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# Copyright (C) 2020 FUJITSU
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from tacker.tests.functional.sol_kubernetes.vnflcm import base as vnflcm_base
class VnfLcmKubernetesHealTest(vnflcm_base.BaseVnfLcmKubernetesTest):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(VnfLcmKubernetesHealTest, cls).setUpClass()
vnf_package_id, cls.vnfd_id = \
cls, cls.tacker_client, "test_cnf_heal",
{"key": "sample_heal_functional"})
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(VnfLcmKubernetesHealTest, cls).tearDownClass()
def test_heal_cnf_with_sol002(self):
"""Test heal as per SOL002 for CNF
This test will instantiate cnf. Heal API will be invoked as per SOL002
i.e. with vnfcInstanceId, so that the specified vnfc instance is healed
which includes Kubernetes resources (Pod and Deployment).
vnf_instance_name = "cnf_heal_with_sol002"
vnf_instance_description = "cnf heal with sol002"
# use def-files of singleton Pod and Deployment (replicas=2)
inst_additional_param = {
"lcm-kubernetes-def-files": [
vnf_instance = self._create_and_instantiate_vnf_instance(
self.vnfd_id, "complex", vnf_instance_name,
vnf_instance_description, inst_additional_param)
before_vnfc_rscs = self._get_vnfc_resource_info(vnf_instance)
# get vnfc_instance_id of heal target
deployment_target_vnfc = None
for vnfc_rsc in before_vnfc_rscs:
compute_resource = vnfc_rsc['computeResource']
rsc_kind = compute_resource['vimLevelResourceType']
if rsc_kind == 'Pod':
# target 1: Singleton Pod
pod_target_vnfc = vnfc_rsc
elif not deployment_target_vnfc:
# target 2: Deployment's Pod
deployment_target_vnfc = vnfc_rsc
# not target: Deployment's remianing one
deployment_not_target_vnfc = vnfc_rsc
# test heal SOL-002 (partial heal)
vnfc_instance_id = \
[pod_target_vnfc['id'], deployment_target_vnfc['id']]
after_vnfc_rscs = self._test_heal(vnf_instance, vnfc_instance_id)
for vnfc_rsc in after_vnfc_rscs:
after_pod_name = vnfc_rsc['computeResource']['resourceId']
if vnfc_rsc['id'] == pod_target_vnfc['id']:
# check stored pod name is not changed (Pod)
after_resource = pod_target_vnfc
compute_resource = after_resource['computeResource']
before_pod_name = compute_resource['resourceId']
self.assertEqual(after_pod_name, before_pod_name)
elif vnfc_rsc['id'] == deployment_target_vnfc['id']:
# check stored pod name is changed (Deployment)
after_resource = deployment_target_vnfc
compute_resource = after_resource['computeResource']
before_pod_name = compute_resource['resourceId']
self.assertNotEqual(after_pod_name, before_pod_name)
# check stored pod name is not changed (not target)
after_resource = deployment_not_target_vnfc
compute_resource = after_resource['computeResource']
before_pod_name = compute_resource['resourceId']
self.assertEqual(after_pod_name, before_pod_name)
def test_heal_cnf_with_sol003(self):
"""Test heal as per SOL003 for CNF
This test will instantiate cnf. Heal API will be invoked as per SOL003
i.e. without passing vnfcInstanceId, so that the entire vnf is healed
which includes Kubernetes resource (Deployment).
vnf_instance_name = "cnf_heal_with_sol003"
vnf_instance_description = "cnf heal with sol003"
# use def-files of Deployment (replicas=2)
inst_additional_param = {
"lcm-kubernetes-def-files": [
vnf_instance = self._create_and_instantiate_vnf_instance(
self.vnfd_id, "simple", vnf_instance_name,
vnf_instance_description, inst_additional_param)
before_vnfc_rscs = self._get_vnfc_resource_info(vnf_instance)
# test heal SOL-003 (entire heal)
vnfc_instance_id = []
after_vnfc_rscs = self._test_heal(vnf_instance, vnfc_instance_id)
self.assertEqual(len(before_vnfc_rscs), len(after_vnfc_rscs))
# check id and pod name (as computeResource.resourceId) is changed
for before_vnfc_rsc in before_vnfc_rscs:
for after_vnfc_rsc in after_vnfc_rscs:
before_vnfc_rsc['id'], after_vnfc_rsc['id'])
# terminate vnf instance