Mohit Motiani 9e82891f08 Fix typo in object-server.conf and container-server.conf manpage
Change-Id: Iffad70b2fd901b305dc66d363039b7df44d619da
2016-07-07 15:21:01 +00:00

392 lines
14 KiB

.\" Author: Joao Marcelo Martins <marcelo.martins@rackspace.com> or <btorch@gmail.com>
.\" Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OpenStack Foundation.
.\" Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
.\" you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
.\" You may obtain a copy of the License at
.\" http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
.\" Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
.\" distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
.\" implied.
.\" See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
.\" limitations under the License.
.TH container-server.conf 5 "8/26/2011" "Linux" "OpenStack Swift"
.B container-server.conf
\- configuration file for the openstack-swift container server
.B container-server.conf
This is the configuration file used by the container server and other container
background services, such as; replicator, updater, auditor and sync.
The configuration file follows the python-pastedeploy syntax. The file is divided
into sections, which are enclosed by square brackets. Each section will contain a
certain number of key/value parameters which are described later.
Any line that begins with a '#' symbol is ignored.
You can find more information about python-pastedeploy configuration format at
.PD 1
.RS 0
This is indicated by section named [DEFAULT]. Below are the parameters that
are acceptable within this section.
.IP "\fBbind_ip\fR"
IP address the container server should bind to. The default is which will make
it bind to all available addresses.
.IP "\fBbind_port\fR"
TCP port the container server should bind to. The default is 6201.
.IP "\fBbind_timeout\fR"
Timeout to bind socket. The default is 30.
.IP \fBbacklog\fR
TCP backlog. Maximum number of allowed pending connections. The default value is 4096.
.IP \fBworkers\fR
The number of pre-forked processes that will accept connections. Zero means
no fork. The default is auto which will make the server try to match the
number of effective cpu cores if python multiprocessing is available (included
with most python distributions >= 2.6) or fallback to one. It's worth noting
that individual workers will use many eventlet co-routines to service multiple
concurrent requests.
.IP \fBmax_clients\fR
Maximum number of clients one worker can process simultaneously (it will
actually accept(2) N + 1). Setting this to one (1) will only handle one request
at a time, without accepting another request concurrently. The default is 1024.
.IP \fBallowed_sync_hosts\fR
This is a comma separated list of hosts allowed in the X-Container-Sync-To
field for containers. This is the old-style of using container sync. It is
strongly recommended to use the new style of a separate
container-sync-realms.conf -- see container-sync-realms.conf-sample
allowed_sync_hosts =
.IP \fBuser\fR
The system user that the container server will run as. The default is swift.
.IP \fBswift_dir\fR
Swift configuration directory. The default is /etc/swift.
.IP \fBdevices\fR
Parent directory of where devices are mounted. Default is /srv/node.
.IP \fBmount_check\fR
Whether or not check if the devices are mounted to prevent accidentally writing to
the root device. The default is set to true.
.IP \fBdisable_fallocate\fR
Disable pre-allocate disk space for a file. The default is false.
.IP \fBlog_name\fR
Label used when logging. The default is swift.
.IP \fBlog_facility\fR
Syslog log facility. The default is LOG_LOCAL0.
.IP \fBlog_level\fR
Logging level. The default is INFO.
.IP \fBlog_address\fR
Logging address. The default is /dev/log.
.IP \fBlog_max_line_length\fR
The following caps the length of log lines to the value given; no limit if
set to 0, the default.
.IP \fBlog_custom_handlers\fR
Comma separated list of functions to call to setup custom log handlers.
functions get passed: conf, name, log_to_console, log_route, fmt, logger,
adapted_logger. The default is empty.
.IP \fBlog_udp_host\fR
If set, log_udp_host will override log_address.
.IP "\fBlog_udp_port\fR
UDP log port, the default is 514.
.IP \fBlog_statsd_host\fR
StatsD server. IPv4/IPv6 addresses and hostnames are
supported. If a hostname resolves to an IPv4 and IPv6 address, the IPv4
address will be used.
.IP \fBlog_statsd_port\fR
The default is 8125.
.IP \fBlog_statsd_default_sample_rate\fR
The default is 1.
.IP \fBlog_statsd_sample_rate_factor\fR
The default is 1.
.IP \fBlog_statsd_metric_prefix\fR
The default is empty.
.IP \fBdb_preallocation\fR
If you don't mind the extra disk space usage in overhead, you can turn this
on to preallocate disk space with SQLite databases to decrease fragmentation.
The default is false.
.IP \fBeventlet_debug\fR
Debug mode for eventlet library. The default is false.
.IP \fBfallocate_reserve\fR
You can set fallocate_reserve to the number of bytes or percentage of disk
space you'd like fallocate to reserve, whether there is space for the given
file size or not. Percentage will be used if the value ends with a '%'.
The default is 1%.
.PD 1
.RS 0
This is indicated by section name [pipeline:main]. Below are the parameters that
are acceptable within this section.
.IP "\fBpipeline\fR"
It is used when you need to apply a number of filters. It is a list of filters
ended by an application. The normal pipeline is "healthcheck
recon container-server".
.PD 1
.RS 0
This is indicated by section name [app:container-server]. Below are the parameters
that are acceptable within this section.
.IP "\fBuse\fR"
Entry point for paste.deploy for the container server. This is the reference to the installed python egg.
This is normally \fBegg:swift#container\fR.
.IP "\fBset log_name\fR
Label used when logging. The default is container-server.
.IP "\fBset log_facility\fR
Syslog log facility. The default is LOG_LOCAL0.
.IP "\fBset log_level\fR
Logging level. The default is INFO.
.IP "\fBset log_requests\fR
Enables request logging. The default is True.
.IP "\fBset log_address\fR
Logging address. The default is /dev/log.
.IP \fBnode_timeout\fR
Request timeout to external services. The default is 3 seconds.
.IP \fBconn_timeout\fR
Connection timeout to external services. The default is 0.5 seconds.
.IP \fBallow_versions\fR
The default is false.
.IP \fBauto_create_account_prefix\fR
The default is '.'.
.IP \fBreplication_server\fR
Configure parameter for creating specific server.
To handle all verbs, including replication verbs, do not specify
"replication_server" (this is the default). To only handle replication,
set to a True value (e.g. "True" or "1"). To handle only non-replication
verbs, set to "False". Unless you have a separate replication network, you
should not specify any value for "replication_server".
.PD 1
.RS 0
Any section that has its name prefixed by "filter:" indicates a filter section.
Filters are used to specify configuration parameters for specific swift middlewares.
Below are the filters available and respective acceptable parameters.
.IP "\fB[filter:healthcheck]\fR"
.RS 3
.IP "\fBuse\fR"
Entry point for paste.deploy for the healthcheck middleware. This is the reference to the installed python egg.
This is normally \fBegg:swift#healthcheck\fR.
.IP "\fBdisable_path\fR"
An optional filesystem path which, if present, will cause the healthcheck
URL to return "503 Service Unavailable" with a body of "DISABLED BY FILE".
.RS 0
.IP "\fB[filter:recon]\fR"
.RS 3
.IP "\fBuse\fR"
Entry point for paste.deploy for the recon middleware. This is the reference to the installed python egg.
This is normally \fBegg:swift#recon\fR.
.IP "\fBrecon_cache_path\fR"
The recon_cache_path simply sets the directory where stats for a few items will be stored.
Depending on the method of deployment you may need to create this directory manually
and ensure that swift has read/write. The default is /var/cache/swift.
.RS 0
.IP "\fB[filter:xprofile]\fR"
.RS 3
.IP "\fBuse\fR"
Entry point for paste.deploy for the xprofile middleware. This is the reference to the installed python egg.
This is normally \fBegg:swift#xprofile\fR.
.IP "\fBprofile_module\fR"
This option enable you to switch profilers which should inherit from python
standard profiler. Currently the supported value can be 'cProfile', 'eventlet.green.profile' etc.
.IP "\fBlog_filename_prefix\fR"
This prefix will be used to combine process ID and timestamp to name the
profile data file. Make sure the executing user has permission to write
into this path (missing path segments will be created, if necessary).
If you enable profiling in more than one type of daemon, you must override
it with an unique value like, the default is /var/log/swift/profile/account.profile.
.IP "\fBdump_interval\fR"
The profile data will be dumped to local disk based on above naming rule
in this interval. The default is 5.0.
.IP "\fBdump_timestamp\fR"
Be careful, this option will enable profiler to dump data into the file with
time stamp which means there will be lots of files piled up in the directory.
The default is false
.IP "\fBpath\fR"
This is the path of the URL to access the mini web UI. The default is __profile__.
.IP "\fBflush_at_shutdown\fR"
Clear the data when the wsgi server shutdown. The default is false.
.IP "\fBunwind\fR"
Unwind the iterator of applications. Default is false.
.PD 1
.RS 0
The following sections are used by other swift-container services, such as replicator,
updater, auditor and sync.
.IP "\fB[container-replicator]\fR"
.RS 3
.IP \fBlog_name\fR
Label used when logging. The default is container-replicator.
.IP \fBlog_facility\fR
Syslog log facility. The default is LOG_LOCAL0.
.IP \fBlog_level\fR
Logging level. The default is INFO.
.IP \fBlog_address\fR
Logging address. The default is /dev/log.
.IP \fBper_diff\fR
Maximum number of database rows that will be sync'd in a single HTTP replication request. The default is 1000.
.IP \fBmax_diffs\fR
This caps how long the replicator will spend trying to sync a given database per pass so the other databases don't get starved. The default is 100.
.IP \fBconcurrency\fR
Number of replication workers to spawn. The default is 8.
.IP "\fBrun_pause [deprecated]\fR"
Time in seconds to wait between replication passes. The default is 30.
.IP \fBinterval\fR
Replaces run_pause with the more standard "interval", which means the replicator won't pause unless it takes less than the interval set. The default is 30.
.IP \fBnode_timeout\fR
Request timeout to external services. The default is 10 seconds.
.IP \fBconn_timeout\fR
Connection timeout to external services. The default is 0.5 seconds.
.IP \fBreclaim_age\fR
Time elapsed in seconds before an container can be reclaimed. The default is
604800 seconds.
.IP \fBrsync_compress\fR
Allow rsync to compress data which is transmitted to destination node
during sync. However, this is applicable only when destination node is in
a different region than the local one. The default is false.
.IP \fBrsync_module\fR
Format of the rysnc module where the replicator will send data. See
etc/rsyncd.conf-sample for some usage examples.
.IP \fBrecon_cache_path\fR
Path to recon cache directory. The default is /var/cache/swift.
.RS 0
.IP "\fB[container-updater]\fR"
.RS 3
.IP \fBlog_name\fR
Label used when logging. The default is container-updater.
.IP \fBlog_facility\fR
Syslog log facility. The default is LOG_LOCAL0.
.IP \fBlog_level\fR
Logging level. The default is INFO.
.IP \fBlog_address\fR
Logging address. The default is /dev/log.
.IP \fBinterval\fR
Minimum time for a pass to take. The default is 300 seconds.
.IP \fBconcurrency\fR
Number of reaper workers to spawn. The default is 4.
.IP \fBnode_timeout\fR
Request timeout to external services. The default is 3 seconds.
.IP \fBconn_timeout\fR
Connection timeout to external services. The default is 0.5 seconds.
.IP \fBslowdown\fR
Slowdown will sleep that amount between containers. The default is 0.01 seconds.
.IP \fBaccount_suppression_time\fR
Seconds to suppress updating an account that has generated an error. The default is 60 seconds.
.IP \fBrecon_cache_path\fR
Path to recon cache directory. The default is /var/cache/swift.
.RS 0
.IP "\fB[container-auditor]\fR"
.RS 3
.IP \fBlog_name\fR
Label used when logging. The default is container-auditor.
.IP \fBlog_facility\fR
Syslog log facility. The default is LOG_LOCAL0.
.IP \fBlog_level\fR
Logging level. The default is INFO.
.IP \fBlog_address\fR
Logging address. The default is /dev/log.
.IP \fBinterval\fR
Will audit, at most, 1 container per device per interval. The default is 1800 seconds.
.IP \fBcontainers_per_second\fR
Maximum containers audited per second. Should be tuned according to individual system specs. 0 is unlimited. The default is 200.
.IP \fBrecon_cache_path\fR
Path to recon cache directory. The default is /var/cache/swift.
.RS 0
.IP "\fB[container-sync]\fR"
.RS 3
.IP \fBlog_name\fR
Label used when logging. The default is container-sync.
.IP \fBlog_facility\fR
Syslog log facility. The default is LOG_LOCAL0.
.IP \fBlog_level\fR
Logging level. The default is INFO.
.IP \fBlog_address\fR
Logging address. The default is /dev/log.
.IP \fBsync_proxy\fR
If you need to use an HTTP Proxy, set it here; defaults to no proxy.
.IP \fBinterval\fR
Will audit, at most, each container once per interval. The default is 300 seconds.
.IP \fBcontainer_time\fR
Maximum amount of time to spend syncing each container per pass. The default is 60 seconds.
.IP \fBconn_timeout\fR
Connection timeout to external services. The default is 5 seconds.
.IP \fBrequest_tries\fR
Server errors from requests will be retried by default. The default is 3.
.IP \fBinternal_client_conf_path\fR
Internal client config file path.
More in depth documentation about the swift-container-server and
also Openstack-Swift as a whole can be found at
.BI http://swift.openstack.org/admin_guide.html
.BI http://swift.openstack.org
.BR swift-container-server(1)