.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. .. _ref-scale: =========== VNF scaling =========== VNF resources in terms of CPU core and memory are hardcoded in the VNFD template through image flavor settings. This results in either provisioning VNF for typical usage or for maximum usage. The former leads to service disruption when the load exceeds provisioned capacity. And the latter leads to underutilized resources and waste during normal system load. So Tacker provides a way to seamlessly scale the number of VNFs on demand either manually or automatically. TOSCA schema for scaling policy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tacker defines TOSCA schema for the scaling policy as given below: .. code-block:: yaml tosca.policies.tacker.Scaling: derived_from: tosca.policies.Scaling description: Defines policy for scaling the given targets. properties: increment: type: integer required: true description: Number of nodes to add or remove during the scale out/in. min_instances: type: integer required: true description: Minimum number of instances to scale in. max_instances: type: integer required: true description: Maximum number of instances to scale out. default_instances: type: integer required: true description: Initial number of instances. cooldown: type: integer required: false default: 120 description: Wait time (in seconds) between consecutive scaling operations. During the cooldown period, scaling action will be ignored targets: type: list entry_schema: type: string required: true description: List of Scaling nodes. Sample TOSCA with scaling policy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following TOSCA snippet shows the scaling policy used in VNFD, in which vdu1 and vdu2 are already defined VDUs. .. code-block:: yaml policies: - sp1: type: tosca.policies.tacker.Scaling description: Simple VDU scaling targets: [vdu1, vdu2] properties: min_instances: 1 max_instances: 3 default_instances: 2 increment: 1 Deploying scaling TOSCA template using Tacker ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once OpenStack/Devstack along with Tacker has been successfully installed, deploy a sample scaling template from location given below: https://opendev.org/openstack/tacker/src/branch/master/samples/tosca-templates/vnfd How to create a VNFD and deploy a VNF refer to :doc:`../install/legacy_getting_started`. How to scale VNF using CLI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tacker provides following CLI for scaling. .. code-block:: console $ openstack vnf scale --vnf-id --vnf-name \ --scaling-policy-name --scaling-type Here, * scaling-policy-name - Policy name defined in scaling VNFD * scaling-type - in or out * vnf-id - scaling VNF id * vnf-name - scaling VNF name For example, to scale-out policy 'sp1' defined above, this command could be used as below: .. code-block:: console $ openstack vnf scale --vnf-name sample-vnf --scaling-policy-name sp1 \ --scaling-type out How to scale VNF using REST API ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tacker provides following REST API for scaling. **POST on v1.0/vnfs//actions** with body .. code-block:: json {"scale": { "type": "", "policy" : ""}} Here, * scaling-policy-name - Policy name defined in scaling VNFD * scaling-type - in or out * vnf-id - scaling VNF id Response http status codes: * 202 - Accepted the request for doing the scaling operation * 404 - Bad request, if given scaling-policy-name and type are invalid * 500 - Internal server error, on scaling operation failed due to an error * 401 - Unauthorized VNF state transitions during scaling operation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ During the scaling operation, the VNF will be moving in below state transformations: * **ACTIVE -> PENDING_SCALE_IN -> ACTIVE** * **ACTIVE -> PENDING_SCALE_IN -> ERROR** * **ACTIVE -> PENDING_SCALE_OUT -> ACTIVE** * **ACTIVE -> PENDING_SCALE_OUT -> ERROR** Limitations ~~~~~~~~~~~ Following features are not supported with scaling: * Auto-scaling feature is supported only with alarm monitors and it does not work with other monitors such as ping, http_ping. * When VNF is modelled with scaling requirement in VNFD, any config management requirement in VNFD is not supported. * Scaling feature does not support to selectively choose the VDU as part of scaling.