.. Copyright 2014-2015 OpenStack Foundation All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ================== Tacker Admin Guide ================== There are two Command-Line Interfaces (CLIs) which support the Tacker API: `OpenStackClient (OSC) `__ and `tacker CLI `. .. note:: Deprecated: 'tacker' command line is deprecated, will be deleted after Rocky is released. Please use 'openstack' client command line instead. Tacker CLI ---------- .. code-block:: console usage: tacker [--version] [-v] [-q] [-h] [-r NUM] [--os-service-type ] [--os-endpoint-type ] [--service-type ] [--endpoint-type ] [--os-auth-strategy ] [--os-auth-url ] [--os-tenant-name | --os-project-name ] [--os-tenant-id | --os-project-id ] [--os-username ] [--os-user-id ] [--os-user-domain-id ] [--os-user-domain-name ] [--os-project-domain-id ] [--os-project-domain-name ] [--os-cert ] [--os-cacert ] [--os-key ] [--os-password ] [--os-region-name ] [--os-token ] [--http-timeout ] [--os-url ] [--insecure] Command-line interface to the Tacker APIs optional arguments: --version show program's version number and exit -v, --verbose, --debug Increase verbosity of output and show tracebacks on errors. You can repeat this option. -q, --quiet Suppress output except warnings and errors. -h, --help Show this help message and exit. -r NUM, --retries NUM How many times the request to the Tacker server should be retried if it fails. --os-service-type Defaults to env[OS_TACKER_SERVICE_TYPE] or nfv- orchestration. --os-endpoint-type Defaults to env[OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE] or publicURL. --service-type DEPRECATED! Use --os-service-type. --endpoint-type DEPRECATED! Use --os-endpoint-type. --os-auth-strategy DEPRECATED! Only keystone is supported. --os-auth-url Authentication URL, defaults to env[OS_AUTH_URL]. --os-tenant-name Authentication tenant name, defaults to env[OS_TENANT_NAME]. --os-project-name Another way to specify tenant name. This option is mutually exclusive with --os-tenant-name. Defaults to env[OS_PROJECT_NAME]. --os-tenant-id Authentication tenant ID, defaults to env[OS_TENANT_ID]. --os-project-id Another way to specify tenant ID. This option is mutually exclusive with --os-tenant-id. Defaults to env[OS_PROJECT_ID]. --os-username Authentication username, defaults to env[OS_USERNAME]. --os-user-id Authentication user ID (Env: OS_USER_ID) --os-user-domain-id OpenStack user domain ID. Defaults to env[OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID]. --os-user-domain-name OpenStack user domain name. Defaults to env[OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME]. --os-project-domain-id Defaults to env[OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID]. --os-project-domain-name Defaults to env[OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME]. --os-cert Path of certificate file to use in SSL connection. This file can optionally be prepended with the private key. Defaults to env[OS_CERT]. --os-cacert Specify a CA bundle file to use in verifying a TLS (https) server certificate. Defaults to env[OS_CACERT]. --os-key Path of client key to use in SSL connection. This option is not necessary if your key is prepended to your certificate file. Defaults to env[OS_KEY]. --os-password Authentication password, defaults to env[OS_PASSWORD]. --os-region-name Authentication region name, defaults to env[OS_REGION_NAME]. --os-token Authentication token, defaults to env[OS_TOKEN]. --http-timeout Timeout in seconds to wait for an HTTP response. Defaults to env[OS_NETWORK_TIMEOUT] or None if not specified. --os-url Defaults to env[OS_URL]. --insecure Explicitly allow tackerclient to perform "insecure" SSL (https) requests. The server's certificate will not be verified against any certificate authorities. This option should be used with caution. Commands for API v1.0: bash-completion Prints all of the commands and options for bash-completion. chain-list List SFCs that belong to a given tenant. chain-show Show information of a given SFC. classifier-list List FCs that belong to a given tenant. classifier-show Show information of a given FC. cluster-create Create a Cluster. cluster-delete Delete a given Cluster. cluster-list List Clusters that belong to a given tenant. cluster-member-add Add a new Cluster Member to given Cluster. cluster-member-delete Delete a given Cluster Member. cluster-member-list List Cluster Members that belong to a given tenant. cluster-member-show Show information of a given Cluster Member. cluster-show Show information of a given Cluster. event-show Show event given the event id. events-list List events of resources. ext-list List all extensions. ext-show Show information of a given resource. help print detailed help for another command nfp-list List NFPs that belong to a given tenant. nfp-show Show information of a given NFP. ns-create Create a NS. ns-delete Delete given NS(s). ns-list List NS that belong to a given tenant. ns-show Show information of a given NS. nsd-create Create a NSD. nsd-delete Delete a given NSD. nsd-list List NSDs that belong to a given tenant. nsd-show Show information of a given NSD. nsd-template-show Show template of a given NSD. vim-delete Delete given VIM(s). vim-events-list List events of VIMs. vim-list List VIMs that belong to a given tenant. vim-register Create a VIM. vim-show Show information of a given VIM. vim-update Update a given VIM. vnf-create Create a VNF. vnf-delete Delete given VNF(s). vnf-events-list List events of VNFs. vnf-list List VNF that belong to a given tenant. vnf-resource-list List resources of a VNF like VDU, CP, etc. vnf-scale Scale a VNF. vnf-show Show information of a given VNF. vnf-update Update a given VNF. vnfd-create Create a VNFD. vnfd-delete Delete given VNFD(s). vnfd-events-list List events of VNFDs. vnfd-list List VNFD that belong to a given tenant. vnfd-show Show information of a given VNFD. vnfd-template-show Show template of a given VNFD. vnffg-create Create a VNFFG. vnffg-delete Delete a given VNFFG. vnffg-list List VNFFGs that belong to a given tenant. vnffg-show Show information of a given VNFFG. vnffg-update Update a given VNFFG. vnffgd-create Create a VNFFGD. vnffgd-delete Delete a given VNFFGD. vnffgd-list List VNFFGDs that belong to a given tenant. vnffgd-show Show information of a given VNFFGD. vnffgd-template-show Show template of a given VNFFGD. OpenStackClient CLI ------------------- The following list covers the extended commands for Tacker services available in **openstack** command. These commands can be referenced by doing **openstack help** and the detail of individual command can be referred by **openstack help **. .. code-block:: console openstack vnf create Create a VNF. openstack vnf delete Delete given VNF(s). openstack vnf list List VNF(s) that belong to a given tenant. openstack vnf resource list List resources of a VNF like VDU, CP, etc. openstack vnf scale Scale a VNF. openstack vnf show Show information of a given VNF. openstack vnf set Update a given VNF. openstack vnf descriptor create Create a VNFD. openstack vnf descriptor delete Delete given VNFD(s). openstack vnf descriptor list List VNFD(s) that belong to a given tenant. openstack vnf descriptor show Show information of a given VNFD. openstack vnf descriptor template show Show template of a given VNFD. openstack vim list List VIM(s) that belong to a given tenant. openstack vim register Create a VIM. openstack vim show Show information of a given VIM. openstack vim set Update a given VIM. openstack vim delete Delete given VIM(s). openstack ns create Create a NS. openstack ns delete Delete given NS(s). openstack ns list List NS that belong to a given tenant. openstack ns show Show information of a given NS. openstack ns descriptor create Create a NSD. openstack ns descriptor delete Delete a given NSD. openstack ns descriptor list List NSD(s) that belong to a given tenant. openstack ns descriptor show Show information of a given NSD. openstack ns descriptor template show Show template of a given NSD. openstack vnf graph create Create a VNFFG. openstack vnf graph delete Delete a given VNFFG. openstack vnf graph list List VNFFG(s) that belong to a given tenant. openstack vnf graph show Show information of a given VNFFG. openstack vnf graph set Update a given VNFFG. openstack vnf graph descriptor create Create a VNFFGD. openstack vnf graph descriptor delete Delete a given VNFFGD. openstack vnf graph descriptor list List VNFFGD(s) that belong to a given tenant. openstack vnf graph descriptor show Show information of a given VNFFGD. openstack vnf graph descriptor template show Show template of a given VNFFGD. openstack vnf chain list List SFC(s) that belong to a given tenant. openstack vnf chain show Show information of a given SFC. openstack vnf classifier list List FC(s) that belong to a given tenant. openstack vnf classifier show Show information of a given FC. openstack vnf network forwarding path list List NFP(s) that belong to a given tenant. openstack vnf network forwarding path show Show information of a given NFP. openstack nfv event show Show event given the event id. openstack nfv event list List events of resources.