tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_profile_for_nfv_1_0_0 imports: - VNF1 - VNF2 topology_template: inputs: vl1_name: type: string description: name of VL1 virtuallink default: net_mgmt vl2_name: type: string description: name of VL2 virtuallink default: net0 node_templates: VNF1: type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF1 requirements: - virtualLink1: VL1 - virtualLink2: VL2 VNF2: type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VNF2 VL1: type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VL properties: network_name: {get_input: vl1_name} vendor: tacker VL2: type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VL properties: network_name: {get_input: vl2_name} vendor: tacker