From b88f9245a364d7f0ca6170d59da9cf66c9fcc73a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yoshito Ito <>
Date: Fri, 29 May 2020 16:39:32 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] Container Network Function with VNFM and CISM

This specification describes enhancement of
VNF Lifecycle Management for Container Network Function
on pre-installed Kubernetes cluster.

The CNF instantiation/termination
* Load CNF definition files in CSAR artifact
* Extend Kubernetes infra_driver for general APIs

Blueprint: cnf-support-with-etsi-nfv-specs
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 create mode 100644 specs/victoria/container-network-function.rst

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+ This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
+ License.
+Container Network Function (CNF) with VNFM and CISM
+This specification describes enhancement of VNF Lifecycle Management for
+Container Network Function in Tacker.
+Problem description
+Container based virtualization is OS level virtualization, whereas
+Virtual Machine (VM) is hypervisor-based virtualization. Advantages
+of container-based virtualization is that it is lighter for memory
+and CPU consumption. They are easier for deployment, migration and
+service chaining. Kubernetes is most widely used container
+orchestration platform with built in scalability and high availability
+Tacker has Kubernetes infra driver which can instantiate CNF using TOSCA
+definitions provided in VNFD. It supports limited number of Kubernetes objects.
+Also it doesn't comply with VNF LCM APIs. This spec intends to add support for
+additional Kubernetes objects and VNF LCM APIs. Current ETSI SOL standards do
+not specify how to include CNF definitions in VNFD. Hence this spec proposes an
+additional way to read Kubernetes object files as CNF definitions from
+artifacts provided in the CSAR package.
+.. note:: Although VNFD based CNF definitions will be supported in future,
+          they are out of scope of this specification.
+The NFVO is expected to perform validation of artifacts provided in the CSAR
+package using APIs mentioned in spec `add-artifact-support-for-vnf-package`_.
+Such changes in NFVO will be a future work. In this spec the validation will be
+performed in VNFM.
+Proposed Change
+This spec assumes the case of CNF deployment on pre-installed Kubernetes
+cluster. Kubernetes infra driver will need following changes:
+#. To load Kubernetes object files from artifact specified in
+   additionalParams.
+#. To support additional Kubernetes objects specified in
+   `Kubernetes resource kind support`_.
+#. To support VNF LCM APIs by implementing additional methods from
+   ``VnfAbstractDriver``.
+   * pre_instantiation_vnf
+   * instantiate_vnf
+   * post_vnf_instantiation
+Following block diagram shows components involved in CNF instantiation on
+pre-installed Kubernetes cluster:
+.. code-block::
+                                    +----------------------+
+    +--------------------------+    |                NFVO  |
+    |    Instantiated CNF      |    |                      |
+    |                          |    +----------------------+
+    |  +------+      +------+  |    +----------------------+
+    |  | App  |      | App  |  |    |                VNFM  |
+    |  +------+      +------+  |    |  +-------------+     |
+    | +---------+  +---------+ |    |  |Infra driver |     |
+    | |Container|  |Container| |    |  +----+--------+     |
+    | +---------+  +---------+ |    |       |              |
+    +--------------------------+    +-------+--------------+
+                                    +-------+--------------+
+    +--------------------------+    |       v         VIM  |
+    |+---------+   +---------+ |    |  +----------+        |
+    ||  CIS    |   |  CIS    |<+----+--+  CISM    |        |
+    |+---------+   +---------+ |    |  +----------+        |
+    |                          |    +----------------------+
+    |     Pre-installed        |
+    |   Kubernetes cluster     |
+    +--------------------------+
+In this case Container Infrastructure Service Management (CISM) is embedded
+in VIM. Infra driver will instantiate a CNF on pre-installed Kubernetes
+cluster with help of CISM. Container Infrastructure Service (CIS) can run
+on a bare metal or VM.
+The diagram below shows CNF instantiation on pre-installed Kubernetes cluster:
+.. code-block::
+                                                   +------------+
+                                                   |    VNFD    |
+                                                   +----+-------+     +---------------+
+                                                        |             | Instantiation |
+                               +-----------+       +----v-------+     | Request with  |
+                               |CNF        +-----> |            |     | additional    |
+                               |Definition |       |    CSAR    |     | Params        |
+                               +-----------+       +--------+---+     +-+-------------+
+                                                            |           |
+                                                            |           |
+                                                +-----------+-----------+-----------+
+                                                |           v           v           |
+                                                |  +----------------------+         |
+                                                |  |   Tacker-server      |         |
+                                                |  +-----+----------------+         |
+                                                |        |                          |
+                                                |        v                          |
+                                                | +------------------------------+  |
+                    Instantiate CNF             | |  +--------------+            |  |
+         +-------------+------------------------+-+--+ Kubernetes   |            |  |
+         |             |                        | |  | Infra Driver |            |  |
+         v             v                        | |  +--------------+            |  |
+  +------------+  +-----------+                 | |                              |  |
+  | Container  |  | Container |                 | |                              |  |
+  +------------+  +-----------+                 | |                              |  |
+  +---------------------------+                 | |                              |  |
+  |     Pre-installed         |                 | |      Tacker conductor        |  |
+  |    Kubernetes cluster     |                 | +------------------------------+  |
+  +---------------------------+                 +-----------------------------------+
+The diagram shows that Kubernetes driver will use Kubernetes object files as
+CNF definition in YAML format to instantiate CNF on pre-installed cluster.
+VNFD will not contain any resource information such as VDU, Connection points,
+Virtual links because all required components of CNF will be specified in
+Kubernetes object files. VNFD will be used only to identify the flavour of CNF.
+Sample VNFD file:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+    tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_2
+    description: Deployment flavour for Kubernetes Cluster with
+        "pre_installed" flavour ID
+    imports:
+      - etsi_nfv_sol001_common_types.yaml
+      - etsi_nfv_sol001_vnfd_types.yaml
+    topology_template:
+      inputs:
+        descriptor_id:
+          type: string
+        descriptor_version:
+          type: string
+        provider:
+          type: string
+        product_name:
+          type: string
+        software_version:
+          type: string
+        vnfm_info:
+          type: list
+          entry_schema:
+            type: string
+        flavour_id:
+          type: string
+        flavour_description:
+          type: string
+      substitution_mappings:
+        node_type: Company.Tacker.KubernetesCluster
+        properties:
+          flavour_id: pre_installed
+      node_templates:
+        VNF:
+          type: Company.Tacker.Kubernetes
+          properties:
+            flavour_description: The pre_installed flavour
+Sample Kubernetes object file:
+.. note:: Kubernetes object files as CNF definition file can contain
+          definitions of Kubernetes objects mentioned in
+          `Kubernetes resource kind support`_ section. Sample
+          contains definition of ``Deployment``.
+.. code-block:: yaml
+      apiVersion: apps/v1
+      kind: Deployment
+      metadata:
+        name: curry-test001
+        namespace: curryns
+      spec:
+        replicas: 2
+        selector:
+          matchLabels:
+            app: webserver
+        template:
+          metadata:
+            labels:
+              app: webserver
+              scaling_name: SP1
+          spec:
+            containers:
+            - env:
+              - name: param0
+                valueFrom:
+                  configMapKeyRef:
+                    key: param0
+                    name: curry-test001
+              - name: param1
+                valueFrom:
+                  configMapKeyRef:
+                    key: param1
+                    name: curry-test001
+              image: celebdor/kuryr-demo
+              imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+              name: web-server
+              ports:
+              - containerPort: 8080
+              resources:
+                limits:
+                  cpu: 500m
+                  memory: 512M
+                requests:
+                  cpu: 500m
+                  memory: 512M
+              volumeMounts:
+              - name: curry-claim-volume
+                mountPath: /data
+            volumes:
+            - name: curry-claim-volume
+              persistentVolumeClaim:
+                claimName: curry-pv-claim
+            terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 0
+Register VIM
+VIM of type ``kubernetes`` need to be registered before CNF instantiation. The
+VIM registration process will remain same. Following sample `vim-config.yaml`
+provides necessary information to register VIM of type Kubernetes.
+.. code-block:: console
+    auth_url: ""
+    username: "admin"
+    password: "admin"
+    project_name: "default"
+    ssl_ca_cert: None
+    type: "kubernetes"
+This VIM can be used in the instantiation request for CNF. If VIM is not
+specified in the request, the user must ensure that the default VIM is of type
+CNF instantiation
+Following is a sample of instantiation request:
+.. code-block:: json
+    {
+      "flavourId": "pre_installed",
+      "additionalParams": {
+        "lcm-kubernetes-def-files": [
+          "Files/kubernetes/sample1.yaml",
+          "Files/kubernetes/sample2.yaml"
+        ]
+      },
+      "vimConnectionInfo": [
+        {
+          "id": "8a3adb69-0784-43c7-833e-aab0b6ab4470",
+          "vimId": "7dc3c839-bf15-45ac-8dff-fc5b95c2940e",
+          "vimType": "kubernetes"
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+Kubernetes driver will need changes to introduce an additional way to load CNF
+definitions from artifacts provided in the CSAR package. The artifacts will be
+one or more YAML files. The list of such Kubernetes object YAML artifact files
+will be provided in ``lcm-kubernetes-def-files`` parameter in additionalParams
+of the instantiation request. The ``create()`` method of Kubernetes driver will
+look for this parameter and load the Kubernetes objects. The table
+``vnf_artifacts`` introduced by spec `add-artifact-support-for-vnf-package`_
+will be used for validation of artifacts. The order of files specified in the
+list need to be maintained as the objects specified in those files may have
+Following sequence diagram describes the components involved and the flow of
+CNF instantiation:
+.. seqdiag::
+  seqdiag {
+    node_width = 100;
+    edge_length = 115;
+    Client -> WSGIMiddleware [label =
+        "POST /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances"];
+    Client <-- WSGIMiddleware [label = "200 Success"];
+    Client -> WSGIMiddleware [label =
+        "POST /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/{id}/instantiate"];
+    WSGIMiddleware -->> WSGIMiddleware [label = "request validation"];
+    Client <-- WSGIMiddleware [label = "202 Accepted"];
+    NFVOPlugin;
+    WSGIMiddleware -> VnfLcmDriver [label = "Trigger asynchronous task "];
+    VnfLcmDriver --> NFVOPlugin [label = "get VNF Package"];
+    VnfLcmDriver <-- NFVOPlugin;
+    VnfLcmDriver -->> VnfLcmDriver [label = "create VIM connection object"];
+    VnfLcmDriver -> KubernetesDriver [label = "pre_instantiation_vnf()"];
+    KubernetesDriver -->> KubernetesDriver [label = "No Action"];
+    VnfLcmDriver <-- KubernetesDriver;
+    VnfLcmDriver --> KubernetesDriver [label =
+        "instantiate_vnf()"];
+    KubernetesDriver --> KubernetesDriver [label = "1 create()"]
+    VnfLcmDriver <-- KubernetesDriver [label = "instance_id"];
+    VnfLcmDriver --> KubernetesDriver [label ="create_wait()"];
+    KubernetesDriver -> KubernetesPythonClient [label =
+        "check deployment status"];
+    KubernetesPythonClient -> Kubernetes [label = "get deployment status"];
+    KubernetesPythonClient <-- Kubernetes [label = "status"];
+    KubernetesDriver <-- KubernetesPythonClient;
+    VnfLcmDriver <-- KubernetesDriver;
+    VnfLcmDriver -> KubernetesDriver [label = "post_vnf_instantiation()"];
+    KubernetesDriver -->> KubernetesDriver[label =
+        "2. Update DB for VNFC resources[TBD]"];
+    VnfLcmDriver <-- KubernetesDriver;
+  }
+#. ``create()`` method will get instantiation request and VNF package path as
+   parameters. It will look for ``lcm-kubernetes-def-files`` in
+   additionalParams to decide where to get Kubernetes object files. This spec
+   focuses on the case when this parameter is present.
+   The next sequence diagram shows details about ``create()`` method.
+#. TODO: As per discussion it has been decided that information about
+   resources such as containers, pods etc. will not be stored in
+   ``vnfc_resource_info`` because it is difficult to directly map such objects
+   to existing vnfc_resource_info structure. The implication of this decision
+   is that information about such resources will not be shown when user queries
+   about the VNF instance.
+   It still in discussion to decide where to store the information about
+   resources created for CNF.
+Following sequence diagram shows operation of ``create()`` method in
+Kubernetes infra driver:
+.. seqdiag::
+    KubernetesDriver --> KubernetesUtil [label =
+        "1. cnf_to_kube_objects(\ncnf_def_dict)"];
+    KubernetesDriver <-- KubernetesUtil [label =
+        "Kubernetes model\nobjects"];
+    KubernetesDriver --> KubernetesPythonClient [label =
+        "2. call client APIs for each\nmodel object"];
+    KubernetesPythonClient --> Kubernetes [label =
+        "deploy kubernetes\nobjects"];
+    KubernetesPythonClient <-- Kubernetes [label = "deployed objects info"];
+    KubernetesDriver <-- KubernetesPythonClient [label =
+        "3. deployed objects info"];
+    KubernetesDriver -->> KubernetesDriver [label = "prepare\ninstance id"];
+#. Definitions extracted from Kubernetes object YAML files will be translated
+   into Kubernetes model objects [#kubernetes-model-objects]_. KubernetesUtils
+   module will be added for the translation.
+#. Kubernetes model objects will be passed to Kubernetes-client APIs
+   [#kubernetes-apis]_ to deploy objects. Kubernetes-client's APIs will be
+   called depending on ``kind`` of an object. The order of objects in which
+   they are deployed will be important considering their dependency. Refer
+   `Kubernetes API group support`_
+#. Deployed object's information will be used for preparing deployment names.
+   Deployment names will be returned as instance_id to maintain
+   compatibility with VNF LCM API.
+Following diagram shows how CNF will be deployed:
+.. code-block::
+              +-----------+ +------------------+
+              |           | |Kubernetes object |
+              |   VNFD    | |YAML file         |
+              |           | |                  |
+              +--------+--+ +---+--------------+
+                       |        |
+                       |        |
+                       |<-------+
+                       |
+    +---------+     +--v--------+     +-----------+     +------------+     +----------+     +----------+
+    |Command/ |     | VNFM      |No   | Parse k8s |     | Kubernetes |     |Kubernetes|     |Kubernetes|
+    |REST Api +---->|           +---->| object    +---->| Object     +---->|Python    +---->|          |
+    |         |     |Is CNF def |     | YAML files|  ^  |            |     |Client    |     |          |
+    +---------+     |VNFD Based?|     +-----------+  |  +------------+     +----------+     +----------+
+                    +--+--------+                    |
+                       |      +-----------+          |
+                       |Yes   | Parse     |          |
+                       +----->| TOSCA CNF +----------+
+                              | definition|
+                              | from VNFD |
+                              +-----------+
+                              This case is out
+                              of scope of this
+                              spec
+* The instantiation process will be called using either command or REST API
+  call.
+* The VNFM will process the VNFD and Kubernetes object files depending on
+  additionalParams in the instantiation request.
+* The VNFD will contain only the flavour definition.
+* The Kubernetes model objects [#kubernetes-model-objects]_ will be created
+  from the definitions provided in Kubernetes object YAML files.
+* The `kubernetes-client`_ will instantiate objects on the Kubernetes cluster.
+CNF termination
+Following sequence diagram shows flow of termination of CNF.
+.. seqdiag::
+  seqdiag {
+    node_width = 100;
+    edge_length = 115;
+    Client -> WSGIMiddleware [label = "Terminate VNF"];
+    WSGIMiddleware -->> WSGIMiddleware [label = "request validation"];
+    Client <-- WSGIMiddleware [label = "202 Accepted"];
+    WSGIMiddleware -> TackerConductor [label = "Trigger asynchronous task"];
+    TackerConductor --> VnfLcmDriver
+      [label = "terminate_vnf(vnf_instance, terminate_vnf_request)"];
+    VnfLcmDriver --> KubernetesDriver
+      [label = "delete(context, instance_id, access_info)"];
+    KubernetesDriver -->> KubernetesDriver
+      [label = "get deployment infromation"];
+    KubernetesDriver --> KubernetesPythonClient [label = "delete deployment"];
+    KubernetesPythonClient --> Kubernetes [label = "delete deployment"];
+    KubernetesPythonClient <-- Kubernetes [label = "deployment deleted"];
+    KubernetesDriver <-- KubernetesPythonClient;
+    VnfLcmDriver <-- KubernetesDriver;
+    VnfLcmDriver --> KubernetesDriver
+      [label = "delete_wait(context, instance_id, access_info)"];
+    KubernetesDriver --> KubernetesPythonClient
+      [label = "get deployment status"];
+    KubernetesPythonClient --> Kubernetes [label = "get deployment status"];
+    KubernetesPythonClient <-- Kubernetes [label = "deployment status"];
+    KubernetesDriver <-- KubernetesPythonClient
+      [label = "deployment status(deleted)"];
+    VnfLcmDriver <-- KubernetesDriver [label = "resources removed"];
+    TackerConductor <-- VnfLcmDriver
+      [label = "request successfully completed"];
+    TackerConductor -->> TackerConductor [label = "update DB"];
+  }
+Current implementation of Kubernetes driver handles limited objects such as
+Service, Deployment, HorizontalPodAutoscaler etc. Since this spec introduces
+more objects mentioned in `Kubernetes resource kind support`_, the ``delete()``
+APIs implementations need to delete such objects.
+Kubernetes API group support
+Current Kubernetes infra driver supports following API groups:
+#. AutoscalingV1Api
+#. CoreApi
+#. CoreV1Api
+#. ExtensionsV1beta1Api
+This spec proposes to add support for following API groups:
+#. AppsV1Api
+#. ApiregistrationV1Api
+#. AuthenticationV1Api
+#. AuthorizationV1Api
+#. BatchV1Api
+#. CoordinationV1Api
+#. NetworkingV1Api
+#. RbacAuthorizationV1Api
+#. SchedulingV1Api
+#. StorageV1Api
+Kubernetes resource kind support
+In this spec we will support Kubernetes v1.5.0 and Kubernetes python
+client v11.0. Following Kubernetes APIs will be supported.
+* API Group ``core`` (CoreV1Api)
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  |     API                                  |   Version  |
+  +==========================================+============+
+  | Container                                | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  | Pod                                      | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  | Service                                  | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  | ConfigMap                                | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  | Secret                                   | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  | PersistentVolumeClaim                    | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  | Volume                                   | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  | LimitRange                               | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  | PodTemplate                              | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  | Bindings                                 | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  | ComponentStatus                          | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  | Namespace                                | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  | Node                                     | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  | PersistentVolume                         | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  | ResourceQuota                            | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  | ServiceAccount                           | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+* API Group ```` (ApiregistrationV1Api)
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  |      API                                 |   Version  |
+  +==========================================+============+
+  | APIService                               | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+* API Group ``apps`` (AppsV1Api)
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  |      API                                 |   Version  |
+  +==========================================+============+
+  | DaemonSet                                | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  | Deployment                               | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  | ReplicaSet                               | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  | StatefulSet                              | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  | ControllerRevision                       | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+* API Group ```` (AuthenticationV1Api)
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  |      API                                 |   Version  |
+  +==========================================+============+
+  | TokenReview                              | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+* API Group ```` (AuthorizationV1Api)
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  |      API                                 |   Version  |
+  +==========================================+============+
+  | LocalSubjectAccessReview                 | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  | SelfSubjectAccessReview                  | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  | SelfSubjectRulesReview                   | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  | SubjectAccessReview                      | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+* API Group ``autoscaling`` (AutoscalingV1Api)
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  |      API                                 |   Version  |
+  +==========================================+============+
+  | HorizontalPodAutoscaler                  | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+* API Group ``batch`` (BatchV1Api)
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  |      API                                 |   Version  |
+  +==========================================+============+
+  | Job                                      | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+* API Group ```` (CoordinationV1Api)
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  |      API                                 |   Version  |
+  +==========================================+============+
+  | Lease                                    | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+* API Group ```` (NetworkingV1Api)
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  |      API                                 |   Version  |
+  +==========================================+============+
+  | NetworkPolicy                            | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+* API Group ```` (RbacAuthorizationV1Api)
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  |      API                                 |   Version  |
+  +==========================================+============+
+  | ClusterRole                              | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  | ClusterRoleBinding                       | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  | Role                                     | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  | RoleBinding                              | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+* API Group ```` (SchedulingV1Api)
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  |      API                                 |   Version  |
+  +==========================================+============+
+  | PriorityClass                            | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+* API Group ```` (StorageV1Api)
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  |      API                                 |   Version  |
+  +==========================================+============+
+  | StorageClass                             | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+  | VolumeAttachment                         | v1         |
+  +------------------------------------------+------------+
+Data model impact
+Table name: vnf_instantiated_info
+| Column Name                | Old data type  | New data type |
+| instance_id                | VARCHAR(255)   |    TEXT       |
+The instance id returned by Kubernetes driver will be a string containing
+deployment names. It can grow beyond 255 characters. Hence we propose to
+change the data type of ``instance_id`` field of ``vnf_instantiated_info``
+table from VARCHAR(255) to TEXT.
+REST API impact
+Security impact
+Notifications impact
+Other end user impact
+Performance impact
+Other deployer impact
+Developer impact
+Primary assignee:
+  Yoshito Ito <>
+Other contributors:
+  Nitin Uikey <>
+  Tushar Patil <>
+  Prashant Bhole <>
+Work Items
+* Kubernetes infra driver will be modified to implement:
+  * VNF LCM compatibility
+  * CNF instantiation from definitions provided in artifacts
+  * Support for additional Kubernetes objects
+* Add new unit and functional tests.
+Unit and functional tests will be added to cover cases required in the spec.
+TODO: Since there is assupmtion that Kubernetes cluster will be pre installed,
+gate job needs to fetch the information about existing cluster and create
+kubernetes VIM.
+Documentation Impact
+Complete user guide will be added to explain CNF instantiation and
+termination from the perspective of VNF LCM APIs.
+.. _kubernetes-client :
+.. _add-artifact-support-for-vnf-package : add-artifacts.html
+.. [#kubernetes-model-objects] :
+.. [#kubernetes-apis] :