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# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import base64
import binascii
import collections
import json
import os
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
import six
from six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse
from swift import gettext_ as _
from swift.common.exceptions import EncryptionException
from swift.common.swob import HTTPInternalServerError
from swift.common.utils import get_logger
from swift.common.wsgi import WSGIContext
CRYPTO_KEY_CALLBACK = 'swift.callback.fetch_crypto_keys'
class Crypto(object):
Used by middleware: Calls cryptography library
cipher = 'AES_CTR_256'
# AES will accept several key sizes - we are using 256 bits i.e. 32 bytes
key_length = 32
iv_length = algorithms.AES.block_size / 8
def __init__(self, conf=None):
self.logger = get_logger(conf, log_route="crypto")
# memoize backend to avoid repeated iteration over entry points
self.backend = default_backend()
def create_encryption_ctxt(self, key, iv):
Creates a crypto context for encrypting
:param key: 256-bit key
:param iv: 128-bit iv or nonce used for encryption
:raises: ValueError on invalid key or iv
:returns: an instance of an encryptor
engine = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.CTR(iv),
return engine.encryptor()
def create_decryption_ctxt(self, key, iv, offset):
Creates a crypto context for decrypting
:param key: 256-bit key
:param iv: 128-bit iv or nonce used for decryption
:param offset: offset into the message; used for range reads
:returns: an instance of a decryptor
if offset < 0:
raise ValueError('Offset must not be negative')
if offset:
# Adjust IV so that it is correct for decryption at offset.
# The CTR mode offset is incremented for every AES block and taken
# modulo 2^128.
offset_blocks, offset_in_block = divmod(offset, self.iv_length)
ivl = long(binascii.hexlify(iv), 16) + offset_blocks
ivl %= 1 << algorithms.AES.block_size
iv = str(bytearray.fromhex(format(
ivl, '0%dx' % (2 * self.iv_length))))
offset_in_block = 0
engine = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.CTR(iv),
dec = engine.decryptor()
# Adjust decryption boundary within current AES block
dec.update('*' * offset_in_block)
return dec
def create_iv(self):
return os.urandom(self.iv_length)
def create_crypto_meta(self):
# create a set of parameters
return {'iv': self.create_iv(), 'cipher': self.cipher}
def check_crypto_meta(self, meta):
Check that crypto meta dict has valid items.
:param meta: a dict
:raises EncryptionException: if an error is found in the crypto meta
if meta['cipher'] != self.cipher:
raise EncryptionException('Bad crypto meta: Cipher must be %s'
% self.cipher)
if len(meta['iv']) != self.iv_length:
raise EncryptionException(
'Bad crypto meta: IV must be length %s bytes'
% self.iv_length)
except KeyError as err:
raise EncryptionException(
'Bad crypto meta: Missing %s' % err)
def create_random_key(self):
# helper method to create random key of correct length
return os.urandom(self.key_length)
def wrap_key(self, wrapping_key, key_to_wrap):
# we don't use an RFC 3394 key wrap algorithm such as cryptography's
# aes_wrap_key because it's slower and we have iv material readily
# available so don't need a deterministic algorithm
iv = self.create_iv()
encryptor = Cipher(algorithms.AES(wrapping_key), modes.CTR(iv),
return {'key': encryptor.update(key_to_wrap), 'iv': iv}
def unwrap_key(self, wrapping_key, context):
# unwrap a key from dict of form returned by wrap_key
# check the key length early - unwrapping won't change the length
decryptor = Cipher(algorithms.AES(wrapping_key),
return decryptor.update(context['key'])
def check_key(self, key):
if len(key) != self.key_length:
raise ValueError("Key must be length %s bytes" % self.key_length)
class CryptoWSGIContext(WSGIContext):
Base class for contexts used by crypto middlewares.
def __init__(self, crypto_app, server_type, logger):
super(CryptoWSGIContext, self).__init__(crypto_app.app)
self.crypto = crypto_app.crypto
self.logger = logger
self.server_type = server_type
def get_keys(self, env, required=None):
# Get the key(s) from the keymaster
required = required if required is not None else [self.server_type]
fetch_crypto_keys = env[CRYPTO_KEY_CALLBACK]
except KeyError:
self.logger.exception(_('ERROR get_keys() missing callback'))
raise HTTPInternalServerError(
"Unable to retrieve encryption keys.")
keys = fetch_crypto_keys()
except Exception as err: # noqa
'ERROR get_keys(): from callback: %s') % err)
raise HTTPInternalServerError(
"Unable to retrieve encryption keys.")
for name in required:
key = keys[name]
except KeyError:
self.logger.exception(_("Missing key for %r") % name)
except TypeError:
self.logger.exception(_("Did not get a keys dict"))
except ValueError as e:
# don't include the key in any messages!
self.logger.exception(_("Bad key for %(name)r: %(err)s") %
{'name': name, 'err': e})
raise HTTPInternalServerError(
"Unable to retrieve encryption keys.")
return keys
def dump_crypto_meta(crypto_meta):
Serialize crypto meta to a form suitable for including in a header value.
The crypto-meta is serialized as a json object. The iv and key values are
random bytes and as a result need to be base64 encoded before sending over
the wire. Base64 encoding returns a bytes object in py3, to future proof
the code, decode this data to produce a string, which is what the
json.dumps function expects.
:param crypto_meta: a dict containing crypto meta items
:returns: a string serialization of a crypto meta dict
def b64_encode_meta(crypto_meta):
return {
name: (base64.b64encode(value).decode() if name in ('iv', 'key')
else b64_encode_meta(value) if isinstance(value, dict)
else value)
for name, value in crypto_meta.items()}
# use sort_keys=True to make serialized form predictable for testing
return urlparse.quote_plus(
json.dumps(b64_encode_meta(crypto_meta), sort_keys=True))
def load_crypto_meta(value):
Build the crypto_meta from the json object.
Note that json.loads always produces unicode strings, to ensure the
resultant crypto_meta matches the original object cast all key and value
data to a str except the key and iv which are base64 decoded. This will
work in py3 as well where all strings are unicode implying the cast is
effectively a no-op.
:param value: a string serialization of a crypto meta dict
:returns: a dict containing crypto meta items
:raises EncryptionException: if an error occurs while parsing the
crypto meta
def b64_decode_meta(crypto_meta):
return {
str(name): (base64.b64decode(val) if name in ('iv', 'key')
else b64_decode_meta(val) if isinstance(val, dict)
else val.encode('utf8'))
for name, val in crypto_meta.items()}
if not isinstance(value, six.string_types):
raise ValueError('crypto meta not a string')
val = json.loads(urlparse.unquote_plus(value))
if not isinstance(val, collections.Mapping):
raise ValueError('crypto meta not a Mapping')
return b64_decode_meta(val)
except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError) as err:
msg = 'Bad crypto meta %r: %s' % (value, err)
raise EncryptionException(msg)
def append_crypto_meta(value, crypto_meta):
Serialize and append crypto metadata to an encrypted value.
:param value: value to which serialized crypto meta will be appended.
:param crypto_meta: a dict of crypto meta
:return: a string of the form <value>; swift_meta=<serialized crypto meta>
return '%s; swift_meta=%s' % (value, dump_crypto_meta(crypto_meta))
def extract_crypto_meta(value):
Extract and deserialize any crypto meta from the end of a value.
:param value: string that may have crypto meta at end
:return: a tuple of the form:
(<value without crypto meta>, <deserialized crypto meta> or None)
crypto_meta = None
# we only attempt to extract crypto meta from values that we know were
# encrypted and base64-encoded, or from etag values, so it's safe to split
# on ';' even if it turns out that the value was an unencrypted etag
parts = value.split(';')
if len(parts) == 2:
value, param = parts
crypto_meta_tag = 'swift_meta='
if param.strip().startswith(crypto_meta_tag):
param = param.strip()[len(crypto_meta_tag):]
crypto_meta = load_crypto_meta(param)
return value, crypto_meta