# Copyright (C) 2021 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from tacker._i18n import _ class SolException(Exception): """Exception for SOL ProblemDetails Generally status, title and message should be defined in derived class. detail is constructed from message and kwargs. Attributes in ProblemDetails can be specified in kwargs of object initialization. Use `sol_*` (ex. `sol_instance`) to avoid confliction with kwargs. """ status = 500 title = None message = 'Internal Server Error' def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.status = kwargs.pop('sol_status', self.status) self.title = kwargs.pop('sol_title', self.title) self.type = kwargs.pop('sol_type', None) self.instance = kwargs.pop('sol_instance', None) self.detail = kwargs.pop('sol_detail', self.message % kwargs) super().__init__(self.detail) def make_problem_details(self): res = {'status': self.status, 'detail': self.detail} if self.title is not None: res['title'] = self.title if self.type is not None: res['type'] = self.type if self.instance is not None: res['instance'] = self.instance return res class SolHttpError400(SolException): status = 400 title = 'Bad Request' class SolHttpError403(SolException): status = 403 title = 'Forbidden' class SolHttpError404(SolException): status = 404 title = 'Not Found' class SolHttpError405(SolException): status = 405 title = 'Method Not Allowed' class SolHttpError406(SolException): status = 406 title = 'Not Acceptable' class SolHttpError409(SolException): status = 409 title = 'Conflict' class SolHttpError415(SolException): status = 415 title = 'Unsupported Media Type' class SolHttpError422(SolException): status = 422 title = 'Unprocessable Entity' class SolHttpError503(SolException): status = 503 title = 'Service Unavailable' class MethodNotAllowed(SolHttpError405): message = _("Method %(method)s is not supported.") class SolValidationError(SolHttpError400): message = _("%(detail)s") class InvalidAPIVersionString(SolHttpError400): message = _("Version String %(version)s is of invalid format. Must " "be of format Major.Minor.Patch.") class APIVersionMissing(SolHttpError400): message = _("'Version' HTTP header missing.") class APIVersionNotSupported(SolHttpError406): message = _("Version %(version)s not supported.") class VnfdIdNotEnabled(SolHttpError422): message = _("VnfId %(vnfd_id)s not ENABLED.") class VnfInstanceNotFound(SolHttpError404): message = _("VnfInstance %(inst_id)s not found.") class NotSupportUpgradeType(SolHttpError400): message = _("not support upgrade_type %(upgrade_type)s") class VnfInstanceIsInstantiated(SolHttpError409): message = _("VnfInstance %(inst_id)s is instantiated.") class VnfInstanceIsNotInstantiated(SolHttpError409): message = _("VnfInstance %(inst_id)s isn't instantiated.") class LccnSubscriptionNotFound(SolHttpError404): message = _("LccnSubscription %(subsc_id)s not found.") class VnfLcmOpOccNotFound(SolHttpError404): message = _("VnfLcmOpOcc %(lcmocc_id)s not found.") class VnfdIdNotFound(SolHttpError422): message = _("VnfPackage of vnfdId %(vnfd_id)s is not found or " "not operational.") class FlavourIdNotFound(SolHttpError400): message = _("FlavourId %(flavour_id)s not found in the vnfd.") class NoVimConnectionInfo(SolHttpError422): message = _("No VimConnectionInfo set to the VnfInstance.") class InvalidVnfdFormat(SolHttpError400): message = _("Vnfd is unexpected format.") class StackOperationFailed(SolHttpError422): # title and detail are set in the code from stack_status_reason pass class MgmtDriverExecutionFailed(SolHttpError422): title = 'Mgmt driver execution failed' # detail set in the code class BaseHOTNotDefined(SolHttpError400): message = _("BaseHOT is not defined.") class UserdataMissing(SolHttpError400): message = _("'lcm-operation-user-data' or " "'lcm-operation-user-data-class' missing.") class UserdataExecutionFailed(SolHttpError422): title = 'Userdata execution failed' # detail set in the code class TestNotificationFailed(SolHttpError422): message = _("Can't get from notification callback Uri.") class VimNotFound(SolHttpError404): message = _("VIM %(vim_id)s not found.") class OtherOperationInProgress(SolHttpError409): message = _("Other LCM operation of vnfInstance %(inst_id)s " "is in progress.") class UserDataClassNotImplemented(SolHttpError400): message = _("Userdata class not implemented.") class InvalidAttributeFilter(SolHttpError400): message = _("Attribute filter expression is invalid.") class InvalidAttributeSelector(SolHttpError400): message = _("Attribute selector expression is invalid.") class InvalidSubscription(SolHttpError400): # detail set in the code pass class ResponseTooBig(SolHttpError400): title = 'Response too big' message = _("Content length of the response is larger " "than %(size)d bytes.") class LocalNfvoGrantFailed(SolHttpError403): title = 'Grant failed' # detail set in the code class LcmOpOccNotFailedTemp(SolHttpError409): message = _("LCM operation %(lcmocc_id)s not FAILED_TEMP.") class GrantRequestOrGrantNotFound(SolHttpError404): message = _("GrantRequest or Grant for LCM operation " "%(lcmocc_id)s not found.") class RollbackNotSupported(SolHttpError422): message = _("Rollback of %(op)s is not supported.") class UnexpectedParentResourceDefinition(SolHttpError422): message = _("Parent resource is necessary for VDU definition.") class InvalidScaleAspectId(SolHttpError400): message = _("Invalid aspectId '%(aspect_id)s'.") class InvalidScaleNumberOfSteps(SolHttpError400): message = _("Invalid numberOfSteps '%(num_steps)d'.") class DeltaMissingInVnfd(SolHttpError400): message = _("Delta '%(delta)s' is not defined in " "VduScalingAspectDeltas.") class ConductorProcessingError(SolException): title = 'Internal Server Error' message = _("Failure due to conductor processing error.") class SshIpNotFoundException(SolHttpError404): message = _("Ssh ip not found.") class CoordinateVNFExecutionFailed(SolHttpError422): title = 'Coordinate VNF execution failed' # detail set in the code class VmRunningFailed(SolHttpError422): message = _("VM is running incorrectly. Reason: '%(error_info)s'") class CnfDefinitionNotFound(SolHttpError400): message = _("'%(diff_files)s' do not exist in vnf artifact files") class NamespaceNotUniform(SolHttpError400): message = _("There are multiple namespaces in the manifest file. Only one" "namespace can be used in one VNF.") class ExecuteK8SResourceCreateApiFailed(SolHttpError400): message = _("An error occurred when creating k8s resource.") class CreateK8SResourceFailed(SolHttpError400): message = _("An error occurred when creating k8s resource.") class ReadEndpointsFalse(SolHttpError400): message = _("read endpoints failed. kind:'%(kind)s'.") class DeleteK8SResourceFailed(SolHttpError400): message = _("An error occurred when deleting k8s resource.") class UnmatchedFileException(SolHttpError400): message = _("The updated file '%(new_file_path)s' does not match the" " original file. Some resources may be missing.") class UnSupportedKindException(SolHttpError400): message = _("The update file '%(new_file_path)s' does not contain" " 'Deployment' resource and other types of updates are not" " currently supported.") class NotFoundUpdateFileException(SolHttpError400): message = _("No original file matching the update file" " '%(new_file_path)s' was found.") class MissingParameterException(SolHttpError400): message = _("If you set vdu_params parameter in request body," " the 'vdu_id' is necessary.") class UpdateK8SResourceFailed(SolHttpError400): message = _("An error occurred when updating k8s resource.") class NotSupportOperationType(SolHttpError404): message = _("This operation is not currently supported.") class NotAllowedContentType(SolHttpError406): message = _("Content type '%(header)s' specified in 'Accept' header" " is not allowed.") class NotSupportedContentType(SolHttpError415): message = _("Content type '%(header)s' specified in 'Content-Type' header" " is not allowed.") class MalformedRequestBody(SolHttpError400): message = _("Malformed request body.") class InvalidPagingMarker(SolHttpError400): message = _("Paging marker value %(marker)s is invalid.") class DbSyncNoDiff(Exception): pass class DbSyncFailed(Exception): pass class K8sOperationFailed(SolHttpError422): # title and detail are set in the code from kubernetes operation pass class K8sOperaitionTimeout(SolHttpError422): message = _("Kubernetes operation did not complete within" " the timeout period.") class K8sResourceNotFound(SolHttpError404): message = _("Kubernetes resource %(rsc_name)s is not found.") class K8sInvalidManifestFound(SolHttpError400): message = _("Invalid manifest found.") class OIDCAuthFailed(SolHttpError400): message = _("OIDC authentication and authorization failed." " Detail: %(detail)s") class AuthTypeNotFound(SolHttpError400): message = _("AuthType parameter %(auth_type)s is not found") class HelmOperationFailed(SolHttpError422): title = 'Helm operation failed' # detail set in the code class HelmParameterNotFound(SolHttpError400): message = _("Helm parameter for scale vdu %(vdu_name)s is not found.") class AlarmNotFound(SolHttpError404): message = _("Alarm %(alarm_id)s not found.") class AckStateInvalid(SolHttpError409): message = _("The ackState of alarm cannot specify the same value.") class FmSubscriptionNotFound(SolHttpError404): message = _("FmSubscription %(subsc_id)s not found.") class PMJobNotExist(SolHttpError404): message = _("The specified PM job does not exist.") class PMReportNotExist(SolHttpError404): message = _("The specified Performance Report does not exist.") class PMJobInvalidRequest(SolHttpError400): message = _("Invalid request") class ResourcesOtherOperationInProgress(SolHttpError409): message = _("Other LCM operation of resources %(inst_id)s " "is in progress.") # plugin base class MonitoringPluginClassError(SolHttpError503): message = _("%(class_name)s is not a subclass of MonitoringPlugin.") # prometheus plugin class PrometheusPluginNotEnabled(SolHttpError404): message = _("%(name)s API is not enabled.") class PrometheusPluginError(Exception): pass class PrometheusPluginSkipped(Exception): pass class PrometheusPluginValidationError(SolValidationError): pass class PrometheusSettingFailed(SolHttpError503): message = _("Setting PM job on External Monitoring Tool failed.") # server_notification class ServerNotificationNotEnabled(SolHttpError404): message = _("ServerNotification API is not enabled.") class ServerNotificationValidationError(SolValidationError): message = _("%(detail)s")