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# Copyright (c) 2010-2011 OpenStack, LLC.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from array import array
from random import randint, shuffle
from time import time
from swift.common.ring import RingData
class RingBuilder(object):
Used to build swift.common.RingData instances to be written to disk and
used with swift.common.ring.Ring instances. See bin/ring-builder.py for
example usage.
The instance variable devs_changed indicates if the device information has
changed since the last balancing. This can be used by tools to know whether
a rebalance request is an isolated request or due to added, changed, or
removed devices.
:param part_power: number of partitions = 2**part_power
:param replicas: number of replicas for each partition
:param min_part_hours: minimum number of hours between partition changes
def __init__(self, part_power, replicas, min_part_hours):
self.part_power = part_power
self.replicas = replicas
self.min_part_hours = min_part_hours
self.parts = 2 ** self.part_power
self.devs = []
self.devs_changed = False
self.version = 0
# _replica2part2dev maps from replica number to partition number to
# device id. So, for a three replica, 2**23 ring, it's an array of
# three 2**23 arrays of device ids (unsigned shorts). This can work a
# bit faster than the 2**23 array of triplet arrays of device ids in
# many circumstances. Making one big 2**23 * 3 array didn't seem to
# have any speed change; though you're welcome to try it again (it was
# a while ago, code-wise, when I last tried it).
self._replica2part2dev = None
# _last_part_moves is a 2**23 array of unsigned bytes representing the
# number of hours since a given partition was last moved. This is used
# to guarantee we don't move a partition twice within a given number of
# hours (24 is my usual test). Removing a device or setting it's weight
# to 0 overrides this behavior as it's assumed those actions are done
# because of device failure.
# _last_part_moves_epoch indicates the time the offsets in
# _last_part_moves is based on.
self._last_part_moves_epoch = None
self._last_part_moves = None
self._last_part_gather_start = 0
self._remove_devs = []
self._ring = None
def change_min_part_hours(self, min_part_hours):
Changes the value used to decide if a given partition can be moved
again. This restriction is to give the overall system enough time to
settle a partition to its new location before moving it to yet another
location. While no data would be lost if a partition is moved several
times quickly, it could make that data unreachable for a short period
of time.
This should be set to at least the average full partition replication
time. Starting it at 24 hours and then lowering it to what the
replicator reports as the longest partition cycle is best.
:param min_part_hours: new value for min_part_hours
self.min_part_hours = min_part_hours
def get_ring(self):
Get the ring, or more specifically, the swift.common.ring.RingData.
This ring data is the minimum required for use of the ring. The ring
builder itself keeps additional data such as when partitions were last
if not self._ring:
devs = [None] * len(self.devs)
for dev in self.devs:
if dev is None:
devs[dev['id']] = dict((k, v) for k, v in dev.items()
if k not in ('parts', 'parts_wanted'))
if not self._replica2part2dev:
self._ring = RingData([], devs, 32 - self.part_power)
self._ring = \
RingData([array('H', p2d) for p2d in self._replica2part2dev],
devs, 32 - self.part_power)
return self._ring
def add_dev(self, dev):
Add a device to the ring. This device dict should have a minimum of the
following keys:
====== ===============================================================
id unique integer identifier amongst devices
weight a float of the relative weight of this device as compared to
others; this indicates how many partitions the builder will try
to assign to this device
zone integer indicating which zone the device is in; a given
partition will not be assigned to multiple devices within the
same zone ip the ip address of the device
port the tcp port of the device
device the device's name on disk (sdb1, for example)
meta general use 'extra' field; for example: the online date, the
hardware description
====== ===============================================================
.. note::
This will not rebalance the ring immediately as you may want to
make multiple changes for a single rebalance.
:param dev: device dict
if dev['id'] < len(self.devs) and self.devs[dev['id']] is not None:
raise Exception('Duplicate device id: %d' % dev['id'])
while dev['id'] >= len(self.devs):
dev['weight'] = float(dev['weight'])
dev['parts'] = 0
self.devs[dev['id']] = dev
self.devs_changed = True
self.version += 1
def set_dev_weight(self, dev_id, weight):
Set the weight of a device. This should be called rather than just
altering the weight key in the device dict directly, as the builder
will need to rebuild some internal state to reflect the change.
.. note::
This will not rebalance the ring immediately as you may want to
make multiple changes for a single rebalance.
:param dev_id: device id
:param weight: new weight for device
self.devs[dev_id]['weight'] = weight
self.devs_changed = True
self.version += 1
def remove_dev(self, dev_id):
Remove a device from the ring.
.. note::
This will not rebalance the ring immediately as you may want to
make multiple changes for a single rebalance.
:param dev_id: device id
dev = self.devs[dev_id]
dev['weight'] = 0
self.devs_changed = True
self.version += 1
def rebalance(self):
Rebalance the ring.
This is the main work function of the builder, as it will assign and
reassign partitions to devices in the ring based on weights, distinct
zones, recent reassignments, etc.
The process doesn't always perfectly assign partitions (that'd take a
lot more analysis and therefore a lot more time -- I had code that did
that before). Because of this, it keeps rebalancing until the device
skew (number of partitions a device wants compared to what it has) gets
below 1% or doesn't change by more than 1% (only happens with ring that
can't be balanced no matter what -- like with 3 zones of differing
weights with replicas set to 3).
self._ring = None
if self._last_part_moves_epoch is None:
self.devs_changed = False
return self.parts, self.get_balance()
retval = 0
last_balance = 0
while True:
reassign_parts = self._gather_reassign_parts()
retval += len(reassign_parts)
while self._remove_devs:
self.devs[self._remove_devs.pop()['id']] = None
balance = self.get_balance()
if balance < 1 or abs(last_balance - balance) < 1 or \
retval == self.parts:
last_balance = balance
self.devs_changed = False
self.version += 1
return retval, balance
def validate(self, stats=False):
Validate the ring.
This is a safety function to try to catch any bugs in the building
process. It ensures partitions have been assigned to distinct zones,
aren't doubly assigned, etc. It can also optionally check the even
distribution of partitions across devices.
:param stats: if True, check distribution of partitions across devices
:returns: if stats is True, a tuple of (device usage, worst stat), else
(None, None)
:raises Exception: problem was found with the ring.
if sum(d['parts'] for d in self.devs if d is not None) != \
self.parts * self.replicas:
raise Exception(
'All partitions are not double accounted for: %d != %d' %
(sum(d['parts'] for d in self.devs if d is not None),
self.parts * self.replicas))
if stats:
dev_usage = array('I', (0 for _junk in xrange(len(self.devs))))
for part in xrange(self.parts):
zones = {}
for replica in xrange(self.replicas):
dev_id = self._replica2part2dev[replica][part]
if stats:
dev_usage[dev_id] += 1
zone = self.devs[dev_id]['zone']
if zone in zones:
raise Exception(
'Partition %d not in %d distinct zones. ' \
'Zones were: %s' %
(part, self.replicas,
for r in xrange(self.replicas)]))
zones[zone] = True
if stats:
weighted_parts = self.parts * self.replicas / \
sum(d['weight'] for d in self.devs if d is not None)
worst = 0
for dev in self.devs:
if dev is None:
if not dev['weight']:
if dev_usage[dev['id']]:
worst = 999.99
skew = abs(100.0 * dev_usage[dev['id']] /
(dev['weight'] * weighted_parts) - 100.0)
if skew > worst:
worst = skew
return dev_usage, worst
return None, None
def get_balance(self):
Get the balance of the ring. The balance value is the highest
percentage off the desired amount of partitions a given device wants.
For instance, if the "worst" device wants (based on its relative weight
and its zone's relative weight) 123 partitions and it has 124
partitions, the balance value would be 0.83 (1 extra / 123 wanted * 100
for percentage).
:returns: balance of the ring
weighted_parts = self.parts * self.replicas / \
sum(d['weight'] for d in self.devs if d is not None)
balance = 0
for dev in self.devs:
if dev is None:
if not dev['weight']:
if dev['parts']:
balance = 999.99
dev_balance = abs(100.0 * dev['parts'] /
(dev['weight'] * weighted_parts) - 100.0)
if dev_balance > balance:
balance = dev_balance
return balance
def pretend_min_part_hours_passed(self):
Override min_part_hours by marking all partitions as having been moved
255 hours ago. This can be used to force a full rebalance on the next
call to rebalance.
for part in xrange(self.parts):
self._last_part_moves[part] = 0xff
def _set_parts_wanted(self):
Sets the parts_wanted key for each of the devices to the number of
partitions the device wants based on its relative weight. This key is
used to sort the devices according to "most wanted" during rebalancing
to best distribute partitions.
weighted_parts = self.parts * self.replicas / \
sum(d['weight'] for d in self.devs if d is not None)
for dev in self.devs:
if dev is not None:
if not dev['weight']:
dev['parts_wanted'] = self.parts * -2
dev['parts_wanted'] = \
int(weighted_parts * dev['weight']) - dev['parts']
def _initial_balance(self):
Initial partition assignment is treated separately from rebalancing an
existing ring. Initial assignment is performed by ordering all the
devices by how many partitions they still want (and kept in order
during the process). The partitions are then iterated through,
assigning them to the next "most wanted" device, with distinct zone
for dev in self.devs:
dev['sort_key'] = \
'%08x.%04x' % (dev['parts_wanted'], randint(0, 0xffff))
available_devs = sorted((d for d in self.devs if d is not None),
key=lambda x: x['sort_key'])
self._replica2part2dev = \
[array('H') for _junk in xrange(self.replicas)]
for _junk in xrange(self.parts):
other_zones = array('H')
for replica in xrange(self.replicas):
index = len(available_devs) - 1
while available_devs[index]['zone'] in other_zones:
index -= 1
dev = available_devs.pop(index)
dev['parts_wanted'] -= 1
dev['parts'] += 1
dev['sort_key'] = \
'%08x.%04x' % (dev['parts_wanted'], randint(0, 0xffff))
index = 0
end = len(available_devs)
while index < end:
mid = (index + end) // 2
if dev['sort_key'] < available_devs[mid]['sort_key']:
end = mid
index = mid + 1
available_devs.insert(index, dev)
self._last_part_moves = array('B', (0 for _junk in xrange(self.parts)))
self._last_part_moves_epoch = int(time())
for dev in self.devs:
del dev['sort_key']
def _update_last_part_moves(self):
Updates how many hours ago each partition was moved based on the
current time. The builder won't move a partition that has been moved
more recently than min_part_hours.
elapsed_hours = int(time() - self._last_part_moves_epoch) / 3600
for part in xrange(self.parts):
self._last_part_moves[part] = \
min(self._last_part_moves[part] + elapsed_hours, 0xff)
self._last_part_moves_epoch = int(time())
def _gather_reassign_parts(self):
Returns an array('I') of partitions to be reassigned by gathering them
from removed devices and overweight devices.
reassign_parts = array('I')
if self._remove_devs:
dev_ids = [d['id'] for d in self._remove_devs if d['parts']]
if dev_ids:
for replica in xrange(self.replicas):
part2dev = self._replica2part2dev[replica]
for part in xrange(self.parts):
if part2dev[part] in dev_ids:
part2dev[part] = 0xffff
self._last_part_moves[part] = 0
start = self._last_part_gather_start / 4 + randint(0, self.parts / 2)
self._last_part_gather_start = start
for replica in xrange(self.replicas):
part2dev = self._replica2part2dev[replica]
for half in (xrange(start, self.parts), xrange(0, start)):
for part in half:
if self._last_part_moves[part] < self.min_part_hours:
dev = self.devs[part2dev[part]]
if dev['parts_wanted'] < 0:
part2dev[part] = 0xffff
self._last_part_moves[part] = 0
dev['parts_wanted'] += 1
dev['parts'] -= 1
return reassign_parts
def _reassign_parts(self, reassign_parts):
For an existing ring data set, partitions are reassigned similarly to
the initial assignment. The devices are ordered by how many partitions
they still want and kept in that order throughout the process. The
gathered partitions are iterated through, assigning them to devices
according to the "most wanted" and distinct zone restrictions.
for dev in self.devs:
if dev is not None:
dev['sort_key'] = '%08x.%04x' % (self.parts +
dev['parts_wanted'], randint(0, 0xffff))
available_devs = \
sorted((d for d in self.devs if d is not None and d['weight']),
key=lambda x: x['sort_key'])
for part in reassign_parts:
other_zones = array('H')
replace = None
for replica in xrange(self.replicas):
if self._replica2part2dev[replica][part] == 0xffff:
replace = replica
index = len(available_devs) - 1
while available_devs[index]['zone'] in other_zones:
index -= 1
dev = available_devs.pop(index)
self._replica2part2dev[replace][part] = dev['id']
dev['parts_wanted'] -= 1
dev['parts'] += 1
dev['sort_key'] = '%08x.%04x' % (self.parts + dev['parts_wanted'],
randint(0, 0xffff))
index = 0
end = len(available_devs)
while index < end:
mid = (index + end) // 2
if dev['sort_key'] < available_devs[mid]['sort_key']:
end = mid
index = mid + 1
available_devs.insert(index, dev)
for dev in self.devs:
if dev is not None:
del dev['sort_key']