Syntribos Contributing Guidelines ================================= 1. Follow all the `OpenStack Style Guidelines `__ (e.g. PEP8, Py3 compatibility) 2. All new classes/functions should have appropriate docstrings in `RST format `__ 3. All new code should have appropriate unittests (place them in the ``tests/unit`` folder) 4. No new code will be accepted if it adds a new dependency on OpenCAFE, or adds on top of existing CAFE functionality IF it cannot stand on its own without CAFE. Anyone wanting to contribute to OpenStack must follow `the OpenStack development workflow `__ All changes should be submitted through the code review process in Gerrit described above. All pull requests on Github will be closed/ignored. Bugs should be filed on the `Syntribos launchpad site `__, and not on Github. All Github issues will be closed/ignored. Breaking changes, feature requests, and other unprioritized work should first be submitted as a blueprint `here `__ for review.