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# Copyright (c) 2010-2013 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
""" Disk File Interface for Swift Object Server"""
from __future__ import with_statement
import cPickle as pickle
import errno
import os
import time
import uuid
import hashlib
import logging
import traceback
from os.path import basename, dirname, exists, getmtime, getsize, join
from tempfile import mkstemp
from contextlib import contextmanager
from xattr import getxattr, setxattr
from eventlet import Timeout
from swift import gettext_ as _
from swift.common.constraints import check_mount
from swift.common.utils import mkdirs, renamer, fallocate, fsync, fdatasync, \
drop_buffer_cache, ThreadPool, lock_path, write_pickle
from swift.common.ondisk import hash_path, normalize_timestamp, \
from swift.common.exceptions import DiskFileError, DiskFileNotExist, \
DiskFileCollision, DiskFileNoSpace, DiskFileDeviceUnavailable, \
PathNotDir, DiskFileNotOpenError
from swift.common.swob import multi_range_iterator
ONE_WEEK = 604800
HASH_FILE = 'hashes.pkl'
METADATA_KEY = 'user.swift.metadata'
# These are system-set metadata keys that cannot be changed with a POST.
# They should be lowercase.
DATAFILE_SYSTEM_META = set('content-length content-type deleted etag'.split())
def read_metadata(fd):
Helper function to read the pickled metadata from an object file.
:param fd: file descriptor to load the metadata from
:returns: dictionary of metadata
metadata = ''
key = 0
while True:
metadata += getxattr(fd, '%s%s' % (METADATA_KEY, (key or '')))
key += 1
except IOError:
return pickle.loads(metadata)
def write_metadata(fd, metadata):
Helper function to write pickled metadata for an object file.
:param fd: file descriptor to write the metadata
:param metadata: metadata to write
metastr = pickle.dumps(metadata, PICKLE_PROTOCOL)
key = 0
while metastr:
setxattr(fd, '%s%s' % (METADATA_KEY, key or ''), metastr[:254])
metastr = metastr[254:]
key += 1
def quarantine_renamer(device_path, corrupted_file_path):
In the case that a file is corrupted, move it to a quarantined
area to allow replication to fix it.
:params device_path: The path to the device the corrupted file is on.
:params corrupted_file_path: The path to the file you want quarantined.
:returns: path (str) of directory the file was moved to
:raises OSError: re-raises non errno.EEXIST / errno.ENOTEMPTY
exceptions from rename
from_dir = dirname(corrupted_file_path)
to_dir = join(device_path, 'quarantined', 'objects', basename(from_dir))
renamer(from_dir, to_dir)
except OSError as e:
if e.errno not in (errno.EEXIST, errno.ENOTEMPTY):
to_dir = "%s-%s" % (to_dir, uuid.uuid4().hex)
renamer(from_dir, to_dir)
return to_dir
def hash_cleanup_listdir(hsh_path, reclaim_age=ONE_WEEK):
List contents of a hash directory and clean up any old files.
:param hsh_path: object hash path
:param reclaim_age: age in seconds at which to remove tombstones
:returns: list of files remaining in the directory, reverse sorted
files = os.listdir(hsh_path)
if len(files) == 1:
if files[0].endswith('.ts'):
# remove tombstones older than reclaim_age
ts = files[0].rsplit('.', 1)[0]
if (time.time() - float(ts)) > reclaim_age:
os.unlink(join(hsh_path, files[0]))
elif files:
meta = data = tomb = None
for filename in list(files):
if not meta and filename.endswith('.meta'):
meta = filename
if not data and filename.endswith('.data'):
data = filename
if not tomb and filename.endswith('.ts'):
tomb = filename
if (filename < tomb or # any file older than tomb
filename < data or # any file older than data
(filename.endswith('.meta') and
filename < meta)): # old meta
os.unlink(join(hsh_path, filename))
return files
def hash_suffix(path, reclaim_age):
Performs reclamation and returns an md5 of all (remaining) files.
:param reclaim_age: age in seconds at which to remove tombstones
:raises PathNotDir: if given path is not a valid directory
:raises OSError: for non-ENOTDIR errors
md5 = hashlib.md5()
path_contents = sorted(os.listdir(path))
except OSError as err:
if err.errno in (errno.ENOTDIR, errno.ENOENT):
raise PathNotDir()
for hsh in path_contents:
hsh_path = join(path, hsh)
files = hash_cleanup_listdir(hsh_path, reclaim_age)
except OSError as err:
if err.errno == errno.ENOTDIR:
partition_path = dirname(path)
objects_path = dirname(partition_path)
device_path = dirname(objects_path)
quar_path = quarantine_renamer(device_path, hsh_path)
_('Quarantined %s to %s because it is not a directory') %
(hsh_path, quar_path))
if not files:
for filename in files:
except OSError:
return md5.hexdigest()
def invalidate_hash(suffix_dir):
Invalidates the hash for a suffix_dir in the partition's hashes file.
:param suffix_dir: absolute path to suffix dir whose hash needs
suffix = basename(suffix_dir)
partition_dir = dirname(suffix_dir)
hashes_file = join(partition_dir, HASH_FILE)
with lock_path(partition_dir):
with open(hashes_file, 'rb') as fp:
hashes = pickle.load(fp)
if suffix in hashes and not hashes[suffix]:
except Exception:
hashes[suffix] = None
write_pickle(hashes, hashes_file, partition_dir, PICKLE_PROTOCOL)
def get_hashes(partition_dir, recalculate=None, do_listdir=False,
Get a list of hashes for the suffix dir. do_listdir causes it to mistrust
the hash cache for suffix existence at the (unexpectedly high) cost of a
listdir. reclaim_age is just passed on to hash_suffix.
:param partition_dir: absolute path of partition to get hashes for
:param recalculate: list of suffixes which should be recalculated when got
:param do_listdir: force existence check for all hashes in the partition
:param reclaim_age: age at which to remove tombstones
:returns: tuple of (number of suffix dirs hashed, dictionary of hashes)
hashed = 0
hashes_file = join(partition_dir, HASH_FILE)
modified = False
force_rewrite = False
hashes = {}
mtime = -1
if recalculate is None:
recalculate = []
with open(hashes_file, 'rb') as fp:
hashes = pickle.load(fp)
mtime = getmtime(hashes_file)
except Exception:
do_listdir = True
force_rewrite = True
if do_listdir:
for suff in os.listdir(partition_dir):
if len(suff) == 3:
hashes.setdefault(suff, None)
modified = True
hashes.update((hash_, None) for hash_ in recalculate)
for suffix, hash_ in hashes.items():
if not hash_:
suffix_dir = join(partition_dir, suffix)
hashes[suffix] = hash_suffix(suffix_dir, reclaim_age)
hashed += 1
except PathNotDir:
del hashes[suffix]
except OSError:
logging.exception(_('Error hashing suffix'))
modified = True
if modified:
with lock_path(partition_dir):
if force_rewrite or not exists(hashes_file) or \
getmtime(hashes_file) == mtime:
hashes, hashes_file, partition_dir, PICKLE_PROTOCOL)
return hashed, hashes
return get_hashes(partition_dir, recalculate, do_listdir,
return hashed, hashes
class DiskWriter(object):
Encapsulation of the write context for servicing PUT REST API
requests. Serves as the context manager object for DiskFile's create()
def __init__(self, disk_file, fd, tmppath, threadpool):
self.disk_file = disk_file
self.fd = fd
self.tmppath = tmppath
self.upload_size = 0
self.last_sync = 0
self.threadpool = threadpool
def write(self, chunk):
Write a chunk of data into the temporary file.
:param chunk: the chunk of data to write as a string object
def _write_entire_chunk(chunk):
while chunk:
written = os.write(self.fd, chunk)
self.upload_size += written
chunk = chunk[written:]
self.threadpool.run_in_thread(_write_entire_chunk, chunk)
# For large files sync every 512MB (by default) written
diff = self.upload_size - self.last_sync
if diff >= self.disk_file.bytes_per_sync:
self.threadpool.force_run_in_thread(fdatasync, self.fd)
drop_buffer_cache(self.fd, self.last_sync, diff)
self.last_sync = self.upload_size
def _finalize_put(self, metadata, target_path):
# Write the metadata before calling fsync() so that both data and
# metadata are flushed to disk.
write_metadata(self.fd, metadata)
# We call fsync() before calling drop_cache() to lower the amount
# of redundant work the drop cache code will perform on the pages
# (now that after fsync the pages will be all clean).
# From the Department of the Redundancy Department, make sure
# we call drop_cache() after fsync() to avoid redundant work
# (pages all clean).
drop_buffer_cache(self.fd, 0, self.upload_size)
# After the rename completes, this object will be available for
# other requests to reference.
renamer(self.tmppath, target_path)
def put(self, metadata, extension='.data'):
Finalize writing the file on disk, and renames it from the temp file
to the real location. This should be called after the data has been
written to the temp file.
:param metadata: dictionary of metadata to be written
:param extension: extension to be used when making the file
if not self.tmppath:
raise ValueError("tmppath is unusable.")
timestamp = normalize_timestamp(metadata['X-Timestamp'])
metadata['name'] = self.disk_file.name
target_path = join(self.disk_file.datadir, timestamp + extension)
self._finalize_put, metadata, target_path)
class DiskFile(object):
Manage object files on disk.
:param path: path to devices on the node
:param device: device name
:param partition: partition on the device the object lives in
:param account: account name for the object
:param container: container name for the object
:param obj: object name for the object
:param disk_chunk_size: size of chunks on file reads
:param bytes_per_sync: number of bytes between fdatasync calls
:param iter_hook: called when __iter__ returns a chunk
:param threadpool: thread pool in which to do blocking operations
def __init__(self, path, device, partition, account, container, obj,
logger, disk_chunk_size=65536,
bytes_per_sync=(512 * 1024 * 1024),
iter_hook=None, threadpool=None, obj_dir='objects',
if mount_check and not check_mount(path, device):
raise DiskFileDeviceUnavailable()
self.disk_chunk_size = disk_chunk_size
self.bytes_per_sync = bytes_per_sync
self.iter_hook = iter_hook
self.name = '/' + '/'.join((account, container, obj))
name_hash = hash_path(account, container, obj)
self.datadir = join(
path, device, storage_directory(obj_dir, partition, name_hash))
self.device_path = join(path, device)
self.tmpdir = join(path, device, 'tmp')
self.logger = logger
self._metadata = None
self.data_file = None
self._data_file_size = None
self.fp = None
self.iter_etag = None
self.started_at_0 = False
self.read_to_eof = False
self.quarantined_dir = None
self.suppress_file_closing = False
self._verify_close = False
self.threadpool = threadpool or ThreadPool(nthreads=0)
# FIXME(clayg): this attribute is set after open and affects the
# behavior of the class (i.e. public interface)
self.keep_cache = False
def open(self, verify_close=False):
Open the file and read the metadata.
This method must populate the _metadata attribute.
:param verify_close: force implicit close to verify_file, no effect on
explicit close.
:raises DiskFileCollision: on md5 collision
data_file, meta_file, ts_file = self._get_ondisk_file()
if not data_file:
if ts_file:
self.fp = self._construct_from_data_file(data_file, meta_file)
self._verify_close = verify_close
self._metadata = self._metadata or {}
return self
def __enter__(self):
if self._metadata is None:
raise DiskFileNotOpenError()
return self
def __exit__(self, t, v, tb):
def _get_ondisk_file(self):
Do the work to figure out if the data directory exists, and if so,
determine the on-disk files to use.
:returns: a tuple of data, meta and ts (tombstone) files, in one of
three states:
1. all three are None
data directory does not exist, or there are no files in
that directory
2. ts_file is not None, data_file is None, meta_file is None
object is considered deleted
3. data_file is not None, ts_file is None
object exists, and optionally has fast-POST metadata
data_file = meta_file = ts_file = None
files = sorted(os.listdir(self.datadir), reverse=True)
except OSError as err:
if err.errno != errno.ENOENT:
# The data directory does not exist, so the object cannot exist.
for afile in files:
assert ts_file is None, "On-disk file search loop" \
" continuing after tombstone, %s, encountered" % ts_file
assert data_file is None, "On-disk file search loop" \
" continuing after data file, %s, encountered" % data_file
if afile.endswith('.ts'):
meta_file = None
ts_file = join(self.datadir, afile)
if afile.endswith('.meta') and not meta_file:
meta_file = join(self.datadir, afile)
# NOTE: this does not exit this loop, since a fast-POST
# operation just updates metadata, writing one or more
# .meta files, the data file will have an older timestamp,
# so we keep looking.
if afile.endswith('.data'):
data_file = join(self.datadir, afile)
assert ((data_file is None and meta_file is None and ts_file is None)
or (ts_file is not None and data_file is None
and meta_file is None)
or (data_file is not None and ts_file is None)), \
"On-disk file search algorithm contract is broken: data_file:" \
" %s, meta_file: %s, ts_file: %s" % (data_file, meta_file, ts_file)
return data_file, meta_file, ts_file
def _construct_from_ts_file(self, ts_file):
A tombstone means the object is considered deleted. We just need to
pull the metadata from the tombstone file which has the timestamp.
with open(ts_file) as fp:
self._metadata = read_metadata(fp)
self._metadata['deleted'] = True
def _verify_name(self):
Verify the metadata's name value matches what we think the object is
mname = self._metadata['name']
except KeyError:
if mname != self.name:
self.logger.error(_('Client path %(client)s does not match '
'path stored in object metadata %(meta)s'),
{'client': self.name, 'meta': mname})
raise DiskFileCollision('Client path does not match path '
'stored in object metadata')
def _construct_from_data_file(self, data_file, meta_file):
Open the data file to fetch its metadata, and fetch the metadata from
the fast-POST .meta file as well if it exists, merging them properly.
:returns: the opened data file pointer
fp = open(data_file, 'rb')
datafile_metadata = read_metadata(fp)
if meta_file:
with open(meta_file) as mfp:
self._metadata = read_metadata(mfp)
sys_metadata = dict(
[(key, val) for key, val in datafile_metadata.iteritems()
if key.lower() in DATAFILE_SYSTEM_META])
self._metadata = datafile_metadata
self.data_file = data_file
return fp
def __iter__(self):
"""Returns an iterator over the data file."""
if self.fp is None:
raise DiskFileNotOpenError()
dropped_cache = 0
read = 0
self.started_at_0 = False
self.read_to_eof = False
if self.fp.tell() == 0:
self.started_at_0 = True
self.iter_etag = hashlib.md5()
while True:
chunk = self.threadpool.run_in_thread(
self.fp.read, self.disk_chunk_size)
if chunk:
if self.iter_etag:
read += len(chunk)
if read - dropped_cache > (1024 * 1024):
self._drop_cache(self.fp.fileno(), dropped_cache,
read - dropped_cache)
dropped_cache = read
yield chunk
if self.iter_hook:
self.read_to_eof = True
self._drop_cache(self.fp.fileno(), dropped_cache,
read - dropped_cache)
if not self.suppress_file_closing:
def app_iter_range(self, start, stop):
"""Returns an iterator over the data file for range (start, stop)"""
if start or start == 0:
if stop is not None:
length = stop - start
length = None
for chunk in self:
if length is not None:
length -= len(chunk)
if length < 0:
# Chop off the extra:
yield chunk[:length]
yield chunk
if not self.suppress_file_closing:
def app_iter_ranges(self, ranges, content_type, boundary, size):
"""Returns an iterator over the data file for a set of ranges"""
if not ranges:
yield ''
self.suppress_file_closing = True
for chunk in multi_range_iterator(
ranges, content_type, boundary, size,
yield chunk
self.suppress_file_closing = False
def _handle_close_quarantine(self):
"""Check if file needs to be quarantined"""
except DiskFileNotExist:
except DiskFileError:
if self.iter_etag and self.started_at_0 and self.read_to_eof and \
self.iter_etag.hexdigest() != self._metadata['ETag']:
def close(self, verify_file=True):
Close the file. Will handle quarantining file if necessary.
:param verify_file: Defaults to True. If false, will not check
file to see if it needs quarantining.
if self.fp:
if verify_file:
except (Exception, Timeout) as e:
'ERROR DiskFile %(data_file)s in '
'%(data_dir)s close failure: %(exc)s : %(stack)s'),
{'exc': e, 'stack': ''.join(traceback.format_stack()),
'data_file': self.data_file, 'data_dir': self.datadir})
self.fp = None
self._metadata = None
self._data_file_size = None
self._verify_close = False
def get_metadata(self):
Provide the metadata for an object as a dictionary.
:returns: object's metadata dictionary
if self._metadata is None:
raise DiskFileNotOpenError()
return self._metadata
def is_deleted(self):
Check if the file is deleted.
:returns: True if the file doesn't exist or has been flagged as
return not self.data_file or 'deleted' in self._metadata
def is_expired(self):
Check if the file is expired.
:returns: True if the file has an X-Delete-At in the past
return ('X-Delete-At' in self._metadata and
int(self._metadata['X-Delete-At']) <= time.time())
def create(self, size=None):
Context manager to create a file. We create a temporary file first, and
then return a DiskWriter object to encapsulate the state.
:param size: optional initial size of file to explicitly allocate on
:raises DiskFileNoSpace: if a size is specified and allocation fails
if not exists(self.tmpdir):
fd, tmppath = mkstemp(dir=self.tmpdir)
if size is not None and size > 0:
fallocate(fd, size)
except OSError:
raise DiskFileNoSpace()
yield DiskWriter(self, fd, tmppath, self.threadpool)
except OSError:
except OSError:
def put_metadata(self, metadata, tombstone=False):
Short hand for putting metadata to .meta and .ts files.
:param metadata: dictionary of metadata to be written
:param tombstone: whether or not we are writing a tombstone
extension = '.ts' if tombstone else '.meta'
with self.create() as writer:
writer.put(metadata, extension=extension)
def delete(self, timestamp):
Simple short hand for marking an object as deleted. Provides
a layer of abstraction.
:param timestamp: time stamp to mark the object deleted at
self.put_metadata({'X-Timestamp': timestamp}, tombstone=True)
def _drop_cache(self, fd, offset, length):
"""Method for no-oping buffer cache drop method."""
if not self.keep_cache:
drop_buffer_cache(fd, offset, length)
def quarantine(self):
In the case that a file is corrupted, move it to a quarantined
area to allow replication to fix it.
:returns: if quarantine is successful, path to quarantined
directory otherwise None
if not (self.is_deleted() or self.quarantined_dir):
self.quarantined_dir = self.threadpool.run_in_thread(
quarantine_renamer, self.device_path, self.data_file)
return self.quarantined_dir
def get_data_file_size(self):
Returns the os.path.getsize for the file. Raises an exception if this
file does not match the Content-Length stored in the metadata. Or if
self.data_file does not exist.
:returns: file size as an int
:raises DiskFileError: on file size mismatch.
:raises DiskFileNotExist: on file not existing (including deleted)
if self._data_file_size is None:
self._data_file_size = self._get_data_file_size()
return self._data_file_size
def _get_data_file_size(self):
# ensure file is opened
metadata = self.get_metadata()
file_size = 0
if self.data_file:
file_size = self.threadpool.run_in_thread(
getsize, self.data_file)
if 'Content-Length' in metadata:
metadata_size = int(metadata['Content-Length'])
if file_size != metadata_size:
raise DiskFileError(
'Content-Length of %s does not match file size '
'of %s' % (metadata_size, file_size))
return file_size
except OSError as err:
if err.errno != errno.ENOENT:
raise DiskFileNotExist('Data File does not exist.')