
932 lines
43 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json
import os
import time
import traceback
from eventlet import Timeout
import six
from six.moves.urllib.parse import quote
import swift.common.db
from swift.container.sync_store import ContainerSyncStore
from swift.container.backend import ContainerBroker, DATADIR, \
from swift.container.replicator import ContainerReplicatorRpc
from swift.common.db import DatabaseAlreadyExists
from swift.common.container_sync_realms import ContainerSyncRealms
from swift.common.request_helpers import split_and_validate_path, \
is_sys_or_user_meta, validate_internal_container, validate_internal_obj, \
from swift.common.utils import get_logger, hash_path, public, \
Timestamp, storage_directory, validate_sync_to, \
config_true_value, timing_stats, replication, \
override_bytes_from_content_type, get_log_line, \
config_fallocate_value, fs_has_free_space, list_from_csv, \
from swift.common.constraints import valid_timestamp, check_utf8, \
from swift.common.bufferedhttp import http_connect
from swift.common.exceptions import ConnectionTimeout
from swift.common.http import HTTP_NO_CONTENT, HTTP_NOT_FOUND, is_success
from swift.common.middleware import listing_formats
from swift.common.storage_policy import POLICIES
from swift.common.base_storage_server import BaseStorageServer
from swift.common.header_key_dict import HeaderKeyDict
from swift.common.swob import HTTPAccepted, HTTPBadRequest, HTTPConflict, \
HTTPCreated, HTTPInternalServerError, HTTPNoContent, HTTPNotFound, \
HTTPPreconditionFailed, HTTPMethodNotAllowed, Request, Response, \
HTTPInsufficientStorage, HTTPException, HTTPMovedPermanently, \
wsgi_to_str, str_to_wsgi
def gen_resp_headers(info, is_deleted=False):
Convert container info dict to headers.
# backend headers are always included
headers = {
'X-Backend-Timestamp': Timestamp(info.get('created_at', 0)).internal,
'X-Backend-PUT-Timestamp': Timestamp(info.get(
'put_timestamp', 0)).internal,
'X-Backend-DELETE-Timestamp': Timestamp(
info.get('delete_timestamp', 0)).internal,
'X-Backend-Status-Changed-At': Timestamp(
info.get('status_changed_at', 0)).internal,
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': info.get('storage_policy_index', 0),
if not is_deleted:
# base container info on deleted containers is not exposed to client
'X-Container-Object-Count': info.get('object_count', 0),
'X-Container-Bytes-Used': info.get('bytes_used', 0),
'X-Timestamp': Timestamp(info.get('created_at', 0)).normal,
'X-PUT-Timestamp': Timestamp(
info.get('put_timestamp', 0)).normal,
'X-Backend-Sharding-State': info.get('db_state', UNSHARDED),
return headers
def get_container_name_and_placement(req):
Split and validate path for a container.
:param req: a swob request
:returns: a tuple of path parts as strings
drive, part, account, container = split_and_validate_path(req, 4)
validate_internal_container(account, container)
return drive, part, account, container
def get_obj_name_and_placement(req):
Split and validate path for an object.
:param req: a swob request
:returns: a tuple of path parts as strings
drive, part, account, container, obj = split_and_validate_path(
req, 4, 5, True)
validate_internal_obj(account, container, obj)
return drive, part, account, container, obj
class ContainerController(BaseStorageServer):
"""WSGI Controller for the container server."""
# Ensure these are all lowercase
save_headers = ['x-container-read', 'x-container-write',
'x-container-sync-key', 'x-container-sync-to']
server_type = 'container-server'
def __init__(self, conf, logger=None):
super(ContainerController, self).__init__(conf)
self.logger = logger or get_logger(conf, log_route='container-server')
self.log_requests = config_true_value(conf.get('log_requests', 'true'))
self.root = conf.get('devices', '/srv/node')
self.mount_check = config_true_value(conf.get('mount_check', 'true'))
self.node_timeout = float(conf.get('node_timeout', 3))
self.conn_timeout = float(conf.get('conn_timeout', 0.5))
#: ContainerSyncCluster instance for validating sync-to values.
self.realms_conf = ContainerSyncRealms(
conf.get('swift_dir', '/etc/swift'),
#: The list of hosts we're allowed to send syncs to. This can be
#: overridden by data in self.realms_conf
self.allowed_sync_hosts = [
for h in conf.get('allowed_sync_hosts', '').split(',')
if h.strip()]
self.replicator_rpc = ContainerReplicatorRpc(
self.root, DATADIR, ContainerBroker, self.mount_check,
if conf.get('auto_create_account_prefix'):
self.logger.warning('Option auto_create_account_prefix is '
'deprecated. Configure '
'auto_create_account_prefix under the '
'swift-constraints section of '
'swift.conf. This option will '
'be ignored in a future release.')
self.auto_create_account_prefix = \
self.auto_create_account_prefix = AUTO_CREATE_ACCOUNT_PREFIX
self.shards_account_prefix = (
self.auto_create_account_prefix + 'shards_')
if config_true_value(conf.get('allow_versions', 'f')):
if 'allow_versions' in conf:
self.logger.warning('Option allow_versions is deprecated. '
'Configure the versioned_writes middleware in '
'the proxy-server instead. This option will '
'be ignored in a future release.')
swift.common.db.DB_PREALLOCATION = \
config_true_value(conf.get('db_preallocation', 'f'))
swift.common.db.QUERY_LOGGING = \
config_true_value(conf.get('db_query_logging', 'f'))
self.sync_store = ContainerSyncStore(self.root,
self.fallocate_reserve, self.fallocate_is_percent = \
config_fallocate_value(conf.get('fallocate_reserve', '1%'))
def _get_container_broker(self, drive, part, account, container, **kwargs):
Get a DB broker for the container.
:param drive: drive that holds the container
:param part: partition the container is in
:param account: account name
:param container: container name
:returns: ContainerBroker object
hsh = hash_path(account, container)
db_dir = storage_directory(DATADIR, part, hsh)
db_path = os.path.join(self.root, drive, db_dir, hsh + '.db')
kwargs.setdefault('account', account)
kwargs.setdefault('container', container)
kwargs.setdefault('logger', self.logger)
return ContainerBroker(db_path, **kwargs)
def get_and_validate_policy_index(self, req):
Validate that the index supplied maps to a policy.
:returns: policy index from request, or None if not present
:raises HTTPBadRequest: if the supplied index is bogus
header = 'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index'
policy_index = req.headers.get(header, None)
if policy_index is None:
return None
policy_index = int(policy_index)
policy = POLICIES.get_by_index(policy_index)
if policy is None:
raise ValueError
except ValueError:
raise HTTPBadRequest(
request=req, content_type="text/plain",
body="Invalid %s %r" % (header, policy_index))
return int(policy)
def account_update(self, req, account, container, broker):
Update the account server(s) with latest container info.
:param req: swob.Request object
:param account: account name
:param container: container name
:param broker: container DB broker object
:returns: if all the account requests return a 404 error code,
HTTPNotFound response object,
if the account cannot be updated due to a malformed header,
an HTTPBadRequest response object,
otherwise None.
account_hosts = [h.strip() for h in
req.headers.get('X-Account-Host', '').split(',')]
account_devices = [d.strip() for d in
req.headers.get('X-Account-Device', '').split(',')]
account_partition = req.headers.get('X-Account-Partition', '')
if len(account_hosts) != len(account_devices):
# This shouldn't happen unless there's a bug in the proxy,
# but if there is, we want to know about it.
'ERROR Account update failed: different '
'numbers of hosts and devices in request: '
'"%(hosts)s" vs "%(devices)s"', {
'hosts': req.headers.get('X-Account-Host', ''),
'devices': req.headers.get('X-Account-Device', '')})
return HTTPBadRequest(req=req)
if account_partition:
# zip is lazy on py3, but we need a list, so force evaluation.
# On py2 it's an extra list copy, but the list is so small
# (one element per replica in account ring, usually 3) that it
# doesn't matter.
updates = list(zip(account_hosts, account_devices))
updates = []
account_404s = 0
for account_host, account_device in updates:
account_ip, account_port = account_host.rsplit(':', 1)
new_path = '/' + '/'.join([account, container])
info = broker.get_info()
account_headers = HeaderKeyDict({
'x-put-timestamp': info['put_timestamp'],
'x-delete-timestamp': info['delete_timestamp'],
'x-object-count': info['object_count'],
'x-bytes-used': info['bytes_used'],
'x-trans-id': req.headers.get('x-trans-id', '-'),
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': info['storage_policy_index'],
'user-agent': 'container-server %s' % os.getpid(),
'referer': req.as_referer()})
if req.headers.get('x-account-override-deleted', 'no').lower() == \
account_headers['x-account-override-deleted'] = 'yes'
with ConnectionTimeout(self.conn_timeout):
conn = http_connect(
account_ip, account_port, account_device,
account_partition, 'PUT', new_path, account_headers)
with Timeout(self.node_timeout):
account_response = conn.getresponse()
if account_response.status == HTTP_NOT_FOUND:
account_404s += 1
elif not is_success(account_response.status):
'ERROR Account update failed '
'with %(ip)s:%(port)s/%(device)s (will retry '
'later): Response %(status)s %(reason)s',
{'ip': account_ip, 'port': account_port,
'device': account_device,
'status': account_response.status,
'reason': account_response.reason})
except (Exception, Timeout):
'ERROR account update failed with '
'%(ip)s:%(port)s/%(device)s (will retry later)',
{'ip': account_ip, 'port': account_port,
'device': account_device})
if updates and account_404s == len(updates):
return HTTPNotFound(req=req)
return None
def _update_sync_store(self, broker, method):
except Exception:
self.logger.exception('Failed to update sync_store %s during %s' %
(broker.db_file, method))
def _redirect_to_shard(self, req, broker, obj_name):
If the request indicates that it can accept a redirection, look for a
shard range that contains ``obj_name`` and if one exists return a
HTTPMovedPermanently response.
:param req: an instance of :class:`~swift.common.swob.Request`
:param broker: a container broker
:param obj_name: an object name
:return: an instance of :class:`swift.common.swob.HTTPMovedPermanently`
if a shard range exists for the given ``obj_name``, otherwise None.
if not config_true_value(
req.headers.get('x-backend-accept-redirect', False)):
# We want to avoid fetching shard ranges for the (more
# time-sensitive) object-server update, so allow some misplaced
# objects to land between when we've started sharding and when the
# proxy learns about it. Note that this path is also used by old,
# pre-sharding updaters during a rolling upgrade.
return None
shard_ranges = broker.get_shard_ranges(
includes=obj_name, states=SHARD_UPDATE_STATES)
if not shard_ranges:
return None
# note: obj_name may be included in both a created sub-shard and its
# sharding parent. get_shard_ranges will return the created sub-shard
# in preference to the parent, which is the desired result.
containing_range = shard_ranges[0]
location = "/%s/%s" % (containing_range.name, obj_name)
if location != quote(location) and not config_true_value(
req.headers.get('x-backend-accept-quoted-location', False)):
# Sender expects the destination to be unquoted, but it isn't safe
# to send unquoted. Eat the update for now and let the sharder
# move it later. Should only come up during rolling upgrades.
return None
headers = {'Location': quote(location),
'X-Backend-Location-Is-Quoted': 'true',
# we do not want the host added to the location
req.environ['swift.leave_relative_location'] = True
return HTTPMovedPermanently(headers=headers, request=req)
def check_free_space(self, drive):
drive_root = os.path.join(self.root, drive)
return fs_has_free_space(
drive_root, self.fallocate_reserve, self.fallocate_is_percent)
def DELETE(self, req):
"""Handle HTTP DELETE request."""
drive, part, account, container, obj = get_obj_name_and_placement(req)
req_timestamp = valid_timestamp(req)
check_drive(self.root, drive, self.mount_check)
except ValueError:
return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=drive, request=req)
# policy index is only relevant for delete_obj (and transitively for
# auto create accounts)
obj_policy_index = self.get_and_validate_policy_index(req) or 0
broker = self._get_container_broker(drive, part, account, container)
if obj:
self._maybe_autocreate(broker, req_timestamp, account,
obj_policy_index, req)
elif not os.path.exists(broker.db_file):
return HTTPNotFound()
if obj: # delete object
# redirect if a shard range exists for the object name
redirect = self._redirect_to_shard(req, broker, obj)
if redirect:
return redirect
broker.delete_object(obj, req.headers.get('x-timestamp'),
return HTTPNoContent(request=req)
# delete container
if not broker.empty():
return HTTPConflict(request=req)
existed = Timestamp(broker.get_info()['put_timestamp']) and \
not broker.is_deleted()
if not broker.is_deleted():
return HTTPConflict(request=req)
self._update_sync_store(broker, 'DELETE')
resp = self.account_update(req, account, container, broker)
if resp:
return resp
if existed:
return HTTPNoContent(request=req)
return HTTPNotFound()
def _update_or_create(self, req, broker, timestamp, new_container_policy,
Create new database broker or update timestamps for existing database.
:param req: the swob request object
:param broker: the broker instance for the container
:param timestamp: internalized timestamp
:param new_container_policy: the storage policy index to use
when creating the container
:param requested_policy_index: the storage policy index sent in the
request, may be None
:returns: created, a bool, if database did not previously exist
if not os.path.exists(broker.db_file):
broker.initialize(timestamp, new_container_policy)
except DatabaseAlreadyExists:
return True # created
recreated = broker.is_deleted()
if recreated:
# only set storage policy on deleted containers
elif requested_policy_index is not None:
# validate requested policy with existing container
if requested_policy_index != broker.storage_policy_index:
raise HTTPConflict(request=req,
if broker.is_deleted():
raise HTTPConflict(request=req)
if recreated:
return recreated
def _should_autocreate(self, account, req):
auto_create_header = req.headers.get('X-Backend-Auto-Create')
if auto_create_header:
# If the caller included an explicit X-Backend-Auto-Create header,
# assume they know the behavior they want
return config_true_value(auto_create_header)
if account.startswith(self.shards_account_prefix):
# we have to specical case this subset of the
# auto_create_account_prefix because we don't want the updater
# accidently auto-creating shards; only the sharder creates
# shards and it will explicitly tell the server to do so
return False
return account.startswith(self.auto_create_account_prefix)
def _maybe_autocreate(self, broker, req_timestamp, account,
policy_index, req):
created = False
should_autocreate = self._should_autocreate(account, req)
if should_autocreate and not os.path.exists(broker.db_file):
if policy_index is None:
raise HTTPBadRequest(
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index header is required')
broker.initialize(req_timestamp.internal, policy_index)
except DatabaseAlreadyExists:
created = True
if not os.path.exists(broker.db_file):
raise HTTPNotFound()
return created
def _update_metadata(self, req, broker, req_timestamp, method):
metadata = {
wsgi_to_str(key): (wsgi_to_str(value), req_timestamp.internal)
for key, value in req.headers.items()
if key.lower() in self.save_headers
or is_sys_or_user_meta('container', key)}
if metadata:
if 'X-Container-Sync-To' in metadata:
if 'X-Container-Sync-To' not in broker.metadata or \
metadata['X-Container-Sync-To'][0] != \
broker.set_x_container_sync_points(-1, -1)
broker.update_metadata(metadata, validate_metadata=True)
self._update_sync_store(broker, method)
def PUT(self, req):
"""Handle HTTP PUT request."""
drive, part, account, container, obj = get_obj_name_and_placement(req)
req_timestamp = valid_timestamp(req)
if 'x-container-sync-to' in req.headers:
err, sync_to, realm, realm_key = validate_sync_to(
req.headers['x-container-sync-to'], self.allowed_sync_hosts,
if err:
return HTTPBadRequest(err)
check_drive(self.root, drive, self.mount_check)
except ValueError:
return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=drive, request=req)
if not self.check_free_space(drive):
return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=drive, request=req)
requested_policy_index = self.get_and_validate_policy_index(req)
broker = self._get_container_broker(drive, part, account, container)
if obj: # put container object
# obj put expects the policy_index header, default is for
# legacy support during upgrade.
obj_policy_index = requested_policy_index or 0
broker, req_timestamp, account, obj_policy_index, req)
# redirect if a shard exists for this object name
response = self._redirect_to_shard(req, broker, obj)
if response:
return response
broker.put_object(obj, req_timestamp.internal,
wsgi_to_str(req.headers['x-etag']), 0,
return HTTPCreated(request=req)
record_type = req.headers.get('x-backend-record-type', '').lower()
if record_type == RECORD_TYPE_SHARD:
# validate incoming data...
shard_ranges = [ShardRange.from_dict(sr)
for sr in json.loads(req.body)]
except (ValueError, KeyError, TypeError) as err:
return HTTPBadRequest('Invalid body: %r' % err)
created = self._maybe_autocreate(
broker, req_timestamp, account, requested_policy_index, req)
self._update_metadata(req, broker, req_timestamp, 'PUT')
if shard_ranges:
# TODO: consider writing the shard ranges into the pending
# file, but if so ensure an all-or-none semantic for the write
else: # put container
if requested_policy_index is None:
# use the default index sent by the proxy if available
new_container_policy = req.headers.get(
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Default', int(POLICIES.default))
new_container_policy = requested_policy_index
created = self._update_or_create(req, broker,
self._update_metadata(req, broker, req_timestamp, 'PUT')
resp = self.account_update(req, account, container, broker)
if resp:
return resp
if created:
return HTTPCreated(request=req,
return HTTPAccepted(request=req,
def HEAD(self, req):
"""Handle HTTP HEAD request."""
drive, part, account, container, obj = get_obj_name_and_placement(req)
out_content_type = listing_formats.get_listing_content_type(req)
check_drive(self.root, drive, self.mount_check)
except ValueError:
return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=drive, request=req)
broker = self._get_container_broker(drive, part, account, container,
info, is_deleted = broker.get_info_is_deleted()
headers = gen_resp_headers(info, is_deleted=is_deleted)
if is_deleted:
return HTTPNotFound(request=req, headers=headers)
(str_to_wsgi(key), str_to_wsgi(value))
for key, (value, timestamp) in broker.metadata.items()
if value != '' and (key.lower() in self.save_headers or
is_sys_or_user_meta('container', key)))
headers['Content-Type'] = out_content_type
resp = HTTPNoContent(request=req, headers=headers, charset='utf-8')
resp.last_modified = Timestamp(headers['X-PUT-Timestamp']).ceil()
return resp
def update_data_record(self, record):
Perform any mutations to container listing records that are common to
all serialization formats, and returns it as a dict.
Converts created time to iso timestamp.
Replaces size with 'swift_bytes' content type parameter.
:params record: object entry record
:returns: modified record
if isinstance(record, ShardRange):
created = record.timestamp
response = dict(record)
(name, created, size, content_type, etag) = record[:5]
name_ = name.decode('utf8') if six.PY2 else name
if content_type is None:
return {'subdir': name_}
response = {
'bytes': size, 'hash': etag, 'name': name_,
'content_type': content_type}
override_bytes_from_content_type(response, logger=self.logger)
response['last_modified'] = Timestamp(created).isoformat
return response
def GET(self, req):
Handle HTTP GET request.
The body of the response to a successful GET request contains a listing
of either objects or shard ranges. The exact content of the listing is
determined by a combination of request headers and query string
parameters, as follows:
* The type of the listing is determined by the
``X-Backend-Record-Type`` header. If this header has value ``shard``
then the response body will be a list of shard ranges; if this header
has value ``auto``, and the container state is ``sharding`` or
``sharded``, then the listing will be a list of shard ranges;
otherwise the response body will be a list of objects.
* Both shard range and object listings may be filtered according to
the constraints described below. However, the
``X-Backend-Ignore-Shard-Name-Filter`` header may be used to override
the application of the ``marker``, ``end_marker``, ``includes`` and
``reverse`` parameters to shard range listings. These parameters will
be ignored if the header has the value 'sharded' and the current db
sharding state is also 'sharded'. Note that this header does not
override the ``states`` constraint on shard range listings.
* The order of both shard range and object listings may be reversed by
using a ``reverse`` query string parameter with a
value in :attr:`swift.common.utils.TRUE_VALUES`.
* Both shard range and object listings may be constrained to a name
range by the ``marker`` and ``end_marker`` query string parameters.
Object listings will only contain objects whose names are greater
than any ``marker`` value and less than any ``end_marker`` value.
Shard range listings will only contain shard ranges whose namespace
is greater than or includes any ``marker`` value and is less than or
includes any ``end_marker`` value.
* Shard range listings may also be constrained by an ``includes`` query
string parameter. If this parameter is present the listing will only
contain shard ranges whose namespace includes the value of the
parameter; any ``marker`` or ``end_marker`` parameters are ignored
* The length of an object listing may be constrained by the ``limit``
parameter. Object listings may also be constrained by ``prefix``,
``delimiter`` and ``path`` query string parameters.
* Shard range listings will include deleted shard ranges if and only if
the ``X-Backend-Include-Deleted`` header value is one of
:attr:`swift.common.utils.TRUE_VALUES`. Object listings never
include deleted objects.
* Shard range listings may be constrained to include only shard ranges
whose state is specified by a query string ``states`` parameter. If
present, the ``states`` parameter should be a comma separated list of
either the string or integer representation of
Two alias values may be used in a ``states`` parameter value:
``listing`` will cause the listing to include all shard ranges in a
state suitable for contributing to an object listing; ``updating``
will cause the listing to include all shard ranges in a state
suitable to accept an object update.
If either of these aliases is used then the shard range listing will
if necessary be extended with a synthesised 'filler' range in order
to satisfy the requested name range when insufficient actual shard
ranges are found. Any 'filler' shard range will cover the otherwise
uncovered tail of the requested name range and will point back to the
same container.
* Listings are not normally returned from a deleted container. However,
the ``X-Backend-Override-Deleted`` header may be used with a value in
:attr:`swift.common.utils.TRUE_VALUES` to force a shard range
listing to be returned from a deleted container whose DB file still
:param req: an instance of :class:`swift.common.swob.Request`
:returns: an instance of :class:`swift.common.swob.Response`
drive, part, account, container, obj = get_obj_name_and_placement(req)
params = validate_container_params(req)
path = params.get('path')
prefix = params.get('prefix')
delimiter = params.get('delimiter')
marker = params.get('marker', '')
end_marker = params.get('end_marker')
limit = params['limit']
reverse = config_true_value(params.get('reverse'))
out_content_type = listing_formats.get_listing_content_type(req)
check_drive(self.root, drive, self.mount_check)
except ValueError:
return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=drive, request=req)
broker = self._get_container_broker(drive, part, account, container,
info, is_deleted = broker.get_info_is_deleted()
record_type = req.headers.get('x-backend-record-type', '').lower()
db_state = info.get('db_state')
if record_type == 'auto' and db_state in (SHARDING, SHARDED):
record_type = 'shard'
if record_type == 'shard':
override_deleted = info and config_true_value(
req.headers.get('x-backend-override-deleted', False))
resp_headers = gen_resp_headers(
info, is_deleted=is_deleted and not override_deleted)
if is_deleted and not override_deleted:
return HTTPNotFound(request=req, headers=resp_headers)
resp_headers['X-Backend-Record-Type'] = 'shard'
includes = params.get('includes')
override_filter_hdr = req.headers.get(
'x-backend-override-shard-name-filter', '').lower()
if override_filter_hdr == db_state == 'sharded':
# respect the request to send back *all* ranges if the db is in
# sharded state
resp_headers['X-Backend-Override-Shard-Name-Filter'] = 'true'
marker = end_marker = includes = None
reverse = False
states = params.get('states')
fill_gaps = include_own = False
if states:
states = list_from_csv(states)
fill_gaps = any(('listing' in states, 'updating' in states))
# 'auditing' is used during shard audit; if the shard is
# shrinking then it needs to get acceptor shard ranges, which
# may be the root container itself, so use include_own
include_own = 'auditing' in states
states = broker.resolve_shard_range_states(states)
except ValueError:
return HTTPBadRequest(request=req, body='Bad state')
include_deleted = config_true_value(
req.headers.get('x-backend-include-deleted', False))
container_list = broker.get_shard_ranges(
marker, end_marker, includes, reverse, states=states,
include_deleted=include_deleted, fill_gaps=fill_gaps,
requested_policy_index = self.get_and_validate_policy_index(req)
resp_headers = gen_resp_headers(info, is_deleted=is_deleted)
if is_deleted:
return HTTPNotFound(request=req, headers=resp_headers)
resp_headers['X-Backend-Record-Type'] = 'object'
storage_policy_index = (
requested_policy_index if requested_policy_index is not None
else info['storage_policy_index'])
resp_headers['X-Backend-Record-Storage-Policy-Index'] = \
# Use the retired db while container is in process of sharding,
# otherwise use current db
src_broker = broker.get_brokers()[0]
container_list = src_broker.list_objects_iter(
limit, marker, end_marker, prefix, delimiter, path,
reverse=reverse, allow_reserved=req.allow_reserved_names)
return self.create_listing(req, out_content_type, info, resp_headers,
broker.metadata, container_list, container)
def create_listing(self, req, out_content_type, info, resp_headers,
metadata, container_list, container):
for key, (value, _timestamp) in metadata.items():
if value and (key.lower() in self.save_headers or
is_sys_or_user_meta('container', key)):
resp_headers[str_to_wsgi(key)] = str_to_wsgi(value)
listing = [self.update_data_record(record)
for record in container_list]
if out_content_type.endswith('/xml'):
body = listing_formats.container_to_xml(listing, container)
elif out_content_type.endswith('/json'):
body = json.dumps(listing).encode('ascii')
body = listing_formats.listing_to_text(listing)
ret = Response(request=req, headers=resp_headers, body=body,
content_type=out_content_type, charset='utf-8')
ret.last_modified = Timestamp(resp_headers['X-PUT-Timestamp']).ceil()
if not ret.body:
ret.status_int = HTTP_NO_CONTENT
return ret
def REPLICATE(self, req):
Handle HTTP REPLICATE request (json-encoded RPC calls for replication.)
post_args = split_and_validate_path(req, 3)
drive, partition, hash = post_args
check_drive(self.root, drive, self.mount_check)
except ValueError:
return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=drive, request=req)
if not self.check_free_space(drive):
return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=drive, request=req)
args = json.load(req.environ['wsgi.input'])
except ValueError as err:
return HTTPBadRequest(body=str(err), content_type='text/plain')
ret = self.replicator_rpc.dispatch(post_args, args)
ret.request = req
return ret
def UPDATE(self, req):
Handle HTTP UPDATE request (merge_items RPCs coming from the proxy.)
drive, part, account, container = get_container_name_and_placement(req)
req_timestamp = valid_timestamp(req)
check_drive(self.root, drive, self.mount_check)
except ValueError:
return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=drive, request=req)
if not self.check_free_space(drive):
return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=drive, request=req)
requested_policy_index = self.get_and_validate_policy_index(req)
broker = self._get_container_broker(drive, part, account, container)
self._maybe_autocreate(broker, req_timestamp, account,
requested_policy_index, req)
objs = json.load(req.environ['wsgi.input'])
except ValueError as err:
return HTTPBadRequest(body=str(err), content_type='text/plain')
return HTTPAccepted(request=req)
def POST(self, req):
Handle HTTP POST request.
A POST request will update the container's ``put_timestamp``, unless
it has an ``X-Backend-No-Timestamp-Update`` header with a truthy value.
:param req: an instance of :class:`~swift.common.swob.Request`.
drive, part, account, container = get_container_name_and_placement(req)
req_timestamp = valid_timestamp(req)
if 'x-container-sync-to' in req.headers:
err, sync_to, realm, realm_key = validate_sync_to(
req.headers['x-container-sync-to'], self.allowed_sync_hosts,
if err:
return HTTPBadRequest(err)
check_drive(self.root, drive, self.mount_check)
except ValueError:
return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=drive, request=req)
if not self.check_free_space(drive):
return HTTPInsufficientStorage(drive=drive, request=req)
broker = self._get_container_broker(drive, part, account, container)
if broker.is_deleted():
return HTTPNotFound(request=req)
if not config_true_value(
req.headers.get('x-backend-no-timestamp-update', False)):
self._update_metadata(req, broker, req_timestamp, 'POST')
return HTTPNoContent(request=req)
def __call__(self, env, start_response):
start_time = time.time()
req = Request(env)
self.logger.txn_id = req.headers.get('x-trans-id', None)
if not check_utf8(wsgi_to_str(req.path_info), internal=True):
res = HTTPPreconditionFailed(body='Invalid UTF8 or contains NULL')
# disallow methods which have not been marked 'public'
if req.method not in self.allowed_methods:
res = HTTPMethodNotAllowed()
res = getattr(self, req.method)(req)
except HTTPException as error_response:
res = error_response
except (Exception, Timeout):
'ERROR __call__ error with %(method)s %(path)s ',
{'method': req.method, 'path': req.path})
res = HTTPInternalServerError(body=traceback.format_exc())
if self.log_requests:
trans_time = time.time() - start_time
log_message = get_log_line(req, res, trans_time, '',
if req.method.upper() == 'REPLICATE':
return res(env, start_response)
def app_factory(global_conf, **local_conf):
"""paste.deploy app factory for creating WSGI container server apps"""
conf = global_conf.copy()
return ContainerController(conf)