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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
import textwrap
import string
from swift.common.utils import config_true_value, SWIFT_CONF_FILE
from swift.common.ring import Ring
from swift.common.utils import config_auto_int_value, replication_quorum_size
from swift.common.exceptions import RingValidationError
from pyeclib.ec_iface import ECDriver, ECDriverError
from pyeclib.core import ECPyECLibException
VALID_CHARS = '-' + string.letters + string.digits
) = (
class PolicyError(ValueError):
def __init__(self, msg, index=None):
if index is not None:
msg += ', for index %r' % index
super(PolicyError, self).__init__(msg)
def _get_policy_string(base, policy_index):
if policy_index == 0 or policy_index is None:
return_string = base
return_string = base + "-%d" % int(policy_index)
return return_string
def get_policy_string(base, policy_index):
Helper function to construct a string from a base and the policy
index. Used to encode the policy index into either a file name
or a directory name by various modules.
:param base: the base string
:param policy_index: the storage policy index
:returns: base name with policy index added
if POLICIES.get_by_index(policy_index) is None:
raise PolicyError("No policy with index %r" % policy_index)
return _get_policy_string(base, policy_index)
class StoragePolicy(object):
Represents a storage policy.
Not meant to be instantiated directly; implement one of the derived
classes (ReplicationStoragePolicy, ECStoragePolicy, etc) or use
:func:`~swift.common.storage_policy.reload_storage_policies` to load
POLICIES from ``swift.conf``.
The object_ring property is lazy loaded once the service's ``swift_dir``
is known via :meth:`~StoragePolicyCollection.get_object_ring`, but it may
be over-ridden via object_ring kwarg at create time for testing or
actively loaded with :meth:`~StoragePolicy.load_ring`.
def __init__(self, idx, name='', is_default=False, is_deprecated=False,
object_ring=None, policy_type=DEFAULT_POLICY_TYPE):
# do not allow StoragePolicy class to be instatiated directly
if self.__class__ == StoragePolicy:
raise TypeError("Can't instantiate StoragePolicy class directly")
# policy parameter validation
self.idx = int(idx)
except ValueError:
raise PolicyError('Invalid index', idx)
if self.idx < 0:
raise PolicyError('Invalid index', idx)
if not name:
raise PolicyError('Invalid name %r' % name, idx)
# this is defensively restrictive, but could be expanded in the future
if not all(c in VALID_CHARS for c in name):
raise PolicyError('Names are used as HTTP headers, and can not '
'reliably contain any characters not in %r. '
'Invalid name %r' % (VALID_CHARS, name))
if name.upper() == LEGACY_POLICY_NAME.upper() and self.idx != 0:
msg = 'The name %s is reserved for policy index 0. ' \
'Invalid name %r' % (LEGACY_POLICY_NAME, name)
raise PolicyError(msg, idx)
self.name = name
self.is_deprecated = config_true_value(is_deprecated)
self.is_default = config_true_value(is_default)
if policy_type not in VALID_TYPES:
raise PolicyError('Invalid type', policy_type)
self.policy_type = policy_type
if self.is_deprecated and self.is_default:
raise PolicyError('Deprecated policy can not be default. '
'Invalid config', self.idx)
self.ring_name = _get_policy_string('object', self.idx)
self.object_ring = object_ring
def __int__(self):
return self.idx
def __cmp__(self, other):
return cmp(self.idx, int(other))
def __repr__(self):
return ("%s(%d, %r, is_default=%s, "
"is_deprecated=%s, policy_type=%r)") % \
(self.__class__.__name__, self.idx, self.name,
self.is_default, self.is_deprecated, self.policy_type)
def from_conf(policy_type, policy_conf):
Factory method to create StoragePolicy objects from a config (dict)
if policy_type == EC_POLICY:
return ECStoragePolicy(**policy_conf)
return ReplicationStoragePolicy(**policy_conf)
def load_ring(self, swift_dir):
Load the ring for this policy immediately.
:param swift_dir: path to rings
if self.object_ring:
self.object_ring = Ring(swift_dir, ring_name=self.ring_name)
# Validate ring to make sure enough primary nodes are configured
def quorum_size(self, n):
raise NotImplementedError("quorum_size is undefined for base "
"StoragePolicy class ")
class ReplicationStoragePolicy(StoragePolicy):
Represents a storage policy of type 'replication'. Default storage policy
class unless otherwise overridden from swift.conf.
Not meant to be instantiated directly; use
:func:`~swift.common.storage_policy.reload_storage_policies` to load
POLICIES from ``swift.conf``.
def __init__(self, idx, name='', is_default=False, is_deprecated=False,
super(ReplicationStoragePolicy, self).__init__(
idx, name, is_default, is_deprecated, object_ring,
def validate_ring_node_count(self):
def object_chunk_transform_function(self, nconns):
# For replication, each object server connection just gets the chunk of
# data that the client sent.
def chunkfn(chunk):
return [chunk] * nconns
return chunkfn
def quorum_size(self, n):
Number of successful backend requests needed for the proxy to
consider the client request successful.
Quorum concept in the replication case:
floor(number of replica / 2) + 1
return replication_quorum_size(n)
class ECStoragePolicy(StoragePolicy):
Represents a storage policy of type 'erasure_coding'.
Not meant to be instantiated directly; use
:func:`~swift.common.storage_policy.reload_storage_policies` to load
POLICIES from ``swift.conf``.
def __init__(self, idx, name='', is_default=False,
is_deprecated=False, object_ring=None,
ec_type=None, ec_ndata=None, ec_nparity=None):
super(ECStoragePolicy, self).__init__(
idx, name, is_default, is_deprecated, object_ring,
# Validate erasure_coding policy specific members
# ec_type is one of the EC implementations supported by PyEClib
if ec_type is None:
raise PolicyError('Missing ec_type')
self._ec_type = ec_type
# Define _ec_ndata as the number of EC data fragments
# Accessible as the property "ec_ndata"
value = config_auto_int_value(ec_ndata, -1)
if value <= 0:
raise ValueError
self._ec_ndata = value
except ValueError:
raise PolicyError('Invalid ec_num_data_fragments', ec_ndata)
# Define _ec_nparity as the number of EC parity fragments
# Accessible as the property "ec_nparity"
value = config_auto_int_value(ec_nparity, -1)
if value <= 0:
raise ValueError
self._ec_nparity = value
except ValueError:
raise PolicyError('Invalid ec_num_parity_fragments', ec_nparity)
# Initialize PyECLib EC backend
# raises ECDriverError
self.pyeclib_driver = \
ECDriver(k=self._ec_ndata, m=self._ec_nparity,
except ECDriverError as e:
raise PolicyError("Error creating erasure_coding policy. "
"Please check policy configuration "
"(swift.conf). Policy %s, error detail: %s"
% (self.name, str(e)))
except ECPyECLibException as e:
raise PolicyError("Error creating erasure_coding policy. "
"Unsupported ec_type: %s for policy %s"
% (self._ec_type, self.name))
# quorum_size is the minimum number of data + parity elements required
# to be able to guarantee the desired fault tolerance, which is the
# number of data elements supplemented by the minimum number of parity
# elements required by the chosen erasure coding scheme. For example,
# for Reed-Soloman, the minimum number parity elements required is 1,
# and thus the quorum_size requirement is ec_ndata + 1. Given the
# number of parity elements required is not the same for every erasure
# coding scheme, consult PyECLib for min_parity_fragments_needed()
self._ec_quorum_size = \
self._ec_ndata + self.pyeclib_driver.min_parity_fragments_needed()
def __repr__(self):
return "%s, EC config(ec_type=%s, ec_ndata=%d, ec_nparity=%d)" % (
self.ec_type, self.ec_ndata, self.ec_nparity)
def validate_ring_node_count(self):
EC specific validation
Replica count check - we need _at_least_ (#data + #parity) replicas
configured. Also if the replica count is larger than exactly that
number, we may confuse the EC reconstructor
if self.object_ring:
nodes_configured = self.object_ring.replica_count
if nodes_configured != (self.ec_ndata + self.ec_nparity):
raise RingValidationError(
'EC ring for policy %s needs to be configured with '
'exactly %d nodes. Got %d.' % (self.name,
self.ec_ndata + self.ec_nparity, nodes_configured))
def ec_type(self):
return self._ec_type
def ec_ndata(self):
return self._ec_ndata
def ec_nparity(self):
return self._ec_nparity
def object_chunk_transform_function(self, nconns):
raise NotImplemented("write me")
def quorum_size(self, n):
Number of successful backend requests needed for the proxy to consider
the client request successful. Quorum size in the EC case depends on
the choice of EC scheme.
return self._ec_quorum_size
class StoragePolicyCollection(object):
This class represents the collection of valid storage policies for the
cluster and is instantiated as :class:`StoragePolicy` objects are added to
the collection when ``swift.conf`` is parsed by
When a StoragePolicyCollection is created, the following validation
is enforced:
* If a policy with index 0 is not declared and no other policies defined,
Swift will create one
* The policy index must be a non-negative integer
* If no policy is declared as the default and no other policies are
defined, the policy with index 0 is set as the default
* Policy indexes must be unique
* Policy names are required
* Policy names are case insensitive
* Policy names must contain only letters, digits or a dash
* Policy names must be unique
* The policy name 'Policy-0' can only be used for the policy with index 0
* If any policies are defined, exactly one policy must be declared default
* Deprecated policies can not be declared the default
def __init__(self, pols):
self.default = []
self.by_name = {}
self.by_index = {}
def _add_policy(self, policy):
Add pre-validated policies to internal indexes.
self.by_name[policy.name.upper()] = policy
self.by_index[int(policy)] = policy
def __repr__(self):
return (textwrap.dedent("""
""") % ',\n '.join(repr(p) for p in self)).strip()
def __len__(self):
return len(self.by_index)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.by_index[key]
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.by_index.values())
def _validate_policies(self, policies):
:param policies: list of policies
for policy in policies:
if int(policy) in self.by_index:
raise PolicyError('Duplicate index %s conflicts with %s' % (
policy, self.get_by_index(int(policy))))
if policy.name.upper() in self.by_name:
raise PolicyError('Duplicate name %s conflicts with %s' % (
policy, self.get_by_name(policy.name)))
if policy.is_default:
if not self.default:
self.default = policy
raise PolicyError(
'Duplicate default %s conflicts with %s' % (
policy, self.default))
# If a 0 policy wasn't explicitly given, or nothing was
# provided, create the 0 policy now
if 0 not in self.by_index:
if len(self) != 0:
raise PolicyError('You must specify a storage policy '
'section for policy index 0 in order '
'to define multiple policies')
ReplicationStoragePolicy(0, name=LEGACY_POLICY_NAME))
# at least one policy must be enabled
enabled_policies = [p for p in self if not p.is_deprecated]
if not enabled_policies:
raise PolicyError("Unable to find policy that's not deprecated!")
# if needed, specify default
if not self.default:
if len(self) > 1:
raise PolicyError("Unable to find default policy")
self.default = self[0]
self.default.is_default = True
def get_by_name(self, name):
Find a storage policy by its name.
:param name: name of the policy
:returns: storage policy, or None
return self.by_name.get(name.upper())
def get_by_index(self, index):
Find a storage policy by its index.
An index of None will be treated as 0.
:param index: numeric index of the storage policy
:returns: storage policy, or None if no such policy
# makes it easier for callers to just pass in a header value
index = int(index) if index else 0
return self.by_index.get(index)
def get_object_ring(self, policy_idx, swift_dir):
Get the ring object to use to handle a request based on its policy.
An index of None will be treated as 0.
:param policy_idx: policy index as defined in swift.conf
:param swift_dir: swift_dir used by the caller
:returns: appropriate ring object
policy = self.get_by_index(policy_idx)
if not policy:
raise PolicyError("No policy with index %s" % policy_idx)
if not policy.object_ring:
return policy.object_ring
def get_policy_info(self):
Build info about policies for the /info endpoint
:returns: list of dicts containing relevant policy information
policy_info = []
for pol in self:
# delete from /info if deprecated
if pol.is_deprecated:
policy_entry = {}
policy_entry['name'] = pol.name
policy_entry['policy_type'] = pol.policy_type
if pol.is_default:
policy_entry['default'] = pol.is_default
if pol.policy_type == EC_POLICY:
policy_entry['ec_type'] = pol.ec_type
policy_entry['ec_ndata'] = pol.ec_ndata
policy_entry['ec_nparity'] = pol.ec_nparity
return policy_info
def parse_storage_policies(conf):
Parse storage policies in ``swift.conf`` - note that validation
is done when the :class:`StoragePolicyCollection` is instantiated.
:param conf: ConfigParser parser object for swift.conf
policies = []
for section in conf.sections():
if not section.startswith('storage-policy:'):
policy_index = section.split(':', 1)[1]
# map config option name to StoragePolicy parameter name
config_to_policy_option_map = {
'name': 'name',
'default': 'is_default',
'deprecated': 'is_deprecated',
'policy_type': 'policy_type',
# ECStoragePolicy Specific options
'ec_type': 'ec_type',
'ec_num_data_fragments': 'ec_ndata',
'ec_num_parity_fragments': 'ec_nparity',
# assume DEFAULT policy type
policy_options = {}
for config_option, value in conf.items(section):
policy_option = config_to_policy_option_map[config_option]
except KeyError:
raise PolicyError('Invalid option %r in '
'storage-policy section %r' % (
config_option, section))
policy_options[policy_option] = value
# check policy type
policy_type = policy_options.pop('policy_type', DEFAULT_POLICY_TYPE)
if policy_type == EC_POLICY:
policy = ECStoragePolicy(policy_index, **policy_options)
# assume replication policy by default
policy = ReplicationStoragePolicy(policy_index, **policy_options)
return StoragePolicyCollection(policies)
class StoragePolicySingleton(object):
An instance of this class is the primary interface to storage policies
exposed as a module level global named ``POLICIES``. This global
reference wraps ``_POLICIES`` which is normally instantiated by parsing
``swift.conf`` and will result in an instance of
You should never patch this instance directly, instead patch the module
level ``_POLICIES`` instance so that swift code which imported
``POLICIES`` directly will reference the patched
def __iter__(self):
return iter(_POLICIES)
def __len__(self):
return len(_POLICIES)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return _POLICIES[key]
def __getattribute__(self, name):
return getattr(_POLICIES, name)
def __repr__(self):
return repr(_POLICIES)
def reload_storage_policies():
Reload POLICIES from ``swift.conf``.
global _POLICIES
policy_conf = ConfigParser()
_POLICIES = parse_storage_policies(policy_conf)
except PolicyError as e:
raise SystemExit('ERROR: Invalid Storage Policy Configuration '
'in %s (%s)' % (SWIFT_CONF_FILE, e))
# parse configuration and setup singleton
POLICIES = StoragePolicySingleton()