.. Copyright 2015-2016 Brocade Communications Systems Inc All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ==================== Install via Devstack ==================== Overview -------- Devstack based installation requires ``local.conf`` file. This file contains different configuration options required for installation. Tacker provides some sample ``local.conf`` templates which can be used for Devstack based Tacker installation. You can find them in ``${TACKER_ROOT}/devstack`` directory in the tacker repository. Devstack supports installation from different code branches by specifying branch name in your ``local.conf``. * For latest version installation, use ``master`` branch. * For specific release based installation, use corresponding branch name. For ex, to install ``ussuri`` release, use ``stable/ussuri``. For installation, ``stack.sh`` script in Devstack should be run as a non-root user with sudo enabled. Add a separate user ``stack`` and granting relevant privileges is a good way to install via Devstack [#f0]_. Install ------- Devstack installation script ``stack.sh`` expects ``local.conf``. So the first step of installing tacker is to clone Devstack and prepare your ``local.conf``. #. Download DevStack Get Devstack via git, with specific branch optionally if you prefer, and go down to the directory. .. code-block:: console $ git clone https://opendev.org/openstack/devstack -b $ cd devstack #. Enable tacker related Devstack plugins in ``local.conf`` file The ``local.conf`` can be created manually, or copied from Tacker repo [#f1]_. If copied, rename it as ``local.conf``. We have two choices for configuration basically: #. All-in-one mode All-in-one mode installs full Devstack environment including Tacker in one PC or Laptop. There are two examples for ``all-in-one`` mode: #. OpenStack as VIM. The example ``local.conf`` file for all-in-one mode with OpenStack is available at ``${TACKER_ROOT}/devstack/local.conf.example``. Refer below the contents of ``local.conf.example``: .. literalinclude:: ../../../devstack/local.conf.example :language: ini #. Openstack and Kubernetes as VIM. The difference between all-in-one mode with Kubernetes is to deploy kuryr-kubernetes and octavia. The example ``local.conf`` for all-in-one mode with Kubernetes is available at ``${TACKER_ROOT}/devstack/local.conf.kubernetes`` Refer below the contents of ``local.conf.kubernetes`` .. literalinclude:: ../../../devstack/local.conf.kubernetes :language: ini :emphasize-lines: 60-65 .. note:: The above local.conf.kubernetes does not work on CentOS8. Because docker-ce is not supported on CentOS8. #. Standalone mode Standalone mode installs only Tacker environment with some mandatory OpenStack services. Nova, Neutron or other essential components are not included in this mode. The example ``local.conf`` for standalone mode is available at ``${TACKER_ROOT}/devstack/local.conf.standalone`` Refer below the contents of ``local.conf.standalone`` .. literalinclude:: ../../../devstack/local.conf.standalone :language: ini #. Execute installation script After saving the ``local.conf``, we can run ``stack.sh`` in the terminal to start installation. .. code-block:: console $ ./stack.sh .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#f0] https://docs.openstack.org/devstack/latest/ .. [#f1] https://opendev.org/openstack/tacker/src/branch/master/devstack