Alistair Coles 1dceafa7d5 ssync: sync non-durable fragments from handoffs
Previously, ssync would not sync nor cleanup non-durable data
fragments on handoffs. When the reconstructor is syncing objects from
a handoff node (a 'revert' reconstructor job) it may be useful, and is
not harmful, to also send non-durable fragments if the receiver has
older or no fragment data.

Several changes are made to enable this. On the sending side:

  - For handoff (revert) jobs, the reconstructor instantiates
    SsyncSender with a new 'include_non_durable' option.
  - If configured with the include_non_durable option, the SsyncSender
    calls the diskfile yield_hashes function with options that allow
    non-durable fragments to be yielded.
  - The diskfile yield_hashes function is enhanced to include a
    'durable' flag in the data structure yielded for each object.
  - The SsyncSender includes the 'durable' flag in the metadata sent
    during the missing_check exchange with the receiver.
  - If the receiver requests the non-durable object, the SsyncSender
    includes a new 'X-Backend-No-Commit' header when sending the PUT
    subrequest for the object.
  - The SsyncSender includes the non-durable object in the collection
    of synced objects returned to the reconstructor so that the
    non-durable fragment is removed from the handoff node.

On the receiving side:

  - The object server includes a new 'X-Backend-Accept-No-Commit'
    header in its response to SSYNC requests. This indicates to the
    sender that the receiver has been upgraded to understand the
    'X-Backend-No-Commit' header.
  - The SsyncReceiver is enhanced to consider non-durable data when
    determining if the sender's data is wanted or not.
  - The object server PUT method is enhanced to check for and
    'X-Backend-No-Commit' header before committing a diskfile.

If a handoff sender has both a durable and newer non-durable fragment
for the same object and frag-index, only the newer non-durable
fragment will be synced and removed on the first reconstructor
pass. The durable fragment will be synced and removed on the next
reconstructor pass.

Change-Id: I1d47b865e0a621f35d323bbed472a6cfd2a5971b
Closes-Bug: 1778002
2021-01-20 12:00:10 +00:00

1343 lines
58 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2010-2015 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json
import errno
import os
from os.path import join
import random
import time
from collections import defaultdict
import six
import six.moves.cPickle as pickle
import shutil
from eventlet import (GreenPile, GreenPool, Timeout, sleep, tpool, spawn)
from eventlet.support.greenlets import GreenletExit
from swift import gettext_ as _
from swift.common.utils import (
whataremyips, unlink_older_than, compute_eta, get_logger,
dump_recon_cache, mkdirs, config_true_value,
GreenAsyncPile, Timestamp, remove_file,
load_recon_cache, parse_override_options, distribute_evenly,
PrefixLoggerAdapter, remove_directory)
from swift.common.header_key_dict import HeaderKeyDict
from swift.common.bufferedhttp import http_connect
from swift.common.daemon import Daemon
from swift.common.ring.utils import is_local_device
from swift.obj.ssync_sender import Sender as ssync_sender
from swift.common.http import HTTP_OK, HTTP_NOT_FOUND, \
from swift.obj.diskfile import DiskFileRouter, get_data_dir, \
from swift.common.storage_policy import POLICIES, EC_POLICY
from swift.common.exceptions import ConnectionTimeout, DiskFileError, \
SuffixSyncError, PartitionLockTimeout
SYNC, REVERT = ('sync_only', 'sync_revert')
def _get_partners(node_index, part_nodes):
Returns the left, right and far partners of the node whose index is equal
to the given node_index.
:param node_index: the primary index
:param part_nodes: a list of primary nodes
:returns: [<node-to-left>, <node-to-right>, <node-opposite>]
num_nodes = len(part_nodes)
return [
part_nodes[(node_index - 1) % num_nodes],
part_nodes[(node_index + 1) % num_nodes],
node_index + (num_nodes // 2)
) % num_nodes],
def _full_path(node, part, relative_path, policy):
Combines the node properties, partition, relative-path and policy into a
single string representation.
:param node: a dict describing node properties
:param part: partition number
:param path: path of the desired EC archive relative to partition dir
:param policy: an instance of
:return: string representation of absolute path on node plus policy index
if not isinstance(relative_path, six.text_type):
relative_path = relative_path.decode('utf8')
return '%(replication_ip)s:%(replication_port)s' \
'/%(device)s/%(part)s%(path)s ' \
'policy#%(policy)d' % {
'replication_ip': node['replication_ip'],
'replication_port': node['replication_port'],
'device': node['device'],
'part': part, 'path': relative_path,
'policy': policy,
class RebuildingECDiskFileStream(object):
This class wraps the reconstructed fragment archive data and
metadata in the DiskFile interface for ssync.
def __init__(self, datafile_metadata, frag_index, rebuilt_fragment_iter):
# start with metadata from a participating FA
self.datafile_metadata = datafile_metadata
# the new FA is going to have the same length as others in the set
self._content_length = int(self.datafile_metadata['Content-Length'])
# update the FI and delete the ETag, the obj server will
# recalc on the other side...
self.datafile_metadata['X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index'] = frag_index
for etag_key in ('ETag', 'Etag'):
self.datafile_metadata.pop(etag_key, None)
self.frag_index = frag_index
self.rebuilt_fragment_iter = rebuilt_fragment_iter
def get_metadata(self):
return self.datafile_metadata
def get_datafile_metadata(self):
return self.datafile_metadata
def content_length(self):
return self._content_length
def reader(self):
for chunk in self.rebuilt_fragment_iter:
yield chunk
class ObjectReconstructor(Daemon):
Reconstruct objects using erasure code. And also rebalance EC Fragment
Archive objects off handoff nodes.
Encapsulates most logic and data needed by the object reconstruction
process. Each call to .reconstruct() performs one pass. It's up to the
caller to do this in a loop.
def __init__(self, conf, logger=None):
:param conf: configuration object obtained from ConfigParser
:param logger: logging object
self.conf = conf
self.logger = PrefixLoggerAdapter(
logger or get_logger(conf, log_route='object-reconstructor'), {})
self.devices_dir = conf.get('devices', '/srv/node')
self.mount_check = config_true_value(conf.get('mount_check', 'true'))
self.swift_dir = conf.get('swift_dir', '/etc/swift')
self.bind_ip = conf.get('bind_ip', '')
self.servers_per_port = int(conf.get('servers_per_port', '0') or 0)
self.port = None if self.servers_per_port else \
int(conf.get('bind_port', 6200))
self.concurrency = int(conf.get('concurrency', 1))
# N.B. to maintain compatibility with legacy configs this option can
# not be named 'workers' because the object-server uses that option
# name in the DEFAULT section
self.reconstructor_workers = int(conf.get('reconstructor_workers', 0))
self.policies = [policy for policy in POLICIES
if policy.policy_type == EC_POLICY]
self.stats_interval = int(conf.get('stats_interval', '300'))
self.ring_check_interval = int(conf.get('ring_check_interval', 15))
self.next_check = time.time() + self.ring_check_interval
self.partition_times = []
self.interval = int(conf.get('interval') or
conf.get('run_pause') or 30)
if 'run_pause' in conf:
if 'interval' in conf:
'Option object-reconstructor/run_pause is deprecated and '
'object-reconstructor/interval is already configured. '
'You can safely remove run_pause; it is now ignored and '
'will be removed in a future version.')
'Option object-reconstructor/run_pause is deprecated '
'and will be removed in a future version. '
'Update your configuration to use option '
self.http_timeout = int(conf.get('http_timeout', 60))
self.lockup_timeout = int(conf.get('lockup_timeout', 1800))
self.recon_cache_path = conf.get('recon_cache_path',
self.rcache = os.path.join(self.recon_cache_path, "object.recon")
self._next_rcache_update = time.time() + self.stats_interval
# defaults subject to change after beta
self.conn_timeout = float(conf.get('conn_timeout', 0.5))
self.node_timeout = float(conf.get('node_timeout', 10))
self.network_chunk_size = int(conf.get('network_chunk_size', 65536))
self.disk_chunk_size = int(conf.get('disk_chunk_size', 65536))
self.headers = {
'Content-Length': '0',
'user-agent': 'obj-reconstructor %s' % os.getpid()}
if 'handoffs_first' in conf:
'The handoffs_first option is deprecated in favor '
'of handoffs_only. This option may be ignored in a '
'future release.')
# honor handoffs_first for backwards compatibility
default_handoffs_only = config_true_value(conf['handoffs_first'])
default_handoffs_only = False
self.handoffs_only = config_true_value(
conf.get('handoffs_only', default_handoffs_only))
if self.handoffs_only:
'Handoff only mode is not intended for normal '
'operation, use handoffs_only with care.')
elif default_handoffs_only:
self.logger.warning('Ignored handoffs_first option in favor '
'of handoffs_only.')
self.rebuild_handoff_node_count = int(conf.get(
'rebuild_handoff_node_count', 2))
# When upgrading from liberasurecode<=1.5.0, you may want to continue
# writing legacy CRCs until all nodes are upgraded and capabale of
# reading fragments with zlib CRCs.
# See https://bugs.launchpad.net/liberasurecode/+bug/1886088 for more
# information.
if 'write_legacy_ec_crc' in conf:
'1' if config_true_value(conf['write_legacy_ec_crc']) else '0'
# else, assume operators know what they're doing and leave env alone
self._df_router = DiskFileRouter(conf, self.logger)
self.all_local_devices = self.get_local_devices()
self.rings_mtime = None
def get_worker_args(self, once=False, **kwargs):
Take the set of all local devices for this node from all the EC
policies rings, and distribute them evenly into the number of workers
to be spawned according to the configured worker count. If `devices` is
given in `kwargs` then distribute only those devices.
:param once: False if the worker(s) will be daemonized, True if the
worker(s) will be run once
:param kwargs: optional overrides from the command line
if self.reconstructor_workers < 1:
override_opts = parse_override_options(once=once, **kwargs)
# Note that this get re-used when dumping stats and in is_healthy
self.all_local_devices = self.get_local_devices()
if override_opts.devices:
devices = [d for d in override_opts.devices
if d in self.all_local_devices]
devices = list(self.all_local_devices)
if not devices:
# we only need a single worker to do nothing until a ring change
yield dict(override_devices=override_opts.devices,
# for somewhat uniform load per worker use same
# max_devices_per_worker when handling all devices or just override
# devices, but only use enough workers for the actual devices being
# handled
self.reconstructor_workers = min(self.reconstructor_workers,
for index, ods in enumerate(distribute_evenly(
devices, self.reconstructor_workers)):
yield dict(override_partitions=override_opts.partitions,
def is_healthy(self):
Check whether rings have changed, and maybe do a recon update.
:returns: False if any ec ring has changed
now = time.time()
if now > self._next_rcache_update:
self._next_rcache_update = now + self.stats_interval
rings_mtime = [os.path.getmtime(self.load_object_ring(
policy).serialized_path) for policy in self.policies]
if self.rings_mtime == rings_mtime:
return True
self.rings_mtime = rings_mtime
return self.get_local_devices() == self.all_local_devices
def aggregate_recon_update(self):
Aggregate per-disk rcache updates from child workers.
existing_data = load_recon_cache(self.rcache)
first_start = time.time()
last_finish = 0
all_devices_reporting = True
for device in self.all_local_devices:
per_disk_stats = existing_data.get(
'object_reconstruction_per_disk', {}).get(device, {})
start_time = per_disk_stats['object_reconstruction_last'] - \
(per_disk_stats['object_reconstruction_time'] * 60)
finish_time = per_disk_stats['object_reconstruction_last']
except KeyError:
all_devices_reporting = False
first_start = min(first_start, start_time)
last_finish = max(last_finish, finish_time)
if all_devices_reporting and last_finish > 0:
duration = last_finish - first_start
recon_update = {
'object_reconstruction_time': duration / 60.0,
'object_reconstruction_last': last_finish
# if any current devices have not yet dropped stats, or the rcache
# file does not yet exist, we may still clear out per device stats
# for any devices that have been removed from local devices
recon_update = {}
found_devices = set(existing_data.get(
'object_reconstruction_per_disk', {}).keys())
clear_update = {d: {} for d in found_devices
if d not in self.all_local_devices}
if clear_update:
recon_update['object_reconstruction_per_disk'] = clear_update
dump_recon_cache(recon_update, self.rcache, self.logger)
def load_object_ring(self, policy):
Make sure the policy's rings are loaded.
:param policy: the StoragePolicy instance
:returns: appropriate ring object
return policy.object_ring
def check_ring(self, object_ring):
Check to see if the ring has been updated
:param object_ring: the ring to check
:returns: boolean indicating whether or not the ring has changed
if time.time() > self.next_check:
self.next_check = time.time() + self.ring_check_interval
if object_ring.has_changed():
return False
return True
def _get_response(self, node, part, path, headers, full_path):
Helper method for reconstruction that GETs a single EC fragment
:param node: the node to GET from
:param part: the partition
:param path: path of the desired EC archive relative to partition dir
:param headers: the headers to send
:param full_path: full path to desired EC archive
:returns: response
resp = None
with ConnectionTimeout(self.conn_timeout):
conn = http_connect(node['ip'], node['port'], node['device'],
part, 'GET', path, headers=headers)
with Timeout(self.node_timeout):
resp = conn.getresponse()
resp.full_path = full_path
if resp.status not in [HTTP_OK, HTTP_NOT_FOUND]:
_("Invalid response %(resp)s from %(full_path)s"),
{'resp': resp.status, 'full_path': full_path})
resp = None
elif resp.status == HTTP_NOT_FOUND:
resp = None
except (Exception, Timeout):
_("Trying to GET %(full_path)s"), {
'full_path': full_path})
return resp
def reconstruct_fa(self, job, node, datafile_metadata):
Reconstructs a fragment archive - this method is called from ssync
after a remote node responds that is missing this object - the local
diskfile is opened to provide metadata - but to reconstruct the
missing fragment archive we must connect to multiple object servers.
:param job: job from ssync_sender
:param node: node that we're rebuilding to
:param datafile_metadata: the datafile metadata to attach to
the rebuilt fragment archive
:returns: a DiskFile like class for use by ssync
:raises DiskFileError: if the fragment archive cannot be reconstructed
# don't try and fetch a fragment from the node we're rebuilding to
part_nodes = [n for n in job['policy'].object_ring.get_part_nodes(
job['partition']) if n['id'] != node['id']]
# the fragment index we need to reconstruct is the position index
# of the node we're rebuilding to within the primary part list
fi_to_rebuild = node['backend_index']
# KISS send out connection requests to all nodes, see what sticks.
# Use fragment preferences header to tell other nodes that we want
# fragments at the same timestamp as our fragment, and that they don't
# need to be durable.
headers = self.headers.copy()
headers['X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index'] = int(job['policy'])
headers['X-Backend-Replication'] = 'True'
frag_prefs = [{'timestamp': datafile_metadata['X-Timestamp'],
'exclude': []}]
headers['X-Backend-Fragment-Preferences'] = json.dumps(frag_prefs)
pile = GreenAsyncPile(len(part_nodes))
path = datafile_metadata['name']
for _node in part_nodes:
full_get_path = _full_path(
_node, job['partition'], path, job['policy'])
pile.spawn(self._get_response, _node, job['partition'],
path, headers, full_get_path)
buckets = defaultdict(dict)
durable_buckets = {}
etag_buckets = {}
error_resp_count = 0
for resp in pile:
if not resp:
error_resp_count += 1
resp.headers = HeaderKeyDict(resp.getheaders())
frag_index = resp.headers.get('X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index')
resp_frag_index = int(frag_index)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
# The successful response should include valid X-Object-
# Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index but for safety, catching the case
# either missing X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index or invalid
# frag index to reconstruct and dump warning log for that
'Invalid resp from %s '
'(invalid X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index: %r)',
resp.full_path, frag_index)
if fi_to_rebuild == resp_frag_index:
# TODO: With duplicated EC frags it's not unreasonable to find
# the very fragment we're trying to rebuild exists on another
# primary node. In this case we should stream it directly from
# the remote node to our target instead of rebuild. But
# instead we ignore it.
'Found existing frag #%s at %s while rebuilding to %s',
fi_to_rebuild, resp.full_path,
node, job['partition'], datafile_metadata['name'],
timestamp = resp.headers.get('X-Backend-Timestamp')
if not timestamp:
self.logger.warning('Invalid resp from %s, frag index %s '
'(missing X-Backend-Timestamp)',
resp.full_path, resp_frag_index)
timestamp = Timestamp(timestamp)
durable = resp.headers.get('X-Backend-Durable-Timestamp')
if durable:
durable_buckets[Timestamp(durable)] = True
etag = resp.headers.get('X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag')
if not etag:
self.logger.warning('Invalid resp from %s, frag index %s '
'(missing Etag)',
resp.full_path, resp_frag_index)
if etag != etag_buckets.setdefault(timestamp, etag):
'Mixed Etag (%s, %s) for %s frag#%s',
etag, etag_buckets[timestamp],
_full_path(node, job['partition'],
datafile_metadata['name'], job['policy']),
if resp_frag_index not in buckets[timestamp]:
buckets[timestamp][resp_frag_index] = resp
if len(buckets[timestamp]) >= job['policy'].ec_ndata:
responses = list(buckets[timestamp].values())
'Reconstruct frag #%s with frag indexes %s'
% (fi_to_rebuild, list(buckets[timestamp])))
path = _full_path(node, job['partition'],
for timestamp, resp in sorted(buckets.items()):
etag = etag_buckets[timestamp]
durable = durable_buckets.get(timestamp)
'Unable to get enough responses (%s/%s) to reconstruct '
'%s %s frag#%s with ETag %s and timestamp %s' % (
len(resp), job['policy'].ec_ndata,
'durable' if durable else 'non-durable',
path, fi_to_rebuild, etag, timestamp.internal))
if error_resp_count:
durable = durable_buckets.get(Timestamp(
'Unable to get enough responses (%s error responses) '
'to reconstruct %s %s frag#%s' % (
'durable' if durable else 'non-durable',
path, fi_to_rebuild))
raise DiskFileError('Unable to reconstruct EC archive')
rebuilt_fragment_iter = self.make_rebuilt_fragment_iter(
responses[:job['policy'].ec_ndata], path, job['policy'],
return RebuildingECDiskFileStream(datafile_metadata, fi_to_rebuild,
def _reconstruct(self, policy, fragment_payload, frag_index):
return policy.pyeclib_driver.reconstruct(fragment_payload,
def make_rebuilt_fragment_iter(self, responses, path, policy, frag_index):
Turn a set of connections from backend object servers into a generator
that yields up the rebuilt fragment archive for frag_index.
def _get_one_fragment(resp):
buff = []
remaining_bytes = policy.fragment_size
while remaining_bytes:
chunk = resp.read(remaining_bytes)
if not chunk:
remaining_bytes -= len(chunk)
return b''.join(buff)
def fragment_payload_iter():
# We need a fragment from each connections, so best to
# use a GreenPile to keep them ordered and in sync
pile = GreenPile(len(responses))
while True:
for resp in responses:
pile.spawn(_get_one_fragment, resp)
with Timeout(self.node_timeout):
fragment_payload = [fragment for fragment in pile]
except (Exception, Timeout):
_("Error trying to rebuild %(path)s "
"policy#%(policy)d frag#%(frag_index)s"),
{'path': path,
'policy': policy,
'frag_index': frag_index,
if not all(fragment_payload):
rebuilt_fragment = self._reconstruct(
policy, fragment_payload, frag_index)
yield rebuilt_fragment
return fragment_payload_iter()
def stats_line(self):
Logs various stats for the currently running reconstruction pass.
if (self.device_count and self.part_count):
elapsed = (time.time() - self.start) or 0.000001
rate = self.reconstruction_part_count / elapsed
_("%(reconstructed)d/%(total)d (%(percentage).2f%%)"
" partitions reconstructed in %(time).2fs "
"(%(rate).2f/sec, %(remaining)s remaining)"),
{'reconstructed': self.reconstruction_part_count,
'total': self.part_count,
self.reconstruction_part_count * 100.0 / self.part_count,
'time': time.time() - self.start, 'rate': rate,
'remaining': '%d%s' %
if self.suffix_count and self.partition_times:
_("%(checked)d suffixes checked - "
"%(hashed).2f%% hashed, %(synced).2f%% synced"),
{'checked': self.suffix_count,
'hashed': (self.suffix_hash * 100.0) / self.suffix_count,
'synced': (self.suffix_sync * 100.0) / self.suffix_count})
_("Partition times: max %(max).4fs, "
"min %(min).4fs, med %(med).4fs"),
{'max': self.partition_times[-1],
'min': self.partition_times[0],
'med': self.partition_times[
len(self.partition_times) // 2]})
_("Nothing reconstructed for %s seconds."),
(time.time() - self.start))
def _emplace_log_prefix(self, worker_index):
self.logger.set_prefix("[worker %d/%d pid=%s] " % (
worker_index + 1, # use 1-based indexing for more readable logs
def kill_coros(self):
"""Utility function that kills all coroutines currently running."""
for coro in list(self.run_pool.coroutines_running):
except GreenletExit:
def heartbeat(self):
Loop that runs in the background during reconstruction. It
periodically logs progress.
while True:
def detect_lockups(self):
In testing, the pool.waitall() call very occasionally failed to return.
This is an attempt to make sure the reconstructor finishes its
reconstruction pass in some eventuality.
while True:
if self.reconstruction_count == self.last_reconstruction_count:
self.logger.error(_("Lockup detected.. killing live coros."))
self.last_reconstruction_count = self.reconstruction_count
def _get_hashes(self, device, partition, policy, recalculate=None,
df_mgr = self._df_router[policy]
hashed, suffix_hashes = tpool.execute(
df_mgr._get_hashes, device, partition, policy,
recalculate=recalculate, do_listdir=do_listdir)
self.logger.update_stats('suffix.hashes', hashed)
return suffix_hashes
def get_suffix_delta(self, local_suff, local_index,
remote_suff, remote_index):
Compare the local suffix hashes with the remote suffix hashes
for the given local and remote fragment indexes. Return those
suffixes which should be synced.
:param local_suff: the local suffix hashes (from _get_hashes)
:param local_index: the local fragment index for the job
:param remote_suff: the remote suffix hashes (from remote
REPLICATE request)
:param remote_index: the remote fragment index for the job
:returns: a list of strings, the suffix dirs to sync
suffixes = []
for suffix, sub_dict_local in local_suff.items():
sub_dict_remote = remote_suff.get(suffix, {})
if (sub_dict_local.get(None) != sub_dict_remote.get(None) or
sub_dict_local.get(local_index) !=
return suffixes
def _iter_nodes_for_frag(self, policy, partition, node):
Generate a priority list of nodes that can sync to the given node.
The primary node is always the highest priority, after that we'll use
To avoid conflicts placing frags we'll skip through the handoffs and
only yield back those that are offset equal to the given primary
node index.
Nodes returned from this iterator will have 'backend_index' set.
node['backend_index'] = policy.get_backend_index(node['index'])
yield node
count = 0
for handoff_node in policy.object_ring.get_more_nodes(partition):
handoff_backend_index = policy.get_backend_index(
if handoff_backend_index == node['backend_index']:
if (self.rebuild_handoff_node_count >= 0 and
count >= self.rebuild_handoff_node_count):
handoff_node['backend_index'] = handoff_backend_index
yield handoff_node
count += 1
def _get_suffixes_to_sync(self, job, node):
For SYNC jobs we need to make a remote REPLICATE request to get
the remote node's current suffix's hashes and then compare to our
local suffix's hashes to decide which suffixes (if any) are out
of sync.
:param job: the job dict, with the keys defined in ``_get_part_jobs``
:param node: the remote node dict
:returns: a (possibly empty) list of strings, the suffixes to be
synced and the remote node.
# get hashes from the remote node
remote_suffixes = None
attempts_remaining = 1
headers = self.headers.copy()
headers['X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index'] = int(job['policy'])
possible_nodes = self._iter_nodes_for_frag(
job['policy'], job['partition'], node)
while remote_suffixes is None and attempts_remaining:
node = next(possible_nodes)
except StopIteration:
attempts_remaining -= 1
with Timeout(self.http_timeout):
resp = http_connect(
node['replication_ip'], node['replication_port'],
node['device'], job['partition'], 'REPLICATE',
'', headers=headers).getresponse()
_('%s responded as unmounted'),
_full_path(node, job['partition'], '',
attempts_remaining += 1
elif resp.status != HTTP_OK:
full_path = _full_path(node, job['partition'], '',
_("Invalid response %(resp)s from %(full_path)s"),
{'resp': resp.status, 'full_path': full_path})
remote_suffixes = pickle.loads(resp.read())
except (Exception, Timeout):
# all exceptions are logged here so that our caller can
# safely catch our exception and continue to the next node
# without logging
self.logger.exception('Unable to get remote suffix hashes '
'from %r' % _full_path(
node, job['partition'], '',
if remote_suffixes is None:
raise SuffixSyncError('Unable to get remote suffix hashes')
suffixes = self.get_suffix_delta(job['hashes'],
# now recalculate local hashes for suffixes that don't
# match so we're comparing the latest
local_suff = self._get_hashes(job['local_dev']['device'],
job['policy'], recalculate=suffixes)
suffixes = self.get_suffix_delta(local_suff,
self.suffix_count += len(suffixes)
return suffixes, node
def delete_reverted_objs(self, job, objects, frag_index):
For EC we can potentially revert only some of a partition
so we'll delete reverted objects here. Note that we delete
the fragment index of the file we sent to the remote node.
:param job: the job being processed
:param objects: a dict of objects to be deleted, each entry maps
:param frag_index: (int) the fragment index of data files to be deleted
df_mgr = self._df_router[job['policy']]
suffixes_to_delete = set()
for object_hash, timestamps in objects.items():
df = df_mgr.get_diskfile_from_hash(
job['local_dev']['device'], job['partition'],
object_hash, job['policy'],
df.purge(timestamps['ts_data'], frag_index)
except DiskFileError:
'Unable to purge DiskFile (%r %r %r)',
object_hash, timestamps['ts_data'], frag_index)
for suffix in suffixes_to_delete:
remove_directory(os.path.join(job['path'], suffix))
def process_job(self, job):
Sync the local partition with the remote node(s) according to
the parameters of the job. For primary nodes, the SYNC job type
will define both left and right hand sync_to nodes to ssync with
as defined by this primary nodes index in the node list based on
the fragment index found in the partition. For non-primary
nodes (either handoff revert, or rebalance) the REVERT job will
define a single node in sync_to which is the proper/new home for
the fragment index.
N.B. ring rebalancing can be time consuming and handoff nodes'
fragment indexes do not have a stable order, it's possible to
have more than one REVERT job for a partition, and in some rare
failure conditions there may even also be a SYNC job for the
same partition - but each one will be processed separately
because each job will define a separate list of node(s) to
:param job: the job dict, with the keys defined in ``_get_job_info``
begin = time.time()
if job['job_type'] == REVERT:
self._revert(job, begin)
self._sync(job, begin)
self.partition_times.append(time.time() - begin)
self.reconstruction_count += 1
def _sync(self, job, begin):
Process a SYNC job.
'partition.update.count.%s' % (job['local_dev']['device'],))
for node in job['sync_to']:
suffixes, node = self._get_suffixes_to_sync(job, node)
except SuffixSyncError:
if not suffixes:
# ssync any out-of-sync suffixes with the remote node
success, _ = ssync_sender(
self, node, job, suffixes, include_non_durable=False)()
# update stats for this attempt
self.suffix_sync += len(suffixes)
self.logger.update_stats('suffix.syncs', len(suffixes))
self.logger.timing_since('partition.update.timing', begin)
def _revert(self, job, begin):
Process a REVERT job.
'partition.delete.count.%s' % (job['local_dev']['device'],))
syncd_with = 0
reverted_objs = {}
df_mgr = self._df_router[job['policy']]
# Only object-server can take this lock if an incoming SSYNC is
# running on the same partition. Taking the lock here ensure we
# won't enter a race condition where both nodes try to
# cross-replicate the same partition and both delete it.
with df_mgr.partition_lock(job['device'], job['policy'],
job['partition'], name='replication',
for node in job['sync_to']:
node['backend_index'] = job['policy'].get_backend_index(
success, in_sync_objs = ssync_sender(
self, node, job, job['suffixes'],
if success:
syncd_with += 1
if syncd_with >= len(job['sync_to']):
job, reverted_objs, job['frag_index'])
self.handoffs_remaining += 1
except PartitionLockTimeout:
self.logger.info("Unable to lock handoff partition %d for revert "
"on device %s policy %d",
job['partition'], job['device'], job['policy'])
self.handoffs_remaining += 1
self.logger.timing_since('partition.delete.timing', begin)
def _get_part_jobs(self, local_dev, part_path, partition, policy):
Helper function to build jobs for a partition, this method will
read the suffix hashes and create job dictionaries to describe
the needed work. There will be one job for each fragment index
discovered in the partition.
For a fragment index which corresponds to this node's ring
index, a job with job_type SYNC will be created to ensure that
the left and right hand primary ring nodes for the part have the
corresponding left and right hand fragment archives.
A fragment index (or entire partition) for which this node is
not the primary corresponding node, will create job(s) with
job_type REVERT to ensure that fragment archives are pushed to
the correct node and removed from this one.
A partition may result in multiple jobs. Potentially many
REVERT jobs, and zero or one SYNC job.
:param local_dev: the local device (node dict)
:param part_path: full path to partition
:param partition: partition number
:param policy: the policy
:returns: a list of dicts of job info
N.B. If this function ever returns an empty list of jobs the entire
partition will be deleted.
# find all the fi's in the part, and which suffixes have them
hashes = self._get_hashes(local_dev['device'], partition, policy,
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOTDIR:
'Unexpected entity %r is not a directory' % part_path)
return []
non_data_fragment_suffixes = []
data_fi_to_suffixes = defaultdict(list)
for suffix, fi_hash in hashes.items():
if not fi_hash:
# this is for sanity and clarity, normally an empty
# suffix would get del'd from the hashes dict, but an
# OSError trying to re-hash the suffix could leave the
# value empty - it will log the exception; but there's
# no way to properly address this suffix at this time.
data_frag_indexes = [f for f in fi_hash if f is not None]
if not data_frag_indexes:
for fi in data_frag_indexes:
# helper to ensure consistent structure of jobs
def build_job(job_type, frag_index, suffixes, sync_to):
return {
'job_type': job_type,
'frag_index': frag_index,
'suffixes': suffixes,
'sync_to': sync_to,
'partition': partition,
'path': part_path,
'hashes': hashes,
'policy': policy,
'local_dev': local_dev,
# ssync likes to have it handy
'device': local_dev['device'],
# aggregate jobs for all the fragment index in this part
jobs = []
# check the primary nodes - to see if the part belongs here
part_nodes = policy.object_ring.get_part_nodes(partition)
for node in part_nodes:
if node['id'] == local_dev['id']:
# this partition belongs here, we'll need a sync job
frag_index = policy.get_backend_index(node['index'])
suffixes = data_fi_to_suffixes.pop(frag_index)
except KeyError:
# N.B. If this function ever returns an empty list of jobs
# the entire partition will be deleted.
suffixes = []
sync_job = build_job(
sync_to=_get_partners(node['index'], part_nodes),
# ssync callback to rebuild missing fragment_archives
sync_job['sync_diskfile_builder'] = self.reconstruct_fa
# assign remaining data fragment suffixes to revert jobs
ordered_fis = sorted((len(suffixes), fi) for fi, suffixes
in data_fi_to_suffixes.items())
for count, fi in ordered_fis:
# In single region EC a revert job must sync to the specific
# primary who's node_index matches the data's frag_index. With
# duplicated EC frags a revert job must sync to all primary nodes
# that should be holding this frag_index.
if fi >= len(part_nodes):
'Bad fragment index %r for suffixes %r under %s',
fi, data_fi_to_suffixes[fi], part_path)
nodes_sync_to = []
node_index = fi
for n in range(policy.ec_duplication_factor):
node_index += policy.ec_n_unique_fragments
revert_job = build_job(
# now we need to assign suffixes that have no data fragments
if non_data_fragment_suffixes:
if jobs:
# the first job will be either the sync_job, or the
# revert_job for the fragment index that is most common
# among the suffixes
# this is an unfortunate situation, we need a revert job to
# push partitions off this node, but none of the suffixes
# have any data fragments to hint at which node would be a
# good candidate to receive the tombstones.
# we'll check a sample of other primaries before we delete our
# local tombstones, the exact number doesn't matter as long as
# it's enough to ensure the tombstones are not lost and less
# than *all the replicas*
nsample = (policy.ec_n_unique_fragments *
policy.ec_duplication_factor) - policy.ec_ndata + 1
sync_to=random.sample(part_nodes, nsample)
# return a list of jobs for this part
return jobs
def get_policy2devices(self):
ips = whataremyips(self.bind_ip)
policy2devices = {}
for policy in self.policies:
local_devices = list(six.moves.filter(
lambda dev: dev and is_local_device(
ips, self.port,
dev['replication_ip'], dev['replication_port']),
policy2devices[policy] = local_devices
return policy2devices
def get_local_devices(self):
"""Returns a set of all local devices in all EC policies."""
policy2devices = self.get_policy2devices()
local_devices = set()
for devices in policy2devices.values():
local_devices.update(d['device'] for d in devices)
return local_devices
def collect_parts(self, override_devices=None, override_partitions=None):
Helper for getting partitions in the top level reconstructor
In handoffs_only mode primary partitions will not be included in the
returned (possibly empty) list.
override_devices = override_devices or []
override_partitions = override_partitions or []
policy2devices = self.get_policy2devices()
all_parts = []
for policy, local_devices in policy2devices.items():
# Skip replication if next_part_power is set. In this case
# every object is hard-linked twice, but the replicator
# can't detect them and would create a second copy of the
# file if not yet existing - and this might double the
# actual transferred and stored data
next_part_power = getattr(
policy.object_ring, 'next_part_power', None)
if next_part_power is not None:
_("next_part_power set in policy '%s'. Skipping"),
df_mgr = self._df_router[policy]
for local_dev in local_devices:
if override_devices and (
local_dev['device'] not in override_devices):
self.device_count += 1
dev_path = df_mgr.get_dev_path(local_dev['device'])
if not dev_path:
self.logger.warning(_('%s is not mounted'),
data_dir = get_data_dir(policy)
obj_path = join(dev_path, data_dir)
tmp_path = join(dev_path, get_tmp_dir(int(policy)))
unlink_older_than(tmp_path, time.time() -
if not os.path.exists(obj_path):
except Exception:
'Unable to create %s' % obj_path)
partitions = os.listdir(obj_path)
except OSError:
'Unable to list partitions in %r' % obj_path)
self.part_count += len(partitions)
for partition in partitions:
part_path = join(obj_path, partition)
if (partition.startswith('auditor_status_') and
# ignore auditor status files
if not partition.isdigit():
'Unexpected entity in data dir: %r' % part_path)
self.reconstruction_part_count += 1
partition = int(partition)
if override_partitions and (partition not in
# N.B. At a primary node in handoffs_only mode may skip to
# sync misplaced (handoff) fragments in the primary
# partition. That may happen while rebalancing several
# times. (e.g. a node holding handoff fragment being a new
# primary) Those fragments will be synced (and revert) once
# handoffs_only mode turned off.
if self.handoffs_only and any(
local_dev['id'] == n['id']
for n in policy.object_ring.get_part_nodes(
self.logger.debug('Skipping %s job for %s '
'while in handoffs_only mode.',
SYNC, part_path)
part_info = {
'local_dev': local_dev,
'policy': policy,
'partition': partition,
'part_path': part_path,
return all_parts
def build_reconstruction_jobs(self, part_info):
Helper function for collect_jobs to build jobs for reconstruction
using EC style storage policy
N.B. If this function ever returns an empty list of jobs the entire
partition will be deleted.
jobs = self._get_part_jobs(**part_info)
self.job_count += len(jobs)
return jobs
def _reset_stats(self):
self.start = time.time()
self.job_count = 0
self.part_count = 0
self.device_count = 0
self.suffix_count = 0
self.suffix_sync = 0
self.suffix_hash = 0
self.reconstruction_count = 0
self.reconstruction_part_count = 0
self.last_reconstruction_count = -1
self.handoffs_remaining = 0
def delete_partition(self, path):
def kill_it(path):
shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True)
self.logger.info(_("Removing partition: %s"), path)
tpool.execute(kill_it, path)
def reconstruct(self, **kwargs):
"""Run a reconstruction pass"""
self.partition_times = []
stats = spawn(self.heartbeat)
lockup_detector = spawn(self.detect_lockups)
self.run_pool = GreenPool(size=self.concurrency)
for part_info in self.collect_parts(**kwargs):
sleep() # Give spawns a cycle
if not self.check_ring(part_info['policy'].object_ring):
self.logger.info(_("Ring change detected. Aborting "
"current reconstruction pass."))
self.reconstruction_part_count += 1
jobs = self.build_reconstruction_jobs(part_info)
if not jobs:
# If this part belongs on this node, _get_part_jobs
# will *always* build a sync_job - even if there's
# no suffixes in the partition that needs to sync.
# If there's any suffixes in the partition then our
# job list would have *at least* one revert job.
# Therefore we know this part a) doesn't belong on
# this node and b) doesn't have any suffixes in it.
for job in jobs:
self.run_pool.spawn(self.process_job, job)
with Timeout(self.lockup_timeout):
except (Exception, Timeout):
self.logger.exception(_("Exception in top-level "
"reconstruction loop"))
if self.handoffs_only:
if self.handoffs_remaining > 0:
"Handoffs only mode still has handoffs remaining. "
"Next pass will continue to revert handoffs."))
"Handoffs only mode found no handoffs remaining. "
"You should disable handoffs_only once all nodes "
"are reporting no handoffs remaining."))
def final_recon_dump(self, total, override_devices=None, **kwargs):
Add stats for this worker's run to recon cache.
When in worker mode (per_disk_stats == True) this worker's stats are
added per device instead of in the top level keys (aggregation is
serialized in the parent process).
:param total: the runtime of cycle in minutes
:param override_devices: (optional) list of device that are being
recon_update = {
'object_reconstruction_time': total,
'object_reconstruction_last': time.time(),
devices = override_devices or self.all_local_devices
if self.reconstructor_workers > 0 and devices:
recon_update['pid'] = os.getpid()
recon_update = {'object_reconstruction_per_disk': {
d: recon_update for d in devices}}
# if not running in worker mode, kill any per_disk stats
recon_update['object_reconstruction_per_disk'] = {}
dump_recon_cache(recon_update, self.rcache, self.logger)
def post_multiprocess_run(self):
# This method is called after run_once when using multiple workers.
def run_once(self, multiprocess_worker_index=None, *args, **kwargs):
if multiprocess_worker_index is not None:
start = time.time()
self.logger.info(_("Running object reconstructor in script mode."))
override_opts = parse_override_options(once=True, **kwargs)
total = (time.time() - start) / 60
_("Object reconstruction complete (once). (%.02f minutes)"), total)
# Only dump stats if they would actually be meaningful -- i.e. we're
# collecting per-disk stats and covering all partitions, or we're
# covering all partitions, all disks.
if not override_opts.partitions and (
self.reconstructor_workers > 0 or not override_opts.devices):
total, override_devices=override_opts.devices,
def run_forever(self, multiprocess_worker_index=None, *args, **kwargs):
if multiprocess_worker_index is not None:
self.logger.info(_("Starting object reconstructor in daemon mode."))
# Run the reconstructor continually
while True:
start = time.time()
self.logger.info(_("Starting object reconstruction pass."))
override_opts = parse_override_options(**kwargs)
# Run the reconstructor
total = (time.time() - start) / 60
_("Object reconstruction complete. (%.02f minutes)"), total)
total, override_devices=override_opts.devices,
self.logger.debug('reconstruction sleeping for %s seconds.',