger(None) self.assertFalse(hasattr(utils.get_logger, 'console')) logger = utils.get_logger(None, log_to_console=True) self.assert_(hasattr(utils.get_logger, 'console')) self.assert_(isinstance(utils.get_logger.console, logging.StreamHandler)) # make sure you can't have two console handlers old_handler = utils.get_logger.console logger = utils.get_logger(None, log_to_console=True) self.assertNotEquals(utils.get_logger.console, old_handler) logger.logger.removeHandler(utils.get_logger.console) def test_ratelimit_sleep(self): running_time = 0 start = time.time() for i in range(100): running_time = utils.ratelimit_sleep(running_time, 0) self.assertTrue(abs((time.time() - start) * 100) < 1) running_time = 0 start = time.time() for i in range(50): running_time = utils.ratelimit_sleep(running_time, 200) # make sure its accurate to 10th of a second self.assertTrue(abs(25 - (time.time() - start) * 100) < 10) def test_ratelimit_sleep_with_incr(self): running_time = 0 start = time.time() vals = [5, 17, 0, 3, 11, 30, 40, 4, 13, 2, -1] * 2 # adds up to 250 (with no -1) total = 0 for i in vals: running_time = utils.ratelimit_sleep(running_time, 500, incr_by=i) total += i self.assertTrue(abs(50 - (time.time() - start) * 100) < 10) def test_ratelimit_sleep_with_sleep(self): running_time = 0 start = time.time() sleeps = [0] * 7 + [.2] * 3 + [0] * 30 for i in sleeps: running_time = utils.ratelimit_sleep(running_time, 40, rate_buffer=1) time.sleep(i) # make sure its accurate to 10th of a second self.assertTrue(abs(100 - (time.time() - start) * 100) < 10) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()