Peter Lisák ef942dadeb Call swift-recon with more than one server type
* get auditor stats from account and container server
swift-recon account container --auditor
* perform all checks on all servers
swift-recon account container object --all

Change-Id: I05bb7c785e6a4d80969d90448f1b9e0fd08dae86
Co-Authored-By: Ondřej Nový <ondrej.novy@firma.seznam.cz>
2016-05-31 17:35:29 +02:00

1125 lines
46 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
cmdline utility to perform cluster reconnaissance
from __future__ import print_function
from eventlet.green import urllib2, socket
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse
from swift.common.utils import SWIFT_CONF_FILE
from swift.common.ring import Ring
from swift.common.storage_policy import POLICIES
from hashlib import md5
import eventlet
import json
import optparse
import time
import sys
import os
def seconds2timeunit(seconds):
elapsed = seconds
unit = 'seconds'
if elapsed >= 60:
elapsed = elapsed / 60.0
unit = 'minutes'
if elapsed >= 60:
elapsed = elapsed / 60.0
unit = 'hours'
if elapsed >= 24:
elapsed = elapsed / 24.0
unit = 'days'
return elapsed, unit
def size_suffix(size):
suffixes = ['bytes', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB']
for suffix in suffixes:
if size < 1000:
return "%s %s" % (size, suffix)
size = size // 1000
return "%s %s" % (size, suffix)
class Scout(object):
Obtain swift recon information
def __init__(self, recon_type, verbose=False, suppress_errors=False,
self.recon_type = recon_type
self.verbose = verbose
self.suppress_errors = suppress_errors
self.timeout = timeout
def scout_host(self, base_url, recon_type):
Perform the actual HTTP request to obtain swift recon telemtry.
:param base_url: the base url of the host you wish to check. str of the
format ''
:param recon_type: the swift recon check to request.
:returns: tuple of (recon url used, response body, and status)
url = base_url + recon_type
body = urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=self.timeout).read()
content = json.loads(body)
if self.verbose:
print("-> %s: %s" % (url, content))
status = 200
except urllib2.HTTPError as err:
if not self.suppress_errors or self.verbose:
print("-> %s: %s" % (url, err))
content = err
status = err.code
except (urllib2.URLError, socket.timeout) as err:
if not self.suppress_errors or self.verbose:
print("-> %s: %s" % (url, err))
content = err
status = -1
return url, content, status
def scout(self, host):
Obtain telemetry from a host running the swift recon middleware.
:param host: host to check
:returns: tuple of (recon url used, response body, status, time start
and time end)
base_url = "http://%s:%s/recon/" % (host[0], host[1])
ts_start = time.time()
url, content, status = self.scout_host(base_url, self.recon_type)
ts_end = time.time()
return url, content, status, ts_start, ts_end
def scout_server_type(self, host):
Obtain Server header by calling OPTIONS.
:param host: host to check
:returns: Server type, status
url = "http://%s:%s/" % (host[0], host[1])
req = urllib2.Request(url)
req.get_method = lambda: 'OPTIONS'
conn = urllib2.urlopen(req)
header = conn.info().getheader('Server')
server_header = header.split('/')
content = server_header[0]
status = 200
except urllib2.HTTPError as err:
if not self.suppress_errors or self.verbose:
print("-> %s: %s" % (url, err))
content = err
status = err.code
except (urllib2.URLError, socket.timeout) as err:
if not self.suppress_errors or self.verbose:
print("-> %s: %s" % (url, err))
content = err
status = -1
return url, content, status
class SwiftRecon(object):
Retrieve and report cluster info from hosts running recon middleware.
def __init__(self):
self.verbose = False
self.suppress_errors = False
self.timeout = 5
self.pool_size = 30
self.pool = eventlet.GreenPool(self.pool_size)
self.check_types = ['account', 'container', 'object']
self.server_type = 'object'
def _gen_stats(self, stats, name=None):
"""Compute various stats from a list of values."""
cstats = [x for x in stats if x is not None]
if len(cstats) > 0:
ret_dict = {'low': min(cstats), 'high': max(cstats),
'total': sum(cstats), 'reported': len(cstats),
'number_none': len(stats) - len(cstats), 'name': name}
ret_dict['average'] = \
ret_dict['total'] / float(len(cstats))
ret_dict['perc_none'] = \
ret_dict['number_none'] * 100.0 / len(stats)
ret_dict = {'reported': 0}
return ret_dict
def _print_stats(self, stats):
print out formatted stats to console
:param stats: dict of stats generated by _gen_stats
print('[%(name)s] low: %(low)d, high: %(high)d, avg: '
'%(average).1f, total: %(total)d, '
'Failed: %(perc_none).1f%%, no_result: %(number_none)d, '
'reported: %(reported)d' % stats)
def _ptime(self, timev=None):
:param timev: a unix timestamp or None
:returns: a pretty string of the current time or provided time in UTC
if timev:
return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(timev))
return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime())
def _md5_file(self, path):
Get the MD5 checksum of a file.
:param path: path to file
:returns: MD5 checksum, hex encoded
md5sum = md5()
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
block = f.read(4096)
while block:
block = f.read(4096)
return md5sum.hexdigest()
def get_hosts(self, region_filter, zone_filter, swift_dir, ring_names):
Get a list of hosts in the rings.
:param region_filter: Only list regions matching given filter
:param zone_filter: Only list zones matching given filter
:param swift_dir: Directory of swift config, usually /etc/swift
:param ring_names: Collection of ring names, such as
['object', 'object-2']
:returns: a set of tuples containing the ip and port of hosts
rings = [Ring(swift_dir, ring_name=n) for n in ring_names]
devs = [d for r in rings for d in r.devs if d]
if region_filter is not None:
devs = [d for d in devs if d['region'] == region_filter]
if zone_filter is not None:
devs = [d for d in devs if d['zone'] == zone_filter]
return set((d['ip'], d['port']) for d in devs)
def get_ringmd5(self, hosts, swift_dir):
Compare ring md5sum's with those on remote host
:param hosts: set of hosts to check. in the format of:
set([('', 6020), ('', 6030)])
:param swift_dir: The local directory with the ring files.
matches = 0
errors = 0
ring_names = set()
for server_type in ('account', 'container'):
ring_name = '%s.ring.gz' % server_type
# include any other object ring files
for ring_name in os.listdir(swift_dir):
if ring_name.startswith('object') and \
rings = {}
for ring_name in ring_names:
md5sum = md5()
with open(os.path.join(swift_dir, ring_name), 'rb') as f:
block = f.read(4096)
while block:
block = f.read(4096)
ring_sum = md5sum.hexdigest()
rings[ring_name] = ring_sum
recon = Scout("ringmd5", self.verbose, self.suppress_errors,
print("[%s] Checking ring md5sums" % self._ptime())
if self.verbose:
for ring_file, ring_sum in rings.items():
print("-> On disk %s md5sum: %s" % (ring_file, ring_sum))
for url, response, status, ts_start, ts_end in self.pool.imap(
recon.scout, hosts):
if status != 200:
errors = errors + 1
success = True
for remote_ring_file, remote_ring_sum in response.items():
remote_ring_name = os.path.basename(remote_ring_file)
ring_sum = rings.get(remote_ring_name, None)
if remote_ring_sum != ring_sum:
success = False
print("!! %s (%s => %s) doesn't match on disk md5sum" % (
url, remote_ring_name, remote_ring_sum))
if not success:
errors += 1
matches += 1
if self.verbose:
print("-> %s matches." % url)
print("%s/%s hosts matched, %s error[s] while checking hosts." % (
matches, len(hosts), errors))
print("=" * 79)
def get_swiftconfmd5(self, hosts, printfn=print):
Compare swift.conf md5sum with that on remote hosts
:param hosts: set of hosts to check. in the format of:
set([('', 6020), ('', 6030)])
:param printfn: function to print text; defaults to print()
matches = 0
errors = 0
conf_sum = self._md5_file(SWIFT_CONF_FILE)
recon = Scout("swiftconfmd5", self.verbose, self.suppress_errors,
printfn("[%s] Checking swift.conf md5sum" % self._ptime())
if self.verbose:
printfn("-> On disk swift.conf md5sum: %s" % (conf_sum,))
for url, response, status, ts_start, ts_end in self.pool.imap(
recon.scout, hosts):
if status == 200:
if response[SWIFT_CONF_FILE] != conf_sum:
printfn("!! %s (%s) doesn't match on disk md5sum" %
(url, response[SWIFT_CONF_FILE]))
matches = matches + 1
if self.verbose:
printfn("-> %s matches." % url)
errors = errors + 1
printfn("%s/%s hosts matched, %s error[s] while checking hosts."
% (matches, len(hosts), errors))
printfn("=" * 79)
def async_check(self, hosts):
Obtain and print async pending statistics
:param hosts: set of hosts to check. in the format of:
set([('', 6020), ('', 6030)])
scan = {}
recon = Scout("async", self.verbose, self.suppress_errors,
print("[%s] Checking async pendings" % self._ptime())
for url, response, status, ts_start, ts_end in self.pool.imap(
recon.scout, hosts):
if status == 200:
scan[url] = response['async_pending']
stats = self._gen_stats(scan.values(), 'async_pending')
if stats['reported'] > 0:
print("[async_pending] - No hosts returned valid data.")
print("=" * 79)
def driveaudit_check(self, hosts):
Obtain and print drive audit error statistics
:param hosts: set of hosts to check. in the format of:
set([('', 6020), ('', 6030)]
scan = {}
recon = Scout("driveaudit", self.verbose, self.suppress_errors,
print("[%s] Checking drive-audit errors" % self._ptime())
for url, response, status, ts_start, ts_end in self.pool.imap(
recon.scout, hosts):
if status == 200:
scan[url] = response['drive_audit_errors']
stats = self._gen_stats(scan.values(), 'drive_audit_errors')
if stats['reported'] > 0:
print("[drive_audit_errors] - No hosts returned valid data.")
print("=" * 79)
def umount_check(self, hosts):
Check for and print unmounted drives
:param hosts: set of hosts to check. in the format of:
set([('', 6020), ('', 6030)])
unmounted = {}
errors = {}
recon = Scout("unmounted", self.verbose, self.suppress_errors,
print("[%s] Getting unmounted drives from %s hosts..." %
(self._ptime(), len(hosts)))
for url, response, status, ts_start, ts_end in self.pool.imap(
recon.scout, hosts):
if status == 200:
unmounted[url] = []
errors[url] = []
for i in response:
if not isinstance(i['mounted'], bool):
for host in unmounted:
node = urlparse(host).netloc
for entry in unmounted[host]:
print("Not mounted: %s on %s" % (entry, node))
for host in errors:
node = urlparse(host).netloc
for entry in errors[host]:
print("Device errors: %s on %s" % (entry, node))
print("=" * 79)
def server_type_check(self, hosts):
Check for server types on the ring
:param hosts: set of hosts to check. in the format of:
set([('', 6020), ('', 6030)])
errors = {}
recon = Scout("server_type_check", self.verbose, self.suppress_errors,
print("[%s] Validating server type '%s' on %s hosts..." %
(self._ptime(), self.server_type, len(hosts)))
for url, response, status in self.pool.imap(
recon.scout_server_type, hosts):
if status == 200:
if response != self.server_type + '-server':
errors[url] = response
print("%s/%s hosts ok, %s error[s] while checking hosts." % (
len(hosts) - len(errors), len(hosts), len(errors)))
for host in errors:
print("Invalid: %s is %s" % (host, errors[host]))
print("=" * 79)
def expirer_check(self, hosts):
Obtain and print expirer statistics
:param hosts: set of hosts to check. in the format of:
set([('', 6020), ('', 6030)])
stats = {'object_expiration_pass': [], 'expired_last_pass': []}
recon = Scout("expirer/%s" % self.server_type, self.verbose,
self.suppress_errors, self.timeout)
print("[%s] Checking on expirers" % self._ptime())
for url, response, status, ts_start, ts_end in self.pool.imap(
recon.scout, hosts):
if status == 200:
for k in stats:
if stats[k]:
computed = self._gen_stats(stats[k], name=k)
if computed['reported'] > 0:
print("[%s] - No hosts returned valid data." % k)
print("[%s] - No hosts returned valid data." % k)
print("=" * 79)
def replication_check(self, hosts):
Obtain and print replication statistics
:param hosts: set of hosts to check. in the format of:
set([('', 6020), ('', 6030)])
stats = {'replication_time': [], 'failure': [], 'success': [],
'attempted': []}
recon = Scout("replication/%s" % self.server_type, self.verbose,
self.suppress_errors, self.timeout)
print("[%s] Checking on replication" % self._ptime())
least_recent_time = 9999999999
least_recent_url = None
most_recent_time = 0
most_recent_url = None
for url, response, status, ts_start, ts_end in self.pool.imap(
recon.scout, hosts):
if status == 200:
response.get('object_replication_time', 0)))
repl_stats = response.get('replication_stats')
if repl_stats:
for stat_key in ['attempted', 'failure', 'success']:
last = response.get('replication_last',
response.get('object_replication_last', 0))
if last < least_recent_time:
least_recent_time = last
least_recent_url = url
if last > most_recent_time:
most_recent_time = last
most_recent_url = url
for k in stats:
if stats[k]:
if k != 'replication_time':
computed = self._gen_stats(stats[k],
name='replication_%s' % k)
computed = self._gen_stats(stats[k], name=k)
if computed['reported'] > 0:
print("[%s] - No hosts returned valid data." % k)
print("[%s] - No hosts returned valid data." % k)
if least_recent_url is not None:
host = urlparse(least_recent_url).netloc
if not least_recent_time:
print('Oldest completion was NEVER by %s.' % host)
elapsed = time.time() - least_recent_time
elapsed, elapsed_unit = seconds2timeunit(elapsed)
print('Oldest completion was %s (%d %s ago) by %s.' % (
elapsed, elapsed_unit, host))
if most_recent_url is not None:
host = urlparse(most_recent_url).netloc
elapsed = time.time() - most_recent_time
elapsed, elapsed_unit = seconds2timeunit(elapsed)
print('Most recent completion was %s (%d %s ago) by %s.' % (
elapsed, elapsed_unit, host))
print("=" * 79)
def updater_check(self, hosts):
Obtain and print updater statistics
:param hosts: set of hosts to check. in the format of:
set([('', 6020), ('', 6030)])
stats = []
recon = Scout("updater/%s" % self.server_type, self.verbose,
self.suppress_errors, self.timeout)
print("[%s] Checking updater times" % self._ptime())
for url, response, status, ts_start, ts_end in self.pool.imap(
recon.scout, hosts):
if status == 200:
if response['%s_updater_sweep' % self.server_type]:
stats.append(response['%s_updater_sweep' %
if len(stats) > 0:
computed = self._gen_stats(stats, name='updater_last_sweep')
if computed['reported'] > 0:
print("[updater_last_sweep] - No hosts returned valid data.")
print("[updater_last_sweep] - No hosts returned valid data.")
print("=" * 79)
def auditor_check(self, hosts):
Obtain and print obj auditor statistics
:param hosts: set of hosts to check. in the format of:
set([('', 6020), ('', 6030)])
scan = {}
adone = '%s_auditor_pass_completed' % self.server_type
afail = '%s_audits_failed' % self.server_type
apass = '%s_audits_passed' % self.server_type
asince = '%s_audits_since' % self.server_type
recon = Scout("auditor/%s" % self.server_type, self.verbose,
self.suppress_errors, self.timeout)
print("[%s] Checking auditor stats" % self._ptime())
for url, response, status, ts_start, ts_end in self.pool.imap(
recon.scout, hosts):
if status == 200:
scan[url] = response
if len(scan) < 1:
print("Error: No hosts available")
stats = {}
stats[adone] = [scan[i][adone] for i in scan
if scan[i][adone] is not None]
stats[afail] = [scan[i][afail] for i in scan
if scan[i][afail] is not None]
stats[apass] = [scan[i][apass] for i in scan
if scan[i][apass] is not None]
stats[asince] = [scan[i][asince] for i in scan
if scan[i][asince] is not None]
for k in stats:
if len(stats[k]) < 1:
print("[%s] - No hosts returned valid data." % k)
if k != asince:
computed = self._gen_stats(stats[k], k)
if computed['reported'] > 0:
if len(stats[asince]) >= 1:
low = min(stats[asince])
high = max(stats[asince])
total = sum(stats[asince])
average = total / len(stats[asince])
print('[last_pass] oldest: %s, newest: %s, avg: %s' %
(self._ptime(low), self._ptime(high), self._ptime(average)))
print("=" * 79)
def nested_get_value(self, key, recon_entry):
Generator that yields all values for given key in a recon cache entry.
This is for use with object auditor recon cache entries. If the
object auditor has run in parallel, the recon cache will have entries
of the form: {'object_auditor_stats_ALL': { 'disk1': {..},
'disk2': {..},
'disk3': {..},
If the object auditor hasn't run in parallel, the recon cache will have
entries of the form: {'object_auditor_stats_ALL': {...}}.
The ZBF auditor doesn't run in parallel. However, if a subset of
devices is selected for auditing, the recon cache will have an entry
of the form: {'object_auditor_stats_ZBF': { 'disk1disk2..diskN': {}}
We use this generator to find all instances of a particular key in
these multi-level dictionaries.
for k, v in recon_entry.items():
if isinstance(v, dict):
for value in self.nested_get_value(key, v):
yield value
if k == key:
yield v
def object_auditor_check(self, hosts):
Obtain and print obj auditor statistics
:param hosts: set of hosts to check. in the format of:
set([('', 6020), ('', 6030)])
all_scan = {}
zbf_scan = {}
atime = 'audit_time'
bprocessed = 'bytes_processed'
passes = 'passes'
errors = 'errors'
quarantined = 'quarantined'
recon = Scout("auditor/object", self.verbose, self.suppress_errors,
print("[%s] Checking auditor stats " % self._ptime())
for url, response, status, ts_start, ts_end in self.pool.imap(
recon.scout, hosts):
if status == 200:
if response['object_auditor_stats_ALL']:
all_scan[url] = response['object_auditor_stats_ALL']
if response['object_auditor_stats_ZBF']:
zbf_scan[url] = response['object_auditor_stats_ZBF']
if len(all_scan) > 0:
stats = {}
stats[atime] = [sum(self.nested_get_value(atime, all_scan[i]))
for i in all_scan]
stats[bprocessed] = [sum(self.nested_get_value(bprocessed,
all_scan[i])) for i in all_scan]
stats[passes] = [sum(self.nested_get_value(passes, all_scan[i]))
for i in all_scan]
stats[errors] = [sum(self.nested_get_value(errors, all_scan[i]))
for i in all_scan]
stats[quarantined] = [sum(self.nested_get_value(quarantined,
all_scan[i])) for i in all_scan]
for k in stats:
if None in stats[k]:
stats[k] = [x for x in stats[k] if x is not None]
if len(stats[k]) < 1:
print("[Auditor %s] - No hosts returned valid data." % k)
computed = self._gen_stats(stats[k],
name='ALL_%s_last_path' % k)
if computed['reported'] > 0:
print("[ALL_auditor] - No hosts returned valid data.")
print("[ALL_auditor] - No hosts returned valid data.")
if len(zbf_scan) > 0:
stats = {}
stats[atime] = [sum(self.nested_get_value(atime, zbf_scan[i]))
for i in zbf_scan]
stats[bprocessed] = [sum(self.nested_get_value(bprocessed,
zbf_scan[i])) for i in zbf_scan]
stats[errors] = [sum(self.nested_get_value(errors, zbf_scan[i]))
for i in zbf_scan]
stats[quarantined] = [sum(self.nested_get_value(quarantined,
zbf_scan[i])) for i in zbf_scan]
for k in stats:
if None in stats[k]:
stats[k] = [x for x in stats[k] if x is not None]
if len(stats[k]) < 1:
print("[Auditor %s] - No hosts returned valid data." % k)
computed = self._gen_stats(stats[k],
name='ZBF_%s_last_path' % k)
if computed['reported'] > 0:
print("[ZBF_auditor] - No hosts returned valid data.")
print("[ZBF_auditor] - No hosts returned valid data.")
print("=" * 79)
def load_check(self, hosts):
Obtain and print load average statistics
:param hosts: set of hosts to check. in the format of:
set([('', 6020), ('', 6030)])
load1 = {}
load5 = {}
load15 = {}
recon = Scout("load", self.verbose, self.suppress_errors,
print("[%s] Checking load averages" % self._ptime())
for url, response, status, ts_start, ts_end in self.pool.imap(
recon.scout, hosts):
if status == 200:
load1[url] = response['1m']
load5[url] = response['5m']
load15[url] = response['15m']
stats = {"1m": load1, "5m": load5, "15m": load15}
for item in stats:
if len(stats[item]) > 0:
computed = self._gen_stats(stats[item].values(),
name='%s_load_avg' % item)
print("[%s_load_avg] - No hosts returned valid data." % item)
print("=" * 79)
def quarantine_check(self, hosts):
Obtain and print quarantine statistics
:param hosts: set of hosts to check. in the format of:
set([('', 6020), ('', 6030)])
objq = {}
conq = {}
acctq = {}
stats = {}
recon = Scout("quarantined", self.verbose, self.suppress_errors,
print("[%s] Checking quarantine" % self._ptime())
for url, response, status, ts_start, ts_end in self.pool.imap(
recon.scout, hosts):
if status == 200:
objq[url] = response['objects']
conq[url] = response['containers']
acctq[url] = response['accounts']
for key in response.get('policies', {}):
pkey = "objects_%s" % key
stats.setdefault(pkey, {})
stats[pkey][url] = response['policies'][key]['objects']
stats.update({"objects": objq, "containers": conq, "accounts": acctq})
for item in stats:
if len(stats[item]) > 0:
computed = self._gen_stats(stats[item].values(),
name='quarantined_%s' % item)
print("No hosts returned valid data.")
print("=" * 79)
def socket_usage(self, hosts):
Obtain and print /proc/net/sockstat statistics
:param hosts: set of hosts to check. in the format of:
set([('', 6020), ('', 6030)])
inuse4 = {}
mem = {}
inuse6 = {}
timewait = {}
orphan = {}
recon = Scout("sockstat", self.verbose, self.suppress_errors,
print("[%s] Checking socket usage" % self._ptime())
for url, response, status, ts_start, ts_end in self.pool.imap(
recon.scout, hosts):
if status == 200:
inuse4[url] = response['tcp_in_use']
mem[url] = response['tcp_mem_allocated_bytes']
inuse6[url] = response.get('tcp6_in_use', 0)
timewait[url] = response['time_wait']
orphan[url] = response['orphan']
stats = {"tcp_in_use": inuse4, "tcp_mem_allocated_bytes": mem,
"tcp6_in_use": inuse6, "time_wait": timewait,
"orphan": orphan}
for item in stats:
if len(stats[item]) > 0:
computed = self._gen_stats(stats[item].values(), item)
print("No hosts returned valid data.")
print("=" * 79)
def disk_usage(self, hosts, top=0, lowest=0, human_readable=False):
Obtain and print disk usage statistics
:param hosts: set of hosts to check. in the format of:
set([('', 6020), ('', 6030)])
stats = {}
highs = []
lows = []
raw_total_used = []
raw_total_avail = []
percents = {}
top_percents = [(None, 0)] * top
low_percents = [(None, 100)] * lowest
recon = Scout("diskusage", self.verbose, self.suppress_errors,
print("[%s] Checking disk usage now" % self._ptime())
for url, response, status, ts_start, ts_end in self.pool.imap(
recon.scout, hosts):
if status == 200:
hostusage = []
for entry in response:
if not isinstance(entry['mounted'], bool):
print("-> %s/%s: Error: %s" % (url, entry['device'],
elif entry['mounted']:
used = float(entry['used']) / float(entry['size']) \
* 100.0
hostusage.append(round(used, 2))
for ident, oused in top_percents:
if oused < used:
(url + ' ' + entry['device'], used))
top_percents.sort(key=lambda x: -x[1])
for ident, oused in low_percents:
if oused > used:
(url + ' ' + entry['device'], used))
low_percents.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
stats[url] = hostusage
for url in stats:
if len(stats[url]) > 0:
# get per host hi/los for another day
low = min(stats[url])
high = max(stats[url])
for percent in stats[url]:
percents[int(percent)] = percents.get(int(percent), 0) + 1
print("-> %s: Error. No drive info available." % url)
if len(lows) > 0:
low = min(lows)
high = max(highs)
# dist graph shamelessly stolen from https://github.com/gholt/tcod
print("Distribution Graph:")
mul = 69.0 / max(percents.values())
for percent in sorted(percents):
print('% 3d%%%5d %s' % (percent, percents[percent],
'*' * int(percents[percent] * mul)))
raw_used = sum(raw_total_used)
raw_avail = sum(raw_total_avail)
raw_total = raw_used + raw_avail
avg_used = 100.0 * raw_used / raw_total
if human_readable:
raw_used = size_suffix(raw_used)
raw_avail = size_suffix(raw_avail)
raw_total = size_suffix(raw_total)
print("Disk usage: space used: %s of %s" % (raw_used, raw_total))
print("Disk usage: space free: %s of %s" % (raw_avail, raw_total))
print("Disk usage: lowest: %s%%, highest: %s%%, avg: %s%%" %
(low, high, avg_used))
print("No hosts returned valid data.")
print("=" * 79)
if top_percents:
print('TOP %s' % top)
for ident, used in top_percents:
if ident:
url, device = ident.split()
host = urlparse(url).netloc.split(':')[0]
print('%.02f%% %s' % (used, '%-15s %s' % (host, device)))
if low_percents:
print('LOWEST %s' % lowest)
for ident, used in low_percents:
if ident:
url, device = ident.split()
host = urlparse(url).netloc.split(':')[0]
print('%.02f%% %s' % (used, '%-15s %s' % (host, device)))
def time_check(self, hosts):
Check a time synchronization of hosts with current time
:param hosts: set of hosts to check. in the format of:
set([('', 6020), ('', 6030)])
matches = 0
errors = 0
recon = Scout("time", self.verbose, self.suppress_errors,
print("[%s] Checking time-sync" % self._ptime())
for url, ts_remote, status, ts_start, ts_end in self.pool.imap(
recon.scout, hosts):
if status != 200:
errors = errors + 1
if (ts_remote < ts_start or ts_remote > ts_end):
diff = abs(ts_end - ts_remote)
ts_end_f = self._ptime(ts_end)
ts_remote_f = self._ptime(ts_remote)
print("!! %s current time is %s, but remote is %s, "
"differs by %.2f sec" % (
matches += 1
if self.verbose:
print("-> %s matches." % url)
print("%s/%s hosts matched, %s error[s] while checking hosts." % (
matches, len(hosts), errors))
print("=" * 79)
def _get_ring_names(self, policy=None):
Retrieve name of ring files.
If no policy is passed and the server type is object,
the ring names of all storage-policies are retrieved.
:param policy: name or index of storage policy, only applicable
with server_type==object.
:returns: list of ring names.
if self.server_type == 'object':
ring_names = [p.ring_name for p in POLICIES if (
p.name == policy or not policy or (
policy.isdigit() and int(policy) == int(p)))]
ring_names = [self.server_type]
return ring_names
def main(self):
Retrieve and report cluster info from hosts running recon middleware.
print("=" * 79)
usage = '''
usage: %prog <server_type> [<server_type> [<server_type>]]
[-v] [--suppress] [-a] [-r] [-u] [-d]
[-l] [-T] [--md5] [--auditor] [--updater] [--expirer] [--sockstat]
Defaults to object server.
ex: %prog container -l --auditor
args = optparse.OptionParser(usage)
args.add_option('--verbose', '-v', action="store_true",
help="Print verbose info")
args.add_option('--suppress', action="store_true",
help="Suppress most connection related errors")
args.add_option('--async', '-a', action="store_true",
help="Get async stats")
args.add_option('--replication', '-r', action="store_true",
help="Get replication stats")
args.add_option('--auditor', action="store_true",
help="Get auditor stats")
args.add_option('--updater', action="store_true",
help="Get updater stats")
args.add_option('--expirer', action="store_true",
help="Get expirer stats")
args.add_option('--unmounted', '-u', action="store_true",
help="Check cluster for unmounted devices")
args.add_option('--diskusage', '-d', action="store_true",
help="Get disk usage stats")
args.add_option('--human-readable', action="store_true",
help="Use human readable suffix for disk usage stats")
args.add_option('--loadstats', '-l', action="store_true",
help="Get cluster load average stats")
args.add_option('--quarantined', '-q', action="store_true",
help="Get cluster quarantine stats")
args.add_option('--validate-servers', action="store_true",
help="Validate servers on the ring")
args.add_option('--md5', action="store_true",
help="Get md5sum of servers ring and compare to "
"local copy")
args.add_option('--sockstat', action="store_true",
help="Get cluster socket usage stats")
args.add_option('--driveaudit', action="store_true",
help="Get drive audit error stats")
args.add_option('--time', '-T', action="store_true",
help="Check time synchronization")
args.add_option('--top', type='int', metavar='COUNT', default=0,
help='Also show the top COUNT entries in rank order.')
args.add_option('--lowest', type='int', metavar='COUNT', default=0,
help='Also show the lowest COUNT entries in rank \
args.add_option('--all', action="store_true",
help="Perform all checks. Equal to \t\t\t-arudlqT "
"--md5 --sockstat --auditor --updater --expirer "
"--driveaudit --validate-servers")
args.add_option('--region', type="int",
help="Only query servers in specified region")
args.add_option('--zone', '-z', type="int",
help="Only query servers in specified zone")
args.add_option('--timeout', '-t', type="int", metavar="SECONDS",
help="Time to wait for a response from a server",
args.add_option('--swiftdir', default="/etc/swift",
help="Default = /etc/swift")
args.add_option('--policy', '-p',
help='Only query object servers in specified '
'storage policy (specified as name or index).')
options, arguments = args.parse_args()
if len(sys.argv) <= 1 or len(arguments) > len(self.check_types):
if arguments:
arguments = set(arguments)
if arguments.issubset(self.check_types):
server_types = arguments
print("Invalid Server Type")
else: # default
server_types = ['object']
swift_dir = options.swiftdir
self.verbose = options.verbose
self.suppress_errors = options.suppress
self.timeout = options.timeout
for server_type in server_types:
self.server_type = server_type
ring_names = self._get_ring_names(options.policy)
if not ring_names:
print('Invalid Storage Policy: %s' % options.policy)
hosts = self.get_hosts(options.region, options.zone,
swift_dir, ring_names)
print("--> Starting reconnaissance on %s hosts (%s)" %
(len(hosts), self.server_type))
print("=" * 79)
if options.all:
if self.server_type == 'object':
elif self.server_type == 'container':
elif self.server_type == 'account':
self.disk_usage(hosts, options.top, options.lowest,
self.get_ringmd5(hosts, swift_dir)
if options.async:
if self.server_type == 'object':
print("Error: Can't check asyncs on non object "
print("=" * 79)
if options.unmounted:
if options.replication:
if options.auditor:
if self.server_type == 'object':
if options.updater:
if self.server_type == 'account':
print("Error: Can't check updaters on account "
print("=" * 79)
if options.expirer:
if self.server_type == 'object':
print("Error: Can't check expired on non object "
print("=" * 79)
if options.validate_servers:
if options.loadstats:
if options.diskusage:
self.disk_usage(hosts, options.top, options.lowest,
if options.md5:
self.get_ringmd5(hosts, swift_dir)
if options.quarantined:
if options.sockstat:
if options.driveaudit:
if options.time:
def main():
reconnoiter = SwiftRecon()
except KeyboardInterrupt: