# Copyright (C) 2021 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import io import os import re import shutil import tempfile import zipfile from oslo_log import log as logging import yaml from tacker.sol_refactored.common import exceptions as sol_ex LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Vnfd(object): def __init__(self, vnfd_id): self.vnfd_id = vnfd_id self.tosca_meta = {} self.definitions = {} self.vnfd_flavours = {} self.csar_dir = None def init_from_csar_dir(self, csar_dir): self.csar_dir = csar_dir self._init_vnfd(csar_dir) def init_from_zip_data(self, zip_data): # NOTE: This is used when external NFVO is used and only VNFD in # the vnf package is extracted. csar_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() buff = io.BytesIO(zip_data) with zipfile.ZipFile(buff, 'r') as zf: zf.extractall(csar_dir) self._init_vnfd(csar_dir) try: shutil.rmtree(csar_dir) except Exception: LOG.exception("rmtree %s failed", csar_dir) def _init_vnfd(self, csar_dir): # assume TOSCA-Metadata format path = os.path.join(csar_dir, 'TOSCA-Metadata', 'TOSCA.meta') if not os.path.isfile(path): raise sol_ex.InvalidVnfdFormat() # expand from yaml to dict for TOSCA.meta and Definitions with open(path, 'r') as f: self.tosca_meta = yaml.safe_load(f.read()) path = os.path.join(csar_dir, 'Definitions') for entry in os.listdir(path): if entry.endswith(('.yaml', '.yml')): with open(os.path.join(path, entry), 'r') as f: content = yaml.safe_load(f.read()) self.definitions[entry] = content def _assert_csar_dir(self): if self.csar_dir is None: # should not occur. code bug. raise sol_ex.SolException(sol_detail="csar_dir is None.") def get_vnfd_flavour(self, flavour_id): if flavour_id in self.vnfd_flavours: return self.vnfd_flavours[flavour_id] for data in self.definitions.values(): fid = (data .get('topology_template', {}) .get('substitution_mappings', {}) .get('properties', {}) .get('flavour_id')) if fid == flavour_id: self.vnfd_flavours[flavour_id] = data return data # NOT found. # NOTE: checked by the caller. basically check is necessary at # instantiate start only. def get_sw_image(self, flavour_id): vnfd = self.get_vnfd_flavour(flavour_id) nodes = (vnfd .get('topology_template', {}) .get('node_templates', {})) types = ['tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute', 'tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.VirtualBlockStorage'] sw_image = {} for name, data in nodes.items(): if (data['type'] in types and data.get('properties', {}).get('sw_image_data')): image = data['properties']['sw_image_data']['name'] sw_image[name] = image return sw_image def get_sw_image_data(self, flavour_id): vnfd = self.get_vnfd_flavour(flavour_id) nodes = (vnfd .get('topology_template', {}) .get('node_templates', {})) types = ['tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute', 'tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.VirtualBlockStorage'] sw_image = {} for name, data in nodes.items(): if (data['type'] in types and data.get('properties', {}).get('sw_image_data')): sw_image[name] = data['properties']['sw_image_data'] sw_file = (data .get('artifacts', {}) .get('sw_image', {}) .get('file')) if sw_file: sw_image[name]['file'] = sw_file return sw_image def get_vnfd_properties(self): """return properties used by instantiate""" # get from node_templates of VNF of # - ['properties']['configurable_properties'] # - ['properties']['modifiable_attributes']['extensions'] # - ['properties']['modifiable_attributes']['metadata'] # NOTE: In etsi_nfv_sol001_vnfd_types.yaml which used by # tacker examples, definitions of these properties are commented out. prop = { 'vnfConfigurableProperties': {}, 'extensions': {}, 'metadata': {} } return prop def get_nodes(self, flavour_id, node_type): vnfd = self.get_vnfd_flavour(flavour_id) nodes = (vnfd .get('topology_template', {}) .get('node_templates', {})) res = {name: data for name, data in nodes.items() if data['type'] == node_type} return res def get_vdu_nodes(self, flavour_id): return self.get_nodes(flavour_id, 'tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute') def get_storage_nodes(self, flavour_id): return self.get_nodes(flavour_id, 'tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.VirtualBlockStorage') def get_virtual_link_nodes(self, flavour_id): return self.get_nodes(flavour_id, 'tosca.nodes.nfv.VnfVirtualLink') def get_vducp_nodes(self, flavour_id): return self.get_nodes(flavour_id, 'tosca.nodes.nfv.VduCp') def get_vdu_cps(self, flavour_id, vdu_name): cp_nodes = self.get_vducp_nodes(flavour_id) cps = [] for cp_name, cp_data in cp_nodes.items(): reqs = cp_data.get('requirements', []) for req in reqs: if req.get('virtual_binding') == vdu_name: cps.append(cp_name) break return cps def get_vdu_storages(self, vdu_node): storages = [req['virtual_storage'] for req in vdu_node.get('requirements', []) if 'virtual_storage' in req] return storages def get_base_hot(self, flavour_id): self._assert_csar_dir() # NOTE: this method is openstack specific hot_dict = {} path = os.path.join(self.csar_dir, 'BaseHOT', flavour_id) if not os.path.isdir(path): return hot_dict for entry in os.listdir(path): if entry.endswith(('.yaml', '.yml')): with open(os.path.join(path, entry), 'r') as f: content = yaml.safe_load(f.read()) hot_dict['template'] = content break nested = os.path.join(path, 'nested') if not os.path.isdir(nested): return hot_dict for entry in os.listdir(nested): if entry.endswith(('.yaml', '.yml')): with open(os.path.join(nested, entry), 'r') as f: content = yaml.safe_load(f.read()) hot_dict.setdefault('files', {}) hot_dict['files'][entry] = content return hot_dict def get_vl_name_from_cp(self, flavour_id, cp_data): for req in cp_data.get('requirements', []): if 'virtual_link' in req: return req['virtual_link'] def get_compute_flavor(self, flavour_id, vdu_name): vnfd = self.get_vnfd_flavour(flavour_id) flavor = (vnfd.get('topology_template', {}) .get('node_templates', {}) .get(vdu_name, {}) .get('capabilities', {}) .get('virtual_compute', {}) .get('properties', {}) .get('requested_additional_capabilities', {}) .get('properties', {}) .get('requested_additional_capability_name')) if flavor: return flavor def make_tmp_csar_dir(self): self._assert_csar_dir() # If this fails, 500 which is not caused by programming error # but true 'Internal server error' raises. tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # remove tmp_dir because copytree fails if destination exists. # NOTE: # so mkdtemp is used for getting a unique name at the moment. # if py38 or later, copytree supports dirs_exits_ok parameter. # It is not necessary to remove tmp_dir, specify # 'dirs_exists_ok=True' to copytree instead when tacker support # only py38 or later. os.rmdir(tmp_dir) shutil.copytree(self.csar_dir, tmp_dir, ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns('Files')) return tmp_dir def remove_tmp_csar_dir(self, tmp_dir): try: shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) except Exception: LOG.exception("rmtree %s failed", tmp_dir) # as this error does not disturb the process, continue. def get_policy_values_by_type(self, flavour_id, policy_type): vnfd = self.get_vnfd_flavour(flavour_id) policies = (vnfd.get('topology_template', {}) .get('policies', [])) if isinstance(policies, dict): policies = [policies] ret = [value for policy in policies for value in policy.values() if value['type'] == policy_type] return ret def get_default_instantiation_level(self, flavour_id): policies = self.get_policy_values_by_type(flavour_id, 'tosca.policies.nfv.InstantiationLevels') if policies: return policies[0].get('properties', {}).get('default_level') def get_vdu_num(self, flavour_id, vdu_name, instantiation_level): policies = self.get_policy_values_by_type(flavour_id, 'tosca.policies.nfv.VduInstantiationLevels') for policy in policies: if vdu_name in policy.get('targets', []): return (policy.get('properties', {}) .get('levels', {}) .get(instantiation_level, {}) .get('number_of_instances')) return 0 def get_placement_groups(self, flavour_id): vnfd = self.get_vnfd_flavour(flavour_id) groups = (vnfd.get('topology_template', {}) .get('groups', [])) if isinstance(groups, dict): groups = [groups] ret = {key: value['members'] for group in groups for key, value in group.items() if value['type'] == 'tosca.groups.nfv.PlacementGroup'} return ret def _get_targets(self, flavour_id, affinity_type): policies = self.get_policy_values_by_type(flavour_id, affinity_type) groups = self.get_placement_groups(flavour_id) ret = [] for policy in policies: scope = policy['properties']['scope'] if scope not in ['zone', 'nfvi_node']: continue targets = [] for target in policy['targets']: if target in list(groups.keys()): targets += groups[target] else: targets.append(target) ret.append((targets, scope)) return ret def get_affinity_targets(self, flavour_id): return self._get_targets(flavour_id, 'tosca.policies.nfv.AffinityRule') def get_anti_affinity_targets(self, flavour_id): return self._get_targets(flavour_id, 'tosca.policies.nfv.AntiAffinityRule') def get_interface_script(self, flavour_id, operation): vnfd = self.get_vnfd_flavour(flavour_id) if not vnfd: return nodes = (vnfd.get('topology_template', {}) .get('node_templates', {})) for node in nodes.values(): if 'interfaces' not in node: continue op_value = (node['interfaces'].get('Vnflcm', {}) .get(operation)) if not isinstance(op_value, dict): # op_value may be [] return artifact = op_value.get('implementation') if artifact is None: # no script specified for the operation return script = (node.get('artifacts', {}) .get(artifact, {}) .get('file')) if script is None: # can not happen if vnf package is correct. return script_type = node['artifacts'][artifact].get('type') if script_type != 'tosca.artifacts.Implementation.Python': # support python script only at the moment msg = "Unsupported script type {}".format(script_type) raise sol_ex.SolHttpError422(sol_detail=msg) return script def get_scale_vdu_and_num(self, flavour_id, aspect_id): aspects = self.get_policy_values_by_type(flavour_id, 'tosca.policies.nfv.ScalingAspects') delta = None for aspect in aspects: value = aspect['properties']['aspects'].get(aspect_id) if value is not None: # expect there is one delta. # NOTE: Tacker does not support non-uniform deltas defined in # ETSI NFV SOL001 8. Therefore, uniform delta corresponding # to number_of_instances can be set and number_of_instances is # the same regardless of scale_level. delta = value['step_deltas'][0] break if delta is None: return {} aspect_deltas = self.get_policy_values_by_type(flavour_id, 'tosca.policies.nfv.VduScalingAspectDeltas') vdu_num_inst = {} for aspect_delta in aspect_deltas: if aspect_delta.get('properties', {}).get('aspect') == aspect_id: num_inst = (aspect_delta['properties']['deltas'] .get(delta, {}).get('number_of_instances')) # NOTE: it is not checked whether 'delta' defined in # ScaleingAspects exists in VduScalingAspectDeltas at # the loading of vnf package. this is a mistake of the # VNFD definition. if num_inst is None: raise sol_ex.DeltaMissingInVnfd(delta=delta) for vdu_name in aspect_delta['targets']: vdu_num_inst[vdu_name] = num_inst return vdu_num_inst def get_scale_info_from_inst_level(self, flavour_id, inst_level): policies = self.get_policy_values_by_type(flavour_id, 'tosca.policies.nfv.InstantiationLevels') for policy in policies: return (policy['properties']['levels'] .get(inst_level, {}) .get('scale_info', {})) return {} def get_max_scale_level(self, flavour_id, aspect_id): aspects = self.get_policy_values_by_type(flavour_id, 'tosca.policies.nfv.ScalingAspects') for aspect in aspects: value = aspect['properties']['aspects'].get(aspect_id) if value is not None: return value['max_scale_level'] # should not occur return 0 def get_vnf_artifact_files(self): self._assert_csar_dir() def _get_file_contents(path): with open(path, 'rb') as file_object: content = re.split(b'\n\n+', file_object.read()) return content mani_artifact_files = [] meta_artifacts_files = [] if self.tosca_meta.get('ETSI-Entry-Manifest'): manifest_path = os.path.join( self.csar_dir, self.tosca_meta.get('ETSI-Entry-Manifest')) mani_artifact_files = [ yaml.safe_load(content).get('Source') for content in _get_file_contents(manifest_path) if yaml.safe_load(content) and yaml.safe_load(content).get('Source')] else: tosca_path = os.path.join( self.csar_dir, 'TOSCA-Metadata', 'TOSCA.meta') meta_artifacts_files = [ yaml.safe_load(content).get('Name') for content in _get_file_contents(tosca_path) if yaml.safe_load(content) and yaml.safe_load( content).get('Name')] mani_artifact_files.extend(meta_artifacts_files) return mani_artifact_files def get_initial_delta(self, flavour_id, vdu_id): initial_deltas = self.get_policy_values_by_type(flavour_id, 'tosca.policies.nfv.VduInitialDelta') for aspect in initial_deltas: if vdu_id in aspect.get('targets', []): initial_delta = (aspect.get('properties', {}) .get('initial_delta', {}) .get('number_of_instances')) break return initial_delta