In the condition when the vnf instance hasn't been instantiated, an error occurs when Patching Individual VNF instance. 1. Fix the exception caused by the NULL value of vnf's updated_at field. 2. Fix the exception happened when one of its attributes is not existed in method to_dict in Class VnfInfoModifications. 3. Fix the problem that vnfInstanceName and vnfInstanceDescription are not displayed in notification when vnfdId is included in the fields which need modified. 4. In the API reference, modify the method of modifying an "Individual VNF instance" resource from POST to PATCH. Closes-Bug: #1915100 Change-Id: Iddb5bb540b817d4fd24e2c7c12f885bd39f8662b
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.. -*- rst -*-
Virtualized Network Function Lifecycle Management Interface (VNF LCM)
This interface manages the VNF lifecycle management operations of VNF instances.
This interface allows the NFVO to invoke VNF lifecycle management operations
of VNF instances towards the VNFM.
Creates a new VNF instance resource
.. rest_method:: POST /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances
The POST method creates a new VNF instance resource.
As the result of successfully executing this method, a new Individual VNF
instance resource shall have been created, and the value of the
instantiationState attribute in the representation of that resource shall be
Response Codes
.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml
- 201
.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml
- 400
- 401
- 403
Request Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters_vnflcm.yaml
- vnfdId: vnf_instance_create_request_vnfd_id
- vnfInstanceName: vnf_instance_create_request_name
- vnfInstanceDescription: vnf_instance_create_request_description
- metadata: vnf_instance_create_request_metadata
Request Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/vnflcm/create-vnf-instance-request.json
:language: javascript
Response Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters_vnflcm.yaml
- id: vnf_instance_id_response
- vnfInstanceName: vnf_instance_name
- vnfInstanceDescription: vnf_instance_description
- vnfdId: vnf_instance_vnfd_id
- vnfProvider: vnf_instance_vnf_provider
- vnfProductName: vnf_instance_vnf_product_name
- vnfSoftwareVersion: vnf_instance_vnf_software_version
- vnfdVersion: vnf_instance_vnfd_version
- vnfPkgId: vnf_instance_vnf_pkg_id
- instantiationState: vnf_instance_instantiation_state
- _links: vnf_instance_links
Response Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/vnflcm/create-vnf-instance-response.json
:language: javascript
Instantiate a VNF instance
.. rest_method:: POST /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceId}/instantiate
The POST method instantiates a VNF instance.
Once the VNFM has successfully completed the underlying VNF LCM operation
occurrence, it shall set the instantiationState attribute to the value
INSTANTIATED and the vnfState attribute to the value STARTED in the
representation of the Individual VNF instance resource.
Response Codes
.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml
- 202
.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 409
Request Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters_vnflcm.yaml
- vnfInstanceId: vnf_instance_id
- flavourId: flavour_id
- instantiationLevelId: instantiation_level_id
- extVirtualLinks: ext_virtual_links
- id: ext_virtual_links_id
- resourceId: ext_virtual_links_resource_id
- extCps: ext_cps
- cpdId: cpd_id
- cpConfig: cp_config
- cpInstanceId: cp_instance_id
- linkPortId: link_port_id
- cpProtocolData: cp_protocol_data
- layerProtocol: layer_protocol
- ipOverEthernet: ip_over_ethernet
- macAddress: mac_address
- ipAddresses: ip_addresses
- type: ip_address_type
- fixedAddresses: fixed_addresses
- numDynamicAddresses: num_dynamic_addresses
- subnetId: subnet_id
- extLinkPorts: ext_link_ports
- id: ext_link_port_id
- resourceHandle: ext_link_port_resource_handle
- resourceId: resource_handle_resource_id
- vimLevelResourceType: resource_handle_vim_level_resource_type
- extManagedVirtualLinks: ext_managed_virtual_links
- id: ext_managed_virtual_link_data_id
- vnfVirtualLinkDescId: vnf_virtual_link_desc_id
- resourceId: ext_managed_virtual_link_data_resource_id
- vimConnectionInfo: vnf_instance_vim_connection_info
- id: vim_connection_info_id
- vimId: vim_connection_info_vim_id
- vimType: vim_connection_info_vim_type
- accessInfo: vim_connection_info_access_info
- additionalParams: vnf_instance_additional_params
Request Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/vnflcm/instantiate-vnf-instance-request.json
:language: javascript
Terminate a VNF instance
.. rest_method:: POST /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceId}/terminate
This task resource represents the "Terminate VNF" operation. The client can
use this resource to terminate a VNF instance.
The POST method terminates a VNF instance.
Once the VNFM has successfully completed the underlying VNF LCM operation
occurrence, it shall set the instantiationState attribute in the
representation of the Individual VNF instance resource to the value
Response Codes
.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml
- 202
.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 409
Request Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters_vnflcm.yaml
- vnfInstanceId: vnf_instance_id
- terminationType: termination_type
- gracefulTerminationTimeout: graceful_termination_timeout
Request Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/vnflcm/terminate-vnf-instance-request.json
:language: javascript
Heal a VNF instance
.. rest_method:: POST /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceId}/heal
This task resource represents the "Heal VNF" operation. The client can use
this resource to request healing a VNF instance.
The POST method requests to heal a VNF instance.
Response Codes
.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml
- 202
.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 409
Request Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters_vnflcm.yaml
- vnfInstanceId: vnf_instance_id
- cause: cause
- vnfcInstanceId: vnfc_resource_info_ids
Request Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/vnflcm/heal-vnf-instance-request.json
:language: javascript
Delete a VNF instance
.. rest_method:: DELETE /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceId}
This method deletes an "Individual VNF instance" resource.
As the result of successfully executing this method, the
"Individual VNF instance" resource shall not exist any longer.
Response Codes
.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml
- 204
.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 409
Request Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters_vnflcm.yaml
- vnfInstanceId: vnf_instance_id
Show VNF Instance
.. rest_method:: GET /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceId}
Show information of given individual VNF instance.
The GET method retrieves information about a VNF instance by reading
an "Individual VNF instance" resource.
Response Codes
.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml
- 200
.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml
- 400
- 401
- 403
Request Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters_vnflcm.yaml
- vnfInstanceId: vnf_instance_id
Response Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters_vnflcm.yaml
- id: vnf_instance_id
- vnfInstanceName: vnf_instance_name
- vnfInstanceDescription: vnf_instance_description
- vnfdId: vnf_instance_vnfd_id
- vnfProvider: vnf_instance_vnf_provider
- vnfProductName: vnf_instance_vnf_product_name
- vnfSoftwareVersion: vnf_instance_vnf_software_version
- vnfdVersion: vnf_instance_vnfd_version
- vnfPkgId: vnf_instance_vnf_pkg_id
- vimConnectionInfo: vnf_instance_vim_connection_info
- id: vim_connection_info_id
- vimId: vim_connection_info_vim_id
- vimType: vim_connection_info_vim_type
- interfaceInfo: vim_connection_info_interface_info
- endpoint: vim_connection_info_interface_info_endpoint
- accessInfo: vim_connection_info_access_info
- instantiationState: vnf_instance_instantiation_state
- instantiatedVnfInfo: instantiated_vnf_info
- flavourId: flavour_id_response
- vnfState: vnf_state
- scaleStatus: scale_status
- aspectId: scale_status_aspect_id
- scaleLevel: scale_status_scale_level
- extCpInfo: ext_cp_info
- id: ext_cp_info_id
- cpdId: ext_cp_info_cpd_id
- cpProtocolInfo: ext_cp_info_cp_protocol_info
- layerProtocol: layer_protocol_cp_info
- ipOverEthernet: ip_over_ethernet_cp_info
- macAddress: mac_address_cp_info
- ipAddresses: ip_addresses_cp_info
- type: ip_address_type
- addresses: fixed_addresses
- isDynamic: is_dynamic
- subnetId: subnet_id
- extLinkPortId: ext_cp_info_ext_link_port_id
- metadata: ext_cp_info_metadata
- associatedVnfcCpId: ext_cp_info_associated_vnfc_cp_id
- extVirtualLinkInfo: ext_virtual_link_info
- id: ext_virtual_link_info_id
- resourceHandle: resource_handle
- vimConnectionId: vim_connection_id
- resourceId: resource_handle_resource_id
- vimLevelResourceType: resource_handle_vim_level_resource_type
- extLinkPorts: ext_virtual_link_info_ext_link_ports
- id: ext_virtual_link_info_ext_link_ports_id
- resourceHandle: resource_handle
- vimConnectionId: vim_connection_id
- resourceId: resource_handle_resource_id
- vimLevelResourceType: resource_handle_vim_level_resource_type
- cpInstanceId: ext_virtual_link_info_ext_link_ports_cp_instance_id
- extManagedVirtualLinkInfo: ext_managed_virtual_link_info
- id: ext_managed_virtual_link_info_id
- vnfVirtualLinkDescId: ext_managed_virtual_link_info_vnf_virtual_link_desc_id
- networkResource: ext_managed_virtual_link_info_network_resource
- vimConnectionId: vim_connection_id
- resourceId: resource_handle_resource_id
- vimLevelResourceType: resource_handle_vim_level_resource_type
- vnfLinkPorts: vnf_link_ports
- id: vnf_link_port_id
- resourceHandle: vnf_link_port_resource_handle
- vimConnectionId: vim_connection_id
- resourceId: resource_handle_resource_id
- vimLevelResourceType: resource_handle_vim_level_resource_type
- cpInstanceId: vnf_link_port_cp_instance_id
- vnfcResourceInfo: vnfc_resource_info
- id: vnfc_resource_info_id
- vduId: vnfc_resource_info_vdu_id
- computeResource: vnfc_resource_info_compute_resource
- vimConnectionId: vim_connection_id
- resourceId: resource_handle_resource_id
- vimLevelResourceType: resource_handle_vim_level_resource_type
- storageResourceIds: vnfc_resource_info_storage_resource_ids
- vnfcCpInfo: vnfc_resource_info_vnfc_cp_info
- id: vnfc_cp_info_id
- cpdId: vnfc_cp_info_cpd_id
- vnfExtCpId: vnfc_cp_info_vnf_ext_cp_id
- cpProtocolInfo: vnfc_cp_info_cp_protocol_info
- layerProtocol: layer_protocol_cp_info
- ipOverEthernet: ip_over_ethernet_cp_info
- macAddress: mac_address_cp_info
- ipAddresses: ip_addresses_cp_info
- type: ip_address_type
- addresses: fixed_addresses
- isDynamic: is_dynamic
- subnetId: subnet_id
- vnfLinkPortId: vnfc_cp_info_vnf_link_port_id
- vnfVirtualLinkResourceInfo: vnf_virtual_link_resource_info
- id: vnf_virtual_link_resource_info_id
- vnfVirtualLinkDescId: vnf_virtual_link_resource_info_vnf_virtual_link_desc_id
- networkResource: vnf_virtual_link_resource_info_network_resource
- vimConnectionId: vim_connection_id
- resourceId: resource_handle_resource_id
- vimLevelResourceType: resource_handle_vim_level_resource_type
- vnfLinkPorts: vnf_link_ports
- id: vnf_link_port_id
- resourceHandle: vnf_link_port_resource_handle
- vimConnectionId: vim_connection_id
- resourceId: resource_handle_resource_id
- vimLevelResourceType: resource_handle_vim_level_resource_type
- cpInstanceId: vnf_link_port_cp_instance_id
- virtualStorageResourceInfo: virtual_storage_resource_info
- id: virtual_storage_resource_info_id
- virtualStorageDescId: virtual_storage_resource_info_virtual_storage_desc_id
- storageResource: virtual_storage_resource_info_storage_resource
- vimConnectionId: vim_connection_id
- resourceId: resource_handle_resource_id
- vimLevelResourceType: resource_handle_vim_level_resource_type
- vnfcInfo: vnfc_info
- id: vnfc_info_id
- vduId: vnfc_info_vdu_id
- vnfcState: vnfc_info_vnfc_state
- _links: vnf_instance_links
Response Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/vnflcm/show-vnf-instance-response.json
:language: javascript
List VNF Instance
.. rest_method:: GET /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances
The GET method queries information about multiple VNF instances.
In Victoria release, added attribute-based filtering expression (for VnfInstance)
that follows clause 5.2 of ETSI GS NFV SOL13.
Response Codes
.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml
- 200
.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml
- 400
- 401
- 403
Response Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters_vnflcm.yaml
- id: vnf_instance_id
- vnfInstanceName: vnf_instance_name
- vnfInstanceDescription: vnf_instance_description
- vnfdId: vnf_instance_vnfd_id
- vnfProvider: vnf_instance_vnf_provider
- vnfProductName: vnf_instance_vnf_product_name
- vnfSoftwareVersion: vnf_instance_vnf_software_version
- vnfdVersion: vnf_instance_vnfd_version
- vnfPkgId: vnf_instance_vnf_pkg_id
- vimConnectionInfo: vnf_instance_vim_connection_info
- id: vim_connection_info_id
- vimId: vim_connection_info_vim_id
- vimType: vim_connection_info_vim_type
- interfaceInfo: vim_connection_info_interface_info
- endpoint: vim_connection_info_interface_info_endpoint
- accessInfo: vim_connection_info_access_info
- instantiationState: vnf_instance_instantiation_state
- instantiatedVnfInfo: instantiated_vnf_info
- flavourId: flavour_id_response
- vnfState: vnf_state
- scaleStatus: scale_status
- aspectId: scale_status_aspect_id
- scaleLevel: scale_status_scale_level
- extCpInfo: ext_cp_info
- id: ext_cp_info_id
- cpdId: ext_cp_info_cpd_id
- cpProtocolInfo: ext_cp_info_cp_protocol_info
- layerProtocol: layer_protocol_cp_info
- ipOverEthernet: ip_over_ethernet_cp_info
- macAddress: mac_address_cp_info
- ipAddresses: ip_addresses_cp_info
- type: ip_address_type
- addresses: fixed_addresses
- isDynamic: is_dynamic
- subnetId: subnet_id
- extLinkPortId: ext_cp_info_ext_link_port_id
- metadata: ext_cp_info_metadata
- associatedVnfcCpId: ext_cp_info_associated_vnfc_cp_id
- extVirtualLinkInfo: ext_virtual_link_info
- id: ext_virtual_link_info_id
- resourceHandle: resource_handle
- vimConnectionId: vim_connection_id
- resourceId: resource_handle_resource_id
- vimLevelResourceType: resource_handle_vim_level_resource_type
- extLinkPorts: ext_virtual_link_info_ext_link_ports
- id: ext_virtual_link_info_ext_link_ports_id
- resourceHandle: resource_handle
- vimConnectionId: vim_connection_id
- resourceId: resource_handle_resource_id
- vimLevelResourceType: resource_handle_vim_level_resource_type
- cpInstanceId: ext_virtual_link_info_ext_link_ports_cp_instance_id
- extManagedVirtualLinkInfo: ext_managed_virtual_link_info
- id: ext_managed_virtual_link_info_id
- vnfVirtualLinkDescId: ext_managed_virtual_link_info_vnf_virtual_link_desc_id
- networkResource: ext_managed_virtual_link_info_network_resource
- vimConnectionId: vim_connection_id
- resourceId: resource_handle_resource_id
- vimLevelResourceType: resource_handle_vim_level_resource_type
- vnfLinkPorts: vnf_link_ports
- id: vnf_link_port_id
- resourceHandle: vnf_link_port_resource_handle
- vimConnectionId: vim_connection_id
- resourceId: resource_handle_resource_id
- vimLevelResourceType: resource_handle_vim_level_resource_type
- cpInstanceId: vnf_link_port_cp_instance_id
- vnfcResourceInfo: vnfc_resource_info
- id: vnfc_resource_info_id
- vduId: vnfc_resource_info_vdu_id
- computeResource: vnfc_resource_info_compute_resource
- vimConnectionId: vim_connection_id
- resourceId: resource_handle_resource_id
- vimLevelResourceType: resource_handle_vim_level_resource_type
- storageResourceIds: vnfc_resource_info_storage_resource_ids
- vnfcCpInfo: vnfc_resource_info_vnfc_cp_info
- id: vnfc_cp_info_id
- cpdId: vnfc_cp_info_cpd_id
- vnfExtCpId: vnfc_cp_info_vnf_ext_cp_id
- cpProtocolInfo: vnfc_cp_info_cp_protocol_info
- layerProtocol: layer_protocol_cp_info
- ipOverEthernet: ip_over_ethernet_cp_info
- macAddress: mac_address_cp_info
- ipAddresses: ip_addresses_cp_info
- type: ip_address_type
- addresses: fixed_addresses
- isDynamic: is_dynamic
- subnetId: subnet_id
- vnfLinkPortId: vnfc_cp_info_vnf_link_port_id
- vnfVirtualLinkResourceInfo: vnf_virtual_link_resource_info
- id: vnf_virtual_link_resource_info_id
- vnfVirtualLinkDescId: vnf_virtual_link_resource_info_vnf_virtual_link_desc_id
- networkResource: vnf_virtual_link_resource_info_network_resource
- vimConnectionId: vim_connection_id
- resourceId: resource_handle_resource_id
- vimLevelResourceType: resource_handle_vim_level_resource_type
- vnfLinkPorts: vnf_link_ports
- id: vnf_link_port_id
- resourceHandle: vnf_link_port_resource_handle
- vimConnectionId: vim_connection_id
- resourceId: resource_handle_resource_id
- vimLevelResourceType: resource_handle_vim_level_resource_type
- cpInstanceId: vnf_link_port_cp_instance_id
- virtualStorageResourceInfo: virtual_storage_resource_info
- id: virtual_storage_resource_info_id
- virtualStorageDescId: virtual_storage_resource_info_virtual_storage_desc_id
- storageResource: virtual_storage_resource_info_storage_resource
- vimConnectionId: vim_connection_id
- resourceId: resource_handle_resource_id
- vimLevelResourceType: resource_handle_vim_level_resource_type
- vnfcInfo: vnfc_info
- id: vnfc_info_id
- vduId: vnfc_info_vdu_id
- vnfcState: vnfc_info_vnfc_state
- _links: vnf_instance_links
Response Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/vnflcm/list-vnf-instance-response.json
:language: javascript
Scale a VNF instance
.. rest_method:: POST /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceId}/scale
This task resource represents the "Scale VNF" operation. The client can use
this resource to request scaling a VNF instance.
The POST method requests to scale a VNF instance.
Response Codes
.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml
- 202
.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 409
Request Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters_vnflcm.yaml
- vnfInstanceId: vnf_instance_id
- type: scale_type
- aspectId: aspect_id
- numberOfSteps: number_of_steps
- additionalParams: scale_additional_params
Request Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/vnflcm/scale-vnf-instance-request.json
:language: javascript
Modify a VNF instance
.. rest_method:: PATCH /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceId}
This method modifies an "Individual VNF instance" resource.
Changes to the VNF configurable properties are applied to the configuration in the VNF instance, and are reflected in
the representation of this resource. Other changes are applied to the VNF instance information managed by the VNFM,
and are reflected in the representation of this resource.
According to the ETSI NFV SOL document, there is no API request/response
specification for Etag yet, and transactions using Etag are not defined
by standardization. Therefore, the Victoria release does not support
`Error Code: 412 Precondition Failed`. Once a standard specification
for this is established, it will be installed on the tacker.
Response Codes
.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml
- 202
.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 409
Request Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters_vnflcm.yaml
- vnfInstanceId: vnf_instance_id
- vnfInstanceName: vnf_instance_modify_request_name
- vnfInstanceDescription: vnf_instance_modify_request_description
- vnfdId: vnf_instance_modify_request_vnfd_id
- vnfPkgId: vnf_instance_modify_request_vnf_pkg_id
- metadata: vnf_instance_modify_request_metadata
- vimConnectionInfo: vnf_instance_modify_request_vim_connection_info
- id: vim_connection_info_id
- vimId: vim_connection_info_vim_id
- vimType: vim_connection_info_vim_type
- interfaceInfo: vim_connection_info_interface_info
- endpoint: vim_connection_info_interface_info_endpoint
- accessInfo: vim_connection_info_access_info
- username: vim_connection_info_access_info_username
- region: vim_connection_info_access_info_region
- password: vim_connection_info_access_info_password
- tenant: vim_connection_info_access_info_tenant
Request Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/vnflcm/modify-vnf-instance-request.json
:language: javascript
Change External VNF Connectivity
.. rest_method:: POST /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceId}/change_ext_conn
The POST method changes the external connectivity of a VNF instance.
This task resource represents the "Change external VNF connectivity" operation.
The client can use this resource to change the external connectivity of a VNF instance.
Response Codes
.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml
- 202
.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 409
Request Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters_vnflcm.yaml
- vnfInstanceId: vnf_instance_id
- extVirtualLinks: ext_virtual_links
- id: ext_virtual_links_id
- vimConnectionId: vim_connection_id
- resourceId: ext_virtual_links_resource_id
- extCps: ext_cps
- cpdId: cpd_id
- cpConfig: cp_config
- cpInstanceId: cp_instance_id
- linkPortId: link_port_id
- cpProtocolData: cp_protocol_data
- layerProtocol: layer_protocol
- ipOverEthernet: ip_over_ethernet
- macAddress: mac_address
- ipAddresses: ip_addresses
- type: ip_address_type
- fixedAddresses: fixed_addresses
- numDynamicAddresses: num_dynamic_addresses
- subnetId: subnet_id
- extLinkPorts: ext_link_ports
- id: ext_link_port_id
- resourceHandle: ext_link_port_resource_handle
- vimConnectionId: vim_connection_id
- resourceId: resource_handle_resource_id
- vimLevelResourceType: resource_handle_vim_level_resource_type
- vimConnectionInfo: vnf_instance_vim_connection_info
- id: vim_connection_info_id
- vimId: vim_connection_info_vim_id
- vimType: vim_connection_info_vim_type
- interfaceInfo: vim_connection_info_interface_info
- endpoint: vim_connection_info_interface_info_endpoint
- accessInfo: vim_connection_info_access_info
- username: vim_connection_info_access_info_username
- password: vim_connection_info_access_info_password
- region: vim_connection_info_access_info_region
- tenant: vim_connection_info_access_info_tenant
- additionalParams: vnf_instance_additional_params
Request Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/vnflcm/change-ext-conn-request.json
:language: javascript
Show VNF LCM operation occurrence
.. rest_method:: GET /vnflcm/v1/vnf_lcm_op_occs/{vnfLcmOpOccId}
The client can use this method to retrieve status information about a VNF lifecycle management operation occurrence
by reading an "Individual VNF LCM operation occurrence" resource.
Response Codes
.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml
- 200
.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
Request Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters_vnflcm.yaml
- vnfLcmOpOccId: vnf_lcm_op_occ_id
Response Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters_vnflcm.yaml
- id: vnf_lcm_op_occ_id_response
- operationState: operation_state
- stateEnteredTime: state_entered_time
- startTime: start_time
- vnfInstanceId: vnf_lcm_vnf_instance_id
- grantId: grant_id
- operation: operation
- isAutomaticInvocation: is_automatic_invocation
- operationParams: operation_params
- isCancelPending: is_cancel_pending
- error: error
- title: error_title
- status: error_status
- detail: error_detail
- resourceChanges: resource_changes
- affectedVnfcs: affected_vnfcs
- id: affected_vnfcs_id
- vduId: affected_vnfcs_vdu_id
- changeType: affected_vnfcs_change_type
- computeResource: vnfc_resource_info_compute_resource
- vimConnectionId: vim_connection_id
- resourceId: resource_handle_resource_id
- vimLevelResourceType: resource_handle_vim_level_resource_type
- affectedVnfcCpIds: affected_vnfc_cp_ids
- addedStorageResourceIds: added_storage_resource_ids
- removedStorageResourceIds: removed_storage_resource_ids
- affectedVirtualLinks: affected_virtual_links
- id: affected_virtual_links_id
- vnfVirtualLinkDescId: vnf_virtual_link_resource_info_vnf_virtual_link_desc_id
- changeType: affected_virtual_links_change_type
- networkResource: vnf_virtual_link_resource_info_network_resource
- vimConnectionId: vim_connection_id
- resourceId: resource_handle_resource_id
- vimLevelResourceType: resource_handle_vim_level_resource_type
- affectedVirtualStorages: affected_virtual_storages
- id: affected_virtual_storages_id
- virtualStorageDescId: affected_virtual_storages_virtual_storage_desc_id
- changeType: affected_virtual_storages_change_type
- storageResource: virtual_storage_resource_info_storage_resource
- vimConnectionId: vim_connection_id
- resourceId: resource_handle_resource_id
- vimLevelResourceType: resource_handle_vim_level_resource_type
- changedInfo: changed_info
- vnfInstanceName: changed_info_vnf_instance_name
- vnfInstanceDescription: changed_info_vnf_instance_description
- metadata: changed_info_metadata
- vimConnectionInfo: changed_info_vim_connection_info
- id: vim_connection_info_id
- vimId: vim_connection_info_vim_id
- vimType: vim_connection_info_vim_type
- interfaceInfo: vim_connection_info_interface_info
- endpoint: vim_connection_info_interface_info_endpoint
- accessInfo: vim_connection_info_access_info
- username: vim_connection_info_access_info_username
- region: vim_connection_info_access_info_region
- password: vim_connection_info_access_info_password
- tenant: vim_connection_info_access_info_tenant
- vnfPkgId: changed_info_vnf_pkg_id
- vnfdId: changed_info_vnfd_id
- vnfProvider: changed_info_vnf_provider
- vnfProductName: changed_info_vnf_product_name
- vnfSotwareVersion: changed_info_vnf_sotware_version
- vnfdVersion: changed_info_vnfd_version
- changedExtConnectivity: changed_ext_connectivity
- id: changed_ext_connectivity_id
- resourceHandle: resource_handle
- vimConnectionId: vim_connection_id
- resourceId: resource_handle_resource_id
- vimLevelResourceType: resource_handle_vim_level_resource_type
- extLinkPorts: ext_link_ports
- id: ext_link_port_id
- resourceHandle: resource_handle
- vimConnectionId: vim_connection_id
- resourceId: resource_handle_resource_id
- vimLevelResourceType: resource_handle_vim_level_resource_type
- cpInstanceId: cp_instance_id
- _links: vnf_instance_links
Response Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/vnflcm/show-vnflcm-operation-occurrence-response.json
:language: javascript
List VNF LCM operation occurrence
.. rest_method:: GET /vnflcm/v1/vnf_lcm_op_occs
The API consumer can use this method to query status information about multiple VNF lifecycle management operation
Response Codes
.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml
- 200
.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml
- 400
- 403
Response Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters_vnflcm.yaml
- id: vnf_lcm_op_occ_id_response
- operationState: operation_state
- stateEnteredTime: state_entered_time
- startTime: start_time
- vnfInstanceId: vnf_lcm_vnf_instance_id
- grantId: grant_id
- operation: operation
- isAutomaticInvocation: is_automatic_invocation
- operationParams: operation_params
- isCancelPending: is_cancel_pending
- error: error
- title: error_title
- status: error_status
- detail: error_detail
- resourceChanges: resource_changes
- affectedVnfcs: affected_vnfcs
- id: affected_vnfcs_id
- vduId: affected_vnfcs_vdu_id
- changeType: affected_vnfcs_change_type
- computeResource: vnfc_resource_info_compute_resource
- vimConnectionId: vim_connection_id
- resourceId: resource_handle_resource_id
- vimLevelResourceType: resource_handle_vim_level_resource_type
- affectedVnfcCpIds: affected_vnfc_cp_ids
- addedStorageResourceIds: added_storage_resource_ids
- removedStorageResourceIds: removed_storage_resource_ids
- affectedVirtualLinks: affected_virtual_links
- id: affected_virtual_links_id
- vnfVirtualLinkDescId: vnf_virtual_link_resource_info_vnf_virtual_link_desc_id
- changeType: affected_virtual_links_change_type
- networkResource: vnf_virtual_link_resource_info_network_resource
- vimConnectionId: vim_connection_id
- resourceId: resource_handle_resource_id
- vimLevelResourceType: resource_handle_vim_level_resource_type
- affectedVirtualStorages: affected_virtual_storages
- id: affected_virtual_storages_id
- virtualStorageDescId: affected_virtual_storages_virtual_storage_desc_id
- changeType: affected_virtual_storages_change_type
- storageResource: virtual_storage_resource_info_storage_resource
- vimConnectionId: vim_connection_id
- resourceId: resource_handle_resource_id
- vimLevelResourceType: resource_handle_vim_level_resource_type
- changedInfo: changed_info
- vnfInstanceName: changed_info_vnf_instance_name
- vnfInstanceDescription: changed_info_vnf_instance_description
- metadata: changed_info_metadata
- vimConnectionInfo: changed_info_vim_connection_info
- id: vim_connection_info_id
- vimId: vim_connection_info_vim_id
- vimType: vim_connection_info_vim_type
- interfaceInfo: vim_connection_info_interface_info
- endpoint: vim_connection_info_interface_info_endpoint
- accessInfo: vim_connection_info_access_info
- username: vim_connection_info_access_info_username
- region: vim_connection_info_access_info_region
- password: vim_connection_info_access_info_password
- tenant: vim_connection_info_access_info_tenant
- vnfPkgId: changed_info_vnf_pkg_id
- vnfdId: changed_info_vnfd_id
- vnfProvider: changed_info_vnf_provider
- vnfProductName: changed_info_vnf_product_name
- vnfSotwareVersion: changed_info_vnf_sotware_version
- vnfdVersion: changed_info_vnfd_version
- _links: vnf_instance_links
Response Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/vnflcm/list-vnflcm-operation-occurrence-response.json
:language: javascript
Roll back a VNF lifecycle operation
.. rest_method:: POST /vnflcm/v1/vnf_lcm_op_occs/{vnfLcmOpOccId}/rollback
The POST method initiates rolling back a VNF lifecycle operation if that operation has experienced a temporary failure,
i.e. the related "Individual VNF LCM operation occurrence" resource is in "FAILED_TEMP" state.
In case of success of processing the asynchronous request, the "operationState" attribute in the representation of the
parent resource shall be changed to "ROLLING_BACK" and the applicable "start" notification
shall be emitted to indicate that rollback of the underlying VNF LCM operation occurrence is attempted.
Response Codes
.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml
- 202
.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 409
Request Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters_vnflcm.yaml
- vnfLcmOpOccId: vnf_lcm_op_occ_id
Fail a VNF lifecycle operation
.. rest_method:: POST /vnflcm/v1/vnf_lcm_op_occs/{vnfLcmOpOccId}/fail
The POST method marks a VNF lifecycle management operation occurrence as "finally failed" if that operation
occurrence is in "FAILED_TEMP" state
In case of success, the "operationState" attribute in the representation of the parent resource shall be changed to
"FAILED" and the applicable "result" notification shall be emitted to indicate that the execution of the underlying
VNF LCM operation occurrence has finally and unrecoverably failed.
Response Codes
.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml
- 200
.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 409
Request Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters_vnflcm.yaml
- vnfLcmOpOccId: vnf_lcm_op_occ_id
Response Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters_vnflcm.yaml
- id: vnf_lcm_op_occ_id_response
- operationState: operation_state
- stateEnteredTime: state_entered_time
- startTime: start_time
- vnfInstanceId: vnf_lcm_vnf_instance_id
- grantId: grant_id
- operation: operation
- isAutomaticInvocation: is_automatic_invocation
- operationParams: operation_params
- error: error
- title: error_title
- status: error_status
- detail: error_detail
- isCancelPending: is_cancel_pending
- _links: vnf_instance_links
- resourceChanges: resource_changes
- affectedVnfcs: affected_vnfcs
- id: affected_vnfcs_id
- vduId: affected_vnfcs_vdu_id
- changeType: affected_vnfcs_change_type
- computeResource: vnfc_resource_info_compute_resource
- vimConnectionId: vim_connection_id
- resourceId: resource_handle_resource_id
- vimLevelResourceType: resource_handle_vim_level_resource_type
- affectedVnfcCpIds: affected_vnfc_cp_ids
- addedStorageResourceIds: added_storage_resource_ids
- removedStorageResourceIds: removed_storage_resource_ids
- affectedVirtualLinks: affected_virtual_links
- id: affected_virtual_links_id
- vnfVirtualLinkDescId: vnf_virtual_link_resource_info_vnf_virtual_link_desc_id
- changeType: affected_virtual_links_change_type
- networkResource: vnf_virtual_link_resource_info_network_resource
- vimConnectionId: vim_connection_id
- resourceId: resource_handle_resource_id
- vimLevelResourceType: resource_handle_vim_level_resource_type
- affectedVirtualStorages: affected_virtual_storages
- id: affected_virtual_storages_id
- virtualStorageDescId: affected_virtual_storages_virtual_storage_desc_id
- changeType: affected_virtual_storages_change_type
- storageResource: virtual_storage_resource_info_storage_resource
- vimConnectionId: vim_connection_id
- resourceId: resource_handle_resource_id
- vimLevelResourceType: resource_handle_vim_level_resource_type
- changedInfo: changed_info
- vnfInstanceName: changed_info_vnf_instance_name
- vnfInstanceDescription: changed_info_vnf_instance_description
- metadata: changed_info_metadata
- vimConnectionInfo: changed_info_vim_connection_info
- id: vim_connection_info_id
- vimId: vim_connection_info_vim_id
- vimType: vim_connection_info_vim_type
- interfaceInfo: vim_connection_info_interface_info
- endpoint: vim_connection_info_interface_info_endpoint
- accessInfo: vim_connection_info_access_info
- username: vim_connection_info_access_info_username
- region: vim_connection_info_access_info_region
- password: vim_connection_info_access_info_password
- tenant: vim_connection_info_access_info_tenant
- vnfPkgId: changed_info_vnf_pkg_id
- vnfdId: changed_info_vnfd_id
- vnfProvider: changed_info_vnf_provider
- vnfProductName: changed_info_vnf_product_name
- vnfSotwareVersion: changed_info_vnf_sotware_version
- vnfdVersion: changed_info_vnfd_version
- changedExtConnectivity: changed_ext_connectivity
- id: changed_ext_connectivity_id
- resourceHandle: resource_handle
- vimConnectionId: vim_connection_id
- resourceId: resource_handle_resource_id
- vimLevelResourceType: resource_handle_vim_level_resource_type
- extLinkPorts: ext_link_ports
- id: ext_link_port_id
- resourceHandle: resource_handle
- vimConnectionId: vim_connection_id
- vimLevelResourceType: resource_handle_vim_level_resource_type
- cpInstanceId: cp_instance_id
Response Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/vnflcm/fail-vnf-instance-response.json
:language: javascript
Create a new subscription
.. rest_method:: POST /vnflcm/v1/subscriptions
The POST method creates a new subscription.
As the result of successfully executing this method, a new "Individual subscription" resource
shall have been created. This method shall not trigger any notification.
Creation of two "Individual subscription" resources with the same callbackURI and the same filter can result in
performance degradation and will provide duplicates of notifications to the NFVO, and might make sense only in very
rare use cases. Consequently, the VNFM may either allow creating an "Individual subscription" resource if another
Individual subscription resource with the same filter and callbackUri already exists (in which case it shall return the
201 Created response code), or may decide to not create a duplicate "Individual subscription" resource (in which case
it shall return a "303 See Other" response code referencing the existing "Individual subscription" resource with the same
filter and callbackUri).
Response Codes
.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml
- 201
.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml
- 303
- 400
- 401
- 403
Request Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters_vnflcm.yaml
- filter: filter
- vnfInstanceSubscriptionFilter: vnf_instance_subscription_filter
- notificationTypes: filter_notification_types
- operationTypes: filter_operation_types
- operationStates: filter_operation_states
- callbackUri : callback_uri
- authentication: authentication
- authType: authentication_auth_type
- paramsBasic: authentication_params_basic
- userName: authentication_params_basic_user_name
- password: authentication_params_basic_password
- paramsOauth2ClientCredentials: authentication_params_oauth2_client_credentials
- clientId: authentication_params_oauth2_client_credentials_client_id
- clientPassword: authentication_params_oauth2_client_credentials_client_password
- tokenEndpoint: authentication_params_oauth2_client_credentials_token_endpoint
Request Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/vnflcm/create-subscription-request.json
:language: javascript
Response Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters_vnflcm.yaml
- id: subscription_id_response
- filter: filter
- notificationTypes: filter_notification_types
- operationTypes: filter_operation_types
- callbackUri: callback_uri
- _links: vnf_instance_links
Response Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/vnflcm/create-subscription-response.json
:language: javascript
Delete a subscription
.. rest_method:: DELETE /vnflcm/v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}
The DELETE method terminates an individual subscription.
As the result of successfully executing this method, the "Individual subscription" resource shall not exist any longer.
This means that no notifications for that subscription shall be sent to the formerly-subscribed API consumer.
Response Codes
.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml
- 204
.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml
- 401
- 403
- 404
Request Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters_vnflcm.yaml
- subscriptionId: subscription_id
Show subscription
.. rest_method:: GET /vnflcm/v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}
The GET method retrieves information about a subscription by reading an "Individual subscription" resource.
Response Codes
.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml
- 200
.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml
- 401
- 403
- 404
Request Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters_vnflcm.yaml
- subscriptionId: subscription_id
Response Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters_vnflcm.yaml
- id: subscription_id_response
- filter: filter
- vnfInstanceSubscriptionFilter: filter_vnf_instance_subscription_filter
- notificationTypes: filter_notification_types
- operationTypes: filter_operation_types
- operationStates: filter_operation_states
- callbackUri: callback_uri
- _links: vnf_instance_links
Response Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/vnflcm/show-subscription-response.json
:language: javascript
List subscription
.. rest_method:: GET /vnflcm/v1/subscriptions
The GET method queries the list of active subscriptions of the functional block that invokes the method.
It can be used e.g. for resynchronization after error situations.
Response Codes
.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml
- 200
.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml
- 400
- 401
- 403
Response Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters_vnflcm.yaml
- id: subscription_id_response
- filter: filter
- vnfInstanceSubscriptionFilter: vnf_instance_subscription_filter
- notificationTypes: filter_notification_types
- operationTypes: filter_operation_types
- operationStates: filter_operation_states
- callbackUri: callback_uri
- _links: vnf_instance_links
Response Example
.. literalinclude:: samples/vnflcm/list-subscription-response.json
:language: javascript
.. rest_method:: POST /vnflcm/v1/vnf_lcm_op_occs/{vnfLcmOpOccId}/retry
The POST method initiates retrying a VNF lifecycle operation if that
operation has experienced a temporary failure, i.e. the related
"Individual VNF LCM operation occurrence" resource
is in "FAILED_TEMP" state.
In case of success of processing the asynchronous request,
the "operationState" attribute in the representation of the
parent resource shall be changed to "PROCESSING" and
the applicable "start" notification shall be emitted to indicate
that the underlying VNF LCM operation occurrence proceeds.
Response Codes
.. rest_status_code:: success status.yaml
- 202
.. rest_status_code:: error status.yaml
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 409
Request Parameters
.. rest_parameters:: parameters_vnflcm.yaml
- vnfLcmOpOccId: vnf_lcm_op_occ_id |