#!/usr/bin/python -u # Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import errno import json from contextlib import contextmanager from hashlib import md5 import unittest import uuid import shutil import random from collections import defaultdict import os import time from swift.common.direct_client import DirectClientException from test.probe.common import ECProbeTest from swift.common import direct_client from swift.common.storage_policy import EC_POLICY from swift.common.manager import Manager from swift.obj.reconstructor import _get_partners from swiftclient import client, ClientException class Body(object): def __init__(self, total=3.5 * 2 ** 20): self.total = total self.hasher = md5() self.size = 0 self.chunk = 'test' * 16 * 2 ** 10 @property def etag(self): return self.hasher.hexdigest() def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): if self.size > self.total: raise StopIteration() self.size += len(self.chunk) self.hasher.update(self.chunk) return self.chunk def __next__(self): return next(self) class TestReconstructorRebuild(ECProbeTest): def _make_name(self, prefix): return '%s%s' % (prefix, uuid.uuid4()) def setUp(self): super(TestReconstructorRebuild, self).setUp() self.container_name = self._make_name('container-') self.object_name = self._make_name('object-') # sanity self.assertEqual(self.policy.policy_type, EC_POLICY) self.reconstructor = Manager(["object-reconstructor"]) # create EC container headers = {'X-Storage-Policy': self.policy.name} client.put_container(self.url, self.token, self.container_name, headers=headers) # PUT object and POST some metadata self.proxy_put() self.headers_post = { self._make_name('x-object-meta-').decode('utf8'): self._make_name('meta-bar-').decode('utf8')} client.post_object(self.url, self.token, self.container_name, self.object_name, headers=dict(self.headers_post)) self.opart, self.onodes = self.object_ring.get_nodes( self.account, self.container_name, self.object_name) # stash frag etags and metadata for later comparison self.frag_headers, self.frag_etags = self._assert_all_nodes_have_frag() for node_index, hdrs in self.frag_headers.items(): # sanity check self.assertIn( 'X-Backend-Durable-Timestamp', hdrs, 'Missing durable timestamp in %r' % self.frag_headers) def proxy_put(self, extra_headers=None): contents = Body() headers = { self._make_name('x-object-meta-').decode('utf8'): self._make_name('meta-foo-').decode('utf8'), } if extra_headers: headers.update(extra_headers) self.etag = client.put_object(self.url, self.token, self.container_name, self.object_name, contents=contents, headers=headers) def proxy_get(self): # GET object headers, body = client.get_object(self.url, self.token, self.container_name, self.object_name, resp_chunk_size=64 * 2 ** 10) resp_checksum = md5() for chunk in body: resp_checksum.update(chunk) return headers, resp_checksum.hexdigest() def direct_get(self, node, part, require_durable=True, extra_headers=None): req_headers = {'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': int(self.policy)} if extra_headers: req_headers.update(extra_headers) if not require_durable: req_headers.update( {'X-Backend-Fragment-Preferences': json.dumps([])}) # node dict has unicode values so utf8 decode our path parts too in # case they have non-ascii characters headers, data = direct_client.direct_get_object( node, part, self.account.decode('utf8'), self.container_name.decode('utf8'), self.object_name.decode('utf8'), headers=req_headers, resp_chunk_size=64 * 2 ** 20) hasher = md5() for chunk in data: hasher.update(chunk) return headers, hasher.hexdigest() def _break_nodes(self, failed, non_durable): # delete partitions on the failed nodes and remove durable marker from # non-durable nodes for i, node in enumerate(self.onodes): part_dir = self.storage_dir('object', node, part=self.opart) if i in failed: shutil.rmtree(part_dir, True) try: self.direct_get(node, self.opart) except direct_client.DirectClientException as err: self.assertEqual(err.http_status, 404) elif i in non_durable: for dirs, subdirs, files in os.walk(part_dir): for fname in files: if fname.endswith('.data'): non_durable_fname = fname.replace('#d', '') os.rename(os.path.join(dirs, fname), os.path.join(dirs, non_durable_fname)) break headers, etag = self.direct_get(node, self.opart, require_durable=False) self.assertNotIn('X-Backend-Durable-Timestamp', headers) try: os.remove(os.path.join(part_dir, 'hashes.pkl')) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise def _format_node(self, node): return '%s#%s' % (node['device'], node['index']) def _assert_all_nodes_have_frag(self, extra_headers=None): # check all frags are in place failures = [] frag_etags = {} frag_headers = {} for node in self.onodes: try: headers, etag = self.direct_get(node, self.opart, extra_headers=extra_headers) frag_etags[node['index']] = etag del headers['Date'] # Date header will vary so remove it frag_headers[node['index']] = headers except direct_client.DirectClientException as err: failures.append((node, err)) if failures: self.fail('\n'.join([' Node %r raised %r' % (self._format_node(node), exc) for (node, exc) in failures])) return frag_headers, frag_etags @contextmanager def _annotate_failure_with_scenario(self, failed, non_durable): try: yield except (AssertionError, ClientException) as err: self.fail( 'Scenario with failed nodes: %r, non-durable nodes: %r\n' ' failed with:\n%s' % ([self._format_node(self.onodes[n]) for n in failed], [self._format_node(self.onodes[n]) for n in non_durable], err) ) def _test_rebuild_scenario(self, failed, non_durable, reconstructor_cycles): # helper method to test a scenario with some nodes missing their # fragment and some nodes having non-durable fragments with self._annotate_failure_with_scenario(failed, non_durable): self._break_nodes(failed, non_durable) # make sure we can still GET the object and it is correct; the # proxy is doing decode on remaining fragments to get the obj with self._annotate_failure_with_scenario(failed, non_durable): headers, etag = self.proxy_get() self.assertEqual(self.etag, etag) for key in self.headers_post: self.assertIn(key, headers) self.assertEqual(self.headers_post[key], headers[key]) # fire up reconstructor for i in range(reconstructor_cycles): self.reconstructor.once() # check GET via proxy returns expected data and metadata with self._annotate_failure_with_scenario(failed, non_durable): headers, etag = self.proxy_get() self.assertEqual(self.etag, etag) for key in self.headers_post: self.assertIn(key, headers) self.assertEqual(self.headers_post[key], headers[key]) # check all frags are intact, durable and have expected metadata with self._annotate_failure_with_scenario(failed, non_durable): frag_headers, frag_etags = self._assert_all_nodes_have_frag() self.assertEqual(self.frag_etags, frag_etags) # self._frag_headers include X-Backend-Durable-Timestamp so this # assertion confirms that the rebuilt frags are all durable self.assertEqual(self.frag_headers, frag_headers) def test_rebuild_missing_frags(self): # build up a list of node lists to kill data from, # first try a single node # then adjacent nodes and then nodes >1 node apart single_node = (random.randint(0, 5),) adj_nodes = (0, 5) far_nodes = (0, 4) for failed_nodes in [single_node, adj_nodes, far_nodes]: self._test_rebuild_scenario(failed_nodes, [], 1) def test_rebuild_non_durable_frags(self): # build up a list of node lists to make non-durable, # first try a single node # then adjacent nodes and then nodes >1 node apart single_node = (random.randint(0, 5),) adj_nodes = (0, 5) far_nodes = (0, 4) for non_durable_nodes in [single_node, adj_nodes, far_nodes]: self._test_rebuild_scenario([], non_durable_nodes, 1) def test_rebuild_with_missing_frags_and_non_durable_frags(self): # pick some nodes with parts deleted, some with non-durable fragments scenarios = [ # failed, non-durable ((0, 2), (4,)), ((0, 4), (2,)), ] for failed, non_durable in scenarios: self._test_rebuild_scenario(failed, non_durable, 3) scenarios = [ # failed, non-durable ((0, 1), (2,)), ((0, 2), (1,)), ] for failed, non_durable in scenarios: # why 2 repeats? consider missing fragment on nodes 0, 1 and # missing durable on node 2: first reconstructor cycle on node 3 # will make node 2 durable, first cycle on node 5 will rebuild on # node 0; second cycle on node 0 or 2 will rebuild on node 1. Note # that it is possible, that reconstructor processes on each node # run in order such that all rebuild complete in once cycle, but # that is not guaranteed, we allow 2 cycles to be sure. self._test_rebuild_scenario(failed, non_durable, 2) scenarios = [ # failed, non-durable ((0, 2), (1, 3, 5)), ((0,), (1, 2, 4, 5)), ] for failed, non_durable in scenarios: # why 3 repeats? consider missing fragment on node 0 and single # durable on node 3: first reconstructor cycle on node 3 will make # nodes 2 and 4 durable, second cycle on nodes 2 and 4 will make # node 1 and 5 durable, third cycle on nodes 1 or 5 will # reconstruct the missing fragment on node 0. self._test_rebuild_scenario(failed, non_durable, 3) def test_rebuild_partner_down(self): # find a primary server that only has one of it's devices in the # primary node list group_nodes_by_config = defaultdict(list) for n in self.onodes: group_nodes_by_config[self.config_number(n)].append(n) for config_number, node_list in group_nodes_by_config.items(): if len(node_list) == 1: break else: self.fail('ring balancing did not use all available nodes') primary_node = node_list[0] # pick one it's partners to fail randomly partner_node = random.choice(_get_partners( primary_node['index'], self.onodes)) # 507 the partner device device_path = self.device_dir('object', partner_node) self.kill_drive(device_path) # select another primary sync_to node to fail failed_primary = [n for n in self.onodes if n['id'] not in (primary_node['id'], partner_node['id'])][0] # ... capture it's fragment etag failed_primary_meta, failed_primary_etag = self.direct_get( failed_primary, self.opart) # ... and delete it part_dir = self.storage_dir('object', failed_primary, part=self.opart) shutil.rmtree(part_dir, True) # reconstruct from the primary, while one of it's partners is 507'd self.reconstructor.once(number=self.config_number(primary_node)) # the other failed primary will get it's fragment rebuilt instead failed_primary_meta_new, failed_primary_etag_new = self.direct_get( failed_primary, self.opart) del failed_primary_meta['Date'] del failed_primary_meta_new['Date'] self.assertEqual(failed_primary_etag, failed_primary_etag_new) self.assertEqual(failed_primary_meta, failed_primary_meta_new) # just to be nice self.revive_drive(device_path) def test_sync_expired_object(self): # verify that missing frag can be rebuilt for an expired object delete_after = 2 self.proxy_put(extra_headers={'x-delete-after': delete_after}) self.proxy_get() # sanity check orig_frag_headers, orig_frag_etags = self._assert_all_nodes_have_frag( extra_headers={'X-Backend-Replication': 'True'}) # wait for object to expire timeout = time.time() + delete_after + 1 while time.time() < timeout: try: self.proxy_get() except ClientException as e: if e.http_status == 404: break else: raise else: self.fail('Timed out waiting for %s/%s to expire after %ss' % ( self.container_name, self.object_name, delete_after)) # sanity check - X-Backend-Replication let's us get expired frag... fail_node = random.choice(self.onodes) self.direct_get(fail_node, self.opart, extra_headers={'X-Backend-Replication': 'True'}) # ...until we remove the frag from fail_node self._break_nodes([self.onodes.index(fail_node)], []) # ...now it's really gone with self.assertRaises(DirectClientException) as cm: self.direct_get(fail_node, self.opart, extra_headers={'X-Backend-Replication': 'True'}) self.assertEqual(404, cm.exception.http_status) self.assertNotIn('X-Backend-Timestamp', cm.exception.http_headers) # run the reconstructor self.reconstructor.once() # the missing frag is now in place but expired with self.assertRaises(DirectClientException) as cm: self.direct_get(fail_node, self.opart) self.assertEqual(404, cm.exception.http_status) self.assertIn('X-Backend-Timestamp', cm.exception.http_headers) # check all frags are intact, durable and have expected metadata frag_headers, frag_etags = self._assert_all_nodes_have_frag( extra_headers={'X-Backend-Replication': 'True'}) self.assertEqual(orig_frag_etags, frag_etags) self.maxDiff = None self.assertEqual(orig_frag_headers, frag_headers) def test_sync_unexpired_object_metadata(self): # verify that metadata can be sync'd to a frag that has missed a POST # and consequently that frag appears to be expired, when in fact the # POST removed the x-delete-at header client.put_container(self.url, self.token, self.container_name, headers={'x-storage-policy': self.policy.name}) opart, onodes = self.object_ring.get_nodes( self.account, self.container_name, self.object_name) delete_at = int(time.time() + 3) contents = 'body-%s' % uuid.uuid4() headers = {'x-delete-at': delete_at} client.put_object(self.url, self.token, self.container_name, self.object_name, headers=headers, contents=contents) # fail a primary post_fail_node = random.choice(onodes) post_fail_path = self.device_dir('object', post_fail_node) self.kill_drive(post_fail_path) # post over w/o x-delete-at client.post_object(self.url, self.token, self.container_name, self.object_name, {'content-type': 'something-new'}) # revive failed primary self.revive_drive(post_fail_path) # wait for the delete_at to pass, and check that it thinks the object # is expired timeout = time.time() + 5 while time.time() < timeout: try: direct_client.direct_head_object( post_fail_node, opart, self.account, self.container_name, self.object_name, headers={ 'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': int(self.policy)}) except direct_client.ClientException as err: if err.http_status != 404: raise break else: time.sleep(0.1) else: self.fail('Failed to get a 404 from node with expired object') self.assertEqual(err.http_status, 404) self.assertIn('X-Backend-Timestamp', err.http_headers) # but from the proxy we've got the whole story headers, body = client.get_object(self.url, self.token, self.container_name, self.object_name) self.assertNotIn('X-Delete-At', headers) self.reconstructor.once() # ... and all the nodes have the final unexpired state for node in onodes: headers = direct_client.direct_head_object( node, opart, self.account, self.container_name, self.object_name, headers={ 'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': int(self.policy)}) self.assertNotIn('X-Delete-At', headers) class TestReconstructorRebuildUTF8(TestReconstructorRebuild): def _make_name(self, prefix): return '%s\xc3\xa8-%s' % (prefix, uuid.uuid4()) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()