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# Copyright (c) 2015 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import hashlib
import hmac
import six
from swift.common.exceptions import UnknownSecretIdError
from swift.common.middleware.crypto.crypto_utils import CRYPTO_KEY_CALLBACK
from swift.common.swob import Request, HTTPException, wsgi_to_str, str_to_wsgi
from swift.common.utils import readconf, strict_b64decode, get_logger, \
from swift.common.wsgi import WSGIContext
class KeyMasterContext(WSGIContext):
The simple scheme for key derivation is as follows: every path is
associated with a key, where the key is derived from the path itself in a
deterministic fashion such that the key does not need to be stored.
Specifically, the key for any path is an HMAC of a root key and the path
itself, calculated using an SHA256 hash function::
<path_key> = HMAC_SHA256(<root_secret>, <path>)
def __init__(self, keymaster, account, container, obj,
:param keymaster: a Keymaster instance
:param account: account name
:param container: container name
:param obj: object name
super(KeyMasterContext, self).__init__(keymaster.app)
self.keymaster = keymaster
self.account = account
self.container = container
self.obj = obj
self._keys = {}
self.alternate_fetch_keys = None
self.meta_version_to_write = meta_version_to_write
def _make_key_id(self, path, secret_id, version):
if version in ('1', '2'):
path = str_to_wsgi(path)
key_id = {'v': version, 'path': path}
if secret_id:
# stash secret_id so that decrypter can pass it back to get the
# same keys
key_id['secret_id'] = secret_id
return key_id
def fetch_crypto_keys(self, key_id=None, *args, **kwargs):
Setup container and object keys based on the request path.
Keys are derived from request path. The 'id' entry in the results dict
includes the part of the path used to derive keys. Other keymaster
implementations may use a different strategy to generate keys and may
include a different type of 'id', so callers should treat the 'id' as
opaque keymaster-specific data.
:param key_id: if given this should be a dict with the items included
under the ``id`` key of a dict returned by this method.
:returns: A dict containing encryption keys for 'object' and
'container', and entries 'id' and 'all_ids'. The 'all_ids' entry is a
list of key id dicts for all root secret ids including the one used
to generate the returned keys.
if key_id:
secret_id = key_id.get('secret_id')
version = key_id['v']
if version not in ('1', '2', '3'):
raise ValueError('Unknown key_id version: %s' % version)
if version == '1' and not key_id['path'].startswith(
'/' + self.account + '/'):
# Well shoot. This was the bug that made us notice we needed
# a v2! Hope the current account/container was the original!
key_acct, key_cont, key_obj = (
self.account, self.container, key_id['path'])
key_acct, key_cont, key_obj = split_path(
key_id['path'], 1, 3, True)
check_path = (
self.account, self.container or key_cont, self.obj or key_obj)
if version in ('1', '2') and (
key_acct, key_cont, key_obj) != check_path:
# Older py3 proxies may have written down crypto meta as WSGI
# strings; we still need to be able to read that
if six.PY2:
alt_path = tuple(
for part in (key_acct, key_cont, key_obj))
alt_path = tuple(
for part in (key_acct, key_cont, key_obj))
except UnicodeError:
# Well, it was worth a shot
if check_path == alt_path or (
check_path[:2] == alt_path[:2] and not self.obj):
# This object is affected by bug #1888037
key_acct, key_cont, key_obj = alt_path
if (key_acct, key_cont, key_obj) != check_path:
# Pipeline may have been misconfigured, with copy right of
# encryption. In that case, path in meta may not be the
# request path.
"Path stored in meta (%r) does not match path from "
"request (%r)! Using path from meta.",
'/' + '/'.join(x for x in [
self.account, self.container, self.obj] if x))
secret_id = self.keymaster.active_secret_id
# v1 had a bug where we would claim the path was just the object
# name if the object started with a slash.
# v1 and v2 had a bug on py3 where we'd write the path in meta as
# a WSGI string (ie, as Latin-1 chars decoded from UTF-8 bytes).
# Bump versions to establish that we can trust the path.
version = self.meta_version_to_write
key_acct, key_cont, key_obj = (
self.account, self.container, self.obj)
if (secret_id, version) in self._keys:
return self._keys[(secret_id, version)]
keys = {}
account_path = '/' + key_acct
# self.account/container/obj reflect the level of the *request*,
# which may be different from the level of the key_id-path. Only
# fetch the keys that the request needs.
if self.container:
path = account_path + '/' + key_cont
keys['container'] = self.keymaster.create_key(
path, secret_id=secret_id)
if self.obj:
if key_obj.startswith('/') and version == '1':
path = key_obj
path = path + '/' + key_obj
keys['object'] = self.keymaster.create_key(
path, secret_id=secret_id)
# For future-proofing include a keymaster version number and
# the path used to derive keys in the 'id' entry of the
# results. The encrypter will persist this as part of the
# crypto-meta for encrypted data and metadata. If we ever
# change the way keys are generated then the decrypter could
# pass the persisted 'id' value when it calls fetch_crypto_keys
# to inform the keymaster as to how that particular data or
# metadata had its keys generated. Currently we have no need to
# do that, so we are simply persisting this information for
# future use.
keys['id'] = self._make_key_id(path, secret_id, version)
# pass back a list of key id dicts for all other secret ids in
# case the caller is interested, in which case the caller can
# call this method again for different secret ids; this avoided
# changing the return type of the callback or adding another
# callback. Note that the caller should assume no knowledge of
# the content of these key id dicts.
keys['all_ids'] = [self._make_key_id(path, id_, version)
for id_ in self.keymaster.root_secret_ids]
if self.alternate_fetch_keys:
alternate_keys = self.alternate_fetch_keys(
key_id=None, *args, **kwargs)
keys['all_ids'].extend(alternate_keys.get('all_ids', []))
self._keys[(secret_id, version)] = keys
return keys
except UnknownSecretIdError:
if self.alternate_fetch_keys:
return self.alternate_fetch_keys(key_id, *args, **kwargs)
def handle_request(self, req, start_response):
self.alternate_fetch_keys = req.environ.get(CRYPTO_KEY_CALLBACK)
req.environ[CRYPTO_KEY_CALLBACK] = self.fetch_crypto_keys
resp = self._app_call(req.environ)
start_response(self._response_status, self._response_headers,
return resp
class BaseKeyMaster(object):
"""Base middleware for providing encryption keys.
This provides some basic helpers for:
- loading from a separate config path,
- deriving keys based on path, and
- installing a ``swift.callback.fetch_crypto_keys`` hook
in the request environment.
Subclasses should define ``log_route``, ``keymaster_opts``, and
``keymaster_conf_section`` attributes, and implement the
``_get_root_secret`` function.
def log_route(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def keymaster_opts(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def keymaster_conf_section(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def _get_root_secret(self, conf):
raise NotImplementedError
def __init__(self, app, conf):
self.app = app
self.logger = get_logger(conf, log_route=self.log_route)
self.keymaster_config_path = conf.get('keymaster_config_path')
conf = self._load_keymaster_config_file(conf)
# The _get_root_secret() function is overridden by other keymasters
# which may historically only return a single value
self._root_secrets = self._get_root_secret(conf)
if not isinstance(self._root_secrets, dict):
self._root_secrets = {None: self._root_secrets}
self.active_secret_id = conf.get('active_root_secret_id') or None
if self.active_secret_id not in self._root_secrets:
raise ValueError('No secret loaded for active_root_secret_id %s' %
for secret_id, secret in self._root_secrets.items():
if not isinstance(secret, bytes):
raise ValueError('Secret with id %s is %s, not bytes' % (
secret_id, type(secret)))
self.meta_version_to_write = conf.get('meta_version_to_write') or '2'
if self.meta_version_to_write not in ('1', '2', '3'):
raise ValueError('Unknown/unsupported metadata version: %r' %
def root_secret(self):
# Returns the default root secret; this is here for historical reasons
# to support tests and any third party code that might have used it
return self._root_secrets.get(self.active_secret_id)
def root_secret_ids(self):
# Only sorted to simplify testing
return sorted(self._root_secrets.keys(), key=lambda x: x or '')
def _load_keymaster_config_file(self, conf):
if not self.keymaster_config_path:
return conf
# Keymaster options specified in the filter section would be ignored if
# a separate keymaster config file is specified. To avoid confusion,
# prohibit them existing in the filter section.
bad_opts = []
for opt in conf:
for km_opt in self.keymaster_opts:
if ((km_opt.endswith('*') and opt.startswith(km_opt[:-1])) or
opt == km_opt):
if bad_opts:
raise ValueError('keymaster_config_path is set, but there '
'are other config options specified: %s' %
", ".join(bad_opts))
return readconf(self.keymaster_config_path,
def _load_multikey_opts(self, conf, prefix):
result = []
for k, v in conf.items():
if not k.startswith(prefix):
suffix = k[len(prefix):]
if suffix and (suffix[0] != '_' or len(suffix) < 2):
raise ValueError('Malformed root secret option name %s' % k)
result.append((k, suffix[1:] or None, v))
return sorted(result)
def __call__(self, env, start_response):
req = Request(env)
parts = [wsgi_to_str(part) for part in req.split_path(2, 4, True)]
except ValueError:
return self.app(env, start_response)
if req.method in ('PUT', 'POST', 'GET', 'HEAD'):
# handle only those request methods that may require keys
km_context = KeyMasterContext(
self, *parts[1:],
return km_context.handle_request(req, start_response)
except HTTPException as err_resp:
return err_resp(env, start_response)
# anything else
return self.app(env, start_response)
def create_key(self, path, secret_id=None):
Creates an encryption key that is unique for the given path.
:param path: the (WSGI string) path of the resource being encrypted.
:param secret_id: the id of the root secret from which the key should
be derived.
:return: an encryption key.
:raises UnknownSecretIdError: if the secret_id is not recognised.
key = self._root_secrets[secret_id]
except KeyError:
self.logger.warning('Unrecognised secret id: %s' % secret_id)
raise UnknownSecretIdError(secret_id)
if not six.PY2:
path = path.encode('utf-8')
return hmac.new(key, path, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest()
class KeyMaster(BaseKeyMaster):
"""Middleware for providing encryption keys.
The middleware requires its encryption root secret to be set. This is the
root secret from which encryption keys are derived. This must be set before
first use to a value that is at least 256 bits. The security of all
encrypted data critically depends on this key, therefore it should be set
to a high-entropy value. For example, a suitable value may be obtained by
generating a 32 byte (or longer) value using a cryptographically secure
random number generator. Changing the root secret is likely to result in
data loss.
log_route = 'keymaster'
keymaster_opts = ('encryption_root_secret*', 'active_root_secret_id')
keymaster_conf_section = 'keymaster'
def _get_root_secret(self, conf):
This keymaster requires ``encryption_root_secret[_id]`` options to be
set. At least one must be set before first use to a value that is a
base64 encoding of at least 32 bytes. The encryption root secrets are
specified in either proxy-server.conf, or in an external file
referenced from proxy-server.conf using ``keymaster_config_path``.
:param conf: the keymaster config section from proxy-server.conf
:type conf: dict
:return: a dict mapping secret ids to encryption root secret binary
:rtype: dict
root_secrets = {}
for opt, secret_id, value in self._load_multikey_opts(
conf, 'encryption_root_secret'):
secret = self._decode_root_secret(value)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(
'%s option in %s must be a base64 encoding of at '
'least 32 raw bytes' %
(opt, self.keymaster_config_path or 'proxy-server.conf'))
root_secrets[secret_id] = secret
return root_secrets
def _decode_root_secret(self, b64_root_secret):
binary_root_secret = strict_b64decode(b64_root_secret,
if len(binary_root_secret) < 32:
raise ValueError
return binary_root_secret
def filter_factory(global_conf, **local_conf):
conf = global_conf.copy()
def keymaster_filter(app):
return KeyMaster(app, conf)
return keymaster_filter