
501 lines
22 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2011 OpenStack, LLC.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from time import gmtime, strftime, time
from traceback import format_exc
from urllib import quote, unquote
from uuid import uuid4
from hashlib import sha1
import hmac
import base64
from eventlet import Timeout
from swift.common.swob import Response, Request
from swift.common.swob import HTTPBadRequest, HTTPForbidden, HTTPNotFound, \
from swift.common.middleware.acl import clean_acl, parse_acl, referrer_allowed
from swift.common.utils import cache_from_env, get_logger, get_remote_client, \
split_path, TRUE_VALUES
from swift.common.http import HTTP_CLIENT_CLOSED_REQUEST
class TempAuth(object):
Test authentication and authorization system.
Add to your pipeline in proxy-server.conf, such as::
pipeline = catch_errors cache tempauth proxy-server
Set account auto creation to true in proxy-server.conf::
account_autocreate = true
And add a tempauth filter section, such as::
use = egg:swift#tempauth
user_admin_admin = admin .admin .reseller_admin
user_test_tester = testing .admin
user_test2_tester2 = testing2 .admin
user_test_tester3 = testing3
See the proxy-server.conf-sample for more information.
:param app: The next WSGI app in the pipeline
:param conf: The dict of configuration values
def __init__(self, app, conf):
self.app = app
self.conf = conf
self.logger = get_logger(conf, log_route='tempauth')
self.log_headers = conf.get('log_headers', 'f').lower() in TRUE_VALUES
self.reseller_prefix = conf.get('reseller_prefix', 'AUTH').strip()
if self.reseller_prefix and self.reseller_prefix[-1] != '_':
self.reseller_prefix += '_'
self.logger.set_statsd_prefix('tempauth.%s' % (
self.reseller_prefix if self.reseller_prefix else 'NONE',))
self.auth_prefix = conf.get('auth_prefix', '/auth/')
if not self.auth_prefix:
self.auth_prefix = '/auth/'
if self.auth_prefix[0] != '/':
self.auth_prefix = '/' + self.auth_prefix
if self.auth_prefix[-1] != '/':
self.auth_prefix += '/'
self.token_life = int(conf.get('token_life', 86400))
self.allowed_sync_hosts = [h.strip()
for h in conf.get('allowed_sync_hosts', '').split(',')
if h.strip()]
self.allow_overrides = \
conf.get('allow_overrides', 't').lower() in TRUE_VALUES
self.users = {}
for conf_key in conf:
if conf_key.startswith('user_'):
values = conf[conf_key].split()
if not values:
raise ValueError('%s has no key set' % conf_key)
key = values.pop(0)
if values and '://' in values[-1]:
url = values.pop()
url = 'https://' if 'cert_file' in conf else 'http://'
ip = conf.get('bind_ip', '')
if ip == '':
ip = ''
url += ip
url += ':' + conf.get('bind_port', '8080') + '/v1/' + \
self.reseller_prefix + conf_key.split('_')[1]
self.users[conf_key.split('_', 1)[1].replace('_', ':')] = {
'key': key, 'url': url, 'groups': values}
def __call__(self, env, start_response):
Accepts a standard WSGI application call, authenticating the request
and installing callback hooks for authorization and ACL header
validation. For an authenticated request, REMOTE_USER will be set to a
comma separated list of the user's groups.
With a non-empty reseller prefix, acts as the definitive auth service
for just tokens and accounts that begin with that prefix, but will deny
requests outside this prefix if no other auth middleware overrides it.
With an empty reseller prefix, acts as the definitive auth service only
for tokens that validate to a non-empty set of groups. For all other
requests, acts as the fallback auth service when no other auth
middleware overrides it.
Alternatively, if the request matches the self.auth_prefix, the request
will be routed through the internal auth request handler (self.handle).
This is to handle granting tokens, etc.
if self.allow_overrides and env.get('swift.authorize_override', False):
return self.app(env, start_response)
if env.get('PATH_INFO', '').startswith(self.auth_prefix):
return self.handle(env, start_response)
s3 = env.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION')
token = env.get('HTTP_X_AUTH_TOKEN', env.get('HTTP_X_STORAGE_TOKEN'))
if s3 or (token and token.startswith(self.reseller_prefix)):
# Note: Empty reseller_prefix will match all tokens.
groups = self.get_groups(env, token)
if groups:
env['REMOTE_USER'] = groups
user = groups and groups.split(',', 1)[0] or ''
# We know the proxy logs the token, so we augment it just a bit
# to also log the authenticated user.
env['HTTP_X_AUTH_TOKEN'] = \
'%s,%s' % (user, 's3' if s3 else token)
env['swift.authorize'] = self.authorize
env['swift.clean_acl'] = clean_acl
# Unauthorized token
if self.reseller_prefix:
# Because I know I'm the definitive auth for this token, I
# can deny it outright.
return HTTPUnauthorized()(env, start_response)
# Because I'm not certain if I'm the definitive auth for empty
# reseller_prefixed tokens, I won't overwrite swift.authorize.
elif 'swift.authorize' not in env:
env['swift.authorize'] = self.denied_response
if self.reseller_prefix:
# With a non-empty reseller_prefix, I would like to be called
# back for anonymous access to accounts I know I'm the
# definitive auth for.
version, rest = split_path(env.get('PATH_INFO', ''),
1, 2, True)
except ValueError:
version, rest = None, None
if rest and rest.startswith(self.reseller_prefix):
# Handle anonymous access to accounts I'm the definitive
# auth for.
env['swift.authorize'] = self.authorize
env['swift.clean_acl'] = clean_acl
# Not my token, not my account, I can't authorize this request,
# deny all is a good idea if not already set...
elif 'swift.authorize' not in env:
env['swift.authorize'] = self.denied_response
# Because I'm not certain if I'm the definitive auth for empty
# reseller_prefixed accounts, I won't overwrite swift.authorize.
elif 'swift.authorize' not in env:
env['swift.authorize'] = self.authorize
env['swift.clean_acl'] = clean_acl
return self.app(env, start_response)
def get_groups(self, env, token):
Get groups for the given token.
:param env: The current WSGI environment dictionary.
:param token: Token to validate and return a group string for.
:returns: None if the token is invalid or a string containing a comma
separated list of groups the authenticated user is a member
of. The first group in the list is also considered a unique
identifier for that user.
groups = None
memcache_client = cache_from_env(env)
if not memcache_client:
raise Exception('Memcache required')
memcache_token_key = '%s/token/%s' % (self.reseller_prefix, token)
cached_auth_data = memcache_client.get(memcache_token_key)
if cached_auth_data:
expires, groups = cached_auth_data
if expires < time():
groups = None
account_user, sign = \
env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'].split(' ')[1].rsplit(':', 1)
if account_user not in self.users:
return None
account, user = account_user.split(':', 1)
account_id = self.users[account_user]['url'].rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
path = env['PATH_INFO']
env['PATH_INFO'] = path.replace(account_user, account_id, 1)
msg = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(unquote(token))
key = self.users[account_user]['key']
s = base64.encodestring(hmac.new(key, msg, sha1).digest()).strip()
if s != sign:
return None
groups = [account, account_user]
if '.admin' in groups:
groups = ','.join(groups)
return groups
def authorize(self, req):
Returns None if the request is authorized to continue or a standard
WSGI response callable if not.
version, account, container, obj = split_path(req.path, 1, 4, True)
except ValueError:
return HTTPNotFound(request=req)
if not account or not account.startswith(self.reseller_prefix):
return self.denied_response(req)
user_groups = (req.remote_user or '').split(',')
if '.reseller_admin' in user_groups and \
account != self.reseller_prefix and \
account[len(self.reseller_prefix)] != '.':
req.environ['swift_owner'] = True
return None
if account in user_groups and \
(req.method not in ('DELETE', 'PUT') or container):
# If the user is admin for the account and is not trying to do an
# account DELETE or PUT...
req.environ['swift_owner'] = True
return None
if (req.environ.get('swift_sync_key') and
req.environ['swift_sync_key'] ==
req.headers.get('x-container-sync-key', None) and
'x-timestamp' in req.headers and
(req.remote_addr in self.allowed_sync_hosts or
get_remote_client(req) in self.allowed_sync_hosts)):
return None
referrers, groups = parse_acl(getattr(req, 'acl', None))
if referrer_allowed(req.referer, referrers):
if obj or '.rlistings' in groups:
return None
return self.denied_response(req)
if not req.remote_user:
return self.denied_response(req)
for user_group in user_groups:
if user_group in groups:
return None
return self.denied_response(req)
def denied_response(self, req):
Returns a standard WSGI response callable with the status of 403 or 401
depending on whether the REMOTE_USER is set or not.
if req.remote_user:
return HTTPForbidden(request=req)
return HTTPUnauthorized(request=req)
def handle(self, env, start_response):
WSGI entry point for auth requests (ones that match the
Wraps env in swob.Request object and passes it down.
:param env: WSGI environment dictionary
:param start_response: WSGI callable
req = Request(env)
if self.auth_prefix:
req.bytes_transferred = '-'
req.client_disconnect = False
if 'x-storage-token' in req.headers and \
'x-auth-token' not in req.headers:
req.headers['x-auth-token'] = req.headers['x-storage-token']
if 'eventlet.posthooks' in env:
(self.posthooklogger, (req,), {}))
return self.handle_request(req)(env, start_response)
# Lack of posthook support means that we have to log on the
# start of the response, rather than after all the data has
# been sent. This prevents logging client disconnects
# differently than full transmissions.
response = self.handle_request(req)(env, start_response)
self.posthooklogger(env, req)
return response
except (Exception, Timeout):
print "EXCEPTION IN handle: %s: %s" % (format_exc(), env)
start_response('500 Server Error',
[('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
return ['Internal server error.\n']
def handle_request(self, req):
Entry point for auth requests (ones that match the self.auth_prefix).
Should return a WSGI-style callable (such as swob.Response).
:param req: swob.Request object
req.start_time = time()
handler = None
version, account, user, _junk = split_path(req.path_info,
minsegs=1, maxsegs=4, rest_with_last=True)
except ValueError:
return HTTPNotFound(request=req)
if version in ('v1', 'v1.0', 'auth'):
if req.method == 'GET':
handler = self.handle_get_token
if not handler:
req.response = HTTPBadRequest(request=req)
req.response = handler(req)
return req.response
def handle_get_token(self, req):
Handles the various `request for token and service end point(s)` calls.
There are various formats to support the various auth servers in the
past. Examples::
GET <auth-prefix>/v1/<act>/auth
X-Auth-User: <act>:<usr> or X-Storage-User: <usr>
X-Auth-Key: <key> or X-Storage-Pass: <key>
GET <auth-prefix>/auth
X-Auth-User: <act>:<usr> or X-Storage-User: <act>:<usr>
X-Auth-Key: <key> or X-Storage-Pass: <key>
GET <auth-prefix>/v1.0
X-Auth-User: <act>:<usr> or X-Storage-User: <act>:<usr>
X-Auth-Key: <key> or X-Storage-Pass: <key>
On successful authentication, the response will have X-Auth-Token and
X-Storage-Token set to the token to use with Swift and X-Storage-URL
set to the URL to the default Swift cluster to use.
:param req: The swob.Request to process.
:returns: swob.Response, 2xx on success with data set as explained
# Validate the request info
pathsegs = split_path(req.path_info, minsegs=1, maxsegs=3,
except ValueError:
return HTTPNotFound(request=req)
if pathsegs[0] == 'v1' and pathsegs[2] == 'auth':
account = pathsegs[1]
user = req.headers.get('x-storage-user')
if not user:
user = req.headers.get('x-auth-user')
if not user or ':' not in user:
return HTTPUnauthorized(request=req)
account2, user = user.split(':', 1)
if account != account2:
return HTTPUnauthorized(request=req)
key = req.headers.get('x-storage-pass')
if not key:
key = req.headers.get('x-auth-key')
elif pathsegs[0] in ('auth', 'v1.0'):
user = req.headers.get('x-auth-user')
if not user:
user = req.headers.get('x-storage-user')
if not user or ':' not in user:
return HTTPUnauthorized(request=req)
account, user = user.split(':', 1)
key = req.headers.get('x-auth-key')
if not key:
key = req.headers.get('x-storage-pass')
return HTTPBadRequest(request=req)
if not all((account, user, key)):
return HTTPUnauthorized(request=req)
# Authenticate user
account_user = account + ':' + user
if account_user not in self.users:
return HTTPUnauthorized(request=req)
if self.users[account_user]['key'] != key:
return HTTPUnauthorized(request=req)
# Get memcache client
memcache_client = cache_from_env(req.environ)
if not memcache_client:
raise Exception('Memcache required')
# See if a token already exists and hasn't expired
token = None
memcache_user_key = '%s/user/%s' % (self.reseller_prefix, account_user)
candidate_token = memcache_client.get(memcache_user_key)
if candidate_token:
memcache_token_key = \
'%s/token/%s' % (self.reseller_prefix, candidate_token)
cached_auth_data = memcache_client.get(memcache_token_key)
if cached_auth_data:
expires, groups = cached_auth_data
if expires > time():
token = candidate_token
# Create a new token if one didn't exist
if not token:
# Generate new token
token = '%stk%s' % (self.reseller_prefix, uuid4().hex)
expires = time() + self.token_life
groups = [account, account_user]
if '.admin' in groups:
account_id = self.users[account_user]['url'].rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
groups = ','.join(groups)
# Save token
memcache_token_key = '%s/token/%s' % (self.reseller_prefix, token)
memcache_client.set(memcache_token_key, (expires, groups),
timeout=float(expires - time()))
# Record the token with the user info for future use.
memcache_user_key = \
'%s/user/%s' % (self.reseller_prefix, account_user)
memcache_client.set(memcache_user_key, token,
timeout=float(expires - time()))
return Response(request=req,
headers={'x-auth-token': token, 'x-storage-token': token,
'x-storage-url': self.users[account_user]['url']})
def posthooklogger(self, env, req):
if not req.path.startswith(self.auth_prefix):
response = getattr(req, 'response', None)
if not response:
trans_time = '%.4f' % (time() - req.start_time)
the_request = quote(unquote(req.path))
if req.query_string:
the_request = the_request + '?' + req.query_string
# remote user for zeus
client = req.headers.get('x-cluster-client-ip')
if not client and 'x-forwarded-for' in req.headers:
# remote user for other lbs
client = req.headers['x-forwarded-for'].split(',')[0].strip()
logged_headers = None
if self.log_headers:
logged_headers = '\n'.join('%s: %s' % (k, v)
for k, v in req.headers.items())
status_int = response.status_int
if getattr(req, 'client_disconnect', False) or \
getattr(response, 'client_disconnect', False):
self.logger.info(' '.join(quote(str(x)) for x in (client or '-',
req.remote_addr or '-', strftime('%d/%b/%Y/%H/%M/%S', gmtime()),
req.method, the_request, req.environ['SERVER_PROTOCOL'],
status_int, req.referer or '-', req.user_agent or '-',
req.headers.get('x-auth-admin-user', '-')),
getattr(req, 'bytes_transferred', 0) or '-',
getattr(response, 'bytes_transferred', 0) or '-',
req.headers.get('etag', '-'),
req.environ.get('swift.trans_id', '-'), logged_headers or '-',
def filter_factory(global_conf, **local_conf):
"""Returns a WSGI filter app for use with paste.deploy."""
conf = global_conf.copy()
def auth_filter(app):
return TempAuth(app, conf)
return auth_filter