
410 lines
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from tacker.vnfm.lcm_user_data.abstract_user_data import AbstractUserData
import tacker.vnfm.lcm_user_data.utils as UserDataUtil
t_vdu = ('tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute', )
t_blk = ('tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.VirtualBlockStorage', )
t_cpd = ('tosca.nodes.nfv.VduCp', 'tosca.nodes.nfv.VnfExtCp', )
t_anti_affinity = 'tosca.policies.nfv.AntiAffinityRule'
t_affinity = 'tosca.policies.nfv.AffinityRule'
t_grprule = (t_anti_affinity, t_affinity)
t_sc_aspect = ('tosca.policies.nfv.ScalingAspects')
t_vdu_sc_asp_delta = ('tosca.policies.nfv.VduScalingAspectDeltas')
t_vdu_init_delta = ('tosca.policies.nfv.VduInitialDelta')
t_inst_lv = ('tosca.policies.nfv.InstantiationLevels')
t_vdu_inst_lv = ('tosca.policies.nfv.VduInstantiationLevels')
def from_key_arrangement(value, key_arrangement):
for key in key_arrangement:
if isinstance(value, list) and key >= len(value):
return None
if isinstance(value, dict) and key not in value:
return None
value = value[key]
return value
def get_volumes(value):
bind_blk_names = dict()
for idx, el in enumerate(value.get('requirements', [])):
key = 'virtual_storage'
if key not in el:
vol_name = el[key]
bind_blk_names[vol_name] = {'order': idx}
return bind_blk_names
def generate_vdu_compute_dict(val):
ret = dict()
key_arrangement = [
flavor_name = from_key_arrangement(val, key_arrangement)
if flavor_name is not None:
ret['flavor'] = flavor_name
key_arrangement = ['properties', 'sw_image_data', 'name']
image_name = from_key_arrangement(val, key_arrangement)
if image_name is not None:
ret['image'] = image_name
key_arrangement = ['properties', 'boot_order', 0]
boot_volume = from_key_arrangement(val, key_arrangement)
if boot_volume is not None:
ret['boot_volume'] = boot_volume
volumes = get_volumes(val)
if len(volumes) > 0:
ret['volumes'] = volumes
return ret
def generate_vdu_block_dict(val):
ret = dict()
key_arrangement = ['properties', 'sw_image_data', 'name']
image_name = from_key_arrangement(val, key_arrangement)
if image_name is not None:
ret['image'] = image_name
key = ('properties', 'virtual_block_storage_data', 'size_of_storage')
volume_size = from_key_arrangement(val, key)
if volume_size is not None:
tmp = volume_size.split(" ", 1)
front = float(tmp[0])
end = "GB"
if len(tmp) >= 2:
end = tmp[1]
if end == "PB":
front *= 1000 * 1000
elif end == "TB":
front *= 1000
elif end == "MB":
front /= 1000
elif end == "KB":
front /= 1000 * 1000
elif end == "B":
front /= 1000 * 1000 * 1000
ret['size'] = int(front)
return ret
def bind_vdu_cpd(val):
bind_vdu_name = None
for el in val.get('requirements', []):
if 'virtual_binding' not in el:
bind_vdu_name = el['virtual_binding']
order = from_key_arrangement(val, ('properties', 'order'))
if order is None:
order = 0
return bind_vdu_name, order
def create_initial_param_dict(vnfd_dict):
keys = ('topology_template', 'node_templates')
node_templates = from_key_arrangement(vnfd_dict, keys)
if node_templates is None:
return dict()
vdus = dict()
blks = dict()
cps = dict()
# sequential scanning for each node templates object
for rsc_id, val in node_templates.items():
rsc_type = val.get("type", None)
# in case of vdu compute
if rsc_type in t_vdu:
vdus[rsc_id] = generate_vdu_compute_dict(val)
# in case of vdu block storage
elif rsc_type in t_blk:
blks[rsc_id] = generate_vdu_block_dict(val)
# in case of vdu cpd
elif rsc_type in t_cpd:
bind_vdu_name, order = bind_vdu_cpd(val)
if bind_vdu_name not in cps:
cps[bind_vdu_name] = dict()
cps[bind_vdu_name][rsc_id] = {"order": order}
# unknown type, ignore
# merge to single vdu info
for name, info in vdus.items():
# merge cps
info['connection_points'] = cps.get(name, {})
# merge volumes
for vol_name, vol_info in info.get('volumes', {}).items():
vol_info.update(blks.get(vol_name, {}))
# set boot image form volume
blk = info.get('boot_volume', None)
if blk is None:
info['image'] = blks[blk].get('image', None)
return vdus
def get_cps_instantiate_parameters(inst_req_info):
connection_points = dict()
ext_vls = inst_req_info.ext_virtual_links
if ext_vls is None:
return {}
for ext_vl in ext_vls:
ext_cps = ext_vl.ext_cps
net_rsc_id = ext_vl.resource_id
if ext_cps is None:
for ext_cp in ext_cps:
cp_dict = dict()
connection_points[ext_cp.cpd_id] = cp_dict
cp_dict['network_id'] = net_rsc_id
cp_configs = ext_cp.cp_config
if cp_configs is None:
for cp_config in ext_cp.cp_config:
cp_list = list()
cp_dict['subnets'] = cp_list
cp_protos = cp_config.cp_protocol_data
if cp_protos is None:
for cp_proto in cp_protos:
ipoe = cp_proto.ip_over_ethernet
if ipoe is None:
addrs = ipoe.ip_addresses
if addrs is None:
for addr in addrs:
port_dict = dict()
if addr.subnet_id is not None:
port_dict['subnet_id'] = addr.subnet_id
ip_addrs = addr.fixed_addresses
if ip_addrs is not None:
port_dict['fixed_ip_addresses'] = ip_addrs
if addr.type is not None:
port_dict['ethertype'] = addr.type
return connection_points
def get_policies(vnfd_dict):
pols = dict()
policies = vnfd_dict.get('topology_template', {}).get('policies', [])
policies_dict = dict()
for policy in policies:
for policy_name, policy_value in policies_dict.items():
pol_type = policy_value.get('type', None)
if pol_type in t_grprule:
tgt_grp = from_key_arrangement(policy_value, ('targets', 0))
rule = 'anti-affinity'
if pol_type == t_affinity:
rule = 'affinity'
if 'groups' not in pols:
pols['groups'] = dict()
pols['groups'][tgt_grp] = rule
elif pol_type in t_vdu_inst_lv:
lvs = from_key_arrangement(policy_value, ('properties', 'levels'))
if 'instantiation_levels' not in pols:
pols['instantiation_levels'] = dict()
inst_lvs = pols['instantiation_levels']
tgts = policy_value.get('targets', [])
for lv_name, lv_value in lvs.items():
for tgt in tgts:
key = 'number_of_instances'
num_of_instance = lv_value.get(key, None)
if num_of_instance is None:
if lv_name not in inst_lvs:
inst_lvs[lv_name] = dict()
if key not in inst_lvs[lv_name]:
inst_lvs[lv_name][key] = dict()
inst_lvs[lv_name][key][tgt] = num_of_instance
return pols
def calculate_current_vdu_size(vnfd_dict, current_aspect):
policies = vnfd_dict.get('topology_template', {}).get('policies', [])
policies_dict = dict()
for policy in policies:
aspects = {}
vdu_aspect = {}
for policy_name, policy_value in policies_dict.items():
pol_type = policy_value.get('type', None)
if pol_type in t_sc_aspect:
key = ('properties', 'aspects')
_aspects = from_key_arrangement(policy_value, key)
for aspect_id, aspect_value in _aspects.items():
max_scale_level = int(aspect_value.get('max_scale_level', 0))
step_deltas = aspect_value.get('step_deltas', [])
aspects[aspect_id] = {'max_scale_level': max_scale_level,
'step_deltas': step_deltas}
if pol_type in t_vdu_sc_asp_delta:
key = ('properties', 'aspect')
aspect_id = from_key_arrangement(policy_value, key)
key = ('properties', 'deltas')
deltas = from_key_arrangement(policy_value, key)
aspect_deltas = {}
for delta_id, value in deltas.items():
num_of_ins_delta = int(value['number_of_instances'])
if aspect_id not in aspect_deltas:
aspect_deltas[aspect_id] = {}
aspect_deltas[aspect_id][delta_id] = num_of_ins_delta
vdus = from_key_arrangement(policy_value, ('targets', ))
for vdu in vdus:
if vdu not in vdu_aspect:
vdu_aspect[vdu] = {}
vdu_aspect[vdu]['aspects'] = aspect_deltas
if pol_type in t_vdu_init_delta:
key = ('properties', 'initial_delta', 'number_of_instances')
initial_num = from_key_arrangement(policy_value, key)
key = ('properties', 'initial_delta', 'number_of_instances')
initial_num = from_key_arrangement(policy_value, key)
vdus = from_key_arrangement(policy_value, ('targets', ))
for vdu in vdus:
if vdu not in vdu_aspect:
vdu_aspect[vdu] = {}
vdu_aspect[vdu]['initial_delta'] = initial_num
output = {}
for vdu, vdu_aspect_value in vdu_aspect.items():
vdu_num = vdu_aspect_value['initial_delta']
if 'aspects' in vdu_aspect_value:
for aspect_id, aspect_value in vdu_aspect_value['aspects'].items():
current_level = current_aspect[aspect_id]
deltas = aspects[aspect_id].get('step_deltas', [])
max_scale_level = aspects[aspect_id].get('max_scale_level', 0)
for i in range(max_scale_level - len(deltas)):
for i in range(min(current_level, max_scale_level)):
delta_id = deltas[i]
vdu_num += aspect_value[delta_id]
output[vdu] = vdu_num
return output
class ETSICompatibleUserData(AbstractUserData):
def instantiate(base_hot_dict=None, vnfd_dict=None,
inst_req_info=None, grant_info=None):
# Create initial params from vnfd
# about VDU information
vdus = create_initial_param_dict(vnfd_dict)
# Get connection points information(Like IP addr, etc.)
# from VNF Instantiat Request, ExtVirtualLink section
cps = get_cps_instantiate_parameters(inst_req_info)
# Update connection point orders in VDU if present
for vdu_name, vdu_value in vdus.items():
vdu_cps = vdu_value.get('connection_points', {})
for vdu_cp_id, vdu_cp_info in vdu_cps.items():
if vdu_cp_id not in cps:
cps[vdu_cp_id] = dict()
# Get policies information from vnfd_dict
# about instantiation levels and
# affinity or anti-affinity server group information
policies = get_policies(vnfd_dict)
# Update VDU number of instance information
# from policies to VDU
selected_instantiation_level = inst_req_info.instantiation_level_id
keys = ('instantiation_levels',
num_of_instances = from_key_arrangement(policies, keys)
if num_of_instances is not None:
for vdu_name, vdu_value in vdus.items():
num_of_instance = num_of_instances.get(vdu_name, None)
if num_of_instance is None:
vdu_value.update({'number_of_instance': num_of_instance})
# Get additional params from VNF InstantiateVnfRequest
api_param = UserDataUtil.get_diff_base_hot_param_from_api(
base_hot_dict, inst_req_info)
return {"nfv": {"VDU": vdus, "CP": cps}, **api_param}
def heal(base_hot_dict=None,
param=None, vnfc_resource_info=None):
# Create initial params from vnfd
# about VDU information
vdus = create_initial_param_dict(vnfd_dict)
# in each vnfc which requested heal api,
# update vdu information from current vnfd
vnfc_resource_info_list = vnfc_resource_info
if not isinstance(vnfc_resource_info, list):
vnfc_resource_info_list = [vnfc_resource_info]
# Update VDU scale size from VNFD and current vnf scale level
current_aspect = {}
for scale_aspect in inst_vnf_info.scale_status:
aspect_id = scale_aspect.aspect_id
scale_level = scale_aspect.scale_level
current_aspect[aspect_id] = scale_level
size_of_vdus = calculate_current_vdu_size(vnfd_dict, current_aspect)
for vdu_name, num_of_instance in size_of_vdus.items():
vdus[vdu_name].update({'number_of_instance': num_of_instance})
# Replaces healing requested VDU information
for vnfc in vnfc_resource_info_list:
vdu_id = vnfc.vdu_id
param["nfv"]["VDU"][vdu_id] = vdus[vdu_id]
return param
def scale(base_hot_dict=None,
param=None, resource_number=None):
# Update VDU scale size from VNFD and current vnf scale level
current_aspect = {}
for scale_aspect in inst_vnf_info.scale_status:
aspect_id = scale_aspect.aspect_id
scale_level = scale_aspect.scale_level
current_aspect[aspect_id] = scale_level
next_aspect = current_aspect
scale_aspect = scale_vnf_request.aspect_id
scale_enum = {'SCALE_OUT': 1, 'SCALE_IN': -1}
scale_factor = scale_enum[scale_vnf_request.type]
scale_step = scale_factor * scale_vnf_request.number_of_steps
next_aspect[scale_aspect] += scale_step
size_of_vdus = calculate_current_vdu_size(vnfd_dict, current_aspect)
for vdu_name, num_of_instance in size_of_vdus.items():
{'number_of_instance': num_of_instance})
return param