
145 lines
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# Copyright (C) 2023 Fujitsu
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from datetime import datetime
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
from tacker.sol_refactored.common import coordinate
from tacker.sol_refactored.common import exceptions as sol_ex
from tacker.sol_refactored.common import lcm_op_occ_utils as lcmocc_utils
from tacker.sol_refactored.common import vnf_instance_utils as inst_utils
from tacker.sol_refactored.conductor import conductor_rpc_v2
from tacker.sol_refactored import objects
from tacker.sol_refactored.objects.v2 import fields as v2fields
# TODO(fengyi): The code of this function is all copied from the
# controller, which is not friendly to future development and
# maintenance, and may be refactored in the future. After
# refactoring, only the validation of the req body is left,
# and the creation of lcmocc and the call to start_lcm_op are
# all executed by the controller, notification driver, etc.
def heal(context, vnf_instance_id, body, inst=None):
if not inst:
inst = inst_utils.get_inst(context, vnf_instance_id)
if inst.instantiationState != 'INSTANTIATED':
raise sol_ex.VnfInstanceIsNotInstantiated(inst_id=vnf_instance_id)
lcmocc_utils.check_lcmocc_in_progress(context, vnf_instance_id)
# check parameter for later use
is_all = body.get('additionalParams', {}).get('all', False)
if not isinstance(is_all, bool):
raise sol_ex.SolValidationError(
detail="additionalParams['all'] must be bool.")
if 'vnfcInstanceId' in body:
inst_info = inst.instantiatedVnfInfo
vnfc_id = []
if inst_info.obj_attr_is_set('vnfcInfo'):
vnfc_id = [vnfc.id for vnfc in inst_info.vnfcInfo]
for req_vnfc_id in body['vnfcInstanceId']:
if req_vnfc_id not in vnfc_id:
raise sol_ex.SolValidationError(
detail="vnfcInstanceId(%s) does not exist."
% req_vnfc_id)
lcmocc = new_lcmocc(vnf_instance_id, v2fields.LcmOperationType.HEAL, body)
rpc = conductor_rpc_v2.VnfLcmRpcApiV2()
rpc.start_lcm_op(context, lcmocc.id)
return lcmocc
# TODO(fengyi): The code of this function is all copied from the
# controller, which is not friendly to future development and
# maintenance, and may be refactored in the future. After
# refactoring, only the validation of the req body is left,
# and the creation of lcmocc and the call to start_lcm_op are
# all executed by the controller, notification driver, etc.
def scale(context, vnf_instance_id, body, inst=None):
if not inst:
inst = inst_utils.get_inst(context, vnf_instance_id)
if inst.instantiationState != 'INSTANTIATED':
raise sol_ex.VnfInstanceIsNotInstantiated(inst_id=vnf_instance_id)
lcmocc_utils.check_lcmocc_in_progress(context, vnf_instance_id)
# check parameters
aspect_id = body['aspectId']
if 'numberOfSteps' not in body:
# set default value (1) defined by SOL specification for
# the convenience of the following methods.
body['numberOfSteps'] = 1
scale_level = _get_current_scale_level(inst, aspect_id)
max_scale_level = _get_max_scale_level(inst, aspect_id)
if scale_level is None or max_scale_level is None:
raise sol_ex.InvalidScaleAspectId(aspect_id=aspect_id)
num_steps = body['numberOfSteps']
if body['type'] == 'SCALE_IN':
num_steps *= -1
scale_level += num_steps
if scale_level < 0 or scale_level > max_scale_level:
raise sol_ex.InvalidScaleNumberOfSteps(
lcmocc = new_lcmocc(vnf_instance_id, v2fields.LcmOperationType.SCALE, body)
rpc = conductor_rpc_v2.VnfLcmRpcApiV2()
rpc.start_lcm_op(context, lcmocc.id)
return lcmocc
def _get_current_scale_level(inst, aspect_id):
if (inst.obj_attr_is_set('instantiatedVnfInfo') and
for scale_info in inst.instantiatedVnfInfo.scaleStatus:
if scale_info.aspectId == aspect_id:
return scale_info.scaleLevel
def _get_max_scale_level(inst, aspect_id):
if (inst.obj_attr_is_set('instantiatedVnfInfo') and
for scale_info in inst.instantiatedVnfInfo.maxScaleLevels:
if scale_info.aspectId == aspect_id:
return scale_info.scaleLevel
def new_lcmocc(inst_id, operation, req_body,
now = datetime.utcnow()
lcmocc = objects.VnfLcmOpOccV2(
return lcmocc