# Copyright 2011 VMware, Inc # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Tacker base exception handling. """ import re from oslo_log import log as logging import webob.exc from webob import util as woutil from tacker._i18n import _ LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ConvertedException(webob.exc.WSGIHTTPException): def __init__(self, code, title="", explanation=""): self.code = code # There is a strict rule about constructing status line for HTTP: # '...Status-Line, consisting of the protocol version followed by a # numeric status code and its associated textual phrase, with each # element separated by SP characters' # (http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2616.html) # 'code' and 'title' can not be empty because they correspond # to numeric status code and its associated text if title: self.title = title else: try: self.title = woutil.status_reasons[self.code] except KeyError: msg = _("Improper or unknown HTTP status code used: %d") LOG.error(msg, code) self.title = woutil.status_generic_reasons[self.code // 100] self.explanation = explanation super(ConvertedException, self).__init__() class TackerException(Exception): """Base Tacker Exception. To correctly use this class, inherit from it and define a 'message' property. That message will get printf'd with the keyword arguments provided to the constructor. """ message = _("An unknown exception occurred.") code = 500 def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs): if not message: try: message = self.message % kwargs except Exception: message = self.message self.msg = message super(TackerException, self).__init__(message) def __str__(self): return self.msg def format_message(self): return self.args[0] def use_fatal_exceptions(self): """Is the instance using fatal exceptions. :returns: Always returns False. """ return False class BadRequest(TackerException): message = _('Bad %(resource)s request: %(msg)s') code = 400 class NotFound(TackerException): message = _('%(resource)s %(name)s not Found') class Conflict(TackerException): pass class NotAuthorized(TackerException): message = _("Not authorized.") code = 401 class Forbidden(TackerException): msg_fmt = _("Forbidden") code = 403 class ServiceUnavailable(TackerException): message = _("The service is unavailable") class AdminRequired(NotAuthorized): message = _("User does not have admin privileges: %(reason)s") class PolicyNotAuthorized(Forbidden): message = _("Policy doesn't allow %(action)s to be performed.") class PolicyInitError(TackerException): message = _("Failed to init policy %(policy)s because %(reason)s") class PolicyCheckError(TackerException): message = _("Failed to check policy %(policy)s because %(reason)s") class InUse(TackerException): message = _("The resource is in use") class MalformedRequestBody(BadRequest): message = _("Malformed request body: %(reason)s") class Invalid(TackerException): message = _("Bad Request - Invalid Parameters") class CreateApiFalse(TackerException): message = _('Failed to create resource.') class InitApiFalse(TackerException): message = _('Failed to init resource.') class ReadEndpoindsFalse(TackerException): message = _('The method to read a resource failed.') class InvalidInput(BadRequest): message = _("Invalid input for operation: %(error_message)s.") class InvalidContentType(TackerException): message = _("Invalid content type %(content_type)s") class NetworkVlanRangeError(TackerException): message = _("Invalid network VLAN range: '%(vlan_range)s' - '%(error)s'") def __init__(self, **kwargs): # Convert vlan_range tuple to 'start:end' format for display if isinstance(kwargs['vlan_range'], tuple): kwargs['vlan_range'] = "%d:%d" % kwargs['vlan_range'] super(NetworkVlanRangeError, self).__init__(**kwargs) class DuplicatedExtension(TackerException): message = _("Found duplicate extension: %(alias)s") class MgmtDriverException(TackerException): message = _("VNF configuration failed") class AlarmUrlInvalid(BadRequest): message = _("Invalid alarm url for VNF %(vnf_id)s") class TriggerNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Trigger %(trigger_name)s does not exist for VNF %(vnf_id)s") class VnfPolicyNotFound(NotFound): message = _("Policy %(policy)s does not exist for VNF %(vnf_id)s") class VnfPolicyActionInvalid(BadRequest): message = _("Invalid action %(action)s for policy %(policy)s, " "should be one of %(valid_actions)s") class VnfPolicyTypeInvalid(BadRequest): message = _("Invalid type %(type)s for policy %(policy)s, " "should be one of %(valid_types)s") class DuplicateResourceName(TackerException): message = _("%(resource)s with name %(name)s already exists") class DuplicateEntity(Conflict): message = _("%(_type)s already exist with given %(entry)s") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # oslo.db does not parse duplicate key error correctly # if MySQL server is >=8.0.19. (oslo.db BUG 1896916) # TODO(kden): revert once the issue is resolved. if len(kwargs["entry"]) == 1: matched = re.match( r"(?P[^\.]+)\.uniq_(?P=tbl)0(?P.+)$", kwargs["entry"][0]) if matched is not None: kwargs["entry"] = matched.group("columns").split("0") super(DuplicateEntity, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class ValidationError(BadRequest): message = "%(detail)s" class ObjectActionError(TackerException): message = _("Object action %(action)s failed because: %(reason)s") class VnfPackageNotFound(NotFound): message = _("No vnf package with id %(id)s.") class VnfPackageVnfdIdDuplicate(TackerException): message = _("Vnf package with vnfd id %(vnfd_id)s already exists.") class VnfInstanceNotFound(NotFound): message = _("No vnf instance with id %(id)s.") class VnfInstanceConflictState(Conflict): message = _("Vnf instance %(uuid)s in %(attr)s %(state)s. Cannot " "%(action)s while the vnf instance is in this state.") class VnfConflictState(Conflict): message = _("Vnf %(uuid)s in %(attr)s %(state)s. Cannot " "%(action)s while the vnf is in this state.") class FlavourNotFound(NotFound): message = _("No flavour with id '%(flavour_id)s'.") class InstantiationLevelNotFound(NotFound): message = _("No instantiation level with id '%(inst_level_id)s'.") class VimConnectionNotFound(NotFound): message = _("No vim found with id '%(vim_id)s'.") class VnfResourceNotFound(NotFound): message = _("No vnf resource with id %(id)s.") class VnfPackageVnfdNotFound(NotFound): message = _("No vnf package vnfd with vnfd_id %(id)s.") class VnfDeploymentFlavourNotFound(NotFound): message = _("No vnf deployment flavour with id %(id)s.") class VnfSoftwareImageNotFound(NotFound): message = _("No vnf software image with id %(id)s.") class VnfArtifactNotFound(NotFound): message = _("No vnf artifact with id %(id)s.") class VnfInstantiatedInfoNotFound(NotFound): message = _("No vnf instantiated info for vnf id %(vnf_instance_id)s.") class VnfInstantiationFailed(TackerException): message = _("Vnf instantiation failed for vnf %(id)s, error: %(error)s") class VnfInstantiationWaitFailed(TackerException): message = _("Vnf instantiation wait failed for vnf %(id)s, " "error: %(error)s") class VnfPreInstantiationFailed(TackerException): message = _("Vnf '%(id)s' failed during pre-instantiation due to error: " "%(error)s") class VnfHealFailed(TackerException): message = _("Heal Vnf failed for vnf %(id)s, error: %(error)s") class LockCreationFailed(TackerException): message = _('Unable to create lock. Coordination backend not started.') class OrphanedObjectError(TackerException): msg_fmt = _('Cannot call %(method)s on orphaned %(objtype)s object') class CSARFileSizeLimitExceeded(TackerException): message = _("The provided CSAR file is too large.") class VNFPackageURLInvalid(Invalid): message = _("Failed to open URL %(url)s") class VnfPackageLocationInvalid(Invalid): message = _("Failed to find location: %(location)s") class InvalidZipFile(Invalid): message = _("Invalid zip file : %(path)s") class UploadFailedToGlanceStore(Invalid): message = _("Failed to upload vnf package %(uuid)s to glance store: " "%(error)s") class FailedToGetVnfdData(Invalid): message = _("Failed to get csar zip file from glance store: %(error)s") class FailedToGetVnfArtifact(Invalid): message = _("Failed to get artifact file from glance store: %(error)s") class FailedToGetVnfPackageDetails(Invalid): message = _("Failed to get vnf package details: %(error)s") class InvalidCSAR(Invalid): message = _("Invalid csar: %(error)s") class LimitExceeded(TackerException): message = _("The request returned a 413 Request Entity Too Large. This " "generally means that rate limiting or a quota threshold was " "breached.\n\nThe response body:\n%(body)s") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.retry_after = (int(kwargs['retry']) if kwargs.get('retry') else None) super(LimitExceeded, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class NotificationProcessingError(TackerException): message = _("Notification Processing Failed: %(error)s") class UserDataUpdateCreateFailed(TackerException): msg_fmt = _("User data for VNF package %(id)s cannot be updated " "or created after %(retries)d retries.") class DBAccessError(TackerException): message = _("DB Access Error") class SeeOther(TackerException): code = 303 class MgmtDriverHashMatchFailure(TackerException): message = _('The hash verification of VNF Package MgmtDriver ' 'and Tacker MgmtDriver does not match.') class MgmtDriverInconsistent(TackerException): message = _('The %(MgmtDriver)s specified in the VNFD is inconsistent ' 'with the MgmtDriver in the configuration file.') class MgmtDriverNotFound(TackerException): message = _('The %(param)s in the additionalParams does not exist.') class MgmtDriverParamInvalid(TackerException): message = _('The %(param)s in the additionalParams is invalid.') class MgmtDriverRemoteCommandError(TackerException): message = _('Failed to execute remote command.') class MgmtDriverRemoteCommandTimeOut(TackerException): message = _('The execution of the remote command timed out.') class MgmtDriverOtherError(TackerException): message = _('An error occurred in MgmtDriver: %(error_message)s.') class VnfConflictStateWithErrorPoint(Conflict): message = _("Vnf %(uuid)s in status %(state)s. " "Error point %(error_point)s. " "Cannot %(action)s while the vnf is in this state " "with this error point.")