# Devstack Installer for Tacker ## What is this Deployment tool for devstack for testing multi-VM OpenStack environment, consists of vagrant and ansible. It only supports Ubuntu on VirtualBox currently. ## How to use ### Requirements You need to install required software before running this tool. Please follow instructions on official sites for installation. * [VirtualBox](https://www.virtualbox.org/) * [vagrant](https://www.vagrantup.com/) * [ansible](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/installation_guide/intro_installation.html) Please also notice the version of vagrant supporting experimental feature [Vagrant Disks](https://developer.hashicorp.com/vagrant/docs/disks) for expanding the size of volume if you use Ubuntu box image. For other boxes than Ubuntu, plugin `vagrant-disksize` is required instead as below. It is because the default size is not enough for deploying OpenStack environment. ```sh $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-disksize ``` ### Configure and Fire Up VMs Before launching VMs with vagrant, configure `machines.yml`, which defines parameters of each VM you deploy. It should be placed at project root, or failed to run `vagrant up`. You can use template files in `samples` directory. ```sh $ cp samples/machines.yml . $ YOUR_FAVORITE_EDITOR machines.yml ``` You should take care about `private_ips` which is used in `hosts` for `ansible-playbook` as explained later. You should confirm you have a SSH key before you run the command. This tool expects the type of your key is not `rsa` but `ed25519` because `rsa` was deprecated as default in Ubuntu 22.04. Update key path `ssh_pub_key` in `machines.yml` without your key is `~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub`. Run `vagrant up` after configurations are done. It launches VMs and create a user `stack` on them. ```sh $ vagrant up ``` If `vagrant up` is completed successfully, you are ready to login to VMs as `stack` user with your SSH public key. ### Setup Devstack This tool provides ansible playbooks for setting up devstack. You should update entries of IP addresses in `hosts` as you defined `private_ips` in `machines.yml`. There are some parameters in `group_vars/all.yml` such as password on devstack or optional configurations. You don't need to update it usually. ```sh $ ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yaml ``` After finished ansible's tasks, you can login to launched VMs with hostname you defined in `machines.yml`. So, let's login to controller node and OpenStack. You will find that two examples of `local.conf` are prepared in `$HOME/devstack` for your environment. * local.conf.example * local.conf.kubernetes ```sh $ ssh stack@ $ cd devstack $ cp local.conf.kubernetes local.conf $ ./stack.sh ``` See instruction how to configure `local.conf` described in [DevStack Quick Start](https://docs.openstack.org/devstack/latest/). ### Editor support Although you can use any editors on the setup VM, it provides `vim` and `neovim` with minimal configurations for LSP. You can choose the editor by configuring parameters related vim in `group_vars/all.yml`, so turn it `false` if you don't use the support.