Alistair Coles 99023ef855 Maintain manage-shard-ranges docs in its module
Move the doc for manage-shard-ranges to the manage_shard_ranges.py module
and include it in overview_container_sharding.rst. This makes the doc for
manage-shard-ranges more obvious when viewing the code.

Change-Id: I27ca9b59897c5256dd5e2c3d4e26ff9e762b4a81
2018-05-22 05:20:14 +09:00

516 lines
20 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
# of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
The ``swift-manage-shard-ranges`` tool provides commands for initiating
sharding of a container. ``swift-manage-shard-ranges`` operates directly on a
container database file.
.. note::
``swift-manage-shard-ranges`` must only be used on one replica of a
container database to avoid inconsistent results. The modifications made by
``swift-manage-shard-ranges`` will be automatically copied to other
replicas of the container database via normal replication processes.
There are three steps in the process of initiating sharding, each of which may
be performed in isolation or, as shown below, using a single command.
#. The ``find`` sub-command scans the container database to identify how many
shard containers will be required and which objects they will manage. Each
shard container manages a range of the object namespace defined by a
``lower`` and ``upper`` bound. The maximum number of objects to be allocated
to each shard container is specified on the command line. For example::
$ swift-manage-shard-ranges <path_to_db> find 500000
Loaded db broker for AUTH_test/c1.
"index": 0,
"lower": "",
"object_count": 500000,
"upper": "o_01086834"
"index": 1,
"lower": "o_01086834",
"object_count": 500000,
"upper": "o_01586834"
"index": 2,
"lower": "o_01586834",
"object_count": 500000,
"upper": "o_02087570"
"index": 3,
"lower": "o_02087570",
"object_count": 500000,
"upper": "o_02587572"
"index": 4,
"lower": "o_02587572",
"object_count": 500000,
"upper": "o_03087572"
"index": 5,
"lower": "o_03087572",
"object_count": 500000,
"upper": "o_03587572"
"index": 6,
"lower": "o_03587572",
"object_count": 349194,
"upper": ""
Found 7 ranges in 4.37222s (total object count 3349194)
This command returns a list of shard ranges each of which describes the
namespace to be managed by a shard container. No other action is taken by
this command and the container database is unchanged. The output may be
redirected to a file for subsequent retrieval by the ``replace`` command.
For example::
$ swift-manage-shard-ranges <path_to_db> find 500000 > my_shard_ranges
Loaded db broker for AUTH_test/c1.
Found 7 ranges in 2.448s (total object count 3349194)
#. The ``replace`` sub-command deletes any shard ranges that might already be
in the container database and inserts shard ranges from a given file. The
file contents should be in the format generated by the ``find`` sub-command.
For example::
$ swift-manage-shard-ranges <path_to_db> replace my_shard_ranges
Loaded db broker for AUTH_test/c1.
No shard ranges found to delete.
Injected 7 shard ranges.
Run container-replicator to replicate them to other nodes.
Use the enable sub-command to enable sharding.
The container database is modified to store the shard ranges, but the
container will not start sharding until sharding is enabled. The ``info``
sub-command may be used to inspect the state of the container database at
any point, and the ``show`` sub-command may be used to display the inserted
shard ranges.
Shard ranges stored in the container database may be replaced using the
``replace`` sub-command. This will first delete all existing shard ranges
before storing new shard ranges. Shard ranges may also be deleted from the
container database using the ``delete`` sub-command.
Shard ranges should not be replaced or deleted using
``swift-manage-shard-ranges`` once the next step of enabling sharding has
been taken.
#. The ``enable`` sub-command enables the container for sharding. The sharder
daemon and/or container replicator daemon will replicate shard ranges to
other replicas of the container DB and the sharder daemon will proceed to
shard the container. This process may take some time depending on the size
of the container, the number of shard ranges and the underlying hardware.
.. note::
Once the ``enable`` sub-command has been used there is no supported
mechanism to revert sharding. Do not use ``swift-manage-shard-ranges``
to make any further changes to the shard ranges in the container DB.
For example::
$ swift-manage-shard-ranges <path_to_db> enable
Loaded db broker for AUTH_test/c1.
Container moved to state 'sharding' with epoch 1525345093.22908.
Run container-sharder on all nodes to shard the container.
This does not shard the container - sharding is performed by the
:ref:`sharder_daemon` - but sets the necessary state in the database for the
daemon to subsequently start the sharding process.
The ``epoch`` value displayed in the output is the time at which sharding
was enabled. When the :ref:`sharder_daemon` starts sharding this container
it creates a new container database file using the epoch in the filename to
distinguish it from the retiring DB that is being sharded.
All three steps may be performed with one sub-command::
$ swift-manage-shard-ranges <path_to_db> find_and_replace 500000 --enable \
> --force
Loaded db broker for AUTH_test/c1.
No shard ranges found to delete.
Injected 7 shard ranges.
Run container-replicator to replicate them to other nodes.
Container moved to state 'sharding' with epoch 1525345669.46153.
Run container-sharder on all nodes to shard the container.
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import json
import sys
import time
from six.moves import input
from swift.common.utils import Timestamp, get_logger, ShardRange
from swift.container.backend import ContainerBroker, UNSHARDED
from swift.container.sharder import make_shard_ranges, sharding_enabled, \
def _load_and_validate_shard_data(args):
with open(args.input, 'rb') as fd:
data = json.load(fd)
if not isinstance(data, list):
raise ValueError('Shard data must be a list of dicts')
for k in ('lower', 'upper', 'index', 'object_count'):
for shard in data:
return data
except (TypeError, ValueError, KeyError) as err:
print('Failed to load valid shard range data: %r' % err,
except IOError as err:
print('Failed to open file %s: %s' % (args.input, err),
def _check_shard_ranges(own_shard_range, shard_ranges):
reasons = []
def reason(x, y):
if x != y:
reasons.append('%s != %s' % (x, y))
if not shard_ranges:
reasons.append('No shard ranges.')
reason(own_shard_range.lower, shard_ranges[0].lower)
reason(own_shard_range.upper, shard_ranges[-1].upper)
for x, y in zip(shard_ranges, shard_ranges[1:]):
reason(x.upper, y.lower)
if reasons:
print('WARNING: invalid shard ranges: %s.' % reasons)
def _check_own_shard_range(broker, args):
# TODO: this check is weak - if the shards prefix changes then we may not
# identify a shard container. The goal is to not inadvertently create an
# entire namespace default shard range for a shard container.
is_shard = broker.account.startswith(args.shards_account_prefix)
own_shard_range = broker.get_own_shard_range(no_default=is_shard)
if not own_shard_range:
print('WARNING: shard container missing own shard range.')
return own_shard_range
def _find_ranges(broker, args, status_file=None):
start = last_report = time.time()
limit = 5 if status_file else -1
shard_data, last_found = broker.find_shard_ranges(
args.rows_per_shard, limit=limit)
if shard_data:
while not last_found:
if last_report + 10 < time.time():
print('Found %d ranges in %gs; looking for more...' % (
len(shard_data), time.time() - start), file=status_file)
last_report = time.time()
# prefix doesn't matter since we aren't persisting it
found_ranges = make_shard_ranges(broker, shard_data, '.shards_')
more_shard_data, last_found = broker.find_shard_ranges(
args.rows_per_shard, existing_ranges=found_ranges, limit=5)
return shard_data, time.time() - start
def find_ranges(broker, args):
shard_data, delta_t = _find_ranges(broker, args, sys.stderr)
print(json.dumps(shard_data, sort_keys=True, indent=2))
print('Found %d ranges in %gs (total object count %s)' %
(len(shard_data), delta_t,
sum(r['object_count'] for r in shard_data)),
return 0
def show_shard_ranges(broker, args):
shard_ranges = broker.get_shard_ranges(
include_deleted=getattr(args, 'include_deleted', False))
shard_data = [dict(sr, state=sr.state_text)
for sr in shard_ranges]
if not shard_data:
print("No shard data found.", file=sys.stderr)
elif getattr(args, 'brief', False):
print("Existing shard ranges:", file=sys.stderr)
print(json.dumps([(sd['lower'], sd['upper']) for sd in shard_data],
sort_keys=True, indent=2))
print("Existing shard ranges:", file=sys.stderr)
print(json.dumps(shard_data, sort_keys=True, indent=2))
return 0
def db_info(broker, args):
print('Sharding enabled = %s' % sharding_enabled(broker))
own_sr = broker.get_own_shard_range(no_default=True)
print('Own shard range: %s' %
(json.dumps(dict(own_sr, state=own_sr.state_text),
sort_keys=True, indent=2)
if own_sr else None))
db_state = broker.get_db_state()
print('db_state = %s' % db_state)
if db_state == 'sharding':
print('Retiring db id: %s' % broker.get_brokers()[0].get_info()['id'])
print('Cleaving context: %s' %
sort_keys=True, indent=2))
for k, (v, t) in broker.metadata.items():
print(' %s = %s' % (k, v))
def delete_shard_ranges(broker, args):
shard_ranges = broker.get_shard_ranges()
if not shard_ranges:
print("No shard ranges found to delete.")
return 0
while not args.force:
print('This will delete existing %d shard ranges.' % len(shard_ranges))
if broker.get_db_state() != UNSHARDED:
print('WARNING: Be very cautious about deleting existing shard '
'ranges. Deleting all ranges in this db does not guarantee '
'deletion of all ranges on all replicas of the db.')
print(' - this db is in state %s' % broker.get_db_state())
print(' - %d existing shard ranges have started sharding' %
[sr.state != ShardRange.FOUND
for sr in shard_ranges].count(True))
choice = input('Do you want to show the existing ranges [s], '
'delete the existing ranges [yes] '
'or quit without deleting [q]? ')
if choice == 's':
show_shard_ranges(broker, args)
elif choice == 'q':
return 1
elif choice == 'yes':
print('Please make a valid choice.')
now = Timestamp.now()
for sr in shard_ranges:
sr.deleted = 1
sr.timestamp = now
print('Deleted %s existing shard ranges.' % len(shard_ranges))
return 0
def _replace_shard_ranges(broker, args, shard_data, timeout=None):
own_shard_range = _check_own_shard_range(broker, args)
shard_ranges = make_shard_ranges(
broker, shard_data, args.shards_account_prefix)
_check_shard_ranges(own_shard_range, shard_ranges)
if args.verbose > 0:
print('New shard ranges to be injected:')
print(json.dumps([dict(sr) for sr in shard_ranges],
sort_keys=True, indent=2))
# Crank up the timeout in an effort to *make sure* this succeeds
with broker.updated_timeout(max(timeout, args.replace_timeout)):
delete_shard_ranges(broker, args)
print('Injected %d shard ranges.' % len(shard_ranges))
print('Run container-replicator to replicate them to other nodes.')
if args.enable:
return enable_sharding(broker, args)
print('Use the enable sub-command to enable sharding.')
return 0
def replace_shard_ranges(broker, args):
shard_data = _load_and_validate_shard_data(args)
return _replace_shard_ranges(broker, args, shard_data)
def find_replace_shard_ranges(broker, args):
shard_data, delta_t = _find_ranges(broker, args, sys.stdout)
# Since we're trying to one-shot this, and the previous step probably
# took a while, make the timeout for writing *at least* that long
return _replace_shard_ranges(broker, args, shard_data, timeout=delta_t)
def _enable_sharding(broker, own_shard_range, args):
if own_shard_range.update_state(ShardRange.SHARDING):
own_shard_range.epoch = Timestamp.now()
own_shard_range.state_timestamp = own_shard_range.epoch
with broker.updated_timeout(args.enable_timeout):
('True', Timestamp.now().normal)})
return own_shard_range
def enable_sharding(broker, args):
own_shard_range = _check_own_shard_range(broker, args)
_check_shard_ranges(own_shard_range, broker.get_shard_ranges())
if own_shard_range.state == ShardRange.ACTIVE:
own_shard_range = _enable_sharding(broker, own_shard_range, args)
print('Container moved to state %r with epoch %s.' %
(own_shard_range.state_text, own_shard_range.epoch.internal))
elif own_shard_range.state == ShardRange.SHARDING:
if own_shard_range.epoch:
print('Container already in state %r with epoch %s.' %
(own_shard_range.state_text, own_shard_range.epoch.internal))
print('No action required.')
print('Container already in state %r but missing epoch.' %
own_shard_range = _enable_sharding(broker, own_shard_range, args)
print('Container in state %r given epoch %s.' %
(own_shard_range.state_text, own_shard_range.epoch.internal))
print('WARNING: container in state %s (should be active or sharding).'
% own_shard_range.state_text)
return 2
print('Run container-sharder on all nodes to shard the container.')
return 0
def _add_find_args(parser):
parser.add_argument('rows_per_shard', nargs='?', type=int, default=500000)
def _add_replace_args(parser):
'--shards_account_prefix', metavar='shards_account_prefix', type=str,
required=False, help='Prefix for shards account', default='.shards_')
'--replace-timeout', type=int, default=600,
help='Minimum DB timeout to use when replacing shard ranges.')
'--force', '-f', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Delete existing shard ranges; no questions asked.')
'--enable', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Enable sharding after adding shard ranges.')
def _add_enable_args(parser):
'--enable-timeout', type=int, default=300,
help='DB timeout to use when enabling sharding.')
def _make_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Manage shard ranges')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='count',
help='Increase output verbosity')
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(
help='Sub-command help', title='Sub-commands')
# find
find_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
'find', help='Find and display shard ranges')
# delete
delete_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
'delete', help='Delete all existing shard ranges from db')
'--force', '-f', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Delete existing shard ranges; no questions asked.')
# show
show_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
'show', help='Print shard range data')
'--include_deleted', '-d', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Include deleted shard ranges in output.')
'--brief', '-b', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Show only shard range bounds in output.')
# info
info_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
'info', help='Print container db info')
# replace
replace_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
help='Replace existing shard ranges. User will be prompted before '
'deleting any existing shard ranges.')
replace_parser.add_argument('input', metavar='input_file',
type=str, help='Name of file')
# find_and_replace
find_replace_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
help='Find new shard ranges and replace existing shard ranges. '
'User will be prompted before deleting any existing shard ranges.'
# enable
enable_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
'enable', help='Enable sharding and move db to sharding state.')
return parser
def main(args=None):
parser = _make_parser()
args = parser.parse_args(args)
logger = get_logger({}, name='ContainerBroker', log_to_console=True)
broker = ContainerBroker(args.container_db, logger=logger,
print('Loaded db broker for %s.' % broker.path, file=sys.stderr)
return args.func(broker, args)
if __name__ == '__main__':