tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_2 description: Sample VNFD in sigle file by NTT NS lab. metadata: template_author: Hiroyuki JO template_version: 1.0 template_name: Sample VNFD node_types: # datatype definitions tosca.datatypes.nfv.ConnectivityType: derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root description: describes additional connectivity information of a virtualLink properties: layer_protocols: type: list description: Identifies the protocol a virtualLink gives access to (ethernet, mpls, odu2, ipv4, ipv6, pseudo-wire).The top layer protocol of the virtualLink protocol stack shall always be provided. The lower layer protocols may be included when there are specific requirements on these layers. required: true entry_schema: type: string constraints: - valid_values: [ ethernet, mpls, odu2, ipv4, ipv6, pseudo-wire ] flow_pattern: type: string description: Identifies the flow pattern of the connectivity required: false constraints: - valid_values: [ line, tree, mesh ] tosca.datatypes.nfv.L3ProtocolData: derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root description: describes L3 protocol data for a given virtual link used in a specific VNF deployment flavour. properties: name: type: string description: Identifies the network name associated with this L3 protocol. required: false ip_version: type: string description: Specifies IP version of this L3 protocol.The value of the ip_version property shall be consistent with the value of the layer_protocol in the connectivity_type property of the virtual link node. required: true constraints: - valid_values: [ ipv4, ipv6 ] cidr: type: string description: Specifies the CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) of this L3 protocol. The value may be overridden at run-time. required: true ip_allocation_pools: type: list description: Specifies the allocation pools with start and end IP addresses for this L3 protocol. The value may be overridden at run-time. required: false entry_schema: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.IpAllocationPool gateway_ip: type: string description: Specifies the gateway IP address for this L3 protocol. The value may be overridden at run-time. required: false dhcp_enabled: type: boolean description: Indicates whether DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is enabled or disabled for this L3 protocol. The value may be overridden at run-time. required: false ipv6_address_mode: type: string description: Specifies IPv6 address mode. May be present when the value of the ipVersion attribute is "ipv6" and shall be absent otherwise. The value may be overridden at run-time. required: false constraints: - valid_values: [ slaac, dhcpv6-stateful, dhcpv6-stateless ] tosca.datatypes.nfv.LinkBitrateRequirements: derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root description: describes the requirements in terms of bitrate for a virtual link properties: root: type: integer # in bits per second description: Specifies the throughput requirement in bits per second of the link (e.g. bitrate of E-Line, root bitrate of E-Tree, aggregate capacity of E-LAN). required: true constraints: - greater_or_equal: 0 leaf: type: integer # in bits per second description: Specifies the throughput requirement in bits per second of leaf connections to the link when applicable to the connectivity type (e.g. for E-Tree and E LAN branches). required: false constraints: - greater_or_equal: 0 tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualLinkProtocolData: derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root description: describes one protocol layer and associated protocol data for a given virtual link used in a specific VNF deployment flavour properties: associated_layer_protocol: type: string description: Identifies one of the protocols a virtualLink gives access to (ethernet, mpls, odu2, ipv4, ipv6, pseudo-wire) as specified by the connectivity_type property. required: true constraints: - valid_values: [ ethernet, mpls, odu2, ipv4, ipv6, pseudo-wire ] l2_protocol_data: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.L2ProtocolData description: Specifies the L2 protocol data for a virtual link. Shall be present when the associatedLayerProtocol attribute indicates a L2 protocol and shall be absent otherwise. required: false l3_protocol_data: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.L3ProtocolData description: Specifies the L3 protocol data for this virtual link. Shall be present when the associatedLayerProtocol attribute indicates a L3 protocol and shall be absent otherwise. required: false tosca.datatypes.nfv.VlProfile: derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root description: Describes additional instantiation data for a given VL used in a specific VNF deployment flavour. properties: max_bitrate_requirements: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.LinkBitrateRequirements description: Specifies the maximum bitrate requirements for a VL instantiated according to this profile. required: true min_bitrate_requirements: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.LinkBitrateRequirements description: Specifies the minimum bitrate requirements for a VL instantiated according to this profile. required: true qos: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.Qos description: Specifies the QoS requirements of a VL instantiated according to this profile. required: false virtual_link_protocol_data: type: list description: Specifies the protocol data for a virtual link. required: false entry_schema: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualLinkProtocolData tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualLinkMonitoringParameter: derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root description: Represents information on virtualised resource related performance metrics applicable to the VNF. properties: name: type: string description: Human readable name of the monitoring parameter required: true performance_metric: type: string description: Identifies a performance metric derived from those defined in ETSI GS NFV-IFA 027.The packetOutgoingVirtualLink and packetIncomingVirtualLink metrics shall be obtained by aggregation the PacketOutgoing and PacketIncoming measurements defined in clause 7.1 of GS NFV-IFA 027 of all virtual link ports attached to the virtual link to which the metrics apply. required: true constraints: - valid_values: [ packet_outgoing_virtual_link, packet_incoming_virtual_link ] collection_period: type: scalar-unit.time description: Describes the periodicity at which to collect the performance information. required: false constraints: - greater_than: 0 s tosca.datatypes.nfv.ChecksumData: derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root description: Describes information about the result of performing a checksum operation over some arbitrary data properties: algorithm: type: string description: Describes the algorithm used to obtain the checksum value required: true constraints: - valid_values: [sha-224, sha-256, sha-384, sha-512 ] hash: type: string description: Contains the result of applying the algorithm indicated by the algorithm property to the data to which this ChecksumData refers required: true tosca.datatypes.nfv.LogicalNodeData: derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root description: Describes compute, memory and I/O requirements associated with a particular VDU. properties: logical_node_requirements: type: map description: The logical node-level compute, memory and I/O requirements. A map of strings that contains a set of key-value pairs that describes hardware platform specific deployment requirements, including the number of CPU cores on this logical node, a memory configuration specific to a logical node or a requirement related to the association of an I/O device with the logical node. required: false entry_schema: type: string tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualMemory: derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root description: supports the specification of requirements related to virtual memory of a virtual compute resource properties: virtual_mem_size: type: scalar-unit.size description: Amount of virtual memory. required: true virtual_mem_oversubscription_policy: type: string description: The memory core oversubscription policy in terms of virtual memory to physical memory on the platform. required: false vdu_mem_requirements: type: map description: The hardware platform specific VDU memory requirements. A map of strings that contains a set of key-value pairs that describes hardware platform specific VDU memory requirements. required: false entry_schema: type: string numa_enabled: type: boolean description: It specifies the memory allocation to be cognisant of the relevant process/core allocation. required: false default: false tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualCpuPinning: derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root description: Supports the specification of requirements related to the virtual CPU pinning configuration of a virtual compute resource properties: virtual_cpu_pinning_policy: type: string description: 'Indicates the policy for CPU pinning. The policy can take values of "static" or "dynamic". In case of "dynamic" the allocation of virtual CPU cores to logical CPU cores is decided by the VIM. (e.g.: SMT (Simultaneous Multi-Threading) requirements). In case of "static" the allocation is requested to be according to the virtual_cpu_pinning_rule.' required: false constraints: - valid_values: [ static, dynamic ] virtual_cpu_pinning_rule: type: list description: Provides the list of rules for allocating virtual CPU cores to logical CPU cores/threads required: false entry_schema: type: string tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualCpu: derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root description: Supports the specification of requirements related to virtual CPU(s) of a virtual compute resource properties: cpu_architecture: type: string description: CPU architecture type. Examples are x86, ARM required: false num_virtual_cpu: type: integer description: Number of virtual CPUs required: true constraints: - greater_than: 0 virtual_cpu_clock: type: scalar-unit.frequency description: Minimum virtual CPU clock rate required: false virtual_cpu_oversubscription_policy: type: string description: CPU core oversubscription policy e.g. the relation of virtual CPU cores to physical CPU cores/threads. required: false vdu_cpu_requirements: type: map description: The hardware platform specific VDU CPU requirements. A map of strings that contains a set of key-value pairs describing VDU CPU specific hardware platform requirements. required: false entry_schema: type: string virtual_cpu_pinning: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualCpuPinning description: The virtual CPU pinning configuration for the virtualised compute resource. required: false tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualBlockStorageData: derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root description: VirtualBlockStorageData describes block storage requirements associated with compute resources in a particular VDU, either as a local disk or as virtual attached storage properties: size_of_storage: type: scalar-unit.size description: Size of virtualised storage resource required: true constraints: - greater_or_equal: 0 B vdu_storage_requirements: type: map description: The hardware platform specific storage requirements. A map of strings that contains a set of key-value pairs that represents the hardware platform specific storage deployment requirements. required: false entry_schema: type: string rdma_enabled: type: boolean description: Indicates if the storage support RDMA required: false default: false tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfcMonitoringParameter: derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root description: Represents information on virtualised resource related performance metrics applicable to the VNF. properties: name: type: string description: Human readable name of the monitoring parameter required: true performance_metric: type: string description: Identifies the performance metric, according to ETSI GS NFV-IFA 027. required: true constraints: - valid_values: [ v_cpu_usage_mean_vnf, v_cpu_usage_peak_vnf, v_memory_usage_mean_vnf, v_memory_usage_peak_vnf, v_disk_usage_mean_vnf, v_disk_usage_peak_vnf, byte_incoming_vnf_int_cp, byte_outgoing_vnf_int_cp, packet_incoming_vnf_int_cp, packet_outgoing_vnf_int_cp ] collection_period: type: scalar-unit.time description: Describes the periodicity at which to collect the performance information. required: false constraints: - greater_than: 0 s tosca.datatypes.nfv.VduProfile: derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root description: describes additional instantiation data for a given Vdu.Compute used in a specific deployment flavour. properties: min_number_of_instances: type: integer description: Minimum number of instances of the VNFC based on this Vdu.Compute that is permitted to exist for a particular VNF deployment flavour. required: true constraints: - greater_or_equal: 0 max_number_of_instances: type: integer description: Maximum number of instances of the VNFC based on this Vdu.Compute that is permitted to exist for a particular VNF deployment flavour. required: true constraints: - greater_or_equal: 0 tosca.datatypes.nfv.SwImageData: derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root description: describes information related to a software image artifact properties: # in SOL001 v0.8.0: "properties or metadata:" name: type: string description: Name of this software image required: true version: type: string description: Version of this software image required: true checksum: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.ChecksumData description: Checksum of the software image file required: true container_format: type: string description: The container format describes the container file format in which software image is provided required: true constraints: - valid_values: [ aki, ami, ari, bare, docker, ova, ovf ] disk_format: type: string description: The disk format of a software image is the format of the underlying disk image required: true constraints: - valid_values: [ aki, ami, ari, iso, qcow2, raw, vdi, vhd, vhdx, vmdk ] min_disk: type: scalar-unit.size # Number description: The minimal disk size requirement for this software image required: true constraints: - greater_or_equal: 0 B min_ram: type: scalar-unit.size # Number description: The minimal RAM requirement for this software image required: false constraints: - greater_or_equal: 0 B size: type: scalar-unit.size # Number description: The size of this software image required: true operating_system: type: string description: Identifies the operating system used in the software image required: false supported_virtualisation_environments: type: list description: Identifies the virtualisation environments (e.g. hypervisor) compatible with this software image required: false entry_schema: type: string tosca.datatypes.nfv.ScalingAspect: derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root properties: name: type: string required: true description: type: string required: true max_scale_level: type: integer # positiveInteger required: true constraints: - greater_or_equal: 0 step_deltas: type: list required: false entry_schema: type: string # Identifier tosca.datatypes.nfv.VduLevel: derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root description: Indicates for a given Vdu.Compute in a given level the number of instances to deploy properties: number_of_instances: type: integer description: Number of instances of VNFC based on this VDU to deploy for this level. required: true constraints: - greater_or_equal: 0 tosca.datatypes.nfv.InstantiationLevel: derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root description: Describes the scale level for each aspect that corresponds to a given level of resources to be instantiated within a deployment flavour in term of the number VNFC instances properties: description: type: string description: Human readable description of the level required: true scale_info: type: map # key: aspectId description: Represents for each aspect the scale level that corresponds to this instantiation level. scale_info shall be present if the VNF supports scaling. required: false entry_schema: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.ScaleInfo # capability type definitions tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualLinkable: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Node description: A node type that includes the VirtualLinkable capability indicates that it can be pointed by tosca.relationships.nfv.VirtualLinksTo relationship type tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualCompute: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Node description: Describes the capabilities related to virtual compute resources properties: logical_node: type: map description: Describes the Logical Node requirements required: false entry_schema: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.LogicalNodeData requested_additional_capabilities: type: map description: Describes additional capability for a particular VDU required: false entry_schema: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.RequestedAdditionalCapability compute_requirements: type: map required: false entry_schema: type: string virtual_memory: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualMemory description: Describes virtual memory of the virtualized compute required: true virtual_cpu: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualCpu description: Describes virtual CPU(s) of the virtualized compute required: true virtual_local_storage: type: list description: A list of virtual system disks created and destroyed as part of the VM lifecycle required: false entry_schema: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualBlockStorageData description: virtual system disk definition tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualBindable: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Node description: Indicates that the node that includes it can be pointed by a tosca.relationships.nfv.VirtualBindsTo relationship type which is used to model the VduHasCpd association tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualStorage: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Root description: Describes the attachment capabilities related to Vdu.Storage # relationship type definitions tosca.relationships.nfv.AttachesTo: derived_from: tosca.relationships.Root description: Represents an association relationship between the Vdu.Compute and one of the node types, Vdu.VirtualBlockStorage, Vdu.VirtualObjectStorage or Vdu.VirtualFileStorage valid_target_types: [ tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualStorage ] tosca.relationships.nfv.VirtualLinksTo: derived_from: tosca.relationships.DependsOn description: Represents an association relationship between the VduCp and VnfVirtualLink node types valid_target_types: [ tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualLinkable ] tosca.relationships.nfv.VirtualBindsTo: derived_from: tosca.relationships.DependsOn description: Represents an association relationship between Vdu.Compute and VduCp node types valid_target_types: [ tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualBindable ] # node type definitions tosca.nodes.nfv.VnfVirtualLink: derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root description: Describes the information about an internal VNF VL properties: connectivity_type: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.ConnectivityType description: Specifies the protocol exposed by the VL and the flow pattern supported by the VL required: true description: type: string description: Provides human-readable information on the purpose of the VL required: false test_access: type: list description: Test access facilities available on the VL required: false entry_schema: type: string constraints: - valid_values: [ passive_monitoring, active_loopback ] vl_profile: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VlProfile description: Defines additional data for the VL required: true monitoring_parameters: type: list description: Describes monitoring parameters applicable to the VL required: false entry_schema: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualLinkMonitoringParameter capabilities: virtual_linkable: type: tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualLinkable tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute: derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root description: Describes the virtual compute part of a VDU which is a construct supporting the description of the deployment and operational behavior of a VNFC properties: name: type: string description: Human readable name of the VDU required: true description: type: string description: Human readable description of the VDU required: true boot_order: type: list # explicit index (boot index) not necessary, contrary to IFA011 description: References a node template name from which a valid boot device is created required: false entry_schema: type: string nfvi_constraints: type: list description: Describes constraints on the NFVI for the VNFC instance(s) created from this VDU required: false entry_schema: type: string monitoring_parameters: type: list description: Describes monitoring parameters applicable to a VNFC instantiated from this VDU required: false entry_schema: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfcMonitoringParameter #configurable_properties: #type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfcConfigurableProperties #required: false # derived types are expected to introduce # configurable_properties with its type derived from # tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfcConfigurableProperties vdu_profile: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VduProfile description: Defines additional instantiation data for the VDU.Compute node required: true sw_image_data: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.SwImageData description: Defines information related to a SwImage artifact used by this Vdu.Compute node required: false # property is required when the node template has an associated artifact of type tosca.artifacts.nfv.SwImage and not required otherwise boot_data: type: string description: Contains a string or a URL to a file contained in the VNF package used to customize a virtualised compute resource at boot time. The bootData may contain variable parts that are replaced by deployment specific values before being sent to the VIM. required: false capabilities: virtual_compute: type: tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualCompute occurrences: [ 1, 1 ] virtual_binding: type: tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualBindable occurrences: [ 1, UNBOUNDED ] requirements: - virtual_storage: capability: tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualStorage relationship: tosca.relationships.nfv.AttachesTo occurrences: [ 0, UNBOUNDED ] tosca.nodes.nfv.Cp: derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root description: Provides information regarding the purpose of the connection point properties: layer_protocols: type: list description: Identifies which protocol the connection point uses for connectivity purposes required: true entry_schema: type: string constraints: - valid_values: [ ethernet, mpls, odu2, ipv4, ipv6, pseudo-wire ] role: #Name in ETSI NFV IFA011 v0.7.3: cpRole type: string description: Identifies the role of the port in the context of the traffic flow patterns in the VNF or parent NS required: false constraints: - valid_values: [ root, leaf ] description: type: string description: Provides human-readable information on the purpose of the connection point required: false protocol: type: list description: Provides information on the addresses to be assigned to the connection point(s) instantiated from this Connection Point Descriptor required: false entry_schema: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.CpProtocolData trunk_mode: type: boolean description: Provides information about whether the CP instantiated from this Cp is in Trunk mode (802.1Q or other), When operating in "trunk mode", the Cp is capable of carrying traffic for several VLANs. Absence of this property implies that trunkMode is not configured for the Cp i.e. It is equivalent to boolean value "false". required: false tosca.nodes.nfv.VduCp: derived_from: tosca.nodes.nfv.Cp description: describes network connectivity between a VNFC instance based on this VDU and an internal VL properties: bitrate_requirement: type: integer # in bits per second description: Bitrate requirement in bit per second on this connection point required: false constraints: - greater_or_equal: 0 virtual_network_interface_requirements: type: list description: Specifies requirements on a virtual network interface realising the CPs instantiated from this CPD required: false entry_schema: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualNetworkInterfaceRequirements order: type: integer description: The order of the NIC on the compute instance (e.g.eth2) required: false constraints: - greater_or_equal: 0 vnic_type: type: string description: Describes the type of the virtual network interface realizing the CPs instantiated from this CPD required: false constraints: - valid_values: [ normal, virtio, direct-physical ] requirements: - virtual_link: capability: tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualLinkable relationship: tosca.relationships.nfv.VirtualLinksTo - virtual_binding: capability: tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualBindable relationship: tosca.relationships.nfv.VirtualBindsTo node: tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.VirtualBlockStorage: derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root description: This node type describes the specifications of requirements related to virtual block storage resources properties: virtual_block_storage_data: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualBlockStorageData description: Describes the block storage characteristics. required: true sw_image_data: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.SwImageData description: Defines information related to a SwImage artifact used by this Vdu.Compute node. required: false # property is required when the node template has an associated artifact of type tosca.artifacts.nfv.SwImage and not required otherwise capabilities: virtual_storage: type: tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualStorage description: Defines the capabilities of virtual_storage. tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF: derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root description: The generic abstract type from which all VNF specific abstract node types shall be derived to form, together with other node types, the TOSCA service template(s) representing the VNFD properties: descriptor_id: # instead of vnfd_id type: string # GUID description: Globally unique identifier of the VNFD required: true descriptor_version: # instead of vnfd_version type: string description: Identifies the version of the VNFD required: true provider: # instead of vnf_provider type: string description: Provider of the VNF and of the VNFD required: true product_name: # instead of vnf_product_name type: string description: Human readable name for the VNF Product required: true software_version: # instead of vnf_software_version type: string description: Software version of the VNF required: true product_info_name: # instead of vnf_product_info_name type: string description: Human readable name for the VNF Product required: false product_info_description: # instead of vnf_product_info_description type: string description: Human readable description of the VNF Product required: false vnfm_info: type: list required: true description: Identifies VNFM(s) compatible with the VNF entry_schema: type: string constraints: - pattern: (^etsivnfm:v[0-9]?[0-9]\.[0-9]?[0-9]\.[0-9]?[0-9]$)|(^[0-9]+:[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+$) localization_languages: type: list description: Information about localization languages of the VNF required: false entry_schema: type: string #IETF RFC 5646 string default_localization_language: type: string #IETF RFC 5646 string description: Default localization language that is instantiated if no information about selected localization language is available required: false #configurable_properties: #type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfConfigurableProperties #description: Describes the configurable properties of the VNF #required: false # derived types are expected to introduce configurable_properties # with its type derived from # tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfConfigurableProperties #modifiable_attributes: #type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfInfoModifiableAttributes #description: Describes the modifiable attributes of the VNF #required: false # derived types are expected to introduce modifiable_attributes # with its type derived from # tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfInfoModifiableAttributes lcm_operations_configuration: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfLcmOperationsConfiguration description: Describes the configuration parameters for the VNF LCM operations required: false monitoring_parameters: type: list entry_schema: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfMonitoringParameter description: Describes monitoring parameters applicable to the VNF. required: false flavour_id: type: string description: Identifier of the Deployment Flavour within the VNFD required: true flavour_description: type: string description: Human readable description of the DF required: true vnf_profile: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfProfile description: Describes a profile for instantiating VNFs of a particular NS DF according to a specific VNFD and VNF DF required: false requirements: - virtual_link: capability: tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualLinkable relationship: tosca.relationships.nfv.VirtualLinksTo occurrences: [ 0, 1 ] # Additional requirements shall be defined in the VNF specific node type (deriving from tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF) corresponding to NS virtual links that need to connect to VnfExtCps interfaces: Vnflcm: type: tosca.interfaces.nfv.Vnflcm ntt.nslab.VNF: derived_from: tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF properties: id: type: string description: ID of this VNF default: vnf_id vendor: type: string description: name of the vendor who generate this VNF default: vendor version: type: version description: version of the software for this VNF default: 1.0 descriptor_id: type: string constraints: [ valid_values: [ b1bb0ce7-ebca-4fa7-95ed-4840d70a1177 ] ] default: b1bb0ce7-ebca-4fa7-95ed-4840d70a1177 descriptor_version: type: string constraints: [ valid_values: [ '1.0' ] ] default: '1.0' provider: type: string constraints: [ valid_values: [ 'NTT NS lab' ] ] default: 'NTT NS lab' product_name: type: string constraints: [ valid_values: [ 'Sample VNF' ] ] default: 'Sample VNF' software_version: type: string constraints: [ valid_values: [ '1.0' ] ] default: '1.0' vnfm_info: type: list entry_schema: type: string constraints: [ valid_values: [ Tacker ] ] default: [ Tacker ] flavour_id: type: string constraints: [ valid_values: [ simple ] ] default: simple flavour_description: type: string default: "" requirements: - virtual_link_external: capability: tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualLinkable - virtual_link_internal: capability: tosca.capabilities.nfv.VirtualLinkable interfaces: Vnflcm: type: tosca.interfaces.nfv.Vnflcm # policy type definition tosca.policies.nfv.ScalingAspects: derived_from: tosca.policies.Root description: The ScalingAspects type is a policy type representing the scaling aspects used for horizontal scaling as defined in ETSI GS NFV-IFA 011 [1]. properties: aspects: type: map # key: aspectId description: Describe maximum scale level for total number of scaling steps that can be applied to a particular aspect required: true entry_schema: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.ScalingAspect constraints: - min_length: 1 tosca.policies.nfv.VduInitialDelta: derived_from: tosca.policies.Root description: The VduInitialDelta type is a policy type representing the Vdu.Compute detail of an initial delta used for horizontal scaling, as defined in ETSI GS NFV-IFA 011 [1]. properties: initial_delta: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VduLevel description: Represents the initial minimum size of the VNF. required: true targets: [ tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute ] tosca.policies.nfv.VduScalingAspectDeltas: derived_from: tosca.policies.Root description: The VduScalingAspectDeltas type is a policy type representing the Vdu.Compute detail of an aspect deltas used for horizontal scaling, as defined in ETSI GS NFV-IFA 011 [1]. properties: aspect: type: string description: Represents the scaling aspect to which this policy applies required: true deltas: type: map # key: scalingDeltaId description: Describes the Vdu.Compute scaling deltas to be applied for every scaling steps of a particular aspect. required: true entry_schema: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VduLevel constraints: - min_length: 1 targets: [ tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute ] tosca.policies.nfv.InstantiationLevels: derived_from: tosca.policies.Root description: The InstantiationLevels type is a policy type representing all the instantiation levels of resources to be instantiated within a deployment flavour and including default instantiation level in term of the number of VNFC instances to be created as defined in ETSI GS NFV-IFA 011 [1]. properties: levels: type: map # key: levelId description: Describes the various levels of resources that can be used to instantiate the VNF using this flavour. required: true entry_schema: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.InstantiationLevel constraints: - min_length: 1 default_level: type: string # levelId description: The default instantiation level for this flavour. required: false # required if multiple entries in levels tosca.policies.nfv.VduInstantiationLevels: derived_from: tosca.policies.Root description: The VduInstantiationLevels type is a policy type representing all the instantiation levels of resources to be instantiated within a deployment flavour in term of the number of VNFC instances to be created from each vdu.Compute. as defined in ETSI GS NFV-IFA 011 [1] properties: levels: type: map # key: levelId description: Describes the Vdu.Compute levels of resources that can be used to instantiate the VNF using this flavour required: true entry_schema: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VduLevel constraints: - min_length: 1 targets: [ tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute ] tosca.policies.nfv.VirtualLinkInstantiationLevels: derived_from: tosca.policies.Root description: The VirtualLinkInstantiationLevels type is a policy type representing all the instantiation levels of virtual link resources to be instantiated within a deployment flavour as defined in ETSI GS NFV-IFA 011 [1]. properties: levels: type: map # key: levelId description: Describes the virtual link levels of resources that can be used to instantiate the VNF using this flavour. required: true entry_schema: type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualLinkBitrateLevel constraints: - min_length: 1 targets: [ tosca.nodes.nfv.VnfVirtualLink ] # interface type definitions tosca.interfaces.nfv.Vnflcm: derived_from: tosca.interfaces.Root description: This interface encompasses a set of TOSCA operations corresponding to the VNF LCM operations defined in ETSI GS NFV-IFA 007 as well as to preamble and postamble procedures to the execution of the VNF LCM operations. instantiate: description: Invoked upon receipt of an Instantiate VNF request # inputs: # additional_parameters: # type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfOperationAdditionalParameters # required: false # derived types are expected to introduce additional_parameters with # its type derived from # tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfOperationAdditionalParameters instantiate_start: description: Invoked before instantiate instantiate_end: description: Invoked after instantiate terminate: description: Invoked upon receipt Terminate VNF request # inputs: # additional_parameters: # type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfOperationAdditionalParameters # required: false # derived types are expected to introduce additional_parameters with # its type derived from # tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfOperationAdditionalParameters terminate_start: description: Invoked before terminate terminate_end: description: Invoked after terminate modify_information: description: Invoked upon receipt of a Modify VNF Information request modify_information_start: description: Invoked before modify_information modify_information_end: description: Invoked after modify_information change_flavour: description: Invoked upon receipt of a Change VNF Flavour request # inputs: # additional_parameters: # type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfOperationAdditionalParameters # required: false # derived types are expected to introduce additional_parameters with # its type derived from # tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfOperationAdditionalParameters change_flavour_start: description: Invoked before change_flavour change_flavour_end: description: Invoked after change_flavour change_external_connectivity: description: Invoked upon receipt of a Change External VNF Connectivity request # inputs: # additional_parameters: # type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfOperationAdditionalParameters # required: false # derived types are expected to introduce additional_parameters with # its type derived from # tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfOperationAdditionalParameters change_external_connectivity_start: description: Invoked before change_external_connectivity change_external_connectivity_end: description: Invoked after change_external_connectivity operate: description: Invoked upon receipt of an Operate VNF request # inputs: # additional_parameters: # type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfOperationAdditionalParameters # required: false # derived types are expected to introduce additional_parameters with # its type derived from # tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfOperationAdditionalParameters operate_start: description: Invoked before operate operate_end: description: Invoked after operate heal: description: Invoked upon receipt of a Heal VNF request # inputs: # additional_parameters: # type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfOperationAdditionalParameters # required: false # derived types are expected to introduce additional_parameters with # its type derived from # tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfOperationAdditionalParameters heal_start: description: Invoked before heal heal_end: description: Invoked after heal scale: description: Invoked upon receipt of a Scale VNF request # inputs: # additional_parameters: # type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfOperationAdditionalParameters # required: false # derived types are expected to introduce additional_parameters with # its type derived from # tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfOperationAdditionalParameters scale_start: description: Invoked before scale scale_end: description: Invoked after scale scale_to_level: description: Invoked upon receipt of a Scale VNF to Level request # inputs: # additional_parameters: # type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfOperationAdditionalParameters # required: false # derived types are expected to introduce additional_parameters with # its type derived from # tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfOperationAdditionalParameters scale_to_level_start: description: Invoked before scale_to_level scale_to_level_end: description: Invoked after scale_to_level topology_template: inputs: selected_flavour: type: string default: { get_input: selected_flavour } description: VNF deployment flavour selected by the consumer. It is provided in the API substitution_mappings: node_type: ntt.nslab.VNF properties: flavour_id: simple requirements: virtual_link_external: [ CP1, virtual_link ] node_templates: VNF: type: ntt.nslab.VNF properties: flavour_id: { get_input: selected_flavour } descriptor_id: b1bb0ce7-ebca-4fa7-95ed-4840d70a1177 provider: NTT NS lab product_name: Sample VNF software_version: '1.0' descriptor_version: '1.0' vnfm_info: - Tacker flavour_description: A simple flavour requirements: #- virtual_link_external # mapped in lower-level templates #- virtual_link_internal # mapped in lower-level templates # get_input function would be used by a TOSCA orchestrator at run time to access the selected flavour id. If the deployment is not done by a TOSCA orchestrator above function may not be needed interfaces: Vnflcm: # supporting only 'instantiate', 'terminate', 'modify' # not supporting LCM script, supporting only default LCM instantiate: [] instantiate_start: [] instantiate_end: [] terminate: [] terminate_start: [] terminate_end: [] modify_information: [] modify_information_start: [] modify_information_end: [] # change_flavour: [] # change_flavour_start: [] # change_flavour_end: [] # change_external_connectivity: [] # change_external_connectivity_start: [] # change_external_connectivity_end: [] # operate: [] # operate_start: [] # operate_end: [] # heal: [] # heal_start: [] # heal_end: [] # scale: [] # scale_start: [] # scale_end: [] # scale_to_level: [] # scale_to_level_start: [] # scale_to_level_end: [] VDU1: type: tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute properties: name: VDU1 description: VDU1 compute node vdu_profile: min_number_of_instances: 1 max_number_of_instances: 1 sw_image_data: name: Software of VDU1 version: '0.4.0' checksum: algorithm: sha-256 hash: b9c3036539fd7a5f87a1bf38eb05fdde8b556a1a7e664dbeda90ed3cd74b4f9d container_format: bare disk_format: qcow2 min_disk: 1 GiB size: 1 GiB artifacts: sw_image: type: tosca.artifacts.nfv.SwImage file: Files/images/cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img capabilities: virtual_compute: properties: virtual_memory: virtual_mem_size: 512 MiB virtual_cpu: num_virtual_cpu: 1 virtual_local_storage: - size_of_storage: 1 GiB VDU2: type: tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute properties: name: VDU2 description: VDU2 compute node vdu_profile: min_number_of_instances: 1 max_number_of_instances: 3 capabilities: virtual_compute: properties: virtual_memory: virtual_mem_size: 512 MiB virtual_cpu: num_virtual_cpu: 1 virtual_local_storage: - size_of_storage: 1 GiB requirements: - virtual_storage: VirtualStorage VirtualStorage: type: tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.VirtualBlockStorage properties: virtual_block_storage_data: size_of_storage: 30 GiB rdma_enabled: true sw_image_data: name: VrtualStorage version: '0.4.0' checksum: algorithm: sha-256 hash: b9c3036539fd7a5f87a1bf38eb05fdde8b556a1a7e664dbeda90ed3cd74b4f9d container_format: bare disk_format: qcow2 min_disk: 2 GiB min_ram: 8192 MiB size: 2 GiB artifacts: sw_image: type: tosca.artifacts.nfv.SwImage file: Files/images/cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img CP1: type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VduCp properties: layer_protocols: [ ipv4 ] order: 0 vnic_type: direct-physical requirements: - virtual_binding: VDU1 #- virtual_link: # the target node is determined in the NSD CP2: type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VduCp properties: layer_protocols: [ ipv4 ] order: 1 requirements: - virtual_binding: VDU1 - virtual_link: internalVL2 CP3: type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VduCp properties: layer_protocols: [ ipv4 ] order: 2 requirements: - virtual_binding: VDU2 - virtual_link: internalVL2 internalVL2: type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VnfVirtualLink properties: connectivity_type: layer_protocols: [ ipv4 ] description: Internal Virtual link in the VNF vl_profile: max_bitrate_requirements: root: 1048576 leaf: 1048576 min_bitrate_requirements: root: 1048576 leaf: 1048576 virtual_link_protocol_data: - associated_layer_protocol: ipv4 l3_protocol_data: ip_version: ipv4 cidr: policies: - scaling_aspects: type: tosca.policies.nfv.ScalingAspects properties: aspects: worker_instance: name: worker_instance_aspect description: worker_instance scaling aspect max_scale_level: 2 step_deltas: - delta_1 - VDU2_initial_delta: type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduInitialDelta properties: initial_delta: number_of_instances: 1 targets: [ VDU2 ] - VDU2_scaling_aspect_deltas: type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduScalingAspectDeltas properties: aspect: worker_instance deltas: delta_1: number_of_instances: 1 targets: [ VDU2 ] - instantiation_levels: type: tosca.policies.nfv.InstantiationLevels properties: levels: instantiation_level_1: description: Smallest size scale_info: worker_instance: scale_level: 0 instantiation_level_2: description: Largest size scale_info: worker_instance: scale_level: 2 default_level: instantiation_level_1 - VDU1_instantiation_levels: type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduInstantiationLevels properties: levels: instantiation_level_1: number_of_instances: 1 instantiation_level_2: number_of_instances: 1 targets: [ VDU1 ] - VDU2_instantiation_levels: type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduInstantiationLevels properties: levels: instantiation_level_1: number_of_instances: 1 instantiation_level_2: number_of_instances: 3 targets: [ VDU2 ] - internalVL2_instantiation_levels: type: tosca.policies.nfv.VirtualLinkInstantiationLevels properties: levels: instantiation_level_1: bitrate_requirements: root: 1048576 leaf: 1048576 instantiation_level_2: bitrate_requirements: root: 1048576 leaf: 1048576 targets: [ internalVL2 ]