# Copyright (c) 2017 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json import os import shutil import subprocess import unittest import uuid from unittest import SkipTest import six from six.moves.urllib.parse import quote from swift.common import direct_client, utils from swift.common.internal_client import UnexpectedResponse from swift.common.manager import Manager from swift.common.memcached import MemcacheRing from swift.common.utils import ShardRange, parse_db_filename, get_db_files, \ quorum_size, config_true_value, Timestamp, md5 from swift.container.backend import ContainerBroker, UNSHARDED, SHARDING, \ SHARDED from swift.container.sharder import CleavingContext, ContainerSharder from swift.container.replicator import ContainerReplicator from swiftclient import client, get_auth, ClientException from swift.proxy.controllers.base import get_cache_key from swift.proxy.controllers.obj import num_container_updates from test import annotate_failure from test.probe import PROXY_BASE_URL from test.probe.brain import BrainSplitter from test.probe.common import ReplProbeTest, get_server_number, \ wait_for_server_to_hangup, ENABLED_POLICIES, exclude_nodes import mock try: from swiftclient.requests_compat import requests as client_requests except ImportError: # legacy location from swiftclient.client import requests as client_requests MIN_SHARD_CONTAINER_THRESHOLD = 4 MAX_SHARD_CONTAINER_THRESHOLD = 100 class ShardCollector(object): """ Returns map of node to tuples of (headers, shard ranges) returned from node """ def __init__(self): self.ranges = {} def __call__(self, cnode, cpart, account, container): self.ranges[cnode['id']] = direct_client.direct_get_container( cnode, cpart, account, container, headers={'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'shard'}) class BaseTestContainerSharding(ReplProbeTest): DELIM = '-' def _maybe_skip_test(self): try: self.cont_configs = [ utils.readconf(p, 'container-sharder') for p in self.configs['container-sharder'].values()] except ValueError: raise SkipTest('No [container-sharder] section found in ' 'container-server configs') self.max_shard_size = max( int(c.get('shard_container_threshold', '1000000')) for c in self.cont_configs) skip_reasons = [] if not (MIN_SHARD_CONTAINER_THRESHOLD <= self.max_shard_size <= MAX_SHARD_CONTAINER_THRESHOLD): skip_reasons.append( 'shard_container_threshold %d must be between %d and %d' % (self.max_shard_size, MIN_SHARD_CONTAINER_THRESHOLD, MAX_SHARD_CONTAINER_THRESHOLD)) def skip_check(reason_list, option, required): values = {int(c.get(option, required)) for c in self.cont_configs} if values != {required}: reason_list.append('%s must be %s' % (option, required)) skip_check(skip_reasons, 'shard_scanner_batch_size', 10) skip_check(skip_reasons, 'shard_batch_size', 2) if skip_reasons: raise SkipTest(', '.join(skip_reasons)) def _load_rings_and_configs(self): super(BaseTestContainerSharding, self)._load_rings_and_configs() # perform checks for skipping test before starting services self._maybe_skip_test() def _make_object_names(self, number, start=0): return ['obj%s%04d' % (self.DELIM, x) for x in range(start, start + number)] def _setup_container_name(self): # Container where we're PUTting objects self.container_name = 'container%s%s' % (self.DELIM, uuid.uuid4()) def setUp(self): client.logger.setLevel(client.logging.WARNING) client_requests.logging.getLogger().setLevel( client_requests.logging.WARNING) super(BaseTestContainerSharding, self).setUp() _, self.admin_token = get_auth( PROXY_BASE_URL + '/auth/v1.0', 'admin:admin', 'admin') self._setup_container_name() self.init_brain(self.container_name) self.sharders = Manager(['container-sharder']) self.internal_client = self.make_internal_client() self.memcache = MemcacheRing(['']) self.container_replicators = Manager(['container-replicator']) def init_brain(self, container_name): self.container_to_shard = container_name self.brain = BrainSplitter( self.url, self.token, self.container_to_shard, None, 'container') self.brain.put_container(policy_index=int(self.policy)) def stop_container_servers(self, node_numbers=None): if node_numbers: ipports = [] server2ipport = {v: k for k, v in self.ipport2server.items()} for number in self.brain.node_numbers[node_numbers]: self.brain.servers.stop(number=number) server = 'container%d' % number ipports.append(server2ipport[server]) else: ipports = [k for k, v in self.ipport2server.items() if v.startswith('container')] self.brain.servers.stop() for ipport in ipports: wait_for_server_to_hangup(ipport) def put_objects(self, obj_names, contents=None): conn = client.Connection(preauthurl=self.url, preauthtoken=self.token) results = [] for obj in obj_names: rdict = {} conn.put_object(self.container_name, obj, contents=contents, response_dict=rdict) results.append((obj, rdict['headers'].get('x-object-version-id'))) return results def delete_objects(self, obj_names_and_versions): conn = client.Connection(preauthurl=self.url, preauthtoken=self.token) for obj in obj_names_and_versions: if isinstance(obj, tuple): obj, version = obj conn.delete_object(self.container_name, obj, query_string='version-id=%s' % version) else: conn.delete_object(self.container_name, obj) def get_container_shard_ranges(self, account=None, container=None, include_deleted=False): account = account if account else self.account container = container if container else self.container_to_shard path = self.internal_client.make_path(account, container) headers = {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'shard'} if include_deleted: headers['X-Backend-Include-Deleted'] = 'true' resp = self.internal_client.make_request( 'GET', path + '?format=json', headers, [200]) return [ShardRange.from_dict(sr) for sr in json.loads(resp.body)] def direct_get_container_shard_ranges(self, account=None, container=None, expect_failure=False): collector = ShardCollector() self.direct_container_op( collector, account, container, expect_failure) return collector.ranges def get_storage_dir(self, part, node, account=None, container=None): account = account or self.brain.account container = container or self.container_name server_type, config_number = get_server_number( (node['ip'], node['port']), self.ipport2server) assert server_type == 'container' repl_server = '%s-replicator' % server_type conf = utils.readconf(self.configs[repl_server][config_number], section_name=repl_server) datadir = os.path.join(conf['devices'], node['device'], 'containers') container_hash = utils.hash_path(account, container) return (utils.storage_directory(datadir, part, container_hash), container_hash) def get_db_file(self, part, node, account=None, container=None): container_dir, container_hash = self.get_storage_dir( part, node, account=account, container=container) db_file = os.path.join(container_dir, container_hash + '.db') self.assertTrue(get_db_files(db_file)) # sanity check return db_file def get_broker(self, part, node, account=None, container=None): return ContainerBroker( self.get_db_file(part, node, account, container)) def get_shard_broker(self, shard_range, node_index=0): shard_part, shard_nodes = self.brain.ring.get_nodes( shard_range.account, shard_range.container) return self.get_broker( shard_part, shard_nodes[node_index], shard_range.account, shard_range.container) def categorize_container_dir_content(self, account=None, container=None): account = account or self.brain.account container = container or self.container_name part, nodes = self.brain.ring.get_nodes(account, container) storage_dirs = [ self.get_storage_dir(part, node, account=account, container=container)[0] for node in nodes] result = { 'shard_dbs': [], 'normal_dbs': [], 'pendings': [], 'locks': [], 'other': [], } for storage_dir in storage_dirs: for f in os.listdir(storage_dir): path = os.path.join(storage_dir, f) if path.endswith('.db'): hash_, epoch, ext = parse_db_filename(path) if epoch: result['shard_dbs'].append(path) else: result['normal_dbs'].append(path) elif path.endswith('.db.pending'): result['pendings'].append(path) elif path.endswith('/.lock'): result['locks'].append(path) else: result['other'].append(path) if result['other']: self.fail('Found unexpected files in storage directory:\n %s' % '\n '.join(result['other'])) return result def assert_dict_contains(self, expected_items, actual_dict): ignored = set(expected_items) ^ set(actual_dict) filtered_actual = {k: actual_dict[k] for k in actual_dict if k not in ignored} self.assertEqual(expected_items, filtered_actual) def assert_shard_ranges_contiguous(self, expected_number, shard_ranges, first_lower='', last_upper=''): if shard_ranges and isinstance(shard_ranges[0], ShardRange): actual_shard_ranges = sorted(shard_ranges) else: actual_shard_ranges = sorted(ShardRange.from_dict(d) for d in shard_ranges) self.assertLengthEqual(actual_shard_ranges, expected_number) if expected_number: with annotate_failure('Ranges %s.' % actual_shard_ranges): self.assertEqual(first_lower, actual_shard_ranges[0].lower_str) for x, y in zip(actual_shard_ranges, actual_shard_ranges[1:]): self.assertEqual(x.upper, y.lower) self.assertEqual(last_upper, actual_shard_ranges[-1].upper_str) def assert_shard_range_equal(self, expected, actual, excludes=None): excludes = excludes or [] expected_dict = dict(expected) actual_dict = dict(actual) for k in excludes: expected_dict.pop(k, None) actual_dict.pop(k, None) self.assertEqual(expected_dict, actual_dict) def assert_shard_range_lists_equal(self, expected, actual, excludes=None): self.assertEqual(len(expected), len(actual)) for expected, actual in zip(expected, actual): self.assert_shard_range_equal(expected, actual, excludes=excludes) def assert_shard_range_state(self, expected_state, shard_ranges): if shard_ranges and not isinstance(shard_ranges[0], ShardRange): shard_ranges = [ShardRange.from_dict(data) for data in shard_ranges] self.assertEqual([expected_state] * len(shard_ranges), [sr.state for sr in shard_ranges]) def assert_total_object_count(self, expected_object_count, shard_ranges): actual = sum(sr['object_count'] for sr in shard_ranges) self.assertEqual(expected_object_count, actual) def assert_container_listing(self, expected_listing, req_hdrs=None): req_hdrs = req_hdrs if req_hdrs else {} headers, actual_listing = client.get_container( self.url, self.token, self.container_name, headers=req_hdrs) self.assertIn('x-container-object-count', headers) expected_obj_count = len(expected_listing) self.assertEqual(expected_listing, [ x['name'].encode('utf-8') if six.PY2 else x['name'] for x in actual_listing]) self.assertEqual(str(expected_obj_count), headers['x-container-object-count']) return headers, actual_listing def assert_container_object_count(self, expected_obj_count): headers = client.head_container( self.url, self.token, self.container_name) self.assertIn('x-container-object-count', headers) self.assertEqual(str(expected_obj_count), headers['x-container-object-count']) def assert_container_post_ok(self, meta_value): key = 'X-Container-Meta-Assert-Post-Works' headers = {key: meta_value} client.post_container( self.url, self.token, self.container_name, headers=headers) resp_headers = client.head_container( self.url, self.token, self.container_name) self.assertEqual(meta_value, resp_headers.get(key.lower())) def assert_container_post_fails(self, meta_value): key = 'X-Container-Meta-Assert-Post-Works' headers = {key: meta_value} with self.assertRaises(ClientException) as cm: client.post_container( self.url, self.token, self.container_name, headers=headers) self.assertEqual(404, cm.exception.http_status) def assert_container_delete_fails(self): with self.assertRaises(ClientException) as cm: client.delete_container(self.url, self.token, self.container_name) self.assertEqual(409, cm.exception.http_status) def assert_container_not_found(self): with self.assertRaises(ClientException) as cm: client.get_container(self.url, self.token, self.container_name) self.assertEqual(404, cm.exception.http_status) # check for headers leaking out while deleted resp_headers = cm.exception.http_response_headers self.assertNotIn('X-Container-Object-Count', resp_headers) self.assertNotIn('X-Container-Bytes-Used', resp_headers) self.assertNotIn('X-Timestamp', resp_headers) self.assertNotIn('X-PUT-Timestamp', resp_headers) def assert_container_has_shard_sysmeta(self): node_headers = self.direct_head_container() for node_id, headers in node_headers.items(): with annotate_failure('%s in %s' % (node_id, node_headers.keys())): for k, v in headers.items(): if k.lower().startswith('x-container-sysmeta-shard'): break else: self.fail('No shard sysmeta found in %s' % headers) def assert_container_state(self, node, expected_state, num_shard_ranges, account=None, container=None, part=None, override_deleted=False): account = account or self.account container = container or self.container_to_shard part = part or self.brain.part headers = {'X-Backend-Record-Type': 'shard'} if override_deleted: headers['x-backend-override-deleted'] = True headers, shard_ranges = direct_client.direct_get_container( node, part, account, container, headers=headers) self.assertEqual(num_shard_ranges, len(shard_ranges)) self.assertIn('X-Backend-Sharding-State', headers) self.assertEqual( expected_state, headers['X-Backend-Sharding-State']) return [ShardRange.from_dict(sr) for sr in shard_ranges] def assert_subprocess_success(self, cmd_args): try: return subprocess.check_output(cmd_args, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except Exception as exc: # why not 'except CalledProcessError'? because in my py3.6 tests # the CalledProcessError wasn't caught by that! despite type(exc) # being a CalledProcessError, isinstance(exc, CalledProcessError) # is False and the type has a different hash - could be # related to https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/issues/413 try: # assume this is a CalledProcessError self.fail('%s with output:\n%s' % (exc, exc.output)) except AttributeError: raise exc def get_part_and_node_numbers(self, shard_range): """Return the partition and node numbers for a shard range.""" part, nodes = self.brain.ring.get_nodes( shard_range.account, shard_range.container) return part, [n['id'] + 1 for n in nodes] def run_sharders(self, shard_ranges, exclude_partitions=None): """Run the sharder on partitions for given shard ranges.""" if not isinstance(shard_ranges, (list, tuple, set)): shard_ranges = (shard_ranges,) exclude_partitions = exclude_partitions or [] shard_parts = [] for sr in shard_ranges: sr_part = self.get_part_and_node_numbers(sr)[0] if sr_part not in exclude_partitions: shard_parts.append(str(sr_part)) partitions = ','.join(shard_parts) self.sharders.once(additional_args='--partitions=%s' % partitions) def run_sharder_sequentially(self, shard_range=None): """Run sharder node by node on partition for given shard range.""" if shard_range: part, node_numbers = self.get_part_and_node_numbers(shard_range) else: part, node_numbers = self.brain.part, self.brain.node_numbers for node_number in node_numbers: self.sharders.once(number=node_number, additional_args='--partitions=%s' % part) def run_custom_sharder(self, conf_index, custom_conf, **kwargs): return self.run_custom_daemon(ContainerSharder, 'container-sharder', conf_index, custom_conf, **kwargs) class BaseAutoContainerSharding(BaseTestContainerSharding): def _maybe_skip_test(self): super(BaseAutoContainerSharding, self)._maybe_skip_test() auto_shard = all(config_true_value(c.get('auto_shard', False)) for c in self.cont_configs) if not auto_shard: raise SkipTest('auto_shard must be true ' 'in all container_sharder configs') class TestContainerShardingNonUTF8(BaseAutoContainerSharding): def test_sharding_listing(self): # verify parameterised listing of a container during sharding all_obj_names = self._make_object_names(4 * self.max_shard_size) obj_names = all_obj_names[::2] obj_content = 'testing' self.put_objects(obj_names, contents=obj_content) # choose some names approx in middle of each expected shard range markers = [ obj_names[i] for i in range(self.max_shard_size // 4, 2 * self.max_shard_size, self.max_shard_size // 2)] def check_listing(objects, req_hdrs=None, **params): req_hdrs = req_hdrs if req_hdrs else {} qs = '&'.join('%s=%s' % (k, quote(str(v))) for k, v in params.items()) headers, listing = client.get_container( self.url, self.token, self.container_name, query_string=qs, headers=req_hdrs) listing = [x['name'].encode('utf-8') if six.PY2 else x['name'] for x in listing] if params.get('reverse'): marker = params.get('marker', ShardRange.MAX) end_marker = params.get('end_marker', ShardRange.MIN) expected = [o for o in objects if end_marker < o < marker] expected.reverse() else: marker = params.get('marker', ShardRange.MIN) end_marker = params.get('end_marker', ShardRange.MAX) expected = [o for o in objects if marker < o < end_marker] if 'limit' in params: expected = expected[:params['limit']] self.assertEqual(expected, listing) self.assertIn('x-timestamp', headers) self.assertIn('last-modified', headers) self.assertIn('x-trans-id', headers) self.assertEqual('bytes', headers.get('accept-ranges')) self.assertEqual('application/json; charset=utf-8', headers.get('content-type')) def check_listing_fails(exp_status, **params): qs = '&'.join(['%s=%s' % param for param in params.items()]) with self.assertRaises(ClientException) as cm: client.get_container( self.url, self.token, self.container_name, query_string=qs) self.assertEqual(exp_status, cm.exception.http_status) return cm.exception def do_listing_checks(objs, hdrs=None): hdrs = hdrs if hdrs else {} check_listing(objs, hdrs) check_listing(objs, hdrs, marker=markers[0], end_marker=markers[1]) check_listing(objs, hdrs, marker=markers[0], end_marker=markers[2]) check_listing(objs, hdrs, marker=markers[1], end_marker=markers[3]) check_listing(objs, hdrs, marker=markers[1], end_marker=markers[3], limit=self.max_shard_size // 4) check_listing(objs, hdrs, marker=markers[1], end_marker=markers[3], limit=self.max_shard_size // 4) check_listing(objs, hdrs, marker=markers[1], end_marker=markers[2], limit=self.max_shard_size // 2) check_listing(objs, hdrs, marker=markers[1], end_marker=markers[1]) check_listing(objs, hdrs, reverse=True) check_listing(objs, hdrs, reverse=True, end_marker=markers[1]) check_listing(objs, hdrs, reverse=True, marker=markers[3], end_marker=markers[1], limit=self.max_shard_size // 4) check_listing(objs, hdrs, reverse=True, marker=markers[3], end_marker=markers[1], limit=0) check_listing([], hdrs, marker=markers[0], end_marker=markers[0]) check_listing([], hdrs, marker=markers[0], end_marker=markers[1], reverse=True) check_listing(objs, hdrs, prefix='obj') check_listing([], hdrs, prefix='zzz') # delimiter headers, listing = client.get_container( self.url, self.token, self.container_name, query_string='delimiter=' + quote(self.DELIM), headers=hdrs) self.assertEqual([{'subdir': 'obj' + self.DELIM}], listing) headers, listing = client.get_container( self.url, self.token, self.container_name, query_string='delimiter=j' + quote(self.DELIM), headers=hdrs) self.assertEqual([{'subdir': 'obj' + self.DELIM}], listing) limit = self.cluster_info['swift']['container_listing_limit'] exc = check_listing_fails(412, limit=limit + 1) self.assertIn(b'Maximum limit', exc.http_response_content) exc = check_listing_fails(400, delimiter='%ff') self.assertIn(b'not valid UTF-8', exc.http_response_content) # sanity checks do_listing_checks(obj_names) # Shard the container client.post_container(self.url, self.admin_token, self.container_name, headers={'X-Container-Sharding': 'on'}) # First run the 'leader' in charge of scanning, which finds all shard # ranges and cleaves first two self.sharders.once(number=self.brain.node_numbers[0], additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # Then run sharder on other nodes which will also cleave first two # shard ranges for n in self.brain.node_numbers[1:]: self.sharders.once( number=n, additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # sanity check shard range states for node in self.brain.nodes: self.assert_container_state(node, 'sharding', 4) shard_ranges = self.get_container_shard_ranges() self.assertLengthEqual(shard_ranges, 4) self.assert_shard_range_state(ShardRange.CLEAVED, shard_ranges[:2]) self.assert_shard_range_state(ShardRange.CREATED, shard_ranges[2:]) self.assert_container_delete_fails() self.assert_container_has_shard_sysmeta() # confirm no sysmeta deleted self.assert_container_post_ok('sharding') do_listing_checks(obj_names) # put some new objects spread through entire namespace; object updates # should be directed to the shard container (both the cleaved and the # created shards) new_obj_names = all_obj_names[1::4] self.put_objects(new_obj_names, obj_content) # new objects that fell into the first two cleaved shard ranges are # reported in listing; new objects in the yet-to-be-cleaved shard # ranges are not yet included in listing because listings prefer the # root over the final two shards that are not yet-cleaved exp_obj_names = [o for o in obj_names + new_obj_names if o <= shard_ranges[1].upper] exp_obj_names += [o for o in obj_names if o > shard_ranges[1].upper] exp_obj_names.sort() do_listing_checks(exp_obj_names) # run all the sharders again and the last two shard ranges get cleaved self.sharders.once(additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) for node in self.brain.nodes: self.assert_container_state(node, 'sharded', 4) shard_ranges = self.get_container_shard_ranges() self.assert_shard_range_state(ShardRange.ACTIVE, shard_ranges) # listings are now gathered from all four shard ranges so should have # all the specified objects exp_obj_names = obj_names + new_obj_names exp_obj_names.sort() do_listing_checks(exp_obj_names) # shard ranges may now be cached by proxy so do listings checks again # forcing backend request do_listing_checks(exp_obj_names, hdrs={'X-Newest': 'true'}) # post more metadata to the container and check that it is read back # correctly from backend (using x-newest) and cache test_headers = {'x-container-meta-test': 'testing', 'x-container-read': 'read_acl', 'x-container-write': 'write_acl', 'x-container-sync-key': 'sync_key', # 'x-container-sync-to': 'sync_to', 'x-versions-location': 'versions', 'x-container-meta-access-control-allow-origin': 'aa', 'x-container-meta-access-control-expose-headers': 'bb', 'x-container-meta-access-control-max-age': '123'} client.post_container(self.url, self.admin_token, self.container_name, headers=test_headers) headers, listing = client.get_container( self.url, self.token, self.container_name, headers={'X-Newest': 'true'}) exp_headers = dict(test_headers) exp_headers.update({ 'x-container-object-count': str(len(exp_obj_names)), 'x-container-bytes-used': str(len(exp_obj_names) * len(obj_content)) }) for k, v in exp_headers.items(): self.assertIn(k, headers) self.assertEqual(v, headers[k], dict(headers)) cache_headers, listing = client.get_container( self.url, self.token, self.container_name) for k, v in exp_headers.items(): self.assertIn(k, cache_headers) self.assertEqual(v, cache_headers[k], dict(exp_headers)) # we don't expect any of these headers to be equal... for k in ('x-timestamp', 'last-modified', 'date', 'x-trans-id', 'x-openstack-request-id'): headers.pop(k, None) cache_headers.pop(k, None) self.assertEqual(headers, cache_headers) self.assert_container_delete_fails() self.assert_container_has_shard_sysmeta() self.assert_container_post_ok('sharded') # delete original objects self.delete_objects(obj_names) do_listing_checks(new_obj_names) self.assert_container_delete_fails() self.assert_container_has_shard_sysmeta() self.assert_container_post_ok('sharded') class TestContainerShardingFunkyNames(TestContainerShardingNonUTF8): DELIM = '\n' def _make_object_names(self, number): return ['obj\n%04d%%Ff' % x for x in range(number)] def _setup_container_name(self): self.container_name = 'container\n%%Ff\n%s' % uuid.uuid4() class TestContainerShardingUTF8(TestContainerShardingNonUTF8): def _make_object_names(self, number, start=0): # override default with names that include non-ascii chars name_length = self.cluster_info['swift']['max_object_name_length'] obj_names = [] for x in range(start, start + number): name = (u'obj-\u00e4\u00ea\u00ec\u00f2\u00fb\u1234-%04d' % x) name = name.encode('utf8').ljust(name_length, b'o') if not six.PY2: name = name.decode('utf8') obj_names.append(name) return obj_names def _setup_container_name(self): # override default with max length name that includes non-ascii chars super(TestContainerShardingUTF8, self)._setup_container_name() name_length = self.cluster_info['swift']['max_container_name_length'] cont_name = \ self.container_name + u'-\u00e4\u00ea\u00ec\u00f2\u00fb\u1234' self.container_name = cont_name.encode('utf8').ljust(name_length, b'x') if not six.PY2: self.container_name = self.container_name.decode('utf8') class TestContainerShardingObjectVersioning(BaseAutoContainerSharding): def _maybe_skip_test(self): super(TestContainerShardingObjectVersioning, self)._maybe_skip_test() try: vw_config = utils.readconf(self.configs['proxy-server'], 'filter:versioned_writes') except ValueError: raise SkipTest('No [filter:versioned_writes] section found in ' 'proxy-server configs') allow_object_versioning = config_true_value( vw_config.get('allow_object_versioning', False)) if not allow_object_versioning: raise SkipTest('allow_object_versioning must be true ' 'in all versioned_writes configs') def init_brain(self, container_name): client.put_container(self.url, self.token, container_name, headers={ 'X-Storage-Policy': self.policy.name, 'X-Versions-Enabled': 'true', }) self.container_to_shard = '\x00versions\x00' + container_name self.brain = BrainSplitter( self.url, self.token, self.container_to_shard, None, 'container') def test_sharding_listing(self): # verify parameterised listing of a container during sharding all_obj_names = self._make_object_names(3) * self.max_shard_size all_obj_names.extend(self._make_object_names(self.max_shard_size, start=3)) obj_names = all_obj_names[::2] obj_names_and_versions = self.put_objects(obj_names) def sort_key(obj_and_ver): obj, ver = obj_and_ver return obj, ~Timestamp(ver) obj_names_and_versions.sort(key=sort_key) # choose some names approx in middle of each expected shard range markers = [ obj_names_and_versions[i] for i in range(self.max_shard_size // 4, 2 * self.max_shard_size, self.max_shard_size // 2)] def check_listing(objects, **params): params['versions'] = '' qs = '&'.join('%s=%s' % param for param in params.items()) headers, listing = client.get_container( self.url, self.token, self.container_name, query_string=qs) listing = [(x['name'].encode('utf-8') if six.PY2 else x['name'], x['version_id']) for x in listing] if params.get('reverse'): marker = ( params.get('marker', ShardRange.MAX), ~Timestamp(params['version_marker']) if 'version_marker' in params else ~Timestamp('0'), ) end_marker = ( params.get('end_marker', ShardRange.MIN), Timestamp('0'), ) expected = [o for o in objects if end_marker < sort_key(o) < marker] expected.reverse() else: marker = ( params.get('marker', ShardRange.MIN), ~Timestamp(params['version_marker']) if 'version_marker' in params else Timestamp('0'), ) end_marker = ( params.get('end_marker', ShardRange.MAX), ~Timestamp('0'), ) expected = [o for o in objects if marker < sort_key(o) < end_marker] if 'limit' in params: expected = expected[:params['limit']] self.assertEqual(expected, listing) def check_listing_fails(exp_status, **params): params['versions'] = '' qs = '&'.join('%s=%s' % param for param in params.items()) with self.assertRaises(ClientException) as cm: client.get_container( self.url, self.token, self.container_name, query_string=qs) self.assertEqual(exp_status, cm.exception.http_status) return cm.exception def do_listing_checks(objects): check_listing(objects) check_listing(objects, marker=markers[0][0], version_marker=markers[0][1]) check_listing(objects, marker=markers[0][0], version_marker=markers[0][1], limit=self.max_shard_size // 10) check_listing(objects, marker=markers[0][0], version_marker=markers[0][1], limit=self.max_shard_size // 4) check_listing(objects, marker=markers[0][0], version_marker=markers[0][1], limit=self.max_shard_size // 2) check_listing(objects, marker=markers[1][0], version_marker=markers[1][1]) check_listing(objects, marker=markers[1][0], version_marker=markers[1][1], limit=self.max_shard_size // 10) check_listing(objects, marker=markers[2][0], version_marker=markers[2][1], limit=self.max_shard_size // 4) check_listing(objects, marker=markers[2][0], version_marker=markers[2][1], limit=self.max_shard_size // 2) check_listing(objects, reverse=True) check_listing(objects, reverse=True, marker=markers[1][0], version_marker=markers[1][1]) check_listing(objects, prefix='obj') check_listing([], prefix='zzz') # delimiter headers, listing = client.get_container( self.url, self.token, self.container_name, query_string='delimiter=-') self.assertEqual([{'subdir': 'obj-'}], listing) headers, listing = client.get_container( self.url, self.token, self.container_name, query_string='delimiter=j-') self.assertEqual([{'subdir': 'obj-'}], listing) limit = self.cluster_info['swift']['container_listing_limit'] exc = check_listing_fails(412, limit=limit + 1) self.assertIn(b'Maximum limit', exc.http_response_content) exc = check_listing_fails(400, delimiter='%ff') self.assertIn(b'not valid UTF-8', exc.http_response_content) # sanity checks do_listing_checks(obj_names_and_versions) # Shard the container. Use an internal_client so we get an implicit # X-Backend-Allow-Reserved-Names header self.internal_client.set_container_metadata( self.account, self.container_to_shard, { 'X-Container-Sysmeta-Sharding': 'True', }) # First run the 'leader' in charge of scanning, which finds all shard # ranges and cleaves first two self.sharders.once(number=self.brain.node_numbers[0], additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # Then run sharder on other nodes which will also cleave first two # shard ranges for n in self.brain.node_numbers[1:]: self.sharders.once( number=n, additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # sanity check shard range states for node in self.brain.nodes: self.assert_container_state(node, 'sharding', 4) shard_ranges = self.get_container_shard_ranges() self.assertLengthEqual(shard_ranges, 4) self.assert_shard_range_state(ShardRange.CLEAVED, shard_ranges[:2]) self.assert_shard_range_state(ShardRange.CREATED, shard_ranges[2:]) self.assert_container_delete_fails() self.assert_container_has_shard_sysmeta() # confirm no sysmeta deleted self.assert_container_post_ok('sharding') do_listing_checks(obj_names_and_versions) # put some new objects spread through entire namespace new_obj_names = all_obj_names[1::4] new_obj_names_and_versions = self.put_objects(new_obj_names) # new objects that fell into the first two cleaved shard ranges are # reported in listing, new objects in the yet-to-be-cleaved shard # ranges are not yet included in listing exp_obj_names_and_versions = [ o for o in obj_names_and_versions + new_obj_names_and_versions if '\x00' + o[0] <= shard_ranges[1].upper] exp_obj_names_and_versions += [ o for o in obj_names_and_versions if '\x00' + o[0] > shard_ranges[1].upper] exp_obj_names_and_versions.sort(key=sort_key) do_listing_checks(exp_obj_names_and_versions) # run all the sharders again and the last two shard ranges get cleaved self.sharders.once(additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) for node in self.brain.nodes: self.assert_container_state(node, 'sharded', 4) shard_ranges = self.get_container_shard_ranges() self.assert_shard_range_state(ShardRange.ACTIVE, shard_ranges) exp_obj_names_and_versions = \ obj_names_and_versions + new_obj_names_and_versions exp_obj_names_and_versions.sort(key=sort_key) do_listing_checks(exp_obj_names_and_versions) self.assert_container_delete_fails() self.assert_container_has_shard_sysmeta() self.assert_container_post_ok('sharded') # delete original objects self.delete_objects(obj_names_and_versions) new_obj_names_and_versions.sort(key=sort_key) do_listing_checks(new_obj_names_and_versions) self.assert_container_delete_fails() self.assert_container_has_shard_sysmeta() self.assert_container_post_ok('sharded') class TestContainerSharding(BaseAutoContainerSharding): def _test_sharded_listing(self, run_replicators=False): obj_names = self._make_object_names(self.max_shard_size) self.put_objects(obj_names) # Verify that we start out with normal DBs, no shards found = self.categorize_container_dir_content() self.assertLengthEqual(found['normal_dbs'], 3) self.assertLengthEqual(found['shard_dbs'], 0) for db_file in found['normal_dbs']: broker = ContainerBroker(db_file) self.assertIs(True, broker.is_root_container()) self.assertEqual('unsharded', broker.get_db_state()) self.assertLengthEqual(broker.get_shard_ranges(), 0) headers, pre_sharding_listing = client.get_container( self.url, self.token, self.container_name) self.assertEqual(obj_names, [ x['name'].encode('utf-8') if six.PY2 else x['name'] for x in pre_sharding_listing]) # sanity # Shard it client.post_container(self.url, self.admin_token, self.container_name, headers={'X-Container-Sharding': 'on'}) pre_sharding_headers = client.head_container( self.url, self.admin_token, self.container_name) self.assertEqual('True', pre_sharding_headers.get('x-container-sharding')) # Only run the one in charge of scanning self.sharders.once(number=self.brain.node_numbers[0], additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # Verify that we have one sharded db -- though the other normal DBs # received the shard ranges that got defined found = self.categorize_container_dir_content() self.assertLengthEqual(found['shard_dbs'], 1) broker = self.get_broker(self.brain.part, self.brain.nodes[0]) # sanity check - the shard db is on replica 0 self.assertEqual(found['shard_dbs'][0], broker.db_file) self.assertIs(True, broker.is_root_container()) self.assertEqual('sharded', broker.get_db_state()) orig_root_shard_ranges = [dict(sr) for sr in broker.get_shard_ranges()] self.assertLengthEqual(orig_root_shard_ranges, 2) self.assert_total_object_count(len(obj_names), orig_root_shard_ranges) self.assert_shard_ranges_contiguous(2, orig_root_shard_ranges) self.assertEqual([ShardRange.ACTIVE, ShardRange.ACTIVE], [sr['state'] for sr in orig_root_shard_ranges]) # Contexts should still be there, and should be complete contexts = set([ctx.done() for ctx, _ in CleavingContext.load_all(broker)]) self.assertEqual({True}, contexts) self.direct_delete_container(expect_failure=True) self.assertLengthEqual(found['normal_dbs'], 2) for db_file in found['normal_dbs']: broker = ContainerBroker(db_file) self.assertIs(True, broker.is_root_container()) self.assertEqual('unsharded', broker.get_db_state()) shard_ranges = [dict(sr) for sr in broker.get_shard_ranges()] self.assertEqual([ShardRange.CREATED, ShardRange.CREATED], [sr['state'] for sr in shard_ranges]) # the sharded db had shard range meta_timestamps and state updated # during cleaving, so we do not expect those to be equal on other # nodes self.assert_shard_range_lists_equal( orig_root_shard_ranges, shard_ranges, excludes=['meta_timestamp', 'state', 'state_timestamp']) contexts = list(CleavingContext.load_all(broker)) self.assertEqual([], contexts) # length check if run_replicators: Manager(['container-replicator']).once() # replication doesn't change the db file names found = self.categorize_container_dir_content() self.assertLengthEqual(found['shard_dbs'], 1) self.assertLengthEqual(found['normal_dbs'], 2) # Now that everyone has shard ranges, run *everyone* self.sharders.once(additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # Verify that we only have shard dbs now found = self.categorize_container_dir_content() self.assertLengthEqual(found['shard_dbs'], 3) self.assertLengthEqual(found['normal_dbs'], 0) # Shards stayed the same for db_file in found['shard_dbs']: broker = ContainerBroker(db_file) self.assertIs(True, broker.is_root_container()) self.assertEqual('sharded', broker.get_db_state()) # Well, except for meta_timestamps, since the shards each reported self.assert_shard_range_lists_equal( orig_root_shard_ranges, broker.get_shard_ranges(), excludes=['meta_timestamp', 'state_timestamp']) for orig, updated in zip(orig_root_shard_ranges, broker.get_shard_ranges()): self.assertGreaterEqual(updated.state_timestamp, orig['state_timestamp']) self.assertGreaterEqual(updated.meta_timestamp, orig['meta_timestamp']) # Contexts should still be there, and should be complete contexts = set([ctx.done() for ctx, _ in CleavingContext.load_all(broker)]) self.assertEqual({True}, contexts) # Check that entire listing is available headers, actual_listing = self.assert_container_listing(obj_names) # ... and check some other container properties self.assertEqual(headers['last-modified'], pre_sharding_headers['last-modified']) # It even works in reverse! headers, listing = client.get_container(self.url, self.token, self.container_name, query_string='reverse=on') self.assertEqual(pre_sharding_listing[::-1], listing) # and repeat checks to use shard ranges now cached in proxy headers, actual_listing = self.assert_container_listing(obj_names) self.assertEqual(headers['last-modified'], pre_sharding_headers['last-modified']) headers, listing = client.get_container(self.url, self.token, self.container_name, query_string='reverse=on') self.assertEqual(pre_sharding_listing[::-1], listing) # Now put some new objects into first shard, taking its count to # 3 shard ranges' worth more_obj_names = [ 'beta%03d' % x for x in range(self.max_shard_size)] self.put_objects(more_obj_names) # The listing includes new objects (shard ranges haven't changed, just # their object content, so cached shard ranges are still correct)... headers, listing = self.assert_container_listing( more_obj_names + obj_names) self.assertEqual(pre_sharding_listing, listing[len(more_obj_names):]) # ...but root object count is out of date until the sharders run and # update the root self.assert_container_object_count(len(obj_names)) # run sharders on the shard to get root updated shard_1 = ShardRange.from_dict(orig_root_shard_ranges[0]) self.run_sharders(shard_1) self.assert_container_object_count(len(more_obj_names + obj_names)) # we've added objects enough that we need to shard the first shard # *again* into three new sub-shards, but nothing happens until the root # leader identifies shard candidate... root_shard_ranges = self.direct_get_container_shard_ranges() for node, (hdrs, root_shards) in root_shard_ranges.items(): self.assertLengthEqual(root_shards, 2) with annotate_failure('node %s. ' % node): self.assertEqual( [ShardRange.ACTIVE] * 2, [sr['state'] for sr in root_shards]) # orig shards 0, 1 should be contiguous self.assert_shard_ranges_contiguous(2, root_shards) # Now run the root leader to identify shard candidate...while one of # the shard container servers is down shard_1_part, shard_1_nodes = self.get_part_and_node_numbers(shard_1) self.brain.servers.stop(number=shard_1_nodes[2]) self.sharders.once(number=self.brain.node_numbers[0], additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # ... so third replica of first shard state is not moved to sharding found_for_shard = self.categorize_container_dir_content( shard_1.account, shard_1.container) self.assertLengthEqual(found_for_shard['normal_dbs'], 3) self.assertEqual( [ShardRange.SHARDING, ShardRange.SHARDING, ShardRange.ACTIVE], [ContainerBroker(db_file).get_own_shard_range().state for db_file in found_for_shard['normal_dbs']]) # ...then run first cycle of first shard sharders in order, leader # first, to get to predictable state where all nodes have cleaved 2 out # of 3 ranges...starting with first two nodes for node_number in shard_1_nodes[:2]: self.sharders.once( number=node_number, additional_args='--partitions=%s' % shard_1_part) # ... first two replicas start sharding to sub-shards found_for_shard = self.categorize_container_dir_content( shard_1.account, shard_1.container) self.assertLengthEqual(found_for_shard['shard_dbs'], 2) for db_file in found_for_shard['shard_dbs'][:2]: broker = ContainerBroker(db_file) with annotate_failure('shard db file %s. ' % db_file): self.assertIs(False, broker.is_root_container()) self.assertEqual('sharding', broker.get_db_state()) self.assertEqual( ShardRange.SHARDING, broker.get_own_shard_range().state) shard_shards = broker.get_shard_ranges() self.assertEqual( [ShardRange.CLEAVED, ShardRange.CLEAVED, ShardRange.CREATED], [sr.state for sr in shard_shards]) self.assert_shard_ranges_contiguous( 3, shard_shards, first_lower=orig_root_shard_ranges[0]['lower'], last_upper=orig_root_shard_ranges[0]['upper']) contexts = list(CleavingContext.load_all(broker)) self.assertEqual(len(contexts), 1) context, _lm = contexts[0] self.assertIs(context.cleaving_done, False) self.assertIs(context.misplaced_done, True) self.assertEqual(context.ranges_done, 2) self.assertEqual(context.ranges_todo, 1) self.assertEqual(context.max_row, self.max_shard_size * 3 // 2) # but third replica still has no idea it should be sharding self.assertLengthEqual(found_for_shard['normal_dbs'], 3) broker = ContainerBroker(found_for_shard['normal_dbs'][2]) self.assertEqual(ShardRange.ACTIVE, broker.get_own_shard_range().state) # ...but once sharder runs on third replica it will learn its state and # fetch its sub-shard ranges durng audit; note that any root replica on # the stopped container server also won't know about the shards being # in sharding state, so leave that server stopped for now so that shard # fetches its state from an up-to-date root replica self.sharders.once( number=shard_1_nodes[2], additional_args='--partitions=%s' % shard_1_part) # third replica is sharding and has sub-shard ranges so can start # cleaving... found_for_shard = self.categorize_container_dir_content( shard_1.account, shard_1.container) self.assertLengthEqual(found_for_shard['shard_dbs'], 3) self.assertLengthEqual(found_for_shard['normal_dbs'], 3) sharding_broker = ContainerBroker(found_for_shard['normal_dbs'][2]) self.assertEqual('sharding', sharding_broker.get_db_state()) self.assertEqual( ShardRange.SHARDING, sharding_broker.get_own_shard_range().state) self.assertEqual(3, len(sharding_broker.get_shard_ranges())) # there may also be a sub-shard replica missing so run replicators on # all nodes to fix that if necessary self.brain.servers.start(number=shard_1_nodes[2]) self.replicators.once() # Now that the replicators have all run, third replica sees cleaving # contexts for the first two (plus its own cleaving context) contexts = list(CleavingContext.load_all(sharding_broker)) self.assertEqual(len(contexts), 3) broker_id = broker.get_info()['id'] self.assertIn(broker_id, [ctx[0].ref for ctx in contexts]) # check original first shard range state and sub-shards - all replicas # should now be in consistent state found_for_shard = self.categorize_container_dir_content( shard_1.account, shard_1.container) self.assertLengthEqual(found_for_shard['shard_dbs'], 3) self.assertLengthEqual(found_for_shard['normal_dbs'], 3) for db_file in found_for_shard['shard_dbs']: broker = ContainerBroker(db_file) with annotate_failure('shard db file %s. ' % db_file): self.assertIs(False, broker.is_root_container()) self.assertEqual('sharding', broker.get_db_state()) self.assertEqual( ShardRange.SHARDING, broker.get_own_shard_range().state) shard_shards = broker.get_shard_ranges() self.assertEqual( [ShardRange.CLEAVED, ShardRange.CLEAVED, ShardRange.CREATED], [sr.state for sr in shard_shards]) self.assert_shard_ranges_contiguous( 3, shard_shards, first_lower=orig_root_shard_ranges[0]['lower'], last_upper=orig_root_shard_ranges[0]['upper']) # check third sub-shard is in created state sub_shard = shard_shards[2] found_for_sub_shard = self.categorize_container_dir_content( sub_shard.account, sub_shard.container) self.assertFalse(found_for_sub_shard['shard_dbs']) self.assertLengthEqual(found_for_sub_shard['normal_dbs'], 3) for db_file in found_for_sub_shard['normal_dbs']: broker = ContainerBroker(db_file) with annotate_failure('sub shard db file %s. ' % db_file): self.assertIs(False, broker.is_root_container()) self.assertEqual('unsharded', broker.get_db_state()) self.assertEqual( ShardRange.CREATED, broker.get_own_shard_range().state) self.assertFalse(broker.get_shard_ranges()) # check root shard ranges root_shard_ranges = self.direct_get_container_shard_ranges() for node, (hdrs, root_shards) in root_shard_ranges.items(): self.assertLengthEqual(root_shards, 5) with annotate_failure('node %s. ' % node): # shard ranges are sorted by upper, state, lower, so expect: # sub-shards, orig shard 0, orig shard 1 self.assertEqual( [ShardRange.CLEAVED, ShardRange.CLEAVED, ShardRange.CREATED, ShardRange.SHARDING, ShardRange.ACTIVE], [sr['state'] for sr in root_shards]) # sub-shards 0, 1, 2, orig shard 1 should be contiguous self.assert_shard_ranges_contiguous( 4, root_shards[:3] + root_shards[4:]) # orig shards 0, 1 should be contiguous self.assert_shard_ranges_contiguous(2, root_shards[3:]) self.assert_container_listing(more_obj_names + obj_names) self.assert_container_object_count(len(more_obj_names + obj_names)) # Before writing, kill the cache self.memcache.delete(get_cache_key( self.account, self.container_name, shard='updating')) # add another object that lands in the first of the new sub-shards self.put_objects(['alpha']) # check that alpha object is in the first new shard shard_listings = self.direct_get_container(shard_shards[0].account, shard_shards[0].container) for node, (hdrs, listing) in shard_listings.items(): with annotate_failure(node): self.assertIn('alpha', [o['name'] for o in listing]) self.assert_container_listing(['alpha'] + more_obj_names + obj_names) # Run sharders again so things settle. self.run_sharders(shard_1) # Also run replicators to settle cleaving contexts self.replicators.once() # check original first shard range shards for db_file in found_for_shard['shard_dbs']: broker = ContainerBroker(db_file) with annotate_failure('shard db file %s. ' % db_file): self.assertIs(False, broker.is_root_container()) self.assertEqual('sharded', broker.get_db_state()) self.assertEqual( [ShardRange.ACTIVE] * 3, [sr.state for sr in broker.get_shard_ranges()]) # Contexts should still be there, and should be complete contexts = set([ctx.done() for ctx, _ in CleavingContext.load_all(broker)]) self.assertEqual({True}, contexts) # check root shard ranges root_shard_ranges = self.direct_get_container_shard_ranges() for node, (hdrs, root_shards) in root_shard_ranges.items(): # old first shard range should have been deleted self.assertLengthEqual(root_shards, 4) with annotate_failure('node %s. ' % node): self.assertEqual( [ShardRange.ACTIVE] * 4, [sr['state'] for sr in root_shards]) self.assert_shard_ranges_contiguous(4, root_shards) headers, final_listing = self.assert_container_listing( ['alpha'] + more_obj_names + obj_names) # check root found = self.categorize_container_dir_content() self.assertLengthEqual(found['shard_dbs'], 3) self.assertLengthEqual(found['normal_dbs'], 0) new_shard_ranges = None for db_file in found['shard_dbs']: broker = ContainerBroker(db_file) self.assertIs(True, broker.is_root_container()) self.assertEqual('sharded', broker.get_db_state()) if new_shard_ranges is None: new_shard_ranges = broker.get_shard_ranges( include_deleted=True) self.assertLengthEqual(new_shard_ranges, 5) # Second half is still there, and unchanged self.assertIn( dict(orig_root_shard_ranges[1], meta_timestamp=None, state_timestamp=None), [dict(sr, meta_timestamp=None, state_timestamp=None) for sr in new_shard_ranges]) # But the first half split in three, then deleted by_name = {sr.name: sr for sr in new_shard_ranges} self.assertIn(orig_root_shard_ranges[0]['name'], by_name) old_shard_range = by_name.pop( orig_root_shard_ranges[0]['name']) self.assertTrue(old_shard_range.deleted) self.assert_shard_ranges_contiguous(4, list(by_name.values())) else: # Everyone's on the same page. Well, except for # meta_timestamps, since the shards each reported other_shard_ranges = broker.get_shard_ranges( include_deleted=True) self.assert_shard_range_lists_equal( new_shard_ranges, other_shard_ranges, excludes=['meta_timestamp', 'state_timestamp']) for orig, updated in zip(orig_root_shard_ranges, other_shard_ranges): self.assertGreaterEqual(updated.meta_timestamp, orig['meta_timestamp']) self.assert_container_delete_fails() for obj in final_listing: client.delete_object( self.url, self.token, self.container_name, obj['name']) # the objects won't be listed anymore self.assert_container_listing([]) # but root container stats will not yet be aware of the deletions self.assert_container_delete_fails() # One server was down while the shard sharded its first two sub-shards, # so there may be undeleted handoff db(s) for sub-shard(s) that were # not fully replicated; run replicators now to clean up so they no # longer report bogus stats to root. self.replicators.once() # Run sharder so that shard containers update the root. Do not run # sharder on root container because that triggers shrinks which can # cause root object count to temporarily be non-zero and prevent the # final delete. self.run_sharders(self.get_container_shard_ranges()) # then root is empty and can be deleted self.assert_container_listing([]) self.assert_container_object_count(0) client.delete_container(self.url, self.token, self.container_name) def test_sharded_listing_no_replicators(self): self._test_sharded_listing() def test_sharded_listing_with_replicators(self): self._test_sharded_listing(run_replicators=True) def test_listing_under_populated_replica(self): # the leader node and one other primary have all the objects and will # cleave to 4 shard ranges, but the third primary only has 1 object in # the final shard range obj_names = self._make_object_names(2 * self.max_shard_size) self.brain.servers.stop(number=self.brain.node_numbers[2]) self.put_objects(obj_names) self.brain.servers.start(number=self.brain.node_numbers[2]) subset_obj_names = [obj_names[-1]] self.put_objects(subset_obj_names) self.brain.servers.stop(number=self.brain.node_numbers[2]) # sanity check: the first 2 primaries will list all objects self.assert_container_listing(obj_names, req_hdrs={'x-newest': 'true'}) # Run sharder on the fully populated nodes, starting with the leader client.post_container(self.url, self.admin_token, self.container_name, headers={'X-Container-Sharding': 'on'}) self.sharders.once(number=self.brain.node_numbers[0], additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) self.sharders.once(number=self.brain.node_numbers[1], additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # Verify that the first 2 primary nodes have cleaved the first batch of # 2 shard ranges broker = self.get_broker(self.brain.part, self.brain.nodes[0]) self.assertEqual('sharding', broker.get_db_state()) shard_ranges = [dict(sr) for sr in broker.get_shard_ranges()] self.assertLengthEqual(shard_ranges, 4) self.assertEqual([ShardRange.CLEAVED, ShardRange.CLEAVED, ShardRange.CREATED, ShardRange.CREATED], [sr['state'] for sr in shard_ranges]) self.assertEqual( {False}, set([ctx.done() for ctx, _ in CleavingContext.load_all(broker)])) # listing is complete (from the fully populated primaries at least); # the root serves the listing parts for the last 2 shard ranges which # are not yet cleaved self.assert_container_listing(obj_names, req_hdrs={'x-newest': 'true'}) # Run the sharder on the under-populated node to get it fully # cleaved. self.brain.servers.start(number=self.brain.node_numbers[2]) Manager(['container-replicator']).once( number=self.brain.node_numbers[2]) self.sharders.once(number=self.brain.node_numbers[2], additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) broker = self.get_broker(self.brain.part, self.brain.nodes[2]) self.assertEqual('sharded', broker.get_db_state()) shard_ranges = [dict(sr) for sr in broker.get_shard_ranges()] self.assertLengthEqual(shard_ranges, 4) self.assertEqual([ShardRange.ACTIVE, ShardRange.ACTIVE, ShardRange.ACTIVE, ShardRange.ACTIVE], [sr['state'] for sr in shard_ranges]) self.assertEqual( {True, False}, set([ctx.done() for ctx, _ in CleavingContext.load_all(broker)])) # Get a consistent view of shard range states then check listing Manager(['container-replicator']).once( number=self.brain.node_numbers[2]) # oops, the listing is incomplete because the last 2 listing parts are # now served by the under-populated shard ranges. self.assert_container_listing( obj_names[:self.max_shard_size] + subset_obj_names, req_hdrs={'x-newest': 'true'}) # but once another replica has completed cleaving the listing is # complete again self.sharders.once(number=self.brain.node_numbers[1], additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) self.assert_container_listing(obj_names, req_hdrs={'x-newest': 'true'}) def test_async_pendings(self): obj_names = self._make_object_names(self.max_shard_size * 2) # There are some updates *everyone* gets self.put_objects(obj_names[::5]) # But roll some outages so each container only get ~2/5 more object # records i.e. total of 3/5 updates per container; and async pendings # pile up for i, n in enumerate(self.brain.node_numbers, start=1): self.brain.servers.stop(number=n) self.put_objects(obj_names[i::5]) self.brain.servers.start(number=n) # But there are also 1/5 updates *no one* gets self.brain.servers.stop() self.put_objects(obj_names[4::5]) self.brain.servers.start() # Shard it client.post_container(self.url, self.admin_token, self.container_name, headers={'X-Container-Sharding': 'on'}) headers = client.head_container(self.url, self.admin_token, self.container_name) self.assertEqual('True', headers.get('x-container-sharding')) # sanity check found = self.categorize_container_dir_content() self.assertLengthEqual(found['shard_dbs'], 0) self.assertLengthEqual(found['normal_dbs'], 3) for db_file in found['normal_dbs']: broker = ContainerBroker(db_file) self.assertIs(True, broker.is_root_container()) self.assertEqual(len(obj_names) * 3 // 5, broker.get_info()['object_count']) # Only run the 'leader' in charge of scanning. # Each container has ~2 * max * 3/5 objects # which are distributed from obj000 to obj<2 * max - 1>, # so expect 3 shard ranges to be found: the first two will be complete # shards with max/2 objects and lower/upper bounds spaced by approx: # (2 * max - 1)/(2 * max * 3/5) * (max/2) =~ 5/6 * max # # Note that during this shard cycle the leader replicates to other # nodes so they will end up with ~2 * max * 4/5 objects. self.sharders.once(number=self.brain.node_numbers[0], additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # Verify that we have one shard db -- though the other normal DBs # received the shard ranges that got defined found = self.categorize_container_dir_content() self.assertLengthEqual(found['shard_dbs'], 1) node_index_zero_db = found['shard_dbs'][0] broker = ContainerBroker(node_index_zero_db) self.assertIs(True, broker.is_root_container()) self.assertEqual(SHARDING, broker.get_db_state()) expected_shard_ranges = broker.get_shard_ranges() self.assertLengthEqual(expected_shard_ranges, 3) self.assertEqual( [ShardRange.CLEAVED, ShardRange.CLEAVED, ShardRange.CREATED], [sr.state for sr in expected_shard_ranges]) # Still have all three big DBs -- we've only cleaved 2 of the 3 shard # ranges that got defined self.assertLengthEqual(found['normal_dbs'], 3) db_states = [] for db_file in found['normal_dbs']: broker = ContainerBroker(db_file) self.assertIs(True, broker.is_root_container()) db_states.append(broker.get_db_state()) # the sharded db had shard range meta_timestamps updated during # cleaving, so we do not expect those to be equal on other nodes self.assert_shard_range_lists_equal( expected_shard_ranges, broker.get_shard_ranges(), excludes=['meta_timestamp', 'state_timestamp', 'state']) self.assertEqual(len(obj_names) * 3 // 5, broker.get_info()['object_count']) self.assertEqual([SHARDING, UNSHARDED, UNSHARDED], sorted(db_states)) # Run the other sharders so we're all in (roughly) the same state for n in self.brain.node_numbers[1:]: self.sharders.once( number=n, additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) found = self.categorize_container_dir_content() self.assertLengthEqual(found['shard_dbs'], 3) self.assertLengthEqual(found['normal_dbs'], 3) for db_file in found['normal_dbs']: broker = ContainerBroker(db_file) self.assertEqual(SHARDING, broker.get_db_state()) # no new rows self.assertEqual(len(obj_names) * 3 // 5, broker.get_info()['object_count']) # Run updaters to clear the async pendings Manager(['object-updater']).once() # Our "big" dbs didn't take updates for db_file in found['normal_dbs']: broker = ContainerBroker(db_file) self.assertEqual(len(obj_names) * 3 // 5, broker.get_info()['object_count']) # confirm that the async pending updates got redirected to the shards for sr in expected_shard_ranges: shard_listings = self.direct_get_container(sr.account, sr.container) for node, (hdrs, listing) in shard_listings.items(): shard_listing_names = [ o['name'].encode('utf-8') if six.PY2 else o['name'] for o in listing] for obj in obj_names[4::5]: if obj in sr: self.assertIn(obj, shard_listing_names) else: self.assertNotIn(obj, shard_listing_names) # The entire listing is not yet available - we have two cleaved shard # ranges, complete with async updates, but for the remainder of the # namespace only what landed in the original container headers, listing = client.get_container(self.url, self.token, self.container_name) start_listing = [ o for o in obj_names if o <= expected_shard_ranges[1].upper] self.assertEqual( [x['name'].encode('utf-8') if six.PY2 else x['name'] for x in listing[:len(start_listing)]], start_listing) # we can't assert much about the remaining listing, other than that # there should be something self.assertTrue( [x['name'].encode('utf-8') if six.PY2 else x['name'] for x in listing[len(start_listing):]]) self.assertIn('x-container-object-count', headers) self.assertEqual(str(len(listing)), headers['x-container-object-count']) headers, listing = client.get_container(self.url, self.token, self.container_name, query_string='reverse=on') self.assertEqual([x['name'].encode('utf-8') if six.PY2 else x['name'] for x in listing[-len(start_listing):]], list(reversed(start_listing))) self.assertIn('x-container-object-count', headers) self.assertEqual(str(len(listing)), headers['x-container-object-count']) self.assertTrue( [x['name'].encode('utf-8') if six.PY2 else x['name'] for x in listing[:-len(start_listing)]]) # Run the sharders again to get everything to settle self.sharders.once() found = self.categorize_container_dir_content() self.assertLengthEqual(found['shard_dbs'], 3) self.assertLengthEqual(found['normal_dbs'], 0) # now all shards have been cleaved we should get the complete listing headers, listing = client.get_container(self.url, self.token, self.container_name) self.assertEqual([x['name'].encode('utf-8') if six.PY2 else x['name'] for x in listing], obj_names) def test_shrinking(self): int_client = self.make_internal_client() def check_node_data(node_data, exp_hdrs, exp_obj_count, exp_shards, exp_sharded_root_range=False): hdrs, range_data = node_data self.assert_dict_contains(exp_hdrs, hdrs) sharded_root_range = False other_range_data = [] for data in range_data: sr = ShardRange.from_dict(data) if (sr.account == self.account and sr.container == self.container_name and sr.state == ShardRange.SHARDED): # only expect one root range self.assertFalse(sharded_root_range, range_data) sharded_root_range = True self.assertEqual(ShardRange.MIN, sr.lower, sr) self.assertEqual(ShardRange.MAX, sr.upper, sr) else: # include active root range in further assertions other_range_data.append(data) self.assertEqual(exp_sharded_root_range, sharded_root_range) self.assert_shard_ranges_contiguous(exp_shards, other_range_data) self.assert_total_object_count(exp_obj_count, other_range_data) def check_shard_nodes_data(node_data, expected_state='unsharded', expected_shards=0, exp_obj_count=0, exp_sharded_root_range=False): # checks that shard range is consistent on all nodes root_path = '%s/%s' % (self.account, self.container_name) exp_shard_hdrs = { 'X-Container-Sysmeta-Shard-Quoted-Root': quote(root_path), 'X-Backend-Sharding-State': expected_state} object_counts = [] bytes_used = [] for node_id, node_data in node_data.items(): with annotate_failure('Node id %s.' % node_id): check_node_data( node_data, exp_shard_hdrs, exp_obj_count, expected_shards, exp_sharded_root_range) hdrs = node_data[0] object_counts.append(int(hdrs['X-Container-Object-Count'])) bytes_used.append(int(hdrs['X-Container-Bytes-Used'])) if len(set(object_counts)) != 1: self.fail('Inconsistent object counts: %s' % object_counts) if len(set(bytes_used)) != 1: self.fail('Inconsistent bytes used: %s' % bytes_used) return object_counts[0], bytes_used[0] repeat = [0] def do_shard_then_shrink(): repeat[0] += 1 obj_names = ['obj-%s-%03d' % (repeat[0], x) for x in range(self.max_shard_size)] self.put_objects(obj_names) # these two object names will fall at start of first shard range... alpha = 'alpha-%s' % repeat[0] beta = 'beta-%s' % repeat[0] # Enable sharding client.post_container( self.url, self.admin_token, self.container_name, headers={'X-Container-Sharding': 'on'}) # sanity check self.assert_container_listing(obj_names) # Only run the one in charge of scanning self.sharders.once( number=self.brain.node_numbers[0], additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # check root container root_nodes_data = self.direct_get_container_shard_ranges() self.assertEqual(3, len(root_nodes_data)) # nodes on which sharder has not run are still in unsharded state # but have had shard ranges replicated to them exp_obj_count = len(obj_names) exp_hdrs = {'X-Backend-Sharding-State': 'unsharded', 'X-Container-Object-Count': str(exp_obj_count)} node_id = self.brain.node_numbers[1] - 1 check_node_data( root_nodes_data[node_id], exp_hdrs, exp_obj_count, 2) node_id = self.brain.node_numbers[2] - 1 check_node_data( root_nodes_data[node_id], exp_hdrs, exp_obj_count, 2) # only one that ran sharder is in sharded state exp_hdrs['X-Backend-Sharding-State'] = 'sharded' node_id = self.brain.node_numbers[0] - 1 check_node_data( root_nodes_data[node_id], exp_hdrs, exp_obj_count, 2) orig_range_data = root_nodes_data[node_id][1] orig_shard_ranges = [ShardRange.from_dict(r) for r in orig_range_data] # check first shard shard_nodes_data = self.direct_get_container_shard_ranges( orig_shard_ranges[0].account, orig_shard_ranges[0].container) obj_count, bytes_used = check_shard_nodes_data(shard_nodes_data) total_shard_object_count = obj_count # check second shard shard_nodes_data = self.direct_get_container_shard_ranges( orig_shard_ranges[1].account, orig_shard_ranges[1].container) obj_count, bytes_used = check_shard_nodes_data(shard_nodes_data) total_shard_object_count += obj_count self.assertEqual(exp_obj_count, total_shard_object_count) # Now that everyone has shard ranges, run *everyone* self.sharders.once( additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # all root container nodes should now be in sharded state root_nodes_data = self.direct_get_container_shard_ranges() self.assertEqual(3, len(root_nodes_data)) for node_id, node_data in root_nodes_data.items(): with annotate_failure('Node id %s.' % node_id): check_node_data(node_data, exp_hdrs, exp_obj_count, 2) # run updaters to update .sharded account; shard containers have # not updated account since having objects replicated to them self.updaters.once() shard_cont_count, shard_obj_count = int_client.get_account_info( orig_shard_ranges[0].account, [204]) self.assertEqual(2 * repeat[0], shard_cont_count) # the shards account should always have zero object count to avoid # double accounting self.assertEqual(0, shard_obj_count) # checking the listing also refreshes proxy container info cache so # that the proxy becomes aware that container is sharded and will # now look up the shard target for subsequent updates self.assert_container_listing(obj_names) # Before writing, kill the cache self.memcache.delete(get_cache_key( self.account, self.container_name, shard='updating')) # delete objects from first shard range first_shard_objects = [obj_name for obj_name in obj_names if obj_name <= orig_shard_ranges[0].upper] for obj in first_shard_objects: client.delete_object( self.url, self.token, self.container_name, obj) with self.assertRaises(ClientException): client.get_object( self.url, self.token, self.container_name, obj) second_shard_objects = [obj_name for obj_name in obj_names if obj_name > orig_shard_ranges[1].lower] self.assert_container_listing(second_shard_objects) # put a new object 'alpha' in first shard range self.put_objects([alpha]) second_shard_objects = [obj_name for obj_name in obj_names if obj_name > orig_shard_ranges[1].lower] self.assert_container_listing([alpha] + second_shard_objects) # while container servers are down, but proxy has container info in # cache from recent listing, put another object; this update will # lurk in async pending until the updaters run again; because all # the root container servers are down and therefore cannot respond # to a GET for a redirect target, the object update will default to # being targeted at the root container self.stop_container_servers() # Before writing, kill the cache self.memcache.delete(get_cache_key( self.account, self.container_name, shard='updating')) self.put_objects([beta]) self.brain.servers.start() async_pendings = self.gather_async_pendings( self.get_all_object_nodes()) num_container_replicas = len(self.brain.nodes) num_obj_replicas = self.policy.object_ring.replica_count expected_num_updates = num_container_updates( num_container_replicas, quorum_size(num_container_replicas), num_obj_replicas, self.policy.quorum) expected_num_pendings = min(expected_num_updates, num_obj_replicas) # sanity check with annotate_failure('policy %s. ' % self.policy): self.assertLengthEqual(async_pendings, expected_num_pendings) # root object count is not updated... self.assert_container_object_count(len(obj_names)) self.assert_container_listing([alpha] + second_shard_objects) root_nodes_data = self.direct_get_container_shard_ranges() self.assertEqual(3, len(root_nodes_data)) for node_id, node_data in root_nodes_data.items(): with annotate_failure('Node id %s.' % node_id): check_node_data(node_data, exp_hdrs, exp_obj_count, 2) range_data = node_data[1] self.assert_shard_range_lists_equal( orig_range_data, range_data, excludes=['meta_timestamp', 'state_timestamp']) # ...until the sharders run and update root; reclaim tombstones so # that the shard is shrinkable shard_0_part = self.get_part_and_node_numbers( orig_shard_ranges[0])[0] for conf_index in self.configs['container-sharder'].keys(): self.run_custom_sharder(conf_index, {'reclaim_age': 0}, override_partitions=[shard_0_part]) exp_obj_count = len(second_shard_objects) + 1 self.assert_container_object_count(exp_obj_count) self.assert_container_listing([alpha] + second_shard_objects) # root sharder finds donor, acceptor pair and pushes changes self.sharders.once( additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) self.assert_container_listing([alpha] + second_shard_objects) # run sharder on donor to shrink and replicate to acceptor self.run_sharders(orig_shard_ranges[0]) self.assert_container_listing([alpha] + second_shard_objects) # run sharder on acceptor to update root with stats self.run_sharders(orig_shard_ranges[1]) self.assert_container_listing([alpha] + second_shard_objects) self.assert_container_object_count(len(second_shard_objects) + 1) # check root container root_nodes_data = self.direct_get_container_shard_ranges() self.assertEqual(3, len(root_nodes_data)) exp_hdrs['X-Container-Object-Count'] = str(exp_obj_count) for node_id, node_data in root_nodes_data.items(): with annotate_failure('Node id %s.' % node_id): # NB now only *one* shard range in root check_node_data(node_data, exp_hdrs, exp_obj_count, 1) # the acceptor shard is intact.. shard_nodes_data = self.direct_get_container_shard_ranges( orig_shard_ranges[1].account, orig_shard_ranges[1].container) obj_count, bytes_used = check_shard_nodes_data(shard_nodes_data) # all objects should now be in this shard self.assertEqual(exp_obj_count, obj_count) # the donor shard is also still intact donor = orig_shard_ranges[0] shard_nodes_data = self.direct_get_container_shard_ranges( donor.account, donor.container) # donor has the acceptor shard range but not the root shard range # because the root is still in ACTIVE state; # the donor's shard range will have the acceptor's projected stats obj_count, bytes_used = check_shard_nodes_data( shard_nodes_data, expected_state='sharded', expected_shards=1, exp_obj_count=len(second_shard_objects) + 1) # but the donor is empty and so reports zero stats self.assertEqual(0, obj_count) self.assertEqual(0, bytes_used) # check the donor own shard range state part, nodes = self.brain.ring.get_nodes( donor.account, donor.container) for node in nodes: with annotate_failure(node): broker = self.get_broker( part, node, donor.account, donor.container) own_sr = broker.get_own_shard_range() self.assertEqual(ShardRange.SHRUNK, own_sr.state) self.assertTrue(own_sr.deleted) # delete all the second shard's object apart from 'alpha' for obj in second_shard_objects: client.delete_object( self.url, self.token, self.container_name, obj) self.assert_container_listing([alpha]) # run sharders: second range should not shrink away yet because it # has tombstones self.sharders.once() # second shard updates root stats self.assert_container_listing([alpha]) self.sharders.once() # root finds shrinkable shard self.assert_container_listing([alpha]) self.sharders.once() # shards shrink themselves self.assert_container_listing([alpha]) # the acceptor shard is intact... shard_nodes_data = self.direct_get_container_shard_ranges( orig_shard_ranges[1].account, orig_shard_ranges[1].container) obj_count, bytes_used = check_shard_nodes_data(shard_nodes_data) self.assertEqual(1, obj_count) # run sharders to reclaim tombstones so that the second shard is # shrinkable shard_1_part = self.get_part_and_node_numbers( orig_shard_ranges[1])[0] for conf_index in self.configs['container-sharder'].keys(): self.run_custom_sharder(conf_index, {'reclaim_age': 0}, override_partitions=[shard_1_part]) self.assert_container_listing([alpha]) # run sharders so second range shrinks away, requires up to 2 # cycles self.sharders.once() # root finds shrinkable shard self.assert_container_listing([alpha]) self.sharders.once() # shards shrink themselves self.assert_container_listing([alpha]) # the second shard range has sharded and is empty shard_nodes_data = self.direct_get_container_shard_ranges( orig_shard_ranges[1].account, orig_shard_ranges[1].container) check_shard_nodes_data( shard_nodes_data, expected_state='sharded', expected_shards=1, exp_obj_count=1) # check root container root_nodes_data = self.direct_get_container_shard_ranges() self.assertEqual(3, len(root_nodes_data)) exp_hdrs = {'X-Backend-Sharding-State': 'collapsed', # just the alpha object 'X-Container-Object-Count': '1'} for node_id, node_data in root_nodes_data.items(): with annotate_failure('Node id %s.' % node_id): # NB now no shard ranges in root check_node_data(node_data, exp_hdrs, 0, 0) # delete the alpha object client.delete_object( self.url, self.token, self.container_name, alpha) # should now be able to delete the *apparently* empty container client.delete_container(self.url, self.token, self.container_name) self.assert_container_not_found() self.direct_head_container(expect_failure=True) # and the container stays deleted even after sharders run and shard # send updates self.sharders.once() self.assert_container_not_found() self.direct_head_container(expect_failure=True) # now run updaters to deal with the async pending for the beta # object self.updaters.once() # and the container is revived! self.assert_container_listing([beta]) # finally, clear out the container client.delete_object( self.url, self.token, self.container_name, beta) do_shard_then_shrink() # repeat from starting point of a collapsed and previously deleted # container do_shard_then_shrink() def test_delete_root_reclaim(self): all_obj_names = self._make_object_names(self.max_shard_size) self.put_objects(all_obj_names) # Shard the container client.post_container(self.url, self.admin_token, self.container_name, headers={'X-Container-Sharding': 'on'}) for n in self.brain.node_numbers: self.sharders.once( number=n, additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # sanity checks for node in self.brain.nodes: self.assert_container_state(node, 'sharded', 2) self.assert_container_delete_fails() self.assert_container_has_shard_sysmeta() self.assert_container_post_ok('sharded') self.assert_container_listing(all_obj_names) # delete all objects - updates redirected to shards self.delete_objects(all_obj_names) self.assert_container_listing([]) self.assert_container_post_ok('has objects') # root not yet updated with shard stats self.assert_container_object_count(len(all_obj_names)) self.assert_container_delete_fails() self.assert_container_has_shard_sysmeta() # run sharder on shard containers to update root stats shard_ranges = self.get_container_shard_ranges() self.assertLengthEqual(shard_ranges, 2) self.run_sharders(shard_ranges) self.assert_container_listing([]) self.assert_container_post_ok('empty') self.assert_container_object_count(0) # and now we can delete it! client.delete_container(self.url, self.token, self.container_name) self.assert_container_post_fails('deleted') self.assert_container_not_found() # see if it will reclaim Manager(['container-updater']).once() for conf_file in self.configs['container-replicator'].values(): conf = utils.readconf(conf_file, 'container-replicator') conf['reclaim_age'] = 0 ContainerReplicator(conf).run_once() # we don't expect warnings from sharder root audits for conf_index in self.configs['container-sharder'].keys(): sharder = self.run_custom_sharder(conf_index, {}) self.assertEqual([], sharder.logger.get_lines_for_level('warning')) # until the root wants to start reclaiming but we haven't shrunk yet! found_warning = False for conf_index in self.configs['container-sharder'].keys(): sharder = self.run_custom_sharder(conf_index, {'reclaim_age': 0}) warnings = sharder.logger.get_lines_for_level('warning') if warnings: self.assertTrue(warnings[0].startswith( 'Reclaimable db stuck waiting for shrinking')) self.assertEqual(1, len(warnings)) found_warning = True self.assertTrue(found_warning) # TODO: shrink empty shards and assert everything reclaims def _setup_replication_scenario(self, num_shards, extra_objs=('alpha',)): # Get cluster to state where 2 replicas are sharding or sharded but 3rd # replica is unsharded and has an object that the first 2 are missing. # put objects while all servers are up obj_names = self._make_object_names( num_shards * self.max_shard_size // 2) self.put_objects(obj_names) client.post_container(self.url, self.admin_token, self.container_name, headers={'X-Container-Sharding': 'on'}) node_numbers = self.brain.node_numbers # run replicators first time to get sync points set self.replicators.once() # stop the leader node and one other server self.stop_container_servers(slice(0, 2)) # ...then put one more object in first shard range namespace self.put_objects(extra_objs) # start leader and first other server, stop third server for number in node_numbers[:2]: self.brain.servers.start(number=number) self.brain.servers.stop(number=node_numbers[2]) self.assert_container_listing(obj_names) # sanity check # shard the container - first two shard ranges are cleaved for number in node_numbers[:2]: self.sharders.once( number=number, additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) self.assert_container_listing(obj_names) # sanity check return obj_names def test_replication_to_sharding_container(self): # verify that replication from an unsharded replica to a sharding # replica does not replicate rows but does replicate shard ranges obj_names = self._setup_replication_scenario(3) for node in self.brain.nodes[:2]: self.assert_container_state(node, 'sharding', 3) # bring third server back up, run replicator node_numbers = self.brain.node_numbers self.brain.servers.start(number=node_numbers[2]) # sanity check... self.assert_container_state(self.brain.nodes[2], 'unsharded', 0) self.replicators.once(number=node_numbers[2]) # check db files unchanged found = self.categorize_container_dir_content() self.assertLengthEqual(found['shard_dbs'], 2) self.assertLengthEqual(found['normal_dbs'], 3) # the 'alpha' object is NOT replicated to the two sharded nodes for node in self.brain.nodes[:2]: broker = self.get_broker(self.brain.part, node) with annotate_failure( 'Node id %s in %s' % (node['id'], self.brain.nodes[:2])): self.assertFalse(broker.get_objects()) self.assert_container_state(node, 'sharding', 3) self.brain.servers.stop(number=node_numbers[2]) self.assert_container_listing(obj_names) # all nodes now have shard ranges self.brain.servers.start(number=node_numbers[2]) node_data = self.direct_get_container_shard_ranges() for node, (hdrs, shard_ranges) in node_data.items(): with annotate_failure(node): self.assert_shard_ranges_contiguous(3, shard_ranges) # complete cleaving third shard range on first two nodes self.brain.servers.stop(number=node_numbers[2]) for number in node_numbers[:2]: self.sharders.once( number=number, additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # ...and now they are in sharded state self.assert_container_state(self.brain.nodes[0], 'sharded', 3) self.assert_container_state(self.brain.nodes[1], 'sharded', 3) # ...still no 'alpha' object in listing self.assert_container_listing(obj_names) # run the sharder on the third server, alpha object is included in # shards that it cleaves self.brain.servers.start(number=node_numbers[2]) self.assert_container_state(self.brain.nodes[2], 'unsharded', 3) self.sharders.once(number=node_numbers[2], additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) self.assert_container_state(self.brain.nodes[2], 'sharding', 3) self.sharders.once(number=node_numbers[2], additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) self.assert_container_state(self.brain.nodes[2], 'sharded', 3) self.assert_container_listing(['alpha'] + obj_names) def test_replication_to_sharded_container(self): # verify that replication from an unsharded replica to a sharded # replica does not replicate rows but does replicate shard ranges obj_names = self._setup_replication_scenario(2) for node in self.brain.nodes[:2]: self.assert_container_state(node, 'sharded', 2) # sanity check found = self.categorize_container_dir_content() self.assertLengthEqual(found['shard_dbs'], 2) self.assertLengthEqual(found['normal_dbs'], 1) for node in self.brain.nodes[:2]: broker = self.get_broker(self.brain.part, node) info = broker.get_info() with annotate_failure( 'Node id %s in %s' % (node['id'], self.brain.nodes[:2])): self.assertEqual(len(obj_names), info['object_count']) self.assertFalse(broker.get_objects()) # bring third server back up, run replicator node_numbers = self.brain.node_numbers self.brain.servers.start(number=node_numbers[2]) # sanity check... self.assert_container_state(self.brain.nodes[2], 'unsharded', 0) self.replicators.once(number=node_numbers[2]) # check db files unchanged found = self.categorize_container_dir_content() self.assertLengthEqual(found['shard_dbs'], 2) self.assertLengthEqual(found['normal_dbs'], 1) # the 'alpha' object is NOT replicated to the two sharded nodes for node in self.brain.nodes[:2]: broker = self.get_broker(self.brain.part, node) with annotate_failure( 'Node id %s in %s' % (node['id'], self.brain.nodes[:2])): self.assertFalse(broker.get_objects()) self.assert_container_state(node, 'sharded', 2) self.brain.servers.stop(number=node_numbers[2]) self.assert_container_listing(obj_names) # all nodes now have shard ranges self.brain.servers.start(number=node_numbers[2]) node_data = self.direct_get_container_shard_ranges() for node, (hdrs, shard_ranges) in node_data.items(): with annotate_failure(node): self.assert_shard_ranges_contiguous(2, shard_ranges) # run the sharder on the third server, alpha object is included in # shards that it cleaves self.assert_container_state(self.brain.nodes[2], 'unsharded', 2) self.sharders.once(number=node_numbers[2], additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) self.assert_container_state(self.brain.nodes[2], 'sharded', 2) self.assert_container_listing(['alpha'] + obj_names) def test_sharding_requires_sufficient_replication(self): # verify that cleaving only progresses if each cleaved shard range is # sufficiently replicated # put enough objects for 4 shard ranges obj_names = self._make_object_names(2 * self.max_shard_size) self.put_objects(obj_names) client.post_container(self.url, self.admin_token, self.container_name, headers={'X-Container-Sharding': 'on'}) node_numbers = self.brain.node_numbers leader_node = self.brain.nodes[0] leader_num = node_numbers[0] # run replicators first time to get sync points set self.replicators.once() # start sharding on the leader node self.sharders.once(number=leader_num, additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) shard_ranges = self.assert_container_state(leader_node, 'sharding', 4) self.assertEqual([ShardRange.CLEAVED] * 2 + [ShardRange.CREATED] * 2, [sr.state for sr in shard_ranges]) # Check the current progress. It shouldn't be complete. recon = direct_client.direct_get_recon(leader_node, "sharding") expected_in_progress = {'all': [{'account': 'AUTH_test', 'active': 0, 'cleaved': 2, 'created': 2, 'found': 0, 'db_state': 'sharding', 'state': 'sharding', 'error': None, 'file_size': mock.ANY, 'meta_timestamp': mock.ANY, 'node_index': 0, 'object_count': len(obj_names), 'container': mock.ANY, 'path': mock.ANY, 'root': mock.ANY}]} actual = recon['sharding_stats']['sharding']['sharding_in_progress'] self.assertEqual(expected_in_progress, actual) # stop *all* container servers for third shard range sr_part, sr_node_nums = self.get_part_and_node_numbers(shard_ranges[2]) for node_num in sr_node_nums: self.brain.servers.stop(number=node_num) # attempt to continue sharding on the leader node self.sharders.once(number=leader_num, additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # no cleaving progress was made for node_num in sr_node_nums: self.brain.servers.start(number=node_num) shard_ranges = self.assert_container_state(leader_node, 'sharding', 4) self.assertEqual([ShardRange.CLEAVED] * 2 + [ShardRange.CREATED] * 2, [sr.state for sr in shard_ranges]) # stop two of the servers for third shard range, not including any # server that happens to be the leader node stopped = [] for node_num in sr_node_nums: if node_num != leader_num: self.brain.servers.stop(number=node_num) stopped.append(node_num) if len(stopped) >= 2: break self.assertLengthEqual(stopped, 2) # sanity check # attempt to continue sharding on the leader node self.sharders.once(number=leader_num, additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # no cleaving progress was made for node_num in stopped: self.brain.servers.start(number=node_num) shard_ranges = self.assert_container_state(leader_node, 'sharding', 4) self.assertEqual([ShardRange.CLEAVED] * 2 + [ShardRange.CREATED] * 2, [sr.state for sr in shard_ranges]) # stop just one of the servers for third shard range stopped = [] for node_num in sr_node_nums: if node_num != leader_num: self.brain.servers.stop(number=node_num) stopped.append(node_num) break self.assertLengthEqual(stopped, 1) # sanity check # attempt to continue sharding the container self.sharders.once(number=leader_num, additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # this time cleaving completed self.brain.servers.start(number=stopped[0]) shard_ranges = self.assert_container_state(leader_node, 'sharded', 4) self.assertEqual([ShardRange.ACTIVE] * 4, [sr.state for sr in shard_ranges]) # Check the leader's progress again, this time is should be complete recon = direct_client.direct_get_recon(leader_node, "sharding") expected_in_progress = {'all': [{'account': 'AUTH_test', 'active': 4, 'cleaved': 0, 'created': 0, 'found': 0, 'db_state': 'sharded', 'state': 'sharded', 'error': None, 'file_size': mock.ANY, 'meta_timestamp': mock.ANY, 'node_index': 0, 'object_count': len(obj_names), 'container': mock.ANY, 'path': mock.ANY, 'root': mock.ANY}]} actual = recon['sharding_stats']['sharding']['sharding_in_progress'] self.assertEqual(expected_in_progress, actual) def test_sharded_delete(self): all_obj_names = self._make_object_names(self.max_shard_size) self.put_objects(all_obj_names) # Shard the container client.post_container(self.url, self.admin_token, self.container_name, headers={'X-Container-Sharding': 'on'}) for n in self.brain.node_numbers: self.sharders.once( number=n, additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # sanity checks for node in self.brain.nodes: self.assert_container_state(node, 'sharded', 2) self.assert_container_delete_fails() self.assert_container_has_shard_sysmeta() self.assert_container_post_ok('sharded') self.assert_container_listing(all_obj_names) # delete all objects - updates redirected to shards self.delete_objects(all_obj_names) self.assert_container_listing([]) self.assert_container_post_ok('has objects') # root not yet updated with shard stats self.assert_container_object_count(len(all_obj_names)) self.assert_container_delete_fails() self.assert_container_has_shard_sysmeta() # run sharder on shard containers to update root stats shard_ranges = self.get_container_shard_ranges() self.assertLengthEqual(shard_ranges, 2) self.run_sharders(shard_ranges) self.assert_container_listing([]) self.assert_container_post_ok('empty') self.assert_container_object_count(0) # put a new object - update redirected to shard self.put_objects(['alpha']) self.assert_container_listing(['alpha']) self.assert_container_object_count(0) # before root learns about new object in shard, delete the container client.delete_container(self.url, self.token, self.container_name) self.assert_container_post_fails('deleted') self.assert_container_not_found() # run the sharders to update root with shard stats self.run_sharders(shard_ranges) self.assert_container_listing(['alpha']) self.assert_container_object_count(1) self.assert_container_delete_fails() self.assert_container_post_ok('revived') def _do_test_sharded_can_get_objects_different_policy(self, policy_idx, new_policy_idx): # create sharded container client.delete_container(self.url, self.token, self.container_name) self.brain.put_container(policy_index=int(policy_idx)) all_obj_names = self._make_object_names(self.max_shard_size) self.put_objects(all_obj_names) client.post_container(self.url, self.admin_token, self.container_name, headers={'X-Container-Sharding': 'on'}) for n in self.brain.node_numbers: self.sharders.once( number=n, additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # empty and delete self.delete_objects(all_obj_names) shard_ranges = self.get_container_shard_ranges() self.run_sharders(shard_ranges) client.delete_container(self.url, self.token, self.container_name) # re-create with new_policy_idx self.brain.put_container(policy_index=int(new_policy_idx)) # we re-use shard ranges new_shard_ranges = self.get_container_shard_ranges() self.assertEqual(shard_ranges, new_shard_ranges) self.put_objects(all_obj_names) # The shard is still on the old policy index, but the root spi # is passed to shard container server and is used to pull objects # of that index out. self.assert_container_listing(all_obj_names) # although a head request is getting object count for the shard spi self.assert_container_object_count(0) # we can force the listing to use the old policy index in which case we # expect no objects to be listed try: resp = self.internal_client.make_request( 'GET', path=self.internal_client.make_path( self.account, self.container_name), headers={'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': str(policy_idx)}, acceptable_statuses=(2,), params={'format': 'json'} ) except UnexpectedResponse as exc: self.fail('Listing failed with %s' % exc.resp.status) self.assertEqual([], json.loads(b''.join(resp.app_iter))) @unittest.skipIf(len(ENABLED_POLICIES) < 2, "Need more than one policy") def test_sharded_can_get_objects_different_policy(self): policy_idx = self.policy.idx new_policy_idx = [pol.idx for pol in ENABLED_POLICIES if pol != self.policy.idx][0] self._do_test_sharded_can_get_objects_different_policy( policy_idx, new_policy_idx) @unittest.skipIf(len(ENABLED_POLICIES) < 2, "Need more than one policy") def test_sharded_can_get_objects_different_policy_reversed(self): policy_idx = [pol.idx for pol in ENABLED_POLICIES if pol != self.policy][0] new_policy_idx = self.policy.idx self._do_test_sharded_can_get_objects_different_policy( policy_idx, new_policy_idx) def test_object_update_redirection(self): all_obj_names = self._make_object_names(self.max_shard_size) self.put_objects(all_obj_names) # Shard the container client.post_container(self.url, self.admin_token, self.container_name, headers={'X-Container-Sharding': 'on'}) for n in self.brain.node_numbers: self.sharders.once( number=n, additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # sanity checks for node in self.brain.nodes: self.assert_container_state(node, 'sharded', 2) self.assert_container_delete_fails() self.assert_container_has_shard_sysmeta() self.assert_container_post_ok('sharded') self.assert_container_listing(all_obj_names) # delete all objects - updates redirected to shards self.delete_objects(all_obj_names) self.assert_container_listing([]) self.assert_container_post_ok('has objects') # run sharder on shard containers to update root stats; reclaim # the tombstones so that the shards appear to be shrinkable shard_ranges = self.get_container_shard_ranges() self.assertLengthEqual(shard_ranges, 2) shard_partitions = [self.get_part_and_node_numbers(sr)[0] for sr in shard_ranges] for conf_index in self.configs['container-sharder'].keys(): self.run_custom_sharder(conf_index, {'reclaim_age': 0}, override_partitions=shard_partitions) self.assert_container_object_count(0) # First, test a misplaced object moving from one shard to another. # with one shard server down, put a new 'alpha' object... shard_part, shard_nodes = self.get_part_and_node_numbers( shard_ranges[0]) self.brain.servers.stop(number=shard_nodes[2]) self.put_objects(['alpha']) self.assert_container_listing(['alpha']) self.assert_container_object_count(0) self.assertLengthEqual( self.gather_async_pendings(self.get_all_object_nodes()), 1) self.brain.servers.start(number=shard_nodes[2]) # run sharder on root to discover first shrink candidate self.sharders.once(additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # then run sharder on the shard node without the alpha object self.sharders.once(additional_args='--partitions=%s' % shard_part, number=shard_nodes[2]) # root sees first shard has shrunk self.assertLengthEqual(self.get_container_shard_ranges(), 1) # cached shard ranges still show first shard range as active so listing # will include 'alpha' if the shard listing is fetched from node (0,1) # but not if fetched from node 2; to achieve predictability we use # x-newest to use shard ranges from the root so that only the second # shard range is used for listing, so alpha object not in listing self.assert_container_listing([], req_hdrs={'x-newest': 'true'}) self.assert_container_object_count(0) # run the updaters: the async pending update will be redirected from # shrunk shard to second shard self.updaters.once() self.assert_container_listing(['alpha']) self.assert_container_object_count(0) # root not yet updated # then run sharder on other shard nodes to complete shrinking for number in shard_nodes[:2]: self.sharders.once(additional_args='--partitions=%s' % shard_part, number=number) # and get root updated self.run_sharders(shard_ranges[1]) self.assert_container_listing(['alpha']) self.assert_container_object_count(1) self.assertLengthEqual(self.get_container_shard_ranges(), 1) # Now we have just one active shard, test a misplaced object moving # from that shard to the root. # with one shard server down, delete 'alpha' and put a 'beta' object... shard_part, shard_nodes = self.get_part_and_node_numbers( shard_ranges[1]) self.brain.servers.stop(number=shard_nodes[2]) # Before writing, kill the cache self.memcache.delete(get_cache_key( self.account, self.container_name, shard='updating')) self.delete_objects(['alpha']) self.put_objects(['beta']) self.assert_container_listing(['beta']) self.assert_container_object_count(1) self.assertLengthEqual( self.gather_async_pendings(self.get_all_object_nodes()), 2) self.brain.servers.start(number=shard_nodes[2]) # run sharder on root to discover second shrink candidate - root is not # yet aware of the beta object self.sharders.once(additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # then run sharder on the shard node without the beta object, to shrink # it to root - note this moves stale copy of alpha to the root db self.sharders.once(additional_args='--partitions=%s' % shard_part, number=shard_nodes[2]) # now there are no active shards self.assertFalse(self.get_container_shard_ranges()) # with other two shard servers down, listing won't find beta object for number in shard_nodes[:2]: self.brain.servers.stop(number=number) self.assert_container_listing(['alpha']) self.assert_container_object_count(1) # run the updaters: the async pending update will be redirected from # shrunk shard to the root self.updaters.once() self.assert_container_listing(['beta']) self.assert_container_object_count(1) def test_misplaced_object_movement(self): def merge_object(shard_range, name, deleted=0): # it's hard to get a test to put a misplaced object into a shard, # so this hack is used force an object record directly into a shard # container db. Note: the actual object won't exist, we're just # using this to test object records in container dbs. shard_part, shard_nodes = self.brain.ring.get_nodes( shard_range.account, shard_range.container) shard_broker = self.get_broker( shard_part, shard_nodes[0], shard_range.account, shard_range.container) shard_broker.merge_items( [{'name': name, 'created_at': Timestamp.now().internal, 'size': 0, 'content_type': 'text/plain', 'etag': md5(usedforsecurity=False).hexdigest(), 'deleted': deleted, 'storage_policy_index': shard_broker.storage_policy_index}]) return shard_nodes[0] all_obj_names = self._make_object_names(self.max_shard_size) self.put_objects(all_obj_names) # Shard the container client.post_container(self.url, self.admin_token, self.container_name, headers={'X-Container-Sharding': 'on'}) for n in self.brain.node_numbers: self.sharders.once( number=n, additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # sanity checks for node in self.brain.nodes: self.assert_container_state(node, 'sharded', 2) self.assert_container_delete_fails() self.assert_container_has_shard_sysmeta() self.assert_container_post_ok('sharded') self.assert_container_listing(all_obj_names) # delete all objects in first shard range - updates redirected to shard shard_ranges = self.get_container_shard_ranges() self.assertLengthEqual(shard_ranges, 2) shard_0_objects = [name for name in all_obj_names if name in shard_ranges[0]] shard_1_objects = [name for name in all_obj_names if name in shard_ranges[1]] self.delete_objects(shard_0_objects) self.assert_container_listing(shard_1_objects) self.assert_container_post_ok('has objects') # run sharder on first shard container to update root stats; reclaim # the tombstones so that the shard appears to be shrinkable shard_0_part = self.get_part_and_node_numbers(shard_ranges[0])[0] for conf_index in self.configs['container-sharder'].keys(): self.run_custom_sharder(conf_index, {'reclaim_age': 0}, override_partitions=[shard_0_part]) self.assert_container_object_count(len(shard_1_objects)) # First, test a misplaced object moving from one shard to another. # run sharder on root to discover first shrink candidate self.sharders.once(additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # then run sharder on first shard range to shrink it self.run_sharders(shard_ranges[0]) # force a misplaced object into the shrunken shard range to simulate # a client put that was in flight when it started to shrink misplaced_node = merge_object(shard_ranges[0], 'alpha', deleted=0) # root sees first shard has shrunk, only second shard range used for # listing so alpha object not in listing self.assertLengthEqual(self.get_container_shard_ranges(), 1) self.assert_container_listing(shard_1_objects) self.assert_container_object_count(len(shard_1_objects)) # until sharder runs on that node to move the misplaced object to the # second shard range shard_part, shard_nodes_numbers = self.get_part_and_node_numbers( shard_ranges[0]) self.sharders.once(additional_args='--partitions=%s' % shard_part, number=misplaced_node['id'] + 1) self.assert_container_listing(['alpha'] + shard_1_objects) # root not yet updated self.assert_container_object_count(len(shard_1_objects)) # run sharder to get root updated self.run_sharders(shard_ranges[1]) self.assert_container_listing(['alpha'] + shard_1_objects) self.assert_container_object_count(len(shard_1_objects) + 1) self.assertLengthEqual(self.get_container_shard_ranges(), 1) # Now we have just one active shard, test a misplaced object moving # from that shard to the root. # delete most objects from second shard range, reclaim the tombstones, # and run sharder on root to discover second shrink candidate self.delete_objects(shard_1_objects) shard_1_part = self.get_part_and_node_numbers(shard_ranges[1])[0] for conf_index in self.configs['container-sharder'].keys(): self.run_custom_sharder(conf_index, {'reclaim_age': 0}, override_partitions=[shard_1_part]) self.sharders.once(additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # then run sharder on the shard node to shrink it to root - note this # moves alpha to the root db self.run_sharders(shard_ranges[1]) # now there are no active shards self.assertFalse(self.get_container_shard_ranges()) # force some misplaced object updates into second shrunk shard range merge_object(shard_ranges[1], 'alpha', deleted=1) misplaced_node = merge_object(shard_ranges[1], 'beta', deleted=0) # root is not yet aware of them self.assert_container_listing(['alpha']) self.assert_container_object_count(1) # until sharder runs on that node to move the misplaced object shard_part, shard_nodes_numbers = self.get_part_and_node_numbers( shard_ranges[1]) self.sharders.once(additional_args='--partitions=%s' % shard_part, number=misplaced_node['id'] + 1) self.assert_container_listing(['beta']) self.assert_container_object_count(1) self.assert_container_delete_fails() def test_misplaced_object_movement_from_deleted_shard(self): def merge_object(shard_range, name, deleted=0): # it's hard to get a test to put a misplaced object into a shard, # so this hack is used force an object record directly into a shard # container db. Note: the actual object won't exist, we're just # using this to test object records in container dbs. shard_part, shard_nodes = self.brain.ring.get_nodes( shard_range.account, shard_range.container) shard_broker = self.get_shard_broker(shard_range) # In this test we want to merge into a deleted container shard shard_broker.delete_db(Timestamp.now().internal) shard_broker.merge_items( [{'name': name, 'created_at': Timestamp.now().internal, 'size': 0, 'content_type': 'text/plain', 'etag': md5(usedforsecurity=False).hexdigest(), 'deleted': deleted, 'storage_policy_index': shard_broker.storage_policy_index}]) return shard_nodes[0] all_obj_names = self._make_object_names(self.max_shard_size) self.put_objects(all_obj_names) # Shard the container client.post_container(self.url, self.admin_token, self.container_name, headers={'X-Container-Sharding': 'on'}) for n in self.brain.node_numbers: self.sharders.once( number=n, additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # sanity checks for node in self.brain.nodes: self.assert_container_state(node, 'sharded', 2) self.assert_container_delete_fails() self.assert_container_has_shard_sysmeta() self.assert_container_post_ok('sharded') self.assert_container_listing(all_obj_names) # delete all objects in first shard range - updates redirected to shard shard_ranges = self.get_container_shard_ranges() self.assertLengthEqual(shard_ranges, 2) shard_0_objects = [name for name in all_obj_names if name in shard_ranges[0]] shard_1_objects = [name for name in all_obj_names if name in shard_ranges[1]] self.delete_objects(shard_0_objects) self.assert_container_listing(shard_1_objects) self.assert_container_post_ok('has objects') # run sharder on first shard container to update root stats shard_0_part = self.get_part_and_node_numbers(shard_ranges[0])[0] for conf_index in self.configs['container-sharder'].keys(): self.run_custom_sharder(conf_index, {'reclaim_age': 0}, override_partitions=[shard_0_part]) self.assert_container_object_count(len(shard_1_objects)) # First, test a misplaced object moving from one shard to another. # run sharder on root to discover first shrink candidate self.sharders.once(additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # then run sharder on first shard range to shrink it self.run_sharders(shard_ranges[0]) # force a misplaced object into the shrunken shard range to simulate # a client put that was in flight when it started to shrink misplaced_node = merge_object(shard_ranges[0], 'alpha', deleted=0) # root sees first shard has shrunk, only second shard range used for # listing so alpha object not in listing self.assertLengthEqual(self.get_container_shard_ranges(), 1) self.assert_container_listing(shard_1_objects) self.assert_container_object_count(len(shard_1_objects)) # until sharder runs on that node to move the misplaced object to the # second shard range shard_part, shard_nodes_numbers = self.get_part_and_node_numbers( shard_ranges[0]) self.sharders.once(additional_args='--partitions=%s' % shard_part, number=misplaced_node['id'] + 1) self.assert_container_listing(['alpha'] + shard_1_objects) # root not yet updated self.assert_container_object_count(len(shard_1_objects)) # check the deleted shard did not push the wrong root path into the # other container for replica in 0, 1, 2: shard_x_broker = self.get_shard_broker(shard_ranges[1], replica) self.assertEqual("%s/%s" % (self.account, self.container_name), shard_x_broker.root_path) # run the sharder of the existing shard to update the root stats # to prove the misplaced object was moved to the other shard _and_ # the other shard still has the correct root because it updates root's # stats self.run_sharders(shard_ranges[1]) self.assert_container_object_count(len(shard_1_objects) + 1) def test_replication_to_sharded_container_from_unsharded_old_primary(self): primary_ids = [n['id'] for n in self.brain.nodes] handoff_node = next(n for n in self.brain.ring.devs if n['id'] not in primary_ids) # start with two sharded replicas and one unsharded with extra object obj_names = self._setup_replication_scenario(2) for node in self.brain.nodes[:2]: self.assert_container_state(node, 'sharded', 2) # Fake a ring change - copy unsharded db which has no shard ranges to a # handoff to create illusion of a new unpopulated primary node node_numbers = self.brain.node_numbers new_primary_node = self.brain.nodes[2] new_primary_node_number = node_numbers[2] new_primary_dir, container_hash = self.get_storage_dir( self.brain.part, new_primary_node) old_primary_dir, container_hash = self.get_storage_dir( self.brain.part, handoff_node) utils.mkdirs(os.path.dirname(old_primary_dir)) shutil.move(new_primary_dir, old_primary_dir) # make the cluster more or less "healthy" again self.brain.servers.start(number=new_primary_node_number) # get a db on every node... client.put_container(self.url, self.token, self.container_name) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join( new_primary_dir, container_hash + '.db'))) found = self.categorize_container_dir_content() self.assertLengthEqual(found['normal_dbs'], 1) # "new" primary self.assertLengthEqual(found['shard_dbs'], 2) # existing primaries # catastrophic failure! drive dies and is replaced on unchanged primary failed_node = self.brain.nodes[0] failed_dir, _container_hash = self.get_storage_dir( self.brain.part, failed_node) shutil.rmtree(failed_dir) # replicate the "old primary" to everybody except the "new primary" self.brain.servers.stop(number=new_primary_node_number) self.replicators.once(number=handoff_node['id'] + 1) # We're willing to rsync the retiring db to the failed primary. # This may or may not have shard ranges, depending on the order in # which we hit the primaries, but it definitely *doesn't* have an # epoch in its name yet. All objects are replicated. self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join( failed_dir, container_hash + '.db'))) self.assertLengthEqual(os.listdir(failed_dir), 1) broker = self.get_broker(self.brain.part, failed_node) self.assertLengthEqual(broker.get_objects(), len(obj_names) + 1) # The other out-of-date primary is within usync range but objects are # not replicated to it because the handoff db learns about shard ranges broker = self.get_broker(self.brain.part, self.brain.nodes[1]) self.assertLengthEqual(broker.get_objects(), 0) # Handoff db still exists and now has shard ranges! self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join( old_primary_dir, container_hash + '.db'))) broker = self.get_broker(self.brain.part, handoff_node) shard_ranges = broker.get_shard_ranges() self.assertLengthEqual(shard_ranges, 2) self.assert_container_state(handoff_node, 'unsharded', 2) # Replicate again, this time *including* "new primary" self.brain.servers.start(number=new_primary_node_number) self.replicators.once(number=handoff_node['id'] + 1) # Ordinarily, we would have rsync_then_merge'd to "new primary" # but instead we wait broker = self.get_broker(self.brain.part, new_primary_node) self.assertLengthEqual(broker.get_objects(), 0) shard_ranges = broker.get_shard_ranges() self.assertLengthEqual(shard_ranges, 2) # so the next time the sharder comes along, it can push rows out # and delete the big db self.sharders.once(number=handoff_node['id'] + 1, additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) self.assert_container_state(handoff_node, 'sharded', 2) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(os.path.join( old_primary_dir, container_hash + '.db'))) # the sharded db hangs around until replication confirms durability # first attempt is not sufficiently successful self.brain.servers.stop(number=node_numbers[0]) self.replicators.once(number=handoff_node['id'] + 1) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(old_primary_dir)) self.assert_container_state(handoff_node, 'sharded', 2) # second attempt is successful and handoff db is deleted self.brain.servers.start(number=node_numbers[0]) self.replicators.once(number=handoff_node['id'] + 1) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(old_primary_dir)) # run all the sharders, get us into a consistent state self.sharders.once(additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) self.assert_container_listing(['alpha'] + obj_names) def test_replication_to_empty_new_primary_from_sharding_old_primary(self): primary_ids = [n['id'] for n in self.brain.nodes] handoff_node = next(n for n in self.brain.ring.devs if n['id'] not in primary_ids) num_shards = 3 obj_names = self._make_object_names( num_shards * self.max_shard_size // 2) self.put_objects(obj_names) client.post_container(self.url, self.admin_token, self.container_name, headers={'X-Container-Sharding': 'on'}) # run replicators first time to get sync points set self.replicators.once() # start sharding on only the leader node leader_node = self.brain.nodes[0] leader_node_number = self.brain.node_numbers[0] self.sharders.once(number=leader_node_number) self.assert_container_state(leader_node, 'sharding', 3) for node in self.brain.nodes[1:]: self.assert_container_state(node, 'unsharded', 3) # Fake a ring change - copy leader node db to a handoff to create # illusion of a new unpopulated primary leader node new_primary_dir, container_hash = self.get_storage_dir( self.brain.part, leader_node) old_primary_dir, container_hash = self.get_storage_dir( self.brain.part, handoff_node) utils.mkdirs(os.path.dirname(old_primary_dir)) shutil.move(new_primary_dir, old_primary_dir) self.assert_container_state(handoff_node, 'sharding', 3) # run replicator on handoff node to create a fresh db on new primary self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(new_primary_dir)) self.replicators.once(number=handoff_node['id'] + 1) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(new_primary_dir)) self.assert_container_state(leader_node, 'sharded', 3) broker = self.get_broker(self.brain.part, leader_node) shard_ranges = broker.get_shard_ranges() self.assertLengthEqual(shard_ranges, 3) self.assertEqual( [ShardRange.CLEAVED, ShardRange.CLEAVED, ShardRange.CREATED], [sr.state for sr in shard_ranges]) # db still exists on handoff self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(old_primary_dir)) self.assert_container_state(handoff_node, 'sharding', 3) # continue sharding it... self.sharders.once(number=handoff_node['id'] + 1) self.assert_container_state(leader_node, 'sharded', 3) # now handoff is fully sharded the replicator will delete it self.replicators.once(number=handoff_node['id'] + 1) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(old_primary_dir)) # all primaries now have active shard ranges but only one is in sharded # state self.assert_container_state(leader_node, 'sharded', 3) for node in self.brain.nodes[1:]: self.assert_container_state(node, 'unsharded', 3) node_data = self.direct_get_container_shard_ranges() for node_id, (hdrs, shard_ranges) in node_data.items(): with annotate_failure( 'node id %s from %s' % (node_id, node_data.keys)): self.assert_shard_range_state(ShardRange.ACTIVE, shard_ranges) # check handoff cleaved all objects before it was deleted - stop all # but leader node so that listing is fetched from shards for number in self.brain.node_numbers[1:3]: self.brain.servers.stop(number=number) self.assert_container_listing(obj_names) for number in self.brain.node_numbers[1:3]: self.brain.servers.start(number=number) self.sharders.once() self.assert_container_state(leader_node, 'sharded', 3) for node in self.brain.nodes[1:]: self.assert_container_state(node, 'sharding', 3) self.sharders.once() for node in self.brain.nodes: self.assert_container_state(node, 'sharded', 3) self.assert_container_listing(obj_names) def test_sharded_account_updates(self): # verify that .shards account updates have zero object count and bytes # to avoid double accounting all_obj_names = self._make_object_names(self.max_shard_size) self.put_objects(all_obj_names, contents='xyz') # Shard the container into 2 shards client.post_container(self.url, self.admin_token, self.container_name, headers={'X-Container-Sharding': 'on'}) for n in self.brain.node_numbers: self.sharders.once( number=n, additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # sanity checks for node in self.brain.nodes: shard_ranges = self.assert_container_state(node, 'sharded', 2) self.assert_container_delete_fails() self.assert_container_has_shard_sysmeta() self.assert_container_post_ok('sharded') self.assert_container_listing(all_obj_names) # run the updaters to get account stats updated self.updaters.once() # check user account stats metadata = self.internal_client.get_account_metadata(self.account) self.assertEqual(1, int(metadata.get('x-account-container-count'))) self.assertEqual(self.max_shard_size, int(metadata.get('x-account-object-count'))) self.assertEqual(3 * self.max_shard_size, int(metadata.get('x-account-bytes-used'))) # check hidden .shards account stats metadata = self.internal_client.get_account_metadata( shard_ranges[0].account) self.assertEqual(2, int(metadata.get('x-account-container-count'))) self.assertEqual(0, int(metadata.get('x-account-object-count'))) self.assertEqual(0, int(metadata.get('x-account-bytes-used'))) class TestContainerShardingMoreUTF8(TestContainerSharding): def _make_object_names(self, number): # override default with names that include non-ascii chars name_length = self.cluster_info['swift']['max_object_name_length'] obj_names = [] for x in range(number): name = (u'obj-\u00e4\u00ea\u00ec\u00f2\u00fb-%04d' % x) name = name.encode('utf8').ljust(name_length, b'o') if not six.PY2: name = name.decode('utf8') obj_names.append(name) return obj_names def _setup_container_name(self): # override default with max length name that includes non-ascii chars super(TestContainerShardingMoreUTF8, self)._setup_container_name() name_length = self.cluster_info['swift']['max_container_name_length'] cont_name = \ self.container_name + u'-\u00e4\u00ea\u00ec\u00f2\u00fb\u1234' self.container_name = cont_name.encode('utf8').ljust(name_length, b'x') if not six.PY2: self.container_name = self.container_name.decode('utf8') class TestManagedContainerSharding(BaseTestContainerSharding): '''Test sharding using swift-manage-shard-ranges''' def sharders_once(self, **kwargs): # inhibit auto_sharding regardless of the config setting additional_args = kwargs.get('additional_args', []) if not isinstance(additional_args, list): additional_args = [additional_args] additional_args.append('--no-auto-shard') kwargs['additional_args'] = additional_args self.sharders.once(**kwargs) def test_manage_shard_ranges(self): obj_names = self._make_object_names(7) self.put_objects(obj_names) client.post_container(self.url, self.admin_token, self.container_name, headers={'X-Container-Sharding': 'on'}) # run replicators first time to get sync points set self.replicators.once() # sanity check: we don't have nearly enough objects for this to shard # automatically self.sharders_once(number=self.brain.node_numbers[0], additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) self.assert_container_state(self.brain.nodes[0], 'unsharded', 0) self.assert_subprocess_success([ 'swift-manage-shard-ranges', self.get_db_file(self.brain.part, self.brain.nodes[0]), 'find_and_replace', '3', '--enable', '--minimum-shard-size', '2']) self.assert_container_state(self.brain.nodes[0], 'unsharded', 2) # "Run container-replicator to replicate them to other nodes." self.replicators.once() # "Run container-sharder on all nodes to shard the container." self.sharders_once(additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # Everybody's settled self.assert_container_state(self.brain.nodes[0], 'sharded', 2) self.assert_container_state(self.brain.nodes[1], 'sharded', 2) self.assert_container_state(self.brain.nodes[2], 'sharded', 2) self.assert_container_listing(obj_names) def test_manage_shard_ranges_compact(self): # verify shard range compaction using swift-manage-shard-ranges obj_names = self._make_object_names(8) self.put_objects(obj_names) client.post_container(self.url, self.admin_token, self.container_name, headers={'X-Container-Sharding': 'on'}) # run replicators first time to get sync points set, and get container # sharded into 4 shards self.replicators.once() self.assert_subprocess_success([ 'swift-manage-shard-ranges', self.get_db_file(self.brain.part, self.brain.nodes[0]), 'find_and_replace', '2', '--enable']) self.assert_container_state(self.brain.nodes[0], 'unsharded', 4) self.replicators.once() # run sharders twice to cleave all 4 shard ranges self.sharders_once(additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) self.sharders_once(additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) self.assert_container_state(self.brain.nodes[0], 'sharded', 4) self.assert_container_state(self.brain.nodes[1], 'sharded', 4) self.assert_container_state(self.brain.nodes[2], 'sharded', 4) self.assert_container_listing(obj_names) # now compact some ranges; use --max-shrinking to allow 2 shrinking # shards self.assert_subprocess_success([ 'swift-manage-shard-ranges', self.get_db_file(self.brain.part, self.brain.nodes[0]), 'compact', '--max-expanding', '1', '--max-shrinking', '2', '--yes']) shard_ranges = self.assert_container_state( self.brain.nodes[0], 'sharded', 4) self.assertEqual([ShardRange.SHRINKING] * 2 + [ShardRange.ACTIVE] * 2, [sr.state for sr in shard_ranges]) self.replicators.once() self.sharders_once() # check there's now just 2 remaining shard ranges shard_ranges = self.assert_container_state( self.brain.nodes[0], 'sharded', 2) self.assertEqual([ShardRange.ACTIVE] * 2, [sr.state for sr in shard_ranges]) self.assert_container_listing(obj_names, req_hdrs={'X-Newest': 'True'}) # root container own shard range should still be SHARDED for i, node in enumerate(self.brain.nodes): with annotate_failure('node[%d]' % i): broker = self.get_broker(self.brain.part, self.brain.nodes[0]) self.assertEqual(ShardRange.SHARDED, broker.get_own_shard_range().state) # now compact the final two shard ranges to the root; use # --max-shrinking to allow 2 shrinking shards self.assert_subprocess_success([ 'swift-manage-shard-ranges', self.get_db_file(self.brain.part, self.brain.nodes[0]), 'compact', '--yes', '--max-shrinking', '2']) shard_ranges = self.assert_container_state( self.brain.nodes[0], 'sharded', 2) self.assertEqual([ShardRange.SHRINKING] * 2, [sr.state for sr in shard_ranges]) self.replicators.once() self.sharders_once() self.assert_container_state(self.brain.nodes[0], 'collapsed', 0) self.assert_container_listing(obj_names, req_hdrs={'X-Newest': 'True'}) # root container own shard range should now be ACTIVE for i, node in enumerate(self.brain.nodes): with annotate_failure('node[%d]' % i): broker = self.get_broker(self.brain.part, self.brain.nodes[0]) self.assertEqual(ShardRange.ACTIVE, broker.get_own_shard_range().state) def test_manage_shard_ranges_repair_root(self): # provoke overlaps in root container and repair obj_names = self._make_object_names(16) self.put_objects(obj_names) client.post_container(self.url, self.admin_token, self.container_name, headers={'X-Container-Sharding': 'on'}) # run replicators first time to get sync points set self.replicators.once() # find 4 shard ranges on nodes[0] - let's denote these ranges 0.0, 0.1, # 0.2 and 0.3 that are installed with epoch_0 self.assert_subprocess_success([ 'swift-manage-shard-ranges', self.get_db_file(self.brain.part, self.brain.nodes[0]), 'find_and_replace', '4', '--enable']) shard_ranges_0 = self.assert_container_state(self.brain.nodes[0], 'unsharded', 4) # *Also* go find 3 shard ranges on *another node*, like a dumb-dumb - # let's denote these ranges 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 that are installed with # epoch_1 self.assert_subprocess_success([ 'swift-manage-shard-ranges', self.get_db_file(self.brain.part, self.brain.nodes[1]), 'find_and_replace', '7', '--enable']) shard_ranges_1 = self.assert_container_state(self.brain.nodes[1], 'unsharded', 3) # Run sharder in specific order so that the replica with the older # epoch_0 starts sharding first - this will prove problematic later! # On first pass the first replica passes audit, creates shards and then # syncs shard ranges with the other replicas, so it has a mix of 0.* # shard ranges in CLEAVED state and 1.* ranges in FOUND state. It # proceeds to cleave shard 0.0, but after 0.0 cleaving stalls because # next in iteration is shard range 1.0 in FOUND state from the other # replica that it cannot yet cleave. self.sharders_once(number=self.brain.node_numbers[0], additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # On first pass the second replica passes audit (it has its own found # ranges and the first replica's created shard ranges but none in the # same state overlap), creates its shards and then syncs shard ranges # with the other replicas. All of the 7 shard ranges on this replica # are now in CREATED state so it proceeds to cleave the first two shard # ranges, 0.1 and 1.0. self.sharders_once(number=self.brain.node_numbers[1], additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) self.replicators.once() # Uh-oh self.assert_container_state(self.brain.nodes[0], 'sharding', 7) self.assert_container_state(self.brain.nodes[1], 'sharding', 7) # There's a race: the third replica may be sharding, may be unsharded # Try it again a few times self.sharders_once(additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) self.replicators.once() self.sharders_once(additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # It's not really fixing itself... the sharder audit will detect # overlapping ranges which prevents cleaving proceeding; expect the # shard ranges to be mostly still in created state, with one or two # possibly cleaved during first pass before the sharding got stalled shard_ranges = self.assert_container_state(self.brain.nodes[0], 'sharding', 7) self.assertEqual([ShardRange.CLEAVED] * 2 + [ShardRange.CREATED] * 5, [sr.state for sr in shard_ranges]) shard_ranges = self.assert_container_state(self.brain.nodes[1], 'sharding', 7) self.assertEqual([ShardRange.CLEAVED] * 2 + [ShardRange.CREATED] * 5, [sr.state for sr in shard_ranges]) # But hey, at least listings still work! They're just going to get # horribly out of date as more objects are added self.assert_container_listing(obj_names) # 'swift-manage-shard-ranges repair' will choose the second set of 3 # shard ranges (1.*) over the first set of 4 (0.*) because that's the # path with most cleaving progress, and so shrink shard ranges 0.*. db_file = self.get_db_file(self.brain.part, self.brain.nodes[0]) self.assert_subprocess_success( ['swift-manage-shard-ranges', db_file, 'repair', '--yes', '--min-shard-age', '0']) # make sure all root replicas now sync their shard ranges self.replicators.once() # Run sharder on the shrinking shards. This should not change the state # of any of the acceptors, particularly the ones that have yet to have # object cleaved from the roots, because we don't want the as yet # uncleaved acceptors becoming prematurely active and creating 'holes' # in listings. The shrinking shard ranges should however get deleted in # root container table. self.run_sharders(shard_ranges_0) shard_ranges = self.assert_container_state(self.brain.nodes[1], 'sharding', 3) self.assertEqual([ShardRange.CLEAVED] * 1 + [ShardRange.CREATED] * 2, [sr.state for sr in shard_ranges]) self.assert_container_listing(obj_names) # check the unwanted shards did shrink away... for shard_range in shard_ranges_0: with annotate_failure(shard_range): found_for_shard = self.categorize_container_dir_content( shard_range.account, shard_range.container) self.assertLengthEqual(found_for_shard['shard_dbs'], 3) actual = [] for shard_db in found_for_shard['shard_dbs']: broker = ContainerBroker(shard_db) own_sr = broker.get_own_shard_range() actual.append( (broker.get_db_state(), own_sr.state, own_sr.deleted)) self.assertEqual([(SHARDED, ShardRange.SHRUNK, True)] * 3, actual) # At this point one of the first two replicas may have done some useful # cleaving of 1.* shards, the other may have only cleaved 0.* shards, # and the third replica may have cleaved no shards. We therefore need # two more passes of the sharder to get to a predictable state where # all replicas have cleaved all three 0.* shards. self.sharders_once() self.sharders_once() # now we expect all replicas to have just the three 1.* shards, with # the 0.* shards all deleted brokers = {} exp_shard_ranges = sorted( [sr.copy(state=ShardRange.SHRUNK, deleted=True) for sr in shard_ranges_0] + [sr.copy(state=ShardRange.ACTIVE) for sr in shard_ranges_1], key=ShardRange.sort_key) for node in (0, 1, 2): with annotate_failure('node %s' % node): broker = self.get_broker(self.brain.part, self.brain.nodes[node]) brokers[node] = broker shard_ranges = broker.get_shard_ranges() self.assertEqual(shard_ranges_1, shard_ranges) shard_ranges = broker.get_shard_ranges(include_deleted=True) self.assertLengthEqual(shard_ranges, len(exp_shard_ranges)) self.maxDiff = None self.assertEqual(exp_shard_ranges, shard_ranges) self.assertEqual(ShardRange.SHARDED, broker._own_shard_range().state) # Sadly, the first replica to start sharding is still reporting its db # state to be 'unsharded' because, although it has sharded, its shard # db epoch (epoch_0) does not match its own shard range epoch # (epoch_1), and that is because the second replica (with epoch_1) # updated the own shard range and replicated it to all other replicas. # If we had run the sharder on the second replica before the first # replica, then by the time the first replica started sharding it would # have learnt the newer epoch_1 and we wouldn't see this inconsistency. self.assertEqual(UNSHARDED, brokers[0].get_db_state()) self.assertEqual(SHARDED, brokers[1].get_db_state()) self.assertEqual(SHARDED, brokers[2].get_db_state()) epoch_1 = brokers[1].db_epoch self.assertEqual(epoch_1, brokers[2].db_epoch) self.assertLess(brokers[0].db_epoch, epoch_1) # the root replica that thinks it is unsharded is problematic - it will # not return shard ranges for listings, but has no objects, so it's # luck of the draw whether we get a listing or not at this point :( # Run the sharders again: the first replica that is still 'unsharded' # because of the older epoch_0 in its db filename will now start to # shard again with a newer epoch_1 db, and will start to re-cleave the # 3 active shards, albeit with zero objects to cleave. self.sharders_once() for node in (0, 1, 2): with annotate_failure('node %s' % node): broker = self.get_broker(self.brain.part, self.brain.nodes[node]) brokers[node] = broker shard_ranges = broker.get_shard_ranges() self.assertEqual(shard_ranges_1, shard_ranges) shard_ranges = broker.get_shard_ranges(include_deleted=True) self.assertLengthEqual(shard_ranges, len(exp_shard_ranges)) self.assertEqual(exp_shard_ranges, shard_ranges) self.assertEqual(ShardRange.SHARDED, broker._own_shard_range().state) self.assertEqual(epoch_1, broker.db_epoch) self.assertIn(brokers[0].get_db_state(), (SHARDING, SHARDED)) self.assertEqual(SHARDED, brokers[1].get_db_state()) self.assertEqual(SHARDED, brokers[2].get_db_state()) # This cycle of the sharders also guarantees that all shards have had # their state updated to ACTIVE from the root; this was not necessarily # true at end of the previous sharder pass because a shard audit (when # the shard is updated from a root) may have happened before all roots # have had their shard ranges transitioned to ACTIVE. for shard_range in shard_ranges_1: with annotate_failure(shard_range): found_for_shard = self.categorize_container_dir_content( shard_range.account, shard_range.container) self.assertLengthEqual(found_for_shard['normal_dbs'], 3) actual = [] for shard_db in found_for_shard['normal_dbs']: broker = ContainerBroker(shard_db) own_sr = broker.get_own_shard_range() actual.append( (broker.get_db_state(), own_sr.state, own_sr.deleted)) self.assertEqual([(UNSHARDED, ShardRange.ACTIVE, False)] * 3, actual) # We may need one more pass of the sharder before all three shard # ranges are cleaved (2 per pass) and all the root replicas are # predictably in sharded state. Note: the accelerated cleaving of >2 # zero-object shard ranges per cycle is defeated if a shard happens # to exist on the same node as the root because the roots cleaving # process doesn't think that it created the shard db and will therefore # replicate it as per a normal cleave. self.sharders_once() for node in (0, 1, 2): with annotate_failure('node %s' % node): broker = self.get_broker(self.brain.part, self.brain.nodes[node]) brokers[node] = broker shard_ranges = broker.get_shard_ranges() self.assertEqual(shard_ranges_1, shard_ranges) shard_ranges = broker.get_shard_ranges(include_deleted=True) self.assertLengthEqual(shard_ranges, len(exp_shard_ranges)) self.assertEqual(exp_shard_ranges, shard_ranges) self.assertEqual(ShardRange.SHARDED, broker._own_shard_range().state) self.assertEqual(epoch_1, broker.db_epoch) self.assertEqual(SHARDED, broker.get_db_state()) # Finally, with all root replicas in a consistent state, the listing # will be be predictably correct self.assert_container_listing(obj_names) def test_manage_shard_ranges_repair_shard(self): # provoke overlaps in a shard container and repair them obj_names = self._make_object_names(24) initial_obj_names = obj_names[::2] # put 12 objects in container self.put_objects(initial_obj_names) client.post_container(self.url, self.admin_token, self.container_name, headers={'X-Container-Sharding': 'on'}) # run replicators first time to get sync points set self.replicators.once() # find 3 shard ranges on root nodes[0] and get the root sharded self.assert_subprocess_success([ 'swift-manage-shard-ranges', self.get_db_file(self.brain.part, self.brain.nodes[0]), 'find_and_replace', '4', '--enable']) self.replicators.once() # cleave first two shards self.sharders_once(additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # cleave third shard self.sharders_once(additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # ensure all shards learn their ACTIVE state from root self.sharders_once() for node in (0, 1, 2): with annotate_failure('node %d' % node): shard_ranges = self.assert_container_state( self.brain.nodes[node], 'sharded', 3) for sr in shard_ranges: self.assertEqual(ShardRange.ACTIVE, sr.state) self.assert_container_listing(initial_obj_names) # add objects to second shard range so it has 8 objects ; this range # has bounds (obj-0006,obj-0014] root_shard_ranges = self.get_container_shard_ranges() self.assertEqual(3, len(root_shard_ranges)) shard_1 = root_shard_ranges[1] self.assertEqual(obj_names[6], shard_1.lower) self.assertEqual(obj_names[14], shard_1.upper) more_obj_names = obj_names[7:15:2] self.put_objects(more_obj_names) expected_obj_names = sorted(initial_obj_names + more_obj_names) self.assert_container_listing(expected_obj_names) shard_1_part, shard_1_nodes = self.brain.ring.get_nodes( shard_1.account, shard_1.container) # find 3 sub-shards on one shard node; use --force-commits to ensure # the recently PUT objects are included when finding the shard range # pivot points self.assert_subprocess_success([ 'swift-manage-shard-ranges', '--force-commits', self.get_db_file(shard_1_part, shard_1_nodes[1], shard_1.account, shard_1.container), 'find_and_replace', '3', '--enable']) # ... and mistakenly find 4 shard ranges on a different shard node :( self.assert_subprocess_success([ 'swift-manage-shard-ranges', '--force-commits', self.get_db_file(shard_1_part, shard_1_nodes[2], shard_1.account, shard_1.container), 'find_and_replace', '2', '--enable']) # replicate the muddle of shard ranges between shard replicas, merged # result is: # '' - 6 shard ACTIVE # 6 - 8 sub-shard FOUND # 6 - 9 sub-shard FOUND # 8 - 10 sub-shard FOUND # 9 - 12 sub-shard FOUND # 10 - 12 sub-shard FOUND # 12 - 14 sub-shard FOUND # 12 - 14 sub-shard FOUND # 6 - 14 shard SHARDING # 14 - '' shard ACTIVE self.replicators.once() # try hard to shard the shard... self.sharders_once(additional_args='--partitions=%s' % shard_1_part) self.sharders_once(additional_args='--partitions=%s' % shard_1_part) self.sharders_once(additional_args='--partitions=%s' % shard_1_part) # sharding hasn't completed and there's overlaps in the shard and root: # the sub-shards will have been cleaved in the order listed above, but # sub-shards (10 -12) and one of (12 - 14) will be overlooked because # the cleave cursor will have moved past their namespace before they # were yielded by the shard range iterator, so we now have: # '' - 6 shard ACTIVE # 6 - 8 sub-shard ACTIVE # 6 - 9 sub-shard ACTIVE # 8 - 10 sub-shard ACTIVE # 10 - 12 sub-shard CREATED # 9 - 12 sub-shard ACTIVE # 12 - 14 sub-shard CREATED # 12 - 14 sub-shard ACTIVE # 14 - '' shard ACTIVE sub_shard_ranges = self.get_container_shard_ranges( shard_1.account, shard_1.container) self.assertEqual(7, len(sub_shard_ranges), sub_shard_ranges) root_shard_ranges = self.get_container_shard_ranges() self.assertEqual(9, len(root_shard_ranges), root_shard_ranges) self.assertEqual([ShardRange.ACTIVE] * 4 + [ShardRange.CREATED, ShardRange.ACTIVE] * 2 + [ShardRange.ACTIVE], [sr.state for sr in root_shard_ranges]) # fix the overlaps - a set of 3 ACTIVE sub-shards will be chosen and 4 # other sub-shards will be shrunk away; apply the fix at the root # container db_file = self.get_db_file(self.brain.part, self.brain.nodes[0]) self.assert_subprocess_success( ['swift-manage-shard-ranges', db_file, 'repair', '--yes', '--min-shard-age', '0']) self.replicators.once() self.sharders_once() self.sharders_once() # check root now has just 5 shard ranges root_shard_ranges = self.get_container_shard_ranges() self.assertEqual(5, len(root_shard_ranges), root_shard_ranges) self.assertEqual([ShardRange.ACTIVE] * 5, [sr.state for sr in root_shard_ranges]) # check there are 1 sharded shard and 4 shrunk sub-shard ranges in the # root (note, shard_1's shard ranges aren't updated once it has sharded # because the sub-shards report their state to the root; we cannot make # assertions about shrunk states in shard_1's shard range table) root_shard_ranges = self.get_container_shard_ranges( include_deleted=True) self.assertEqual(10, len(root_shard_ranges), root_shard_ranges) shrunk_shard_ranges = [sr for sr in root_shard_ranges if sr.state == ShardRange.SHRUNK] self.assertEqual(4, len(shrunk_shard_ranges), root_shard_ranges) self.assertEqual([True] * 4, [sr.deleted for sr in shrunk_shard_ranges]) sharded_shard_ranges = [sr for sr in root_shard_ranges if sr.state == ShardRange.SHARDED] self.assertEqual(1, len(sharded_shard_ranges), root_shard_ranges) self.assert_container_listing(expected_obj_names) def test_manage_shard_ranges_repair_parent_child_ranges(self): # Test repairing a transient parent-child shard range overlap in the # root container, expect no repairs to be done. # note: be careful not to add a container listing to this test which # would get shard ranges into memcache obj_names = self._make_object_names(4) self.put_objects(obj_names) client.post_container(self.url, self.admin_token, self.container_name, headers={'X-Container-Sharding': 'on'}) # run replicators first time to get sync points set self.container_replicators.once( additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # shard root root_0_db_file = self.get_db_file(self.brain.part, self.brain.nodes[0]) self.assert_subprocess_success([ 'swift-manage-shard-ranges', root_0_db_file, 'find_and_replace', '2', '--enable']) self.container_replicators.once( additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) for node in self.brain.nodes: self.assert_container_state(node, 'unsharded', 2) self.sharders_once(additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # get shards to update state from parent... self.sharders_once() for node in self.brain.nodes: self.assert_container_state(node, 'sharded', 2) # sanity check, all is well msg = self.assert_subprocess_success([ 'swift-manage-shard-ranges', root_0_db_file, 'repair', '--gaps', '--dry-run']) self.assertIn(b'No repairs necessary.', msg) # shard first shard into 2 sub-shards while root node 0 is disabled self.stop_container_servers(node_numbers=slice(0, 1)) shard_ranges = self.get_container_shard_ranges() shard_brokers = [self.get_shard_broker(shard_ranges[0], node_index=i) for i in range(3)] self.assert_subprocess_success([ 'swift-manage-shard-ranges', shard_brokers[0].db_file, 'find_and_replace', '1', '--enable']) shard_part, shard_nodes = self.brain.ring.get_nodes( shard_ranges[0].account, shard_ranges[0].container) self.container_replicators.once( additional_args='--partitions=%s' % shard_part) for node in exclude_nodes(shard_nodes, self.brain.nodes[0]): self.assert_container_state( node, 'unsharded', 2, account=shard_ranges[0].account, container=shard_ranges[0].container, part=shard_part) self.sharders_once(additional_args='--partitions=%s' % shard_part) # get shards to update state from parent... self.sharders_once() for node in exclude_nodes(shard_nodes, self.brain.nodes[0]): self.assert_container_state( node, 'sharded', 2, account=shard_ranges[0].account, container=shard_ranges[0].container, part=shard_part) # put an object into the second of the 2 sub-shards so that the shard # will update the root next time the sharder is run; do this before # restarting root node 0 so that the object update is definitely # redirected to a sub-shard by root node 1 or 2. new_obj_name = obj_names[0] + 'a' self.put_objects([new_obj_name]) # restart root node 0 self.brain.servers.start(number=self.brain.node_numbers[0]) # node 0 DB doesn't know about the sub-shards root_brokers = [self.get_broker(self.brain.part, node) for node in self.brain.nodes] broker = root_brokers[0] self.assertEqual( [(ShardRange.ACTIVE, False, ShardRange.MIN, obj_names[1]), (ShardRange.ACTIVE, False, obj_names[1], ShardRange.MAX)], [(sr.state, sr.deleted, sr.lower, sr.upper) for sr in broker.get_shard_ranges(include_deleted=True)]) for broker in root_brokers[1:]: self.assertEqual( [(ShardRange.ACTIVE, False, ShardRange.MIN, obj_names[0]), (ShardRange.ACTIVE, False, obj_names[0], obj_names[1]), (ShardRange.SHARDED, True, ShardRange.MIN, obj_names[1]), (ShardRange.ACTIVE, False, obj_names[1], ShardRange.MAX)], [(sr.state, sr.deleted, sr.lower, sr.upper) for sr in broker.get_shard_ranges(include_deleted=True)]) sub_shard = root_brokers[1].get_shard_ranges()[1] self.assertEqual(obj_names[0], sub_shard.lower) self.assertEqual(obj_names[1], sub_shard.upper) sub_shard_part, nodes = self.get_part_and_node_numbers(sub_shard) # we want the sub-shard to update root node 0 but not the sharded # shard, but there is a small chance the two will be in same partition # TODO: how can we work around this? self.assertNotEqual(sub_shard_part, shard_part, 'You were unlucky, try again') self.sharders_once(additional_args='--partitions=%s' % sub_shard_part) # now root node 0 has the original shards plus one of the sub-shards # but all are active :( self.assertEqual( [(ShardRange.ACTIVE, False, ShardRange.MIN, obj_names[1]), # note: overlap! (ShardRange.ACTIVE, False, obj_names[0], obj_names[1]), (ShardRange.ACTIVE, False, obj_names[1], ShardRange.MAX)], [(sr.state, sr.deleted, sr.lower, sr.upper) for sr in root_brokers[0].get_shard_ranges(include_deleted=True)]) # try to fix the overlap and expect no repair has been done. msg = self.assert_subprocess_success( ['swift-manage-shard-ranges', root_0_db_file, 'repair', '--yes', '--min-shard-age', '0']) self.assertIn( b'1 donor shards ignored due to parent-child relationship checks', msg) # verify parent-child checks has prevented repair to be done. self.assertEqual( [(ShardRange.ACTIVE, False, ShardRange.MIN, obj_names[1]), # note: overlap! (ShardRange.ACTIVE, False, obj_names[0], obj_names[1]), (ShardRange.ACTIVE, False, obj_names[1], ShardRange.MAX)], [(sr.state, sr.deleted, sr.lower, sr.upper) for sr in root_brokers[0].get_shard_ranges(include_deleted=True)]) # the transient overlap is 'fixed' in subsequent sharder cycles... self.sharders_once() self.sharders_once() self.container_replicators.once() for broker in root_brokers: self.assertEqual( [(ShardRange.ACTIVE, False, ShardRange.MIN, obj_names[0]), (ShardRange.ACTIVE, False, obj_names[0], obj_names[1]), (ShardRange.SHARDED, True, ShardRange.MIN, obj_names[1]), (ShardRange.ACTIVE, False, obj_names[1], ShardRange.MAX)], [(sr.state, sr.deleted, sr.lower, sr.upper) for sr in broker.get_shard_ranges(include_deleted=True)]) def test_manage_shard_ranges_repair_root_gap(self): # create a gap in root container; repair the gap. # note: be careful not to add a container listing to this test which # would get shard ranges into memcache obj_names = self._make_object_names(8) self.put_objects(obj_names) client.post_container(self.url, self.admin_token, self.container_name, headers={'X-Container-Sharding': 'on'}) # run replicators first time to get sync points set self.container_replicators.once( additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # shard root root_0_db_file = self.get_db_file(self.brain.part, self.brain.nodes[0]) self.assert_subprocess_success([ 'swift-manage-shard-ranges', root_0_db_file, 'find_and_replace', '2', '--enable']) self.container_replicators.once( additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) for node in self.brain.nodes: self.assert_container_state(node, 'unsharded', 4) self.sharders_once(additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # get shards to update state from parent... self.sharders_once() for node in self.brain.nodes: self.assert_container_state(node, 'sharded', 4) # sanity check, all is well msg = self.assert_subprocess_success([ 'swift-manage-shard-ranges', root_0_db_file, 'repair', '--gaps', '--dry-run']) self.assertIn(b'No repairs necessary.', msg) # deliberately create a gap in root shard ranges (don't ever do this # for real) # TODO: replace direct broker modification with s-m-s-r merge root_brokers = [self.get_broker(self.brain.part, node) for node in self.brain.nodes] shard_ranges = root_brokers[0].get_shard_ranges() self.assertEqual(4, len(shard_ranges)) shard_ranges[2].set_deleted() root_brokers[0].merge_shard_ranges(shard_ranges) shard_ranges = root_brokers[0].get_shard_ranges() self.assertEqual(3, len(shard_ranges)) self.container_replicators.once() # confirm that we made a gap. for broker in root_brokers: self.assertEqual( [(ShardRange.ACTIVE, False, ShardRange.MIN, obj_names[1]), (ShardRange.ACTIVE, False, obj_names[1], obj_names[3]), (ShardRange.ACTIVE, True, obj_names[3], obj_names[5]), (ShardRange.ACTIVE, False, obj_names[5], ShardRange.MAX)], [(sr.state, sr.deleted, sr.lower, sr.upper) for sr in broker.get_shard_ranges(include_deleted=True)]) msg = self.assert_subprocess_success([ 'swift-manage-shard-ranges', root_0_db_file, 'repair', '--gaps', '--yes']) self.assertIn(b'Repairs necessary to fill gaps.', msg) self.sharders_once() self.sharders_once() self.container_replicators.once() # yay! we fixed the gap (without creating an overlap) for broker in root_brokers: self.assertEqual( [(ShardRange.ACTIVE, False, ShardRange.MIN, obj_names[1]), (ShardRange.ACTIVE, False, obj_names[1], obj_names[3]), (ShardRange.ACTIVE, True, obj_names[3], obj_names[5]), (ShardRange.ACTIVE, False, obj_names[3], ShardRange.MAX)], [(sr.state, sr.deleted, sr.lower, sr.upper) for sr in broker.get_shard_ranges(include_deleted=True)]) msg = self.assert_subprocess_success([ 'swift-manage-shard-ranges', root_0_db_file, 'repair', '--dry-run', '--min-shard-age', '0']) self.assertIn(b'No repairs necessary.', msg) msg = self.assert_subprocess_success([ 'swift-manage-shard-ranges', root_0_db_file, 'repair', '--gaps', '--dry-run']) self.assertIn(b'No repairs necessary.', msg) # put an object into the gap namespace new_objs = [obj_names[4] + 'a'] self.put_objects(new_objs) # get root stats up to date self.sharders_once() # new object is in listing but old objects in the gap have been lost - # don't delete shard ranges! self.assert_container_listing(obj_names[:4] + new_objs + obj_names[6:]) def test_manage_shard_ranges_unsharded_deleted_root(self): # verify that a deleted DB will still be sharded # choose a node that will not be sharded initially sharded_nodes = [] unsharded_node = None for node in self.brain.nodes: if self.brain.node_numbers[node['index']] \ in self.brain.handoff_numbers: unsharded_node = node else: sharded_nodes.append(node) # put some objects - not enough to trigger auto-sharding obj_names = self._make_object_names(MIN_SHARD_CONTAINER_THRESHOLD - 1) self.put_objects(obj_names) # run replicators first time to get sync points set and commit updates self.replicators.once() # setup sharding... self.assert_subprocess_success([ 'swift-manage-shard-ranges', self.get_db_file(self.brain.part, sharded_nodes[0]), 'find_and_replace', '2', '--enable', '--minimum-shard-size', '1']) # Run container-replicator to replicate shard ranges self.container_replicators.once() self.assert_container_state(sharded_nodes[0], 'unsharded', 2) self.assert_container_state(sharded_nodes[1], 'unsharded', 2) self.assert_container_state(unsharded_node, 'unsharded', 2) # Run container-sharder to shard the 2 primary replicas that did # receive the object PUTs for num in self.brain.primary_numbers: self.sharders_once( number=num, additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # delete the objects - the proxy's will have cached container info with # out-of-date db_state=unsharded, so updates go to the root DBs self.delete_objects(obj_names) # deal with DELETE's being misplaced in root db's... for num in self.brain.primary_numbers: self.sharders_once( number=num, additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) self.assert_container_state(sharded_nodes[0], 'sharded', 2) self.assert_container_state(sharded_nodes[1], 'sharded', 2) shard_ranges = self.assert_container_state( unsharded_node, 'unsharded', 2) # get root stats updated - but avoid sharding the remaining root DB self.run_sharders(shard_ranges, exclude_partitions=[self.brain.part]) self.assert_container_listing([]) # delete the empty container client.delete_container(self.url, self.admin_token, self.container_name) # sanity check - unsharded DB is deleted broker = self.get_broker(self.brain.part, unsharded_node, self.account, self.container_name) self.assertEqual(UNSHARDED, broker.get_db_state()) self.assertTrue(broker.is_deleted()) self.assertEqual(0, broker.get_info()['object_count']) self.assertEqual(0, broker.get_shard_usage()['object_count']) # now shard the final DB for num in self.brain.handoff_numbers: self.sharders_once( number=num, additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) # all DBs should now be sharded and still deleted for node in self.brain.nodes: with annotate_failure( 'node %s in %s' % (node['index'], [n['index'] for n in self.brain.nodes])): self.assert_container_state(node, 'sharded', 2, override_deleted=True) broker = self.get_broker(self.brain.part, node, self.account, self.container_name) self.assertEqual(SHARDED, broker.get_db_state()) self.assertEqual(0, broker.get_info()['object_count']) self.assertEqual(0, broker.get_shard_usage()['object_count']) self.assertTrue(broker.is_deleted()) def test_manage_shard_ranges_unsharded_deleted_root_gets_undeleted(self): # verify that an apparently deleted DB (no object rows in root db) will # still be sharded and also become undeleted when objects are # discovered in the shards # choose a node that will not be sharded initially sharded_nodes = [] unsharded_node = None for node in self.brain.nodes: if self.brain.node_numbers[node['index']] \ in self.brain.handoff_numbers: unsharded_node = node else: sharded_nodes.append(node) # put some objects, but only to 2 replicas - not enough to trigger # auto-sharding self.brain.stop_handoff_half() obj_names = self._make_object_names(MIN_SHARD_CONTAINER_THRESHOLD - 1) self.put_objects(obj_names) # run replicators first time to get sync points set and commit puts self.replicators.once() # setup sharding... self.assert_subprocess_success([ 'swift-manage-shard-ranges', self.get_db_file(self.brain.part, sharded_nodes[0]), 'find_and_replace', '2', '--enable', '--minimum-shard-size', '1']) # Run container-replicator to replicate shard ranges - object rows will # not be sync'd now there are shard ranges for num in self.brain.primary_numbers: self.container_replicators.once(number=num) self.assert_container_state(sharded_nodes[0], 'unsharded', 2) self.assert_container_state(sharded_nodes[1], 'unsharded', 2) # revive the stopped node self.brain.start_handoff_half() self.assert_container_state(unsharded_node, 'unsharded', 0) # delete the empty replica direct_client.direct_delete_container( unsharded_node, self.brain.part, self.account, self.container_name) # Run container-sharder to shard the 2 primary replicas that did # receive the object PUTs for num in self.brain.primary_numbers: self.sharders_once( number=num, additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) self.assert_container_state(sharded_nodes[0], 'sharded', 2) self.assert_container_state(sharded_nodes[1], 'sharded', 2) # the sharder syncs shard ranges ... self.assert_container_state(unsharded_node, 'unsharded', 2, override_deleted=True) # sanity check - unsharded DB is empty and deleted broker = self.get_broker(self.brain.part, unsharded_node, self.account, self.container_name) self.assertEqual(UNSHARDED, broker.get_db_state()) self.assertEqual(0, broker.get_info()['object_count']) # the shard ranges do have object count but are in CREATED state so # not reported in shard usage... self.assertEqual(0, broker.get_shard_usage()['object_count']) self.assertTrue(broker.is_deleted()) # now shard the final DB for num in self.brain.handoff_numbers: self.sharders_once( number=num, additional_args='--partitions=%s' % self.brain.part) shard_ranges = self.assert_container_state( unsharded_node, 'sharded', 2, override_deleted=True) # and get roots updated and sync'd self.container_replicators.once() self.run_sharders(shard_ranges, exclude_partitions=[self.brain.part]) # all DBs should now be sharded and NOT deleted for node in self.brain.nodes: with annotate_failure( 'node %s in %s' % (node['index'], [n['index'] for n in self.brain.nodes])): broker = self.get_broker(self.brain.part, node, self.account, self.container_name) self.assertEqual(SHARDED, broker.get_db_state()) self.assertEqual(3, broker.get_info()['object_count']) self.assertEqual(3, broker.get_shard_usage()['object_count']) self.assertFalse(broker.is_deleted())