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MgmtDriver function configures applications provided by VNF vendors.
VNF vendors can customize configuration methods for applications via
MgmtDriver. These customizations are specified by "interface" definition
in ETSI NFV-SOL001 v2.6.1. We provide the sample of MgmtDriver and
scripts which can deploy a Kubernetes cluster. It can use
kubespray as Ansible playbooks to install Kubernetes cluster VNF,
and also install and configure HAproxy load balancer for the Kubernetes
cluster. We also provide a user guide to help users understand how to
use this feature.
Instantiate kubernetes cluster:
The Kubernetes cluster can be instantiated with VNF Lifecycle
Management Interface in ETSI NFV-SOL 003 v2.6.1.
Scale kubernetes worker node:
Scaling operations on the Worker-nodes for the VNF including
Kubernetes cluster is supported with MgmtDriver.
Heal kubernetes worker node:
Healing operations on the Worker-nodes for the VNF including
Kubernetes cluster is supported with MgmtDriver.