Tim Burke a9565893f2 Add docs for registry module
Drive-By: make the register_sensitive_header() implementation more
obviously case-insensitive.

Change-Id: I5b299bc0adb526c468c6364a5706eb86809533e5
2022-02-10 11:17:06 -08:00

155 lines
5.2 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2022 NVIDIA
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Used by get_swift_info and register_swift_info to store information about
# the swift cluster.
from copy import deepcopy
import six
_swift_info = {}
_swift_admin_info = {}
def get_swift_info(admin=False, disallowed_sections=None):
Returns information about the swift cluster that has been previously
registered with the register_swift_info call.
:param admin: boolean value, if True will additionally return an 'admin'
section with information previously registered as admin
:param disallowed_sections: list of section names to be withheld from the
information returned.
:returns: dictionary of information about the swift cluster.
disallowed_sections = disallowed_sections or []
info = deepcopy(_swift_info)
for section in disallowed_sections:
key_to_pop = None
sub_section_dict = info
for sub_section in section.split('.'):
if key_to_pop:
sub_section_dict = sub_section_dict.get(key_to_pop, {})
if not isinstance(sub_section_dict, dict):
sub_section_dict = {}
key_to_pop = sub_section
sub_section_dict.pop(key_to_pop, None)
if admin:
info['admin'] = dict(_swift_admin_info)
info['admin']['disallowed_sections'] = list(disallowed_sections)
return info
def register_swift_info(name='swift', admin=False, **kwargs):
Registers information about the swift cluster to be retrieved with calls
to get_swift_info.
NOTE: Do not use "." in the param: name or any keys in kwargs. "." is used
in the disallowed_sections to remove unwanted keys from /info.
:param name: string, the section name to place the information under.
:param admin: boolean, if True, information will be registered to an
admin section which can optionally be withheld when
requesting the information.
:param kwargs: key value arguments representing the information to be
:raises ValueError: if name or any of the keys in kwargs has "." in it
if name == 'admin' or name == 'disallowed_sections':
raise ValueError('\'{0}\' is reserved name.'.format(name))
if admin:
dict_to_use = _swift_admin_info
dict_to_use = _swift_info
if name not in dict_to_use:
if "." in name:
raise ValueError('Cannot use "." in a swift_info key: %s' % name)
dict_to_use[name] = {}
for key, val in kwargs.items():
if "." in key:
raise ValueError('Cannot use "." in a swift_info key: %s' % key)
dict_to_use[name][key] = val
_sensitive_headers = set()
_sensitive_params = set()
def get_sensitive_headers():
Returns the set of registered sensitive headers.
Used by :mod:`swift.common.middleware.proxy_logging` to perform redactions
prior to logging.
return frozenset(_sensitive_headers)
def register_sensitive_header(header):
Register a header as being "sensitive".
Sensitive headers are automatically redacted when logging. See the
``reveal_sensitive_prefix`` option in the proxy-server sample config
for more information.
:param header: The (case-insensitive) header name which, if present, may
contain sensitive information. Examples include ``X-Auth-Token`` and
(if s3api is enabled) ``Authorization``. Limited to ASCII characters.
if not isinstance(header, str):
raise TypeError
if six.PY2:
def get_sensitive_params():
Returns the set of registered sensitive query parameters.
Used by :mod:`swift.common.middleware.proxy_logging` to perform redactions
prior to logging.
return frozenset(_sensitive_params)
def register_sensitive_param(query_param):
Register a query parameter as being "sensitive".
Sensitive query parameters are automatically redacted when logging. See
the ``reveal_sensitive_prefix`` option in the proxy-server sample config
for more information.
:param query_param: The (case-sensitive) query parameter name which, if
present, may contain sensitive information. Examples include
``temp_url_signature`` and (if s3api is enabled) ``X-Amz-Signature``.
Limited to ASCII characters.
if not isinstance(query_param, str):
raise TypeError
if six.PY2: