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# Copyright (c) 2020 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Object versioning in Swift has 3 different modes. There are two
:ref:`legacy modes <versioned_writes>` that have similar API with a slight
difference in behavior and this middleware introduces a new mode with a
completely redesigned API and implementation.
In terms of the implementation, this middleware relies heavily on the use of
static links to reduce the amount of backend data movement that was part of the
two legacy modes. It also introduces a new API for enabling the feature and to
interact with older versions of an object.
Compatibility between modes
This new mode is not backwards compatible or interchangeable with the
two legacy modes. This means that existing containers that are being versioned
by the two legacy modes cannot enable the new mode. The new mode can only be
enabled on a new container or a container without either
``X-Versions-Location`` or ``X-History-Location`` header set. Attempting to
enable the new mode on a container with either header will result in a
``400 Bad Request`` response.
Enable Object Versioning in a Container
After the introduction of this feature containers in a Swift cluster will be
in one of either 3 possible states: 1. Object versioning never enabled,
2. Object Versioning Enabled or 3. Object Versioning Disabled. Once versioning
has been enabled on a container, it will always have a flag stating whether it
is either enabled or disabled.
Clients enable object versioning on a container by performing either a PUT or
POST request with the header ``X-Versions-Enabled: true``. Upon enabling the
versioning for the first time, the middleware will create a hidden container
where object versions are stored. This hidden container will inherit the same
Storage Policy as its parent container.
To disable, clients send a POST request with the header
``X-Versions-Enabled: false``. When versioning is disabled, the old versions
remain unchanged.
To delete a versioned container, versioning must be disabled and all versions
of all objects must be deleted before the container can be deleted. At such
time, the hidden container will also be deleted.
Object CRUD Operations to a Versioned Container
When data is ``PUT`` into a versioned container (a container with the
versioning flag enabled), the actual object is written to a hidden container
and a symlink object is written to the parent container. Every object is
assigned a version id. This id can be retrieved from the
``X-Object-Version-Id`` header in the PUT response.
.. note::
When object versioning is disabled on a container, new data will no longer
be versioned, but older versions remain untouched. Any new data ``PUT``
will result in a object with a ``null`` version-id. The versioning API can
be used to both list and operate on previous versions even while versioning
is disabled.
If versioning is re-enabled and an overwrite occurs on a `null` id object.
The object will be versioned off with a regular version-id.
A ``GET`` to a versioned object will return the current version of the object.
The ``X-Object-Version-Id`` header is also returned in the response.
A ``POST`` to a versioned object will update the most current object metadata
as normal, but will not create a new version of the object. In other words,
new versions are only created when the content of the object changes.
On ``DELETE``, the middleware will write a zero-byte "delete marker" object
version that notes **when** the delete took place. The symlink object will also
be deleted from the versioned container. The object will no longer appear in
container listings for the versioned container and future requests there will
return ``404 Not Found``. However, the previous versions content will still be
Object Versioning API
Clients can now operate on previous versions of an object using this new
versioning API.
First to list previous versions, issue a a ``GET`` request to the versioned
container with query parameter::
To list a container with a large number of object versions, clients can
also use the ``version_marker`` parameter together with the ``marker``
parameter. While the ``marker`` parameter is used to specify an object name
the ``version_marker`` will be used specify the version id.
All other pagination parameters can be used in conjunction with the
``versions`` parameter.
During container listings, delete markers can be identified with the
content-type ``application/x-deleted;swift_versions_deleted=1``. The most
current version of an object can be identified by the field ``is_latest``.
To operate on previous versions, clients can use the query parameter::
where the ``<id>`` is the value from the ``X-Object-Version-Id`` header.
Only COPY, HEAD, GET and DELETE operations can be performed on previous
versions. Either a PUT or POST request with a ``version-id`` parameter will
result in a ``400 Bad Request`` response.
A HEAD/GET request to a delete-marker will result in a ``404 Not Found``
When issuing DELETE requests with a ``version-id`` parameter, delete markers
are not written down. A DELETE request with a ``version-id`` parameter to
the current object will result in a both the symlink and the backing data
being deleted. A DELETE to any other version will result in that version only
be deleted and no changes made to the symlink pointing to the current version.
How to Enable Object Versioning in a Swift Cluster
To enable this new mode in a Swift cluster the ``versioned_writes`` and
``symlink`` middlewares must be added to the proxy pipeline, you must also set
the option ``allow_object_versioning`` to ``True``.
import calendar
import itertools
import json
import six
import time
from cgi import parse_header
from six.moves.urllib.parse import unquote
from swift.common.constraints import MAX_FILE_SIZE, valid_api_version, \
from swift.common.http import is_success, is_client_error, HTTP_NOT_FOUND, \
from swift.common.request_helpers import get_sys_meta_prefix, \
copy_header_subset, get_reserved_name, split_reserved_name, \
from swift.common.middleware.symlink import TGT_OBJ_SYMLINK_HDR, \
from swift.common.swob import HTTPPreconditionFailed, HTTPServiceUnavailable, \
HTTPBadRequest, str_to_wsgi, bytes_to_wsgi, wsgi_quote, \
wsgi_to_str, wsgi_unquote, Request, HTTPNotFound, HTTPException, \
HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge, HTTPInternalServerError, HTTPNotAcceptable, \
from swift.common.storage_policy import POLICIES
from swift.common.utils import get_logger, Timestamp, drain_and_close, \
config_true_value, close_if_possible, closing_if_possible, \
FileLikeIter, split_path, parse_content_type, RESERVED_STR
from swift.common.wsgi import WSGIContext, make_pre_authed_request
from swift.proxy.controllers.base import get_container_info
DELETE_MARKER_CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/x-deleted;swift_versions_deleted=1'
CLIENT_VERSIONS_ENABLED = 'x-versions-enabled'
get_sys_meta_prefix('container') + 'versions-enabled'
SYSMETA_VERSIONS_CONT = get_sys_meta_prefix('container') + 'versions-container'
SYSMETA_PARENT_CONT = get_sys_meta_prefix('container') + 'parent-container'
SYSMETA_VERSIONS_SYMLINK = get_sys_meta_prefix('object') + 'versions-symlink'
def build_listing(*to_splice, **kwargs):
reverse = kwargs.pop('reverse')
limit = kwargs.pop('limit')
if kwargs:
raise TypeError('Invalid keyword arguments received: %r' % kwargs)
def merge_key(item):
if 'subdir' in item:
return item['subdir']
return item['name']
return json.dumps(sorted(
def non_expiry_header(header):
return header.lower() not in ('x-delete-at', 'x-delete-after')
class ByteCountingReader(object):
Counts bytes read from file_like so we know how big the object is that
the client just PUT.
This is particularly important when the client sends a chunk-encoded body,
so we don't have a Content-Length header available.
def __init__(self, file_like):
self.file_like = file_like
self.bytes_read = 0
def read(self, amt=-1):
chunk = self.file_like.read(amt)
self.bytes_read += len(chunk)
return chunk
class ObjectVersioningContext(WSGIContext):
def __init__(self, wsgi_app, logger):
super(ObjectVersioningContext, self).__init__(wsgi_app)
self.logger = logger
def _build_versions_object_prefix(self, object_name):
return get_reserved_name(object_name, '')
def _build_versions_container_name(self, container_name):
return get_reserved_name('versions', container_name)
def _build_versions_object_name(self, object_name, ts):
inv = ~Timestamp(ts)
return get_reserved_name(object_name, inv.internal)
def _split_version_from_name(self, versioned_name):
name, inv = split_reserved_name(versioned_name)
ts = ~Timestamp(inv)
except ValueError:
return versioned_name, None
return name, ts
def _split_versions_container_name(self, versions_container):
versions, container_name = split_reserved_name(versions_container)
except ValueError:
return versions_container
if versions != 'versions':
return versions_container
return container_name
class ObjectContext(ObjectVersioningContext):
def _get_source_object(self, req, path_info):
# make a pre_auth request in case the user has write access
# to container, but not READ. This was allowed in previous version
# (i.e., before middleware) so keeping the same behavior here
get_req = make_pre_authed_request(
req.environ, path=wsgi_quote(path_info) + '?symlink=get',
headers={'X-Newest': 'True'}, method='GET', swift_source='OV')
source_resp = get_req.get_response(self.app)
if source_resp.content_length is None or \
source_resp.content_length > MAX_FILE_SIZE:
return HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(request=req)
return source_resp
def _put_versioned_obj(self, req, put_path_info, source_resp):
# Create a new Request object to PUT to the versions container, copying
# all headers from the source object apart from x-timestamp.
put_req = make_pre_authed_request(
req.environ, path=wsgi_quote(put_path_info), method='PUT',
headers={'X-Backend-Allow-Reserved-Names': 'true'},
copy_header_subset(source_resp, put_req,
lambda k: k.lower() != 'x-timestamp')
put_req.environ['wsgi.input'] = FileLikeIter(source_resp.app_iter)
slo_size = put_req.headers.get('X-Object-Sysmeta-Slo-Size')
if slo_size:
put_req.headers['Content-Type'] += '; swift_bytes=%s' % slo_size
put_req.environ['swift.content_type_overridden'] = True
put_resp = put_req.get_response(self.app)
# the PUT should have already drained source_resp
return put_resp
def _put_versioned_obj_from_client(self, req, versions_cont, api_version,
account_name, object_name):
vers_obj_name = self._build_versions_object_name(
object_name, req.timestamp.internal)
put_path_info = "/%s/%s/%s/%s" % (
api_version, account_name, versions_cont, vers_obj_name)
# Consciously *do not* set swift_source here -- this req is in charge
# of reading bytes from the client, don't let it look like that data
# movement is due to some internal-to-swift thing
put_req = make_pre_authed_request(
req.environ, path=wsgi_quote(put_path_info), method='PUT',
headers={'X-Backend-Allow-Reserved-Names': 'true'},
# move the client request body over
# note that the WSGI environ may be *further* manipulated; hold on to
# a reference to the byte counter so we can get the bytes_read
if req.message_length() is None:
put_req.headers['transfer-encoding'] = \
put_req.content_length = req.content_length
byte_counter = ByteCountingReader(req.environ['wsgi.input'])
put_req.environ['wsgi.input'] = byte_counter
req.body = b''
# move metadata over, including sysmeta
copy_header_subset(req, put_req, non_expiry_header)
if 'swift.content_type_overridden' in req.environ:
put_req.environ['swift.content_type_overridden'] = \
# do the write
put_resp = put_req.get_response(self.app)
if put_resp.status_int == HTTP_NOT_FOUND:
raise HTTPInternalServerError(
request=req, content_type='text/plain',
body=b'The versions container does not exist. You may '
b'want to re-enable object versioning.')
self._check_response_error(req, put_resp)
put_bytes = byte_counter.bytes_read
# N.B. this is essentially the same hack that symlink does in
# _validate_etag_and_update_sysmeta to deal with SLO
slo_size = put_req.headers.get('X-Object-Sysmeta-Slo-Size')
if slo_size:
put_bytes = slo_size
put_content_type = parse_content_type(
return (put_resp, vers_obj_name, put_bytes, put_content_type)
def _put_symlink_to_version(self, req, versions_cont, put_vers_obj_name,
api_version, account_name, object_name,
put_etag, put_bytes, put_content_type):
req.method = 'PUT'
# inch x-timestamp forward, just in case
req.headers['X-Timestamp'] = Timestamp(
req.timestamp, offset=1).internal
req.headers[TGT_ETAG_SYSMETA_SYMLINK_HDR] = put_etag
req.headers[TGT_BYTES_SYSMETA_SYMLINK_HDR] = put_bytes
# N.B. in stack mode DELETE we use content_type from listing
req.headers['Content-Type'] = put_content_type
req.headers[TGT_OBJ_SYMLINK_HDR] = wsgi_quote('%s/%s' % (
versions_cont, put_vers_obj_name))
req.headers[SYSMETA_VERSIONS_SYMLINK] = 'true'
req.headers[SYMLOOP_EXTEND] = 'true'
req.headers[ALLOW_RESERVED_NAMES] = 'true'
req.headers['X-Backend-Allow-Reserved-Names'] = 'true'
not_for_symlink_headers = (
'ETag', 'X-If-Delete-At', TGT_ACCT_SYMLINK_HDR,
'X-Object-Manifest', 'X-Static-Large-Object',
'X-Object-Sysmeta-Slo-Etag', 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Slo-Size',
for header in not_for_symlink_headers:
req.headers.pop(header, None)
# *do* set swift_source here; this PUT is an implementation detail
req.environ['swift.source'] = 'OV'
req.body = b''
resp = req.get_response(self.app)
resp.headers['ETag'] = put_etag
resp.headers['X-Object-Version-Id'] = self._split_version_from_name(
return resp
def _check_response_error(self, req, resp):
Raise Error Response in case of error
if is_success(resp.status_int):
body = resp.body
if is_client_error(resp.status_int):
# missing container or bad permissions
if resp.status_int == 404:
raise HTTPPreconditionFailed(request=req)
raise HTTPException(body=body, status=resp.status,
# could not version the data, bail
raise HTTPServiceUnavailable(request=req)
def _copy_current(self, req, versions_cont, api_version, account_name,
Check if the current version of the object is a versions-symlink
if not, it's because this object was added to the container when
versioning was not enabled. We'll need to copy it into the versions
containers now.
:param req: original request.
:param versions_cont: container where previous versions of the object
are stored.
:param api_version: api version.
:param account_name: account name.
:param object_name: name of object of original request
# validate the write access to the versioned container before
# making any backend requests
if 'swift.authorize' in req.environ:
container_info = get_container_info(
req.environ, self.app, swift_source='OV')
req.acl = container_info.get('write_acl')
aresp = req.environ['swift.authorize'](req)
if aresp:
raise aresp
get_resp = self._get_source_object(req, req.path_info)
if get_resp.status_int == HTTP_NOT_FOUND:
# nothing to version, proceed with original request
return get_resp
# check for any other errors
self._check_response_error(req, get_resp)
if get_resp.headers.get(SYSMETA_VERSIONS_SYMLINK) == 'true':
# existing object is a VW symlink; no action required
return get_resp
# if there's an existing object, then copy it to
# X-Versions-Location
ts_source = get_resp.headers.get(
'%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT')))
vers_obj_name = self._build_versions_object_name(
object_name, ts_source)
put_path_info = "/%s/%s/%s/%s" % (
api_version, account_name, versions_cont, vers_obj_name)
put_resp = self._put_versioned_obj(req, put_path_info, get_resp)
if put_resp.status_int == HTTP_NOT_FOUND:
raise HTTPInternalServerError(
request=req, content_type='text/plain',
body=b'The versions container does not exist. You may '
b'want to re-enable object versioning.')
self._check_response_error(req, put_resp)
def handle_put(self, req, versions_cont, api_version,
account_name, object_name, is_enabled):
Check if the current version of the object is a versions-symlink
if not, it's because this object was added to the container when
versioning was not enabled. We'll need to copy it into the versions
containers now that versioning is enabled.
Also, put the new data from the client into the versions container
and add a static symlink in the versioned container.
:param req: original request.
:param versions_cont: container where previous versions of the object
are stored.
:param api_version: api version.
:param account_name: account name.
:param object_name: name of object of original request
# handle object request for a disabled versioned container.
if not is_enabled:
return req.get_response(self.app)
# attempt to copy current object to versions container
self._copy_current(req, versions_cont, api_version, account_name,
# write client's put directly to versioned container
put_resp, put_vers_obj_name, put_bytes, put_content_type = \
self._put_versioned_obj_from_client(req, versions_cont,
api_version, account_name,
# and add an static symlink to original container
target_etag = put_resp.headers['Etag']
return self._put_symlink_to_version(req, versions_cont,
put_vers_obj_name, api_version,
account_name, object_name,
target_etag, put_bytes,
def handle_delete(self, req, versions_cont, api_version,
account_name, container_name,
object_name, is_enabled):
Handle DELETE requests.
Copy current version of object to versions_container and write a
delete marker before proceeding with original request.
:param req: original request.
:param versions_cont: container where previous versions of the object
are stored.
:param api_version: api version.
:param account_name: account name.
:param object_name: name of object of original request
# handle object request for a disabled versioned container.
if not is_enabled:
return req.get_response(self.app)
self._copy_current(req, versions_cont, api_version,
account_name, object_name)
marker_name = self._build_versions_object_name(
object_name, req.timestamp.internal)
marker_path = "/%s/%s/%s/%s" % (
api_version, account_name, versions_cont, marker_name)
marker_headers = {
# Definitive source of truth is Content-Type, and since we add
# a swift_* param, we know users haven't set it themselves.
# This is still open to users POSTing to update the content-type
# but they're just shooting themselves in the foot then.
'content-length': '0',
'x-auth-token': req.headers.get('x-auth-token'),
'X-Backend-Allow-Reserved-Names': 'true',
marker_req = make_pre_authed_request(
req.environ, path=wsgi_quote(marker_path),
headers=marker_headers, method='PUT', swift_source='OV')
marker_req.environ['swift.content_type_overridden'] = True
marker_resp = marker_req.get_response(self.app)
self._check_response_error(req, marker_resp)
# successfully copied and created delete marker; safe to delete
resp = req.get_response(self.app)
if resp.is_success or resp.status_int == 404:
resp.headers['X-Object-Version-Id'] = \
resp.headers['X-Backend-Content-Type'] = DELETE_MARKER_CONTENT_TYPE
return resp
def handle_post(self, req, versions_cont, account):
Handle a POST request to an object in a versioned container.
If the response is a 307 because the POST went to a symlink,
follow the symlink and send the request to the versioned object
:param req: original request.
:param versions_cont: container where previous versions of the object
are stored.
:param account: account name.
# create eventual post request before
# encryption middleware changes the request headers
post_req = make_pre_authed_request(
req.environ, path=wsgi_quote(req.path_info), method='POST',
headers={'X-Backend-Allow-Reserved-Names': 'true'},
copy_header_subset(req, post_req, non_expiry_header)
# send original request
resp = req.get_response(self.app)
# if it's a versioning symlink, send post to versioned object
if resp.status_int == 307 and config_true_value(
resp.headers.get(SYSMETA_VERSIONS_SYMLINK, 'false')):
loc = wsgi_unquote(resp.headers['Location'])
# Only follow if the version container matches
if split_path(loc, 4, 4, True)[1:3] == [
account, versions_cont]:
post_req.path_info = loc
resp = post_req.get_response(self.app)
return resp
def _check_head(self, req, auth_token_header):
obj_head_headers = {
'X-Newest': 'True',
head_req = make_pre_authed_request(
req.environ, path=wsgi_quote(req.path_info) + '?symlink=get',
method='HEAD', headers=obj_head_headers, swift_source='OV')
hresp = head_req.get_response(self.app)
head_is_tombstone = False
symlink_target = None
if hresp.status_int == HTTP_NOT_FOUND:
head_is_tombstone = True
head_is_tombstone = False
# if there's any other kind of error with a broken link...
# I guess give up?
self._check_response_error(req, hresp)
if hresp.headers.get(SYSMETA_VERSIONS_SYMLINK) == 'true':
symlink_target = hresp.headers.get(TGT_OBJ_SYMLINK_HDR)
return head_is_tombstone, symlink_target
def handle_delete_version(self, req, versions_cont, api_version,
account_name, container_name,
object_name, is_enabled, version):
if version == 'null':
# let the request go directly through to the is_latest link
auth_token_header = {'X-Auth-Token': req.headers.get('X-Auth-Token')}
head_is_tombstone, symlink_target = self._check_head(
req, auth_token_header)
versions_obj = self._build_versions_object_name(
object_name, version)
req_obj_path = '%s/%s' % (versions_cont, versions_obj)
if head_is_tombstone or not symlink_target or (
wsgi_unquote(symlink_target) != wsgi_unquote(req_obj_path)):
# If there's no current version (i.e., tombstone or unversioned
# object) or if current version links to another version, then
# just delete the version requested to be deleted
req.path_info = "/%s/%s/%s/%s" % (
api_version, account_name, versions_cont, versions_obj)
req.headers['X-Backend-Allow-Reserved-Names'] = 'true'
if head_is_tombstone or not symlink_target:
resp_version_id = 'null'
_, vers_obj_name = wsgi_unquote(symlink_target).split('/', 1)
resp_version_id = self._split_version_from_name(
# if version-id is the latest version, delete the link too
# First, kill the link...
req.environ['QUERY_STRING'] = ''
link_resp = req.get_response(self.app)
self._check_response_error(req, link_resp)
# *then* the backing data
req.path_info = "/%s/%s/%s/%s" % (
api_version, account_name, versions_cont, versions_obj)
req.headers['X-Backend-Allow-Reserved-Names'] = 'true'
resp_version_id = 'null'
resp = req.get_response(self.app)
resp.headers['X-Object-Version-Id'] = version
resp.headers['X-Object-Current-Version-Id'] = resp_version_id
return resp
def handle_put_version(self, req, versions_cont, api_version, account_name,
container, object_name, is_enabled, version):
Handle a PUT?version-id request and create/update the is_latest link to
point to the specific version. Expects a valid 'version' id.
if req.content_length is None:
has_body = (req.body_file.read(1) != b'')
has_body = (req.content_length != 0)
if has_body:
raise HTTPBadRequest(
body='PUT version-id requests require a zero byte body',
versions_obj_name = self._build_versions_object_name(
object_name, version)
versioned_obj_path = "/%s/%s/%s/%s" % (
api_version, account_name, versions_cont, versions_obj_name)
obj_head_headers = {'X-Backend-Allow-Reserved-Names': 'true'}
head_req = make_pre_authed_request(
req.environ, path=wsgi_quote(versioned_obj_path) + '?symlink=get',
method='HEAD', headers=obj_head_headers, swift_source='OV')
head_resp = head_req.get_response(self.app)
if head_resp.status_int == HTTP_NOT_FOUND:
if is_success(get_container_info(
head_req.environ, self.app, swift_source='OV')['status']):
raise HTTPNotFound(
request=req, content_type='text/plain',
body=b'The specified version does not exist')
raise HTTPInternalServerError(
request=req, content_type='text/plain',
body=b'The versions container does not exist. You may '
b'want to re-enable object versioning.')
self._check_response_error(req, head_resp)
put_etag = head_resp.headers['ETag']
put_bytes = head_resp.content_length
put_content_type = head_resp.headers['Content-Type']
resp = self._put_symlink_to_version(
req, versions_cont, versions_obj_name, api_version, account_name,
object_name, put_etag, put_bytes, put_content_type)
return resp
def handle_versioned_request(self, req, versions_cont, api_version,
account, container, obj, is_enabled, version):
Handle 'version-id' request for object resource. When a request
contains a ``version-id=<id>`` parameter, the request is acted upon
the actual version of that object. Version-aware operations
require that the container is versioned, but do not require that
the versioning is currently enabled. Users should be able to
operate on older versions of an object even if versioning is
currently suspended.
PUT and POST requests are not allowed as that would overwrite
the contents of the versioned object.
:param req: The original request
:param versions_cont: container holding versions of the requested obj
:param api_version: should be v1 unless swift bumps api version
:param account: account name string
:param container: container name string
:param object: object name string
:param is_enabled: is versioning currently enabled
:param version: version of the object to act on
# ?version-id requests are allowed for GET, HEAD, DELETE reqs
if req.method == 'POST':
raise HTTPBadRequest(
'%s to a specific version is not allowed' % req.method,
elif not versions_cont and version != 'null':
raise HTTPBadRequest(
'version-aware operations require that the container is '
'versioned', request=req)
if version != 'null':
except ValueError:
raise HTTPBadRequest('Invalid version parameter', request=req)
if req.method == 'DELETE':
return self.handle_delete_version(
req, versions_cont, api_version, account,
container, obj, is_enabled, version)
elif req.method == 'PUT':
return self.handle_put_version(
req, versions_cont, api_version, account,
container, obj, is_enabled, version)
if version == 'null':
resp = req.get_response(self.app)
if resp.is_success:
if get_reserved_name('versions', '') in wsgi_unquote(
resp.headers.get('Content-Location', '')):
# Have a latest version, but it's got a real version-id.
# Since the user specifically asked for null, return 404
raise HTTPNotFound(request=req)
resp.headers['X-Object-Version-Id'] = 'null'
if req.method == 'HEAD':
return resp
# Re-write the path; most everything else goes through normally
req.path_info = "/%s/%s/%s/%s" % (
api_version, account, versions_cont,
self._build_versions_object_name(obj, version))
req.headers['X-Backend-Allow-Reserved-Names'] = 'true'
resp = req.get_response(self.app)
if resp.is_success:
resp.headers['X-Object-Version-Id'] = version
# Well, except for some delete marker business...
is_del_marker = DELETE_MARKER_CONTENT_TYPE == resp.headers.get(
'X-Backend-Content-Type', resp.headers['Content-Type'])
if req.method == 'HEAD':
if is_del_marker:
hdrs = {'X-Object-Version-Id': version,
raise HTTPNotFound(request=req, headers=hdrs)
return resp
def handle_request(self, req, versions_cont, api_version, account,
container, obj, is_enabled):
if req.method == 'PUT':
return self.handle_put(
req, versions_cont, api_version, account, obj,
elif req.method == 'POST':
return self.handle_post(req, versions_cont, account)
elif req.method == 'DELETE':
return self.handle_delete(
req, versions_cont, api_version, account,
container, obj, is_enabled)
resp = req.get_response(self.app)
resp.headers['X-Object-Version-Id'] = 'null'
# Check for a "real" version
loc = wsgi_unquote(resp.headers.get('Content-Location', ''))
if loc:
_, acct, cont, version_obj = split_path(loc, 4, 4, True)
if acct == account and cont == versions_cont:
_, version = self._split_version_from_name(version_obj)
if version is not None:
resp.headers['X-Object-Version-Id'] = version.internal
content_loc = wsgi_quote('/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (
api_version, account, container, obj,
)) + '?version-id=%s' % (version.internal,)
resp.headers['Content-Location'] = content_loc
symlink_target = wsgi_unquote(resp.headers.get('X-Symlink-Target', ''))
if symlink_target:
cont, version_obj = split_path('/%s' % symlink_target, 2, 2, True)
if cont == versions_cont:
_, version = self._split_version_from_name(version_obj)
if version is not None:
resp.headers['X-Object-Version-Id'] = version.internal
symlink_target = wsgi_quote('%s/%s' % (container, obj)) + \
'?version-id=%s' % (version.internal,)
resp.headers['X-Symlink-Target'] = symlink_target
return resp
class ContainerContext(ObjectVersioningContext):
def handle_request(self, req, start_response):
Handle request for container resource.
On PUT, POST set version location and enabled flag sysmeta.
For container listings of a versioned container, update the object's
bytes and etag to use the target's instead of using the symlink info.
app_resp = self._app_call(req.environ)
_, account, container, _ = req.split_path(3, 4, True)
location = ''
curr_bytes = 0
bytes_idx = -1
for i, (header, value) in enumerate(self._response_headers):
if header == 'X-Container-Bytes-Used':
curr_bytes = value
bytes_idx = i
if header.lower() == SYSMETA_VERSIONS_CONT:
location = value
if header.lower() == SYSMETA_VERSIONS_ENABLED:
(CLIENT_VERSIONS_ENABLED.title(), value)])
if location:
location = wsgi_unquote(location)
# update bytes header
if bytes_idx > -1:
head_req = make_pre_authed_request(
req.environ, method='HEAD', swift_source='OV',
path=wsgi_quote('/v1/%s/%s' % (account, location)),
headers={'X-Backend-Allow-Reserved-Names': 'true'})
vresp = head_req.get_response(self.app)
if vresp.is_success:
ver_bytes = vresp.headers.get('X-Container-Bytes-Used', 0)
self._response_headers[bytes_idx] = (
str(int(curr_bytes) + int(ver_bytes)))
elif is_success(self._get_status_int()):
# If client is doing a version-aware listing for a container that
# (as best we could tell) has never had versioning enabled,
# err on the side of there being data anyway -- the metadata we
# found may not be the most up-to-date.
# Note that any extra listing request we make will likely 404.
location = self._build_versions_container_name(container)
except ValueError:
# may be internal listing to a reserved namespace container
# else, we won't need location anyway
if is_success(self._get_status_int()) and req.method == 'GET':
with closing_if_possible(app_resp):
body = b''.join(app_resp)
listing = json.loads(body)
except ValueError:
app_resp = [body]
for item in listing:
if not all(x in item for x in (
path = wsgi_unquote(bytes_to_wsgi(
_, tgt_acct, tgt_container, tgt_obj = split_path(
path, 4, 4, True)
if tgt_container != location:
# if the archive container changed, leave the extra
# info unmodified
_, meta = parse_header(item['hash'])
tgt_bytes = int(item.pop('symlink_bytes'))
item['bytes'] = tgt_bytes
item['version_symlink'] = True
item['hash'] = item.pop('symlink_etag') + ''.join(
'; %s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in meta.items())
tgt_obj, version = self._split_version_from_name(tgt_obj)
if version is not None and 'versions' not in req.params:
sp = wsgi_quote('/v1/%s/%s/%s' % (
tgt_acct, container, tgt_obj,
)) + '?version-id=' + version.internal
item['symlink_path'] = sp
if 'versions' in req.params:
return self._list_versions(
req, start_response, location,
body = json.dumps(listing).encode('ascii')
app_resp = [body]
return app_resp
def handle_delete(self, req, start_response):
Handle request to delete a user's container.
As part of deleting a container, this middleware will also delete
the hidden container holding object versions.
Before a user's container can be deleted, swift must check
if there are still old object versions from that container.
Only after disabling versioning and deleting *all* object versions
can a container be deleted.
container_info = get_container_info(req.environ, self.app,
versions_cont = unquote(container_info.get(
'sysmeta', {}).get('versions-container', ''))
if versions_cont:
account = req.split_path(3, 3, True)[1]
# using a HEAD request here as opposed to get_container_info
# to make sure we get an up-to-date value
versions_req = make_pre_authed_request(
req.environ, method='HEAD', swift_source='OV',
path=wsgi_quote('/v1/%s/%s' % (
account, str_to_wsgi(versions_cont))),
headers={'X-Backend-Allow-Reserved-Names': 'true'})
vresp = versions_req.get_response(self.app)
if vresp.is_success and int(vresp.headers.get(
'X-Container-Object-Count', 0)) > 0:
raise HTTPConflict(
'Delete all versions before deleting container.',
elif not vresp.is_success and vresp.status_int != 404:
raise HTTPInternalServerError(
'Error deleting versioned container')
versions_req.method = 'DELETE'
resp = versions_req.get_response(self.app)
if not is_success(resp.status_int) and resp.status_int != 404:
raise HTTPInternalServerError(
'Error deleting versioned container')
app_resp = self._app_call(req.environ)
return app_resp
def enable_versioning(self, req, start_response):
container_info = get_container_info(req.environ, self.app,
# if container is already configured to use old style versioning,
# we don't allow user to enable object versioning here. They must
# choose which middleware to use, only one style of versioning
# is supported for a given container
versions_cont = container_info.get(
'sysmeta', {}).get('versions-location')
legacy_versions_cont = container_info.get('versions')
if versions_cont or legacy_versions_cont:
raise HTTPBadRequest(
'Cannot enable object versioning on a container '
'that is already using the legacy versioned writes '
# versioning and container-sync do not yet work well together
# container-sync needs to be enhanced to sync previous versions
sync_to = container_info.get('sync_to')
if sync_to:
raise HTTPBadRequest(
'Cannot enable object versioning on a container '
'configured as source of container syncing.',
versions_cont = container_info.get(
'sysmeta', {}).get('versions-container')
is_enabled = config_true_value(
req.headers[SYSMETA_VERSIONS_ENABLED] = is_enabled
# TODO: a POST request to a primary container that doesn't exist
# will fail, so we will create and delete the versions container
# for no reason
if config_true_value(is_enabled):
(version, account, container, _) = req.split_path(3, 4, True)
# Attempt to use same policy as primary container, otherwise
# use default policy
if is_success(container_info['status']):
primary_policy_idx = container_info['storage_policy']
if POLICIES[primary_policy_idx].is_deprecated:
# Do an auth check now, so we don't leak information
# about the container
aresp = req.environ['swift.authorize'](req)
if aresp:
raise aresp
# Proxy controller would catch the deprecated policy, too,
# but waiting until then would mean the error message
# would be a generic "Error enabling object versioning".
raise HTTPBadRequest(
'Cannot enable object versioning on a container '
'that uses a deprecated storage policy.',
hdrs = {'X-Storage-Policy': POLICIES[primary_policy_idx].name}
if req.method == 'PUT' and \
'X-Storage-Policy' in req.headers:
hdrs = {'X-Storage-Policy':
hdrs = {}
hdrs['X-Backend-Allow-Reserved-Names'] = 'true'
versions_cont = self._build_versions_container_name(container)
versions_cont_path = "/%s/%s/%s" % (
version, account, versions_cont)
ver_cont_req = make_pre_authed_request(
req.environ, path=wsgi_quote(versions_cont_path),
method='PUT', headers=hdrs, swift_source='OV')
resp = ver_cont_req.get_response(self.app)
# Should always be short; consume the body
if is_success(resp.status_int) or resp.status_int == HTTP_CONFLICT:
req.headers[SYSMETA_VERSIONS_CONT] = wsgi_quote(versions_cont)
raise HTTPInternalServerError(
'Error enabling object versioning')
# make original request
app_resp = self._app_call(req.environ)
# if we just created a versions container but the original
# request failed, delete the versions container
# and let user retry later
if not is_success(self._get_status_int()) and \
versions_cont_path = "/%s/%s/%s" % (
version, account, versions_cont)
ver_cont_req = make_pre_authed_request(
req.environ, path=wsgi_quote(versions_cont_path),
method='DELETE', headers=hdrs, swift_source='OV')
# TODO: what if this one fails??
resp = ver_cont_req.get_response(self.app)
if self._response_headers is None:
self._response_headers = []
for key, val in self._response_headers:
return app_resp
def _list_versions(self, req, start_response, location, primary_listing):
# Only supports JSON listings
req.environ['swift.format_listing'] = False
if not req.accept.best_match(['application/json']):
raise HTTPNotAcceptable(request=req)
params = req.params
if 'version_marker' in params:
if 'marker' not in params:
raise HTTPBadRequest('version_marker param requires marker')
if params['version_marker'] != 'null':
ts = Timestamp(params.pop('version_marker'))
except ValueError:
raise HTTPBadRequest('invalid version_marker param')
params['marker'] = self._build_versions_object_name(
params['marker'], ts)
elif 'marker' in params:
params['marker'] = self._build_versions_object_prefix(
params['marker']) + ':' # just past all numbers
delim = params.get('delimiter', '')
# Exclude the set of chars used in version_id from user delimiters
if set(delim).intersection('0123456789.%s' % RESERVED_STR):
raise HTTPBadRequest('invalid delimiter param')
null_listing = []
subdir_set = set()
current_versions = {}
is_latest_set = set()
for item in primary_listing:
if 'name' not in item:
if item.get('version_symlink'):
path = wsgi_to_str(wsgi_unquote(bytes_to_wsgi(
current_versions[path] = item
item, version_id='null', is_latest=True))
account = req.split_path(3, 3, True)[1]
versions_req = make_pre_authed_request(
req.environ, method='GET', swift_source='OV',
path=wsgi_quote('/v1/%s/%s' % (account, location)),
headers={'X-Backend-Allow-Reserved-Names': 'true'},
# NB: Not using self._build_versions_object_name here because
# we don't want to bookend the prefix with RESERVED_NAME as user
# could be using just part of object name as the prefix.
if 'prefix' in params:
params['prefix'] = get_reserved_name(params['prefix'])
# NB: no end_marker support (yet)
versions_req.params = {
k: params.get(k, '')
for k in ('prefix', 'marker', 'limit', 'delimiter', 'reverse')}
versions_resp = versions_req.get_response(self.app)
if versions_resp.status_int == HTTP_NOT_FOUND:
subdir_listing = [{'subdir': s} for s in subdir_set]
broken_listing = []
for item in current_versions.values():
linked_name = wsgi_to_str(wsgi_unquote(bytes_to_wsgi(
item['symlink_path'].encode('utf8')))).split('/', 4)[-1]
name, ts = self._split_version_from_name(linked_name)
if ts is None:
name = name.decode('utf8') if six.PY2 else name
is_latest = False
if name not in is_latest_set:
is_latest = True
'name': name,
'is_latest': is_latest,
'version_id': ts.internal,
'content_type': item['content_type'],
'bytes': item['bytes'],
'hash': item['hash'],
'last_modified': item['last_modified'],
limit = constrain_req_limit(req, CONTAINER_LISTING_LIMIT)
body = build_listing(
null_listing, subdir_listing, broken_listing,
reverse=config_true_value(params.get('reverse', 'no')),
app_resp = [body]
elif is_success(versions_resp.status_int):
listing = json.loads(versions_resp.body)
except ValueError:
app_resp = [body]
versions_listing = []
for item in listing:
if 'name' not in item:
# remove reserved chars from subdir
subdir = split_reserved_name(item['subdir'])[0]
name, ts = self._split_version_from_name(item['name'])
if ts is None:
path = '/v1/%s/%s/%s' % (
if six.PY2 else item['name'])
if path in current_versions:
item['is_latest'] = True
del current_versions[path]
elif (item['content_type'] ==
and name not in is_latest_set):
item['is_latest'] = True
item['is_latest'] = False
item['name'] = name
item['version_id'] = ts.internal
subdir_listing = [{'subdir': s} for s in subdir_set]
broken_listing = []
for item in current_versions.values():
link_path = wsgi_to_str(wsgi_unquote(bytes_to_wsgi(
name, ts = self._split_version_from_name(
link_path.split('/', 1)[1])
if ts is None:
'name': name.decode('utf8') if six.PY2 else name,
'is_latest': True,
'version_id': ts.internal,
'content_type': item['content_type'],
'bytes': item['bytes'],
'hash': item['hash'],
'last_modified': item['last_modified'],
limit = constrain_req_limit(req, CONTAINER_LISTING_LIMIT)
body = build_listing(
null_listing, versions_listing,
subdir_listing, broken_listing,
reverse=config_true_value(params.get('reverse', 'no')),
app_resp = [body]
return versions_resp(versions_req.environ, start_response)
return app_resp
class AccountContext(ObjectVersioningContext):
def list_containers(self, req, api_version, account, start_response):
app_resp = self._app_call(req.environ)
if is_success(self._get_status_int()):
with closing_if_possible(app_resp):
body = b''.join(app_resp)
listing = json.loads(body)
except ValueError:
app_resp = [body]
# list hidden versions containers
# It might be necessary to issue multiple listing requests
# because of paging limitations, hence the while loop.
params = req.params
versions_dict = {}
versions_req = make_pre_authed_request(
req.environ, method='GET', swift_source='OV',
path=wsgi_quote('/v1/%s' % account),
headers={'X-Backend-Allow-Reserved-Names': 'true'},
if 'prefix' in params:
params['prefix'] = \
except ValueError:
# don't touch params['prefix'],
# RESERVED_STR probably came from looping around
params['prefix'] = get_reserved_name('versions')
for p in ('marker', 'end_marker'):
if p in params:
params[p] = \
except ValueError:
# don't touch params[p]
versions_req.params = params
versions_resp = versions_req.get_response(self.app)
versions_listing = json.loads(versions_resp.body)
except ValueError:
versions_listing = []
# create a dict from versions listing to facilitate
# look-up by name. Ignore 'subdir' items
for item in [item for item in versions_listing
if 'name' in item]:
container_name = self._split_versions_container_name(
versions_dict[container_name] = item
# update bytes from original listing with bytes from
# versions cont
if len(versions_dict) > 0:
# ignore 'subdir' items
for item in [item for item in listing if 'name' in item]:
if item['name'] in versions_dict:
v_info = versions_dict.pop(item['name'])
item['bytes'] = item['bytes'] + v_info['bytes']
# if there are items left in versions_dict, it indicates an
# error scenario where there are orphan hidden containers
# (possibly storing data) that should have been deleted
# along with the primary container. In this case, let's add
# those containers to listing so users can be aware and
# clean them up
for key, item in versions_dict.items():
item['name'] = key
item['count'] = 0 # None of these are current
limit = constrain_req_limit(req, ACCOUNT_LISTING_LIMIT)
body = build_listing(
reverse=config_true_value(params.get('reverse', 'no')),
app_resp = [body]
return app_resp
class ObjectVersioningMiddleware(object):
def __init__(self, app, conf):
self.app = app
self.conf = conf
self.logger = get_logger(conf, log_route='object_versioning')
def account_request(self, req, api_version, account, start_response):
account_ctx = AccountContext(self.app, self.logger)
if req.method == 'GET':
return account_ctx.list_containers(
req, api_version, account, start_response)
return self.app(req.environ, start_response)
def container_request(self, req, start_response):
container_ctx = ContainerContext(self.app, self.logger)
if req.method in ('PUT', 'POST') and \
return container_ctx.enable_versioning(req, start_response)
elif req.method == 'DELETE':
return container_ctx.handle_delete(req, start_response)
# send request and translate sysmeta headers from response
return container_ctx.handle_request(req, start_response)
def object_request(self, req, api_version, account, container, obj):
Handle request for object resource.
Note that account, container, obj should be unquoted by caller
if the url path is under url encoding (e.g. %FF)
:param req: swift.common.swob.Request instance
:param api_version: should be v1 unless swift bumps api version
:param account: account name string
:param container: container name string
:param object: object name string
resp = None
container_info = get_container_info(
req.environ, self.app, swift_source='OV')
versions_cont = container_info.get(
'sysmeta', {}).get('versions-container', '')
is_enabled = config_true_value(container_info.get(
'sysmeta', {}).get('versions-enabled'))
if versions_cont:
versions_cont = wsgi_unquote(str_to_wsgi(
if req.params.get('version-id'):
vw_ctx = ObjectContext(self.app, self.logger)
resp = vw_ctx.handle_versioned_request(
req, versions_cont, api_version, account, container, obj,
is_enabled, req.params['version-id'])
elif versions_cont:
# handle object request for a enabled versioned container
vw_ctx = ObjectContext(self.app, self.logger)
resp = vw_ctx.handle_request(
req, versions_cont, api_version, account, container, obj,
if resp:
return resp
return self.app
def __call__(self, env, start_response):
req = Request(env)
(api_version, account, container, obj) = req.split_path(2, 4, True)
bad_path = False
except ValueError:
bad_path = True
# use of bad_path bool is to avoid recursive tracebacks
if bad_path or not valid_api_version(api_version):
return self.app(env, start_response)
if not container:
return self.account_request(req, api_version, account,
if container and not obj:
return self.container_request(req, start_response)
return self.object_request(
req, api_version, account, container,
obj)(env, start_response)
except HTTPException as error_response:
return error_response(env, start_response)